J FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19 MjlSociety j W Items I I A GOOD JOl'RNEY ct for one moment do I hold with 9 you I ^ your bel:ef that Death must be gut even if *lia? J'cu assert be true, I ;' cajwot spoil one day for me, my friend. I 9j still can drink the heady amber 9 wme of APriJ sunJl?ht' hear tbe mea- I don' lark I ^^M T^irl notes mto a pearl I keep j I /or mine, | gull see a biase of stars burn up! the dark ^ith frcst-like fire, still watch | the moon's cool flame Lick purple shadows with its sil9 ver tongue. niere is no beauty that I cannot [here is no song that I need leave I unsung! j ^voomjftss ! B;te destination is ? jcw good the journey still, each! I step how blest! ?Adelaide Love. I Miss Kitty Gregory left last week Richmond where she will at^ iend school. I Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Robert jterenson of Macon on Friday, fttfuary 5th, a son. '^B Mrs. T. F. Heath of Roanoke Ra p;ds was a visitor here last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Rob Powell of HenI ji'son were visitors here Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Massenburg ! | fl Hisses Panthea and Sarah Blount! I Massenburg were visitors in Dur- I liam on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Scott atI tended services here on Sunday. I uu. Evans Coleman and son and i taster of Wise were visitors here V on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood were I us:tors at Wise on Friday night. . Rev. E. If Baxter of Frankfort, WKy., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hi. B. Beddoe on Sunday and Breached at Emmanuel Church r Stinday night. I .Mr. Gerald Allen spent several B ays this week in Oxford with fl natives. "" cnont. Snndav I.iiiii JUUUWU ~ ? v a Louisburg. Mrs. K. P. Arrington returned today after spending some time a New York. Miss Lucy Baskerville of Duke [Diversity spent the week end here. Mrs. Peter Jones of Raleigh was i visitor here on Sunday. Mr. Hawkins Thompson of Mara was a visitor here on Saturey night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaughter d Hampton were guests of Miss telle Davis last week. M^s Janet Hall spent several fcys last week in Louisburg as pest of Mrs. Missouri Pelaants. lbs. Vernon Fleming of near Henderson was a visitor here on Mrs. C. H. Finch attended the District Sunday School Rally at feldon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Alston and ?n of Henderson were recent visiMr. David Rodwell of State Colte. Raleigh, spent the week end tee with relatives. \ficcer? - ? J A T_ rr- J j I *r.o .uaigaici aim aivis Sunday in Tarboro. I Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Royster children of Henderson were ^ Rtsts of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Boyd ^Mfcnday afternoon. H Dr. and Mrs. Casper Smith of ^BWison were visitors here on Sun uy night. Dr. Smith will be re^Bfcembered as a druggist for the ^Hhte Dr. c. A. Thomas .twenty years Mr. William Boyd of Henderson ^Hfas in town Wednesday. I Mr- and Mrs. M. C. McGuire ^Mji*ht Wednesday afternoon in Ram Hlt^ J- F. Wamble and family Guy Womble and Mr. Otis of Raleigh, were guests of ^ fv- and Mrs. E. C. Durham last ^W'Qday. *s- T. Harris and son, Jimmy, J*vlsitors at Vaughan on Friday mi-J* Mrs- Ed Hicks and Bi ^ve moved to the resiI tok05 ^s' A D- Harris Sr u.? Bettie Stailings of Macon te?01 ^ last week" Bta ?' Egerton of Macon I Mr r* here on Frlday. G- Shearin of Macon was . > Monday. ?. ,mes Roy Davis, Frank Al^ Allen and sons mpw vu< ,, V? V/ ? I ^ Henderson last week. I Woman's Auxiliary of Eni-l ^urch met on Monday af-1 J?y? with Mis. Hannah Arring-1 Sam Harris, Charlie' 11 ^Bn/15 and Miss Nannie Harris of I Were visitors here on Tues-j ' ailernoon. \ Dick Hawkes of Norlina was! J11651 of Mrs. B. C. Hilliard for] lays this week. I ^*s Loyce McCord of Wash-1 32 Warm f T News.: Fastest Girl Swimmer 1^^"^ '-'itfMnBsl ,.