FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19 I | Warren Record || I Chssified Rates I I I (l) one cent a word each Issue J I I (This Type) IJ I lb) * V* Cent* a Word! I I (This Type) lj Il/cj Three Cents al I f0id (This Type) I I All abbreviations counted I I words II Trtnty-ft Cants Minimsm I Charge I oifftoJ' Ads, 35c an I Inch it) 1MUT0 proper classification I | rui Ads should be In this of. I H I|J BOOH n?uiw?.,. I AS signed "Care Keoard" I Strictly Confidential I fa Classified Ads I Charged B gxoe/t to Regular Display Advertisers B Xo Ads Received Over B Telephone n c B BOO POUNDS KOREAN LEBPE ceza Seed. Recleaned. For Sale) B at 13c per pound in 100 pound' B bags. W. N. Boyd, Warrenton. f 12 i BFoR SALE?50 SECOND HAND B Mutes at auction, Tuesday, FebB ruary 16, 1932, at 10 a. m. I. B. B Gardner Sales Stables. Spring Hope. N .C. fl2-2t B;oR SALE ?INTERNATIONAL 3 h.p. Gasoline Engine. Gcod as B new, $20. The Bungalow Farms, Macon, N. C. f5-2t B HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE? Located on South Main Street. N. P. Marks. fl2-2ts BlCR SALE?600-EGG INCUBAT. ox. In splendid condition. A bar^B gain. L. B. Bowden, Route 1, Warrenton. fl2-3ts EARLY ARRIVALS NEW SPRING: *" " l _ I i Rayon Prints and Suitings m wus week. Allen, Son & Co. PIANO?We have a beautiful uplighf piano in this community i hat will be returned to us. For lack of storage space we will lansfer this account to some responsible party, allowing all that; las been paid on same. Terms is iesired. Quick action necessary. Address Box 478, Concord, N. C. f5-3t ch SAUTLFUL PRINTS, NEW Spring Patterns, fast colors, 10c, lit, 19c yard. Alien, Son & Co. SPECIAL PRICES ON SHEETS ltd Sheetings. Allen, Sen & Co. ?H RENT-TWO UNFURNISHED Sooms on Main Street suitable br light housekeeping. R. P. Las. POUNDS KOREAN LBSPEdaza Seed. Rccleaned. For Sale i. 13c per pound in 100 pound itgs. W. N. Boyd, Warrenton. f 12 1ADIES' PURE SILK SERVICE Right full fashioned Hose. All &des, all perfect goods, 69c Pair. Allen Son & Co. Iftp CATT! TTT/-v/-\T-\ ATI AXTTT Lin i ir. ? YY UUL; xvlx A : length, $2.50 per load. Telephone }^l 1220. W. B. Crinkley. o9-tfc !li BEST 39-in. FINE BROWN Sheeting we have ever offered at I 5c yard. Allen, Son & Co. t^BfHEETINa AND SHEETS ARE tow at the lowest price in years. 2^1 h our opinion the bottom of the V tnarket has been reached. We figgest buying your needs for I 7S Wm time to come right now. I ft a;e offering special prices 7H 5 a toor. time. Allen, Son & Co. OIL CLOTH, WHITES S? fancies, full width, best qualJg>t 19c yard. Allen, Son & Co. ?rR NEW ARRIVALS IN wt.y Spring Style Coat Suits., Dresses. Allen, Son & Co. i i? uqal notice . om Notice of sale tMteLl^ue of the Power of sale i(Hb nS? 111 a deed of trust to T. Trustee> executed by J?tie3 and Esther Jones ^Lfecort3ed to Book 82, page ???i Registry Warren ths iS, having been made W*1 of the ^bt I will 3^H cash on u at Publio auction, for ua MOM... ? . reoruary 22nd, W|c<^ J?e*Te o'clock noon, at the HWr? v??r ^ Warren county, ' the following desI ~r-a* estate: fide^T'8 at a stone on the West wn 1Grove road> running K? 4 hundred sixty-six feet tey !I.tbence Easterly one .lOj^B^otS' tw^-two feet a ttN ?e Westerly nine hun*?*. Being our W*^CV?t ^Itimore." See ess^H Tils? a White to us. B t L5 January, 1932. 1 W n V,B- Williams trustee Wt i* PAMEEon, ' ^B. B. Williams i ^ sale v,? iby a deed ?f trust tv,, ; r- B?yd to w. g. 1 iiustee, on the 20th day 32 Warren ton, N, i III Tryth Want for The Columns of More Than I ; sji Each If you are in nee seeds, plants, or thing to sell, ren there is no better I |ij; and at such a s II Wan j TRY THEM 1 | The Warr II WAN' | PHO cf March, 1918, recorded in book' 99, page 261, Register's Office. Warren county, default in payment and at the request of the holder I will, as substitute Trustee, ?n the 29th day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock M. at courthouse door in Warrenton", N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land located in River Township, Warren County, N. C.: Begin at a stone on the west side of Eaton March road, a little north of the dry pond; thence S. 57 W 148 P to the "old Person Ash" on a small branch; thence down said branch 83 P to Poplar branch; thence down Poplar branch 61 poles to a maple, Massenberg's corner; thence North 38 E 48 P 20 L to a pine and sweet gum; thence N 15 W 128 P to a maple near a small branch; thence N 25 E 149 P 10 L to a broken top maple; thence S 65 E 22 P 20 L to a stone! pile; thence 87 3-4 E 38 P to an' ancient hickory corner now dead and stone pile made there; thence S 86 1-4'E 75 P 15 L to an old line stump on the east bank of Long Branch; thence E 6 P to a small j beech tree; thence S 16 3-4 E 238 j ? 