SLaY. ApR"- ^^9 MSociejy I Items _ _ ? T ,.T.r..Taa??*Isaa A , of the morning B i t?olc 'lwn of an 0rient pearl Kd the shec { a homing dove Rat# thf ;C0 ^ my.s curi; B *'?- e blue of the ins Bn he Lt of a virgin's hair, ****** Ha "baby nestled there." I for ^fhome in Roanoke Rapids. Mr. jfrc. \V. G. Ropers and Mes-1 H.: s. P. -Arrhieton and Howard accompanied her to her K? rerurnin? the same day. I ^fisses Lucy and Annie and J..*.' spent Sun-1 plemr.i'.y in the home of .Missouri Alston Pleasants at ^Ksb'orS- I Estelle Davis returned home I Kuonday after spending a week ^Kthe home of Mr. and Mrs. o. I IB^srter in Rai . Hps Perry White of Inez visited I Hs; Josie Hall the joast week end. J ^pr 2nd -Mrs. C. Jackson spent I - i?? u-pp1c in Richmond. I Hyenas of Mrs. J. C". Welch re- I t0 learn tha: she is ill at Park I Hr- hospital. Rc cky Mount. Hesdames Kathorme P. Arrington, I Htill? Graves ami James Rivers Hended the reception given by / H .Max Gardner at Raleigh last vBk. |Brs. .Matille Graves was a visitorI ^Henderson 0:1 Saturday after-1 ^ esdaircs Arthar Rodwell and I B Plains attend-1 ^ the commencement sermon at I ^ school auditorium on Sunday ^ esdatnes M. C. Winston and G. I ^wacon attended the commence-1 exercises in Raleigh Tuesday. and Mrs. Milton Wilson and Gladys Lewis spent Sunday Point. and Mrs. J. P. Scoggin and ^Bhters were visitors in Raleigh ^Btly. H>. Kate Williams is visiting ^ daughter, Mrs. Lewis Scoggin, ^Bomsburg. ^Bs. Charlie Harriss of Hender^Hwas in town Tuesday. ^Bs. Hugh Weldon oi Norlina ^Hdaughter, Mrs. N. C. Henderj^Bui Salisburg, were visitors in kA Tuesday. { I'sdames ill. H. Hayes and C. eftvnson of Wise were in town nay. Is. J. W. Burroughs of Afton in town Tuesday. '. Kearney Williams spent day in Henderson. \ and Mrs. Robert Egerton and hter. Pattie Ballard, of Petersrisited in the home of Mrs. 5 Thompson at Inez Sunday, ss Sue Thompson of Inez visin the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hk Alston this week. Bny friends of Mr. William Iougns visited him at Park hospital this week, essrs. Ed Faulk Alston and s Thompson of Inez were in rs. J. D. Scott of Ridgeway ed in the home of Mrs. Jack k Boyd Reams of Afton visI in the home of Mrs. E. L. b this week. rs. Frederick. Morin and chili of Petersburg are visiting in homes of Mrs. E. L. Green and Boyd Reams. :s. Carl Hirriss of Macon was iss Rower.a Wood is at Roanoke |d? hospital with her mother I is critically ill. t and Mrs. Loyd Wood were |i v ^vault's on Tuesaay Names l. c. Kinsey, W. D. P and \v. M. Gardner spent f... a:"'ernoon in Henderson. L. D' dodgers was a visitor Person Tuesday night. sj. ?, ?- Davis of Creek was ?or here this week. sitor^OUr Reid of Arcola was r at Warrenton this week. cer V-. ry cf Ridgeway was r p. *ltor at Warenton. or h"e ttofli?,fk Wise was a Dt ^avis tf Creek was a 0r here tSs ' v-e ? - WaS a 'eC(k of t? xt j-. , tO a* u *" H* Duke Were He 11 d?wn town this ; the Roann? a feW days ag0 ' Sol pi RaPids hospital. iitor here"!'^ 01 Manson was G n?e this week. ^okewJ0" uas a visitor and v on Monday. pas'a vi?i A \J- Kin& of Nor' walter 'm* ^ tws weekvf Alvrif-lr T _ Kji. ull/V/ltSVAHM \)r here this week. 1 y Glasson spent the week I her parents at Durham. 1 A. Jones of Elberon was ieie this week. I L- Ayccck of Elberon was! visitor at Warrenton. | ' Edward Aleln and B. B. member of the State Warre: BUB?MBBBBB?1 News a Collar and ( r Touch to S - BY HARRIET THE contrast of collars and cuffs on new costumes and the manner in which their skirts get their freedom of fullness are two ( matters that the woman of fine appearance will do well to consid- I er Since silk suits are pre-eminent- * ly excellent for early summer and late spring wear, every woman wants one. She may have It long or shortcoated, she may have it caped or jacketed. She may have it with a long, trailing afternoon line or a jaunty cut shortly below the knee. But if she knows her silk suits, she will have collar and cuff treatments that are interesting and she will introduce a new note^n the skirt's fullness. Big Collar Good The frilled collar, the big, outto-the-shoulder collar of contrastink silk, is excellent right now, being so new in this first season for years to featdre anything but the collarless neckline. Since white is by all means the loveliest combination if one chooses blue or black for one's silk suit (and either is so very satisfactory for the woman who does not have a half dozen suits) the wide collar and cuff touches must be detachable so they can be kept scrupulously