M.jpiY, DECEMBER 25, 1< wjtfAL NOTICES I yjl.TE OF sale OF real i I .w district court cf the United the Eastern district of Raleigh division. I ^B'ty nwtrer of J. M. Coleman,/ is hereby given that j. g. I in Bankruptcy for the V- Coleman, pursuant! W :swd heroin by Hon.! ^B- " Referee in Bank./ ^B-r n:i: oiiVr for sale and sell! ^Bv'e ;U- -1 10 tIie highest! ^B-"fcr casir at the Court House I > B "in tVnrrenton, N. C., at 121 ^w'.; riompily therear. I Bl;: Wednesday. January 13, J A sli the interest J. M. Cole-1 in the following described I Tract: Beginning at a sas-| B with Black Jack pointers on j side of Eaten Ferry Road,! ^K(r with Tom Gardner, thence( m -(jie line with said Gardner! i f East 27 chains! ke: thence along I m South 58 de-I Hf r 5d chains and 45 links! H* popular, corner with said! ^Brdtier and Sadler and three or xortli cf an old field pine; j Poet ^ 1 __Q | /i gouth 64 degrees nooU ?, ^ _ to a bunch of willows on jarter creek, corner with said thence down said Creek as iders about 87 chains to Mrs. Massenburg's corner; thence 89 degrees West 82 chains links along said Massen[f a. and W. B. Boyd's lines one on Eaton Ferry Road, with W. B. Boyd; thence aid read South 41 degrees chains and 67 links, South agrees West 6 chains and 501 outh 29 degrees West 31 a the beginning, containing! more or less, and known j uck Spring Farm. See Deed! at page 633. This tract and I t will be sold subject to | to Atlantic Joint Stock! ik as recorded in Book 118 i 3 | Tract: Being one-half un_ J iferest in the Store House f at Churchill Post Office,! ate and county, bounded! , to-wit: Beginning at a j : oak on Kcbinson Ferry! Church corner, thence! oles to a stone; thence! legrees East 12 poles and j a a hickory: thence West j ; North 21 poles and 20 stcne on the said Road; ng the said Road South r,c' tn the beainning IiCgiCCro .. containing 1 1-4 acres. The life e of J. J. Nicholson and the est of J. M. and J. L. Coleman e other half will be sold at the time. :d Tract: Beginning south and by the public road and the once cwned by A. Curl, north lorth-east by the lands cnce by G. R. Sledge and T. I. is, thence South-east along iad by the lands of William e, containing by estimation undred and sixty acres. Being as the Heich farm. Deed Book 73 at page 3. th Tract: Eounaed cn the by the lands of E. P. Fitts, try Thompson, and Haywood ws; on the East by the lands [. Coleman, ("the Heck Farm); ; South and South-west by nds of J. M. Coleman, and is one hundred and ten (110) more or less. Known as part Hetch Farm. Deed Book 1S3 at page 572. Tract: Beginning at a stake d^Hacon and Wa-ren Plains Road, corner lot No. 4 in the divie^H jf tbe w. E. Brown land, thence :e^Hig said Road N. 88 W. 64 P. 22 stake on Mahollans Branch >-Hi. Coleman's S. E. corner, thence rH? l M. Coleman's line N. 4 E. H? to a stake in P. M. Stallings e^He. thence along said 9talling's d S. 80 E. 50 P. 6 L. to a stake ( comer lot No. 4. thence along e 4 S. 208 P. to the beginning, ?. ^Braining 14 acres, more or less, k as the Riggan Farm. See He Bcok 108 at page 230. ;>^Bxh Tract: 1. Beginning at a s. ^He on the North Bank of Muddy pHhnch near a White Oak marked, Bnce North l'-2 E. 83 P. 10 L. to (2) White Oaks in Ellis line H West side of the Path, thence Iff? 1-2 E. 184 P. to a stone, h Hsce S. 5 E. 50 P. 20 L. to a stone He E. 80 P. to a stone in Drake's thence along Drake's line S. >'^H: 183 P. 15 L. to a stone in ly^Htns line, thence along Jenkins >- 71 W. 82 P. 10 L. to a large te^Hpir.g birch on the east bank of Pound Creek at or near of Branch, thence up said 11 r- to the beginning, containing acres, more or less, r- Beginning at a stone on North Muddy Branch near a ,f PK* caki thence N- 1 I"2 E- 36 pcenter of Road leading from Scoggin to Macon, thence 'sa;d road, its various courses i- !-2 W. 27 P. 5 L. S. 28 W. 20 n^H - Muddy Branch, thence down ly ?f Muddy Branch and pre>: H,of Muddy Branch about 1- 15 L. to beginning, containing f?|HH^ 4.1. i-nree quarters (3 3-4) or less. See deed book ! 