Y iMOST OF THE NEWS ALL THE TIME ACCURATE, TERSE, AND TIMELY VOLUME XXVII. WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1922 NUMBER 34 (() itn MORE THAN 3,000 AT NORLINA RALLY Rev. John H. Crosby Answera.Call of Local Church; Here Sunday -The Rev. John H. Crosby has ac m cepted the call to the ttnic! State UHice ppiuvCa, xupu- churches of Warrenton, Littleton and rary Receiving Point For Ridgeway, Mr. W. G. Rogers an- aa 4 iwi "uuiiceu mis week. Mr. Crosby will lotion i cu5Cu - hold his first soVo v, ucic Ull HCAIj Sunday morning: atLl o'clock H C. FLEMING IN CHARGE The new rector comes to Warren ton irom lownsville and will resume I 4-Via tt-v .1 - C 4-1 T "lv ttt i i : .v urK uwiiv ill liih rvf J v m . vv Kavton Farmers ana ousmess men ui i-i ... r . .i .1 u i j Who left in Pfirlir Rnivirw-iaT. "wri!,. their wives ana cnuaren, pacKeu j xwj. iuuu. Vorlina on Friday for the barbecue Mr- and Mrs- Crosby and their and brurswick stew given by citi- seven children will move into the f thP county and the business rectoy within a week. Repairs are mn of that town in celebrating, the bein made there at this time. f the tobacco co-operative warehouse. - o- John g piu r t K faction marked the mien oi larmers j. p. Scoggin and wife to Elizabeth J , - -v a I -m.-. n I ' I ' UTTrJ at their new veniure mtu dicanwu-i i. uuu. i,i d the snirit grew more fes tive with the approach of night and MlSS Clara Powell and . i n j TT.l.l I vouth for the Dan given ai noieii r, T -fir it nr ; w fn vnn, nponie nf that Kev. JLee Wed In Macon ,UI IHl'l ' X X tOWIl. I Mists ninrn Morfon Piiwoll hrt The program openea ax 11 o ciock , , ... n,, Qc w;i with a strong introduction of L. E Hams Lee of North Carolina Con Kogers oy mi. - - xxx.o ui ifprAT.p nf v,- xxtac.a Warrenton. Mr. Rogers, with the I, f. Mw,ct r.v,, Field Service uepartmem: oi tne in- , rp 0iMw nffip5nt(11 State Tobacco Association, niiea tne nc. r.n j t.. j? -r l T T- T1 Jf XT I " u6,.x "-i' appomtmeni oi o. nan ui n- T E p f , . nm . a . tucKy, vriiu u. young lady of many friends and ad- "The new sales system is working," mi Shp . OTfw1nflx0 n tVia M Mr Rogers said "in South Carolina c QqU for and hag ' 1 y j. 1 TXT v V.i4- lij-tli-i -F-vl I ana AeniucK. c P ft SIlccessful teacher since graduating, encouraged at the support the move- The Warren Record joins a hogt of mem is arawmg. director oam 1. fri(111(1a in t? rru PoofP nf TTpnHprsnn. who followed Mr. T , ... ' . . 1 -L.ee ana mis. i-.ee much happiness Kogers aoie aaaress ox more man a" along lifes journey. hour, expiainea tne nnaniai ena 01 me new bys,iem. Ice Cream Snnnnr nt Wkp Snt 9. I I lrr'r -- rrar Thn lonm iifir 4-i hn nearly 3,000 other Warren folk in the I ; " "71: Z , 11 i i , i givcu JV U1C ll Li it; 3 Ul Ollcli UXl .jI1UICU rrrm'n nonv Tho nn 1 1 nnrl' whpro thp I . , . . in the church grove on " Saturday Deoole renewed acquaintances as the I . . ' . ' . clock p. m. NAME POINTS FOR COTTON DELIVERY Township Organization Com mittees To Meet On Fri- , day, September 8. SCHOOL TO START ON NEXT TUESDAY Seven New Teachers In Faculty of Ten; To Use Old Build ing Until November 1. WILL GIVE MEMBERS NEWS MACON SCHOOL ALSO OPENS band played and where all later rel ished a brunswick stew and barbecue prepared by Messrs. John Wilson, W. E. Hundley, Howard Hawks, J. H. Horton and others. -Themeal was served bv the women of Norlina as sisted by wives of farmers. After the meal many remained for the Wake Forest-Norlina ball game, won by the Norlina team by a score of 4 to 2. The general program of the day was m charge of Warehouse Mana ger R. L. Moss. More persons were present at the Clayton Case To Superior Court. Buck, Clayton, held under $4,000 bond for trouble , at Norlina arising from placing special deputy officers there a month ago to guard Seaboard property, was bound over to Superior Court at a hearing before Magistrate Ed Petar in the Court House last Friday morning. Meeting At Hebron." Dr. J. T. Gibbs and Rev. Rufus dance than the Hotel could accom- Bradley of Enfield closed a meeting modate. Spectators filled windows, " on -etnoaist nurcn m mx doors and the lobby to watch youth 10 UI U iOW'IS" Wo it. a: a services started the preceding bun- prevailed until past midnight when day-' The meeting was well attended. the town again assumed a normal I . . . appearance. OUpt. Allen ValVeS L-lSt lhe North Carolna Cotton Associa.