frglDAV, NOVEMBER 4, 19; gjgaiwsmmmmrTfrTTirriiiiiiiiiiu, Society Items hintkrs long ago streams the clouds, and the fresh wind is singing. j is the dawn, and the world, rhite with rimeo music! The hunter's horn I ringing-' . over the liilltop the mounted men I I of scarlet, and glitter, and ' Off i*e deep cay. the rhythm of ? of | hoof and cf cry? 1 4|..;a o echo! The winds rush and I mmgle! fgUoo, \ it-w hall.o! And the hunt ' has swept by! ... . All the morning is hushed and ' sober. Bare is th? hilltop and sad as its if* WW o{ tlie -ll0St of a lon&-dead I'" October gj-ffs as the dust blows the ghost p I of the Hunt! ?Harriet Prescott Spofford. M friends of Mr. William Carroll, l'? rho has been confined to his home ?t with flu, are glad |T* 50V?iui * |jos:e him out again. 5 Jlrs. P- A- Agelasto and Mrs. P. t j jj' gtallings of Macon were visitors it Warrenton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen and chilH j.en were visitors at Henderson this H treek. _ Friends will regret to learn that ^ .Mrs Jee Taylor is confined to her home with an attack of flu. Afiss lizzie T. Alston of Whitakers J ] Ki a visitor at Warrenton yesterB Mrs W. B. Fleming and Miss Salm] } Watson were visitors in Richend last week. !Lf Mrs. S. T. Thorne and Mr. S. T. r Home, cf Ah lie, and Mr. Paul i Viht of Brmingham, Ala., were I Jtirison guests of Mrs. W. B. I Eencs last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Plummer of I iiar.ta were guests of Mr .and Mrs. I J. P. Sccggin last week. I Mrs. W. O. Rodgers and daughter, I patsy, spent the week end in RaMrs. W. M. Gardner spent SatBzdav in Raleigh. Friends of Mrs. A. V. Lawson re- j * J?i.. Alport with regret that sne nas xiu. I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Overby and Ichildren have moved from Macon I la Axtelle. I Mrs. T. A. Baxter of Ridgeway | was a visitor here on Monday afternoon. '< The card clubs met this week with Hesdames V. F. Ward and T. J. : [ Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas Jones of 1 Dttrham, parents of Dr. Rufus Jones of Warrentcn, were visitors here 1 Monday. i Miss Mary Davis left Monday 1 night for Wilson where she will j cpen a studio to teach dramatic ' a? She has been in Wilson for the oast two weeks coaching a show, I "Once Ir. A Blue Moon." Mrs. John Smiley and family were ^ toner guests of Mr. R. R. Smiley ] II 6 wus.n on ouiiuttj. . I Mr. George Howard of Tarboro, j: I a former John Graham student, was i I greeting friends here last week. I Mrs. James WWiggins of Wilson I *as a recent guest of Mrs. J. H. ] Misses Bobbie Jones and Kath- i erine Arringten were visitors in Raleigh last week. i ! Mr. J. p. Watson has returned af- 1 ter spending some time in New 1 Mr. Gilbert Scott of Norfolk was 1 a visitor here Friday afternoon. 1 Mr. Gaston F:ote of Portsmouth 1 spent Friday night here. i Misses Nena and Rie Parker are i spending some time in Franklinton ; *ith relatives. ! t Mr. ana Mrs. Louis Hawks of Nor- ' Una were in town Saturday. Mr. Ollie Stevenson of Macon was ] Q town Saturday. Mrs. Mari:n Taylor of Sudan was < J guest of Mrs. Alpheus Jones last i seek. f Mr. and Mrs. Will Limer, Miss ] Sadie Limer and Mrs. Lewis Puller ; Afton shopped here Saturday. < Mr. and Mrs. Lunsford Long of : Haanoke Rapids spent Sunday here i Mth Mrs. H. P. Arlington. Mrs. Robert House of Chapel Hill i *as a dinner guest of Mrs. J. C. : fyore Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bulkck and amily spent Sunday here with Mrs. Carr Moore. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Jones and Mr. Hunter Jones of Durham and Mrs. Charlie Parker of New York were Suests of relatives here Monday. Miss Bobby Scott cf Ridgeway was ? - ? 5 guest 01 MISS uraue wagiier una *eek. Mesdames Henry Wilker, Charlie Shearin and son and Mr. Henry hazier of Warren Plains were in to*n Monday. Mrs. Wilbur Strickland of Macon shopped here Monday. Mrs. John Newell of Macon was a visitor here Monday. Miss Sallie Watson spent several %s last week in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tanner and 1 32 Warranto*, North ? i|i News Believes in Marines Ann Elizabeth Hartzel, society heiress of Merion, Pa., announces her marriage to'Corp. Austin Steed, U. S. Marines, Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Steed v;i<! recently left a fortune of fcGW.OOO by her mother. Mrs. Billy