fit;PAY, MARCH 8, 1929 I Society | I Items | ^LtxT^T-'-T MF1* TAIiElaiMMa?' fjyE FEATURE PICTURE l K dear, I do not inind your telling / Mj?i your boorish husband. I soundly snore; I B;'o not mind your spoiling all my I shouting you have heard the ^mL 'nomen. here my saintly patience ends: I ^ wr show my baby pictures to m~"your frienas: Khusband is a harmless sort of oaf, money-digging bird who feathers nests, wife's lovely creature made to loaf Hind tell her husband's failings I to her guests. ou. my love, domestic peace 'depends: ^L't show my baby pict ures to I your friends: I ?Arthur L. Lippman. I ^piesdames B. R. Palmer, F. P.I ^Knter. John Tarwater and Van! mv;s shopped in Raleigh ThursJr. and Mrs. C. A. Tucker and! Charles, were visitors in Ralon Thursday I ^Ki:s Edwin fi:;?ell of Macon | a visitor here Friday morning. I .Mary McLeod of Afton was J I lQ Walter Loyd of Macon was ^Hasitor here Friday. ^Hfrs. William Fleming has re^Hned from a visit to Farmville. I ^^Ki' Will Ball a business vis-I a: Henderson last Thursday! iEr. and Mrs. Ray Weston and Ely were visitors at Henderson fiends of Miss Laura Ellis are Id thai she has recovered from fcr. and Mrs. Herbert Petar of person were here Friday afterIdiss Mary Macon has recovered lliss Esther Jennan and Mrs. |ll Mabry of Ridgeway shopped re Saturday. llesdames P. M. Stallings and E. , Futs of Macon were visitors re Friday night. kiss Katherine Gregory has rehad from a second attack of ps The quarintine had just n lifted two days when she had return of the disease, ilr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis of Inez (ended services at the Episcopal fiss Elberta Foster of Littleton ted Miss Elizabeth Waener for Serai days last week. Blessrs. D-avid Gaskill of LittleSi and Bridgeman Gaskill of RalBh visited in the home of Mr. By Weston on Sunday afternoon. Sirs. Annie Guilford visited in Stleton on Sunday afternoon. Sirs. Matille Graves spent SunBy afternoon in Orford with her Slighter. Mrs. Edward Peoples. Sirs. Stella 3arter. Mr. and Mrs. B A. Mabry and Mrs. T. A. Baxter I Ridgeway were visitors here on Bnday afternoon. Briends of Miss Rowe Jones re et to learn she is in the Roa^Vte Rapids hospital. I Green and Mr. LawB".ce Egerton of Burlington were B - of Mrs. R. Z. Egerton on ^Bnday night. B^i". and Mrs. Edmund White, and Mrs. W. H. Damcron and ^Bss Lucy Burwel! attended the Bneral of Mr. Ed Landis in Hen tson Saturday. todames John Kerr. Hugh ^B'Le and Howard Jones were "tors in Wilson on Friday. and Mrs. Spottswood BurB and sons' Walter Brodie and Jr. o! Henderson, were ?f Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. KB afternoon. w. H. Dameron spent Tues-1 and Wednesday in Raleigh. j^Wrs. Plummer Jones of Wakei spent Sunday afternoon in! home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard! Congressman John H. Kerr re- \ ^^Pted on Tuesday from Washing-! ^Vrs- Flora Boyd is visiting rela-1 ^Ves ? Soudan, Va. 1 ^ Misses Mary Powell and Ella B.I ^ ^olOxford, s\>ent the week! I THE CASH CO. INC. Off , Men's Overalls. Full Cut a 'Not a cheap overall but actus Gillette Razors (genuine) o 9c and get Razor for lc more Queen Charlotte Ladies T1 r 51,15. (Pointed heels and w H We are showing the newest how shoes for Spring. Also ne *or Ladies and Men, Mens Hi underwear, Mens Dress Shirts c?ys' ^el us show you our two Suits. One is priced at 4r'^ neither can be beat OR EA I THE CASE B Sell for Cash Less Warrent Warrenton, North News a Spring Offei * * * THE CORRECT HAT THIS CHARMING?THER BY HARRIET TO plan the ideal wardrobe this spring, the chic woman begins tVi in ore ot tVia In other words hats are giving the world of fashion new and different sky lines. The correct Easter hat this year is the one which makes a woman look charming. That means there will be multitudinous types, sizes, colors and fabrics. For what is the most becoming hat in the world to one feminine head may make another look terrible. Hat silhouettes are greatly changed. There is much interest in side lines, which is logical, considering the one-sidedness many frocks and suits are affecting this spring. Small Hats Still Good The unadorned skull cap has been swept aside with the winter's snows. It never was becoming to the majority, anyhow, and just having it stylish gave many fullfaced women who should always wear a brim too easy a chance to make a mistake. Small hats are still in excellent taste. But they are intricate. And they are quite likely to be adorned. In fact, there is every indication that flowers will bloom again in the spring, tra-la?on spring hats, that is. Millinery colors follow the lead of frocks and coats. Things need not match this season. But there must be harmony among the component parts. Straws Popular There will be much straw this year in millinery. Felt is still good, especially the rabbit felt that is soff as silk and nliahle as fine velvet. The new straws have a tendency toward laciness, with many of the old stand-by straws like ballibuntl and baku showing novelty editions in lacy