clean. I show one of the newest afternoon suits in navy blue flat crepe that has a fascinating white front frilled collar that is distinctly good on a tall, slender woman and on young girls. It is made on a two-Inch bias banding which can be basted into the neckline of the coat so very easily that it is nothing. The cuffs of the three-quarters coat tie in a cute knot, not a bow. The skirt has deep box pleats inverted both front and back and stitched well below the hipline so they flare like a knee flounce. Two New Notes The second suit I show today Introduces two very new notes. It is made of a rich gold colored flat crepe, but would be equally stunning in a bright blue, one of the spring greens or rose beige. ? Board of Equalization, were busi- 1 ness visitors in Raleigh for several days this week. Mr. Stephen Bowden of Afton was r in town this week. i Mr. Coley Perkinson of Wise was i a visitor here this week. Chief Topping of Littleton was | a business visitor at Warrenton this ; week. Mr. Tasker Hawks of Norlina was a visitor here this week. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Holt have re- J turned to Warrenton after spending ten days in New York. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Vaughan of Warren Plains were visitors here this week. Mr. W. N. Boyd was a business visitor at Raleigh this week. Mr. Graham Boyd was a visitor at Raleigh this weeK. Mr. Ben Riggan of Vaughan was a visitor here on Wednesday. Mrs. O. E. Jones, the Misses Doris , Mae Jones and Alice Parks and Mr. , Marvin Egerton of Goldsboro attended the commencement exercises at John Graham high school on Wednesday evening. While in the city they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gardner and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Limer of Afton were visitors here Saturday. Dr. F. P. Hunter spent Sunday at Greensboro. He was accompanied to Warrenton by Mrs. Hunter who has been spending several days in that city. Mrs. R. T. Watson was a recent visitor in Lynchburg.. Mr. John Henderson visited his mother at a Durham hospital on Sunday. He reports that her condition is much improved. Mrs. Eugene Stallings of Macon is visiting relatives at Palmer Springs, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunter were visitors at Macon on Friday afternoon. Miss Lucy Boyd, who has been attending school in New York, returned yesterday to that city after ] " -1 - -? Urt?.a in 11*11* < spending several uay? HCiC AAA V..V , WATCH THIS SPACE EACH The Cash Co., Inc. offer: 8 Men's Broadcloth Shirts, I: colors, full cut, well made, 78c o | Mavis Talcum Powder, Sir a :! Ladies' Holeproof Full Fasb est shades and colors, $1.18 or 1 Men?See our new Straw 1 you Men's Union Suits or the iu Men's and Young Men's Suit* price. New Styles and pretty in Get our prices before you I THE CASJn I Sell For Cash Less Warren t Qton, North Carolina iiimummanBiTCTHTiiuHummiiiHiB nd Even luff (InnWns\ J J ^ V/f \Sw%J I mart Summe Two smart new costumes foi \ Its jacket develops into a cute little dolman and uses buttons of self-material to run down the shoulder lines, emphasizing the smart rounded effect of the dolman. Kolinsky collars it,- that very satisfactory fur. The skirt has thre godets of the circular French pleatings introduced. The French pleating takes a circular piece and tapers deep pleats at the lower edge into the merest bit ot a pleat at the top. It flares like a chic fan when milady walks. Both the hats on these models home of her parents., Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Boyd. Mrs. T. D. Peck and Masters I'ommie and Jimmy Peck of Henderson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Winston. Friends of Miss Ann Macon are ?lad to know that she has recovered from measles. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichols of Sarasota, Fla., spent Saturday night iiere as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Hunter. Mrs. O. M. Limer of Afton was in town Saturday. Mrs. Jim Frazier of Macon was a visitor here on Saturday. Misses Bessie Taylor and Bruce Harrison and Mr. George Harrison jpent Sunday at Rocky Mount. Mrs. Stephen W. Rose of Norlina is spending the Summer with relatives and friends at Baltimore. Mr. A. A. Jones and son, Willie, )f Elberon were in town on Tues iay. Friends of Mr. Nick Alston of New York are pleased to have him at Warrenton for a few days. Mr. Herbert Alston is spending some time at Philadelphia. Mr. W. T. Robertson of Essex was a visitor here last Saturday. HONORS BRIDE-ELECT Honoring