I f PLAY THE GAME. Play the game hard even though the odds are stacked against you. You will ar rive. A WORD OP CHEER. Risk a word of cheer to a Fellow Traveler every day. It means more sunshine for you. y II : I M if VOLUME XXVIL WARRENTON, COUNTY OFWARREN, C, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1922 NUMBER 9 GOVERNOR RINGS TRUE IN REPLY. BOARD BUYS fi FARM-: BLOC GEtS DIRECT MARKETING' MAN IS SLASHED AFTER CRAP GAME. )R HOTEL D ll rift 1 H t :il - Refuses To Send Witnesses To Canada In The Matthew Bullock Case. COLORED MAN RELEASED. "I am not going to try North Carolina's honor and integrity before any judge in any foreign country," declared Governor Cameron Morri son yesterday in a sharp telegram to Henry P Fletcher, Acting Secretary of State in Washington in response to that official's suggestion that North Carolina send an attorney and wit nesses to Hamilton, Ontario, to prove to Canadian authorities that Mat thew Bullock, wanted in- Norlina for attempt to murder and for inciting a riot should be extradited. The Governor's telegram was a flat refusal to proceed in any way other than through the constituted authori ties in Washington acting in compli ance with treaty relations with Can ada. The telegram is taken as an indication, here that the Society for the Advancement of the Colored Peo- pie, together with negro organiza tions in Canada who are putting up a strong fight to save Matthew Bullock from extradition are availing them-; selves of powerful influences. ; "North Carolina will not make ad appearance through attorney in any. Canadian court," the Governor's tele-j gram read. "North Carolina will not make an appearance through attor- ney in any Canadian Court. It . will not send witnesses to have a trial be- fore any court there. If there is any error in form or regularity of appli cation for the extradition of this f u itive from justice, I will be glad to have it corrected as far as correction can be made in truth. If Canada will not honor our requisition in the reg ular way' and you cannot through diplomatic, channels "-.coh.yn.?ni, they should do so, then I " hope " you will not hereafter request North Car olina or any other seli-respecting State of the Union in any way to honor a request from Canada If a treaty relations with Canada are not such as to guarantee the return to this country by desperate criminals like Matthew Bullock without the States of this IJnion being subjected zo the humiliation of having to ap pear before some judge in . a petty Judicial proceeding in Canada it is Icertainly a distressing situation. I km not going to try North Carolina's honor and integrity before any judge n any foreign country." Governor Comments. In his office yesterday afternoon, he Governor commented vigorously In the situation that has developed. "The most disgusting spectacle of pgal procedure I ever saw was when ihe great State of New York sent its ttorneys and a host of witnesses rer into Canada to convince the au- horities there that it should have the fustody of Harry Thaw, a man who ad violated its laws," he said. i am going to deal with Canada pough the office of the Secretary of tate in the usual way. If there is pything wrong with the form of the ppers presented, the State of North arolina will correct them. The State f North Carolina is depending upon he federal government through its presentatives and diplomatic agen es to return this criminal to the ate for trial. "North Carolina is" not on trial and e integrity of its courts is not to I Vpassed upon by any Canadian dicial officer Why North Carolina kht now is doing more for the im jovement of the negro, morally, ed- nvmauy man any &za.xe m ims ion." Will Not Bandy Words. Last night when the Associated ess story chronicling Judge Sni p's statement that he would stick his guns in demand for oral testi fy was to read to the Governor, he lined to comment in any way other an to repeat the assertion that "It .ndiculous to expect that the. State I North Carolina will send repre- tatives to Canada to bandy words h negro organizations on the,jus- P of North Carolina courts." Necessary. The Browns named their baby af Julius Caesar." ! Why, the crazy idea! What did b do that for?" Because he was born too late for ii to name him before him." The Mean Lesriost Wteekry. Building Committee Will Buy Furniture Within The Next Week. MANAGER COMES APRIL 1. A tile floor for the new hotel, was contracted for here this week by members of th building committee, thus setting at rest criticism which had followed the probability of a con crete fmish in the lobby. The hotel will be managed by Mr. A. B. Anderson who comes to War rsnton with his wife and two daugh ters April 1. Mr. Anderson former ly managed a hotel at Rowland, N. C. '"We expect to have the hotel in operation by April 15" a member of the committee said yesterday. The building committee Messrs. V. F. Ward, Eugens Allen, W. N. Boyd and H. A. Moseley, will leave Tues day of next