J pjn. c. Em Jjfjimi r^'4 vg? SP*iHk? L^uw ,i;-t:d by ARTHUR B? REEVE? I ? a! produced by UNIVERSAL PICTURES L or>'ginnaLATlON, by ?Peclal arrangement with lr aR RICE 'BURROUGHS I l TAR*** 0F THE APES$ THE **** CWL' ,tfc Tarzan, King of the Jungle, defies ChaPter you! Come down and fight! I will ;IA>T E>t0, conquer you, give you as a present (Conti"uecln^,ded yes t0 Tarzan's she!" 5iniled t ' the chest and Threshing along in his delirium ssea ut a picture of 0f love Tarzan made his way e dre*. ?hi/unt'onn with through the trees making a wide irstoke ^ photograph, circle of the hut in the clearing. lycre^1' ' All through the night Black John be ^ nU;,. like you, had kept Bobby a prisoner close, ibis a Mary. "And He knew that Bobby knew where Gi'c'">toke and Tarzan's lair was. But Bobby was if5 Lc.r, .jue jhat carved defiant. !>e '' " "No," he stuck to it tearfully, "I $e: t Tarzan much won't tell you wh?re Tarzan ""fa m.u:-be?" He sleeps." real chest. Mary "You won't!" Black John snatch^ " a woman?she?" ed down a big bull whip from the "*oU .led acquiescence, wall. "This will make you tell!" IafJ ' she?" Bobby cringed back with terror. B""4 a b.r fearfully, So it was that in the middle of gniKQ, . ;,,inPtu- flip nitrht Black John gathered four r-j>if on tip-u't o . d her lips t0 llis lace' of his boldest spirits. "Tarzan has back bewildered. He stolen the woman who would be . a strange smile on our queen. Come with me." "V" like hon-.y that the Through the jungle the dark five 1 hide in the :rees!" he made their way> untd on the ed8e h emotions oi his first 0f the clearning they found the hut. Black John could hear Tarzan in step closer to Mary, the distance bellowing his love-de -Y frightened by the fiance of the moon-god, Goru. It ::a'.e ns si'e had aroused was an opportunity. He posted the m?ll!he raised herself on four on guard and crossed quickly Zm she put her lips to to the hut. T zan's mighty arms closed Mary was just about to retire on d her= an old broken cot> had started to ir?MS like a big child, unfasten her scant robe when she ' * felt her power over was startled by a noise at the door fshe feared his physical opened with an unseen hand, ver her Besides, she was "Don't make a sound!" came a " r?r Slowly she! thick, hoarse whisper. [ie yuau *?.?? um understand that she She recoiled in terror as Black: to rest alone in the hut. John crept into the room confrontiv that he would not leave ing her menacingly. but would stand on guard "No ape-man shall have the the night. Besides there1 woman I want!" he hissed, bird call it she should need "But I loathe you;" she cried radually she got the idea bitterly, retreating from him. head to leave her alone in | Black John grinned in ugly trithrough the night. ! umph. "I have laid plans to get; ie Tarzan saw the moon now1 you out of the jungle when I have v eyes. He swung himself located a vast treasure I know of the trees 111 sheer joy of that will make you richer than the Fred up at the'richest woman in the world!" e night?it is Mary shook her head. Black REPORT of the condition 0 Citizens Ba At Warrenton, North Carolina to Tl\e Corporal the close of business on the 27th day of Marc , resources Loans and Discounts United States Bonds All Other Stocks and Bonds Banking House Furniture and Fixtures """ Cash in Valut and Amounts Due from Approve. Depository Banks Checks for Clearing and Transit Items Cash Items (Items Held Over 24 Hours} Total liabilities Capital Stock Paid In Surplus Fund Undivided Profits (Net Amount) T* Reserved for Interest Reserved for Depreciation Demand Deposits Due Banks i Other Deposits Subject to Check Deposits Due State of North Carolina a Official Thereof: Unsecured, Demand Certificates of Deposit (Due in Less Than 30 Days) Cashier's Checks Outstanding Certified Checks Outstanding Savings Deposits (Due on or After 30 Day Bills Payable -?