5 L to Eaton Marsh road; thence] along said road southwardly 56 Pi 20 L to the beginning containing] 437 acres and being the holme place of the said J. R. Boyd. This thp 29th dav of January.] 1932. " " " "I j29-4t T. O. RODWELL, chw.o.b. adm Substitute Trustee "TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of power and authority conferred upon me by a certain deed of trust executed to me by Walter J. Williams and Sallie B. Person on the 30tii dayj of May, 1931, which deed of trust is registered In the office of the' Register of Deeds for Warren county, North Carolina, on page 121, in book 135, I will sell at 12 o'clock M. on the 20th day of February, 1932, at the court house door at Warrenton, N. C., at public auction to the highest cash bidder, default having been made in the payment of the debt secured by said deed of trust, the following described tract of land: nnnnrtorf nn thp North bv F. Bob bitt, 011 the South by Coleman Bros. Co. on East by lands of W. E. B. Harris, on West by public road, and being known as the Wiley Williams tract. The interest of Walter Williams and Sallle Person being an undivided Interest In the above lands. This the 25th day of January, 1932. J. H. THOMPSON, J29-4t Trustee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIM North Carolina County of Warren. In the Matter of Bank of Warren, Warrenton, N. C. Under authority of Subsection 10 of Section 218 (c), Consolidated Statutes, all persons who have claims against the above named bank are hereby notified to present proof of claim at Warrenton, N. C., on or before the 1st day of May, 1932. Failure to present claim on or BUD 'N' BUB fTT UT VA, ftOMUAA I (ruvyoor qirla< -m/alektlnb ) )* - . : - . . -=r." . .^5 c. : Ads I :g: Results 1 This Paper Reach || 5,000 Readers ||i WeeJc | d of help, a home, if you have some... Hi: it or want to buy, m; and quicker way, mail cost, as the t Ads | FOR RESULTS I en Record t ads 1 NE 17 i 1 ' !*' [ before the above date bars the claim not presented except as to the assets of the bank in the hands of the Commissioner of Banks for the account of said bank at the time the claim is presented. Objection to the allowing of any claim may be made by any interested person by filing such objection in the pending action in the office of the Clerk of the Court of this county and by serving a copy thereof on the Commissioner of li&rJfcs or the Liquidating Agent of this bank. This the 1st day of February. 1932. J. A. DENNIS, Liquidating Agent of Bank of Warren, Warrenton, N. C. Note: In filing claims for Casnier's Checks or Bank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit the particular instrument must be surrendered I when Proof of Claim is presented. . CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To all to whom these presents may i come?Greeting: I Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the volj untary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock| holders, deposited in my office, that the Centre Warehouse, Incorporated, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the Town of Warrenton, County of Warren, State of North Carolina (C. C. Hunter being the agent therein and in charge thereof upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, ! entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore I, J. A. Hartness, Secretary of State of Notrth Carolina, do hereby certify that the said' corporation did, on the 8th day of January, 1932, file in mv office executed and attested by all the stockholders thereof, consent in writing to the dissolution ctf said corporation, executed which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my Low ROUNI 1 Norfolk -1 Acc< Washingtor February 2( Good until F Norlina $1.50 Littleton 1.50 Good on all F ^^EABOARE^IR