Miss Will Jones, brideelect, Mrs. John Tarwater entertained friends at six tables of bridge on Saturday evening. High score prize was won by Miss Mamie Wil liams. Prizes were presented to Miss Jones and to Mr. Branch Bobbitt. An ice crouse in wedding supper melds and coffee were served. Those playing were Miss Will Jones and Mr. Branch Bobbitt; Misses Julia Mahood, Annie Harris, Mary Glasson, Margaret Herrin. Dorothy Walters, Nell Benthal, Mamie Williams, Prances Robertson, Georgie Tarwater, Miss Evans of Edenton, Mrs. Virginia Pearsall; Messrs. Pett Burwell, John Henderson, Bignall Jones, Duke Jones, WEEK?IT WILL PAY YOU 5 for week of April 29th Collar Attached, White and r two for $1.55. til size, 8c or two for 15c. joned Silk Hose, season's newwn nair for $2.35. Hats for Summer. Let us show ;w athletic Shirts and Drawers. ?The Best Serge made at the imbers in Ladies' Slippers. buy. I CO. INC. on, N. C. Sell For Cash Less THE WARREN R1 iiiiiiiimm?roii?iiiMMiil.TniTnMinnimn ts of Int( ts Add New r Costumes^ k. fm t I?1 the season are shown above."} ' -I are noteworthy for their smart-] nes3. The half-and-half blue and white one for the navy blue suit is very new. It frames the face with white and the back Is blue. It is felt and has no trimming whatever, relying rather on its line and startling color combination. The gold crepe suit has a lovely brown hat, one of the new shallow crown ones with the tiniest brim. It is one of the featherweight felts, untrimrned and light enough to be negligible, were It not for its chic. Edward Tarwater, John Tarwater, Clyde Rodwell and Graham Boyd. ST MARY'S GUILD MEETS Miss Georgie Tarwater entertained members of St. Mary's Guild on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jack Scott, president, presided over the meeting, and read an interesting paper on the "Preservation and Unity of the Bible." Miss Will Jones read a poem, "The World's Bible," and Mrs. L. B. Beddoe read an article, "Old York to New York." "The Garment of the Righteous" was read by Mrs. Ray Weston. Tea and sandwiches were served. The members decided to disband the organization for the Summer months. Miss Tarwater's guests included Mesdames B. R. Palmer, Jack Scott, L. B. Beddoe, Ray Weston, J. B. Boyce, Fred Morin of Petersburg; ummmmmmmmmmm?mmmmm? ???? ?? Stffi11 > HI ...THE ON TmS General HffPWfc 11 Electric is the ~ ' only refrigerator bum enurciy U1 jjj^M -J _ steel! Think what ^Hj that means! It is sturdy and durable beyond any thing that BR you ever "believed a refrigera tor could be. B This small-family model freezes a gen- B V erous supply of ice... and in a shorter time. I One tray freezes in two I hours, both trays in | U four. It uses less current 1 because the cabinet is I ? . -i ?i,j (\ ? SO ettlCICIU lunt wiu I. | does not leak out and \M- m beat does not creep in. HI MM And, of course, it ha9 the fll exclusive advantage of I simplified mechanism, wj I encloscdiuuuhermetically llflHB i GENERAL | ALL'STEEL Rl W. R. STF Warrent* ilTew Low Prices ll'ow : - - ECORD Warrenton? iT?y?TOTravAVAVAyjv* giBiinmMiTiumiiim irest to 1 ZEKCT; nmimHaaiiiia^piiiaaaaiii! M. C McGuire, and Misses Will Jones and Margie Green. MISS JONES HONOREE Mrs. Roy Davis entertained at five tables of bridge on Monday night in honor of Miss Will Jones, I wnuse eiigageiiieuo ivu. | Bobbit;t has recently been announced. Ladies high score prize was presented to Miss Frances Robertson and Mr. Bignall Jones was winner of the gentlemen's high score prize. Miss Will Jones was presented with an attractive gift. The house was beautifully decorated in Spring flowers and a bride's corsage was placed on the plate of Miss Jones and a bride's maid's corsage was on the plate of Bliss Dorothy Walters who was also presented a pair of earrings as a memento of the occasion. A salad course with coffee was served. These playing were Miss Will Jones and Misses Dorothy Walters, Julia Mahood, Frances Robertson, Mary Glasson, Nell Benthall, Margaret Herrin, Annie Hams; Mrs. L. B. Beddoe and Mrs. Virginia Pearsall; Messrs. Gerald Allien, Graham Boyd, Duke Jones, John Henderson, Bignall Jones, Roy Davis, Edward Tarwater, L. B. Beddae, John Tarwater and William Polk. MRS. McGUIRE HOSTESS Mrs. M. C. McGuire was hostess to members of her club on April 17. High score prize was won by Mrs. T/?Uv? T/awv flAuroi?e O rlrvi'YIoH UUiill IVC1X. 1115 JLiKjyyy^x o muwj.?VU the home and valley lillies were used on the plates. A salad course was served. Those present were Mesdames