Today s accurate, terse j timely volume xxxii ELECTION to be .,nin AT MAPI IMA I [jtii/ rt J iiuiiLdiin propose Increased Levy To I provide Funds For AgriI cultural Teacher I^URI) ROUTES TRUCKS I upon petition of more than 25 Beholders of the Norlina school strict, as required by law, the Jard cf Education in regular ses i? at Warrenton on Monday approved a special election for 'the istrict to determine whether or not fxven cent additional levy should x made. The purpose 01 uie iev>, I; understood, is to provide funds ;or the retention of the agricultural ?acher in the Norlina district. Pointing this action by the board of education. the board of county com sissioners ordered that the election be called for September 19 The jxf;t/on was presented to the board lkv Harry W. Walker. j I .touting of trucks and other fcrans yrtation problems preparatory to( Bi opening of schools the latter J of August occupied the major jrion of the sesssion of the board education on Monday. I the board ordered that 'the Holof the Halifax county u pwl system be permitted to enter I^en county to transport 'to Hclpupils from the territory bejso Areola and Hollister in the it seven grades, the route per?ad and approved being as folTo enter at Old Bethlehem, to tola; thence down N. C. Route ?to fillister; or from Areola by tie Hamlet community to Hcllister. This action supplemented addon of July 4th permitting citizens between Hollister and Areola to choose the school to which they would send their elementary pupils. The board was asked to pass on track routing and drivers in Fork rjnship and the following action ns had after extended discussion: a truck to start at Hugh Davis' si proceed to Warrenton as last f/-? jr {J t Ovprhv's ph: CAWcyu i>v/ uvwui ^ v ? H&dence for his daughter, this io Ik known as Creek truck; smaller Imck to start at Old Shady Grove, lien to Dalton Taylor's, carrying Imll children to Inez from Shady , Isnve. thence to Warrenton by Bsady Grove and Clark's Bridge. Ifcrer of Creek truck, Edwin Davis; mi the other, to be kncwn as Inez Icut E. G. Hamm. j I Tom Neal was chosen for driver ( Id the Embro truck. Upon recom- ; I notation of the Churchill commit- 1 tee. Jesse Shearin was chosen driver : o( the Churchill truck. William > I \m Fleming was chosen as adult j I driver Struck from R. P. Fleming's I taaace via old Brodie Postoffice, i detour to S. J. Pritchard resi- t B face, down 59 to destination, an- : Hirer truck to be used in Vicks- i I neighborhood. < I On motion it was resolved tha'i I I re salary of student drivers be 1 ^ at $7.50 per month; of adult b?. $15 per month, unless other Especially provided in particular ^ ises. ^ Board employed J. H. Gard30 days and reserved the ?t to fill the repairman's place *?anently for the year at the IJ re^ar meeting, fixing such as seem wise at tha'h time. Wr* Machanic E. W. Shearin pro JJ ^ donate the use of the J} Service truck if tires are proby the county, same being five ^ ^'and tubes. The offer was ac V? IA*^ ordered that R. H. Bright, Lawrence and A. W. Parker ^^1 sGttlif.Wi _ - w.? ^ 1? ?-x me use 01 two iructts ort agricultural students to mcampment at While Lake, to 15, trucks to be returngood order as received, and indled under the personal on of the teachers at all ( 1 colored pa'irons of three ( requested that the date of , be postponed. Upon motion ( ! of opening as heretofore , ls not changed. Jack Alston !r colored people near Areola , d to be allowed to continue | T truck used last year. , tter was not settled. I board ordered that $25 be Mailable as needed for the i ;of digging a well at the 1 school and puthing piping ] 16 same, it being understood 1 addition arrangements would i ? for the purchase of pipe 1 ^P. On recommendation of 1 Kimball for the Drewry com he follnurirvrr J? 1 UllVCIO Wil] trucks were chosen: Erickl Manson truck; Jcihn Ben-1' Paschall truck; W. W. Kimball ' 'Continued on Page 8) ind Toi g Warren County Asks \ Federal Appropriati Among Destitu Warren county is asking for $30,000 of the 300,000,000 recently appropriated by the Federal government for distribution amcing, the States for local relief work, it was learned this week from Miss Lucy I. Leach, head of the county's welfare department. Provided Warren's request meets with the approval of State authorities ntiH thp monev is sent here, it is proposed to use $15,000 for hospi;alization of the sick and the other half for general relief work, Miss Leach said. The amount of the welfare department's request was decided upon at a meeting of representatives of relief agencies in Warren county. The $15,000 asked for by the doctors will be used, it was said, for hospitalization, medicines, doctors calls, tubercular patients and tonsilar cases. The remainder is to be used by the welfare officer in the purchase of food and clothing for destitutes in Warren. Attorneys Say Note Not Properly Before Board The J. R. Paschall Company note presented for payment to the board of education at its regular July I meeting is "not properly before the board for action of any kind at this time," according to decision of Polk & Gibbs, attorneys for the school board. Mr. Paschall appeared before the board of education at Wagrenton on the first Mcnday in July with a note in favor of J. R. Paschall Company in the sum of $2341.70, dated March 23, 1908, signed by the board of trustees of the Wise Special Charter District. Mr. Paschall also presented a petition signed by J. R. Paschall, C. W. Cole, and A. J. Perkinson asking that a sum to pay this note be included in the Wise school budget. Mr. Paschall was rertnod'oH + rv Iqtt fhp Hn/ I IJUVUkVU VV/ Jtl J v*iv VI w vuow?