5 Vi sePTEMBE^!L K^^^ecord Edified Rate. L^"cblMU# ^ (1Ui Type) 1 ^"ceiits a Word | l> (This Type) I \ Three Cents a Bford (This Type) I a |bbreS?M counted I * words L.flvfc^ MJntaam l#" cluuTfe W?y ^ch*' 556 " Irrtrs ^ |;? w D00n Wedne8dfty' W, Record" ?0 Classified Ads i U Charged I I pupt to Itofukr DbPtay I B Adrcftlson 11 I y, ,4ii BecdTed Orer Telephone II KmrTfOR all occasions. ? e t. Odom. telephone 100-j,i m^LE-THE A. a. wood K; of land on the Macon road I Kilning 32 acres. W. G. Rogers. m^EST-4-HORSE FARM 5 Kj south of Warrenton. 251 K, food low ground. Prefer I K? tenant. S. H. Limer. sl2-tf m^?ST-T\VO. OR THREE-! Kg suite with bath. Steam I K<?j in well located modern I Kjt Apply P O. Box 20, City. I M sl2-4tf ICAL NOTICES' JR1 >TtK - SALE How of the power conferred I Hie in a deed of trust execut-1 ^ the 16th day of April, 1925,1 onH rpnordedl IE office of Register of Deeds fcrtn county, N. C., book 119 181. Default having been made It payment of the notes t-hereCued. I will at the request of bide: of said security, sell to highest bidder for cash, the Lug described real estate: toded on the north by lands Eh. Harris; on the East by is of T. R. Evans; on the South peer known as the Riggan Ave. p town of Vaughan, N. C.; on fest by Old Warren and Hali:oai containing forty acres tor less and known as the L. A. itfl place, and. present home fe aid W. H. B. Riggan. ft of Sale: September 29, 1930. te of Sale: Warren ton, N. C. S. G. DANIEL, < Trustee BMO.VS by publication ' the Superior Court. Big. Sr., Plaintiff, toett Fleming, Defendant, i defendant above named will Wee that an action styled as hs been commenced in the s Court of Warren county. Carolina, for the purpose of H the bonds of matrimony 1 between plaintiff and de He: sill further take ntice that ^ isquired to appear before the clerk within thirty Biter the 6th of September, A. B% and answer or demur to Bkptat of plaintiff or the reBranded in said complaint will Bj^he 28th day ol AugUBt, A J I JOHN S. NEWELL, I Clerk of Superior Court ! B^ysjor Plaintiff a29-4t BflXISTRATOR'S NOTICE B^ qualified as administa-1 Sou uhe estate of Matthew M. 1 deceased, late of Warren I BJ, this is to notify ah perB*% claims against said es Present them, properly verl-1 B*4 the undersigned adminis-1 or before August 15, 1931, B5 douse will be plead in bar B1"^. All persons indebted to ^te ?fll please make imme-1 B Rttlement, B%iSt 15, 1930. B-H-Crossan, Macon, N. CAdministrator J JhlSTRATOE'S NOTICE qualified as administrator [ K* estate of w. L. Harris, deBJ ?te of Warren county, N. Mo notify all persons I ? -uus against the said es-1 present them, properly veri-1 the undersigned at Macon, l or before August 22, 1931, | Wice may be plead in bar l A1 persons indebted to 1 will please make imine-1 22 1930. K CHARLES A. HARRIS, I Administrator i rd'TORS' notice to I creditors \ Qualified as executors of I ^nd testament of Wil-1 Williams, deceased,! County of Kent, State! this is to notify alii raving claims against the! fltti',}^ deceased to exhibit! ^ undersigned at Orand.1 'tst Company office in| 1930 Warrenton, Nt the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, or at the office of Polk & Gibbs, attorneys, Warrenton, North Carolina, on or before the 5th day of September, 1931, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This the 5th day of September 1930. GRAND RAPIDS TRUST COMPANY, ETHELYN B. WILLIAMS HENRY WILLIAMS RALPH W. BULKELEY, s5-6t Executors. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND North Carolina, Warren County. Under the power contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by W. M. Perkins and wife to the undersigned Trustee, and recorded in Warren County Registry, at book 128 and page 13 dated June 21, 1927, and at the request of the owners of the indebtedness thereby secured, default having been made in the payment of same as therein provided I will on Monday, October 20th, 1930, between the hours of 12 M. ana 1 P. M? in front of W. B. My rick's store in the town of Littleton, N. C., Warren county, expose to Public Sale to the highest bidder jfor cash the following described [piece or parcel of land. Lying and being in North Carolina, Warren county, town of Little, 'ton, adjoining the land of R. I. Riggan, H. P. Bonney, and others, and begins at an iron pin, R. I, Riggan corner, on Mosby Avenue; thence along said Avenue N. 11 3-4 E. 73 ft. 4 inches to iron pin, Bonney's corner; thence along Bonney's line N. 80 3-4 W. 162.2 ft. to iron pin, Bonney's in