381. Being known as sale of sixth tract will > deed of trust to Atlanock Land Bank. Record page 43. rract: l. Beginning at a South side of Puckets ludgins corner, thence Palmer's line, 151 P. stone, thence N. 88 W. 1 stone, thence N. 150 P. 5 on said branch, thence iTanch as it meanders to containing thirty and Jttes See Book 13 page Deeds Office for WarJhded as follows: On the| 1 the South by the lands of X*art, and on the West! (, by the lands of Dr. C. j\ Obtaining Nine acres,1 to! at a stone S. E. cor1 )31 Warrenton, N. C ner lot No. 1, thence S. 1 degree W. 24 P. 20 L. to a stake N. E. corner lot No. 3, thence along lot No. 3 W. 181 P. 15 L. to a Branch, thence down said Branch, 11 P. 21 L. to mouth of Puckets Branch, thence up said branch its various courses to a stake S. W. corner lot No. 1. Thence along lot No. 1 E. 57 to beginning containing Eleven (11) acres, mere or less. j The above three lots of land contain 50 acres more or less, and are known as the Palmer Stewart Home Place. See Deed Book 126 at page -533. Eighth Tract: Being the residue of the Adams Tract and bounded as follows: On the East by the lands of A. H. Hight, on the South by the Dowtin Creek, on the West by the lands of W. G. Egerton and on the North by the lands of W. G. Egerton and the lands of Mrs. Cora Jackson, containing fifty (50) acres more cr less. Being known as the Adams Farm. See Deed Book 108 at page 382. Ninth Tract: Adjoining the lands Est. Alfred Boyd, P. A. Agelasto and others and bounded on the North by the lands of P. A. Agelasto, on the East and South by the lands of Est. A. M. Boyd and cn the West by the lands of Est. Mrs. Rebecca Thornton, containing Ten (10) acres mure ur less, rsemg Known as me Madison Harris Farm. See Deed Book 108 at page 382. Tenth Tract: Adjoining the lands of P. A. Agelasto and others and bounded on the North by the lands P. A. Agelasto (the Simmons tract), on the East by the Robinson's Ferry Road, and on the South and West by the lands of Est. A. M. Boyd, containing twenty-two (22) acres excepting therefrom (4) acres deeded by Grimmage Plummer and wife to George Plummer. Being known as the Plummer Farm. See Deed Book 108 at page 382. Eleventh Tract: Beginning at a stake in center of Robinson's Ferry Road N. W. corner lot No. 2 in map No. 1 of the survey of the Judge Brown land, thence along lot No. 2, S. 64 E. 78 P. 20 L. to a stake in J. H. Nicholson's line, thence along said line N. 3 1-2 E. 52 P. 8 L. to a stone Kemp Garner's corner, thence along Garner's line N. 86 1-2 W. 48 P. to Robinson's Ferry Road, thence along said Road 34 P. to the beginning, containing 14 acres. Being known as the Robinson Farm. See Deed Book 108 at page 382. Twelfth Tract: Adjoining the lands of B. Brown and Victoria Brown and bounded as follows: Begin at a stone on the Oakville and Macon Road B. Brown corner; thence Eastwardly along said B. Brown's line about 70 yards to a stone; thence in a Southwardly direction about 70 yards to a stone; thence in a Westwardly direction about 70 yards to a stone on Macon and Oakville Road; thence Northwardly along said road 70 yards to beginning, containing about one acre and being that lot of land deeded by Victoria Brown to Willie Brown, November 29, 1913. Being known as the Willie Brown lot. Thirteenth Tract: 1. Adjoining the lands of W. E. B. Harris (now owned by Strickland) and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a large stone on the north side of the Branch, Harris's corner in Over oy line; tnence aiong saia narns line N. 78 P. 20 L. to a stone on South side of Warrenton's old road leading to Macon, Harris' corner; thence N. 68 1-2 W. 10 P. 22 L. to a stone on North side of Warrenton and Macon old road, said Harris' corner; thence S. 24 1-2 W. 112 P. 20 L. to a stone on said branch; thence up said branch, its various courses 62 P. 4 L. to the beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. 2. Beginning at a stone on North side of Macon and Warrenton old road, Harris' corner; thence S. about 24 1-2 W. 30 feet to a stone on South edge of Warrenton and Macon old read; thence along said road along its South edge 140 feet to an iron bar on South edge of said road; thence Northwardly 232 feet to a bar of iron on the New Public road leading to Maccn; thence Eastwardly along this new road to Harris' line; thence along the Davis line Southwardly to the beginning. Being known as Buck Jones Farm. Fourteenth Tract: Beginning at a stone on the West side of Black's road in Harris' line, thence along * - n* 1 n m lOD fn Q said line jn. at ?-* a. ? *. post cak tree Harris' and Green's! corner, thence along said Green's! line N. 82 1-2 E. 20 P. N. 87 1-2 E. 64 P. N. 88 E. 24 P. N. 85 E. 12 P. East 14 P. N. 86 E. 20 P. to a pine W. G. Coleman's corner; thence along said line (Coleman's) N. 4 W. 140 P. 18 L. to a stone in Shaw's line; thence S. 89 1-2 W. 140 P. 18 L. to a stone in said road; thence along said road S. 5 E. 38 P. 4 L. S. 13 E. 66 P. 13 L. S. 20 E. 33 P. 10 L. S. 28 1-2 E. 17 P. 15 L. to the beginning. Containing about 176 acres less 98 2-5 acres heretofore conveyed. Being known as the Mason Farm. J. M. Coleman appears to own one-half interest in this land; only such interest as he owns will be sold. See Deed Book 65 at page 107. Fifteenth Tract: These two tracts of about 60 1-2 acres and 60 acres adjoining the lands of Mrs. Emma