PAGE 4 The Warren Record Published Every Friday by Tie Press Publishing Co. One Tear for $1.5( HOWARD JONES, JR EdltOJ BIGNALL S. JONES Aislclate Editor Thnt Justice May Ever Have A Chiunpion; That Evil Shall Not Flourish Unchallenged. Eniared at the Poetoffice at War. rente n, North Carolina, under Ad of Congress of 187B. ilnd he went down with them anl came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these saying in liei- heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with Uod and man.? Luke 2:51, 52. No man will ever be a big exjcutive who feels that he must, either openly or under corer, follow up every order he gi^es and sees that it is done? ncr will he ever develop an able assistant. ? John Lee Mihin. COULD PROFIT BY STATE'S EXAMPLE Again this newspapei states that the objections raised to the Special Prohibition Officers of Warren county is principally on account of the fee system used in payment for their work. The same objection is raised to the Solicitor of Recorder's court receiving a fee, although as much has not been said about the latter In fighting for a principle as dear to us as the cause of prohibition is to any number of citizens of this county, we are not trying to lend aid and comfort to the bootlegging element nor to. any other law violators. It is not sympathy for those caught dealing with whiskey, or any wish to lighten their punishment, that makes us object to the fees paid. It is quite all right to tax the guilty person with the cost and any reasonable fine or sentence in the discretion of the court. What we do object to is the officer's pay being dependent upon conviction. If he does his duty he is entitled to his pay. If it is necessary to have these special officers, they should be put upon a salary. Incidentally, as vicious as this system is in Warren, it is worse in our neighboring county of Vance, where the Judge of Recorder's court is paid a fee. It is hard to imagine a worse system than where the Judge s pay depends upon a defend- .V. being found guiltv. The Vance system wil] probably be changed at the next session of the General Assembly, and we hope that Warren's Representative will repeal the present law in which the Prohibition Officer and the Solicitor are paid a fee. The Solicitor of the Superior Court a number of years ago was paid a fee. The sta'e in its wisdom changed this and it does seem as if the county could profit by such an example. ID..ui:? D..1? A UU11U A U1SC Readers art invited to contribute to this department. Artioles should be written as briefly as possible. ???I TO BE CONGRATULATED Editor, Warren Record, Sir:--One would judge from recent comment in The Record that the onty unpardonable sin committeed by our Representatives in the last Legislature was appointing a prohibition enforcement officer [Oof whbh it seems everybody has hoard). If 'this be true( these men arq to be con. gratulated. Now I wonder how many have heard how they stuck to their try ing duties for five months in an effort to help pass such measures as their constituents wanted. At the time of appointment in question, it was not known whether 01 not those who would bq appointed as deputies would act as "go-betweens" to always beat the Federal Officers to the stills in (time for Warrenton, North CaroH the moonshiners to make their get- in away. tr MRS. W. H. PRIDGEN. \ th MR. DAVIS WRITES el< f Editor, Warren Record, Sir;? lie Does mcney or do the people rule? C< Does the state belong to the peo- w' pie, or do the people belong to the tc state or are both owned and ruled Pc by a few politicians and corpora- Pt | tions? b A tobacco manufacturer could Pr answer with $36,000,000 net profits, ti< $18,000,000 spent for advertising, $1,000,000 bonus to an already over- is' paid president, besides several hun- fr dred thousand dollars bribe money w] for representatives, all in one year sc on six cent tobacco. Organized