Riggan's line; thence alongg Riggan's line S. 5 W. 67 ft. to iron pin, formerly G. W. Parrish corner in Riggan's line; thence along G. W. Parrish line S. 78 1-4 E. 79 1-2 ft. to pin in Par. rish corner in Riggan line; thence along Parrish line S. 1 12 ft. to iron pin; thence S. 79 1-2 E. 75 ft. to the beginning, containing a little ever one-fourth of an acre. This September 17th, 1930. H. F. BONNEY, sl9-4t. trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred on me by that certain deed of trust executed to me by Richard H. Alston and Lucy Alston, his wife, and Peter T. Williams on the 10th day of January, 1929, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren county, North Carolina, in Book 130, page 288, default having been made in the payment of the i i x* i * ? > *-?- - Dona mereDy securea, i wm, at cne request of the owner and holder thereof, sell, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Warrantor), n. C., at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 13th day of October 1930, the following described tract or parcel of land situated in Pishing Creek Township, Warren County, State of North Carolina: Beginning at a Stake on the East side of the road, corner Lot No. 1, thence along said Road South 45 East 739 feet to a stake, corner Lot No. 3, thence with No. 3 North 52 East 2970 feet to a stake, corner Lot No. 3, thence North 45 West 739 feet to a stake, corner No. 1, thence with No. 1 line South 52 West 2970 feet to the beginning, containing Ffty (50) acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 2 on Foster's Map of the division of the Tucker Tract belonging to said Peter T Williams, and being the same land conveyed to said Lucy Alston by Peter T. Williams and wife by Deed dated March 23rd, 1921, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren county in Book 112, page 88. This the 11th day of September, 1P30. WILLIAM T. POLK, sl2-4t Trustee ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrivx upon the estate of J. A. Tharrington deceased, late of Areola, Warren county, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them, properly verified, to the undersigned at Areola, N, C., on or before September 12, 1631, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This September 12, 1930. ANNIE W. DUKE, Admx. sl2-6t Areola, N. C. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, i Warren County. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. Virgmia-Carolina Power Company vs. J. P. Palmer and wife, Josephine Palmer, Alice Palmer, an infant of the age of 15 years, Luther J. Palmer, James Palmer, Non Compos Mentis, an infant of the age of 16 years, Alex Palmer, Jr., and Emma Palmer, The defendants, J. P. Palmer and wife, Josephine Palmer, Alice Palmer. Luther J. Palmer, Alex Palmer, Jr., and Emma Palmer, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced by the petitioner in the Superior Court of Warren county, North Carolina, to condemn for use in the construction of its transmis sion line from Roanoke Rapids to Buggs Island, N. C., an easement cf right-of-way 150 feet in width over the lands of the defendants situated in Six Pound Township, Warren County, North Carolina, and described as follows, to-wit: All that certain parcel of land in Six Pound Township, Warren county, North Carolina, being parcel No. 91 on plat made by Stone and Webster Eng. Corp., dated March, 1930, being a strip of land 150 feet wide, the center line of which begins on the boundary line between the land of said Palmer's irth Carolina ^! i1 ^.1. * 1 o == Thousands R. Warrer Want Advert W I If you want to bu will find these lit and the cost is eas of all. Otyr 5?an estate and the land of Haywood Shearin's Estate at Station 116126.3; thence N. 63 deg. 31 min. W. 778.1 feet on the boundary line tween the land of said Palmer's Estate and the land of R. L. Summerville's Estate at Station 116904.4, as shown on map hereto attached and made a part hereof. And the said defendants, having an interest in or right to said easement of right-of-way, are hereby notifed that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, on the 26 day of September, 1930, and answer or demur to the petition in said proceeding, or the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This, the 2nd day of Sept. 1930. JOHN D. NEWELL, g.c.g. Clerk Superior Court EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor upon the estate of Miss Margaret Ann Powell, deceased, late of Warren xr /~* <c ?