>'T?>wrSxXfBW|^ fffrfTOooo^^^^^^^^^SlwuOQ^r^-- ^yX^^%aX"'^\"-^vyX'X^y^PrTlRR9?9gl Eleanor Holm, American champion, added another world's record by negotiating 150-yards, backstroke style, in 1:53^, lowering the former mark by two and one-fifth second. _Xkc_ngw record was made in the tank I at the West Side Athletic club in Nt w.York City. ingr.on, D. C., Ethel Winterfield cf Lynchburg, and Mr. Nicholson of Redding, Pa., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kirsey. Mrs. P. M. Stallings of Macon spent Wednesday here. Rev. I. W. Hughes of Concord spent a short while here recently with friends. Mr. William Hampton and Miss Gladys Modlin cf Richmond, Va., were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Modlin Sunday. Miss Anna Cohocn of Suffolk will be a week end guest of Mrs. W. A .Burwell. Rev. J. R. Phipps of Littleton is a guest of Mrs. Carr Maore ioi several weeks. Mrs. Phipps and daughter are visiting relatives in Flojida. Mr. Rob Palmer of Buffalo, N. Y., has returned after spending several days here last week with Mrs. J. C. Mcore and other relatives. Mrs. Robert Scott was a visitor in Henderson on Friday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Durham were visitors in Macon on Thursday night. Mrs. W. W. Pegram and children of Yaughan were week end guests cf Mr. and Mrs. E ,T. Harris. ^ "O A Hot-* onH CAn fJhQT iVl.O, V/. JtT < XlXlUii uixvt ww*j v..w. . les, visited in Palmer Springs on Friday afternoon. M ss Helen Thompson spent the week end at her home in Macon. Mrs. Sue White is spending some time in Bennettsville, S. C., with her daughter, Mrs. Horace Palmer. Mr. John G. Ellis returned Sunday from Washington, D. C., where he .spent several days as guest of Mr .and Mrs. Howard P. Jones. Mr. Frank O'Neil of Henderson was a visitor here Saturday night. Mrs. George Alstcln and Miss Nora King of Raleigh were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Lucy William;. Mrs. E. T. Hinson and Mrs. J. B. VonCannon of West End were guests of Mrs .M. J. Davis this week. Mr. Walter Clark of Murfrees. hr.ro. Miss Lida Jane Brooks, Rhodes Holden, Mary Lee Clark, Maywood Modlin of Chowan College were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Modlin. MRS. BOBBITT ENTERTAINS Mrs. Branch Bobbitt was at home to a few of her friends on Tuesday evening to four tables of cointract. The rooms were elaborately decorated in a profusion of yellow jonquils. After several progressions Mrs. W. N. Boyd was awarded a deck of cards as high score prize of the evening, and Mrs. W. H. Dameron received an attractive bath towel as a consolation prize. A delicious chicken salad course with coffee was served, Mrs. L. B. Beddoe assisting.. Those playing were Mesdames Frank Allen, Roy Davis, W. R. Baskervill, L. C. Kin- | sey, R. R. Weston, n. o. ^u?, Phil Allen, J. B. Boyce ,C. R. Rodwell, Earl Kinsey, W. D. Rodgers, Jack Scott, E. E. Gillam, W. H. Dameron, W. N. Boyd and A. A. Williams. MRS. BOBBITT HAS CLUB On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Branch Bobbitt was hostess to her card club and several extra guests. High score prize went to Mrs. A. I \ aton, N. C. and Ever V. Lawson and low score prize to ] Mrs. John Garrett. A delicious ; chicken salad course with coffee i was served by the hostess and Mrs. R. J. Jones to the following: Mes- ] dames A. V. Lawson, J. B. Miller. ] R. B. Boyd, Jr., Joe Taylor, F. P. ] Hunter, Virginia Pearsall, L. B. Beddoe ,C. E. Rodwell. Peter Sea- ^ man. B. R .Palmer, John Garrett, ^ John Mitchell, Claude Bowers, Wil- 1 liam Boyce, Joe Ellis and Miss Mamie