stripes or pattern. For a dressy little hat for afternoon, a rose horsehair model (above) has an unusual fringe of shaded velvet flowers adorning it. The hat itself is featherweight and exceedingly becoming to women who wear pink well. There is a roll tuck running end with Miss Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Jones. The friends of Miss Sue Burroughs, who has been sick in a Raleigh hospital, will be glad to know tha tshe returned to her home here on Wednesday. Mr. Dawson Alston of Winston Salem was a visitor in Warrenton for the weeek end. Miss Janice Fleming who has been visiting relatives in New York for some time, has returned to her home here. Miss Annie Burweil and Messrs. Alpheus and W. Brodie Jones were visitors at Soudan, Va., Tuesday night. Mr. T. L. Brodie of the Storr Engraving Co. was in Warrenton on business Tuesday. While here he was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Howard F. Jones. Mr. Tom Everette spent the week end in Warrenton. Messer. A. E. , W. H. and Robert Paschall of Manson were visitors here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Boyd returned Wednesday after a visit to New York. Col. Lee D. Williams of Fork was a visitor here on Wednesday. Mr. Robert Limer of Shocco was a visitor here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Satterwhite of Manson were visitors here this week. Mr. Frank Overby of Macon was a visitor here this week. Mr. Robert Pittman of Grove Hil. was a visitor at the county seat this week. Mr. Bob Bell of Macon was a business visitor at the county seal on Monday. Miss Mary Willis and Mr. Pau Baker were week end guests of Miss Mildred Allen at the home of hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Allen Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Arlington of Hollister were guests of Mr. and " 114U ers for ween marui nw nd Well Made, all sizes, $1.09. ;] tlly worth $1.50.) i nly lc. (Buy Gillette Blade for 3 .) j iread Silk Hosiery, 78c pair, 2 J orth $1.00 a pair.) J things in Ladies and Childrens i w things in Holeproof Hosiery its and Caps, Mens and Boys j !, and Shirts and Blouses for j special numbers in Mens Blue j; $19.75 and the other at $24.75 j TCN EQUALLED at the price. : J 1 CO. INC. on, N. C. Sell For Cash Less ! Carolina THE V BH?mHiiiummvivivnivmiw ind Even rs Profusion o * * * SEASON l!S ONE WHICH MA EFORE STYLES ARE VARIOL Here are three hat styles whi companding article. Right, a rose black felt creation. Left, below, i around this hat from under which < the flowers flank the rear. In : front this roll smooths out and i the flowers are posed in triple row across a plain surface. The flowers have nine different shades of pink, shading to a decidedly wA/l/linh fon rAcn in the haolf 1 VVlUiOll I ci 11 i vov in inv t/Mvui floral Trims Used Very different, but also stressing the importance of flowers in the Easter hat parade this year, is a black lelt with white garde/iias (upper left). This hat is the new curtain-back turban, a decidedly novel 1929 model. The front is off the face, while the brim begins to droop on the sides and is iongMrs. W. C. Fagg on Sunday. Mrs. Fagg accompanied them to Holister on Sunday afternoon where she is their guests for a few days, i Mrs. Charlotte S. Perkinson and > MODEL 46-uses 7 ' A.C.tubes and 1 rectify* < iiig tube. Less tubes, $83 MODEL F-2?ElectroIiynamic speaker?$34 I 5 TVTOW you can enjoy r rumbling of the drun the woody sound of the c 1 I voices of a full orchestra ci Listen to the Atwater . I I here. Only an Atwater Ker you tone like that. Only such quality so economic I you the benefit of our yea and installing fine radio. I " Easy I i ROY E RADI( BARREN RECORD ts of Intei f Chic Hats ? * * W( KES ITS WEARER LOOK W1 fS, HARRIET FINDS th ich Harriet describes in the ac: horsehair model. Left, above, a M a dark blue horsehair import. er er clear across the back. The gar- de niture of white gardenias begins on the side and extends across ? the back to the other side. Not only flowers, but leaves also ? play their decorative part itt || spring muiinery. tnis is evincea oy a new model of dark blue-horsehair (lower left) which takes cut velvet leaves In shaded greens and blues to trim it. One leaf extends down from the side to reach clear to the chin. On the opposite side, a leaf hangs off with. Its stem trailing about the ear. , While flowers are again In prqj fusion, their loveliness and their originality in trimming make them as new as spring itself. daughters, Misses Margaret and Helen Perkinson, of Wise were visitors at Warrenton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Watson and daughter, Miss Anna Gray WatfJVtTTjjrTa^S. ready to plug in eal radio (reception ? the - /-. rt d ?rni/>A nf o fiiki 19, 111C UCCJi V UAIA/ vi ? i-uva, darinet?all the tones and learly?at a moderate price. Kent all-electric Model 46 it Electro-Dynamic can give Atwater Kent can give you :ally. And only we can give irs of experience in selling Terms >AVIS } CO. Warren ton, North Carolina