v til fzi M0ST OF THE NEWS m mTim State Library ACCURATE, TERSE, AND TIMELY 4. 7 ALL THE liiur, VOLUME XXVIL WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1922 NUMBER 31 I I I 1.1 ASKS FULL HOUSE S. S. FOLK- RALLY IN STRIKE CRISIS AT NORUNA ON 13 Wants AH Members Program Opens Saturday Night Present For Possible Ac- With Mr. Dr W. Sims As W. LOTSTERDIES BOARD DECLINES Is Brooklyn Bridge Falling Down? HERE WEDNESDAY TO INCREASE LEVI ;n Next Tuesday. ine Principal Speaker. liv. - - - . cox SPEAKS AT GENEVA MANY OTHERS TO SPEAK ident Harding was -understood Opening sess ion of Warren Coun Tuesday to have informed Repre- ty Sunday School Convention will be n tives Mondell, of Wyoming, and held on Saturday night, August 12th, ter hoUse leaders that in view of a8:00 O'clock, in the Baptist Church be troubled industrial situation it Norlina, N. C. Morning , afternoon desirable that there be a full at- and night sessions .will be held on Sun tlndance of members next Tuesday day, August 13th, closing with the when th ehouse reconvenes after a six night session. weeks adjournment. Sunday School workers of Warren The President, it was learned from County will have opportunity of hear house leaders, was said to feel that mS Mr. D. W. Sims, General Superin the House should be prepared to en- tendent of the; North . Carolina Sun act such legislation as the industrial day School Association at various situation, particularly the rail strike, sessions of the convention. When Mr. might make necessary. None of the Sims took charge of the co-operative leaders so far as could be learned Sunday School work in North Caroli bad been informed as to whether the na in November 1920 there were only President had any specific legislation nine of the one hundred counties in in mind and if he had what was its the state with a County Sunday nature. School Association. According'to the Word that the President desired report which he submitted to the the full House membership on hand State Executive Committee in April Tuesday was telegraphed by Mr. there were53 County Sunday School Mondell's office to Representative Associations in the state, and plans Garrett, saying the Demoncrats are under way for the organization of would not agree to any plan for three other counties as speedily as practl day recesses after August 15, to con- cable with the growth of the work, tinue until the tariff bill was ready Mr. Sims has spoken to Sunday for conference unless House leaders School workers of Warren County be agreed meanwhile to take up the Hen- fore, and is noted for his humorous, ry Ford offer for lease of Muscle yet practical and instructive address Shoals. Democratic members in the es. city said the minoritjT would have a Assisting on the program at vari full representation here Tuesday, but ous sessions will be Miss Flora Davis, it was indicated that Mr. Garrett Assistant Superintendent of the might might telegraph all absentees North Carolina Sunday School Asso to return at once. ciation. Miss Davis is a specialist in The possibility that Congress might Adult Bible -Class work. For many have to deal with the strike situa- years she was connected with a large tion has relegated the proposed women's Bible Class vof Montgomery, legislative program to the back-J Alabama. She has had: pradicaL, 3c- ground, leaders declare. perience- and special training on all phases of Sunday School work, Miss Indictments were returned in Wash-1 Davis will aLn speak of Story-Telling ington on Monday by the special I which subject she has made a speci grand jury investigating alleged war al study. Miss - Davis is not only frauds against Ernest C. Morse, for- familiar with the work of the local mer director of sales of the War De- Sunday School but also the country partment; Ever!y M. Davis, presi-and township work, having been As dent of the E. M. Davis- Chemical ComUistant Superintendent in another pany of New York, and Alexander W.I state for several years. Phillips, associated with Davi3. The Warren County Sunday School The three men, all -of whom live I Convention under whose auspices the in New York, were charged in the convention is being arranged is aux indictment with having defrauded iliary to the North Carolina Sunday the government out of more than a School Association. The North Caro million dollar's in connection with the lina Sunday School Association stands