C'- Hat" Library . niilrtf AMBITION! t "If you cannot win, make the one ahead of you break the record." A FRIEND! "One who know a ail uboul you, hut loves you just the same." 13 ? i VOLUME XXVII. WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C, FRIDAY, JAN 13, 1922. NUMBER 2 Hrf i E1 i Si 3 t I f f (-J I I'll '4 iJl n h Farmers Protest Motion areh o usernen of Loom tw A. E. Paschall, President of Cotton Association for Warren County, and Mr. John H- Fleming Want to Know Why Such Early Announcement of 1922 Opening. WAREHOUSEMEN ACTING UPON REQUESTS, THEY SAY, Two farmers of Warren County have requested publication of their opposition to the action of the Warrenton Tobacco Board of Trade in announcing the opening of the market here in Sep tember of 1922. The advertisement inserted again in this issue is in answer to urgent requests of Warren farmers, the - warehousemen- say.- Mr. A. S. Paschall, President of the Cotton Association of the County, and a charter member of practically every organized ef fort to better rural conditions, writes in protest of the announce ment. Mr. John H. Fleming, who has likewise been allied with all moves for better agricultural living conditions, sees opposi tic to the new co-operative movement in the announcement of the Warrenton tobacconists. FAMOUS SURGEON GETS U. S.;LICEMS 1 1 a t-vcl ifis - . " i i If A l "ft.......... ... -jrtJ'.'o: r- ;S:-vv.. ? V X lV-;; rlW Jf " uiiookg Trouble-Mcs.E ap tared Qni.s Canada Sahcitcr Garland E. Midyette Taking Necessary Stens to Brin Colored Fugitive To This State; Bullock Evidently Betrayed By Supposed Friend In Hamilton. MANY PERSONS AT NORLINA IDENTIFY HIS PICTURE. --Tf'ffi. imii i . l 'n i " i i ii Certain phy-sioans made it hot for )r. Lorenz, the most Tamoni "bloodless" surgeon in the world, when he came to America from Ausftia ; !to treat 'lttfe-djiLda suffering from hip disease. They said he had no iicense to practice. Finally, New, York state issued one to him, and the' jjicture -shows-himrwjth Jtb-eimpoxtan.t. document in-hand' 4 apt i st Class Begins Anot'er ' Year's . Work These gentlemen say: By JOHN H. FLEMING. Dear Mr. Editor, Since reading the lare half page advertisement in the Warren Record announcing that the Warrenton To bacco Market would open Tuesday Sept. 19, 1922, io sell tobacco under the old Auction System operate! for the past 40 or 50 years, I would like to know why they sre making this announcement so far in advance. They usually give only 20 or 30 days notice of such opening. Can it be a bait to induce some not to sign the Co-operative Marketing contract for their independence so that "they may longer live off the sweat of the tobac co farmer's brow? We are living in an advanced age md are trying to make improvement as we go. Why not improve on th oM Auction System of disposing of cuv tobacco? I haven't ever blamed any warehouseman or any one con nected with the tobacco business for seekiiigJbilivir!., usder, the - Auction System as operated for the past 40 or 50 years, for it was the only sys tern we had. but now it seems that the'e is a brighter day ahead for the tobacco farmer, a time when he may have some say as to what his tobacco must bring, and thereby bring pros perity to himself and others. Why should as fine body of men a.: those who constitute the Tobacco Board of Trade at Warivrton try to iiscourage a movement that might li?'p so many? Is it in or'Tc.r to make it a little easier for a few"; ' s Why hasn't the farmer a right to demand a living profit on what he produces? Why should he be ex pected to make his tobacco at cost and below? To you, Mr. tobacco farmer who has not signed this contract, I appeal that you study carefully who is your friend. Is it the man or set of men who would keep you in the same old rut that you have been for the pas 40 or 50 years, or the one who would have you co-operate with your neigh bor and improve your condition by selling your produce at a profit in order that your wife and children might live in comfortable homes, be educated, visit summer