Myrick, W. G. Egerton, J. R. Riggan, A. F. Brame and others, and being the same two tracts of land conveyed to J. M. and J. L. Coleman, by deed recorded in Book 108 at page 384, and known as the Brown and Bobbitt Farms. These two parcels cf land are described as the 9th and 10th tracts in the , concurrent advertisement of sale cf lands of J. L. Coleman. The interest of both J. M. and J. L. Coleman will be sold at the same time. Sixteenth Tract: These two tracts of 94 and 115 1-3 acres adjoining ?. ,,, the lands of P. M. atainngs, xwuj/u Crosson's, W. E. Brown, Jack Alston, Old Tanyard Road, Macon and Warren Plains Road, Miss Aurelia Brame, H. A. Foote and others. And being the two tracts conveyed to J. M. and J. L. Coleman by J. A. Cooper and others by deed recorded in Bcok 108, page 222. And known 0> as the Richard Bobbitt or Perry Farm. These two tracts are fully described as the 11th and 12th tracts in the concurrent advertisement of sale of lands of J. L. Coleman. The interest of both J. M. and J. L. Coleman is to be sold at the same time. These 2 tracts will be sold subject to deed of trust as recorded in bcok 106 at page 526. Seventeenth Tract: That tract of about 75 acres adjoining the lands of Stanley Pennington, P. A. Agelasto, W. W. Haithcock, John Shear, in, W. G. Coleman Estate, and others and known as the Macon Farm. See Deed Book 108 at page 366. (This land is described as 5th tract in concurrent advertisement of sale of land of J. J. Nicholson.) J. L. Coleman and J. M. Coleman own two-ninths interest in above tract subject to the life estate of J. J. Nicholson. The life estate of J. J. Nicholson and the interest of J. L. and J. M. Coleman will be sold at the same time. Eighteenth Tract: That tract of about 70 acres adjoining the lands of W. S. Gardner, Mrs. Lucy Gardner, J. J. Nicholson, and others, and known as the Myrick Farm. See Deed Book 112 at page 206. This | land is described as third tract in the concurrent advertisement of sale of land of J. J. Nicholson. Such interest as J. L. Coleman and J. M. Coleman may have in this tract will be sold at the same time, that the interest of J. J. Nicholson is sold. Sale will be made subject to deed trust in Book 114 at page 198, unless otherwise announced. Nineteenth Tract: That tract of about 80 acres adjoining the lands of T. P. Gardner, Mrs. Myrick, Bur_ rows, Eaton Ferry Road and others and known as the May place. See Deed Book 80 at page 628. This land; is described as 6th tract in concur-j rent advertisement of sale of land! of J. J.Nicholson. J.L. Coleman and J. M. Coleman own two-third interest in this tract of land, subject to, the life estate of J. J. Nicholson. The life estate of J. J. Nicholson and the interest of both J. L. Coleman and J. M. Coleman will be sold at the same time. Twentieth Tract: All of the interest J. M. Coleman has or may have in the five parcels of land conveyed to J. J. Nicholson for life (as his homestead) by J. G. Ellis, Trustee, by deed dated October?,1931., and briefly described as follows: 1. Bounded on the North by the lands of H. B. Pennington, on the South and East by lands of F. T. Burrows, on the West by the lands 'vP rinv/lnnTr' T3or*fiof' nVinrrh ff+.nrp vrx \_iai uuv/io xjupuiuu wAxuti w**., ^w?.w lot, W. G. Coleman Gin lot and Robinson's Ferry Road, and containing 12 acres more or less. 2. A lot containing about one acre lying south of Gardner's Baptist Church and being the lot conveyed to Lottie C. Nicholson by J. M. Coleman by deed recorded in Book 80 at page 630. 3. Beginning at a pine tree in F. T. Burrows line, thence! East 60 yards to a stone, and rim North 95 yards to a stone on the South side of the Fleming Mill Road, thence West up said road 60 yards to Mrs. Lottie C. Nicholson's line; thence South along said line to the beginning. Containing about 1 1-6 acres. See Deed Book 74 at page 419. 4. Beginning at an oak tree on North side of Fleming Mill Road and rim West up said road 65 yards to a red oak Nicholson and Burrows corner, thence Northerly along Nicholson's line 14 E. 11 chains 98 links to a Black Gum and oak, Nicholson's corner in H. B. Penning, ton's linei thence down south-east along Pennington line 65 yards to a Red Oak, in Pennington's line; thence South 14 E. 11 chains 98 links to the place of beginning, containing 3 1-2 acres more or less. See rvf n Tliirrnws to Lottie C. Vr-k V. A . ? _ Nicholson, Book 112 at page 286. 