J. H. Kerr, R. J. Jones, A. A. Williams, M. C. Winston, L. B. Beddoe, R. B. Boyd. Jr., J. B. Boyce, W. H. Alston, R. R. Weston, B. B. Williams, V. F. Ward and Edmund White. Members Of Senior Class Entertained Members of the senior class of the John Graham high school were guesus of the Imperial Theatre last night and following the performance were entertained at Tom b Placj by the proprietor, Tom Tunstall. Following the class exercises at the school auditorium on Wednesday night the class members were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moseley and Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Peebj at the Peete home. Class colors, pink and lavender, were carried out in the decorations and refreshments and the class flower, Sweet peas, adorned the table. Miss Mat;ie Jenkins of Littleton presided over the punch bowl which forn.ed the center of a mass of wistaria and pink sweet peas. An ice course was served by the Misses Ann Scoggin, Panthea Massenburg, * " 3 EllZHDetn Boya emu nuuaui^ Moseley. Those present in addition to the members of the graduating class were the high school teachers, Prof. Beaeh, Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Ward, Superintendent and Mrs. J. Edward Allen. Mrs. John Clay Powell of Inez ,B >CF A V7 m g IF ONE J ? m m ? j V sealed steel casing * and mounted on top.. Thia leaves the grea(e8j arca ayail. *=*"* |H able for food storage V and makes possible thenp-on-lcgsmodel }../W which is so easy to B clean under. H In operation it is ex never needs oiling. It is as portable as a piece of I M furniture. You just plug anl it into any convenient Oj outleL See all its unique features yourself. Come I in today. And ask about 1 the convenient plan on 7 which it can be bought. I Listen in on the General Electric I I Hour, broadcast every Saturday I \ evening, 9 Ut 10 Eastern Standard Time, over the N. B. C. network of forty-two station*. /? |eiectric GIPRIGERATOR 'ICKLAND mi, N. C. in Effect on all Model^ 0 North Carolina K tVomen entertained members of the class on Monday night. Miss Nan Cornell Davis was winner in a guessing contest. The color scheme was carried out in decorations of spring flowers and in the refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake of pink and lavender. Mrs. Boyd Massenburg was hostess to the class members on Tuesday night. The house was artistically decorated in spring flowers and carried out a color scheme of pink and lavender. The members 1 enjoyed various games and contests. Refreshments of ice cream and cake in pink and lavender were served. Ridgeway Items I Miss Grace Moore made a recent trip to Washington. Some of the Ridgeway people at fill Spring He at Allen, S And you will find all it reflected in 1 Lovely Fab We are sh I We have just opened Celanese Voile, Sill Mercerized voiles, Pi Dimity Silk and cott< rtrous silks?the thing able, in wonderful v ably priced too. Thes to the most exacting We have just bought Silk E Some of the most atl and beautifully tailored I priced. In our Hosier You will find the ar: Gold Stripe. Onyx. Phoi shades, also lovely Bloc Let our Sales Lai new things. We ho; LAllen, Sc iliTTiiiiiiiiwfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiriiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiirnTTTT ii ' p ' i 1 PAGE SEVEN 1 iTt'iuTMiTi'tTiruiTiTummiriTi'mnmc Fashion j I Facts ! tended the fiddlers convention at Norlina. Mr. Billie White of Oxford was with relatives here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lassiter of Potecasi were at Ridgeway one day recently. Miss Mary Fitts, Misses Sydnor and Julia Williams visited at Macon Tuesday. Mr. Robert Scott was elected as delegate to the Episcopal church convention at Henderson. Tuesday several Ridgeway people enjoyed going to Oxford. Eighteen farmers of Nash county have signed orders for 20 pure bred and grade Jersey heifers for family cows. Whenever you tell someone to remind you of something you're sure to remember it yourself. luiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii. 11111111)111,1 g I j I ' ( rT I is Arrived I on & Co. | s beauty and brightness | - b ? m.AAUII rt -C f /lie weaiui ui ' Dress jj tries I owing now up the most beautiful k finish plain Voile, rinted Pique, Printed i>n fabrics, heavy lus;s that are Fashion- H ariety and so reason- I e lovely goods appeal taste. exquisite new styles in Presses I Tactive we ever offered and yet very reasonably i y department I istocrats of Stockings? I enix, in the wanted new ?mers, slips, Brassieres. lies show you these pe to have you call. >n & Co. I # -