-"MATE, TERSE WL TIMELY Kume xxx In:. \II) THE L OF COUNTY I rhristm^ Opportunr K Taken By Citizens; others Rcntflin | clothes needed r . of Warren have reWf,0 the appeal of Miss Lucy oiTic?r. and taken P1 thP Christmas opportunity i ^ vveek- The wel v expressed her IfL'cV the" splendid spirit K^ra'ion shown by Warren I -Vizens in the effort to prof... -, destitute of the jgt pointed out that other ffl-wes yet remained, tse opportunities were listed K,y.\ colored woman with an tj husband, and five children, 3?Invalid colored woman K ;; ? with son who has large K': needs icod | 5?Colored woman whose Kt; :> unable to find work ft- 7-Colored family with six rather can get work only t 3: time, needs help, ft: (-Mo t with six children K sii can get work only part ft:r;e colored. j 10?Colored widow with six needs help. 1.11?Negro woman deserted hsband. with four children, ? help. 112?White woman with little v ;; support has two children, s help. : 13?Colored family with children. needs help. i 14?Two colored families zsame house with eleven ire:, needs help. 1.15?White family with four he: would appreciate help. 1 i. IT?Colored family father h work, needs help, c. h?Worthy white family of flfe out of work on account suine*. needs food, to. White family with a sick t:c needs food. : N?Colored family, two afifd children, no father, needs ( I 3 28?Two cclored families six- , ; ciularen. need help. : 21?Old colored woman, needs ( ' : o. 32?Colored family, needs . 3 33?Paralyzed colored woman fc help. , 134?Paralyzed colored man . is help. , ! 33?Afflicted colored woman, , is shod. '( i 36?Afflicted colored boy, < is help. i 5 37?Needy colored woman, | have food. < 133?Large family of white , c-r- needs food and clothing. ( 40?White family of seven ( father out of work need i ! tt-Two needv colored fami- , Sjts focd. , 0 H-Hl colored girl needs , for operation and hospitili- , ha. f fa-Taken. 1 i entertains club l^Hcse Kimball was hostess l-' S:Eb--rs of her club and Ft-Sts at four tables of bridge F- heme of Mrs. John G. Ellis Ihiscay evening. High score |< f! won by Miss Sara 11 F4 Ward and by Mr. Edward i f":e Present were Misses Kath- j r Arnngtcn. Mary Randolph, F Cditon, Leonora Taylor, Lucy >c f Bobby Jonp'<. Sara Ward and.c pi Allen: Messrs. Edward Tar- U f" -'immie Mayfield, Hugh r retail Jor.es. Howard Jones, ( Henderson. Irvin Adams, t F Anderson and William Tay- f polk in new york f^'illiam Polk left on Mon- I |5' for New York where he t the. " ^uusimas noiiaays. i 'Saving Mr. Polk announc- i ly?';.ention of spending a ( Biding. but said that it was ( B":tr:- wculd return to War-1 "r a few days before leav-| B Ms trip that will take him foreign countries. ?- _ j.kinsf.y entertains 1 C- Kiasey attractively en- 1 M?* three tallies of her club at 1? " bridge on Thursday after- < Alpheus Jones received I? Jraze. Mrs. G. B. Gregory < W dub prize while Mrs. Ed 11 Be'as Presented a consolation, j i B^ c?urse _ - i me & i ? i ? I If ft *y: ! ? ? w w w 2Y? 1 a Heavy Snow Causes Earlier Closing Of Warren Schools The heavy snow of Wednesday raused Warrenton schools to close Dn Wednesday, two days earlier, and teachers here have departed for their homes to spend the Christmas holidays. School will reopen on December 31, Supt. Allen announced yesterday. " The snow came down in heavy drifts practically all Wednesday until a depth of about eight or ten inches had been reached. Late in she afternoon the snow changed to sleet for a few hours. Many chiliren and several adults enjoyed sleigh-riding behind automobiles on Wednesday night in spite of the Mtter cold. Yesterday morning school children were to be found aut with their sleighs enjoying the roasting. Rising temperature caused the snow to turn to mush early /esterday afternoon. The weight of the snow caused she side wall and roof of Tarwater's stable to give way here on Wednes iay noon, causing several hundred