resorts and enjoy the privileges that people of other occupations enjoy? By A. E. PASCHALL Editor Warren Record : I notice in your last issue a very large advt. in regard to the opening of the tobacco market in Warrenton on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1022, "At the very earnest request of our farmer friends desiring to sell tobacco by the usual auction plan." County io Eieci Four Delegates Here Monday Cotton growers of Warren Count;.' ?.re to meet in the County Courthouse; Monday Jan. 16 at 10:30. a. m. to elect delegates for the district convention I wonder if they think the people f the N. C. Cotton Growers Coopera can be fooled as easy as -this? Why tive Association . ..il iTii f. j f . j-T rx: i. j. every larmer m tne county mat ius uauiuy is in me i irsi, juisuxl knows a 10-cent piece from a hole in md is entitled to elect four delegates the ground knows that if they open o the district convention which will their warehouses the Companies will be held at the City Hall in Weldon on not put any buyers on them. I 'an. IS at 10:30 a. m. Tha demnable system is what we County meetings of cotton growers QMFsty Home on 'ih e Old Sit e oard Rules are fighting and we will never stop until we have whipped our enerny the open market auction sale. ire to be held in all cotton counties on :he same day, as th? first step in se lecting the 10 directors who. are to SIGN-UP CAMPAIGN OPEN UNTIL FEBRUARY 1, 1922. The campaign for members of the Tobacco Growers Co-operative Asso ciation is to be continued until Feb. 2 when the board of directors assumes control, according to a decision of the tri-state organization committee mad at its recent Raleigh meeting. The decision to continue the cam paign was made in view of the pres sure brought on the organization com mittee from sections .of counties where growers had not yet had an op portunity to sign the tobacco market ing contracts. i ' Reports from Virginia, North Carp lina and South Carolina show that an overwhelming majority of tobacco growers in the three States have al ready joined the tobacco association," which is now declared to be the big gest organization in the United States, exceeding by many millions of pounds the amount of tobacco to be handled by the Kentucy burley grow ls association. . .; New members are to be allowed to vote in the elections but their con tacts do not (count in determining lie districts which have aiready been fixed for the first year. Now I want to show you that it is rtr'de the co-operative marketing as vl damnable svsfem: The dav before sociation through its first year. Dele he market closed for Christmas I ;ates e7ected from the several coun- ook a small lot of tobacco in my car L,ies are to gather m district conven- to market, and put it on. one of the 1 tions and name two men as candidates warehouse-floors. - T'had ime pile of 1 for directors from eh 'district. . ol 'ugs which brought 33c; the next pile rowing the district conventions, bal- 51c; the next leaf, 49c; and anothe. lots will be printed and mailed to each 25c. Well, it did not look to be member of the association who will enough for me, so I took it up and record his choice for director either in brought it home and put it in my person or by mail at the district head- barn. I quarters on January 31. Last week I thought I would try it Allotment of county delegates, one again so I put it on my car and drove for each 1,000 bales signed up for co- to another market with it. They said nerative marketing, was fixed in ac- there that it was $5' in the hundred cordance with signed contracts at Ral- 'ower than it was before Christmas, e'gn headquarters on Jan. 1, 1922, and The County Boaid of Commission ers decided Saturday to rebuild a Superintendent's dwelling at the Home for Aged and Infirm, rather than take steps to select another site for the location of the Home. This action was protested by Judgt, John H. Kerr who appeared before the Board advocating a more central r.nd suitable site. The Commissioners concluded that the present site was sufficient