/\ nnt.ifv all UUUIIUJ, X^l. Vi) Viuu +K> vw ?... persons having claims against said estate to present them, properly verified, to the undersigned executor on or before August 15. 1931, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This August 15, 1930. T. E. POWELL, al5-6t Executor EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor upon the estate of S. J. Pritchard, deceased, late of Warren county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them, properly verified, to the undersigned, on or before September 12, 1931, or this notice may be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate settlement. W. E. TURNER and STELLA PRITCHARD, sl2-6t Executors. Henderson, N. C., Route 6. TRUSTEE S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred on me by rvf fmpf ovanntpH Ufiac UWllllIl UCCU U1 uuuv vnvvN.n, to me by Mason Williams and Rosa Williams his wife, on the 1st day of January, 1924, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, North Carolina, in book 121, page 80, default having been made in the payment of the bonds thereby secured, I will, at the request of the owners and holders thereof, sell, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court House door in Warrenton, N. C. at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 6th day of October, 1930, that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Warren ton Township, War. ren County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a large flat rock on the East abutment of Taylor's Mill Bridge and Pishing Creek, and running thence North 25 deg. East 18 chains and 25 links to a threepronged White Oak Tree at the head of a Lane on the Mill path, thence along the Mill Path North 83 1-2 deg. East 1 chain and 40 Links, South 69 deg. East 7 chains and 65 links, North 57 1-2 deg. East 1 chain and 88 links, North 72 deg. East 1 chain and 38 links, North 72 1-2 deg. East 2 chains and 56 links, North 63 1-2 deg. East 3 chains and 48 links, North 74 deg. East 9 chains and 1 link, South 83 deg. East 1 chain and 5 links, North 72 1-2 deg. East 1 chain and 35 links, North 46 deg. East 2 chains and 25 links, North 64 deg. East 3 chains and 70 links, North 45 deg. East 2 chains and 70 links, Norm 82 1-2 deg. East 93 links to a stone on the Mill Road, Mrs. Green's corner (now Frank Newell's), thence North 68 1-2 deg. East 3 chains and 80 links to a stone on the West side of the Warrenton and Louisburg Road where the Mill Road enters the Road, thence along the Louisburg and Warrenton Road South 25 deg. West 6 chains and 9 links, South 7 3-4 deg. West 6 chains and 67 links, South 13 1-2 deg. West 2 chains to a stone on the West side of said Road, thence THE WARREN RE( rr 5 of Citizens ead i Record :isements Each eek y, trade or sell, you tie advts. affective 1 -'i-l- -Li- U my wmnn me icacu yi rm SUrnrii < ' I ! South 88 1-2 deg. West 28 chains to a stone in an open field, thence South 27 deg West 25 chains and 47 links to a stone near a small Dogwood near the Branch, thence West 11 chains and 85 links to Fishing Creek, thence up said Creek about 8 chains to the beginning, containing Fifty-one and onehalf (51 1-2) acres more or less, and being a part of the J. K. Green tract of land. This the 4th day of September, 1930. W. T. POLK s5-4t Trustee. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Warren County. In the Superior Court before the VICiA. Virginia-Carolina Power Company vs. Franke Goode, W. H. Dameron, executor 01 the will of B. B. Williams, deceased, W. A. Kime, Sallie Goode an infant of the age of 19 years, Clara Goode, an infant of the age of 17 years, Eddie Beatrice Goode, an infant of the age of 15 years, Chlorene Goode, an infant of the age of 13 years, Charles E. Goode, an infant of the age of 12 years, and William B. Goode, an infant of the age of 10 years. The defendant, W. A. Kime, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced by the petitioner in the Superior Court of Warrdn County, North Carolina, to condemn for use in the construction of its transmission line from Roanoke Rapids to Buggs Island, N. C., an easement of right-of-way 150 feet in width over the lands of the defendants situated in Six pound Township, Warren County, North Carolina, and described as follows, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Six Pound Township, Warren County, North Carolina, being parcel No. 96 on plat made by Stone and Webster Eng. Corp. dated March 1930, being a strip of land one hundred and fifty (150) feet nnrie the renter line of which be gins on the boundary line