~ ~ State of North Carolina?County of Warre , ? Q Alien, Dirocto n R. T. Watson, President, E. b. a lly aP] Director of the Citizens Bank, each P hixnself> sa; and, being duly sworn,, eac ledge and be report is true to the best of bis k Sworn to and subscribed before this the 3rd day of April, 1929. * MARY E. GRANT, Notary Public. C My commission expires September 4,1930. h M rolina TH John sneered. "You won't?" I hold the winning card?your brother, Bobby. Young woman, be at the village before dawn?or you will never see him alive again!" "You?monster!" gasped Mary. Nearer could be heard Tarzan's jungle call. Horrified, Mary was weakening at the thought of Bobby. "If he finds me here with you?" smirked Black John. "All right. I promise. Now go quickly. Harzan is coming!" Black John made a hasty exit, covering up his fear. Mary, filled with dread, turned to the old cot again. She was aparently asleep when I Tarzan entered, covered by an old I blanket and a leopard skin she had j snatched up from the floor. A mo ment he started at her, then reached over and touched her soft shoulder with his big hand gently. Mary, tense on the cot, was pretending to sleep. Inwardly she was full of apprehension. He reached over and picked up the leopard robe she had caught up from the floor. She did not move. Then he vanished through the door to sleep in the open with his covering. In the morning, full of renewed energy, Tarzan swung himself down to the door of the hut and opened it| His heart stood still. Mary was not on the old cot. He called her name, searched the room, then dashed out of the hut. Tarzan was indeed a wild man. The honey of that first kiss had turned to bitterness. The beasts and the birds of the jungle went two by two. Must Tarzan walk alone? always alone? Tarzan the mighty was swiftly turned again into the ruthless killer of the jungle. He uttered a bull ape cry, uprooted a sapling and flung it from him, as ] he strode along. In the village they heard the echo of his cry. "Tarzan" the natives cried. "Tarzan is calling to his jungle people again! He comes to kill!" In Black John's cabin Mary hugged Bobby closely to her breast and smiled. She had heard the call faintly echoing; now she heard the shouts of fear of the villagers, as they scattered! It filled her with joy. Help was coming. Her joy was short-lived. Through the door of the cabin shouldered Black John in rage. He strode over to a small trap door in the wall. He indicated to her to go through. [ With Bobby clinging to her Mary obeying. The trap door slid back 1 behind them and Black John who had quickly followed, j There beside them was a lion pit. In it snarled a ferocious specimen. iF THE nk ;ion Commission?At 29. $433,051.05 67,589.14 52,492.50 17,402.79 8,652.04 62,962.88 1,331.51 10.00 $643,491.91 $ 20,000.00 50,000.00 11,915.80 5,500.00 10,912.18 102.95 252,413.22 3,184.92 29,699.30 853.14 235.00 ~ 233,675.40 ~ 25,000.00 __ $643,491.91 r, and C. R. Rodwell. reared before me this jrS that the foregoing lief. 1. T. WATSON, President. !. S. AULW, Director. !. E. RODWELL, Director. =i|5gS= 1 lKK / ^~:.r ;v IE WARREN RECOR i Horrified Mary shrieked Taiwan's name. The lion let out & teiTiflc roar. Just an instant Tarzan hesitated in the village as he hi. aid his name called. It was Mary's voice?and it came from Black John's cabin. His rage changed instantly to worry. Another moment irnd Tarzan leaped to the door of Black John's hut. Again the lion roared and Mary f>n?An?viAJ rpnM?nn nntnron nm'nlrlw ov^icaiiicu. lai^aii cuwv-ivu i Suddenly the door slammed behind him. Black John had thrown a heavy bar. With the other hand he reached for a lever. He pulled it, opening another trap. Snarling the lion charged through the trap as Tarzan crouched to meet the tawny leap of the infuriated beast. Chapter VII FLAMING HAT1S I Crouching with his knife ready as the lion emerged blinking from i " -r-Hr1-rmtnm-mj rr. Soft as .1:1' It fHi I i \ 1 J ' ' " 'a ^ ?