- School opens here on Tuesday in tion is completing its arrangements the old building at the -foot of Fifth for receiving cotton from the mem- Avenue and will be held there until bershlp. The storage facilities are I the completion of the new building practically completed, for Warren Ion the Academy lot, promised by W. County they are completed, the finin-H. B. Riggan on November 1. cial arrangements for making advanc- The list of teachers for the term: es to the members have been made, High School Prof. R. B Spencer, the grading division is ready and it Dunn, N. C, University of North Car now remains only to give final in-olina, M. A. structions to the members about de- Miss Mariam Boyd, Warrenton, N. liverig their cotton. rihe instructions I C, North Carolina College for Worn are absolutely necessary to every! en, B. A. member to avoid any misunderstand-1 Miss Gladys Gordy, Salisbury, Md., ing upon his part. I Maryland College. i In order that the Cotton Associa- 7th Grade Miss Dell W. Wicker, tion may know that every member j Amelia, Va. State Normal School, has these instructions and to keep j Farmville, Va., has had several years' them informed at all times, township j successful experience teaching in organizations have been formed.. The I Laurinburg, W. C. officers of the township organizations! 6th Grade Miss Beulah Derrfster, will meet monthly with the Field Rep-J Kershaw, S. C. Kershaw High School, resentative of the Cotton Asociation I Coker College. and are given all the latest informa-l 5th and half of 4th Grade Miss tion concerning the operations of the! Simons, recommended by Mr. Spen Cotton Association and instructions Jeer, who knows personally that her which they pass on to the membership work has been of a highly success- in their townships. ful character. Rv this nlnn pvwv niomhor winirl 3rd and one half of 4th Grade keep thoroughly posted at all times Miss MaiT Cozart, Stem, N. C. Stem Tobacco Market Opens Here On Tuesday With Full Corps of Buyers Auction sales system of the Cen tre and Boyd's warehouse will com mence here on Tuesday, September 5, with a full corps of buyers present. J. J. Tarwater, owner of the Farmers Warehouse, when interviewed yester day, would not say whether he was going to operate his warehouse or not. Indications are for a good price on tobacco. The Eastern Carolina and the South Carolina markets would indicate as much. With more than two million pounds of the nominal crop of Warren claim ed by the co-ops, much interest at taches to the operations on the open market this Fall and Winter. MANY WILL ATTEND BIG FIELD DAY HERE Baseball Game Between Fats and Leans; fovel Contests on Athletic Program. CO-OP MARKETING SPEECH Miss Anderson to Marry Mr. Lytch on Sept. 20 Souvenir wedding rings, threaded with nasturtiums, and bearing on dain ty ribbon "E. D. A. and J. M. L." announced on Friday at a party given from 4 to 6 o'clock by Mrs. Al B. Anderson the engagement of her at tractive daughter, Miss Elizabeth De laney Anderson, to Mr. John Milton Lytch of Rowland, th6 wedding to take place here on Wednesday the twentieth of September. The parlor of Hotel Warren, taste fully decorated in dalliahs, golden glow and fern and entrancing under the soft glow of candles created an atmosphere of welcome and , carried -.n- 4-ln -ml 1 4-i "17 1 if he wi,. attend his township HJteh School . .nd Greensboro Coilege - Z ei p! Tiio nwnur moaf;n c frt,tr, i2nd Grade Miss Irene Link bans- Ii ty i rt i i i ni ttmi ship officers and the Field Represen- Dury 11n cnooi ana napei 1111. tative will be held monthly on the lst Grade Miss Ella Doswell, New third Saturday of each month. The Canton' Va' Westhampton College townshiD meetings will be held everv ana wlumDia university. two weeks, except in the case some Music Miss Millie Belle Dameron, townships may -want to have their Warrenton, N. C. Randolph Macon meetings oftener or farther apart, woman s College graduate in music. I XT -t " -t m n 1 The first coanty meeting was KeTd 1N reensooro oummer Ill f l-4 A. X w 11 I V A A ffV VUVOUMJ y Viv 1UOV township meetings will