FRIENDSHIP! ' ' The light of friendship is like the light of phosphorus seen plainest when all around is dark. Crowell. 70 THINK ON TniS! The world is bigger than you think it is, and you are smaller than you think yea are. Helen Wells. c?v rnj - i U ; 'State Ul"" VOLUME XXVII- WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1922 NUMBER 11 liter CLASS PLEASES -LARGE AUDIENCE Boys and Girls of Oxford Orphanage Bring Best In Years. Program SELL OVER 500 TICKETS. Warm endorsement of the Singing Class of the Masonic Orphanage of Oxford followed their program at the Opera, House Monday evening. More than five hundred -Warren people bought tickets and the class played to the largest audience which has ever greeted its annual appearance in Warrenton. Careful thought in selection and more careful and diligent care in training made the concert of unusual interest. From the opening prayer by Dr. T. J. Taylor at 8:30 o'clock un til the curtain dropped after the last number, the audience was interested I of line with the actual facts and, MIL jl ROA REVIEWS THE SITUATION Commissioner Says Warren Is Being Fairly Treated In Highway Allotment. THE ROUTE TO VIRGINIA. Mr. Howard F. Jones, Editor, Warren Record, Warrenton, N. C. Dear Sir: I notice from several articles pub lished in The Warren Record, and also from a Marge number of letters written to me by citizens of Warren County, that some of"-- your people seem to think that Warren County has not been treated fairly in the dis tribution of road funds. Examina tion of records of my office, and also of the District Engineer's office, shew that such statements are entirely out m ' I Pd3 The Blintb fx. a Sfuae in, ftev Ycik attention. In theontest for ticket sale prizes, Miss Gladys Modlin lead with Miss Mattie Marks in second place. The prizes were presented by Supt. J. Ed ward Allen who thanked all of the sales force" for their enthusiastic efforts. Persons from all sections of the county were in town for the enter tainment and expressed themselves pleased with the evening's program. More than $70 came from the au dience in addition to the sale of tick ets when hats were passed for a cash offering. The class will be at Norlina on Sat urday evening and in one of the churches there on Sunday. Every in dication today points to a banner at tendance upon these dates. Many persons could not find room in the Opera House here Monday evening. Chairs, added to the seating capacity through the courtesy of Mr. Raymond Modlin, were not sufficient to seat the audience. ' " ' The largest crowd in-years enjoyed tire best concert the las&ih'aT"brdught to Warrenton. MACON NEWS NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough have re turned home from Raleigh where they went to hear Dr. Truett. Miss Elizabeth Rodwell spent last week end in Warrenton. Mr. Fred Morris of Franklinton was in Macon Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ernest G. Hobinson of Ram seur is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate Shaw of Macon. She will be here for some time. Mrs. J. B. Haymore delightfully en tertained the Rook club Tuesday evening. Mr. J. B. Coleman, formerly of Macon, now of Wilmington, is" in Macon for a few days. Misses Evelyn and Elizabeth Rod well motored to Warrenton Tuesday afternoon. Miss Evelyn is learning to drive her new Hupmobile. Miss Grace Moore of Ridgeway is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Overby. Misses Gale Tarwater, Agnes Hen derson, Georgia Tarwater and Messrs. Simon Gardner and Will Price motor ed over to Macon yesterday afternoon. We are very sorry to learn of the illness of Mr. J. B. Overby. We hope he will soon be out again. Mr. M. D. Overbv, former of Macon but lately of Axtelle, was in Macon Sunday. . Mr. E. H Russell and family, Miss Minnie Rodwell and Dr. Foster went to Warrenton Monday night to attend the concert given by Oxford Or phanage. Several others of this town also went to hear the concert. BALL CLUB PLANS GOOD 1922 SEASON. Baseball promises to revive with added interest as soon as the weath er opens if the firs meeting of the year held Wednesday afternoon is an indication. M. C. McGuire was elected organizing manager by unanimous vote of the Warrenton team. Mr. McGuire