PAGE 6 (jarewnmi<t?mtiuimmumujwwh Society Items WHAT IS GOOD "What is the real good?" I asked in musing mood. Order, said the law court; Knowledge, said the school; Truth, said the wise man; Pleasure, said the fool; Love, said the maiden; Beauty, said the page; Freedom, said the dreamer; Home, said the sage; Fame, said the soldier: Equity, the seer:? Spake my heart full sadly, ?- j. ? "The answer is not ncic. , Then within my bosom Softly this I heard: "Each heart holds the secret; Kindness is /the word." .. Misses Emily Milam, Alma Kimball and Sally Paige Perkinson attended a teachers assembly in Raleigh Friday. Mrs. J. D. Newell and son, Mr. Norman Newell, visited Mrs. Newell's sister, Miss Elizabeth Hunter, in Raleigh Friday. Mrs. Buck Duke of Norlina was in town Monday. Mrs. W. J. Coker and Miss May Bell were visitors in Henderson on Tuesday. Mesdames L. W. Perkinson and M. H. Hayes of Wise were in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerman Walker and daughter of Warren Plains were in town Tuesday. Mrs. Mamie Beckwith of Petersburg is visiting in the home of Mrs. Hannah Arrington. Misses Sue Thompson, Janet Hall, Messrs. Robert and Sam Alston spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egertcn in City Point, Va. Mr. Bolton Williams of Petersburg, Va. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Kate Williams. Mr. Bob Bell of Churchill was here Wednesday. Mr. Tom Weldon of Wise was in town cn Wednesday. Friends of Mr. A. C. Blalock are glad he is out again after being confined to his home for several days on account of sickness. Mr. Fate Weaver of Axtelle was in tr.wn Wednesday. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Falkener, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Falkener, Mrs. W. G. Rogers, Mrs. W. H. Alston and Dr. and Mrs. William Falkener of Newport News, Va., attended the funeral of Mr. Andrew Falkener at Goldsboro last Friday. Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Falkener of Newport News, Va., were visitors at Warrenton last week. Mrs. R. B. Boyd Jr. was a visitor in Henderson last week. Mrs. T. A. Baxter of Ridgeway was a visitor at Warrenton last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hunter and son, Bob, of Norfolk were in War- : renton for a short while Saturday enroute to Durham where they spent the week end. ' (Miss Rosa Jackson of Chase City was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Palmer. She returned to : Chase City on Sunday night, ac- ; companied by Mr. E. G. Allen and Mr. W. T. Polk. Mrs. Emily Bendict spent tne week end at Weldon, returning to Warrenton on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hart and son of Raleigh were visitors here on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore and children spent Sunday afternoon with relatives in Sixpound township. Misses Lettie and Vivian Ellington and Mr. Fred Smathers of Reidsville were recent guests of Miss Zenobia Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Watson spent the week end at Lynchburg, Va., with relatives. Miss Katherine Arrington is spending several days in Richmond. Miss Annie Guilford attended an Eastern Star meeting at Goldsboro last week. s Misses Mattie Wiggins Dameron and Caroline Ward of Peace College, Raleigh, spent the week end here. Mesrs. Clement King of Greensboro and P. J. Hunter of Petersburg were visitors at Warrenton last week. Mrs. Annie Guilford left Warrenton on Saturday to spend some time ..liL "1 _ ! _i. /-? I wiui relatives at ureensDoro. Mr. R. C. Cox, principal of the John Graham school, spent the week end at Raleigh and Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Baskerville were visitors at Red Lawn, Va., on Wednesday. > Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Jcnes were guests of Miss Kate Arrington at Rocky Mount several days this week. Mrs. M. I. Randolph and Miss Mildred Bell of Faison were week end guests of Miss Mary Randolph at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ellis. Mrs. H. C. Ruth and daughter, Lois Jean, of Raleigh, are spending Warranto!, North Carolfa t r News > this week in the home of Mrs. Ruth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hicks. Mrs. Alice Taylor of Sudan, Va., was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Alpheus Jones, this week. Mrs. Marion