be held in pflnli tnwnchin t tnp r,lr.A r. v.a. The Macon High School opens on low on Friday September 8th at 3:00 Tuesday with Supt H. A. Nanney in o'clock. At this meeting the town- chrgev Norlina opens at an early ships will arrange the dates for their date Pending the completion of ad future meetings. It is very impor- ditfns to the Gilding. Prof. Grover . . "R. Harris is in phare-fi there. A full rant mat every memoer attend tms r - - - -- Q,!sented to Miss Helen Frothingham, a firf Mlr,cr w rnn Trif ifiatinn personnel of the faculty at Macon and, l a TT , . . Cards are ready and will be. distri- at NorHna wil1 be Polished in the sive bridge until the refreshments brought the story in the ring. ' Heart shaped cakes and cream in the form of slippers, bells and, weddings de signs were much enjoyed while Miss Anderson, in agown of black and white imported silk tissue with silver trimmings over a rose charmeuse, re ceived, good wishes from friends as sembled. Punch was served beneath a clematis-draped arbor by Mrs. J. L. Wells, sister of the bride-to-be, from Miama, and Mrs. W. D. Rodgers, who later as sisted Mrs. Anderson with other re freshments. A Madeira hankerchief was pre- buted at this meeting and the mem bers will be instructed how to get their first payment from the Cotton Association and other information of importance to them. The following next edition. The contract for the cotton storage! warehouse was let yesterday after- Supt j. Edward Allen gives list of noon at Norlina. The building will books for Ue in Warren County High oe iuuxIOO ft. and constructed ac- Schools: rnvr! in rr : f. J? T I 1 I -C oie o-operanve Association Modern English. Selected Classics.- a temporary receiving station, in History Hughes, Community Civics, the building formerly occupied by t'le Mathematics, Review of Arithmetic iNOriina Motor Comnnnv ndinininc .1 I . I . r7 , v . n t.- n . (iies store, has been accepted by Jenkins-First Year Latin; Science, a State inspection official. Cotton Caldwell & Eikenberry, with Labora will be received on or before Satur- tpry; Spelling Chew's Practical High day, Sept. 9, R. S. Register said yes- CT lob a'r.nla mndm lane-uaces l r M .All J. UVA W- ' CJ lerday afternoon. All cotton deliv-1 French. Spanish or German, may be I ? - . .1 -i : e ered will be insured. begun in the 8th grade in tne piace oi Mr. TT r 4- Latin, vocational worK, wueu uxxCi- T i. I eu constitui.es sc jjcix v.wio. orima, will be manager of the tena-I qth Grade Ena-lish, Briggs & Mc Porary warehouse. Kinney, first book. Selected Classics., History, Robinson & tjreastea, uro . noon Histnrv. iviatnemancs, went Church Dedimtpfi Organ worth-Smith's Acedemic Algebra. I . . t-1 T" 1 nr.r HoTllloftc 4A Tjr v i t nlLatm, our cooks tO Mrs. John fL Kurwell Ttin Composition. Science, Botany rRoT-troTi-rnlflwell or Hunter's Civic Bi- Mrs tv, r ii . m Lwio-xr with Laboratory. Modern L.an- uuii ourweii. wno is in mavs- "sj " . - , . i nnt-nnn witn scnooi. assisting m a musicale program, TI' "io-lish. Brie-s-s & Mc- was honored on Monday night when Kinney basis fdr Rhetoric. Selected - ew cnurch organ was dedicat- Classics, oasis ior lejuims r" ed to her. Savs The Dailv Indenen- position. History of Literature, Long dent of ty.t -f mdepen p American Literature re- "tot that city: Historv.' Robinson & ihe dedication of tho now rino nr. lr nntiinos European History. fan at the First M. E. Church, South, Mathematics Wentworth-Smith is Ac to iVT T.i . ... ' orJomiV Algebra through quadratics . oonn kurwell of Warrenton, -"--nTls. Latin. Cicero, six - took place on Monday night at ntLs vith - composition. French, e church. An appropriate musical PVPrSauair Spanish or German gram of tho toiont ;n v, it,r hQ or.tior.al. Science, tnemibur""" been arr '7 " " "T & & Others, First Principles recom- ctiiu me aunience en-1 , 1 1. t -i,otnrr Joyed nnn mended, wiinrr' Farmers In Session Here Saturday. Farmers assembled here on Satur day afternoon in the Court House .. I hoard Spnat.or Paul Jones of Edffe n r thp mpptinp1 0 places for the different townships come County, Editor of The Tarboro and the township officers: ouuuw",e1' , . ioi rne j? ranKim limes taiK on tne Hawtree Township. co-operative marketing of