MflURATE, TERSE timely Kg BECOMES! n RECORDER M Lnuor Cases On Court fj-fC One Case Tried, I mj,e Other Continued Ie T. 0. RODWELL m. 0$ two co.ou anu u: had his license revoked ( ftth Carolina lor a period of i fcu on the charge of driving titer the influence of liquor. "her case before Dr. Taylor v? morning was postponed for ?:.en John Simon Kearney, was to face a charge of fc the Eighteenth amend "??ed for a jury trial. pft bar association tribute to rodwell ' ^appreciation of the service of j Rodwell as Judge of the Re- ] s Court for fifteen years the County Bar Asscciation on : * ' Passed the following reso- ( the Honorable T. O. this day. December 1st. ! ^Pletes fifteen years of 1 15 Judge of the Warren 1 "borders Court, and that m the discharge of the l.j; that office he has tern- ( <-ce with mercy, has fur- ! cause of law and order ( county and dealt fairly ! Arties before his court, j -inducted the hiisinpss rf I? an able and efficient | ? a means of . ^ esteem and high re- ' J H?horable T. o. Rodiration for t[le courtiKtgll" by the Honorable , 5"1 5t'-;ed by 'he Bar of War- , thic l^at the Presiding ; Court, the Hon. W. ] .guested to direct ] 'his court to spread , .j. UUs cf this court a ] resolution, and that ; w> Hon. t. o. Rodwell ! 5a res?iution, and have Published in The , and the Norlina | it Department Store Robbed; Loss Runs Into the Hundreds Entering through a bcred-out J hole in the back door, robbers stole | goods from the Warrenton Department Store early yesterday morning to the extent cf several hundred dollars. Exact loss cannot be determined until a thorough check is made of the stock. The loss is estimated at from three to five hundred dollars. No clues have been fcund. The robbery was discovered about 5 o'clock on Thursday morning by Night Officer Lovell who telephoned W. H. Alston, manager of the store. Investigation revealed that entrance had been made by boring out holes in the lower panel of the dcor and that ladies clothing, coats, men's suits and overcoats, hats shces hose and ether goods had been removed, and a few dollars change had been taken from the cash drawer. Iron bars covered the upper part of the door, and the cash drawer was opened with a combination, leading officers to believe that the robbery was committed by some one familiar with the arrangements in the store. Sheriff's Books In Perfect Condition, Auditor Declares "Sheriff Williams bcoks are as in as near perfect condition as it is ?possible for a set of books to be," . Frank Gorham of Gorham & Co., A accountants of Greensboro, reported to the board of county commissioners in regular session here on Monday. Mr. Gorham has been in the county for several days audit- ] ing the bcoks of the sheriff pre- Fo paratory to a final settlement. v/c - - . _ r Mr. Gorham told the memoers 01 an the board that in all his experience, Ed covering a number of years and trc audits in almost every county, that an be had never found the sheriff's sts books in better condition. Every ] cent was properly accounted for and not a clerical error found. on The board congratulated Sheriff el" Williams and ordered that a minute Sc be made of Mr. Gorham's finding. dl] Friends here feel that the finding cf the auditor was not only a great th( compliment to Sheriff Williams, but wc also to Miss Gayle Tarwater, his of- otJ fice deputy, who has kept the re- scl cords for that office. 0j Health Seals Are On m< Sale At Drug Stores m< Ml Christmas Health Seals have been placed on sale at both drug stores at Warrenton, Mrs. C. P. Allen, local seal sale chairman, announced 0i yesterday. 