*v>y MW fore attorneys for the board. The note showed a credit on its back of 344.75 on April 10, 1908, and on January 12, 1915, of $10. In returning their decision to the board on Monday, Polk and Gibbs wrote: "Pursuant to your recent requeg;, and without going into the merits of the matter, we are of the opinion that before the Board of Education could act in respect to the above note that the Wise school District would have to include provision for the payment of the same in its district budget, which budget wculd have to be sworn 'to by the chairman and seoretary of the district committee. It is our understanding that this has not been done, and we are, therefore, of the opinion that the matter is not properly before ycur board for action of anv kind at this time." Asks That Falling Trees Be Reported Trees falling across the roads ol Warren county should be reported to the prison carap at once, according to Joe Taylor, engineer in charge of roads in Vance and Warren. "Please request citizens," Mr. laylor said y-sViday, "to telephone the prison camp, 'phone 58, upon dicovery of a tree blocking j any road. The highway force will remove them immediately. This kmd of work is a part of its duties.' I Fireworks Break Loos Before Board of Fireworks broke loose in the regular session of the board of town commissioners on Monday night when a delegation, composed largely I >f ladies, appeared before the board | to protest the establishment of a gin in the old stemery building on; East Franklin Street. j W. H. Dameron & Company has J recently purchased the stemery i Duilding from Boyd Massenburg and | propose to use the building for a, Jin. Henry Montgomery, heading the delegation, presented a petition to i the board, bearing the names of property owners of that section of the town, asking the board to take such action as was in their power to prohibit the establishment of a gin in the residential section. John B. Palmer discussed the legal phase of the matter and asked that the board zone the town in order that such practice might be presented. The ladies, with scanlt regard for morrow he Mi WARRENTON, COUNT $30,000 From I ion For Relief Work te Citizens Of County In the event 'that the county's request is approved, the money will not be used as a dole, it was stated, but will be spent in relief for the afflicted and towards assisting , those now dependent upon charity ' to become self-supporting. Only those who are willing to work and , help themselves as much as they ' can, will be aided. Should this money be secured, it ; will be the first time that any ' sizable sum has been on hand to 1 carry on welfare work along a ' broad scale. Although many of Warren's poor and unfortunate have j been given food, clothing, treatment : and work during the period of time the welfare agent has been employed in this county, the line of service has been checked by limited < funds. Warren county has no fund set ; aside for administering to the sick j and needy. Until the beginning of ] this fiscal year, when the services ; (Continued on Page 8) Chairman Powell Tells Citizens He Is Ready To Resign John Clay Powell, chairman of Warren county board of commis- j sioners, on Monday told citizens gathered in the commissioners rum that he was willing to resign if it were the wish of the people of Warren County. "I have been honest in my ef forts to servo the people of War- ' rn county without desire for per ronal profit," Chairman Powell . spoke in the sudden hush that fell ' over the commissioners room. "I j have tried to serve my people to , iiie best of my ability. If the citlzent deem it to be for the best ir- , terest of the county, I will be glad ( to step down and let somebody else , take my place." 1 A ripple of applause ran through the room ss the commissioner finished speaking. It is believed that Mr. Powell's 1 remarks were brought forth as the 1 1 ivi 'i'ho Mm . It*^Ull? U1 &U cuituiiai xxx xuw aiv. lina Headlight last week in regard to a new ticket to run independently against the nominees of the I Democratic party for commission- ' ers this fall. The editorial was in- ' spired by failure of the board to 1 meke a levy for continuing the c agricultural teachers in five schools of the county. ' ] Water Company To Discontinue Notices ! In an effort to cut down ex- . penses of the Warrenton Water Company, the water committee ' has ordered that all second notices be discontinued and customers failing to pay their water bills by Ihe 10th of the month will be cut out, according to announcement c mailed to customers by Superin- 