Taylor of Sudan was a guest of Mrs. Gordon Poindexter several days this week. Mesdames A. D. Harris Sr., W. M. Gardner and A. C. Blalock were visitors in Henderson Wednesday afternoon. Miss Frances Mariner of New Bern was the week end guest of Miss Tempe Boyd. Miss Lucy Weldon of Warren Plains shopped here Monday. Mrs. H. V. Scarborough and Mrs. Virginia Pearsall spent the week end in Raleigh attending the teachers meeting. Misses Mariam Boyd and Frances Robertson spent Friday afternoon in Raleigh. Misses Mariam Boyd and Edith Burwell, Mrs. W. A. Burwell and little Miss Mariam Boyd spent Saturday night in Kinston. They were accompanied home by Mrs. H. A. Boyd who has visited Mrs. W. A, Graham for two weeks. Mr. W. T Powell and Constable R. O. Snipes were visitors at Raleigh Saturday. Mr. Ernest Harris of Inez was a visitor here this week. Miss Elizabeth Stackhouse, member of the Macon school faculty, spent the week end at her home in Mullens, S. C. Miss Laura Boyd was a visitor at Vaughan on Sundky. Mr. Robert Shaw of Macon was a visitor here this week. Mr. Clifford Robertson of Marmaduke was a visitor here this week. John H. Fleming of Ncrlina, Cominissioner-elect, and W. J. Pinnell of Afton, Sheriff-elect, sold tobacco on the Warrenton market this week. Mr. Crcmwell Daniel of Littleton was a visitor here this week. Mr. W. E. Davis of Creek was a visitor at Warrenton on Tuesday. Mr. F. B. Neal of Judkins was a recent visitor here. Mrs. W. S. Robertson and son, Forest, of Areola, were visitors here Thursday. Mr. Buck Wilson of Manson was a visitor at Warrenton this week. Mr. John P. Leach, Mr. Frank Rainey and Chief Toppings of Littleton were visitors at Warrenton this week. Mr. Buxton Midyette of Jackson and W. H. Yarborough of Louisburg were professional visitors here this week. Mr. John H. Kerr Jr. was a business visitor at Raleigh this week. R. Getty Browning of Raleigh, chief locating engineer of the State Highway Commission, was a visitor at Warrenton on Tuesday. Mrs. A. H. Walker, Mrs. W. A. Connell Sr. and Miss Lucie Webb attended the State Florist exhibit at Raleigh this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilker and sons, Leonard Jr. and Raymond, and Miss Carrie Martin visited relatives in Bracey, Va., on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. G. Wilson and Mr. Boyd Wilson of near Warrenton, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hamlet of Littleton, Miss Helen Burchette of Warrenton and Miss Eula Wilson of Concord, attended the Spathey-Wilson wedding which took place November 7th at 6 o'clock p. m., at St. Paul's Episcopal church, Richmond.! Mr. and Mrs. w. CJ. Kooinson ana Mr. Joseph A. Robinson of Lynchburg, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Fishel in Vaughan. Mr. James E. Robinson cf Lynch, burg, Va. spent Armistice Day with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Fishel in aughan. MISS ROOKER HOSTESS Miss Elizabeth Rooker was hcstess fo the Young Ladies Missionary scociety of the Methodist church at her home on Main street. Eighteen members were present. Devotional exercises were lead by Mrs. John Rodpers. Papers were read by Mrs. Virginia Pearsall, Clifton Bobbitt, Misses Lucy Boyd and Helen Duke. A nominating committee of three was appointed to select officers This committee will report their candidates at the next meeting of the society. The nrcolr r\f Droror WTO C HlCP.11.QRpH fl t. TT Wlk \JX A A U J V* nww v??wvvwvvv< some length and especial emphasis was placed upon its importance in developing the spiritual life of the church. Delicious ice cream with whipped cream and cake was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. E. Rooker Sr and Mrs. J. E. Rooker Jr. PHILATHEAS MEET Mrs. E. T. Harris and Mrs. T. R. Frazier were joint hostesses to members of the Philathea class of the Baptist church at their home on Ridgeway Street. An Armistice Day program was carried out. ? THE mmiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiniiwii and Evei inminiiiniimrnmiMHtnriiinnHMiimi Decorations were in red, white and blue. Twenty-two members were present. Miss Mamie Gardner read "Ann and Phoebe Cary" and "Nobility," J the latter recently written by Mrs. V. L. Pendleton. Mrs. S. O. Nunn impressively read "In Flanders T-V! .1 J 11 neia. Cherry ice cream with pound