cotton. Wise at J. R. Paschall's Store; of- These gentlemen spoke in the absence ficers: President W. R. Coleman; Vice 0f .General Manager U. B. Blalock who President H. J. Ellis, Secretary Hem y had been schedueled for the address D. Milam. lThev were nresented bv Mr. B. B. Smith Creek Township. Williams with a strong plea for the Norlina; President George Robin- new saies system. The editors spoke son, Vice President O- A. Rose; Sec- encouragingly -of the sale of cotton retary H. H. Grant. through co-operation. Nut Bush Township. Drewery; President J. C. Brauer, Mr. John C. Blirwell Vice President W. J. Cole, Secretary A. E. Paschall. Sandy Creek Township. Afton-Elberon; President J. K. Pinnell, Vice President Robert Limer, Secretary Willis Pinnell. Shocco Township. -Jue to the hard work and rnort Jea one of the biggest musical Ti Grade English, Classics, to coni treats held in manv months. Llote College Entrance requirements Mcmillan Pocket Kse W forth bv Mrs. Bufwell when ed FTaa liable text. His- resident of this CQmmunity and Vtot Wjnt member of thi .v,,,. 1,.. Sv-sith's Plane Geometry, com- i uuitu, cue i ui:u iui vv vjx n t . v Kronen the oro.a . ..'-. . L.i T.tin Virsril. 6 books. rencn, Sonfi, ' e 'nemoers ox me d reading, science, ruox, southern rhilvu jj.- ... I A , .r.:-, t ohomtorv. 1X1 Mrs. But-wo1i T ict of books to be used by tne "wo iiaine. j-iiv . jt . schools of Warren County in Baers and tnrtioc un J Grammar Grades will be published guest of Miss Agnes Henderson, as the highest score prize while Miss Anderson received a corsage bouquet of pas tel astors as the guest's prize. Miss Anderson has made many friends in Warrenton since her ar rival early in the Summer. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anderson, formerly of Rowland. Mr. Lytch is a progressive business man of that town. Present were Misses Elizabeth De aney Anderson,- Evelyn Anderson, Will Jones, Byrd Jones, Ella Brodie Jones, Helen Frothi ogham, Tempe Boyd, Laura Boyd, Sallie Davis, Cate Monroe Gardner, Mary Harris, Vir ginia Gibbs, Gayle Tarwater, Lucy Williams, Mary Burwell and Mrs. John Mitchell. Warren County's fiirst field day will be held in Warrenton on Monday, the 4th of September, and the arrange ment committee extends an invita tion to the folk of the county to drive here for the day's events. A final sign-up of cotton and tobacco con tracts will be welcomed following the address of Senator J. A. Brown in the Court House, at 11 o'clock, J. C. Jones, field agent for cotton, said last night. "I hope that every member of the associations will come to Warrenton on Monday and bring another far mer with them who has not signed for cooperative selling." The athletic carnival will commence at 12 o'clock on the Court Square when a prize of $1 will be given to each person who brings a watermelon from a roped enclosure. Milton , C. McGuire, R. M. Clark and W. Brodie Jones, armed with the hose of the Fire Company and ammunitioned with the town's water supply, will stand guard over the melons. Some of the fans who have fol lowed the ball club from the bench this season will be given opportunity to slug the pill away in the Fat vs Lean game which opens at 1:30 o'clock in League Park. Athletic events will follow the game the general pro gram being outlined on pages 2 and 5 of this edition. The town team will meet South Hfil here at 3:30 o'clock. Gordon Poindexter, who umpired successfully last, season, has agreed to fill this position on Monday. Several merchants and business men who were interviewed yesterday ex pressed, a willingness to close their' places of business and a petition will be circulated today for signatures. Posters are being- distributed over Warren and a large crowd Ms expect ed on Monday. Buys Interest In Hen derson Grocery Firm Mr. John C. Burwell, formerly of Maysville, Ky., and later a buyer on the local tobacco market, will leave Waivnonon in tho nonr future to en- Afton-Elberon; President, Jim cur- wholesale rv bus 1-. 