cor- c1 porations who manufacture tcbac- ca co robbed the producers of more than $100,000,000 in prices last year, tr faulty legislation and lack of co- yc operation among farmers allowed pi it. Do you want it corrected? Tell es the truth abcut it with your vote. I Do the people rule? A power com pany could answer with business 1V1 methods that are paralysing to industry, that increased its assets from $8,000,000 fourteen years ago to $120,000,000 now; 1500 per cent profits in fourteen years. p Small industries, especially cot- rf ton mills, are being crushed to tl. death by profiteers in the State's D natural resources. sa ' Do the people rule? Politicians hi ' could answer and say that it costs the people of this state ten times K as much to operate the state gov- ac ernment as it did fifteen years ago, R and so unjustly that 85 per cent of g? the people, owning only 15 per cent ed of the property, pay 87 per cent of gi the taxes. gt Working people could hardly live wi paying no taxes at all under pre- ar sent conditions, how would it have to been if the last legislature had not th taken all the road tax and much oi of the school tax off, amounting in to $80,000 yearly to the people of in the county? The next legislature r< should reduce it $45,000 more. lil If the State Personnel and Bud- se get Commissions could and would to abolish all other commissions and Li unnecessary departments and use- El less heads thereof, and discharge G all deadhead employees, and reduce Jc the salaries of all those left to ccr- li{ respond with their duties and pre- m sent conditions and then resign H .hemselves, the State would be $8,000.000 better off yearly. I am in so favor of it. Are you? My heart is H in it. Is yours? Do your honest duty by yourself, sc your family, your county, state, na- D tion and your God, without being influenced by personal friendship st or prejudice, then sleep in peace qi with an easy conscience. Political intrugue, co-operating sc with the greed of corporations has E polluted our law bcoks with injus- T tice that allows men to speculate H inhumanly in tragedy that has dot' ted the sides of a thousand hills in z our state with the graves of its vie. hi ' tims. i Unnecessary taxes are a small hi part of these impositions. If work- c ing men were rewarded with fair ; and just returns, no one would ai ; mind paying taxes, and the country G . would be prosperous, and its peo- N: pie happy and contented. H If I am elected your representai tive, I will do all in my power to Pi , relieve property of all ad valorem m taxes for State or school purposes, h and abolish all privilege and license be taxes, and in lieu thereof get it e from property according to the K! earnings of that property, and from ! incomes, more particularly unearn- ^ : ea incomes. Any income iium at- i cumulated property should pay a y much higher tax rate than a similar 1 income earned by labor. ? I The sitate should bear the cost of L [ the operation of all school buses, and provide all public school books 1 upon a rential basis charge based E1 : on depreciation. The state budget should be balanced by reducing ex. D| penses and not by new tax levies. The county budget should be balanced by same economy and tax- ** Sale of Proper The following persons having fail I will on Monday, June 13th, at 12:00 : Warrenton, N. C., the property dffecr due, cost and penalties to be added. M. M. DRAKE A. D. Alston, one lot, main street Lucinda Bruce, one let, John Plumme Chaney Battle, one town lot James T. Crosson, one lot, Ridgeway Clifford Engineering Co., one lot Julia Davis, one house and let Amanda R. Davis, one lot, Bragg str .ftpps ruikener esiare, one iot._ Mabel P. Falkener, two lots near jail i James H. Green, one lot, Bragg street, ; Isaac Alsion, one lot Otis Greei Hamkins and Burgess^ one let near H , Margaret Harris, one lot, Franklin str Jule Harris estate, home place