MFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 19. I Society J I Items J LgaaiMaiiraiiBiiiaBiimiiHHemi A FAREWELL jj M.nd or. to think, my dear, that 11 g ne'er again Bph you beside me, singing in the JI Ktallings of Macon were visitors lere Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Petar of tidgeway were in town on Wedlesday. Mrs. Walter Fleming spent Wedlesday afternoon at Littleton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grant of tidgeway were in town Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Egerton of Macon vas in town on Wednesday afterloon. Mr. Stanley Powell of Inez, r.cmber of the board of education, vas a visitor here yesterday. Messrs. J. Edward Allen, Paul Jell and Brodie Jones spent Friday itternoon at Raleigh. Friends of little Miss Fairfax ditchell regret to lea~n that she :as whooping cough. Mesdames Walter White, J. Wilie White, E. T. Rodwell, and R. R. todwell spent Wednesday at Durlam. Miss Dorothy Allen of Norlina :pent the week end here in the lome of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hiliard as a guest of Miss Mildred R. Ulen. Mr. John Henderson and Miss joyce McCord motored to Oxford his week to see Miss Mary Henlerson who was coach here for the Jarent-Teacher play, "Miss Blue Bonnet." Miss Elizabeth Williams of Rox)oro spent the week end here with Urc AT4 Worris .Tr WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS The regular monthly meeting of ;he Woman's club was held the past Tuesday in the nome of Mrs. W. tf. Boyd with a splendid attendance. \fter the regular order of business :he president, Mrs. M. P. Burwell, ;urned the meeting over to the /isiting guests from Rocky Mount, VTrs. L. W. Kornegay and Mrs. J. B. Braswell, who had so kindly consented to come and give us a program on Russian music. Mrs. Braswell gave a most interring paper on the History of Russian Music up to the Time of she World War. Mrs. Kornegay ead a paper on the Characteristics )f Russian Life as Shown in Russian Music. She spoke . with luthority as regards true conditions wiiceicm nennle. their vearn IllllVltg XVWWU*MM w ~ ng and hungry desire for a life ree from oppression. She sang nost delightful songs oy Linke and Borodini to show the spirit of these Russian composers and had several selections by Tschaikowski and Rachmaninoff played on the Vic;rola. Without doubt many were astonshed to know how much we owe :o Russia in the gift of some of the world's best music as well as some )f the greatest musicians. The ;harming personality and delightful presentations of Mrs. Kornegay nade the afternoon pass all too juickly and all wer* unanimous in wanting her back again to sing to is from out of the joy and love >f her heart as only she can do. Ne are under many obligations to th Carolina ?j Lnd Even imswmmwmaaavmiwaiMmaaaamamai H9K SUCCESSFUL P HOMEMAKINq \ By GRACE VIAll OBA^j QUICK BREADS Home-made bread Is the most satisfying, the best tasting, the most fragrant, the most nourishing and the most economical food in the world. Every mother should make bread at home not only to please her family's palate and to save money j but to give her youngsters a nutritious, wholesome food. In addition to making yeast; k>u\n)ln n*t<1 n/illn IKam aoa OA monr I ui cauo a Liu ii/no ujci u aic cu uiuuj delicious quick breads that the housewife can quickly make. To make these quick breads, time, money and ingredients can be saved by using self-rising flour Quick Breads Are Easily Made. which Is preleavened or prepared flour. Who doesnt like nut breed or for a change orange bread? For nut bread proceed as follows: cup sugar 1 cup mQk 2 tbiip. tat 1 cop nut meat* 1 eg g broken in 1% cups self-rU small pieces lng flour Place the sugar, fat and ess in a bowl; beat until thoroughly blended; add the flour and liquid alternately, then