sale of the war-built plant of the Old for those interests common to all Hickory Powder Company, near Nash-1 Sunday School workers.. It s a syste vine, ienn. Jmatic effort of workers from the va- The indictment against Morse islriGus denominations to create public the second to be returned by the sentiment in favor of more and better special grand jury which was impanel denominational Sunday Schools. Lead led by authorization of Congress, and ers' in thoug ht in the , various denomi at the direction of Attorney General nations help in this work. Daugherty to investigate alleged war The officers of the Warren County irauds. The first indictment, handed! Krmrfov School Association are: t down July 18, resulted from anin- President, J. L. Overby; Vice-Presi Muiry into the disposition of surplus dent, Prof. J. Edward Allen; Secre number after the war. Nine others tary-Treasurer, Mrs. Daisy Hender- ere indicted in the lumber case. son. Morse is now president of the ForJ Township Presidents is belilvT ? Fork, Edgar Williams; Smith Creek, -jarsaw' a"u j. h. Fleming; Haw Tree, C. W. Perk ''The welfar of the League of inson; War renton C. a Hunter r RLv Nations anH . w er. C. G. Moore; Nut Bush, J. B. El ntry would be nHv. if w Hngton; Fishing Creek, M. C. Duke, entered into fn mflwcMn ;n Judkins, Roy Shearin; Shocco, Mrs League of-Kations; but it is apparent Henry Hunter; Six Pound, Lce an intimate view of the situa- Coleman; itoanoKe, "on here that I Creek, S. E. Allen. ,U'ted states is not essential to the P8ram ot e four sessions f me nf T - .. .. . ,iv.q oAimtT convention at, u""" wie league of JNations," said " . Jame3 M. Cox, former governor of follows: H recently in a speech delivered Saturday Nigh t AuguSt 12 t0 the membpr., f nfau 8:00 Devotional. Mr. R. S. Regis We League of Nations and prominent ter m.en of Switzerland. Mr. Cox, since 8:15 1118 visit here, has made a thorough Tavis. examination of vr-vi 8:50 Song. Three in One. Miss Flora ague at its headonartnrs. H We shall indulge in no predic- Mr. D. W. Sims. Z Vor the future," Mr. Cox 8:55 The Teacher Before the Class -A - t; : ; W - : :'X '"' That largest Suspension span on the famous' old structure.-the Brooklyn Bridge at New York, has slipped under the constant ham mering of traffic and authorities have closed it to all except, pedes trians. Arrow points to slipping cable. Prayer Meeting In Methodist Church Dr. J. T. Gibbs, enjoying a vaca tion, writes from Pelham, N. C, that he will return to Warrenton in time to conduct the, Usual Wednesday even ing prayer service at the Methodist North Carolina Sunday School Asso ciation. 12:30 Adjourn. Sunday Afternoon, August 13. 2:00 Devotional. Mr. J. Edward Allen. 2:15 Practical Plans for Reduc- Church ing the "Black Spot" on North Caro- ina. Mr. D. W. Sims. 2:40 How the Sunday School and Home Can Help Each Other. Mr. W. Brodie Jones. 3:05 Song. 3:10 The Teacher and the Method Miss Flora Davis. 3:35 Problem Solving Period. (All are invited to ask questions on their Sunday School Problems). Conduct ed by Mr. D. W. Sims. 3:50 Reports of committees and election of officers. 3:55 Time and place of next meet- ing. 4:00 Adjourn. Sunday Night, August 13. 8:00 Devotional. Mr. John H. Fleming.: .... ;. -... 8.15 The Use of the -Story in Teaching Religion. Miss Flora Davis. 8:50 Song. 855 The Sunday School That Sims. Negro Farm Hand Falls Dead. A farm hand named Lockhart f ell dead on Tuesday morning while at work for Mr. R. D. Fleming in River Township. The darkey was formerly from Virginia He was a relative of the late Tom Eden and had been in good circumstances in early life. Un dertaker Rowe of Weldon took charge of the body and carried it there for burial. , COLORED TEACHERS RETURN FROM SHAW SUMMER SCHOOL. Funeral Services Held Yester- State Should Make Deficit Good day Afternoon; To Be Bur- J From Eaualizinir Fund. An. ied In Suffolk Today. swer Given Dr. Brooks. WELL KNOWN IN COUNTY TO CLEAN COURT HOUSE Mr.