iollars damage to the building. No stock was in the building at the ;ime. To Carry Dinner To County Home \ Again the embracing spirit of Christmas will reach to the unfor;unates of the county home. The )oard of charities will carry Christnas dinner to them as in years jast. Mrs. V. L. Pendleton, chairman, mnounced yesterday that the ladies )f the south end of Warrenton vould provide provisions this year. They are requested to leave fruit, confectioneries and other good ;hings either at Burroughs or Rigjans grocery stores on Tuesday or Wednesday. The board of charities vill see that it is delivered. The Thanksgiving dinner was provided this year by the ladies of -he north end of town and the adies of the south end are given in opportunity to supply the Christmas feast. T ax Assessors And List Takers To Meet 1 ' ?L AaWP | Tax assessors ana list ttt&uo vill meet at Warrenton in prepiration for their quadrennial assessment of real estate on Mon- I 3ay, December 22, at 10:30 o'clock, J. C. Powell, clerk to the board of ; :ounty commissioners, announced yesterday. Taxpayers who may be interested are invited to attend the meeting. M WARRENTON, COUNT :rry c jc""* 1' 1 % prisonerTask for beefsteak Bad Men Tell Jailer That He Does Not Run Table To Suit Them The trio of bad men are not satisfied with the food supplied by the Warren county jail, Jailer C. E. Lovell said yesterday. They want the county to supply them with beefsteak. This fact was revealed tc the jailer after E. Hardy, Louis Junyers and Francis Shebaski, white men charged with robbing a Norlina filling station, had torn up the jail fixtures a few weeks ago,; and more recently broken a lock cfi[ the cell door, smashed window panes, and continued to break up J the pans in which Mr. Lovell car-j ries them their food twice a day. i Finding that the lock to the cell which holds the prisoners could be opened with a spoon, Mr. Lovell on Saturday secured a heavy chain and a Yale lock to fasten the door. That night the prisoners worked the chain around until the lock' came on the inside and then with the end of the chain hammered the lock open. They then reached through the bars and smashed panes from a nearby window with the end cf the chain. Good pans carried to the cell this week camel back to the jailer bent and hammered. The leader of the trio explained to Jailer Lovell that the food was .-j i_ 4-v.ic foil Ro nointed out OctQ 111 UllO JUUi ??v that in other jails in which he hadl spent his time he was fed beefsteak. "A piece of beefsteak would rattle around in my stcmach like a shot," he said. Mr. Lovell said that he fed the prisoners, plenty -of vegetables, meat and fish; that he gave them the same food that he ate. I give each one of them five biscuits twice a day. These are the only prisoners who have ever kicked against the fare at the jail, he said. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Jones returned from Washington yesterday to spend the Christmas holidays at their home here. TT ITorr ic py Congressman ouuu JTXt XUwii AU v** | pected home for the Christmas holidays tomorrow. Miss Ann Stackhouse of Mullins, S. C., has been spending a few days this week in the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Macon. Mrs. G. H. Macon and children spent the week end at Raleigh. Mr. Johnny Abbctt of Elberon v-as a visitor here this week. Y OF WARREN, N. C., F1 HRTST1V Pf Farming System Blamed Fc Much Suffering In Count; Miss Lucy Leach, welfare work( for Warren county, blames muc of the suffering in Warren cour ty to an unbalanced system < farming. Her work carries her a over the county and into many c the homes of unfortunate people "One of the saddest features ( my work is to go to a heme an find absolutely no food, the work ers unable to find work, and t realize that during the year the could have raised a garden, fed pig, milked a ccw," Miss Leach sai yesterday. "Knowing that