add the nuts; pour into a greased bread pan, and bake In a slow oven (300 degrees F.) about fifty minutes. both Mrs. Kornegay and Mrs. Kornegay and Mrs. Braswell for a beneficial as well as a delightful afternoon. MISS WILLIAMS HOSTESS Miss Kate White Williams entertained members of her club and other friends at oridge on Monday afternoon. The sitting room was artistically decorated in pine and pussy willow. Mrs. Ed Gillam was high score winner. Mrs. G. W. Poindexter won the consolation prize. Mrs. R. R. Weston was presented visitor's high score prize. A salad course was served. Those present were Mrs. H. N. Walters, Mrs. Sam Palmer, Mrs. W. H. Alston, Mrs. Ed Gillam, Mrs. J. B. Boyce, Mrs. Ray Weston, Mrs. W. I). Rodgers, Mrs. C. A. Tucker, Mrs. C. R. Rodwell, Mrs. G. W. Poindexter, Mrs. C. H. Peete, Misses Sallie Watson, Dorothy Walters, Rowe Jones, Mamie Williams and Laura Boyd. MRS. MACON HOSTESS The Thursday card club was att.rnr?t.ivp1r pnfprtninpii last, week bv Mrs. G. H. Macon. Mrs. O. K, LaRoque of Raleigh, Mrs. Malcolm Woods of Marion and Mrs. Brown of Charlotte and Mrs. Palmer Johnson of Marion, S. C., were honor guests of Mrs. Macon's and were each presented a deck of cards. High score prizes were presented to Mrs. R. B. Boyd Jr. and to Mrs. H. L. Palkener A chicken salad course and desert were served. Misses Nell Bentral and Miss Margaret Herrin assistea in serving. Guests other than club members and honor guests were Mrs. J. P. Scoggin, Mrs. H. L. Falkener, and Mrs. John Tarwater. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Master Richard Boyd was at heme to a few of his friends on Saturday afternoon from 3.30 to 5:30 celebrating his birthday. The children enjoyed a delightful story telling hour conducted by Miss Julia Mahood, after which they were invited into the dining room where a pink and white color I The Cash Co., Inc., offer Tennis Shoes, brown or white, size, for Children, Boys or Gi this week, 79c pair. HI . Men's 50c silk ties, and good 38c or two for 75c. It will pay you to look over o We are putting in stock this entire family. * Our aim is to sell for less pric j THE CASF PHE WARREN RECOB ts of Inte imiiihimim'M'mimmm.. scheme was carried oat in refreshments of ice cream and cake. Heart-shaped boxes of candy were given as favors. Various out-door ar grmes were enjoyed. pr U. D. C. MEETS dr The regular monthly meeting of en the United Daughters of the Con federacy was held in the home of he Mrs. E. S. Allen last Friday after- Ll noon with Miss Ida Allen and Mrs. E. S. Allen as joint hostesses. Bl Lord's Prayer was led by the pres- he ident, Mrs. Frank Allen. It was proposed to pay $5.50 to finish the ^ amount pledged to Fort Fisher. wJ The chapter decided to accept hc the basis of last year for the pres- gg ent year. Miss Amma Graham read an interesting account of t0 Mosby'.s Rangers. The meeting was si well attended. Delicious cake with te: whipped cream was served. Hi McARTHUR.GEDEON The following announcement T1 which appeared in the Feb. 9th is. m sue of the Cleveland News, Cleveland, Ohio, will be of interest to vii many here: Ri Mrs. John Lewis Gedeon of 3456 W. 65th St. announces the engagement Sr of her daughter, Irene Pauline, to se Mr. William Russell McArthur of hc 1249 Chase Ave, Lakewood. Be Mr. McArthur, who is the son of Rev. Wade Hampton McArthur of in Wilson, N, C., was employed here lit several years ago by the T. V. Allen M Furniture Store, and since his departure from here has returned an- vL nually to spend a few days with gi friends. W PHILEATHEAS MEET of Mrs. Abner Moseley and Miss Mamie Gardner were hostesses to the Phileathea class on Tuesday night. The meeting was opened with prayer and roll call and re- en ports from various committees fol- CI lowed. Hannah Moore was the subject Fc for discussion. An interesting J. paper was read by Miss Ida Allen. A spelling bee was enjoyed, in W? which Mrs. Ruth Baird won a framed Valentine. Ice cream with heart-shaped cakes were served. Valentines were ^ cn each plate. There were 22 present. VALENTINE TEA The Valentine tea at the Parish House was quite a success and , as a result several dollars were '' realized for the building fund of Emmanuel church. Tea, coffee, and heart-shaped tea cakes were served. Miss Edith Palmer and Master Clement Hunter Weston received the offering at the door. 