sr) 6^1 r THE WARREN F official seal at Raleigh this 8th day of January, A. D. 1932. J. A. HARTNESS, (SEAL) Secretary of State NOTICE TO CREDITORS North Carolina, Warren County. In the Superior Court Whitley and Barrow Lumber Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. C. C. Strickland and W. M. Strick. land_ trading as Strickland Brothers, the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, a Corpor. ation, and A. L. Blalock, J. K. Pinnell, W. T. Carter, J. D. Rig. gan, Jr._ and Stanley Powell, Defendants. To all persons take notice: 1. That a suit entitled as above was instituted in the Superior court of Warren county, North Carolina, on the 22 day of January, 1932, and is pending. 9 ' I 'ho f TXrhif 1/nTT ortrl PorrAm ? AUUU T> ill viiv J U11U XJU1 iUVt Lumber Company, a corporation, Is plaintiff and C. C. Strickland and W. M .Strickland, trading as Strickland Brothers, the Fidelitj and Deposit Company of Maryland a corporation, and A. L. Blalock J. K. Pinnell, W. T. Carter, J. D Riggan, Jr.t and Stanley Powell the last five defendants hereir named are members of the Beard of Education of Warren County, and compose said Board, are de. fendants in said action. 3. That the purpose of the action is to recover a judgment against the defendants on the bond executed and delivered by the defendants, Strickland Brothers, and the Fidelity and Deposit Company ol Maryland, to the Board of Education of Warren County, North Caro. lina. when said Board let the contract for the building and construction of a school building neai Wise, Warren County, North Carolina, and in said judgment to require the defendants, Stricklanc Brothers and the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, to paj the plaintiff and to any and al other claimants who did labor ot and who furnished material anc supplies for said work and who in tervened in this action as providec by law, the amounts found to bi due plaintiff and such other claimants or their pro rata part of sucl recovery in case said recovery shal be inadequate to pay the amount found to be due to all claimants. 4. To require the Board of F-du cation of Warren County, Nortl Carolina to pay in to this Couri the sum 'of $1800.00 now due Strickland Brothers, that same may b< applied on said judgment. This 22 day of January, 1932. WHITLEY AND BARROW LUM BER COMPANY, a Corporation. A R. HOUSE, Attorney for Plaintif Raleigh, N. C. J29 TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Empowered by deed of trus executed to Tasker Polk, trustee by W. E. B. Harris et als, June 22 1918, registered in the registry o: Warren County. Book 104, P. 31 after default and at the bondhold er's request, we will sejll, at publii auction for cash, at the court house door of Warren County, a noon on the 7th day of March 1932, that tract of land situated h Warren County. N. C., described a follows: Beginning at a Stone-pile, th old Edward Davis corner on th< South side of the road leadini from Grove Hill to Warrenton ????O??^TE? ??L1 ?? ) TRIP Fares o Portsmouth )unt i's Birthday )th and 21st 'ebruary 23rd. Roanoke Rapids?_$ 1.25 Weldon 1.00 legular Trains I INF. RAILWAY 1 RECORD and running thence South 61-2 West 92 Poles and 20 Links td a Lightwood Knot in an old Stump place, thence South 741-2 West 178 Poles and 20 Ilinks to a Stone and Dogwood, thence North 11 West 139 Poles and 15 Links to a Poplar on Cowhide Branch, thence 1 North 1-2 West 56 Poles and 10 Links to a White Oak, Cheek's old corner, thence North 84 East 86 Poles and 20 Links to a Stafce and Pointers, thence North 761-2 East 42 Poles to a Stone on said Road, thence Eastwardly along said Road 102 Poles and 20 Links to the beginning. containing 200 Acres, more or less. This 5th day of February, 1932. WILLIAM T. POLK, FRANK H. GIBBS, Administrators of Tasker Polk, Trustee. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND State of North Carolina, , County of Warren. The Federal Land Bank of Colura- ; bia, plaintiff, ] ; vs. ( A. E. Paschall. Annie E. Faschall, 1 J. H. Zollicoffer, Trustee, Citi < zens Bank & Trust Co., Home 1 Furniture Supply Company, First National Bank, and Gurney P. ; Hood, Commissioner of Banks, I Defendants. , Pursuant to a judgment enter- 1 . ed in the above entitled civil action on the 18th day of January. 