winter was com ing on and they had to be fee they put their dependence in cot ton and tobacco, and the disas trous prices have brought to ther destitution. "It seems impossible to get a the people in the county to rais enough food stuff, but much of th suffering this winter might hav been avoided if every one ha worked to grow their fcod an feed. Regardless of the fault c system or man, the fact remain that unless aid is given there wi be much suffering in the count that is likely to lead to tuberculo sis, pellagra and rickgts. "The citizenship of the count is responding splendidly to the ca' to aid their unfortunate fellow citizen. For this I am deepl; grateful and proud. I only hop that this suffering will not hav been in vain and will lead to | better balanced system of agricul ture that will aim a deathblow a the foundation of our troubles." White Men Face Judge Taylor On Whiskey Chargt iTanlkener. Aucie Falkene i&XUVl V * and K. C. Mabry, white men, charg ed with manufacturing whiskey were sentenced to work the road for eight months on Monday morn ing when they were arranged ii Recorder's court at Warrenton be fore Judge W. W. Taylor. Sen tend was susended upon payment of $2. fines and cost. Ise Falkenei charged with the same offense, wa found not guilty. j J. B. Coleman, white man o Macon, was found not guilty o giving a worthless check. Case against Wade Schuster and Willi Walker, charging drunkenness an disorderly conduct and operating ai automobile while under the in fluence of whiskey, were continue( until December 22, when the de> fendants asked for trial by Jury. RID AY, DECEMBER 19, ir , : IAS I 1 ' ^ i / m WARREN POLICE , NAB WHITE MEN 'I Raids By Sheriff and Cont_ stables May Cut Christ,j mas Supply of Com 11 Constable R. O. Snipes, Sheriff W. J. Pinnell and Constable Robert Pinnell have been active in run" ning down whiskey stills during the d past few days and the Christmas supply of corn may be cut as a ;o result thereof. y Raiding in Sandy Creek town a ship on Saturday, Officers Snipes ^ and Robert Pinnell captured four white men, a 75-gallon capacity i- rtr- off!! fitra rrallr*r?e r\f tirVnclrov ^ ol/xix, xxvt 5whwh0 ux mi wavj i, and destroyed about 500 gallons of ;- mash. The still was in operation - in a tobacco barn near the Solon n Southerland place. As a result of the raid, Arcie Falkener, K. C. 11 Mabry and Albert Falkener were le given suspended sentences upon ,e payment of costs and $25 fine each, e Ise Falkener was found not guilty d of the charge of manufacturing d whiskey. if Sheriff W. J. Pinnell and Conis stable Snipes captured a large 11 steam outfit near the old Plummer y place several miles west of Warrenton on Friday night. The still was in full operation at the time, y Grabbing the worm, the operators U ran upon the approach of the of,_ ficers. So close was the pursuit y that the piece of apparatus was e dropped to be recovered by the ofe ficers, but the men made their es- j a cape in the darkness. Several gallons of whiskey and 1500 gallons of t beer were destroyed. Constables R. O. Snipes and R. L. Pinnell captured a 75-gallon galvanized still near the Ben Davis place on Wednesday of last week. The still was not in operation at the time. About 500 gallons of 3 mash were destroyed. 1 r J. H. Thompson, V3, Dies At Oakville s J H. Thompson 73, died at his i home near Oakville on Friday even ing. He had been in poor health e for more than a year. Pneumonia 5 was the immediate cause of death. Funeral services were conducted s at the Warren Plains Methcdist cemetery on Saturday afternoon at f 4 o'clock by the Rev. J. A. Martin, f Mr. Thompson is survived by his s widow, one daughter, Mrs. Henry b Stegall, and by several sons. d \ DEFEAT LITTLETON The John Graham basket ball i team defeated the Littleton quint on - the opponents' field Monday afternoon by the score of 22 to 19. I .