'J A Valentine motif was carried out in detail. Yellow jonquils and snapdragons decorated the tables. Music was furnished during the afternoon. The entertainment was under the auspices of St. Mary's , Guild. CALL UPON MR. KITCHELT Among Warrenton friends who recently have visited Charles Kitchelt, who is in a Rocky Mount hospital, have been Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rooker, Mrs. Sam Weldon, Dr. C. H. Peete, Billy Peete, William Burroughs, J. S. Bell, C. F. Moseley C. E. Jackson, C. A. Tucker, Mr. Overby, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Boyd, William Baskerville, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blalock, Miss Lottie Bell, Miss Margaret Blalock, Miss Mattie Warren Blalock, and A. C. Blalock Jr. Mr. Ketchelt's friends learn with pleasure that his condition is improving. P. T. A. TO MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the Graham high school building on next Friday afternoon, February 21, at 3:45 o'clock. All mothers are urged to be present at this meeting. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our many thanks for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our son and brother. P. E. HARRIS and Children. s you for week Feb. 17th lace to toe, fancy trimmed, any iris, Ladies or Men, special for \ ' 1 ' | values at 50c, special for week, ur Bargain Counter each week, week New Footwear for the e, for the same quality. 1 i CO., INC. | ? r ?D w* rest to \ Macon News J The Macon high school children e enjoying the "Live-at_Home" ogram over the radio this week. ' Mrs. Otis Tiiarrington and chil- n en of Hend irson spent the week d with Mrs. E. H. Moore here. ' Mrs. B. Havkins has returned to r home at Ai :lie after visiting Miss s icy Thorn tor. Misses Lallali, Mary and Mildred * ltts of Raleig h visited their mother t: sre last week, The Norlina high school girls and c ys played basketball here last a lursday afternoon. The girls' score w is 12 to 2 in favor of Macon. The R >me team beat the Norlina boys -4. v Messrs. Frans and Macon Thorn. s n and Miss Lucy Thornton spent mday in Buriington with their sisr, Mrs. Chares Sharp. Mrs. F. M. Drake went to Chapel F ill Monday cn business. n Mrs. J. M. Coleman spent last lursday in Henderson with her e other, Mrs. C. O. Phelps. " Miss Emma Parham of Oxford is siting in the iome of Mr. and Mrs. w rymond Harls. Mrs. W. G. ICgerton, Mrs. Marvin v nithey, Mr. und Mrs. Edwin Rus11 and Ethel Russell visited in the >me of Dr. Garland Carter of ^ jydton, Va., last Sunday. n Mr. A. H. Braswell spent Sunday Henderson with his wife and n tie son, A. H. Jr., who are in aria Parham hospital. Mr. and Mis. Harvey Gilliland sited relatives in Rocky Mount mday, s] Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Piner of ilson spent 3unday in the home p Mr. and Mi's. H. K. Kenyon. y Afton Items o c Miss Jim C ark spent the week n d with her brother, Mr. O. F. ark, at Inez. a Mr. Richar l Davis of Wake t< >rest visited In the home of Mr. W. Burrougti, Sunday. F Miss Mattie L. Fuller spent the ;ek end with friends in Lexington, g: C. h Mr. and Mr; . Fred Mabry and B====g;= * AI for We expect to ha1 and r( I A We wish to annoi this month ) S 8] We a HARM Phone 176-J rreiiton, Ncrth Carolina V omen hildren of Henderson spent Sunay in