1 J TTT T7I 1X1 I &"&V. rougns, Vice -resiaem, vv. su. -vvxt, , Henderson Dailv Dispatch Secretary trances ,imer. - WplTlpai1av savs. ; Warrenton Township. "Reorganization of the Vance Gro- Court House; President "W. H. Dam-leery Company, wholesalers, has just eron, Vice President W. T. Powell, been completed, with new officers ele- Secretary J. G. Ellis, Icted and the new concern acquiring Fork Township. I the entire interest of Andrew J. Davis, Inez; President K. JfcJ. w imams, 1 0 Kichmond, lormeny oi tms city. Vice President E. F. Alston, Secre-jMr. Davis was the active head of the tarv E. L. Harris. I business before he left Henderson, and Fishinir Creek Township.. - since then has been its president.. J. Areola; President 'j. F. Hunter, f. ; Burwell , of Warrenton, has. been A1 ' . . , ... Itaken into the concern as a new part- Vice President J. A. uneek, &ecreta-i - ,r m rr lner and wl11 De actively identified with ry ivi. j.. xixtixio. fho onrlnPt of the hnsiness. The com m m 1 V&A VVHV4UVV w w - . , ... t.i, cwnr paordoes a wnoiesaie grocery dusi- vaugnan, r ' ness onlv. The canital'stock has been Vice President Will. Harris, secret-1 - - ,19nnn ry Walter Vaughan. reorganisation. J. J. S. Cal Kiyer xownsmp. laway, who has been secretary-treas- Vaughan; President A. L. Pope,urer an(j general manage for the past Vire President R. A. King, Secretary j two, vears. becomes president and T. B. Fleming. manager; J. C. Burwell, vice-presi Six Pound Township. Ident and treasurer, and J. .R. Tea- ra,,-,wh;il. floleman & JNicnoison ec, acwcwiy. "'""uu6" o.. Trident Howard Palmer, est of the wholesale houses in the Vice President Jack Nicholson, Sec- city, the company has established its retary Jesse Gardner. 1 position in theN local . field. To Serve Ice Cream on Monday. Circle D. of the Methodist Church will serVe ice cream on the Court House Square on Monday, it was an nounced yesterday. Hotel Warren Gets 98 Rating From State Board WOMANS CLUB TO MEET. The 'Literary Department of the Woman's Club will hold the first meet ing of its new year with Mrs. C. R. Rodwell next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The program subject this year is Southern Literature and opens with a discussion of North Carolina poets. Making a perfect score on every possible point, The Hotel Warren was awarded a sanitary rating of 98 per cent by an official of the State Board of Health on a recent visit here. A perfect score could not be made be cause Warrenton has no milk inspec tor and could not be given rating on that point. ) Former Colored Resident Honored. Dr. J. O. Plummer of Raleigh, a son of John S. Plummer of this city, was elected President of the Colored Medical Association of' the United States at its recent convention in Washington. Democratic Executive Committee To Elect Officers Saturday, 9th The Democratic Executive Com mittee of Warren County is hereby called to meet in Warrenton on Sat urday, September 9, at 11 o'clock, ac cording to a call signed by Chairman T. O. Rodwell and Secretary Howard F. Jones. "The purpose of- the meeting is to elect a chairman and secretary for the ensuing two years and transact other business which may come before the meeting. "The precinct committees," Chair man Rodwell continues, "will meet and elect their chairman if they have not already done so since the pri mary. All proxys will have to be voted by a representative from their respective townships." Wise Betterment To Meet. The members of the Wise Better ment Association high school students and any others who are interested are urged to meet at the school on Tuesday Sept. 5th. at 9:30 a. m. for the purpose of spending the day in cleaning up the building and putting things in order for the opening of school. Bring youur lunch and let us combine pleasure with work. MRS. EDMUND WHITE ENTER TAINS IN HONOR MlSS MCCRAW. We never forget a favor rendered' by a stranger. Mrs. Edmund White entertained at Progressive Auction on Monday even ing from 8:30 to 12 o'clock in honor of Miss Elizabeth McCraw of Wilson. Those playing were Misses Eliza beth McCraw, Mariam Robertson, An nie Burwell, Lucy Burwell, Mariam Boyd, Laura Boyd; Mesdames Finley Gayle, John G. Ellis, W. A. Graham, W. R. Baskerville. James Horner, T. J. Holt, Gordon Poindexter ; Messrs. John G. Ellis. Alpheus Jones, W. Bro die Jones, Tom Wilson, M. P. Bur well Jr., James Y. Kerr, J. J. Tar water, Clyde Rodwell, R. O. Rodwell, and. Dr. W. W. Taylor. - i ley wouldn't survive. next week.