5. That tract of about 1-2 acre known as the old School house lot, adjoining the lands of Gardner's Church lot and others, and being tract No. 3 conveyed to Lottie C. Nicholson by deed recorded in Book 80 at page 628. The five lots herein described constitute the J. J. Nicholson homestead in which he has a life estate. J. M. and J. L. Coleman own 2-3 interest in the remainder. The interest of both J. L. and J. M. Coleman will be sold at the same time. Twenty Second Tract: Beginning at a stone on path leading by James Harris' old place, Nick Williams corner. thence East 120 P. 18 L. to a stone in Crinkley's line; thence along said line, S. 35 P. 5 L. to a stone; thence W. 113 Poles 5 L. to a stake on path; thence along path N 22 14 P 7 L. N. 1 1.2 W 22 P to beginning. Containing 25 3-4 acres, more or less. Twenty-Third Tract: Beginning in the center of Ridge Road leading to the Sutton place, T. J. Tucker's N. E. corner, thence N. 1-2 degrees E. 80 P. to a stake, thence N. 85 1-2 degrees W. 107 P. to a stake in W. G. Egerton's line (the Dowtin place,) thence along said line S. 20 degrees E. 28 P. 7 L. to a stake, thence S. 2 degrees W. 75 P. 1 L. to center of Ridge Road, leading to Sutton place, thence along said road, its various courses, N. 81 degrees E. 10 P. 20 L. N. 83 degrees, E. 9 P. N. 57 1-2 degrees, E. 17 P. 10 L. N. 75 de grees E. 14 P. 16 L? N. 82 degrees E. 16 P. 8 L. N. 83 degrees E. 9 P. 5 L. S. 76 degrees E. 21 P. 20 L., S. 78 1-2 degrees E. 5 P. to the beginning, containing 52 acres, by Survey A. P. Brame. Excepting therefrom four acres deeded to Sallie Boyd. Being known as the Shearin Farm. See deed Book 126 at page 553. Twenty-Fourth Tract: Bounded on the South by the lands of W. G. Egerton on the East by the lands of the old Hugh Townes place, and the lands of P. M. Stallings, (known as the West Harris Place,) on the North by the lands of W. G. Egerton, and the lands of Jim Townes, on the West by the lands P. M. Stallings (known as the Willie Townes Place) containing 30 "acres, more or less. Excepting therefrom one-half acre in the North-West' ccrner known as the Townes Burial V THE WARREN RECC Ground. Known as the Townes i Farm. See Deed Book 126 at page ; 453 and 483. The above parcels of land will be 3 sold separately (but the Trustee re- 1 serves the right to offer two or more 1 tracts together, upon announce- 1 ment.) free from all liens except as : otherwise stated. The successful ! bidder will be required to made a ] deposit of 10 per cent of the pur- i chase price at the time of sale and ' to pay the balance upon confirma- : tion. All sales being made subject to 1 confirmation by the referee, at 12 ] o'clock, neon, January 23, 1932. ] This 11th day of December, 1931. 1 J. G. ELLIS, Trustee, 1 Of J. M. Coleman, Bankrupt. < 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL j ESTATE In the District Court of the i United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Raleigh Di- ; vision i In the matter of J. J. Nicholson, J Bankrupt. * 1 Notice is hereby given that J. G. ! Ellis Trustee in Bankruptcy for the creditors of J. J. Nicholson, Bank- i rupt, pursuant tci an order issued i herein by Hon. W. B. Duncan, Ref-I eree in Bankruptcy, will offer for , sale and sell at public auction to , the highest bidder for cash at the ] Courthouse door in Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, , (or promptly thereafter), on Wed. ; nesday, January 13, 1932, all of the right, title and interest J. J. Nich- ] olson has in the following described ] parcels of real estate. , First Tract: Begining at a stone J. A. Nicholscn c orner and N. E. j corner_ lot No. 1, thence along J. , A. Nicholson's line N 68 E 29 P 15 1 L to a post oak, thence N 82 E 46 P to a stake, thence S 78 E 42 P , to a stake, thence S 87 E 24 1.2 P , to a large white cak, thence N 37 j E 60 P to Tall Trough Branch, , thence down said Branch N 5 E j 32 P to Hubquarter Creek, thence up said creek about 30 yards thence . S 80 W 20 poles, 10 L to a stone pile thence S 56 W 43 P 15 L to a stake , where a drain ditch enters canal, . thence N 80 P W. 26 P to a Spanish ; oak, thence N 41 No. 23 P. 5 L to a forked poplar, thence S 76 W 48 , P 10 L to a pile of stones N. E. ' corner lot No. 7, then along No. 7 , S 14 W 11 poles, 15 L to a stone, , then S 29 W 72 P 10 L to beginning containing sixty.one and onehalf (61 1-2) acres. See Deed Book 98 at page 65. This land will be sold subject to a , deed of trust recorded in book 135 ' at page 49, unless otherwise an. > nounced. ' Second Tract. Beginning in cen- 1 ter of Eaten Ferry Road and small bridge at new made corner for R. 1 P. Burrows; thence a new made ' line for said R. P. Burrows S 52.15 J E 1137 feet to Black Jack on Hedge- J row at new made corner for said ] R. P. Burrows in W. S. Gardner ( line; thence with said Gardner line N 6 1-30 E 506 feet to a rock in field 1 at supposed W. S. Gardner corner 1 in Mrs. Lottie C. Nicholson line; ] Hv\? "NT ylO_Qft TX7 1 tUCliGC Willi lltl AllI^ XI -Xi7-%JM TV 