l- "." '", MOST OF THE NEWS ALL THE TIME W : ACCURATE, TERSE, AND TIMELY VOLUME XXVII. WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922 NUMBER 28. CO-OP. MARKETING NOT A THEORY, BUT SANE METOD OF SELLING, SAPKO SAYS v U. C. of South's New Agricultural Movement Outlined In Dt-tail By Man Who Has Studied System And Seen It Work For Number- of Years. Suzanne Avenged Now the Test BAPTIST SCHOOLS NO MORE SHOOFLY TO CONVENE ON 30IUNT1L STRIKE ENDS CALIF0KN1AN WANTS BUSINESS METHQDS ON FARM With the pproach of marketingthey cooperate on potaoes, Lancaster : ..i.-.,. (imnlmsis nttnrhps t.n time parut-uiui vm ; the 'workability of the co-operative method of selling: cotton and tobacco, which will be tried for the first time in this section within the next three months. Many farmers have signed for the pool, many are skeptical. We believe that ciose reaumg uj. mc xui lowing extensive article by Mr. Sa piro, clean of the marketing move ment, will be of benefit and of in terest. We are, therefore, giving it space at this time. Mr. Sapiro is now in New York as attorney for marketing' associations. This speech was delivered in North Carolina a few weeks ago. Editors. County in Pennsylvania where the' co-operate on fluid milk, and the teith is a county in Wisconsin where they are completely organized on cheese. In short, all through the country if you want to determine the valuable agricultural counties, you have got to go to the Pacific Coast and the Co-operative counties. You will not find a single county from the other States, except Laflore County in Mississippi, which produces the long staple cotton. And here you men are with two of the greatest crops in the world, cotton and tobac co, on both of which the United States has practically a monopoly, and only one county in the entire South anywhere near the list of leaders in agricultural value. That fact alone tells the story of Co-operative and organized marketing. Co-operative Marketing is , not any There is not really any thing very pr ' tip hn i 1 .,4- rAvnfiirn ll n -v I . r-v ft. - , - . - complex auuui Lu-uFiauvC xuaywci,- lmes. Me has stopped clumping his ing Associations. The only trouble is products, he merchandises his pro that there are sometimes people who ducts. That' is reallv the story of have a financial interest in keeping Co-operative Marketing. When you farmers away from Co-operatives, bring in any of the things you raise, and they tell queer things about Co- cotton or tobacco, what do you do ? operative Associations, and they give You do not know the grade of it, you queer twists to the happenings in Co- do not know whether the market will operative Associations, so that the absorb seven or ten million bales of average man who has no test points cotton, four hundred or five hundred by which to decide whether or not million pounds of tobacco; you do not these statements are true or false gets know as an individual the absorbing all confused; then he does not know poWer of the market. You have no wheher this Co-operative Marketing credit facilities to enable you to do idea is simply some new radical siow marketing. You have no theory, or whether it is reallya sys- knowlede-e at all as to iust whether! tern which works. The average far- yoUr particular lot of tobacco will mer who hears of it hears of it get good grading. All you do is to through men who do not always come bring in your tobacco or cotton and out m tne open, dux come arouna to just dump it on the market against the hack door, so to speak and try every other man who has harvested to prejudice the farmer, and he never tobacco or cotton. Each one of you knows what is the truth. He as an dumps against the other man, and individual just cannot judge so I each one of you - breaks the price want to tell you that since I came against the other man. I do not into this section I have learned some blame the dealer for the low price of mignt queer tilings aoout o-opera- cotton or tobacco; it is not his fault, tive Associations. I have learned it is simrdv his advantage;7 You are some things which in all of our Co-1 the man who r.iakes the low price by" operative experience (and we have dumping your tobacco against every marketed two billion dollars worth other man's tobacco, and the buyer of products in California) I never does just what you would do in his knew about before. I have heard boots, he parks you at the lowest some things which they do that