on Fran Nancy S. Haley, one home on Frinki] 1 James Jardan, two lots, Ridgeway stre< Walter Jones, one let, Franklin street ! Heirs of H. T. Macon, one lot, Newto Richard Mack, one town lot Norlina Ice Corp., one lot Ice Plant... i Dr. F. S. Packard, one lot, near H. F. John Rodgers, cne home on Wilcox st t H. H. Reavis, cne store on Franklin str< . Casdis A. Reavis, one lot on Franklin s ! Mrs. J. W. Scott, one lot, Brehian stre ' J. L. Smiley, cne home, near Hfills ? ' J. J. Tarwater, one lot, Farmers Ware Gritchen Thornton, one lot, Franklir I James T. Taylor, cne lot near John F Warren Hotel Co. one lot, Main find C 1 j J. S. Wortham esiate, one lot, store c Buck Yancey, one let, home, na "J" g property qssesses at its reial or ue value. I believe in the Divine right of e people to govern themselves by scting their own officials. I be;ve in and hold as sacred our anstitution and "Bill of Rights" tiich should be defended and proofed even as did the patriots who >ured out their life's blood for its irchase. Who will you vote for? That is ob'ably the most important ques>n many of you will have to anrer this year. Answering it foolily or carelessly to please some iendly talking faithless demagogue 10 has no higher motive or hemes than the satisfying of his tvn selfish ambitions is largely the use of our present distress. Be a man unto yourself. Look the nth squarely in the face and do >ur duty. Do you want the peoe to rule? Answer it like an hont man with your vote and God ;lp you do it. JOHN S. DAVIS. ftrtrin M n hi v. Drewry Items On Sunday evening, May 16, the ev. R. E. Brickhouse of the Warnton Baptist church preached 10 commencement sermon of the rewry school. Mr. Ralph Miller ,ng a solo and there was special I usic by the choir. I On Monday evening Mr. J. C. | ittrell of Henderson delivered an [dress to Che seventh grade. The ev. Mr. Thompson of Norlina ive the Invocation and pronounc1 the Benediction. A group of rls from the different grades i ive a patrotic number. Mr. Edard Allen spoke to the friepds id patrons of the school. He Id of the work and progress of ic Drewry school since March 12 [ last year when the* old buildg was destroyed. He stressed the i porta nee of reading and the great ed of more good books in the irary. Mr. J. C. Stabler prented seventh grade certificates the following: Bertha Bender,. llie Bender, Katherine Ellingcon, :hel Hill, Irene Buchanan, iow,7c stefirall. A. L. Holloway, >hn Cloddy Watkins, Jack Wilims. Clifton Moss. Theo Seaan, James Robinson, and Charles askins Mitchell. Miss Jaunha Hester of Hendern is the guest of Miss Elizabeth elloway. Mr. Sprawls of the MiddLsburg hool visited his former pupils at' rewry on Thursday. The friencte of Mrs. L. G. Walon regret that she continues dte sick. Misses Rebecca Reavis of Man>n and Catherine Moss and lizabeth Parks of Keats spent hursday with Miss Elizabeth olloway. Miss Alice White, who taugh' at eb Vance school has returned to ?r home near Drewry. Miss Alma Kimball is visiting er sister, Mrs. Edward Milling of incinnatti. Mrs. N. D. Boyd, Miss Sara Boyd id Miss Mildred Salter, Mrs. eorge Wlite, Misses Alice and ancy White were guests of Mrs. . B. White on Monday. Messrs. 111 wood Paschall. Hunter ischall, Ray Williams, and isses Edna Paschall. Elizabeth olloway, Jaunita Hester, Elizaith Parks and Cutie Williams OPTOMETRIST Oxford, N. C. rarrr InH Wwl ftYWTl 1 in i A m er Citi?ens Bank with Dr. Jogm entist. Warrantor*, N, a ty for Taxes ed to pay their caty taxes for 1931, m. sell at the court house door in Lbed below. This to satisfy taxes , Ctiy Tax Collector, Warrenton, N. C. _.$ 42.59 :r, 2.68 5.50 street 17.55 1.07 10.70 eet._ 10.70 8.03 10.70 one lot, Laughlin, one lot i 61.21 alls Spring 1.07 eet, one lot colored! church 2.14 klin street, one shop lot 23.01 n street 22.73 it. 24.61 13.38 wn. - 2.14 1.07 42.80 Jones 7.49 reet 50.70 Jdt 35.25 treet. 