-? '' ' Is washable. Anyone can a a color card showing decc room in the house. ALLEN, S W arrent As new as it was1 I Recall the scene. A New < can Six. Making its 1: Setting everyone talking, tive beauty .. . about its And now.. Weeks have p New Oakland here . . . tl you go. Other cars ha wildering succession . . coming seasons. But th All-American continues as new and refreshingly was when introduced. Like a good friend ... lik - - mm* it grows on. you . . . u favorably >vith every p better you know it the rr the New Oakland All-Ar Prices $1145 to (1375, f. o. b. Pont charges. Spring covers and Low joy Included in list prices. Dumpers c General Motors Time Payment Plai Consider the delivered pi price when comparing f)akIand-Portiac delivered pr < able charges for delive yi ZT PRODU' ' GENERAL w M Warrenton, I nig^p^tssrw-" JJ Warren! the shadows set to spring, Tarzan quickly straightened himself up to his full height, uttering a peculiar hiss. Still snarling the lion shrank back as though in subjection. He knew and feared Tarzan. Black John had not been prepared to see the king of beasts slink away from Tarzan. But with a low order of cunning the renegade met the emergency. Under cover he rushed Mary and Bobbie into another of the huts. Through the village reverberated the bull-ape roar of Tarzan. "Tarzan! Tarzan!" screamed Mary, answering. "Tar?" Black John's grimy hand over her mouth smothered Mary's cry. She broke from the renegrade, crouching back. "You thought to trap Tarzan. But even the beasts of the jungle are his best friends? and fear him!" She suddenly recollected, gave the shrill bird call. Rampaging through the village Velvety Rat-Tint wall finish It's soft rich tones impart a beautif.pl velvety finish to walls and ceiling?and so easy to keep clean. It pply it. Come in and get ration schemes for every | ON & CO. ;on, N. C. and diffei when intr< Oakland All-Ameriiow to the public. , About its distincoriginal design. assed. You see the lere . .. everywhere ve appeared in be . offerings for the _ e distinction of the ^ . . . unaffected. It's different today as it e a fine painting ... lpressing you more assing week. The lore you will respect aerican Six. iac, Michigan, plus delivery ' Hydraulic Shock Absorber* i nd rear fender guard* extra, i available at minimum rate. ice as well as the list automobile values. ices include only reasonry and financing. lew OA CT OF . I MOTORS L - A " ^ otor a N. C. on, Nog-th Carolina Tarzan heard. He scattered the natives like so many leaves in the wind. From hut to hut he tore until suddenly he heard the muffled bird-call issuing from one of them. He hurled himself headlong against the thatched wall of the hut. As he crashed through, arms tensed, the fury of battle in his eyes he confronted Black John. Whatever he might be Black John was no coward. With desperate courage he met the attack of Tarzan. But he was no match for the giant strength of the infuriated jungle king. Tarzan lifted him bodily like a log and flung him to the ground. Before tne crumpled villain could even begin to get him self together Tarzan had leaped after him, planted his foot on his Diversify Your Investments At this time you may be interesting in checking up on your list of securities to determine whether they are well diversified according to present day trends. A talk with an official of this company may be of tremendous value in getting _ i*. i i your investments properly diversified. This experienced counsel is yours for the asking,. Write for our current list of investment opportunities. .Bankers. SSECURITIES/ VCORP ORATIONV 5V1UIAM .NORTH CAROLINA rent now xluced... The Landmulet Sedan, HS75 *1^*^ Sport equipment extra ' Body by Fisher K LA 1 HEM CAN -i? r idi? v Henc PAGE THREE neck and drawn his knife prepared to dispatch him as he had hundreds of jungle enemies In winning his kingship. (To be continued) 20 YEARS' EXFERIELNUE Let us drill you a well. WHITE PUMP & WELL CO., INC. Phone 242-1 Norlina, N. C. V *w VF "V ^ V ^ Sf -JF w w I IMPERIAL i ; i; 21 Saturday, April 27 < i a Buzz Barton ! ! ?In? J [ i? "Orphan of the Sage" < > ft "Yellow Cameo," Serial. \ J & Chapter No. 5. < ft "Angel Eyes," Comedy. ' ft Monday an dTuesday, \ \ | April 29-30 | Sally Oneil j [ "Hard Boiled" ft "Papas Boy," Comedy. ] | ft Wednesday, May 1 ! I ft "The Red Sword" !! X With ft g Wm. Collier Jr. and Marion ? IX Nixon. i i Kino News. | j ' Tarzan the Mighty," Serial,