are possible reurn to you and the great just about as far from truth as North est possible profit to him. You -have Carolina is from California. created a system which makes it a perfect cinch for the dealer to make Co-operative Marketing is real; money out of your crop without leay there is nothing new in it, there is mS anything for your own invest nothing complex in it, and there is ent- Wherever you have dumping, nothing hidden in it. It is an old. wherever .you have individual sell old movement. It is more than three inS by farmers, you have very pros generations old in every civilized perous dealers and you have farm country in Europe. It just so hap- ers m debt. In California i our - farm pens that in this one particular thini ers Sot dissatisfied, and they did not the United States is counSy &st get dissatisfied. They knew what that has been backward in Co-opera- Europe had done be cause there were tmf and even in this country we have a f es who itold f evknew had it in California since 1894. Now what had happened in all sections of our tamers out there actually mar- Europe and they proceeded to develop ket more than Three HnndrpH Million this European experience Calif or- dollars worth nf rn,it0 ;ni0ma needs, and the result is tnat uai- his. ' ' 'iwwl Sunday School Forces Move On Train Service Cancelled By Sea- r 3 rl i -w-rr I ixaraners aunaay wceit i' or Board Hnrp Thio i,. 'W- IT tCIi, Quarterly Celebration.' Statement by West. DELEGATES BRING LUNCH OTHER TRaInT ANNULED rear though-h s Co-onerat 4 Mar- ifomia merchandises its products; taitertepSdSHteS- California organizes its enfre pro- W?a,from orangerto botUed hone). ? move into ttee mrkete nis movempnt ic ,r n it will absorb a few more million United States with 1 kinds oi W Pound., but at a PgnSS6 1 5!tles; there is not a w6rd of ex- "othm, ut Il?.lhSU? jiunent m it. In California alone livery ming wt: move i farmers have faced SaticSly karkets that wil1 abs them atv,fair the halance we keep on nana. -to VarketiSr his nro We borrow money and distribute that W have silver the growers, and then we find or ,ineyclidit in California first VinTnlv create a market to aosoro xnat bui Jecause that State his the wors? lo Plus- We merchandise our products. ?tlon of any State in thP TTTorf when Merchandising means to control the it cnmOB 4.? L ,e m the Union when . nr.n,i,in fv,at it moves Wear.. . marketing its. products. "V" ZJEZr th world at such Ocean V 2 Jhe ee. of . e ; inUeh quantities that the thd mHes before It' I Pr?duct cfn beabsorbed at a .air " a II nni-ki i ii. mnpp. vvh nave oimiJij' t - ear it tI,lu eaL lz v a aoQV Y' i wht. pvpv merchant in and hiJi, natural geography "-r." "the thines Asperate. rce it has been CQ,l to I now that NoVth Carolinrused steel rails, or the oil companies mer 2? fourth in the value T of alrSful chandise oil, or the individual mer ?Ural nmi ' L"e.yaiue OI agncui- , , ZunAiao nants or coats. - AUTO CASTfeR. Mile. Suzanne Lenglen, tempera mental French tennis champion, who quit in her match against Molla Bjursted Mallory, American' champion, last year, was avenged last week at London when in the English finals she won over Mrs. Mallory. 6-2. 6-0 An effort is now being made to have Suzanne come io the United States for a third and deciding match. B. CO. MEN WELL BURROUGHS SAYS TOWN BOYS SHUT LITTLETON OUT 4-0 Warrenton warmed with sweet re venge last Friday evening when it broke through the Littleton defense for a victory by a score of 4 to 0. It was the first game the town had won from the Littletonians in four contests of the 'Summer. Warrenton did not make a score until the seventh, when, with two away, Polk slapped a Fogl owon of fering for three bases, scoring xoyd and Shearin. Polk came home on a slow roller hit down the third base line by Jones. Warrenton scored again in the eighth when Clark, safe on a hit, was brought home by a healthy wallop by Loyd. . Loyd pitched great ball and landed twice' for safe hits. The Warren County Baptist Sun day School Union will convene at 11 The Weldon shoofly, morning and PVPnin cr wno a wi -vi - . o'clock, July 30, in Gardner's Church, Z T' e" 7 ,T I j- . , moved on Sunday as a result of the according j to .Secretary J. Willie shopmens strikey White. The Baptist Sunday Schools The announcement cf the te of the county, Mr. White expects, will ary discontinuance of Seaboard attend and take pride m the reports trains which was of Christian