was asked to see representatives from Weldon, Little ton and Roanoke Rapids and to learn what their plans were for the com- season. It was the unanimous decision of those present Wednesday that no hired ball players were to be used. There was favorable comment pon the employment of a coach for a short period. Prospective candidates for this sea son's team would indicate, members of the 1921 team agreed, a better ball club than in years. while I do not usually care to engage in newspaper controversies, I feci that the work of the State Highway Commission in Warren County is being seriously crippled by the con tinued circulation of incorrect infor mation about roads in your County constituting a part of the State Highway System. All the records in my office are public property and, by examination of them, you will find that in the dis tribution of funds by me, Warren County has received very liberal f 1 T ft -mm treatment. surveys lor roads in Warren County have been ordered as follows: 491 Warrenton to Macon, 5 mil es July 11, 1921 492 Warrenton to Liberia, 4.5 mil es Sept. 9, 1921 493 Warrenton to Norlina, 3.9 mil es Nov. 16, 1921 494 Norlina to Vance County line, 6.7 miles Dec. 28, 1921 495 Norlina to Virgina line, 7 mil es Jan. 13, 1921.' t. The estimated cost of, the construct ti&rC ;-6X-ye iff- the-,1rbu. v e rliieirtiorttdS As is around $550,000. Warren County by virtue of its area, population and road mileage, brought into the Fourth Construction District about $400,000 It is clear, therefore, that if all roads in Warren County, for which surveys have been ordered, be built, this Coun ty instead of receiving an uneven distribution of road funds, as stated in your paper, will be actually draw ins money trom otner parts oi tne District to the extent of about $150 000. As a general proposition, it is the purpose of every Road Commis sioner in North Carolina to keep the expenditure of' road funds in each County somewhre close to the amount ox money brought into the District by virtue of its area, population against the interest of any particular county Patience on the part of a public official is a very great virtue, and it is my purpose to exercise judgment, discretion and infinite patience in the handling of road matters in any par ticular county. But, some of the good people of Warren County, by the continued circulation of half-bak ed information, are seriously embar rassing our road work in. this Coun ty, and in this public manner I am asking thes people to examine the facts for themselves and practce a little patience so as to allow the of ficals of the State Highway Com mission to proceed with the Warren County work in the usual orderly find businesslike manner. It is the practice of the Highway Commission to issue orders for the4 construction of roads as soon as practicable after the notes of engin- 1 1 t "I TT 1 eers nave oeen- niea witn tne nign- way uommission anc tne pians ana specifications can be carefully prepar- 1 T T I ' A 1 1 Jl J? 1 jea. l am pieasea to say mat tne ioi- low orders for construction of roads in Warren County have been passed: . 492 Warrenton to . Liberia, 4 1-2 miles of top soil, gravel, water-bound or penetration macadam. 493 Warrenton to Norlina, 3.9 miles standard, hard-surfaced road 16 feet wide. 494 Ncrlina to Vance County line, 6.7 miles standard, hard-surfaced road 18 feet wide. The chances are that contracts for the construction of roads 492, 493 and 494 will b s let during the months of March and April of this year. En gineer's plans on gravel road 491, Warrenton- to Macon, and engineer's plans on standard, hard-surfaced road 495, Norlina to Virginia line, have not been completed. Contracts for these two roads, in the usual course ! J 211 1 . 11 wr 1 1 v4" PATMrt- OI events, Will pLVvauiy uc ici oviu-j Short starts in New York resulted in a, falling-off of business for shoe shining stands cater ing to women trade tmtil an inventive "Knight of th Brush" equipped his stand with a com mon window shade as is shown here. Now milady has her shoes shined ' with a mind quite at ease. r f J- :::;.:-.:: ::: :v 4 1 r-.-:-:-..