1,0 Letters bearing these seals have '1 ?111 be.en received by many citizens of this section with the request that ' checks be mailed the chairman to cover the seals. Those who failed , ! re. -onoiim fKoir snnnlv or at the . LU 1CV/U?C q h time felt that they were unable to "" purchase them, are urged by Mrs. dlt Allen to visit the drug stores and un buy as many as they can. As Mrs. Allen pointed out last week, 75 per cent of the money re- JV ceived from the sale of these seals will remain in the county to .be used in waging the fight on tuberculosis. The remainder will be sent I to national headquarters to be used ho in the fight on the Great White 17-< Plague. ih In addition to the money derived from the sale of these seals to in- ] lividuals, thirteen business houses Mi of Warrenton have purchased da Health Seal Bonds. These bonds Mi sell for $5.00 each and the business Re firms were solicited by John Mitch- of ell, cashier of the Citizens Bank. j. :nf HARDY APPOINTED of C. N. Hardy was appointed school in wmmittfipmen for the Embro Dis- ] trict by the ccunty board of edu- lie: nation in regular session here on He Monday to fill the vacancy caused ha by the resignation of Thomas Neal. wi Other matters before the board Mi w ere of a routine nature and the I ho: board adjourned early in the afternoon. Uj SMALL FIRE YESTERDAY Gasoline overflowing from a stove and catching fire cn the floor was ' responsible for filling the new pn negro Sanitary Barber Shop in the on Reavis building with smoke and dei fumes, causing the fire alarm to Gi be turned in. Negro citizens gather. 1 p.l about the building put out the nii fire before the company arrived, ch: No damage resulted. inf of SON BORN nig Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hud- pri ?ins cn November 24. a son, Gene I So MacRae. tea xxxxn Y OF WARREN, N. C.t FRI BREAKS I . Miller AT cur UPAbout I860, ( Lord Lister, one of England's qreatest surgeons,vtas appalled \ by fne hiqh death rate i ' I ? ' % I _ r Replaced In Office J [f Edward Alston, citizen of the' rk, could have his way there uld be at least two changes' long Warren ccunty officials. J. ward Allen would no longer con. >1 the schools of the county and other citizen would replace P. M. illings as county auditor. Mr. Alston, evidently under the pression that Monday was the day which the board of education e c t e d a Superintendent of hools, appeared before that body ring its Monday's session and d its members that he thought, p best interest of the county' uld be served by selecting some] ler citizen as superintendent of( aools. He made known the name no candidate. The board names e superintendent at the April leting. Meeting with no reply from the. ,'mbers of the board of education, J p. Alston crossed the hall into; u room where the commissioners j ire in session. He told members j that body what he had told the ard of education about Mr. Al ? - -!_ ! i. "Mr. Allen has his gocn points d he has his weak ones. I think ere should be a change," he said, feel the same way about Mr. allings. He has good points and d ones. I think you gentlemen ould name another citizen as au-. ;or." The board proceeded by animous vote to re-elect P. M. allings as county auditor. Irs. E. W. Thompson Dies On Wednesday Mrs. E. W. Thompson died at her me at Macon on Wednesday irning at 3 o'clock. She had been declining health for several inths. Funeral services were held at the icon Methodist church on Thurs-j y afternoon by the Rev. J. A. i irtin. Dr. J. T. Gibbs and the v. R. H. Broom, former pastors Mrs. Thompson, and the Rev. J. Marshall, a neighbor, paid glow-,1 t tribute to the Christian life1 Mrs. Thompson. Interment was' the Macon cemetery, vlrs. Thompson is survived by r husband, two daughters, Miss len Thompson of the Jchn Gra-j m school faculty, and Mrs. u-ame illiams of Macon, and by a sister, j ss Florence Lamb, who made her me with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Destrick Schule" To Be Presented 'The Destrick Schule," will be jsented at the Parish House here Friday night, December 12, unr the direction of St. Mary's iild of the Episcopal church. Plans were discussed and comttees appointed to select the arcters for the play at the meet-. r of the Guild held at the home Mrs. B. R. Palmer cn Tuesday. ;ht. The meeting was opened with' ayer by the president, Mrs. Jack Dtt. Sandwiches, pickles and hot' i were served by the hostess. ' if 10; WARRENTON, COUNT LUCKYi ! ByCR H? WAS A QRt JTv2?J|ffonents . 14 to 15. The second game of the season , comes off this afternoon a; 2:30 > o'clock when the John Graham boys ? play the Macon high school on the Warrenton court. ,