the home of Mr. D. P. Linier. Mrs. Alice Pinnen, sons Sam and lart, and Maurice Pinnell spent the reek end with her mother in Rich, lond. Miss Anna. Weaver spent Monday nth Miss flattie Puller. Mr. P. W. Croper was In Henderon on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Pinnell of lenderson spent Sunday with relaIves here. Mrs. E. L. Green, Misses Cora ireen and Rowena Wood and Mr. nd Mrs. Buck Green of Durham rere visitors in the home of Mr. P. f. Reams Sunday. .1.. n i u ? -r TT 1 mi. iiiuiy oiieanii in nenaerson isited his sister, Mrs. S. G. Moretz, unday. Mr. S. G. Moretz of Durham spent ne week end with Mrs. Moretz. Mrs. Boyd Reams and daughter, 'ranees, spent Friday with her lother, Mrs. E. L. Green. Mrs. W. H. Martin spent the week nd with her sister, Mrs. Newman, 1 Richmond, Va. Mrs. Sue Mabry spent Sunday 1th Mrs. D. P. Limer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daniel were isitors in Henderson Tuesday evenig. Mr. P. W. Croper attended the B. P. U. banquet in Oxford Wed. esday evening. Mr. J. William Limer was a busiess visitor in Warrenton Monday. Ridgeway Items Mrs. Burk of Durham visited her ister, Mrs. Gilbert Scott, Sunday. One day recently Mrs. Panton of ialeigh visited her aunt, Mrs. T. B. Williams. XT rc TTnrua TJnllnolr onrl r?Vn1Hron AVAAtJ* MUMWA Httu ViiMUi V** f Drewry attended the service at rood Shepherd church Sunday lorning. Mrs. Ella Thome of Warrenton nd her daighter, Mrs, Davis, at. mded services here Sunday. Mr. Rodwell of Norlina was in iidgeway or.e day recently. Tuesday afternoon a special proram of the Woman's Auxiliary was eld at Mrs. James D. Scott's home. Mrs, Mar/in Hardy and Mrs. I _,aun Warren ve our new modern la iady to give you servic March 1 Cash Bas ance that on and after ve will be on strictly ee or call us about our pecial rate coupons. ,pprecia,te your patron S & GAP w v,'|i:r ; " PAGE 5 Fashion . Facts ? i $ Leigh Howard were in our village on Saturday afternoon. Mr. *nd Mrs. Van Dortch visited Mrs. Susan Moss Sunday. Miss Dorothy Wilson of Norlina was a recent visitor here. Mr. John Mayfield and daughter were here one day lately. Last Sunday afternoon Miss May Fleming was in Ridgeway. Mr. Ray Weston was here one day this week. This afternoon, Feb. 12, the M. E. Missirtrmrv snriofv mootc iri?h J vww.vvj 1MVVVU IT1VU Mrs. J. E. Banzet. Mr. Caldwell was here today. Rev. Bierman's text Sunday evening was from the book of Exodus. Marmaduke Items We are having lovely weather for February which we are enjoying after so much bad weather. Mrs. Lola Bennett of Durham is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Haithcock. Mrs. D. L. Robertson and son, Owen, and Master Roy Haithcock visited in Henderson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Ryland of South Hill, Va., called on Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haithcock one day last week. Mr. Alton Davis and family of Henderson spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. H. C. Davis. Misses Nora Davis is visiting relatives in Henderson this week. Several young people around here attended the dance in Warrenton Monday night. Mrs. W. S. Robertson of near Areola visited in the homes of Mrs. ' C. A. Haithcock and Mrs. C. H. Powell Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Alston of Hollister called on her mother one day last week. Rev. Richard Brickhouse and family of Warrenton called on Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Robertson last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. S. W. Powell of Inez called on his mother of this place Sunday afternoon. Mr. Clarence Davis and sister, Susie, also Miss Bessie Powell went to Henderson Sunday afternoon. ? dry j ton 1 " 1 .undry installed ?p hv J >1S ' I the fifteenth of cash basis. 1 lage tDNER arrenton, N. C. |J ' ' ' JSjl ?