<i 'V- x-T ; *1 > w T g.? = i Three Men And Woman Arrested Robbery Charge Unable to raise bond, L. G. i Lnughley and William Smith, white men, are in Warren jail awaiting trial at January term 01 Superior court on a charge of robbing L. C. ^ McNair, manager of Weston Filling Station at the forks of the LiberiaMacon road during the early hours c of Saturday morning. Francis Pit- t tard, white woman, and R. L. i: Moore, white man, also charged p With tVio tV\raff hovu crixror* fr\y* *> n?WM V11V1 V HUf & glWXX k/UilU XVI. a their appearance. fc The woman and three fnen were t arrested Saturday morning by Con. r stable R. O. Snipes after a war- t rant had been sworn out by Mr. c McNair charging them with the \ theft of around $110. They were s given a preliminary hearing Saturday morning before Magistrate f F. B. Newell, who found probable 1 cause. The woman's bond was set \ at $50. Moore was placed under $200 u bond. Smith's bond was placed at r $500 and Laughley's at $50. c Evidence in the case was that v the three men and woman came to f the service station late Friday c r.ight and gathered arcund the fire. After they had been there for some n time, the manager of the place s stretched across a pallet and went c to sleep. When he awoke a sum of tl money he had in his pocket was h missing. No one else came in the o station wnne Mcwair was asleep. t< Missing the money, he accused his b visiters with the theft and swore si cut a warrant for their arrest. K Hold Final Rites For s Solomon W. O'Neal ? a Funeral services for Solomon W. tl O'Neal, 60, were conducted at the a Sulphur Springs Baptist church, s] neai Elberon. on Sunday afternoon IV at 2:30 o'clock by the Rev. Mr. f< Jackscn, pastor. n Mr. O'Neal died at Watt's hospital, Durham, on Friday afternoon a at 5:30 o'clock. He had been in w poor health for several months and in the Durham hospital for two c weeks. ^ Mr. O'Neal is survived by two n tl sons and one daughter. 11 il Guild Members Fill ? Christmas Stockings t! Thirty Christmas stockings were I filled for the poor children of Warren at a meeting of St. Mary's Guild held at the home of Mrs. M. C. McGuire. In addition to the stockings the members also packed ^ 20 bags of clothing. ^ Those present were Mesdames J. ri B. Boyos, Jack Scott, R. R. Weston, d L. B. Beddoe, Misses Kate White ^ Williams, Rowe Jones and Lucy Leach. n Mrs. Ellen Bolton rJ Dies On Monday * Mrs. Ellen Bolton, widow cf the late James Bolton, died at her k home at Merry Mount on Monday 0 afternoon. Paralysis was the cause ? of death. d Burial services were conducted at v the family cemetery by the Rev. * Mr Midyette, Methcdist minister. Q SUNDAY SCHOOL TO HAVE H A WHITE CHRISTMAS S1 The Warrenton Methodist Sun- s> day school will have a white [ Christmas this year. Members of ^ the Sunday school are asked to N bring packages of clothing to the ^ church Sunday morning during the Sunday school hour. These pack- *] ages will be distributed among the i poor families of Warren county. METHODIST TO HAVE CANTATA DECEMBER 28 m A Christmas Cantata will be pre- b( sented at the Warrenton Methodist n: church on Sunday morning, De- A cember 28, at 11 o'clock. The even- gi ing service will he featured by sc special Christmas music. The pub- b< lie is invited to attend these ser- s( vices. w O ARRESTS NEGRO WOMAN w Minnie West, negro woman of M Littletcn, was given a suspended w j sentence upon payment of costs R I when she was tried before Magis- K trate W. C. Ellington at Warrentor on Sunday. She was arrested B by Constable R. O. Snipes on Saturday night when he found her in a drunken stupor on the highway. b CI ATTENDS MEETING 7 G. R. Frazier, field representative h of the North Carolina Cotton Co- d; operative Marketing Association, b; spent Wednesday, Thursday and tl Friday in Raleigh where he has ci been attending a meeting of that tl organization. | a MOST OF THE NEWS ALL THE TIME 4 NUMBfcK 51 NO CHRISTMAS TREE