---' - " j i, :::!;:::::;::::::'iU:iii3iS)iW!?:l 0UNTY WILL GET LIBERIA R0UTE.0K OFFICERS MSI V E. MERE TODAY Chi fnferISch"e.P.fe J.WS Rodgers Succeeds Burrou-ka j-iuau YViu re JDUlll UI AS renet ration Macadam. Captain of Local Military Company. 1ST FEDERAL INSPECTION. lilt ;! .... ..mmm: 5 ::; : : :-iZ - p iiiiiiimit"itoiwtfrifii1f ' mT-.wm j-. MmmMmM i rr struction told Chief TIT a m warren oumy will get a hard- Federal insWH 'noil. 4! j t . .. . . tuno uwmuauv rr-T.? loeria," state (Jon-1 B., 120 Inf. to the armory this after jiijuieer r. a,. bchneDle noon at a nVWV r t?j . u. vreen inursaay eral Inspector. State Adiutant rn. . x, vm, cciCM"wnc. ine pra .! van m btate Engineer demed the news con- Guthrie, insn-nr ' 3 . ,-, , I ' jr -'. v.uiiuuii ij.4 veyed m the daily press that a gravel Major James W. Jenkins, Commander rnT- P Z woena,-wnen First Batallion 120 Infantry will re- v.xCx uieeu ana JJr. . t. Macon View thfi lor-nl PnmnnV xi -i t f . I queanonea mm over the wire. This "is th oii , i , I v--.--v . ,yj wic V-U-it- bure ine PUDnc at we are go- panv since the. annni.fmf r c. & -v, !. .ut,m iair treatment. We John RooVers whiVT, -pn 1 1 1 . . ,. , I -v.-w 'I U1C i - "j . v . lo mainyam tfte Liberia road ignation of former Captain S. E. , wm oe omit oi the best grade Burroughs at the drill on Thursday O v Aw.k.v VT WCA.. t t T" i it IS nnfl rt tha hOKn-f T JL-Jjctjuij or.utl.rAKI SFlUAiiS have ever had to do." Mr. Burr, AT TWO CHURCHES HERE. Naid in speaking of his resignation ba- fore the company that evening. "It Ni.laliiiiMViiiai-li.-BlKr1w -' time during the year 1922, at estimat ed cost of around $220,000. The statement in your paper that Burke County is asking, for? sixty miles more and has been promised twenty additional miles is entirely misleading. Representatives from this Western county appeared before the State Highway Commission ask ing them to place more mileage on the map of the State Highway Sys tem. This request was denied be cause the State Road Law limits the mileage to 5500 miles' and accurate surveys, after the present -Highway Commission came into office, show that about 6000 miles are on the map of the State Highway System.- It is, therefore, impossible to' place any .V - S " 1 .-1 j WALTER WILLIAMS MARRIES PENSACOLA GIRL ON FEB. 27. Young persons and their friends of is with, sincere reerret that-I hnvA tr. Warrenton are called to meet Frank leave the service. Some of thp hnr. P. Wilson, Field Secretary of the All- Pst moments of my life have been South Christian Endeavor Extension spent with this company. The re Committee, at the Presbyterian and cent death of my parents makes it Methodist , churches here on Sundav. impossible for me to irive th nn. Mr. Wilson wHl talk in the mornine essary time to the conroanv anr! The following clipping from the az tne Presbyterian church and will causes this resignation." Pensacola News has just reached thisfiI1 the 7:30 evening appointment at Mr- Burroughs led the organiza- office. Mr. Williams is a sdn of Mrs. zne Methodist church. tion of Company B. more than a year Kate Williams. Editor. Mr- Wilson is called a forceful and U&o- He has worked dilkrentlv fnv Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Montanani an- interesting speaker with a message the success of the military unit here nounce the marriage of their daugh- Ior youth and age of all churches orand the bulk of credit for the excel- ter, Victoria Cecille to Mr. Walter 01 no church. The public is cordially lent rating of the local company is Thomas Williams of Warrenton, N.Jmvited to greet him at both appoint-! due him, according to members of his ments. former Capt. Rodgers was formerly ton Archdeacon Preaches Here. sergeant. He was overseas in th? 27th at 6 C, on Monday,4 February o'clock in Mobile, Ala. The above announcement will be received with interest in Pensacola as the bride has always made her home here and is popular with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances Archdeacon Morrison Bethea World War with the 81st Division. LADIES VOLUNTEER SERVICES AT HOTEL the groom' too is well known here for the State HighwaT'iVuring V'the CpasK two years he has act SvsTerv- ,v;ep.1vf District in order to correct 'mistake?) only recently having beenvtransferred and omissions, under no circumstan-to the Mobile branch of this enormous