MrRlDAY, JANUARY 23, IS Imm 4 department conducted tor The Warren County Memorial Umiy, By MABKL DAVIS The librarian The Youngest Book I Festival" by Struthers Burt, a ncent addition to the W. Brodie jenes .Memorial Shelf, has the dis -f limine the youngest book K'"C(he library. It is just off the H 're5S and bears the date 1931. Thank You ihe library is indebted to Mrs. Ib. B. Boyd Jr., for half dozen books designed for young readers, to Miss Hillary Tannahill, New York City, Hfor a copy of Green Pastures, by Hjisrc Connelly, and to Miss Bessie Hraylor for the following fiction: Hihe Lighted Way, Oppenheim; CorHdelia Blossoms, Chester; The Inner Hgiirine. King; Sorrell and Son, MrwninK, and four volumes of the * - - - * -C O. Henry Prize Short awries iur Ki91S-1922 inclusive. It is further indebted to Mrs. W. A. Graham B*nd to Miss Sallie Allen for contriBbuttons left at the desk. B Best Sellers B According to The Baker and Tay. Blor Company, a detective story, The Door, by Mary Robert Rinehart, Bwas the most popular book of ficBtion dui'ing 1930. They add that it Bowed its popularity in part to the Bfact that the publishers, Farrar Band Rinehart, ran it at one dollar B-the usual price of books of that Bt\pe is not less than two dollars. Bsecond cn the list comes The Woman of Andros, by Thornton Wilder; 3rd. Young Man of Man^nattan, Katherine Brush; 4th. Ci^ narron, Edna Ferber, 5th. Exile, ^ Varwick Deeping; 6th. Years of Bfcrace, Margaret Ayers Barnes; 7th. ^Hlargaret Yorke, Katherine Norris; Bth. Laughing Bey, La Farge Pul^mtzei prize winner); 9th. The Scarab ^Hlurder Case, Van Dine; 10th. ^Blowing Clear, Joseph Lincoln. ExHanding the list to include the nonBction, The Story of San Michele By Dr. Munthe, would rank sixth '^Bcst seller. The Art Exhibit V "Sold any pictures? Feel repaid ^ or the trouble?" The answer is yes ^Hnd no. We sold no pictures for "!rnnla that nponle do OUil^iW Attwv/A* I Kot buy pictures when money is Scarce, but it required no outlay of Bncney to bring the collection to the horary and the pleasure they have tfforded those who appreciate good Kictures has been ample compensation. My cnly regret is that I did Biot have more time to devote to ^fthcm for a knowledge of art and familiarity with good pictures is essential to a liberal education. The Hibrary has brought three other colSections to Warrenton. It has done So not as financial investments but Secause good pictures like gcod Scoks lift one above the common lace. I The Medici Prints will be on dis play at the library until sometime Saturday morning when Mr. Shir will ccme for them. He will Sring with him a collection of old silverware and painting done on ivory which he will be pleased to show at that time to any who may be interested. Are They Yours? I Two children left sweaters in li brary the week before Christmas. They may be had on demand. Alarming Increase In Monoxide Deaths I NEW YORK, Jan. 19.?An alarm ing increase in the number of deaths from carbon monoxide asphyxiation during recent months has been noted by the statistical bureau of the Fidelity and Casualty Co., of New York, according to W. I McK. Hillas, vice-president in charge of the accident and health department. No complete figures are available to show exactly the extent of the increase, Mr. Hillas said, but the Percentage gain for 1930, as com Pared with the fatalities that occur |cd from this cause in 1928 and "29, was very large. Particularly nrvHr?oaV\lo V\? orlHoH 'j ?4VW*VV?Mi^, AAV OiUUV** *ve been the many deaths from Mch poisoning taking place in one md two-car private garages due to he operation of automobile engines "ith doors and windows of the buildings tightly closed. I "it requires only a few minutes," Hiilas declared, "for the exF^t gases from a running motor r? render the air of a small, closed Para?e deadly to the occupant or I "A weak dose of the gas, on the Fher hand, takes considerable time r* become effective. Employes of public garages and other persons porking or sleeping in atmospheres pbarged with carbon monoxide frefUently feel ill and develoD head 1kiies and other symptoms that de^'Ve examining physicians as to ^ir real cause. Ohe investigator maintains that ' krge percentage of the house^Ves