1932, i in the Superior Court of said coun. ; ty, by the Clerk, I will on the 7th 3 . day of March, 1932, at 12 o'clock . M, at the County Courthouse dctor 1 > j in said county sell at public auc- < [ tion to the highest bidder there. 3 . for the following described lands, i . situated in said County and State . in Nutbush Township, comprising . two hundred and thirtynine (239) i acres more or less and bounded : . and described as follows: .1 All that certain piece, parcel, on 1 tract of land, containing 239 acres, i . more or less, situated, lying and be1 == I i : I i I I The f ? I At the he; b I is an "and | hearted, lea | ward. On h 3 | lives of all \ i | This e | In the pre I I occupies mr 1 | leads the w; I the obstacle I for support. I ^01 | Whatevei | benefit enoi | large, stron . | You will en; | veniences tl I afford. 1 Y?U ! citi i< "" = * /^SoMoTH ERTS\ Vr^r fyooR VAL?NTIME-)C fAH\> you (LE/MEMB^ey^ I ME WITH TW?S ?SPLBKb\t> GlFT/y VlSflMX^PENJ^^^ " Warreiton, N. C. ng on the Hyco Road, about 2 1.2* 1 oiles northwest from the town of ] "iidgeway, in Nutbust Township, 1 < bounty of Warren, State of North 1 Carolina, having such shape, metes nurses and distances as will more)' ully appear by reference to a plat 1 hereof made by Tom Taylor, sur_ reyor, on the 20th day of February. ; .922, and attached to the abstract low on file with the Federal Land j 3ank of Columbia, the same being icunded on the North by the lands >f J. W. Paschal 1, Chaney Carroll, i 3d Henderson and John Edwards; in the east by the lands of Cnaney Carroll, Mrs. W. E. Capps, and A. 3. Paschall; on the south by the ands of A. E. l'afrfcall and George Joltzman, the Hyco Road. Thus is < he same tract of land heretofore lor voyed io tiie said A. E. Paschall J >y R. W. Paschall, R. D. Paschall, J P. Paschall ,by deed dated the , !5th day of August, 1897, and 10th < lay of May, 1918, and the 1st day ' if March. 1921, recorded in Books , il, 74, and 84 and pages 490, 218, * and 471, respectively, Office of J Register of Deeds for Warren < bounty. The above lands being ] sounded on the west by the lands if Chaney Carroll and J. W. Paschall. The terms of the sale are as follows; One-Fifth (1.5) of the ac. cepted bid to be paid into Court in cash, and the balance on credit, payable in Five (5) equal installments, with interest thereon from the date of sale at the rate of six! (6 per cent) per centum per annum. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted or reported unless its maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of Two Hundred and Five and 56-100 ($205.55) Dollars, as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said iNKlt "Anchor M ad of the mountain clin lor man,77 sure-footec ,ding the ascent; forgii is skill and judgment vho follow him. Bank Safegti ;sent-day business syste ich the same position, ay, assumes the first ] is, safeguards those wb insel of OffiCi ' the size of your busine "mously from affiliat g bank. You will gai joy the numerous servic lat only a large, stron, ir Account Is Inv zens Bs PAGE S " lands will be resold at the time place and upon the same terms at l o'clock P. m. of the same day un. ess said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or aci :epted will be promptly returned to the milker. This tlie 1st day of February, L932. JULIUS BANZET, F124t Commissioner. USB THE WANT ADS WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY OR flETI. THEY IIRINO QUICK RESULTS ? |i?oaooi>o?o? ?mmmm Imperial Warrenton N. C. Fri. Satur. Feb. 12.13 Tom Tyler ii. ! I Galloping Thru" Bosco 'IThe Doughboy, comedy 1 Battling With Buffalo BUI, ! With Tarn Tyler, A new serial first Chapter ' Mor.. Tues. Feb. 15-16 "Tulane Vs. U. Southern California" Entire Game In Slow Motion. Also Musical Comedy. Wedn;s. Thurs. Feb. 17-18 "Frankenstein" With C>lin Cline, Mae Clark Fox Movietone News. Moonlight ind Cactus, comedy ???< RBI In 4G 1 I Ian'" 1 | ibing party | i, staunch- | rig ever up- 1 J depend the | 1 /l/V/1 C I fl/C f WO >7 ;m Banking | The E:ank I risk, clears | 10 look to it | | p ers I I ;ss, you will | ion with a | I n prestige. I | jes and con- I g bank can | 11VU v ink I i By ED. KRESSY &?>. ?,?, | rfjCoUfclMG powpER |l I j - . . .J*.i