-.W. L. Royster, 54 years old,! Refusing to increase the tax rate a representative of the Corley Com- fQr school from 47 to 53 cents on pany in this town for a number of the" $100 valuation of nronertv. the years, died here on Wednesday morn- Board of County Commissioners on uig aner Demg in ior several weeks Monday failed to comply with the wilu cancer 01 me liver. UnowstinTi r,f Sfnto snt T7! O. He was a son of William J. Roys-1 Brooks. The Board. held that an ter of Granville County and Maggie acts of the. Legislature limited the urowne Royster of, Suffolk. Mr. 1 maximum rate, that this had been Royster issurvived by his wife an4 levied, and that it was the duty of daughters, Mrs. Harold Ewing of the State, in accordance with this Cleveland; Mrs. Eddie Bryant of I law. to sunnly the deficit in school Suffolk; Mrs. Arthur Skelton of De- taxes from the State Equalizing troit; Mrs. Eramett West of Prince-1 Fund. a WV v a . . I ton, west Virginia; and a son, Wil- Mr. Howard F. Jones,' who was nam Koyster of Warrenton. Dresent on other business, sscured a Funeral services were conducted at! copy of the Law as soon as the the Royster home here this afternoon! question of increased tax rate came at 4 o'clock by "the Rev. T. J. Tavlor.lup, and read it to the - Com The remains were taken by an early Jmissioners. The decrease in vaiua morning train to Suffolk where inter-1 tion made an increase in rate neces- ment will be made this afternoon. I sary if the county was to raise the Mr. Rovster was well known in this same amount of revenue as last year, and adjoining counties and his death I Dr- Brooks had held in a Raleigh brines sorrow to manv he had be- interview with Warren omcials. friended along Life's pathway. The Commissioners refused the in- , t, . j ... , I crease of 6 cents because tney Denev-Mrs.-Royster and son will make c.. up the deficit in accordance with the act of the Legislature. JURORS DRAWN FOR The following rates were fixed by rir,- .nn it mrn the Commissioners tor special scnooi their home in Warrenton x purposes. District Property The following Warren County col ored teachers have returned home after attending a successfulSummer SUacl atLShaw University in Raleigh: Effie Somerville, Mrs. Minerva Haw- kins, Hattie Kearney, Mrs. Maggie Fitts, Mrs. Winnie B. Williams, Ada Cheek, Emma Jones," Lula Warwick, Meets Its Opportunity. Mr. D. W.jMw. Cora T. Harris, Celia Fields Rev. -9:30 Adjourn. iarKin, j. xi. roster, ivaxs.. mauiw Alston, Mary v. Alston, tomeiia Alston, Brown of Maicon, Mingo of Macon, Mrs. Maola Lanier, Mrs. Morning Harris, Mrs. Hattie Mayo, Mrs. Hattie Williams, Mrs. Ella Gandy, Mrs. Lucinda Lynch, Mrs. Amelia Sommerville. CONCEALED PISTOL COST $50 IN COURT t Carrying a concealed weapon while away from the Seaboard Air Line propery at Norlina, which he was em ployed to guard, cost J. W. Bass $50 in Recorder's Court here on Monday. Bass contended that hye had a right to carry the gun and that he did not have it concealed. Judge Rodwell found that Bass was not on railroad property when arrested and that the gun was concealed. The case was appealed to the Su perior Court. Services at Episcopal Church. The Rev. Morrison Bethea of Ral eigh will preach at the Episcopal Church here on Sunday at 11 o'clock, Mr. W. G. Rogers said yesterday. The public is cordially invited to attend. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Carr Moore on August 5, a daughter- Nannie Mclllwain Moore. Friends of Mrs. E. E. Gillam are pleased to welcome her home from a Raleigh hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Falkener, Mr. Tom Gillam, Mr. E. E. Gillam and Miss Nancy Gillam were in -Raleigh on Sunday. Friends of Mr. Harry Limer are glad to know that he is improving after an operation at St. Luke's Hos pital in Richmond Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Speed Jones"on August 5, a son John Bux ton Williams Jones.' Poll 90 54 90 90 96 CO 42 45 GO 45 69 90 90 72 30 1.17 Polls 42 IMPRESSING THE con- goes without saying our (niinf. . -: i v njr is progressive aim nued, -but it mat 9:30 Adjourn. Sunday Morning, August 13. 10:30 Devotional. Mr. G. B. Har- rv A tooru;:. t. "avc I1U wlDWflr,is nf Sunday School inrr: e our Government at Wash- Lu;itu . , n.,v?e ton. We wm assume that j. Success. Miss Flora Davis icies are Kac,nj . Ar 11-10 Sunday School Ji.vangei ism. 7? UPn 8 CO"SC,ent,OUS Rev E Nelson, Pastor Baptist ior the common welfare. itev. j. thfWeVer' 14 must be remembered Church, Nrhna'n .negs. that urpsi ... j 1135 Period of .Business. cabJu ' P'me ministers. an? r Record of Sttendance. - ncerLat "r " 2. Reports of County Officers. Cue Tl bU 3 Appointment of Committees. WorW Nations stands as a f progress in Sun- d."5 ron through 365 j MrD. W. Sims: j " in r na . . j luav uvhwu. ... - . j,Cttl as a permanent - : fnr sunDort Stitut of t -.. 