work m Warren. came in a statement on Friday from f VenyT?r S Regis- John T. West Division Passenge.. bbltt the ReV' H- A which follows: Reid Miller are on the prqgram. J. 0n ftl-int nf hn f IT ZT T - A 1 wmi -i I ' fc,v. ; r V, b,e.aK,?n m eea and in order to conserve motive pow- uj. uniiouau xmiucagioii, tXIXU mrs. V. Former Captain S. E. Brroughs of Company B., now a lieutenant in the officers reserve corps, returned to the city on Wednesday from Camp Glenn. He said that the men and officers of the company.,. were well, but were uiicerlaih -.as' to when trrey could "re turn to the armory here on account of the railway strike situation. Four of the companies have been ordered on duty to preserve order at different railroad centers in the State, and Company B. would be next in line for this duty. Sergt. M. P. Burwell, Sergt. Claude Bowers and Lee Hester are among the men who have returned from camp. The company is scheduled to arrive on Monday. .Drop Two Games To Henderson. Giving "Doc" Moore ragged support the Warrenton team allowed easy chances to mean fatal scores for the Henderson outfit which took the big end of a 11 to 4 score here on Tues day afternoon. Warrenton scored in the first inning and two runs in the sixth. In the seventh Henderson put the game on ice with five men sent across the pan. IT. Pendleton will tell of the work of iw of fnnHsffr nr, nDawDo the organized class. during the pregent eme the A special song service will be given following trains will be temporarily under the direction of Mrs. H. V. discontinue, .ffi s,w .ti- Scarborough Mrs. H. E. Rodwell and h6: Trains 19 and 20, between Raleigh . ... . vtxxx, x.IC xu- and weldon; Trains 285 and 282, be gram opens with music at 11 o'clock, tween Durham and Henderson; and the delegates are to.be welcomed Trains 485 and 486 between Dicker by Jesse C Gardner. son and' Oxford; Trains 330 and 331, Dinner will be served at 12:30 o'- between clock on the grounds. All delegates Trains 41 and 44 between Raleigh are expected to bring baskets, it was and Hamlet; Trains 31 and 34, be said yesterday. tween Wiimington and Hamlet. These meetings are held on every Due notice wiH be given of re- iii tn ounuay. xne last occasion at instatement of the above trains." wise m April argues well for the success at Gardner's, Mr. White be lieves. Officers of the union are Moderator! Miss Lizzie White of Wise has been GROVE HILL ITEMS. Quite a number attended the ice rates made them sme Tipt ft" gomg to give you - - - , this town applies to tne tnmgs ne splls vou. We absolutely mercnan ii - i 1 1 f i i r i i iri; t. rnn mj . . . results of hnr;: dise agriculture m just tne same way r- A V. ""Itho stpel cornoration mercnanui ii usHfi in i nil rnrti i o i . w you .yAliin was W w:TflM annlied business Ana men, j. f.l.. 111 Cm-cnf 1 -KT W,r;d " agricultural methKi. to agrieultur,. And e isiJ , n the Unitpfl 9t-tpc 9i,0 want to tell you that it woms, ii rwi nly by TeXas and shP i, M ly works- lt ets our agriculture oTeJ nS onlv oecaSe Texas' cotton profits,-not top prices, because only s? S 'H s vpRy,0Au: lexas cotton ntYlhlprs Q after top prices, but it " te the Tin r LI1" ieaa over pTTi; fair nrices with a profit I iTi i nnn WJi- I . -e ;,Vioti in , -iu anri oi i , Iseventeen years out jx d6"v,-v" f farmer, fatoutTT9? P,er cent st Jad pf the' top prices that you get Jostmnr, " the United States I. "I -p Now., men. real :rc on their nrWo T" .n y.ear UUI "r..-Vu" if n-c i - 'uoiiev Tn n 1-r:"".,-i'-:, 1UBl' there is no cuess worK in tncn,. havp -m California wv.Qt.q AS.. e . i. on-;. oht ated ;fV:.CIlor Products, our iso- to atrricultun y I "'Jllltin nr. , - ' . I IlLIrSlIl MA ?i Ul im-ll"vu " Perrf mpared to vours. Kr.. j i,nn. i,it s well as we y.p. ui, ir tu,. i t nil nun aiiun CoTs on their "mf s ma1de n1et know we are here that if you were operative Asso? onS"n-J by a Pin business man and somebody o er see b0cl"tions. Did you . X,ia nvr to vou 5d per cent. lcs issiicc- . . CIiai' i-ne unitea IIS tr. i. i v ni agricultural nrst fifty counties of rTuu .VlH iret a better llUki Ulliin- J " . 1 J St andin whol of the aucts. Tf am5 0 agricultural fu, os,nh dummng that to- iGS ;;iJ,rt,iy state e-pt.s twn "iuuaaim in the at- r I 1 I 11 ' " - i I I 1 I II 1 T I i-T-ixi . 