THIS YEAR Funds To Be Used To Relieve Destitute Citizens of Warren County a nnATXTrrm .Uinimi XQL Arruinifiu Changing times bring changing onditions, and this year tHfe gaily inselled Christmas trees that have n years past lent a festival atmosihere to the streets of Warrenton, .nd the community tree sponsored iy the Kiwanis club for the past wo years will be missed. Instead, tioney used for this purpose hereofore will be raised for food and lothing for unfortunate citizens of Varren county at this Christmas eason. Miss Lucy Leach, Welfare Worker or Warren county, and Miss Gayle rarwater, office deputy for Sheriff V. J. Pinnell, who has often volintarily assisted Miss Leach in her elief work, met with the Kiwanis lub at their regular meeting last /eek to discuss with members plans or aiding destitute citizens of the ounty. Following a discussion of these eeds, the members decided to subtitute direct relief in place of the Ihristmas trees of merchants and he large community tree used eretofore. E. E. Gillam, president f the club, appointed a committee o investigate cases referred to it y Miss Leach and to give all posible relief when found worthy. W. 1. Boyd is chairman of this comlittee. Other members are W. R. itrickland and William Hunt. A committee will be appointed to 4-V*rv tvtnw/iVinvifci LU1\/1U IIU1UO 11UU1 111C1 GlUXlitO nd business men of Warrenton for his relief work. Merchants are sked to give the money heretofore pent for the small trees that lined Iain street in front of their stores Dr this charity fund and to donate lore if possible. President Gillam, who has been ctive in community Christmas tree rork for the past two years, yessrday expressed his regret that onditions were such that it would e impossible to have the comlunity tree again this year. He said bat the Kiwanis club did not feel ; proper to spend money for this urpcse when It could be used to revent possible starvation and cerlinly much suffering. Mrs. W. C. Fagg Buried On Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. W. C. 'agg, wife of Magistrate Fagg of Warrenton, were held at the Warenton Methodist church on Sunay afternoon at 4 o'clock by the :ev. J. A. Martin. Interment was in ae Providence church cemetery ear Elberon. Mrs. Fagg became ill with neuitis on Tuesday of last week and ied on Saturday morning at 9:30. [eart failure was the cause of eatn. sne was 62 years or age. Mrs. Fagg is survived by her usband, two scns,.Willie Buchanan f Essex and Richard Buchanan of topewell, Va.( and by several aughters, Mrs. Troy Hight of I'arrenton, Mrs. Bessie Morris of /arenton, Mrs. Emma Carroll of uincy, Mass., Mrs. Edith Harris of Saltimore, Md. and Mrs. Mabel \oy of Hopewell, Va. She is also irvived by four brothers and three sters, Will Limer, Davis Limer, ohn Limer and Francis Limer and Ciss Ada Limer of near Warrenton, Irs. Payne of Raleigh and Mrs. label Abrams of Durham. rown Girls Win Over HP 1 x D1 1_ r>-i i eacners ai oiacK \^ai Ladies of the town outclassed iembers of the school faculty in a jwling contest held last Thursday ight at the Black Cat Bowling lley. At the close of the three ime match the town had a total ore of 1053 to the faculty memos' 892. The highest individual ore was made by Miss Laura Boyd ho tallied 518 points for the town, ther members of the town team ere Mrs. L. C. Kinaey and Miss [axine Drake. The school team as composed of the Misses Mary andolph, Anna Cohoon and Rose imball. APTIST TO HOLD SERVICE ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT A special Christmas service will 5 held at the Warrenton Baptist tiurch on Christmas evening at :30 o'clock, the Rev. R. E. Brick ouse, pastor, announced yesteray. The program will be featured y Christmas music. In addition te pastor will make a short talk n the Spirit and significance of le day. The public is invited to ttend.

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