5r : v mm mm .1 1 JAPSj fit '::::i::f::i - ...m h m i, mmmiC Mmmmi WZ.mt ;:v;vX-Xv:-:-:v:a:xv:-:v: V Jurors xdrawn here on Monday fori Wise 30 the September term of Warren Su-1 Churchill 18 perior Court were: ' jOakville 24 First Week-C. W. Fleming, J. C. Vaughan 30 Gupton, J. H. Grey, Er L. Pike,' Sr., I Macon - 30 H. A. Odom, R. B. Newman, G. WIMacon, bond account --17 51 Waeroner. John W. Connor, Hawk I Norlina 30 90 Carter (Col.), G. M. 5pain, J. T.lNorlina, bond account.... 32 TJnvrf. E. II: Neal. A.. B. Wilson. F. I Axtell ... 20 A. Overby, R. R. Roberts, W. J Cole, j Embro --V . 14 R. M. Marks. Jas. O'mary, D. T. Oine , .....15 Reavis, G. L. Lancester, W. B. Felts, lEpworth , 20 T. H. Cheek, B. D. Wright, W. C Cur- Manson 15 tis, J. C. Hudson, T. W. Duncan, J. Warren Plains 23 P. Williams. Alex. W. Stalliners. Rich-1 Elberon 30 ard Short, J. C. Collins, Peter Steven -I Littleton son, S. T. Wilson, L. P. Coleman, N.I Drewery -- 24 M Pnlmpr. C. TT. Rwrhanon. G. V.IInez 10 Warren. I Warrenton Second Week J. J. Harris, L. M. The general school levy for six Johnston, JoeJT. Shaw, G. G. Egerton,months.term remains the same as last M. T. Mustian, T. J. Watkins, Paul year 39 cents for teachers salaries D. Pegram, J. W. Burrough, W. II and 8 cents for building and admin. Palmer, T. W. King, R. L. Capps, J. istrative purposes 47 cents O. Brauer. W. G. Wilson, Robert L. Road Levy In Warren. Yancev. Fate Weaver. F. E. Robert- Township Property mr son, J. A. Meeder, L. M Killian. River 30 River bonds 14 c:. Twirls) 93 fDia dpttiu pnnwuT T rTi? I kJ1A x - ii-iawiree AT HOME OF MR. R. L. BELL. jjawtree bonds 20 Smith Creek s44 Mrs. Bettie Rodwell, 85 years old, Nutbush 45 died at the home of R: L. Bell in Six Nutbush bonds 20 Pound Township on last Tuesday. She Sandv Creek 50 was living in the Bell home at the Shocco 35 time of her death. v- iFishins: Creek 35 Mrs. Rodwell was Miss Bettie Bell Judkins 58 and was married to Mr. T. D. Rod- Judkins bonds 22 well in , early life. He preceded her jWarrehton 21 to the grave ten or fifteen years ago. Warrenton bonds ...... 9 They had no children. Fork - 33 The Remains were laid to rest in Fork bonds 32 the church yard of Gardners' on Wed-Roanoke 29 nesday .afternoon in the presence of I Roanoke bonds 45 a Jarge number of neighbors and I The taxpayer can take" his county friends. . Irate of 14 cents, add to this his gen- - vleral school tax of 47 cents, add his A FRIEND PAYS TRIBUTE TO I road tax of his especial township and mpimhry n.YriK THARRINGTON. his bond tax for roads, his special ' 1 , - , , . i 1 X scnooi rax, nis special uonu iui 1 1 tntol onm Ttrill ho tVio Clyde.was the son of Mr.. and Mrs.l . - W. A. Tharnngton, who was severely ' , mtmnv burned on July 19 when he turned ; T -. , , , . , c, f tl-i w value by this rate and add to it the some hot berries upon himself. He A , j . . c Qv Po of any given district as w.ju.u - s shown in the table above-and the one can imagine how sweet he was! I ... . QT,nnnT rtf Airopt Everything on earth was done for If ,.:ir HUH WI111C lie wic 1110 ouuxiob 1 , i;i.i -.isi iij ij ren County. pauenuy s u.uc wuu wu.u. These taxes are all self-imposed, sixteen Jay with the . exception of 14 cents levied by the Commissioners and 47 cents levied by the State for schools. Routine Business Discharged. -Mr. Benjamin E. Cook of Washing- 60 60 -a 6G 27 96 1.35 c;rrpt9 of Maw Dcnby went to the Orient on a peaceful niission, Secretary ot wavy, ljenoy w fail to impress the little ertheless, his stop.m Japan w a ooi i f walked " nevertneics n. oonQirous as he walked ;ihe1s'A U'-His wife is with.him. -ther little angel took him into that beautiful home with Him. Mr. and Mrs. Tharrington have our : sincere sympathy. Another little lamb has gone To dwell with Him who gave; Another little darling babe Is sheltered in the grave. God needed one more Angel child Amid His shining band, And so He bent with loving smile, And claspt our darling's, hand. Contributed. 1 ton, D. C, great grandson of Benj. E. Cook who was Clerk of the Court of Warren County for 46 years, request ed the loan of his great-grandfather's picture from the Clerk's office for the purpose of having a copy made. On motion this request was granted. (Continued On Page 8) ln for progress." 12:15 Offering If

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