283 feet, N 85.00 W 641 feet to Gen- ' ter of Eaton Ferry Road; thence ( along said road S 51-00 W 72 feet j to the beginning. Known as Bur- j | rows Land. Containing 7.10 acres, ! more or less. This land will be sold 1 subject to a deed of trust recorded' in book 135 at page 49, unless other- |' wise announced. See deed book 126 1 at page 501. Third Tract. Beginning at a stake in old path W. S. Gardner and J. J. Nicholson corner, thence with j] Nicholson N 4 1.2 degrees E 1478 feet to a stake, South side of a path Mrs. Lucy Gardner corner in Nicholson line thence with Mrs. ( Gardner S 78' 3-4 degrees E 1298 ' feet S 77 degrees E 230 feet to a stake corner of Lot No. 2 thence division line S 4 1-2 degrees W 2669 feet to a stake in old path corner lot No. 2 in W. S. Gardner line; thence along said old path c with Gardner's N 31 1-2 degrees j W. 170 feet N 43 1-4 degrees W 737 ' feet N 52 1-2 degrees W 148 feet ] N 25 degrees W 100 feet to the be- ? ginning containing 70 acres more . or less. This tract is known as the My- : rick farm. J. J. Nicholson owns 1.2 ' interest in fee and a life estate in . the other half interest. Sale will , be made subject to a deed of trust as recorded in Book 114 at page mo nwlocp -rrfhoTTincQ prmrtiinnpH X?7U, UlXiCOO VWltl, ??iuo See deed Book 112 at page 206. Fourth Tract: Beginning at a stake J. A. Nicholson comer and N. E. comer lot No. 1, thence N 29 E 72 P 10 L to a stone, thence North 14 E 11 P 18 L to a pile of stone Bob Russell cornei, thence along Bob Russell line N 52 1-2 W 36 P 5 L N 35 1-2 W 22 P. 20 L N 68 W 27 P 15 L N 53 1-2 W 13 P 15 L to a Persimmon N. E. corner lot No. 6, tbepce along No. 6 S 31 1.2 W 36 1-2 P to a white oak thence 22 1-2 W 64 P to a Hickory, then S 82 1-2 E 44 P 9 L to a stone, thence S 31 1-4 E 12 P 15 L to a stcne, thence S 45 3-4 E 42 P to Beginning, containing forty-eight and one-third acres. See deed from W. Pryor Nicholson to J. J. Nicholson and Manly W Nicholson Book 98 at page 314. The one-half interest of J. J. Nicholson in this tract will be sold subject to a deed of trust as recorded in Book 135 at page 49, unless otherwise announced. Fifth Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. G. Cole-; man. cn the East by the lands of! the Estate of John Shearin, on the' Scuth by the tends of W. W. Haith.!* cock and the lands of P. A. Agelas-1 to on the West by the lands of. Stanley Pennington and containing seventy-five acres more or less. Known as the Macon Farm. ; _ _ i n o i :vs J. J. XMlcnoxson nas z.a luiercab m j fee and a life estate in the remain- j ing 1-3 of thig tract. J. M. Cole- ] man and J. L. Coleman together t own 2.9 subject to the life estate of J. J. Nicholscn. All of the interests of J. J. Nicholson, J. M. ! Coleman, and J. L. Coleman will be sold. See Deed Book 108 at page'i 366. The fee interest of J. J. Nich- i olson will be sold subject to a deed )RD ol trust recorded in Bk. 134 at page R 219, unless otherwise announced. O Sixth Tract: Known as the "May ei Place," and bounded as follows, to- b; wit: Beginning at a hickory on the tl East side of Eaton Ferry Road, T. tl P. Gardner's corner; thence along ol said Gardner's line North 76 de_ la grees East 53 poles to a stake and Y large white oak Gardner's other tl corner; thence South 1 degree si West 126 poles and 17 links to a G red oak, Mrs. Myrick's corner on the Myrick path, thence along said c path North 77 degrees West 20 tl poles and 19 links, North 50 degrees al West 76 poles and 13 links, South r 57 degrees West 40 poles to a stake on said read, Buurrough's corner; thence North 57 degrees West 44 sc poles to a stone, thence North 49 se poles to a stone"; thence North 89 tr degrees East 64 poles to a st?ne; m thence South 53 degrees East 40 Cf poles to a stone on the East side ^ nni J Tl/\n #] 4-V\ nft 1 /I JI fcttiu nuciu, tiiciiue aiung darn ptoad North 49 1-2 degrees E 14 poles a] to the beginning, containing 80 fj acres, more cr less. J. J. Nicholson owns a life es- c( tate and J. M. and J. L. Coleman o' own 2-3 interest subject to Nicholson's life estate. All interests of J. J. Nicholson, J. M. Coleman and J. L. Coleman will be sold. See deed E book 80 at page 628. Seventh Tract: Being one-half undivided interest in the Store House and lot at Churchill Post Office, said State and County, E sounded as follows to-wit: Begin t ning at a black jack oak on Robin- E son Ferry Road the Church corner, thence East 12 poles to a stone; ei thence North 25 degrees East 12 poles and 10 links to a hickory; e thence West 80 degrees North 21 tl poles and 20 links to a stone on c the said road; thence along the o: said road South 15 degrees East to a ;he beginning, and containing 1 1-4! si