PAGE 4 The Warren Record Published Every Friday by The Press Publishing Co. One Year for $2.00 BIGNALL S. JONES -Editor HOWARD P. JONES Associate Editor That Justice May Ever Have A Champion; That Evil Shall Not Flourish Unchallenged. Entered at the Pos toff ice at Warrenton, North Carolina, under Ac! of Congress of 1879. 48p~ Jesus said onto her, I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.? John 11:25. You will find it less easy to uproot faults than to gain virtues. Do not think of your faults; still less of others' - ? faults. In every person wno comes near you, look for what is good and strong; honor that; rejoice in it; and as you can, try to imitate it, and your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes.?John Ruskin. IF NECESSARY ARREST OFFENDERS All laws are bad laws in that if it were possible to do without them, it would be far better for all concerned. Living by the Golden Rule would do away with the necessity of fully threefourths of ths laws on our statute books. Unfortunately, we do not always conduct ourselves as we should, and as a result we pay in many petty annoyances and added tax bills for enforcement. Regardless of how laws and regulations work out they are intended for the welfare of all. It is well to bear this in mind. store to shop. Sometimes i is for only a minute; some times for fifteen minutes o: more. It should not be a all. Wa wonder what oui country friends, whom w< invite and welcome to oui town, think of such prac tice. Another source of evil i; the giant delivery trucks delivering groceries an< other merchandise througl The town commissioners have given much time and study to parking laws at Warrenton and have in the course of time changed regulations in an effort to provide smoother flow of traffic. Main street here is narrow and offers a real problem. A few years ago the commissioners passed an order that cars should be parked parallel on one side of the street and at an angle on the other side. This has its objections, but seems to work better than any other plan suggested. If our citizens would unitely enter into the spirit of this law, we think that the present plan would work very well. But they do not As a result we have traffic jams that are absolutely un1 '11 JL necessary, ana wnnoui an.) justification. There is no reason foi double parking. Our citizens are not so decrepit thai they can not walk a bloc! if they find parking space in front of their favorite store filled. Only a fev years ago housewives were able to walk a mile to mar ket and carry their pur chases home in a basket This is not a generation o: weaklings, all evidence t< the contrary. It is provoking to b< traveling about one's busi ness, and find the stree blocked by the car of some housewife who has parkee Hmihlp and cnne into l Warrenton, North Carolii JUST KIDS?ch i r ' young rian yoi , r about going oot your lesson is ! haven't practicec afte r you have j you are going j \ff\ J^ u??~ I? I* . f WHY W] Why It Is Difficult To Say By MEHRAN K. THOMPSON, Ph Human A i We usually learn the alphabet In s '* * s-? rrr*? ? ??- 3 ? **?. MnA/tial m tJie AJtsu oraer. mere is uu opcvmi ? xeason why B should come after u A and be followed by C etc. It Is t purely an arbitrary "arrangement, t But once you learn your ABC's in f< the orthodox arrangement you have t difficulty in saying them in any i other order. It is especially diflcult c to say your ABC's backward. r In learning the alphabet forward the nervous impulses mark out a \ pathway that becomes easier to t travel the more it is used. This is l] the law of all habit-formation. But i impulses always go one way and 1 never backward over the same path. We can't use the backward direc- s tion of the forward path already s developed by learning the alphabet i forward. This is sometimes called s Ihe law of forward conduction. i Ordinarily we are accustomed to c ; going in either direction on a pub- t lie highway but we do find one j way streets in the crowded parts i of the city. The one way street will < ' 4.^. illimi-Mn 4-V?? nnorotion ftf f serve IU iUUObiabC MIC W* I I t the mind. In fact all the mental i highways are one way. Saying numbers backwards, cr 1 i anything else that you have learned 1 in series is also difficult and for the 1 ' same reason as it is difficult to say ; your ABC's backward. Practice in . the front doors of business ; establishments. Often they . are seen backed up to the. r curbing and as a result taking up all available room in the path of apIcha f I Can Wre ; t I All men are equal befor 3 | the next to pay . . . unl have us pay FOR you . . t I Insurance policy at a lo Protect your loved i CITIZENS INSURANC R. T. WATSON, President; Warren tea g I FIRE LIFE I I "Consult your Insurance Agent THi arms ot Music ? - ?v > NEEDNT THINK this afternoon! tomorrow an "rou > for two pays.' practiced an hourk to the store for me' . i ^ - - c E DO IT I Your ABC's Backward . D., Author of "T*s Sfriflf of ctton" aying a series is for all Intents nd purposes a new process and aust mark out a separate and dlslnctive path of Its own. If anyhing, the previous practice in the arward path will interfere because here is likely to be a crossing over nto the other path and going the pposlte direction so far as the seies is concerned, namely, forward. The discovery of this law was ery important in doing away with he old notion of "formal dijcipine" which meant that no matter (hat you learned it would be of ieln to vou in any line of activity. The consensus of modern opinion eems to be just the opposite. It tates that the best way to learn l thing is to do that thing and not lomething else. The only way in fthich practice in one operation :an help you in another is for bcth o be identical in some respect. In ;o far as there are common elenents you benefit by experience. Dn the other hand, in so far as .he two have contradictory elenents you are handicapped. It is difficult to shift from one trade or