1 Undent Harold R. Skillman. Bills will be delivered by hand each month instead of mailed as heretofore in order to save posi * ^vnoTr r\Q\r < Lage. l/iu>i/ismcxo me*/j ? bills upon presentation, or may 1 wait until the 10th of the month, 1 the notice stated. CARRIED TO HOSPITAL Henry Stearin of Warren Plains was carried to a hospital in Nor- 1 folk for treatment Tuesday by ; George R. Frazier. e When Ladies Go Town Commissioners . j , parlementary practie^ addressing 1 " " ~ * 1 - ai i part of their remancs co uuaiu . and part to W. H. Dameron, presi- i dent of the Dameron Co., stated In i no uncertain terms whalt they 1 thought of anyone building a cot- i ton gin in a residential section. They told Mr. Dameron that there weTe i plenty other places in which he could locate his gin, making fre- , quent reference to his "cow lot," , next to his residence, and one re- ! ference to a vacant lot next to the residence of Commissioner H. W. Rodwell, a member of the firm of W. H. Dameron & Co. They told the board that a gin in that sedticn would endanger the lives of children because of increased traffic; that the noise of' such gin would be objectionable; that the fire hazard would be increased, and J that the value of their property 1 would be depreciated on account of its erection. ; in reoly, said that ; JLVA1 . JUfCMAAV^ I (Continued on Page 8) I! Are W irnm if OF WARREN, N. C., FRII MISS LUCY LEACH TO BE RETAINED Boa^d Finds Itself Without Authority To Discontinue Officer's Services 3TATF1 WORKER IS HERE The Board of County Commissioners was without proper authority in discontining the services of Miss Lucy Leach as County Welfare Officer, it was revealed at the regular meeting of the board here on Monday. Miss Leach will continue to serve. In cutting budget expenses at its July 14th meeting the commissioners cut out appropriations for a number of county services. The Welfare Department appropriations was one of these. At the meeting here on Monday, Miss Lois Dosher, of the State Dofiortmant orvrua'arnH Kof rvro t.ViP J/Hi Vllivitv, IV! UU WVXVAVf ViiU beard and after recounting the services rendered by Miss Leach and the increased need for such an o'flcer during the approaching year in view of proposed Federal aid, told the members that they had no legal right to discontinue (he services of such officer at this t me as she had been appointed for a two-year period and her time had not expired. She read opinons from two attorney-generals supporting her contentions. The board requested Julius Banzet, county attorney, to make an investigation. Latn Dollc Irh Subscription Price, $1.50 .ises Funds By is to Retain Bright; Teachers To Remain I they were unable to continue this work and Mr. Lawrence will devote his full time to the Norlina school. The John R. Hawkins negro school at Warrenton and the Warren County Training School, negro school at Wise, are making satisfactory arrangements to keep agrint ilfiit*q 1 toopVioro parrv r\r? vrv?Q VU1UVUU4 WUVli\/lU VV VM<.iJ ViA I WVW t.'onal work among the negro citizens. Last year a three-cent levy was made in the county-wide school budget to pay three-eights of the salaries of five vocational agricultural teachers in the Warren county school system. This item was again in the school budget this year, but the board of county commissioners declined to make the levy and instead levied one and one-half cents to take care of substitute scientific subjects necessary if the schools are to retain their accredited standing. > i i r\ jurors /\re Ljrawn For September Term Of Superior Court Jurors for September term of Warren County Superior court were drawn by the beard of county commissioners on Monday as follows: First week?A. L. Nicholson, S. E. Gupton, Stanley Powell, J. E. Adams, B. W. Conn, T. P. CMary, W. W. Wilson, Joseph A. Allen, J. W. ShearLn Jr., R. O. Leete, Frank Davis, W. E. Davis, H. E. Coleman, J. H. Gilliland, F. T. Reid, V. A. Coleman, J. S. Whitby, C. A. Tucker, E. F. Alston, Sam T. King, W. C. Bobbitt, J. Boyd Davis, John J. Harris, Joe Moseley, G. W. Little, W. G. Little, W. A. Cheek, W. K. Fleming, C. J. Tucker, W. P. Bowers, William Carter, J. C. Brauer, S. L. Carroll, W. D. Rodgers Sr., Walter P. Rodwell, W. H. Mulchi. Second week?Chas Coley Jr., D. M. Harris, E. L. Crawley, Frederick Williams, Philip J. Bender, M. T. Bolton, E. E. Newell, W. H. Wright, Boyd Wilson, J. A. Dowtin Sr., M. K. Aycock, L. E. Dillard, J. G. Alston, H. C. Davis, W. T. Gooch, J. Van King, W. J. Hecht, J. C. Collins. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. T. L. Brodie and daughter, Miss Page, are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Jones. Miss Ann Burwell or New York is spending some time here in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Bur well. Miss Sam Vann of Franklinton is expected today for a visit to Miss Katherine Scoggln. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dinan and son, Johnnie, of Mrami, Fla., are expected to arrive in Warrentcn Saturday to spend their vacation with Mrs. Dinan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hudgins. Miss Madge Hudgins of Raleigh will arrive Saturday to spend her vacation with he/* parents, Mr. and j Mrs. John A. Hudgins. ' Mr. John Drake left Thursday for New Bern where he has accepted a position with Davis Fharmacy. Miss Lalla Fitts Palmer of Chapel Hill is spending her vacation here in the home of her mother, Mrs. J. D. Palmer. Mrs. Eugene Gay has r eturned to her home in Jackson after spending some time in the home of her mother, Mrs. E. C. Price. tiing Gasoline Hose, order Taylor Monday night when Mr. Weaver was stand ing guard. John H. Kerr Jr., representing, the defendants, wanted 'to know if Mr. Bobbitt didn't set a trap to catch the men. Mr. Bobbitt replied, "No, I set a man to catch them." The case was interestingly presented, but terminated with all three of the defendants being found guilty. Judge Taylor fined Branch and Cheek $15 and costs each and gave them three months jail sentences, assigned to work the roads. The road sentences were suspended upon the condition that the costs and fines were paid. Due to his youth, prayer for judgment was continued en Palm en* on the condition that he remain* of good behavior and report to the court every four months for a period of two years and that lie be obedient to his father. Facing trial on a charge of carry(Coratinued on Page 8) ir Days MOST OF THE NEWS ALL THE TIME a Year NUMBER 32 TOWN TAX RATE IS FIXED AT $1.00 Commissioners Levy 45 Cents For Operating Expenses; 55 Cents For Bonds r>rkT T TAV DVMAIVC ?Q.OO L UJLiLi lvuiuniiiu ifu vv The 'tax rate for the town of Warrenton will remain at $1 for the present fiscal year, it was decided at a meeting of the beard! of town commissioners on Monday night. Poll tax will remain at $3. Fifty-five cents of the levy will be used for bond purpose, and 45 cen'ts for operating expense. Values have decreased, it is estimated, approximately $125,000. Unless there marked improvement in business, it is believed that returns from the railroad will be greatly reduced. These two factors, coupled with heavy fixed charges on account of indebtedness, is said to be responsible for failure to reduce the tax rate in spite of several economies in administration. Adoption of the budget and fix ing of the tax rate came as the concluding items of a rather lengthly session of the board, chief interest in which was the appearance of a delegation to protest the establishment of a gin near a residential section. Cabbage Plant Is Removed From Bronchial Tube A small negro baby of Warren reaped reward from the advancement of science a few days ago when a piece of cabbage plant which she swallowed was removed from her bronchial tube. The piece of 'cabbage plant became lodged in the child's throat while she was playing wi'th it, and the mother noticing that her baby was about to choke to death hurried her to a doctors office here. In coughing and gasping the piece of weed slipped down into the bron chial tube, and 'the child was sent to Raleigh where Dr. John B. Wright successfully removed the piece of cabbage. Catherine Powell is the name of the cne-year-old negro baby. She lives in the Marmaduke section and was carried to Raleigh by Cliffort Robertson, who also lives in that vicinity. Rufus Drake Fatally Injured In Wreck Rufus Drake, white man of the Ringwood section who was fatally injured in an automobile accident Saturday afternoon near Grove Hill, died Monday morning around 6 o'clock in Park View hospital, Rocky Mount. The accident occurred, it was said, when a tire on the Chevrolet automobile he was driving blew out in rounding a curve and the vehicle crashed into an embankment. The injured man, lying in the road with his head and face badly cut and smashed, was found by occupants of a car from Danville, Va., hp was Dicked ud and rushed to the office of Dr. Charles H. Peete where first aid 'treatment was given before he was carried to the hospital at Rocky Mount in the automobile of Joe Powell, register of deeds for Warren county. Mr. Drake married the sister of Exum Clark, and was about 27 years of age. He is survived by his wife and one child. Boyd Family Holds Reunion Saturday TOWN S VILLE, July 30. ? The Boyd reunion was held at the Boyd home here last Saturday evening. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyd of Reidsville, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Poindextor and son, Gordon Wallace, Jr., of Warrenton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitaker and son, Harry, Jr., of Rocky Mount; Mrs. George V. Boyd and family of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper B. Hicks of Henderson, Mrs. George A. Harris and daughters, Judith, and Lucy, of Henderson, Mrs. Marion Taylor and Mrs. Al pheus Jones or warrenton, jvlts. n. B. White and sons, H. B. Jr., Edmund, Nat, Walter and Wallace of Drewry, Miss Alice White and Bill White of Drewry; Mr. and Mra. John G. Taylor and son, John G., Jr., of Sondon, Nat Boyd of Richmond, and Mrs. Vernon McElveen of Lynchburg, S. C., Jack Bullock and Miss Sallie V. Bullock of Bui1 1- J T/-,V\ ?-< I 1UUJI, XVXI. ciiju. ivxia. ui/mi vawuimuc and family of Warren Plains.