PAGE 4 The Warren Record Published Every Friday by Tht Press Publishing Co. One Year for $2.00 HOWARD JONES JR Editor BIONALL S. JONES Associate Editor That Justice May Ever Have A Champkc; That Evil Shall Not Flourish Unchallenged. Entered at the Postoffice at Warren ton, North Carolina, under Act of Congress of 1878. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in iieaven is perfect.?Matthew 5:48. Under the storm and the cloud today, And today the hard peril and pain? Tomorrow the stone shall be rolled away, For the sunshine shall follow the rain. Merciful Father, I will not complain, I know that the sunshine shall follow the rain. ?Joaquin Miller. THE LEGION LAUNCHES A DRIVE Fourteen years ago the boys who wore the khaki were fighting for their country on foreign soil. In this they had the. loyal backing of the people back home as was evidenced by the way they responded to every public call. Not only did the civilians contribute their 1 i. time and tneir money, uui they denied themselves food that there might not be any shortage for the soldiers. A limited amount of sugar, cornbread for wheatbread; the tasfe of potato biscuit still lingers with many. From the evil of war sprang the flower of a people united for a great cause. Today the same men that wore the uniform in 1917-18 through their organization, the American Legion, are launching another fight. This time it is against an enemy that stalks in America, unemployment. They received the support of the public when they waged their fight to destroy the foreign enemy. Are they not even more entitle to such support when they battle to upbuild their country? The local post of the American Legion will make a house-to-house canvass of Warrenton and Norlina early next week. Citizens are asked to contribute one or more days work for one or mi ?lj jl* more, men. inese pieuges ui employment will be turned over to a central agency and unemployed citizens seeking work will be referred to them. We ask that each person approached will give all the work possible. We think that the drive of the American Legion is happily timed. After nearly three years of depression we think that the country has passed through the crisis of a near panic. The stage is set for the climb upward. A push is needed. This concerted drive to put men to work may furnish enough motive power to start the ball to rolling. The giving of work will lighten the drain of constant calls for charity. Timely work of labors will enhance the bftautv and true wealth of the property upon which laborers are employed. Money paid labors for their hire will find its way into the channels of trade, aiding employers to give more work and the climb upward is on. Carried to its ultimate theoretical possibilities it would end the depression. Even moderate success of the drive, should alleviate it to some degree. The average American Warren ton, N. C. prwvr*, 11 & Team Hire ? ? ? ? ? _ ? ? _ ice Meetings jjjK iance Meetings Meetings !!S uice Meetings ice Meetings vS ice Meetings., nee Meetings. .q]^H ig Report :;S K lmiSvSioners to Balance aty Commissioners to tie ^ J inty Audit: ommissioners have taken up ^ d of County Commissive-have in this fund to take up reduce the bonded indebtedne&^^m >f $1,000 each year for tutntf-^^M pecified. time and at a great 'YD, Chm. B 1 WHITE V NKLEY BL REAMS B? anwiissioners.