TATITirifA?ITlfmil*IMMI???MMIHWIi ? rest to Woir n, of Louisburg visited in the auguration of I ime of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rod- Washington on all on Snnriav afternoon. _____ Mr. Daniel W. Pegram a Macon BANQUET A1] as a visitor here on Monday. The young pe Mrs. E. T. Rodwell is attending ^aineTby^ ^ e Woman's Missionary Union at t yn , igh Point this week. bers of the chll. Miss Janice Fleming spent Tues- March 1st, in th ly in Henderson. church. Preceed: Miss Rena Rodwell of Oakville regular devotior as in town Wednesday. Junior Missiona: Mrs. Edwin Russell of Macon in the au<iitori topped here on Wednesday morn- a^r the social roon their yells and Friends of Mrs. J. M. Gardner palmer e sorry to hear she had a fall on .... After the sing uesday night. .. ., . the blessing gi\ Master Jim Boyce is sick with p Robinson te measles. found their pla Messrs. Will Harris, H. Hender- names written i m and Allen Hiiiiard attended place cards. T1 te inauguration at Washington. heai#ifuiiv nnri Mrs. Dick Boyd Jr. visited in Ox- corated for the ird Sunday afternoon. the gay custoi Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs of crowd presented rilson visited Dr. Gibbs and fami- Elizabeth Boy for the week end table and Wil] Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allen of Ax- toastmaster of lie were here Wednesday. one doing their Mrs. Malvern Hayes of Wise was at,iy and gracio :re Tuesday. Toats were Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Williams, Cameron to G r. and Mrs. Arthur Petar, Mrs. Belle Mullen ^ ate Williams and Miss Kate Robinson; Wall hite Williams visited in Louis- Sunday school irg on Sunday. the following Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Porter of given them, "A ileigh were here Sunday after- always on time, >on. sake of a rhym Miss Frances Roberson spent the we hope 01 ;ek end in Lynchburg. teachers will re Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blalock and it may help sc rs. M. J. Miles attended the fun- schools too. al of Captain Elmpre at Hen- Toast by Ton rson on Wednesday. Helen Gibbs to Mr. L. P. Miles attended the in- Robinson to it ... . ? v "-** * ' ' ' -*.r A Direci To Thi of Conn w More i, Receiving Even m It is an unequalled ad chants who wish to carry tl and fair prices direct t are made. Advertising Mai Write, Ph The Wari mnraHHHHRr " ' W : <3 * ' PAGE SEVEN Fashion I ien r , Facts I I 'resident Hoover at Howard Daniel to the hosts of the Monday. evening. An operation on delin quent members was laughably put r M. E. CHURCH over by Alice Burwell. Many good lople of the Metho- jokes and stunts kept the guests in barren ton were en- a continuous round of laughter so George Washington that there was never a dull moment, by the adult mem- Several songs by Miss Belle rch on the night of Dameron were also very much ene social room of the joyed. We were introduced to ten ing the banquet the Washingtons by Katherine Moseley lal exercises of the in a guessing contest. The menu ry society were held for the banquet was served in five um of the church, courses and inculded fruit cocktail, guests gathered in chicken, sweet potatoes, green i, and lustily gave peas, baked apple, pickle, hot rolls, cheers led by Miss jelly, moulded salad on lettuce with crackers, Spanish cream, coffee and ing of America, and cheese. ^en by the Rev. B. Everything was delicious and too the young people much cannot be said in appreciation ces at the table by for the ladies of the church who on red hatchets for labored so faithfully to make it a le table itself was success: Mrs. R. T. Watson, Mrs. appropriately de- Will Dameron, Mrs. George Scoggin, occasion, and with Mrs. Laughlin, Mrs. Haithcock, Mrs. nes of the young Edward Allen, Mrs. Faulk Alston, ? iMMi? "Mrc .TnVm Hompmn MififiA.Q "RpIIp . a ii/vcly jjiuuuic. *~?wwv~ -v-? d presided over the Dameron and Helen Duke. liam Dameron was ?"?uu wus MEETS the evening, each _ ? \ " . part most accept- e, Warren e0 '? ?f iUsly the U. D. 0. was delightfully entertained Friday afternoon, March g ven> William ^ Mesdames Hannah Arrington reorge Washington; and w H After the busi. a our pas r, r. ness session jn which several matter urwe ? ters of importance were discussed, teachers, in which _ , *L ? compliments were Mrs" Paulf Bf\e an Iways on hand and account of Fort Flsher' wluch bat_ this is said for the tle * \d is to be ^ object of e>, the States special contribution for ur Sunday school 1929- Following other discussions ad this article, and about Fort Fisher- the quests were me other Sunday served tea- sandwiches and mints by the hostesses. l Holt to the girls; TOBACCO CANVASS, ONE YARD the boys; Bishop Wide and three yards wide. Priced our parents, and right. Allen, Son & Co. ? - ? ~jj n ' Message z Homes j this munity ITH ? j Than | *i f\f\ 1 I I J I this paper | | r Week I ! ! .vertising medium for merieir messages of better goods o the homes where sales fs Good Service one or Gall ren Record -v

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