acres. J. M. Coleman owns one. b half interest in the above lot. B J. J. Nicholson owns a life estate si in one-half interest and J. M. Cole- ei nan and J. L. Coleman own 2-3 of h the remainder in the interest sub. a ject to this life estate. The inter-1 tl ssts of J. J. Nicholson, J. M. Cole- j 1! nan and J. L. Coleman will be sold, j E See Deed Book 80 at page 628. a: Eighth Tract: That tract of | It about 38 1-4 acres adjoining the ti lands of J. L. Coleman, Horace Pal-1 mer Estate, John Stevenson and, 3i others and known as the Paul Rob- j tl Inson farm. See deed from T. H. i ei Rooker to J. J. Nicholson January, E 27, 1927. This tract will be'sold sub-|^ ject to a deed of trust recorded in i ^ book 135 at page 49, unless other, j ~ (vise announced. i N Ninth Tract: Being one-half un-l?; aiviaea interest in i acres iana, situated in Sixpound Township, I known as the Frankley Hendricks ia land; adjoining the lands of F. T.!2| Burrows, J. H. Wright and Estate F af Henry Pennington. 01 The above parcels of land will ie sold separately (but the Trustee 11 reserves the right to offer two or ~ more tracts together, upon an_ .louncement) free from all liens ex- ? iept as otherwise stated. The sue- s :essful bidder will be required to make a deposit of 10 per cent of ;he purchase price at the time of ?: sale and to pay the balance upon renfirmation. All sales being made subject to " ronfirmaticn by the Referee at 12 a! /clock, Noon January 23, 1932. This 11th day of December, 1931. f J. G. ELLIS, 11 Trustee of the Estate of J. J. P Nicholson, Bankrupt. dl8-4t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE b In the district court cf the United r< States for the Eastern district of 1I STorth Carolina Raleigh division. Pi In the matter of E. H. Russell, T 3ankrupt. ?Notice is hereby given that J. G. SUis, Trustee in Bankruptcy for the " :reditors of E. H. Russell, Bankrupt, u mrsuant to an order issued herein j* jy Hon. W. B. Duncan, Referee in y Bankruptcy, will offer for sale and J sell at public auction to the highest hdder for cash, at the Court House Door in Warrenton, N. C., at 12 >'clock, noon, (or promptly thereaf- u ;er,) on Wednesday, January 13, 1932, all of the right, title and in;erest E. H. Russell has in the folowing described parcels of real ^ estate. ?1 J. . T-?_i 1 i -.'i. i-_ jfirst iraco: isemg a iuu J5iiua.it: m Vfacon, N. C., and described as follows: Bounded on the East by the N street leading from Main Street to residence of E. H. Russell, bounded )n the South by Perry Street, ,, sounded on the West by the lands t )f A. L. Nicholson and E. H. Russell ? (store house lot) and bounded on '' the North by the land^ of W. H. Hunt and being a part of the land r Seeded by A. E. Bobbitt and wife P ,o Mrs. Alice R. Rodwell. See deed Book 126 at pages 99, f 100 and 101. ? Second Tract: Being a lot situate ~ n Maccn, N. C., and described as follows: Bounded on the North by Perry Street, Bounded on the East 1: ay Embro Street, Bounded on the f South by the lands of Mrs. A. L. *r Nicholson (residence lot) and o: sounded on the West by the lands >f R. A. Tharington. 0 See deed Book 126 at pages 99, F LOO and 101. *1 Third Tract: Being a lot situate in a Vfacon, N. C? and described as fol- 11 lows: Beginning at a bar of iron n )n the South side of Main Street, a VTrs. Alice Rodwell's N. W. corner, tl ;hence along her line, Southwardly si ibout 210 feet to the back street, N ;hence along said back street about ? >1 feet 10 inches to W. G. Egerton's si 3. E. corner, thence about said Eger. tc ;on's line, Northwardly about 210 n feet to said Main Street, thence tl ilong said Main Street eastwardly tl ibout 51 feet 10 inches to the be- ir ginning. E. H. Russell owns one. rc '-it oof. in this tract. There is tl [let 11 IUIV1VUW ? _ i stcre building on this lot. ti See deed Book 108, at page, 287. bi Fourth Tract: Warren county, m State of North Carolina, adjoining n the lands of W. E. B. Harris and others, and bounded as follows: Lying on the East of the Judkins and o Warrenton Township line, the eld s< Q Warren ton, N. C. .oadway, and bounded as follows: n the North by the lands of the state of Joe Dowtin; on the East ld separately, (but the trustee re:rves the right to offer two or more acts together, upon announcetent), free frcm all liens. The suc;ssfui bidder will be required to lake a deposit of 10 per cent of the urchase price at the time of sale nd to pay the balance upon conrmation. All sales being made subject to Hifirmation by the Referee, at 12 clock, noon, January 23, 1932. This 11th day of December, 1931. J. G. ELLIS, Trustee Of the Estate of E. H. Russell, iankrupt. ? NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL j ESTATE 1 In the District Court of the rnited States for the Eastern Dis. rict of North Carolina. Raleigh f tivision. In the matter of Coleman Brothrs Company, Bankrupts. Notice is hereby given that J. G. t mis, Trustee in Bankruptcy for t le creditors of Coleman Brothers j ompan.y_ a partnership composed i i J. M." Coleman, J. L. Coleman r nd E. H. Russell, bankrupts, pur- 9 lant to an order issued herein by t [on. W. B. Duncan, Referee in g iankruptcy, will offer for sale and t ill at public auction to the high- j st bidder for cash, at the Court, c ouse door in Warrenton N. C. 1 t 12 o'clock noon (or promptly c lereafter) on Wednesday, January t 3, 1932, all the interest Coleman 1 rothers Company, J. M. Coleman, ; nd E. H. Russell have in the fol>wing described parcels of real es- t ite. i First Tract: That tract of about 1 3 acres bounded on the South by 1 le lands of W. G. Egerton; on the t ast by the lands of Hugh Towns 2 state_ and of P. M. Stallings; on ? le North by lands cf W. G. Eger- 1 >n and Jim Towns. The Townes 1 urial ground of 1.2 acres in the t orth-West corner is excepted and [ ill not be sold. See deed book 1 26 pages 453 and 483. Second Tract: That tract of t bout 25 acres bounded by the lands c E W. E. B. Harris, Joe Dowtin, j letcher Bobbitt, Fred Yancey, and i thers. j Third Tract: That tract of about t 3 acres adjoining the lands of W. t r. Egerton, T. A. J. Nicholson, x J. Tucker the Ridge Road, and ] thers, and being known as the ? hearin Farm. See Deed Book 126 at page 553. r Fourth Tract: Begin at a stone j n path leading by James Harris'|j Id place, Nick Williams' corner; j? hence East 120 P 18 L to a stone ? l Crinkley's line; thence along j, lid line South 35 P 5 L to a stone;! j hence W 113 P 5 L to a stake on! j ath; thence along path N 22 ffn 1 P 7 L N 1 1-2 W 22 P to begin- , ing, containing 25 3.4 acres. Be-'} lg known as the Joe Dowtin or i loore Farm. The above parcels of land will , i sold separately (but the trustee . iserves the right to offer two or ; lore tracts together upon an ouncement,) free from all liens. J he successful bidder will be re- 1 uired to make a deposit of 10 per-* jnt of the purchase price at thej'' me of sale and to pay the balance!' pon confirmation. All sales being j* lade subject to confirmation by re Referee at 12 o'clock, Noon, anuary 23,' 1932. ] This 11th day of December, 1931. J. G. ELLIS, Trustee of Coleman Brothers ompany, Bankrupts. dl8-4t < ii *T/\rrrnr ap c at r af i? 17 at. i^iUHV/Ei l/r onuu v*- XV?JI*U . ESTATE In the District Court of the ( nited States for the Eastern Dis. j ] ict cf North Carolina, Raleigh Di- t ision. j 2 In the matter of Coleman & j icholson, Bankrupts. | ( Notice is hereby given that J. G., i lllisi Trustee in Bankruptcy for ( le creditors of Coleman & Nich- ( , Ison, a partnership composed of 3 M. Nicholson, J. L. Nicholson,1 < nd J. J. Nicholson, Bankrupts,! ] ursuant to an order issued here-) ( 1 by Hon. W. B. Duncan, Referee j 1 Bankruptcy, will offer for sale ? nd sell at public auction to the j ighest bidder for cash at the' j ourthouse door in Warrenton N.1, ., at 12 o'clock (or promptly there, j, fter) on Wednesday January 13,j' 332, all the interest Coleman &ij icholson and J. J. Nicholson have'( 1 the following described parcels f real estate. First Tract. Beginning at a iiickry on the West side of Eaton's 1 'erry Road P. T. Burrows' corner, j sence along said road as it mean-. < ers in a Northerly direction 45 P 3 L to a stake, W. G. May's cc-r_ er; thence N 57 deg. W 44 P to stone; thence N 49 P to a stone; c rence N 89 deg. 21 P 11 L to a ^ one, the M. R. Bell corner; thence 1 74 P 18 L to a sweet gum r 1 Burrow's line, then along, 2 lid line S 89 deg. W 184 PI > 2 small red oaks In Mrs. Bur-[ rw's line F. T. Burrcw's corner; j rence S 80 deg. 1 106 P to a pine; j lence S 83 deg. West 26 P to Rob-' tson's Ferry Road; thence up said )ad S 29 deg. E. 71 P to a pine; rence S 83 deg. E 71 P to a Holly ee; thence S 53 deg. B 86 P to the, Dginning, containing 64 2-5 acres, ore or Jess, and known as the Pen- j ington Farm. See Deed Book 126 at page 559. Seccnd Tract. Being that tract; f land conveyed to J. J. NicholJ rn (for Coleman & Nicholson) by ( I PAGE 7 r. H. Rooker by deed dated Januiry 26, 1927, and being described is follows: Beginning at a stone J. L. Cole, nan's and John Stevenson's corler, thence along J. L. Coleman md Horace Palmer Estate line N IC 1_4 W 108 P to a stake, Horace 'aimer Estate corner; thence along ;aid Palmer's line S 4 1-2 E 22 P !2 L to a stone, 6 ft North of a Poplar, thence N 80 1-2 E 15 P 15 j to a stone; thence S 29 E 75 P 15 L to a stone 6 feet South of a ipring. white cak pointers; thence "I 81 3-4 