17.47 et. 39.60 5pring 22.45 house, one lot home 172.61 l street 8.56 'lummer 7.49 ' 'hurch streets 424.50 j >n Main street 26.75 4.28 HE WARREN RECOB visited Miss Edna Williams at South Hill on Sunday afternoon.) Miss Nancy White, who has been the guest of Miss Nena White left on Tuesday for her home in Raleigh. Messrs. Henry B. and Edmund White and Miss Alice White spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Miss Elizabeth Dowling of Manson was the guest of Miss Edna Paschall on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar BreedTove, Mrs. E. T. WJjite and daughters, Miss Helen White and Mrs. Edna White Wood were the guests of Mr. C. M. White and family on Sunday afternoon. LEGAL NOTICES COMMISSIONER'S SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court in that Tax Suit entitled: Warren County vs. J. C. Tucker et ux., I will sell publicly to the highest cash bidder, courthouse door, Warren ton, N. C.. on June 6, 1932, 12 Noon, these lands in Warren County, Fishing Creak Township, North Ca*olira: Fortyfive acres of land In Fishing Creek Township, Warren County. N. C\, " ' X1? TTcrorf.nn I tic joining i?nc lauuo v/a m&v* ?v..f Gupton, Tom Tucker and others, being a part of the old Eii Tucker Home Place, owned by and listed In the name of J. C. Tucker for 1929 taxes. This 5 May, 1932. JULIUS BANZET, m6--4t Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court in that tax suit entitled: j Warren County vs. Booker Harvey j et als, I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, courthouse door Warrenton, N. C., 12 M May 30th, _1932, these lands in Sixpound Township, Warren County, North Carolina: [ Being thirty-three and one-third acres In Sixpound Township bounded as follows: On the North by the J. R. Robinson lands; on the East by the J. R. Robinson and Mrs J. C. Gardner lands; on the South by J. R. Robinson and Mrs. J O. Gardner lands and on the We3l by Mrs J C. Gardner. This 27th day of April 1932. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior Court in that Tax Suit entitled: Warren County vs. J. Sabat Southerland, I will sell publicly to the highest cash bidder, courthouse door, Warrenton, N. C? on ^ rr\ . i n Ilo tne ae Men of th Life is a voyage and sealed orders. A li is a welcome on when the voj Claude M. "Pilot to I I THI I It was For a C i j Boyi L tp T June 6, 1932, 12 Noon, these lands in Sandy Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina: Bounded by the lands of Geo. Pinch, Haywood Poster, Sam Hicks, and Bob Southerland, containing 88 acres, more or less, owned by and listed in the name of J. S. Southerland for 1929 taxes. This 6 May, 1932. JULIUS BANZET, m6-4t Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior Court in that Tax Suit entitled: Warren County Vs. Hardy Alston et ux., I will sell publicly to the highest cash bidder, courthouse door, Warrenton, N. C., on June 6, 1932, 12 Noon, these lands in Judking Township, Warren County_ N. C.: Being Lots 4 and 5 of the Owen Davis land ag shown on map made by L. B. Dutron, C. E., which is recorded in the Warren Registry in Plat Book 1, page 31, and being bounded on the North by Briston Brown; on the East by W. G. Egerton; on the South by W. B. Crinkley; and on the West by Tom Myrick. This 5th day of May 1932. JULIUS BANZET, m6-4t Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court in that Tax Suit entitled: Warren County vs. A. H. Newsom, T rrrlll r.nll TMlKl i/vlxT fcrfc VllCrVlPSfc J. wm DVia w vvw cash bidder, courthouse door, Warrenton( N. C., June 6, 1932, 12 Noon, these 'lands in Judkina Township Warren County North Carolina: Two tracts containing seven and nine acres respectively described as M. E. Newsom land, and two tracts containing six and twenty-four acres respectively, described as Perry Land. This 5th day of May 1932. JULIUS BANZET, m6-4t Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Empowered by deed of