ces to exceed 3 per cent, of the mil- company. eage in the Road District. Observing that the road from Norlina to the Virginia line was omitted from the map of the State Highway System, at the instance of a great many citi zens in Warren, Vance and Wake Counties, and upon agreement of the Virginia authorities to recommend to the Virginia Legislature the building of a road from South 'Hill to the North Carolina line, to connect with the road from Norlina, I have placed the road from Norlina to the Virginia line on the map. So far as I recall,, this is the only addition to the map that has been made in the Fourth Dis trict although, in the exercise of my discretion, we have so consolidated roads in several counties as to cut down the road mileage in this Dis trict at least twenty miles. ' The location and construction of roads is , a very great responsibility upon the Highway officials, and they need all the light they can get from all sources. 'The Road Commission er of the Fourth District welcomes advice and constructive criticism and frequentfy profits by such advice. But in order to carry on the work proper ly, it is necessary for us all to look at these problems from all sides, stick to the facts and keep the records straight. Yours truly, JOHN SPRUNT HILL, Highway Commissioner, Fourth District. Expressing the desire to aid in the equipment of the new hotel and to contribute some effort to match the erratic work bv the hotel buildine- committee, women of the town have offeredto hem the sheets needed. This offer came as soon as it was learned that the committee had purchased the sheeting in bolts. Work upon the hotel is progressing favorably and practically the entire equipment has been purchased, it was learned yesterday. The plans are now to open near. April 15. . "We did not ask anv one to do this work," Mr. H. A. Moseley said yester day, "nor are we asking, it now, but should other ladies wish to join the volunteers the material may be se cured." 'J Vas tne CHOOSE A MAID BY LOOKS OF WAITER. Choosing attractiveness of a waiter will be a , VAUGHAN ITEMS. March 14, 1922. We hope the pub lic will remember on next Saturday night, March IS, the play "Cupid at ,ar," which will be rendered at graded school buiding at eight o'clock, admission 15 and 25c, for the benefit of the Sunday School rooms how being built. Be sure and . come and get your friends to come. Two hours of real pleasure await you. We are sorry again to report that Tuesday morning Master (Red)-Fish-el, son of V. H. Fishel, was taken to Sarah Elizabth Hospital at Hender son to undergo an operation for ap pendicitis. His father and Dr. L. J. Picot accomnanied him there. We i it I a maid accordinc' to tne u " I 11U UC -LKJX 11X111. C O LCCV. V X V JL. V Mr. Sol Buck Fishel spent Sunday in Raleigh. fia?e party at the Masonic hall on Dr. Picot was here last Thursday next Thursday evening at 9:30 o'clock, on professional business. . For those who ' do not wish to play Mr. W. H. Riggan, who is' superin Fortune's wtfeel for a partner, chick- tending the building of the Warren en salad and coffee will be served ton high school,pent Sunday here from 8 o'clock to the close of the with friends. evening. ' - Miss Edith Harris left last Friday Young women of the town are each for Richmond to be with her sister at to stand masked behind a waiter. St. Luke's hospital. Gentlemen are to bid for their com- Mr. W. R. Vaughan spent Sunday pany during the-meal. The proceeds in Raleigh. of the bidding goes to the Hospital Mr. J. " C. Hudson and son, Glenn, fund of the Oxford Orphanage. are kept quite busy this week, as Mrs. R. J. Jones, Mrs. H. F. Jones, heretofore, pulling cars out that get Miss Mary Louise Allen, Mrs. J. Ed- stuck here -in our town. The road ward Allen, Mrs. H. N. Walters and through here remains in a deplorable Miss .Mary Harriss are promoting the condition; how long is the Highway camouflage party for the Eastern Commission going to keep us in. this Star. condition. preached at the Episcopal Church on Wednesday evening. Members of the congregation said yesterday that the sermon was of ; particular high orde r. Miss Janet Hall entertained St. Mary's Guild at its regular meeting Tuesday evening. Church work was discussed. The sale of candy will continue each Saturday during Lent. Efficient Remedy. History Lecturer "Can any of you tell me what makes the Tower of Pisa lean?" Corpulent Ida "I don't know, or I would take some myself." London Opinion. r .i ? 