for present needs. They have directed a hcrne be built for Supt. Powell, to reph'ce the dwelling burned a few days ago. They .were undecided as between a four room and an eight xcor,; dwelling. Many citizens have been heard to express themself this week as favor,- ing a' new location. x Contributed to The Warren Record). The PhPathea Class of the Warren -.en Baptist Sunday School for five years has had a literary department which meets twice a month. After the business of the class is finished, the ladies devote the evening to some literary subject. They have studied "The Navies of the World," "Our Country," "Heroes- of History," "Celebrated Women," and last year was devoted to "The Study of Shakespeare. r o Matthew Bullock, inciter of the race trouble in Warren in Jan. of 1921, is in custody of the Chief of Police of Hamilton, On tario. Solicitor Garlar-d E- Mid yette of Jackson is taking nec essary steps for proper papers to bring the colored man to this State. Chief of Police 6. B. Cook of Nor lina' received a pink letter Wednesday afternoon. A picture of Matthev, Bullock, with name and address scrawled upon the reverse side, was enclosed. The letter, evidently writ ten by one uneducated, foliows: 'Chief of Police, 'Hamilton, Ont. "Jan 9, 1922. I 1T U HT a J-Nonina. in. j. v " 7 , i - iv iiii, ii in ill M i I r I (i ii.' 1,11 I inn c UHKespeart1 was irxveu. I "' v; VrtoK I what did he do is now livino- 1 nt rx i. o. cuuiivzi) tiiii Hcauagi wi - a i - them bf her visit to Strafford-on- a rr x i T ; ... u : i t . IlVuii. kjl me iwusc iii wii.uii lit: waa born, of the theatre erected to his n . nuiy -by the nation, and of beau tifiii j rinity Church where he is in terred under the chancel. Before Hamilton, Ont., by the name of Jame3 Jones. He is living at 239 Beach Road." The letter was not signed. Chief of Police Cook filed a mes sage to the Chief of Police, Hamilton, Ont., requesting the arrest of Bullock drama was read, one of the members alias Jones. Utmost secrecy was main- of the Class would give the story of Gained as the message was tappet the play. t jover ine wire oy operator J. T. Mit- The last meeting- or the vear was cheU Wednesday night near 9 o'clock. held with Mrs. W. M. Eaird. The niel nonstable w. 11. Whitley ar reading of "Macbeth" and criticised. As a young woman's as well as "a midnight Wednesday: young man's fancy lightly turns to Iock. arrested here. Wire at once thoughts of love," Miss Alice Hooker taxing cnarge ana send otiners with Trn.r1 "Symtr.pavpnn Pn. l-necessary papers." The wire was re- eeived by night operator b. t. McGhie. Another wire told the Ontario Con- Was tiniSneu I -t-- uuiiut.n emu vvueu ti.'.e iiit;btit: from Ontario to Chief Cook near "Matthew Bui mance." The proposed contest: -Wm wereh like? Com Issiohers ay Taxes-Are Above Values will not be changed but new member- will be allowed to vote at each coun- y meeting on Jan. 15. oil- Well, I thought I was gone, but I put it cn the floor. The 33c pile brought 46; the 51c pile, 53c; the 49c pile 71; the 25c lot, 36c. The small lot bringing between $55 TOBACCO GROWERS WILL j onn j.t - i n. . -i I nor AMT7T? TT T7 1 A TVT O hiiu $ou more tuan au ine mst saie, ujivjhi iuu Aiiii4.jjj rxj.n. and with the market $5 lowers than when I offered it before. Elections of two delegates from Now that is what I call a damnable Warren calls every member of the system. You see if I had let it go County Tobacco Growers - Co-opera a4 mnnv nt.hprs Hiri T would hav,- lost tive Association to Warrenton Jan. enough to have paid for a ton and a 30, announced President John E hnlf of Fp-rfiHzPTv nr mnn than anv Davis yesteiday. Fou'- delegatea one member of my family received are to be nominated and two are to clear out of my entire tobacco crop. be elected, he said. Yet thev sav some of our farmer The meeting will be held in the I " Jl - J. -IO 1 1. 4-T- same old style. 