week for High Point to buy furniture, unless exceptionally attractive bids are offered here by representatives of leading manufac turers, y Telephones will be installed in each of the rooms by the Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. The building is almost completed. The heating arrangement is practical ly installed and the painters are at vork on the two upper floors. ENGINEER THINKS TONE COULD COME FROM C'NTY. Rock quarries near Warrenton would furnish suitable material for road construction, according to J. J. Giles, geological expert of the State Highway Commission, who was here Wednesday and Thursday. "The rock will have to be given a Kmore thorough test," the engineer said, "but I feel that it can be used, all rifiht." Mr. Giles was accomnani- ed by Mr. McKer.2ie and y. i. .Lacy, his assistants. -They left yesterday afternoon af ter visiting the quarry at Horse Branch and the one on the J. B. Davis plantation near Warren Plains. Well Concealed. Some people in peacetime will be interested in the young man who went into the Army. On enlisting, he 2xprest the fear that he would face ridicule on account of his religion. Af ter three years in the Army he was asked , how he had gotten along. 'Fine," he replied; "they never found .t out on me." Christian Register. MACON ITEMS. Mr. Eugene Harris left Sunday for Wilson where he will be engaged in hotel work. " We wish him the best of luck. Mr. T. E. Powell was ;m Macon Tuesday on business. The Macon High School basketball team played Norlina High School Friday afternoon. The score was 25 tn 1 in favor of Macon. Watch Nor- jlina grow Messrs. H. A. Msmney, P. u. JNicnoi- son and M. A. Moore motored to War renton Tuesday on business. Mr. J. A. Nicholson was in Macon Monday .on business. y The Macon Rook Club met in the home of Mrs. A. L. Nicholson Tues day evening. . Mr. W. G. Coleman of Churchill was in Macon Monday on business. Mr. M. D. Oveiby went to War renon Tuesday on business. We are very sorry to ' lose one of our most popular families, Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Harris. They are moving to Durham. Mr. J. H. Harris of Macon visited Warrenton Tuesday on business. Miss Elizabeth Rodwell spent the week end in Warrenton. Mr. R- E. Betts of Macon went to hear Sousa's Band in Raleigh Monday night. Mr. Caswell Drake of Macon spent the week end In Warrenton. v Mr. S. W. Neale and son, William, were in Macon Saturday. Mr. D. L. Harris of Macon visited Raleigh last, week on business. Mr. J. S. Nowell and Mr. R. H. Shaw of Macon went hunting Tues day. We are very sure that they did quite a bit of hunting but very little finding. v Mr. Claude Haitheock, son of Mr. W. W. Haitheock, and Miss Mollie Ad cock, daughter of Mr. J. W. Adcock, of Macon,' were married Sunday in the Richmond Hotel. We wish them the l"et of hide. I T, I :i;;;P;g;j;'' i ) ' i iK-rav.;.;.: mmmmm. :;::-:;-:-;;:-?x.:-:.:.:.; "iV.V.'.V.' Here is shown : President Harding signing the Capper- Volstead trill which makes legal, co-operating marketing by farmers. - It is the rsi signal victor for the Farm Hlo m Congress. This new law permU farmers to pool. their crops and sell direct te cojmmu:r.s.'.ttou Uiag away with the middleman pronti. MORRISON URGES CAMPAIGM FOR RALEIGH, March 1. A definite', 3 tart is being made this week in the; work ' of putting over Governor Cam- 3ron Morrison's "Live .at Home' iotte, who has been secured to or- ganize and direct the campaign, has opened an office in the State Depart- iient Annex, and the preliminary work is already under way. The work in prospect is not new to Mr. Lucas, who had active direction of the Food Production and Conserva tion Campaign in North Carolina dur ing the war, first with the State Food Commission, and later with the United States Food Administration, and who is "loaned" to the State for this particular work by the Southern Public Utilities Company for which he is advertising and publicity man ager. During the campaign emphaisis will be laid not upon the production of food supplies for the market, but upon the production by every family of food and feed supples sufficient to supply its own establishment. More "THE LOST COLONY" AND Editor The Warren Record:' y Referring to the motion picture which the State Board of Education -has been showing at the schools throughout the county. We may never know the fate of "The Lost' Colony," but I thought it might interest hundreds of the school children and others who saw the picture to know the fate of one of the principal founders of the colony, Sir Richard Greenville. Sir Richard was in the "English Navy, and Lord Tennyson tells of his last fight in "The Revenge," this being the name of Greenville's ship. W. R. STRICKLAND. Warrenton, N. C. March 2. . x THE REVENGE. ( . A BALLAD TO THE FLEET. At Flores in the Azores, Sir Richard And a pinnacle, like a flutter'd bird, "Spanish ships of war at sea! we Then sware Lord Thomas Howard: But I cannot meet them here, for