cake was served. Red, white and blue baskets of salted nuts were on each plate. P. T. A. TO MEET Members of the Parent-Teachers association of the John Graham school will meet at the school building on next Friday afternoon, November 21. All parents are urged to be present. Members of the organization are asked to save their Octagon soap wrappers and bring them to the meeting next Friday. The association directors hope to secure enough of these wrappers to secure silverware for the cafeteria as a premium. NICHOLSON-HUNTER Announcements reading as follows have been received by friends in Warren: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Burrows announce the marriage of their daughter, Mrs. Ruth Burrows Hunter, to Mr. John Joseph Nicholson on Thursday, November sixth, nineteen hundred and thirty, Ma. con, North Carolina. TO HOLD TOURNAMENT The Warrenton Woman's Club will hold a bridge tournament at the home of Mrs. W. R. Baskerville on Friday afternoon, November 21, at 2:45. o'clock. Proceeds will be used for the benefit of undernourished children. Citizens of town and county desiring to reserve tables are asked to telephone Mrs. Edmund White, chairman, or Mrs. T. J. Holt. MRS. HOLT HOSTESS Mrs. W. N. Boyd, Mrs. L. B. Beddoe and Miss Dorothy Walters with nine members of her club enjoyed an interesting game of auction bridge at the home of Mrs. T. J. Holt on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. D. Rodgers was presented with the high score prize. Miss Dorothy Walters received the consolation token. A chicken salad course with hot chocolate was served. NICHOLSON-HUNTER MACON, Nov. 13.?On Thursday afternoon, November 6, in the Vance Hotel, Henderson, with Rev. E. C. Shoe officiating, using the impressive ring ceremony, Mrs. Ruth Burrows Hunter, became the bride of Jchn Joseph Nicholson. Only a few relatives and friends "attended the VV 1 VittVMJ Mrs. Nicholson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Burrows of near Macon, and with her charming personality has won many friends throughout this state and Virginia. Mr. Nicholson is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nicholson, and is a prominent business man of Macon where the couple will make their home. Manson News Misses Edna and Louise Paschall of Drewry took supper Monday night with Mrs. A. B. Paschall. Mrs. S. J. Satterwhrte and little Doris Satterwhite spent Friday evening of last week in Henderson. Miss Frances Dowling spent one THE GIFT ---that YOUR PH( Make Atitoolntment NowI Phone 444 ?mt;i?iiiiiiii)?ii?>?iimiii!!iiiii!!i:::it Cash Company Speci Men's Broadcloth Shirts w good $1.00 value, 68c, 2 for $1 Boys' Part Wool Sweaters, coai ?good $1.25 value, 98c. | : Men's Heavy Work Socks, 10c ,:: Not only above items but we new styles and new Fall mere] to pay. 1 : See our New Hats and Oxfoi THE CAS1 Sail (or Oufe (or Um WARREN RECORD <i?HiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMii?Hminmin its of InU mumnriimiHiimmiMiunuimmMiiit: night last week with Miss Julia Currin of Middleburg. Mrs. W. B. Brack and daughter, Eleanor, spent last Wednesday in Henderson shopping. Quite a number of the Manson people attended the play given at Drewry high school on Friday night. We are glad to learn that Mrs. J. K. Dill is improving after several days of illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Hecht in Nor lina. Mrs. M. V. Fleming, Mrs. W. S. .Collins and Mrs. R. L. Watkins spent last Wednesday evening in Henderson Mrs. Ben Loyd and Miss Jennie Dowling spent one afternoon last \veek in Henderson shopping. Mr. Arthur Dill who is working in Drewry, spent the past week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowling and little daughter, Martha Ann of Henderson, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. J. W. Dowling. Inez Items The Baptist Missionary Society met with Mrs. Tom Davis last Friday night A large number were present. Mrs. George Davis was in charge of the program. Delicious hot chocolate and sandwiches were served. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Davis and children of Edenton were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Powell Friday night. Miss Edith Benson spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Christine Davis. Mr. O. F. Clark and son, James, also Miss Jimmie Clark and Mrs. L. H. Benson visited Mrs. Mattie Cullom of Wilson Sunday afternoon. A large number of young people visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Benson's Sunday afternoon and night. Messrs. Robert and Sam Alston also Miss Sue Thompson visited Mrs. Annie Belle Edgerton of Hopewell, Va. Sunday. Macon Route 2 Mesdames Prank Overby and Harvey Haithcock of Macon visited Mrs. W. H. Harris last Saturday. Mr. Willie Pegram of Littleton visited Mr. Lewis Lancaster several Home Made Pulled Candy In different colors Call it-- i n n-U.. wrs. J. u. raiuiei Phone 169-J ?m?mmmmmm????mm only you can give )TOGRAPH Goodrich Studio Homer Building Henderson, N. C. mmmmmtmmnmmmmtnnmnm t: als For Week Nov. it hite, stripes, tan and blue .35. t or slip-over blue and buffpair. have priced our entire stock of handise at prices you can afford rds. Call and let us show you. ? CO., INC. Buy for Oaah tor Lorn imitiiiiNiiiiiiiiinni??nmmn??i?ii : I Whim ;rest to W Mrs. B. G. Riggan visited her sis- i ter, Mrs. D. W. Pegram Sunday af-[i ternoon. Mrs. W. H. Harris and daughter, i Miss Jessie, visited Mrs. Vinder Pe- < gram last Monday evening. < Mrs. Ben Thompson visited Mrs. S. J. Stallings Saturday. ] Miss Annie Lancaster visited Miss < Jessie Harris Sunday evening. i Mr. J. J. Marshall of Rt. 3 was l a visitor in the home of Mrs. D. W. : Pegram Tuesday. i Mr and Mrs. wane ana Mr. Edgar Thompson of Vaughan were ? recent visitors in the home of Mr. ( and Mrs. Ben Thompson. Mrs. Henry Marshall of Rt. 3 r spent Friday night with her niece, Mrs. A. B. Odom. Ridgeway Items i Miss Hazel Grant has returned l from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Lassiter at Potecasi. t Mrs. Whitaker attended the Sun- c day morning service at Good Shepherd church with Mr. and Mrs. i Spencer Scott. ] Mrs. Hope Bullock and little ... ... _ JA i , La< an< Ke $5.95 Dress $9.95 Dress $14.95 Dres n $25.00 Coat $35.00 Coat $37.50 Coat Spec I Ri f 9.95 $10.50 $13.50 $15.00 $16.75 $22.50 $25.00 Chi: "P* I The Abo WA Depa I v????? / ton, North CnroUan FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 193q j " I I Fashion I /omen '| Facts I vrr onri Mrs H P. Stephenson! Fiends are sorry to knew that anTiitUe d^htfr Hazel, of Sev- Mr Wley Lancaster is confined t! S spent S^day with her par- *. bed with tonsiht^ mts, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Grant. real ESTATE transfers i Rev. Midyette preached an ap- Hla Coley w Raymond D propriate and helpful sermon aun- erson) 8 U) acres in Sandj, I jay night from the text, Eph. 6.iu townshp; J. S. Manning and Thom. I t the M E church. It was an- as H. Calvert, Commissioners to R I lounced that there would not be H. Gregory, The Winston House and I louncea lot in Wairentcn; W. G. Eeertnn I mother service there until the ne ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ninister comes. acre m vaughan; Max Perman and H< Mr Horace Robinson of Hender- wife to W. H. Dameron, lot in War I rr was in Ridgeway one day re- renton; R. S. McCoin, Trustee to Hi 'ZZ R- p" Ferkinson Bros., lets in Nor-1 Mr Riees of Raleigh was here lina; H. L. Falkener and wife to I Mr. Riggs 01 Nannie J. Moseley, lot in Warren I Tuesday morning. ton Crowbate Item* Rowan county land that win DrQ. 1 uuuc St UH e 01 line cotton will also I Friends regret to learn that Mr. pr0duce fiom 400 to 500 pounds ot U Will Mangum's home was burned Korean lespedeza seed which sells I Sunday morning. at 20 cents a pound, reports W g I Mr. Fernie Miller was the .supper Yeager, county agent. juest of Mr. Irvin Lancaster Sun- ? 'lay. Additional storage space had to ^H]c Mr. Nat Miller of Vicksboro was | he provided to house the delivery Hci he guest of his sister, Mrs. J. E. of cotton made this Fall to the Co- Hw Bailey Saturday. operative association by farmer! oi Mr. 'and Mrs. G. H. Miller and Richmond county. V dies Goats 1 d Dresses 1 fduced 33 f/0 i ??o no " es now $3.20 I es now $6.63 | tses now $9.97 idies Coats E :s now $16.67 aL s now $23.33 8 now $25.00 Imu! ial Lot Sport p A Be all Coats p ^ 1 PAn/ fcS educed 3U/0 p now $ 4.98 We-Di now $ 5.25 mfL__ now $ 6.75 Rati now $ 7.50 Khfh now $ 8.38 j&paiv now $11.25 ft V now $12.50 ftin Idrens Coats 1| iduced 33$ |g ve Prices For Cash Only BV] RRENTON 1 irtment Store j|

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