11 1 . ni-i -r-i wr i a t in f K q l4. l-i. xi- j. I tempi w "j- :n f. ran . -" iisl LnaL i i --v.ca mon nr. ureenvmc kfL 1 OUt nf Tu iO 'Ms 1,1 that whnTo 1,-c.r flV; Dacco against ea.cn Cg0ln8 some t ?lf , st of fifty temnt to trv blind marketing? G IS PublishpT-nfetnelast list that SPLl nrtwe .men at Greenvill of fir?"iornia had thir- Cr, millions thev would pay 11 W VV 111U11J - f ,, I nuvv mtiiiy iiui""" . . ,i " " no o vi i tme-iourr.n nt u mnorantpp to mem "ve "umDer rni;i; 1 i vou 11 you cuum "rij- , : i . t, the first tpn rai ad 55 per bent.. of the entire bright ; to- thedpSecon(l PlaLten'eiludm bacfo crop to sell out of one office tfio You will find that any merchant wd 0st(k C0uJthe .other three were tell you that with 40 per cent, of the county ln Maine, where Continued! On Page 3 cream supper at this place last Sat urday night and all seemed to havea good time. Mr. and Mrs-. Nat Brummet and little daughter of near Oxfoi'd spent Saturday night with Mrs. Brummet's mother, Mrs. T. A. Harris. . Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Harely of near Warrenton spent Saturday night with Mr. W. T. Hardly. Mrs. Virgie Brown of Hollister vis ited her sister, Mrs. S. J. Harris last week. Miss Gladys Shearin and brother of near Littleton visited Miss Lillian Hardy last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Powell and little son, Major of Newport News, are spending several days with Mrs. N. C. Powell. Messers Hampton and Raymond Riggan of Mountain View were in Grove Hill Sunday evening. Messers J. O. Harely, H. E. Davis, G. T. Powell and R. W. Pittman went to Warrenton on Monday. Miss Addie Harely spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Conrode" King of Inez. Mrs. J. T. Powell and Mrs. M. P. Powell went to Areola on Monday. Mr. Wiber Davis of near Warren ton spent Saturday night with his mother, Mrs. M. E. Davis. . Quite a number visited the home of Mrs. N. C. Powell on Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hardy and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Foweli and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Johnson and family of Churchhill. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Powell and fami ly of Newport News, Miss Hope Powell of Warrenton, Misses Mar gie and Selma Davis, Messers T. W. and H. E. Davis. Mrs. S. V. Warren of Littleton, spent several days recently with here daughter, Mrs. ' R. W. Pittman. ROSEBUD. , s Fleming Pitches Great Game. Recruit ;irig Joe Fl cm ing, "Clifton Bobbitt and W. Keppel Falkener, the Warrenton team drove to Henderson yesterday afternoon and lost an en counter which- by all rights should have been credited to Fleming. The Warrenton boy, in the box for the first time, allowed only six hits, and these were scattered. Henderson's five runs came as the result of er rors; Warrenton's two tallies were made on hits. Loyd played a great game in left, excepting four chances. He knocked the horsehide to the wall twice for two bases in four trips to the plate. VAUGHAN ITEMS. Other Games Scheduled. Warrenton plays Roanoke Rapids heje on Saturday afternoon and Wel don here on Monday. The Little ton game, cancelled Wednesday on account of rain, will be played there on Tuesday. CHILDREN AND GRANDCHIL DREN RETURN TO GIBBS HOME. Returning for a family reuion the children and grandchildren of Dr. J. T. Gibbs are at the parsonage for several days. Those who are aid ing in making the Methodist home more happy include Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gibbs and daughter, Helen, of Winston Salem; Mrs. G. T. Adams and Miss Eunice Adams of Goldsboro; Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Gibbs and little son of Fayetteville; T. A. Gibbs of Jacksonville, Florida; J. C. Gibbs of Pelham. WOMAN CANDIDATE FOR HAL IFAX TREASURER'S POSITION. WELDON, N. C, July 19 Mrs. J. IW. Bowers of Littleton has announc ed her candidacy for the office of Treasurer" of Halifax County. Mrs. Bowers is the first woman in Halifax to become a candidate for an important county office, and her an nouncement has been received with much interest. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. G. Egerton and wife to County Board of Education. Tasker Polk and wife to Julia B. Boyd. i B. E. Felts and wife to Dr. T. J. Holt. , Lizzie Faulcon and others to O. W. Davis. Lizzie Faulcon and others to R. J. Davis, to Lizzie' Dancy, to Lizzie Falkener. B. C. Hawkins and wife to Lucy P. Peete. J. Edward Allen, Assistant Modera- visiting Mrs. J. D. Riggan at the tor R. S. Register, Secretary J. Wil- hotel, and other friends! here for the lie White. past week. Mrs. J. R. Fisher returned from FINED FOR AFFRAY Rocky Mount Sunday where she had Hhppn OT1 n nait tn hnr oicfor Mr-a ' FREED OF RUM SUIT Rosa wheeiess. Miss Mammie Tucker came back Swathed in bandages and staeine from Norlina Sunday where she had his testimony dramatically, Walter been for several days stay with her Algood, colored, told Judge Rodwell sister Miss Bettie Cree. jusf how it was that he was mixed Mrs- W. H. Fishel and children up in the affray near Churchill in have returned after an extended vis which Calwell was slashed and Ben it to her Parents at Madison Heights, Nicholson drew a gun after an argu- Virginia. . ment over pears. Miss Mabel Vaughan is on a Lawyers for the defense and State Peasant visit of several weeks among plead the case before a jury on Mon- friends and relatives. day. Calwell and Algood were found hisses eorgie and Gladys 'Ihor- guilty and fined $25 and cost. Wil- pughgood left last Friday for an ex liam Nicholson was charged $10 and tended triP to Washington, Baltimore, third cost. I Fhiladelphia, Atlantic City, and other Ben Nicholson, who pulled a gun places of interest. in the word and rock argument, did roiessor .iNixon oi tne Vaugnan not use it, but Judge Rodwell had traded behool iaculity presented Mrs. Sheriff confiscate the weapon and Nixon with a beautiful Miller Piano $50. .on Monday. Mark Richardson, colored, Shocco The Vaughan Baptist Church build Township, .under bond for making inS committee are planing to corn whiskey since the July 4 raid by T. Plete the new Sunday School rooms H. Robertson and E. L. Green, was as soon as the material arrives for acquitted. plastering. Our School has grown so Bill Polk, arguing his first case !arge that we had to add four rooms since leaving the Harvard Law School for Sunday School Classes in order this Summer, made a "strong, well accommodate the crowd that attend. worded speech, based on the decision We have new members to join every of the Supreme Court in a similar Sunday lots of interest is being shown case," an officer of the Court com- bv the larSe number who are in regu- II J A 1 mented. iar attendance. Professor Job was a week end vis- MRS. ARRINGTON ENTERTAINS 1Tor nere at; tne notel- VISITORS AND CARD CLUB. ine puonc is missing tne morn ing and evening Sho-fiy we hope that- Mrs. Katherine P. Arrington en- the strike will soon be settled and tertained the Thursday Card Club and we can have our train placed back. many visitors at her home yesterday movnino- frnm 10-20. to 1 oVWV Thp MARMADUKE ITEMS. first prize, "An Italian Countess," a I naintine- bv Leonarda da Vinci, was The farmers around here are busy- won by Mrs. - Finley Gayle. The laying by their crops leaving them in second highest score was made by god shape until time to gather in Mrs. Gid Macon, who was presented their harvest. a box of candy. Mrs. Adele Jones 1 wisn 10 correct a mistaKe i made was awarded the third prize. in last week's items. Instead of the Those playing were Mrs. Adele meeting beginning the fourth bun- Jones, Mrs. Spottswood Burwell of day t win commence the following Henderson, Mrs. Finlev Gavle of Monday evening at 8 o'clock, the Rev. Richmond, Mrs. Ned Turpin of Boyd- Goodrich had to fill his regular ap- ton, Mrs. Frank H. Gibbs, Mrs. John Pointment on Sunday, so will have G. Ellis,. Mrs. John G. Mitchell, Mrs. to Pen tne services on Monday even- Moses Winston, Miss Katherine Pagein of GrPPnshoro. Mrs. G. H. Mar-on. hey will have services m the af- Mrs. Charles A. Tucker, Mrs. Ray ternoon and, evening throughout the Weston, Miss Georgie Winston of wek- The Public is cordially in Oxford, Mrs. H. F. Jones, Mrs. R. J. vited to attend. Jones, Mrs. J. P. Scoggin, Mrs. H. A. Mr- John Crinkley and son Stew Boyd, Mrs. Edmund White, Mrs. M. art of Macon visited in the home of C. McGuire, Mrs. T. D. Peck. Others Mr- and Mrs. D. L. Robertson Sun present but not playing were Mrs. W. dav afternoon. N. Boyd, Mrs. H. L. Falkener and Mis? Edna clark has en spending Mrs. W. Keppel Falkener. quite a time with her sister, Mrs. Howard Crawley of Essex. First Watermelon of Summer. . The first watermelon, raised in the MARRIAGE LICENSES. county, was on the streets here this Only two marriage licenses were week. It was raised by Peter Tuck- issued since last week: Moses Fields er, a colored man of Warrenton Town- g . .Daisy Harril' ?TaVirglT"V , Satterwhite to Roberta- Wilson, July ship. 19.