my ships are out of gear, And the half of my men are sick. I must fly, but follow quick. We are six ships of the line; can we fight with fifty-three?" TT - Then snake Sir Richard Grenville: "I You fly them for a moment to fight with But I've ninety men and more tnat are lying sick asnore. I should count myself the coward if I left them, my Lord Howard, To these Inquisition dogs and the devildoms of Spain." Ill So Lord Howard Dassed away with five ships of war that day, Till he melted like a cloud in silent summer heaven; But Sir Richard bore in hand all his sick men from the land Very carefully and slow, Men ot isiaeiora in .Devon, And we laid them on the ballast down below: For we brought them all. aboard, t And they blest him in their pain, that they were not left to Spam, To the thumb-screw and the stake, for the glory of the Lord. TTa had onlv a hundred seamen to work And he sailed away from Flores till the. With his high sea-castles heaving upon "Shall we fight or -shall we fly? Good Sir Richard, tell us now, For to fight is but to die! There'll be little of us left by the time this sun be Bet." And Sir Richard said again: "We be .all good English men, Let us bang these dogs of Seville the For ! never turn'd my back upon Don y - ,y ; v - ' - - - Sir Richard epokd and he laugh'd, and we roar'd a hurrah, and so . Continued On Pas Six ::; -:x :-iX-x?mfaM-S:S:-1v''' - v "EIVE AT HOME" CAROLINA FARMERS. and better gardens, more poultry, one gt more cows for each family, and sufficient hogs to furnish an all-year Supply v.of pork will be advocated. The "Jtcking not only of the Department foTAgriculture and the State College of Agriculture and Engineering, but also of the Department of Education, the State Board of Health and other agencies of the State government. The campaign which is being in augurated will be intensively conduct ed and will cover a period of eight to ten weeks. The organization to be built up will reach into every town ship of every county in the State. Heavenly Curves. "Curves - make woman angelic, says an enthusiast. They also make angels of speeders -Baltimore Sun. Frenzied Oratpr "These aren't my own figures I'm quoting. They're the figures of a man 'oo knows wot 'e's talking . about!" The Passing Show (London). - . SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE. Grenville lay came flying from far away; have sighted fifty-three!" 'Fore God I am no coward; know you are no coward: them again. the ship and to fight Spaniard came in sight, - tne weatner dow. children o the devil, or devil yet," Price Sent To 9 Jail Under $200 y Bond Imposed By, Justice John W. Allen. VICTIM WILL RECOVER. Failing to give bond of $200, Wil lie Price, young white man of War renton, was returned toyjail yester day by Sheriff 'Davis following a trial before Justice John W. Allen. The warrant charged Price with assault upon John Gardner last Saturday af ternoon. ' ' Gardner and Price, according to oyidence yesterday, had been in a crap same near the mill. A row resulted and the game ended in a brawl., Price cursed Gardner repeatedly, end ing with more vile language in the presence of Gardner's mother as they cached his home. Breaking from his mother Gardner an to Price who slashed him across the back of his head, on the hip, rip ped his mouth, toro a six inch gash diagonally across the face, and carv ad his froehead. John Liles brought Gardner to the Boyce Drug Co. where Dr. W. D. Rodgers Jr. took 20 stitches to stop the flow of blood. After leaving Gardner with the doctor Liles found Chief Green and with him went in pursuit of Price. ' "We found him' Chief Green said: "in a colored man's house on the Ridgeway road, about a mile from town. I had no trouble arresting him. He handed over the knife." , Justice Allen continued the ease Saturday afternoon until lliursday morning. With his head swathed in bandages Gardner appeared yesterday with Mr. B. B. Williams as counsel. Hon. Tas- ker Polk represented Price. Much of the evidence was not brought ' out. JD? :-aso will be hard by Recorder ST. MARY'S GUILD TO SELL CANDY BOTH DRUG STORES Home made candies will be sold at both drug stores here every Friday during Lent, the St. Mary's Guild of the Episcopal Church announced Tuesday evening following a regular meeting held with Mrs. Ray Wesson Members were enthusiastic for the venture and'the fourteen present en dorsed the idea. The next meeting of the Guild will be held with Miss Janet Hall. Arrest "Petersburg Dentist" Here. Chief Woodfin was in town yester day to take a Dr. Lane, caught Thurs day by Chief E. L. Green after a tel ephone conversation with the . Little ton authorities. The colored man claimed that he was a dentist from Petersburg travellings to his farm through the country. . A garage in .Littleton charged him with stealing $300 worth of equipment. The equip ment was not found here by Chief Woodfin. He returned to Littleton yesterday afternoon with his pris oner. - MR. AND -MRS, HARRY WILLIAMS RETURN FROM HONEYMOON. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams have returned to Warren County after a bridal tour to Washington. Mr. Wil liams and Miss Isabelle Davis were married at Shady Grove on Wednes day Feb. 21 by Rev. J. T. Draper. Upon that occasion the church was decorated with running cedar, ever greens, hyacinths and potted plants. The bridal party entered the church at noon. Miss Annie Lee "Powell of Inez, in white organdie, carried the wedding ring in a miniature silver basket. The bride entered with Miss Claudie Tant of Raleigh, as maid of honor, and they were met at the altar by the groom with Mr. Mark Williams of Rocky Mount as best man. Mrs. Mabel Tharrington played the wed ding march. Th bride," in' a dark blue suit, with gray hat and gloves, entered. She carried a sweet pea and lilly of the valley bouquet. Immediately after the ceremony the couple drove to Norlina to catch a train. x Both Mr. and Mrs. Williams have numbers of friends in Warren who extend congratulations and who are happy that they will make their future home in the county. COURT SUSTAINS WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Bury An "Unknown Soldier" of Roma Disaster; N. C. Wins Basketball Championship. A GENERAL NEWS DIGEST. An unnamed soldier from among the dead in the disaster to the air ship Roma, was selected as represent ative of all those who gave their lives in the fatal flight for a public funeral which was held in Newport News on Friday. Resting in a plain casket on a grassy prominence in the center of a huge hollow square he received for himself and the 33 others who died in , :he disaster a last farewell from his jomrades and from others among whom he had lived. This method of honoring the dead was decided upon after many of tha victims had been sent to their former homes in many widely separated parts of the country. Many thous ands from eastern Virginia and from ther parts . of the country witnessed the ceremony. Defeating Mercer University 40 to 3 in Atlanta Wednesday evening, the basketball team of . the University of Torth Carolina won the champion :hip of the South. The University 5uint came through the preliminary ames with other Southern universi ties in good form and clinched the championship with superb work by defeating Mercer. Charles W. Morse, New York ship builder, his three sons, Ervin, Bena min and Harry Morse, and eight oth ers alleged to have been associated with him in connection with war-time shipping contracts, were on Monday Indicted by the Federal grand jury on charges of "conspiracy to defraud" the United States and the emergency fleet corporation. -w-iudictments-iwer y rjstumcd charging a conspiracy to defraud tho United States and the other a con spiracy to commit an offense against the United States by defrauding the United States Shipping Board. The contracts between the emer gency fleet corporation and the Gro ton Iron Works and , the Virginia Shipbuilding Corporation, on which 1;he charges resulting in the indict ment were based, involved an amount said to approximate $40,000,0000. The constitutionality of the Wom an's Suffrage or nineteenth amend nent was sustained on Monday by the Supreme Court in a unanimous opin ion handed down by Justice Brandeis. The challenge came from the State of Maryland, where Oscar Leser and others sought to prevent the registra tion of two women as qualified voters in Baltimore. Le3er and his associa tes contended that the constitution of Maryland limited suffrage to men; that the legislature of Maryland had refused to ratify the woman's suf frage amendment, and that the amendment had not become a part of the federal constitution. The Mary land State courts sustained the amendment. . The contention that an amendment to the federal constitution relating to additions to the electorate can not be made without the consent of the State, the court disposed of by refer ence to the fifteenth or equal suffrage amendment, declaring that "one ean not be valid and the other invalid." It pointed out that the validity of th fifteenth amendment had been recog nized for half a century. Henri Desire Landru, "the Blue beard of Gambais," France, convicted of the murder of ten women and one youth, gave his life on Saturday in exchange for the eleven he had taken. Mysterious and collected, Landru went to his death on the guillotine without having made a confession or uttered a word of regret. Thus end ed a criminal case which had engaged the attention of the public since his arrest in April, 1919. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Feb. 23.--Isaac B. Powers to An nie May Loftin. Feb. 23. Robert Watkins to Lil lian Dortch. Mch. 2. -James Alston to Emma Hargrove. - CAFJ) OF THANKS. We wish to express many thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kindness shown during the illness of our daughter, Sallie Stewart Fleming. Mr. and Mrs Julian Booker.

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