between the land of said Goode and the land of Anna J. Gardner at Station 12517G.0; thence N. 63 deg. 31 min. W. 294.0 feet to the boundary line between the land of said Goode and "I bad a stubborn case {? of constipation after a g very severe spell of gri p," S ays Mr. John B. Hutchi- S son, of Neosho, Mo, gj "When I would get eonsti- g pated, I'd feel so slespy, 8 tired and worn-out "When one feels this 8 way, work is much harder gj to do, esi?ecially firm g work. I would have diny | headaches when I could B hardly see to work, but g after I rend of Hack' [ Draught, I began taking j it I did not have the j headache any more. j: "When I have the slug- j gish, tired feeling, I take j: a few doses of Black- j: I tm Drausht and it seems to gg S cany off the poison and I 8 feel just fine. I use BlackI Draught fit regular interH vala, It is easy to take g and I know it helps me." 1 * This medicine is com2 posed of pure botanical g roots and herbs. BLACK-DRAUIH? wSBBM Women who need a tonic should take CABPut Uaed over 50 years.! :ord ' the land of A. T. Conner at Station 1254-70.0; being part of the land conveyed to Lizzie B. Goode and Prank Goode by deed dated March 6th, 1913, from James D. Stuart and wife and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County in Book 103, page 43. A map of said parcel being hereto attached and made a part hereof. And the said defendant, having an interest in or right to said easement of right-of-way, is hereby notified that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, on the 26 day of September, 1930, and answer or demur to the petition in said proceeding, or the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 2nd day of Sept. 1930. JOHN D. NEWELL, g.c.g. clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust to me executed by B. P. Traylor and wife, Lemmie S. Traylor, and duly recorded in Book 110, page 176, Public Registry of Warren County the indebtedness thereby secured being past due. and the holder thereof having directed the undersigned trustee to foreclose, I will offer for sale at public auction for cash, on Saturday, October 4th A. D. 1930 at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in the town of Warrenton, County of Warren, State of North Carolina, the folio wine described real estate: Beginning at a stake 15 feet East from the South East corner of the Fred Wiggins lot on Division Street running thence Westerly along the Wiggins line 219 feet to an iron i stake, corner of Wiggins and Stephen Rose line; thence South 807 3-4 feet to a stake; thence East 208 feet to a stake in the line between Carr Moore's lot and S. W. 1 Rose; thence North along said line 870 feet to the place of beginning, containing four acres and being the property bought of A. P. Paschall. For further description see Deed Book 108, page 104. Tills property being situated in the Town of Norlina. This the 27th day of August, 1930. R. 8. McCOIN, Ken- and Kerr. Trustee Attorneys a29-4t NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND State of North Carolina, County of Warren. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, vs. Maude B. Fowler and Lucian A. Fowler, and the Newell National Farm Loan Association, Defendants. RECORD Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled civil action on the I *********************************** | jL I lav Y< 3 We are I your es so caret pendabl by the t ill bank. < c " r\u V>1U mnmnnmiiminmimmi Warrenton, North Carotins 11 th day of August, 1930, in Superior t Court of said County by the Clerk, C I will on the 6th day of October, r 1930, at 12 o'clock M., at the County u Courthouse door in said county sell s at public auction to the highest d bidder therefor the following de- a: scribed lands, situated in said coun. d ty and state in Fork Township, o comprising 735 acres, more or less, si and bounded and described as fol- a lows: All that certain lot, tract or par- li eel of land containing seven hun- p dred and thirty-five (735) acres, 2 more or less, located, lying and be- le ing in Fork Township. Warren county, State of North Carolina, be. a ing bounded on the North by the t< lands of R. E. Williams, Lizzie Alston and Arch Alston Estate; on 1! the East by the lands of Lucian Fowler and W. A. Connell; on the si South-South-West by Maple Creek, the lands of Henderson T. Alston, C. E. Jackson, J. B. Williams estate ana W. H. Dameron. and Grassy tl Prong branch; and havttng such ci courses, metes and distances as will n more fully appear by reference to p, a