Williams. Y. W. A. HAVE MEETING 1 ( The Y. W. A. of the Baptist r church met on Monday night with Miss Margaret Kidd. A very interesting program was given, Miss Elizabeth Rooker being leader. The following read papers: Misses Gladys Haithocck, Mamie Mustian, Myrtle Prescott, Virginia Evans, Minnie Mustian. Elizabeth Rooker, and Mrs. Arvin Adams. Miss Edith Terrell enrolled her membership. Eleven members were presnt. At the end of the business, the hostess served delicious refreshments, assisted by Miss Alvis Kidd. U. D. C .MET FRIDAY An interesting meeting of tflie U. D. C. was held on Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. B. Massenburg, the president. After the usual opening prayers and routine of business a Oreorge Washing tor. program was carried out. Miss Panthea Massenburg dressed as Martha Washington and Miss Elizabeth Wagner representing George Washington danced the minuet. Music was rendered by Mrs. C. H Fnch. There was a large attendance. s HOSTESS TO CLUB ( Mrs. J. B. Boyce was hostess to her card club and a few extra * guests on Thursday afternoon at ' her home on Ridgeway Street. A ( profusion of yellow jonquils were effectively used in decorating the home. A box of stationery was | awarded td Mrs. W. D. Rodgers as high score prize of the afternoon. Tempting sandwiches and hot tea 1 were served during the afternoon. MRS. ALLEN HAS CLUB J An enjoyable afternoon of playing contract was spent last week | when Mrs. Frank Allen entertained her club and Mesdames W. N. Eoyd F. P. Hunter, and Phil Allen, the extra guests. High score was j r made by Mrs. Edmund White. The ' rooms were beautifully decorated in yellow jonquils. After six progressions the hostess served hot tea and cookies. Manson News i Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Edwards of ] Raleigh visited in our town Sun. I day. Miss Margreat Champion spent i Monday in Henderson with friends. ] Mr. John Lorran has returned to i his home here after spending some time with his grandparents in Ala. j bama. t Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Satterwhite of ; Hollister was in our town a short while Sunday. 1 Mrs. W. B. Brack spent Tuesday ( in Henderson with Mrs. J. G. Mus. 1 tian. ', , J Friends will be glad to know that i ' Lad Leave 1 He While S FREE P We're Glad r I Gillam / E. E. Gillam, I ^ | Designated Oakland-! THE WARREN R1 its of Int< Mrs. A. B. Paschall is improving liter being quite ill for the last week. Mr. Duke Champion and sister Miss Margaret Champion spent Monday night with relatives near Liouisburg. Messrs. Francis and Richard Edwards of Raleigh spent a short while in our town Sunday after, loon. Miss Maggie Champion of near jouisburg is spending this week with her cousin, Miss Margaret Champion. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ph pps and 'amily of Middlebu"g visited Mrs. j. N. Kimball here Sunday. Mr. Wallace Paschall of Paschall vas in cur town a snort wnne auniay morning. Miss Lurlene Mitchell of near Vfiddleburg spalnt a part of last veek with her sister, Mrs. W. E. 3rack. Miss Hattie Rose of Kittrell com. nunity was in our town a short vhile Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brack spent Saturday night -and Sunday with elatives in the Cokesbu-.y commune Mr. and Mrs. C|. L|. Hayes of Ridgeway were in our town a short vhile Sunday afternoon. Mr. W. E. Brack visited his sister, ifiss Eleancr Brack a while Friday light at Petersburg Hospital. Miss 3rack is in training there. Afton Items Miss Addie Pinneli of Brcadway ;pent the week end with her parents. M". and Mrs. J. K. Pinneli. Mrs. J. D. Dickerson has returned ;o her home from Snow Hill, Mary, and, after attending the funeral if her father. Misses Marie Pinneli and Kath. erine Dickerson of E. C. T. C., Greenville, spent the wegk end with their parents. Mrs. J. K. Pinneli was a visitor n Durham last Thursday. Miss Elsie Hudson of Louisburg spent Saturday night with Misses \ddie and Marie Pinnell. Miss Lucile Joyner of Warrentcn spent the week end with Miss Catherine Dickerson. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fuller and 'amily and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. duller, Mr. and Mrs. J. k. Pinnell ind Mrs. A. H. Frazier attended ;he funeral of Mr. Charlie Fuller >f Epsom on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinnell and laughter, Dorris were supper guests n the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Burroughs on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. N|. H. Harrison vere dinner guests in the home of Vfr. and Mrs. M. S. Dryden on Sunday. Miss Bolle Shearin of South Hill, iTa., was a visitor in the home of Vfr. and Mrs. M. S. Dryden on last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Weldon and ;on, Edward of Norlina spent Sun. lay afternoon in the home of Mr. md Mrs. W. C. Burroughs. Misses Blanche Burroughs and Virginia Frtiziaj and M|r. P. W. Uooper were dinner guests of Miss Marie Pinnell on Sunday. The Afton Woman's Club held ts regular monthly meeting in the J- =3E===iM lies! rour Car ? ire hopping \RKING | ro Have: You luto (Jo. II Mgr. Phone 50 'ontiac Repair Station ECORP *rest to W home of Mrs. Boyd Reams on :.ast s Wednesday. j I Mrs. J. A. Ridout spent Sunday night with her mother, Mrs. M. H. ( Pinnell. t Misses Annette Folk, Arnie Bell Roberts and Ellse King deligfttfuly entertained a number of ttieir friends at a card party Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I M. S. Dryden. Cards were played i at eight tables. The valentine idea } was carried out in tally cards s.nd favors. j After several progressions, Mrs. s Stephen H. Bowden scored high far ladies and was presented a val- c on tine box of candy. Ray Easier was holder of top score for gentle- j vn avi/1 vortrti Trnrl n ff-rnnl-iim oaf ji.ixcjlx ?nu icucivcu an avviavvi vc ocu i cf ash trays. Louis Fuller was given j a. box of stationery for holding high score in Rook. A sweet course 1 was served by the hostess. ?. c Macon Items Mr. Edward Shaw Jr. from State (Allege spent the week enc. here ' %??ith his parents. Mr. John Wright Smith of Henc.erson was here Wednesday on business. 1 Miss Myrtice Harris entertained the Literary club Tuesday night. ' Messrs. Charles and Wayne Waller of New York visited in the home of Mrs. S. S. Reeks last week. The Macon high school boys1 defeated the Norlina boys in a lively ' game of basket ball Wednesdiy af. ' tsrncon at Norlina. Score 17 to 11. Miss Maxine Drake of Wirren- ^ ton was the guest of Miss "Dot" Farker Wednesday night. Messrs. F. M. Drake and E. H. Russell were in LaCrosse, Va., Monday on business. Mrs. J. W .Parker and Mrs Lula Harris visited their parents, Mr. v or?H TV/Trc 1X7 R r cl \ Churchill last Sunday. i The Epwoith League enwrtainel at a social in the social room 1 of the Methodist church Wi'dnes- 1 cay night. Mrs. Robert Bell of Henderson c and Mrs. Walter Overby of RidgeWay were guests of Mrs. A. L. Nich. r clson last week end. 1 Mr. Howard Riggan lost his home cy fire on Tuesday afternoon. 1 Dr. T. B. Smith of Bracey, Va., ( was in town Wednesday afternoon, i Mr. Pryor Rodwell Jr. of Wari an ten was a visitor here Suiday. c Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rodwell of l I- ortsmouth,- Va. spent the week end in the home of Mr. anc. Mrs. c 1. M. Drake. ( Mrs. Sue Shaw of Winton spent r.\eral days this week with her c mother. Miss Mary Drake of Warientonda 7 f ? 1111 i 1111 i 1111II11! 