'If there is a farmer hame day deeSates be chosen in the countv who wants to do this from all sectons of the tobacco belt. v I TT -T-1 11 TT1?P 1 TTf ho V,PffPf thinkW farmP.rs ant to vance, v ranKim, namax ana war- 4.u4- 1 4- ti ren control this district which has set: LiictL lit: xictii a, nee iiuivt;o iu j.vci-i , Pio-h whprp. thPv ImvP. a ar-P t take 17,000,000 pounds of tobacco signed. 1 I J-l J ' T U n e oil c-iol, I aeiejate is ciioen xor eaai inu- The County Board of Commission ers in session here yesterday certified he reasons for the valuations placed upon real property to the State Tax- Commission. The Commision asked for this in formation from all Counties, and an oath from each of the members of live? Juliet. What was their courtship Midsummer Nights Dream, , What was her answer to his pro posal? As you like U. About what time of the month were they married? Twelth Night. Of whom did he buy the ring Merchant of Venice. Who wrere the best man and maid of honor? Antony and Cleopatra. Who were the ushers? The Gentlemen of Verona. Who gave the reception? Merry Wives of Windsor. In What kind of place did they Hamlet: the Board of Review had to be filed What was her disposition like; with the State Tax Commissioner. tempest. The oath set forth the fact that the What was his chief occupation afte. ?oard of Review placed as low valua- marriage .' Naming 'the threw. tion on lands as could be made under fixing a rate of fifteen' cents. This rate ,cou!d not be exceeded, but the What caused their - first quarrel Much Acts About Nothing, Cook was in Warrenton Thursday morning in consultation with Senator Polk. Solicitor Midyette was called by telephone and made conversant with developments. He authorized a telegram saying that the papers wrere being prepared and urging- that Bul lock be held. Mayor A. L. Fleming of Norlina was in close touch with the situation. He said late yesterday afternoon. Two I "The pictre is unquestionably that of Bullock. I think he must have been talking freely and some one with whom he had trouble wrote the letter. Bullock was raised mostly in the North, having worked for a long time in Batavia, New York. He is a young negro, and was in the army in France. He made his escape with an automo bile after the shooting at 1 a. m. Jan. 23,1921." Others to identify the picture were T 1 oara said tnat present values were excess of the "true value in j n monev. Those present at the meeting were: Chairman C. C. Hunter, and Commis- What id their courtship prove to L1yd Traylor and Raby L. Traylor Ii 1 1 n V 1 1. 1 1 3 be ? Love's Labor Lost. DOtn 01 wnom were snot Dy coioreu What did their married life re- persons. Raby Traylor said, "I know it semble? Comedy" of Errors. What did they give each other? Measure for Measure.' What Roman Ruler brought about sioners Hamlet, Allen, Myrick and reconciliation ? Julius Caesar. King, and Messrs. Pridgen, Grant and R. A. King of the Board of Review. What did their friends say' Well that Ends Well. All's j lion pounds. Under this provision ST- MARY'S GUILD WILL was a picture of a Bullock. All the others are at home. It's the right man. Mattnew caned me aside ma morning and cursed me. Some one else shot me through the stomach." Herman Rainey, shot as he stood in a railway car by Bullock, also identi fied the picture. It is not known who w.;!l be desig- The first meeting of the Phileatheas nated to bring the colored man back Une ot -my near mercnants Warren elects 2 Vance, 6; Franklin, CONDUCT SALE NEXT WEEK for 1822 was held as usual with lhcir to the State. This step awaits devel-. some time back and they will sell his goods at public auction in the near future. They think that it awful. Still we poor devils have let our goods be sold at public auction every Fall; and then they Say we ought to keep on doing it. We know why, but I will not say, though this time I think big War renton wants to follow little Wilson. I want to say this to you: If you do not want your warehouse to stand idle for the next thousand years, you get in the association. If you do not, they will be sure to stand so unless you onen ud to buy shumack and mf jimsom weeds. Of course, I think the Warrenton Market is one of the best in the State and it has the best corps of buyers. But yon see what the system will-do for you. Are you willing to let it continue. or are you going to join? 7, and Halifax 2. Every one who lias signed a co-op erative contract may vote. "All the farmers should attend the -L- T On ? TIT -- T- . meeting oaii. ou, iuuntijitr ux'i concluded. teacher. The report A . t ot tne Candies, cakes and pies will lend work was given by tne added interest to the T. V. Allen win-I Miss Annie Mae Kodgers. 