plat thereof made by J. D. Palmer, e< suveyor, October 7th, 1924, which t! plat is on file with The Federal fl Land Bank of Columbia, Deeds for fC same to be found recorded in Book 01 86, Page 483 and Book 57, page 423, 0< Warren Registry. d The terms of the sale are as fol- rr lows: One-fifth (1-5) of the accepted bid shall be paid into Court in cash, immediately after the confirmation of the sale, the balance on credit, payable in Nine (9) equal ? annual installments, with interest ? thereon at six (6) per centum per annum, from the date of sale until paid, and secured by a first mort: gage of the premises on the part of u the purchaser: provided, that the *: purchaser shall have the right, 1 when complying with the terms it hereof, to pay in cash the whole or ^ any part of the credit portion of the J, purchase price. Should the cash D proceeds of the sale not suffice, after paying the costs of this action, the expenses of the sale including ?c the compensation of the Commis- J sioner, and all unpaid taxes and pi assessments, then assessed upon the St property, to discharge and pay off m the judgment in favor of the plain- " tiff in full, then and balance due upon said judgment shall be evidenced by a separate bond and seemed by a first and separate mortgage on the premises on the part 1 of the purchaser, and transferred and assigned to the plaintiff. The purchaser shall pay for the pre- ri paration and recording of all papers J including the requisite revenue r< stamps; provided, however, that ? revenue stamps need not be placed r cn the deed of conveyance to the | plaintiff, should it become the pur- I chaser, or on the bond securing 0 any balance due the plaintiff on its, J judgment. " ' | All bids will be received subject AAAAJA A-AAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I A A AAA AAA AAAA AAA A A AAAAAAA. e You Selec uir Trustees of the sincere opinion tate cannot be adminis ully, so efficiently, or s y by a private individu ;rust department of a s i' Us Describe C Trust Plans T}. zens D'd Warrenton, N. C. i??niiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""|||||IIIIMn PAGE 9 o rejection or confirmation by the llerk of said Superior Court and to bid will be accepted or reported inless its maker shall deposit with aid Clerk at the close of the bidling the sum of ! seven Hundred nd Eighty-one and 83-100 ($781.83) iollars, as a forfeit and guaranty f compliance with his bid. the ame to be credited on his bid when ccepted. Notice is now given that said inds will be resold at the same lace and upon the same terms at o'clock P. M. of the same day un>ss said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfieted or ccepted will be promptly returned > the maker. This the 2nd day of September, 330. JULICJS BANZET, 12-4t Commissioner. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of le estate of Cora T. Wilson, debased, late of Warren County, orth Carolina, this is to notify all ersons having claims against the state of said deceased to exhibit :em to the undersigned at his ofce in Warrenton, N. C., on or be>re the 22nd day of August, 1931, this notice will be pleaded in bar ' their recovery. All persons Inebted to said estate will please ian.c liiuncuia-te puymexii/. This the 20th. day of August, 1930. PRANK H. GIBBS, Executor of the Estata of Cora T. Wilson. a22-6t >AYS OF SUFFERING NOW QUICKLY ENDED Th< n?xt time you Its t one of these days, * the imtant relief yam get with Dilhed't ipergum. Almoit before 70a know it tb< pais stppears, your nerves suddenly relax, with Atprrgum yon the ? the pain away. Fox it tht finest aspirin obtainable pat up in (trial gun forth. No* you ran take aspirin y time, any place. No water. No bitter ste. No choking sensation. Because you chew illard's Atprrgum the aspirin mixes thoroughly ith the saliva so that all Its soothing qualities e elective quickly, continuously. t It brings quick relief from achiug heads, toothhe, the paina of nsuritls. r.earalges, even fhra? atism. If your druggist don not bare DiUnrd't ipergum. lend for a free sample to Health roducta Corporation, Dept. A 113 North ].3tb reet, Newark, N. J. -famous the world ov?j n Pinaud's M - Shampoc n Leaves your hair lustrous, healthy, and not too dry! At your dealer's?or send 5 a pHfl for full-size bottle to Pinaud Ig2?rj Dept. M? 220 ? 21 St. New York. [Sample bottle free, """T Kixttxutuuumumttttm n i 11 ted I I that tered o deal as table |; )ur ink I ' ; itim?ni??iHnmwfflw

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