E 28 P 20 L to a stone; hence S 85 E13 P to a stone John Stevenson's corner; thence along fohn Stevenson line N 8 1.2 E 77 P 20 L to the beginning containng 38 1-4 A and known as the Paul lobinson Place. Sale will be made ;ubjeGt to deed of trust recorded n book 135, page 49, unless othervise announced. The above parcels of land will >e sold separately (but the trustee psprvpa the right to offer' two or nore tracts together upon an_ louncement) free from all liens, ixcept as otherwise stated. The suciessful bidder will be required to nake a deposit of 10 per cent of he purchase price at the time of iale and to pay the balance upon :onfirmation by the Referee, at 1 '? /clock, Noon, January 23, 1932. This Hth day of December, 1931. J. G. ELLIS, Trustee of Coleman & Nicholson, Bankrupts. dl8-4t TRUSTEE'S SAJLE OF /LAND Under the authority of a deed ctf rust executed to Tasker Polk, trusee, by S. G. Griggs and wife on tfay 25, 1926, and registered in the iegister of Deeds office for Warcn county, N. C., in Book 127, page 10, default having been made in he payment of the bonds thereby ecured, we will, at the request of he owner thereof, sell at public luction to the highest bidder for ;ash at the Courthouse door of said /Varren county at 12 o'clock, noon, >n the Uth day of January 1932, he following described lands sltjated in Warrenton and Hawtree fownships, Warren County, N. C.: Tract No. 1. Located in Warrenon Township, on the road leading iom Warrenton to Warren Plains, jeginning at Davis' Southeast corler on the West side of said road, ;nence along the Davis line West !5 P. and 10 L. to a stone, Davis Southwest corner, thence S. 12 P. ind 15 L. to a stone thence E. 25 ?. to the said Road," thence along he Road Northwardly to the bcjinning, containing Two Acres, nore or less. Tract No. 2. Located in Warren;on Township, Beginning at a stone ;n the West side of the Road leadng from Warrenton to Warren "Jains, and running thence W. 6 C. ind 10 L. to a Planted Stcne, T CI O n C T fn ? ctrtMO iiCHUC o. o 'diiu a u. ou c* ?>bUiW| hence E. 6 C, and 60 L.to the Warenton Road," thence along said Road to the beginning, containing Two Acres, more or less. Tract Nd. 3. Located in Hawtree township, beginning at a stake in Li, C. Perkinson's line on the Seajoard Air Line Railroad, thence ilong said Road N. 16 1.2 E. 16 P. md 10 L. to a stone, thence N 88 IV. 104 P. to a Stone in Young's ine, thence S. 1-2 W. 16 P to a large Oak Ydung's corner in Pernnson's line, thence along Perkinson's line N. 88 E. 97 P. and 21 L. ;o the beginning, containing 10 Rcres, more or less. Tract No. 4. Located in Hawtree Township, beginning at a stone on ;he S. A. L. Railroad, corner for Tract No. 3, thence along said raiL oad N. 16 1-2 E, 17 P. and 5 L. to i Stone, thence W. 107 P. and 5 j. to a stone in Young's line thence 3 1-2 W. 11 P and 12 L. to "a stone :orner for Tract No. 3, thence S. ,8 E. 104 P to the beginning, confining 10 Acres, more or less. This the 11th day of December, 931. WILLIAM T. POLK, FRANK H. GIBBS, Administrators of Tasker Polk, lll_4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Ey virtue of the power of sale ichtained in a deed of trust to T. 3 Txriiiiomo Triisti>p PYPmitprf hv J T f UilUUlU, A A UA/VVV Terry S. Jones and "Esther Jonea md duly recorded in Book 82, page 563, Public Registry of Warren :ounty, default having been made n the payment ef the debt I will >ffer for sale at public auction, for cash, on Monday, January jllth, 1932, at twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Warren county, tforth Carolina, the following des_ iribed real estate: Beginning at a stone on the) West :ide of Shady Grove read, running hence nine hundred sixty-six feet ;o a stone; thence Easterly one cundred seventy-two feet to a i stone; thence Westerly nine hunJred fifty.eight feet. Being our icme place in "Baltimore." See leed from W. J. White to us. This 9 th day of December, 1931. B. B. WILLIAMS, Executor of T. B. Williams, trustee W. H. DAMERON, ill-4t Executor of B. B. Williams TRUSTEE'S SALE Empowered by trust deed exesuted by Anthony J. Alston and vife Lillian B. Alston, March 1, [926, to the undersigned trustee, ecorded in Warren Registry, book 24, page 299, upon default and loteholder's request, I will sell pub_ icly at courthouse door to highest :ash bidder. 12 M., January 4, 1932, hese lands in Fishing Creek Townhip: Begin at iron stake, M. Duke's me, and run thence S 88 E 57 P o iron stake on Buffalo Branch, hen up said Branch, its courses, 49 3-5 P to pine tree, James Alton's corner, thence along said ine S 123 1.5 P to beginning conaining 23 1-2 acres. See Book 103, ;agfi 451. This December 3, 1931. JULIU S BANZET, 14-4t Trustee