3 edl I nnmonfc nc ffjov arp J-mnrMpi hv Snlir-- Treasurer I itor Midyette. Besides dew The world's most unfortunate hard luckster ha? been found. Arrested on a charge of grand larceny, a Brook lyn man told the Judge that he had bet on Man o W ar in -the only race the horse ever, lost. He had used col lections to the amount of $5,000 in betting on the races and was unlucky. CHILDREN UNHURI AS BUGGY RUNS INTO TRUCK. Answering the tug at the rein pulled by James Conneli, a runa way horse missed an automobile here Wednesday morning but swerved the buggy against a truck. James, Hal and Earl Con neli fell to the street practically unhurt. The horse raced further with the shafts. The boys were on their way from the, Conneli home near War ren Plains to school here. A half mile from home, Tom saw that a rein was undone. When he got out to fasten it, the horse bolted, leav ing him in the road. The hcrse ran for two miles be fore it crashed inta the truck in front of Boyce Drug Co. The children were slightly bruised but all went to school. Mc. Claude Bowers caught the horse. Tuesday and" Wednesday of next the individual pledges to the $75,000- CROSS-CUT SAW COST week. St. Marv's Guild of the Enis- 000 campaign, the class had contrib- MARSHALL $42.69 IN COURT. cooal Church will conduct the sale uted to' various causes nearly $400. or two days of Court Week. They decided for the present year The only case in Recorder's Court lPans wrere perfected at a meeting to the Bible, the grandest theme that Monday was that of State vs. George of the Guild with Miss Ella Brodie could engage the human r.-ind. Marshall, for larceny of a cross-cut Jones Tuesday evening. Mrs. 'Milton the Bible teacnes us our duty to 1 saw, the property of Champ Brodie. I 1 II C.ll 1 X f C. McGuire, as president of the churcn loa ana to our ienow men., ana tunes Marshall came across the saw in organization, will direct the sale. our lives into some leeble ecfto ol tne the woods where it had been tem- The next meeting of the Guild will bfe of God." Mrs. Pendleton, their porarily left by Brodie. He was re- be held with Miss Rowe Jones Mon- teacher, had written tor them the quested to return it, but instead of day evening at 7:30, it was announced yesterday. "All members are urged to attend as important business will be discussed," an officer said. following lines; SPRING TERM OF COURT OPEN MONDAY AFTERNOON The January Term of the Su perior Court opens hero Monday at 2 o'clock with Judge Oliver Allen presiding. The first two days are to be given to the trial of criminal cases. The late opening is due to train connection between Warri" and the home of Judge Allen. DUTY. The wheel of time goes ever forward, Ne'er waiting for the will of man, Then it must be each ones duty To do each day the best he can, Forging forward, helping others, doing so, returned an old and entirely different saw. The Court fined him $10 and cost, and ordered the saw returned. The fine and cost aggregated $42.69. MRS. ARRINGTON HOSTESS IN HONOR MISS BLACKNALL. With passing hours keep steady pace, j To count for something in this world ( Mrc tt a vw pnt.prtainp.l Where dwells a fallen human race. Cotton Ginned in Warren County. Jan. 1, 1922 7458 bales. Jan. 1, 1921 7,747 bales. T. E. POWELL, Agent Census - Bureau. the Woman's Auxiliary in honor of Miss Bessie Blacknall, missionary, home from Alaska. Numbers of ladies of the ckarch were present. The afternoon wai de lightful for the social contact pro vided, one present said yesterday.

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