1111111' 1111 i 11 A 1 Sells everytl sells and the Rexall Offering the quantity buj quality affoi tists at the c | Our / j * Gives our cu f even furthei TTAHV inanppf I< - t J \J ui Boy Hmimiwimniiiwuwwus Warrenton, N. C. HIlMHMMIlWtMHimUIWimUHmiUI \ romen 'I1 i pent the week end with Miss Etnei Russell. M .and Mrs. Claud Haithcock of Ihurchill were here Wednesday afernoon. Ridgeway Items Mrs. T. P. Grant, Mrs. Stella Jaxter, Mrs. W .C. Mabry visited n the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 4. Banzet Jr. on Tuesday. Miss Hazel Grant is visiting her irother, Mr. Perrie Grant, at Winton-Salem. Mrs. Helen Overby visited at Ma on the past week end. Miss Elizabeth Townsend and 'Ars .Wright of Oxford, Pa., are riembers of Miss Grace Moore's jarty td Cuba. Miss Louise Hawks of Norlina ecently visited Miss Donna White. Miss Rebecca Collins came Sun. lay from Norfolk, Va. Mrs. stamngs visitea Mrs. r. a. Baxter Sunday. Several Ridgeway people visited it the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. 3eoples Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brauer and >aby were at Franklinton one eveling recently. Mrs. .Claude Grissom. and little laughter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks. Ash Wednesday services were jeld at Good Shepherd church. Miss Mary Grant returned Frilay from a visit to her sister, Mrs. ryler, at Jackson. Several of the Ridgeway people isited at Warrenton Tuesday. Miss Lynda Grant has returned rom a visit to relatives. Inez Items We are glacl to report at this iriting that Mr. Glenn Coleman vho had the misfortune of break ng nis leg is improving. Miss Annie Lee Powell cf E. C. T. C. spent the wqek end with her >arents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C .Powell. Miss Rosalie Brown spent Thurs. lay night with Miss Hazel Benson. Mr. Stanley Powell Jr., spent [Thursday night with Mr. Oliver Davis. Misses Catherine and Rosalie 3rown wqre visitors in the home )f Mrs. L. H. Benson's Saturday ifternoon. Miss Mary Powell was the guest ,f Miss Myrtle Davis Sunday after.oon. Miss Virginia Benson spent Sunlay afternoon with Miss Anna 31ark. Miss Rosalie Brown spent Monlay night with Miss Dell Overby. Mrs. W. A. Benson and little lughter Patsy, spent several days lexall St ling any other good i I Pi 1 Pf, L JL U1 VLVOl JL x * Besides low prices made possi ring and production a xled through researc ommand of a great o] Anniversary i NOW GOING ON stomers an opportun * on their purchases, ion. ce Drug The QghjoSSL Store II PAGE 3 niwnHiiimiiiuiiiniiMKWiiMiuiiwii r ?i bashion Facts in ^ ; j this week with Mesdames P. W. and M. K. Aycock of Elberon. Miss Estelle Benson was the guest of Miss Kate Davis Sunday afternoon. Mr. Oliver Davis visited Mr. Stanley Powell Jr., Sunday. Master Bob -Benson spent Monday night with Master Jimmie Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dillard spent Saturday night and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Davis. Palmer Springs Items Mr. T. I. Cheek bitt were Mr. B. E. Bobbitt and friend of Pennsylvania, Miss Sue Bobbitt and friends of WinstonSalem and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Byerley of Raltigh. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fleming of Raleigh, Edwin Fleming of Manson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fleming of Warrenton were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jef. fress Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arrington Davis of Hendersdn spent. Sunday with Mr and Mrs. A. P. Read. The Missionary and Aid Soc'.eues will meet in the hom^ of Mr. E. F. Bobbitt next Wednesday. Creek News Mr. Edward Davis went to Duke hospital last Wednesday for treatment. Miss Margaret Hunter of Areola has been on a visit c