of the nation are suffering 0I& carbon monoxide poisoning in p'ying degrees, because of the in >31 Warren ton, N complete combustion of the fuel j used for stoves, to water heaters' and other domestic equipment. | "The gas does not mix quickly: with air, and consequently at this time of the year special attention' should be given to the ventilation ' of garage, homes and other places where motors or stoves are in' operation ,so there always will be sufficient oxygen in the air to counteract the carbon monoxide that may be present. "If during the cold weather a repair job on a car in-a small ga rage makes it necessary to keep the motor running, a length of flexible metal tubing or rubber hose should be slipped over the end of the exhaust pipe and engine gases carried by this means to the outer air. The work then may be done in comfort and safety." Many Legion Posts Favor Cash Payment CHARLOTTE, Jan. 20.?Con C. Johnston, State commander of the American Legion, said here today that within a week a majority of ail legion posts in the State will have passed resolutions urging immediate cash payment of adjusted compensation certificates. Approximately half of the posts have already reported such action to State headquarters at Mooresviile, while not one has opposed the plan, Commander Johnston said. The resolution urged legislative enactment by Congress that would !esult in paying off at face value the certificates, the oldest of which it understood here, will not be iratured for five mor-j years undei the original plan. The action of the posts 5s expected to be transformed into a similar request by the entire North Carolina department when its post ; officers meet in Gastonia. Feb. 16 i to hear an address by Ralph T. < O'Neal, national commander, and 1 discuss legion affairs. So far the State department has , followed the course outlined at the national convention last fall, when it was decided to let the individual post guide the State departments, 1 the decisions of the State depart, ments to govern the attitude of national headquarters. Commander Johnston added, however, that there was no question as to the attitude of Tar Heel veterans.. It was pointed out that during a recent roll of its entire circulation among veterans, the Asheville Times found 99 per cent of the veterans in its Western North Carolina territory favor the cash settlement. It is estimated that payments will average about $1,000 for each veteran?approximately $120,000,000 for North Carolina. Swaet potato growers of the Rock Springs section of Lincoln County are planning to build a community storage house for the crop to be planted this season. LEGAL NOTICES TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power contained | in Deed of Trust executed by Walter and Thos. Parks to B. B. Williams, Trustee, on November 1, 1916 and recorded in the Register Of Deeds office, of Warren County, N. ; C., in book 95, page 166, default having been made in the payment of the bonds thereby secured and at the request of the holders of same, I will on Feb. 2, 1931, at NEW YORK NURSE I J^flSS EDNA WANNENBERG says no one can take course of Sargon without being greatly benefitted. . .- .. *. 'J _____________________ "For three or four years I suffered from sluggish liver and constipation. My skin was sallow. I had r.o ambition cr desire to work. I was nervous and dizzy, had severe headaches and could not sleep. "It Is nothing short of remarkable the way Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pills relieved me of these troubles. I am now simply bubbling ever with new energy and vitality. 1 I do not believe it possible for anyone suffering as I was to take a > course cf Sargon without being greatly benefitted."?Miss Wannan-j berg lives at 112 E. 81st St., New i? xuris. Sold by Boyce Drug Co. adv. arth Carolina twelve o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Warrenton, N. C., expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land, situated in Shocco Township, Warren County, State of N. C.: Beginning at a stone running thence S 3 1-2 deg., west 26 C 50 L to a stone; thenoe N, 83 1-2 deg. W 13 C 60 L to a stone; thence S. 21 1-4 deg E. 14 C 26 L to a stone; thence E| 30 C 50 L to a stone; thence N 3-4 deg. W about j si u 70 l :o a stone; thence N. 77 3-4 W. 20 C to the beginning containing 88 acres more or.less, and being Lot No. 1 in the division of the old John S. Cheek tract of land by Taylor, C. E? in 1906. This December 30, 1930. W. H. DAMERON, Exc. of B. B. Williams, Trustee. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court North Carolina, Warren County. WARREN COUNTY, Plaintiff VS. William Green, Mrs. William Green, Walter Sneed, Estelle Artis, Crafton Artis, Georgia Williams et al. The defendants, Mrs. Wm. Green, L'of ftl 1 e\ A vf i fi fVinflAM A cjotciic zxitio, v/iaiuuii x\i tio tvuuj Georgie Williams, are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in' the Superior Court of Warren Coun- ! ty, for the purpose of foreclosing the j lien of a certain certificate of tax sale which was executed and de- j livered to the plaintiff, Warren1 County, by the Sheriff of said Warren County, N. C., on June 3, 1929, against certain land in Pork Town-j ship, Warren County, North Caro-i lina, listed in the name of the de-! fendent, Jim Tom Green Estate as of May 1, 1928, and described as a tract containing 41 acres, adjoining the lands of Walter Sneed, D. R.! Woodard, Wm. B. Williams and Pilot Green, and the defendants, Mrs. Wm. Green, Estelle Artis, Crafton Artis and George Williams, will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Warren, at the Court House in Warrenton, N. C., not later! than thirty days after the 23 day of January, 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint, filed in said action, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 30 day of December, 1930 W. K. NEWELL, Dpty. Clerk of the Superior Court JULIUS BANZET, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court North Carolina, Warren County. WARREN COUNTY, Plaintiff Vs. Joe Dowtln and Fannie Dowtin. The defendants, Joe Dowtln and Fannie Dowtln, are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Warren County, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of a certain certificate of tax sale, which was executed and delivered to the plaintiff, Warren County, by the Sheriff of said Warren County, N. C., on June 3, 1929, against certain land in Warrenton Township, Warren County, North Carolina, listed in the name of the defendants Joe W. H. BOYD Registered Engineer Law Building Henderson, N. C. Office Phone 198 Home Phone 10 : ! c^^eee GOOD IDownwa Of P Your Dollar Will at Our Store T It Die EXAMINE C Carload Billups Castings Horse Collars Heavy Bridles Plow Traces Hames Plow Rope of 111U U1U UUW1?V>^ H be sold at a lower are going to give over buying. I Rodwe THE WARREN R1 and Fannie Dowtin as of May 1, 1928 and described as 25 acres near Macon, and the said defendants Joe and Fannie Dowtin, will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Warren, at the Court House in Warrenton, N, C., not later than thirty days after the 23 day of January, 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint, filed in said action, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 30 day of December, 1930. W. K. NEWELL, Dpty. Clerk of the Superior Court. JULIUS BANZET, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court North Carolina, Warren County. WARREN COUNTY, Plaintiff Vs. John E. Davis and wife. The defendants, John E. Davis and wife, are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Warren County, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of a certain certificate of tax sale, which was executed and delivered to the plaintiff, Warren County, by the Sheriff of said Warren County, N. C., on June 3, 1929, against certain land in Shocco Township, Warren County, North Carolina, listed in the name of the defendant John E. Davis as of May 1, 1928, and described as 1 parcel, 2 1-4 acres, part of Sisters of Charity land and 1 parcel. known as the Betty S. Davis land, and the said defendants John E. Davis and wife, mill 4nl?A M 4 A 4 win iill unci ca,R.c nuci^c uiau i/iicjr are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Warren, at the Court House in Warrenton, N. C., not later than thirty days after the 23 day of January, 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint, filed in said action, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 30 day of December, 1930 W. K. NEWELL, Dpy. Clerk of the Superior Court. JULIUS BANZET, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court North Carolina, Warren County. WARREN COUNTY, Plaintiff Vs. Alphonso Hicks et ux and R. J. Bullock, Agent. The defendants, Alphonso Hicks et ux. and R. J. Bullock, Agent, are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Warren County, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of a certain certificate of tax sale, which was executed and delivered to the plaintiff, Warren County, by the Sheriff of said Warren County, N. C., on June 3, 1929, against certain land in Warrenton Township, Warren Hospital Tested * Recommended by doctors and nurses. Cleansing, refreshing antiseptic for women. As a deodorant, it prevents embarrassment. Sold by druggiatM Lydia E. Pinkham'i Sanative Wash Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. Lynn, Mas*. ^ y NEWS rd Trend rices Buy More Goods 'his Year Than 1 Last )URSTOCK Manilla Rope Axes Grub Hoes Shovels Spades Plows Farm Scoops Plow Handles items are going to ' 1 * XTT~ price inis year. we you the benefit of 11 Bros. -=* =* J . -w ... : - ; < - - .* ' - SCORD County, North Carolina, listed In the name of Alphonso Hicks as of May 1, 1928, and described as 5 acres Snow Hill, and the said defendants, Alphonso Hicks et yx, and! R. J. Bullock, Agent, will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Warren, at the Court House in Warrenton, N. C., not later than t.hirf.v riava off/>r fho 9a /loir nt .Ton. uary, 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint, filed in said action, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 30 day of December, 1930 W. K. NEWELL, Dpty. Clerk of the Superior Court JULIUS BANZET, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court North Carolina, Warren County. WARREN COUNTY, Plaintiff VS. Lit Falkner and husband. The defendenats, Lit Falkner and husband, are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Warren County, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien] of a certain certificate of tax sale, which was executed and delivered to the plaintiff, Warren County, by the Sheriff of said Warren County, N. C., on June 3, 1929, against certain land in Warrenton Township, North Carolina, listed in the name of the defendant Lit Falkner as of May 1, 1928, and described as 25 acres near D. M. Harris, and the said defendants Lit Falkner and husband, will further take notice that they are required to appear at at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Warren, at the Court House in Warrenton, N. C., not later than thirty days after the 23 day of January, 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 30 day of December, 1930 W. K. NEWELL, Dpty. Clerk of the Superior Court JULIUS BANZET, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court North Carolina, Warren County. WARREN COUNTY, Plaintiff Vs. Harriet Davis and husband. I The defendants, Harriet Davis' and husband, are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the | Superior Court of Warren County,' for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of a certain certificate of tax 1 * * 1 ,rr- . .7 Repo Citi At \ To the Corpon On Loans and Discount United States Bonds. All Other Stocks an Banking House ft Furniture^ and Fixtu (Cash in Vault and A Depository Bi Checks for Clearing Cash Items (Items I Other Real Estate Capital Stock Paid In Surplus Fund.l Undivided Profits (IS Reserved for Interesl Reserved for Conting Reserved for Deprei Demand Deposits Di Other Deposits Subie Deposits Due State oi Official Then Demand certificates Cashier's Checks Out Certified Checks Oi Dividend Checks Oi Savings Deposits (Di State of North Caroli County of Warren R. T. WATSON, WELL, Director of before me this day, a the foregoing report Sworn to and subscri this the 7 day of Ja (Seal) MARY S N Mv i>nm pxnires SeDl | WW ? - X Warren ton, North Carolina sale, which was executed and de- v livered to the plaintiff, Warren p County, by the Sheriff of said ? Warren County, N. C., on June 3, C 1929, against certain land in Six- li pound township, Warren County, C North Carolina, listed in the