1 , i vjviivL -. uuicers oi tne company are 1st Lieut. M. W. Hardy, 2nd Lieut. Walter M. Gardner. J. C. Gardner is acting as top sergeant in the vacancy created ' by 'the appointment of Capt. A full attendance of' B. Company men is expected for the drill of thi& afternoon. ARCOLA ITEMS. Hurt at Sawmill of Vaughan. Mr. Courtney. Sadler of Vaughan is recovering today from a broken jaw bone which was smashed by a lever at his saw mill last Thursday. Dr. Justis of Littleton sent Mr, Sadler to the hospital at Roanoke Rapids after an examination. The jaw bone was broken in two place. Careless of Her. Magistrate "So you broke an urn- your husband's head. brella over What have you to say? Defendant "It was a haccident, sir. Defendant "Well, I 'ad no inten tion of breaking :the umbrella ! "The Show. Passing featur of the Eastern Star Camou- Baker Plummer Recovering. The friends of Baker Plunrmer are glad to see him out again after his fall from an electric light pole during the sleet several weeks ago. He has been-suffering from a sprained ankle' i i -i " -I ana iracturea Knee; but is now on . crutches. He found a wire down on back street after the repairing force had turned ;in for-the night and in at tempting to repair the line his spur struck a knot in the ice-coated pole and he .fell to the ground. On account of the bad weather there has been but little farm work done in this section. Miss Alma Scull of Louisburg Col lege spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. B. D. Scull of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dillard of Tnrr .-.- i- !.,. O J 3 1 ... -pcui, iasi oaxuruay nignt witn parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. King. On account ofhjgh water last Sat urday Mr. Claude Coleman and Miss Lizzie Alston of Fork spent the night with Mr. and , Mrs. R. M. Conn. Mr. William Odom went to War renton on business last Saturday. Mr. Ed West, a prosperous farmer and poultry raiser of near here, had an egg laid on March 8 by one of his fine hens, which was a curiosity to all who saw it. The egg was larger than usual and he broke it to see if it had two yolks; much to his surprise was found inside a small egg with a hard shell on it. Mr.' Otis King of Hollister spent the week end with' parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. King. The Young Peoples Missionary So ciety, will be held at Areola church next Sunday afternoon. Allmembers are urged to attend and pay dues for the first quarter. MAE BLOSSOM. TAYLOR GALLED BY EPISCOPAL CHURCH ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF MISS ANNIE BURWELL. Misses Lucy and Edith Burwell en tertained at their"home in South War renton from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock Saturday evening in honor of Miss Annie Burwell of Washington. The guests enjoyed auction bridge and the social atmosphere of the evening. Miss Gladys Gordy and Mr. Her bert Jones won the prizes wJrid. were presented by W. Brodie Jones. Those present were Misses Annie Burwell, Mamie Williams, Gladys Gordy, Will Jones, Mrs. John G. El lis; Messrs. T. I. Gillam, Alpheus Jones, M. P. Burwell Jr., Herbert Jones and W; Brodie Jones. The Episcopal Church has issued a call to Rev. Louis N. Taylor of Roa noke Rapids to fill the pulpit which Rev. E. W. Baxter leaves immediately after Easter. Mr. Baxter coes to Wilson after spending six years in Warrenton.' Rev. Louis Taylor told Mr. and Mrs. Milton McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Tucker and Mr. Stephen Burroughs in an interview this week at Roanoke Rapids that he would strongly con sider the call from Warrenton. Exprssions of regret come from Warrenton and other points touched by the ministry of Mr. Baxter as his decision to leave has become known du ring the week. The Episcopal Church has experienced a remarkable growth under Mr. Baxter, and mem bers of hi3 church and other friends have been free in their expressions of regret over the Rector's decision to answer the call from Wilson.