trust executed to me by R. H. Rudd and wife, May 23rd, 1927, registered in Register of Deeds office Bcok, 127, page 283, after default and at bondholder's request, I will sell at public auction for cash at the court House door of Warren County, at noon on the 30th day of May, 1932, these two tracts or parcels of land in Warrenton and Hawtree Townships, Warren County, N. C., described as follows: Tract No. 1. Lying and being in Hawtree Township, beginning at a planted stone, Lehman's N. W. corner on the Saint Tamany Road, and running thence along said Road 50 feet to a planted stone on the E. side of said Read, thence Easterly in a straight line 100 feet sar rious m is County I we are sailing under fe insurance policy ier to be opened rage is ended. Haithcock I Protection" NO IS H worth wait body who I ?emonstratic or H. He #^!ll ruman Warren It ftuTeoton, North C*roRn* (to a planted stone in Jim Hicks' line, thence northerly 50 feet to Lehman's line a planted stone, thence along Lehman's line 100 feet to the beginning, containing 5000 square feet. Tract No. 2. Lying in Warrenton Township, being one Town lot situated In. the Town of Norlina, beginning at a stake on the N. side of Boyd St. 190.5 feet east of Canst., running N. 150 feet east 41.7 feet, south 150 feet, west along Boyd St. 1-2 feet to the beginning. This Apill 29, 1932. WILLIAM T. POLK, a29-4t Trustee. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION , North Carolina, Wanen County. Wanen County. Plaintiff, vs. Nelvena Richardson, Sol Richardson and. J. H. Richardson, Agent. The defendants, Nelvena Richardson arid Sol Richardson are required to take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Warren County, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of a certain certificate.1 of tax sale which was executed and delivered to the plaintiff, Warrqn County, by the Sheriff ol! said Warren County, n. C. on June 2, 1930, against certain land in Fishing Creek Township, l\arren County, North Carolina, listed in the name of the defendant. Nelvena Richardson as of May 1. 1929, and described as " 11 3-4 acies in Fishing Creek Township owned by Nelvena Richardson and lived for 1S29 taxes by J. H. Ri.cnardson, Agent, adjoining the lands ; J As Your I Ord( txtttmm) RO.OTJ:: You can bri :|| :! scriptions her piete confiden |: registered ph? 4; fill your ordei t: handle the i carefully and s | pounded. Boyce D J. B. Boy< Warrentoi ttmmtmmasumsmmmmttmttnmt N FO IERE ing for?as has seen it >n Call Tom I nderson 1 Motoi on, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1932 | ,{ Lilly Richardson, Mrs. M?Uhtw I Richardson and others;" and th? I aia defendants, Nelvena B.ich&rd' I it. and Sol Richardson, will fut~ I hoi take notice that they are re. 1 luired to appear at the office (,{ I ,he Clerk of the Superior Court I or the County of Warren, at the I ^ourthouso in Warrenton, n. c I iot later than thirty days after ft# I 13th day of June, 1932 and answer I >r demur to the complaint, filed 1 n said action, or plaintiff will at- I >ly to the Court for the relief de I ixanded in the complaint. * I This the 11th. day ol May, 1932 I W. K. NEWILL, I Asst. Clerk of the Superior Court I Julius Banzet, " Attorney for Plaintifl. ml3-4t I build up < I TO PREVENT I mPAINS I H How a Missouri woman was I 8 benefited by taking Cardul it; I B described below by Mrs. B ^j^gchumer, of Cape Girardeau;"] |jjl a time 1 was so |K 1 j'l back and head 101 over. I ^ ^ would nt |q' I ?^g^eau^deal.^Aft?| B^^^^!^--ferent person." n.? ifil:l?nn 1 tmmmtttmmjsatasHmaamaa I I I I I ^Bl M 5 I M ]| Doctor] I sred 1 I M 4 1 I spuaH | H m J I ng your pre- H | S t, aH e with com- H ijj BJ n( ce that only g | irmacists will g 2 B rs. They will | 1 B n jurest drugs, ?. $ B BE!. M killfully com- | I B W' " I ?rug Co. |l ce, Prop. jH N* C? M s * js IRD I H i V ft' \k any- | I a In la; Frazier K Id < r Co. 1 I -, V e