name t of the defendant, Harriet Davis, as 1 of May 1, 1928, and described as d "Parcel of land in Macon on Oak- ? ville Street," and the said defen- f dantf, Harriet Davis and husband, v will further take notice that they a are required to appear at the of- o fice of the Clerk of" the Superior f Court for the County of Warren, C at the Court House in Warrenton, r N. C., not later than thirty days 2 after the 23 day of January, 1931, s and answer or demur to the com- f plaint, filed in said action, or plain- a tiff will apply to the Court for the d relief demanded in the complaint. This the 30 day of December, 1930. W. K. NEWELL, Dpy. Clerk of the Superior Court, t JULIUS BANZET, , Attorney for Plaintiff. a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Annie Belle Moore Webb, deceased, late of Warren County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them, properly verified, to the undersigned at Warrenton, N .C., on or before December 26, 1931 or this notice may be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This December 26, 1930. R. T. WATSON, d26- t Administrator. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court North Carolina, Warren County. WARREN COUNTY, Plaintiff Vs. Lucius E. Boyd and wife. The defendants, Lucius E. Boyd and wife, are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Super-' ior Court of Warren County, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of a certain certificate of tax sale, which rt of The Condition of zens B; Varrenton, North Caro] ition Commission At the Clost the 31st Day of December, IS RESOURCES ? id Bonds res T mounts Due from Approved inks and Transit Items leld Over 24 Hours) Total LIABILITIES I f [et Amount) /??-?-? ? ?-- ? f/^-n moo , VHUiVykJ y jiation le Banks set to Check f North Carolina and Any ;of: Unsecured, $3,943.42 of Deposit (Due Less Than 3( standing itstanding itstanding le on or After 30 Days) Total na, . President, E. S. ALLEN, Direci the Citizens Bank, each pe ,nd, being duly sworn, each fo is true to the best of his kne bed before me R. T. W. tnuary, 1931. !. GRANT, b. Ah lotary Public. c R RC t. 4, 1932. \ PAGE 5 /as executed and delivered to the ilaintiff, Warren County, by the Iheriff of said Warren County, N. J., on June 3, 1929, against certain and in Shocco Township, Warren Jounty, North Carolina, listed In he name of the defendant, Lucius !. Boyd, as of May 1, 1928, ani [escribed as "10 3-4 acres, part of Shady Grove," and tne said de< endants, Lucius E. Boyd and wife, /ill further take notice that they ire required to appear at the office if the Clerk of tlje Superior Court or the County of Warren, at the /ourt House in Warrenton, N. C.,' iot later than thirty days after the 3 day of January, 1931, and anwer or demur to the complaint, lied in said action, or plaintiff will ,pply to the Court for the relief lemanded in the complanit. This the 30 day of December, 1930 W. K. NEWELL, Dpy. Clerk of the Superior Court. ULilUB J3AIMSSTI, ittorney for Plaintiff. ; of ^ 601 North New Orleans n I Ave., Brinkley, Ark., writes: |j I *1 was so constipated 11 unth I was just sick. (I fjj I couaa not stana to tase iu strong medicine, bo I de- W dded I would take Black- mm Draught, and I found it to RR be all right II "I would have such dizzy II spells, and such bursting II headaches, until I could 91 hardly go. 4 But after tak- U ing a few doses of Black- V Draught 1 would feel just | fine. It is a good medi- [j cine, and I recommend it I to all who suffer as I did. II It is very easy to recom- U mend a medicine that has H done as much for me as Black-Draught has done." THEDFORD'S BlackiJraught For CGKSTIPATIGN INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS jj Maesxsasae?*ttl \=sr?aasBs$r IWombn who need a tonic ahoukl| take CUhdot. XJeed over 50 year*. I The ink ina > of Business 130 $316,978.53 15,548.44 25,080.00 17,402.79 1.00 86,953.02 2,948.23 __ 75.40 628.86 $465,616.27 $ 20,000.00 50,000.00 6,369.21 5,500.00 8,000.00 m 3,766.13 118.47 171,870.06 3,943.42 I ) Days) 15,746.31 3,272.23 1,494.00 1,424.00 174,112.44 1465,616.27 | tor, and C. R. ROD:rsonally appeared r himself, says that H twledge and belief. A.TSON, .president. LEN, * Director. ) DWELL, Director.