profession to another for the same reason that it is difficult to say your ABC's backward. If you want to be an expert in anything, practice that thing. * mi _ _ proacning cars, mis is inexcusable. As bad as we hate to see laws passed and our fellow citizens have trouble, we nee ick Your I IT e Chance. You may be ess you've arranged to . through an Accident w price. ones! Insure with EI BUM 08. PAUL B. BflLL. mwpr l. N. O. LIABILITY BONDS m y?u would ftmt Dootoo or I E WARREN RECORI By Ad Carter YOIC.E fHWli ^//Z./, VdTHooT^ : // '// j ^ YEA Tonnr: YEA TOMM Y - COME or* oor rVPLAY.1 *" y i v? I ^ 4 ? trust that if this double parking and truck delivery evil is not abated, that our board of town commissioners will instruct the town officers to arrest all parsons found guilty of either of these offenses, and that they see that it applies to all, from the most important and influential to the most lowly. The water-clock has been in use among the people of the East for more than 4,000 years. Y?u] I Prom I Pay I SIOK Pay How W 1 t If you owe any pa; do it now, so you company keeps tl sional men inform; - how you pay your This system is bui makes the poor, b I good as that of the man who does not credit. If you have a good You and you ? you built that ) War Clipped I V? BUSINESS MORALE IMPROVE Henderson Dispatch. "Morp hanris at work. Moi wheels turning and more stacl smoking were reported in dfc patches from the business frot during the past week." That's the introduction the coi servative Associated Press uses i its weekly business review on Mor day. In its customary cahtioi manner, it states further that in provement has been spotty, and i best only seasonal, but it has in proved morale all along the lin "and business men are beginnir to agree with economists that ti worst of the depression is aboi over."' Steel and automobile Industrie have felt the greatest portion c the quickening process. In the De Iroit area some 100,000 men hav gone back to work in the automc bile factories, and, while some ( them are on short time, the ten dency is said to be distinctly to ward acceleration. Iron Age's week ly review reports a gain in ste< mill operations, and along with a stiffening of prices, resulting froi increased inquiries. All of this is scarcely more tha a mere drop in the bucket, but is an indication of the turning < the tide. If this gain can be mail tained for sereval weeks and adde to, the morale will be heightene further to just tnat extern, it is i least a matter for encouragemen iather than one of dlscouragemen and represents a justification < hope that has been clung to f< many months past with nothing i its favor but hope. "A single break ei may recede, but the tide is con ing in." rGET RID ( OF DISEASE ] } CERMS in nose 1 ( mouth and throat 1 g Let Zonite cleanse away the ^ accumulated secretions, kill 3 g the germs, prevent disease. ? , % Highly germicidal. Sooth- Jf B ing to membranes. % \ r Name } W arren ill You Be R Credit Burei 3t due accounts, pay them, will be well rated. This le merchants and profesed at all times as to just bills. It on constructive lines. It iut honest man's credit as ! rich. It also prevents the pay his bills from getting I credit record, your trade done are to blame, fo i l r recora yourseir. ronton, North Carolina FRJ Sportsmen Blamed j For Forest Fires t r RALEIGH, Jan. 20.?Hunters, t 4 fishermen and campers, those who lose more when the woods burn t s than any other class except land- | j iu* MiAnfhlo owners, are oiruneo m nw wuuvu.^ g 'e report of the forestry division of ^ ss the conservation department with c 5- having started more than one-third it of the forest fires occurring in De- j cember in the counties of North ? i- Carolina organized for forest fire ? n control. e I- Out of a total of 190 fires reis ported in these counties, hunters, i- fishermen and campers are charged it with having been the orgin of 66 or \ i- approximately 33 per cent. t e, The next most destructive group, ? ig from the standpoint of the number * ie of fires set, according to the report, it were smokers whose carelessness resulted in 34 fires. >s Other causes of fires in the forest >f ========== WARRENTON DRY CLEANERS 'e announces that beginning January 17th, plain dresses and men's ~ suits, cash and carry, 50c. Called* . " for and delivered, 75c. i- ?????1?1? ? it I mm I DR.HOWAI n REGISTERED C s Of Monroe, N. Warrenton At J. A. Pipkins, MonI day, Jan. 26 i i Have your eyes correc nii;ij)iiniiiiiijiiiiininimumin.iuilmiiiiniiiiuiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiLHU!iiiifliriiiiimaBll Will Be In ton Book V & 5' ated In The W au and Guide? is valuable and any mere! man is glad to accommoc n i:& u vrcun 10 a. man Your honor is It is granted you on a p] yojj cannot afford to br< The merchant can better bill than you can afford ] Don't blame the meishanl credit. r you are refused on yc i V - DAY, JANUARY 23, 193I luring December were as folwB jnknown, 31; miscellaneous, >1 irush burning, 13; Incendiary, n 1 ailroads, T, and lumbering 1 ions, 2. Estimated financial damages frr* 1 ires in me ioresw amount^ I 21,567, of which $4,851 was , tanding timber; $15,486 to re J luction, and $1,280 to forest n* ^ lucts. ' The fires covered an area 4,411 acres with the average t overing 78 acres and causing !! stimated financial loss of $i ^, itch acre burned. 4 CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. W. n n Vhite wishes to thank their neU >ors and friends for the kindn* shown them during their recm sereavement. ^ =as=a55 DR. THOS. A. SHEAIUNl OPTOMBRTRX8T Office over Bank of w?rrte I Warrentoo, N. 0, ' ?? \n I i SMITH I )PTOMETRIST || C., Will Be In | Littleton At Harrison's Drug Store, Tuesday, Jan. 11 27. :tly and satisfactorily I reasonable price. This Fair I Pay I Or I arrenton J lant or professional late you. ter of trust involved _ j roraiae to pay, anu jak that promise, afford to lose the not to pay it. ; if you are refused ur record and 1