Tanner of Palmer Springs were here Monday. Miss Sue White has returned after spending a month in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petar and children and Miss Sallie Watson were visitors in Ridgeway cn Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Eula Burton, Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, Mrs. A. R. Deck, Messrs. James and Clarence Deck, all of Richmond, spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. B. N. de Foe-Wagner. HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER In honor of Miss Bobbie Jones, bride-elect, Misses Elizabeth Morten, Annie Laurie Herring and Katherine Bird entertained at five tables of bridge on Tuesday night. Miss Katherine Arrington received a crepe de chine dance handkerchief, and Mrs. R. J. Jones, as winner of high score, a set of ash trays. Miss Jones was presented with silver bread and butter plates and with an attractive doll whose cap and veil were lace handkerchiefs and whose skirts were formed of handkerchiefs also, gifts of the guests. Ice cream was served in the shape of white bells ornamented with orange blossoms. White cakes, decorated in green, and white flower cups filled with green and white mints were upon green doilies on the plates. The hostesses were assisted by Miss Katherine Taylor. Those playing were Miss Jones, Mesdames R. J. Jones, J. B. Boyce, L. B. Beddoe, Branch Bobbitt, J. B. Miller, Ervin Adams, B. R. Palmer, T. B. Burton, Misses Arlington, Mary Elizabeth Black, Prances Perse n, Loyce McCord, Lucy Boyd, Eliza Grimes of Washington, Mary Randolph, Alta Rudisill, Rose Kimball, Julia Bullock and Leonora Taylor. INFORMAL TEA Honoring Misses Bobbie Jcnes and Katherine Arrington, brides-elect of the fall, Mrs. J. E. Adams and Miss Leonora Taylor entertained at an informal tea at the home of Mrs. Adams cn Friday afternoon between 1:30 and 5:30 o'clock. The living room and hall were decorated with colorful autumn leaves and red dahlias. After assembling in the living room, the guests were invited jnto the dining ro:m where a yellow and white color scheme prevailed. The ;able, from which tea was served, svas covered with a lace cloth on -*rV?ir?Vi Timrva cilvOT* hoclrpf. t.lPfl in VPl W YV Kyi. Ky UAi Y w. ^ low tulle and filled with yellow chrysanthemums, white candles burning m silver candlesticks with bows of yellcw tulle, and dishes of yellow and white mints and salted nuts, rhe hostesses were assisted by Mrs. r. V. Allen and Miss Betsy Taylor. Delicious refreshments, consisting of Russian tea, intricately decorated open sandwiches, cake, mints and nuts, were served to the following quests: Miss Bobbie Jones, Miss Katherine Arrington, Mesdames L. B. Beddoe, J. B. Boyce, M. C. McGuire, Branch Bobbitt, Venable Lawson, Julius Banzet, L. C. Kinsey, C. R. Rod well, W. D. Rogers, Haywood Duke; Misses Mary Randolph, Alta Rudisill, Rcse Kimball, Prances Person, Mary Elizabeth Black, Katherine Bird, Annie Laurie Herring, Elizabeth Morton, Katherine Taylor, Loyce McCord, and Julia Bullock. ENTERTAINS Mrs. Alpheus Jones entertained at six tables of bridge cn Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Edmund White was winner of high score prize and Mrs. T. J. Holt of low. A sweet course which was followed by coffee was served before the beginning of the game. Those playing were Mesdames J. H. Duke, Louie Brazier, Claude Bowers, W. N. Boyd, W. M. Gardner, R. J. Jones, J. P. Watson, V. F. Ward, W. H. Dameron, Edmund White, A. A. Williams, R. R. Western, G. H. Macon, J. B. Boyce, L. C. Kinsey, T. J. Holt, Roy Davis, E. S. Gillam, H. N. Walters, John Tar Carolina and Evei SARA water, C. R. Rodwell, C. A. Tucker, J. G. Ellis and W. R. Baskervill. Mrs. Marion Taylor assisted in serving. ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. L. C. Kinsey entertained her club cn Thursday afternoon. Top score prize was awarded Mrs. C. A. Tucker. The winner of visitors' prize was Mrs. Shippe McCarroll, who was also presented with an out of-town guest prize. A consolation was received by Mrs. John Mitchell. A salad course was served. The following were guests of the club: Mesdames Louie Brazier, Shippe McCarroll cf New York, John Mitchell, L. B. Beddoe, Branch Bobbitt, B. R. Palmer, A. D. Harris Jr., C. E. Rodwell, Claude Bowers, S. O. Nunn, Joe Ellis, T. B. Burton and Joe Taylor. HOST TO S. S. CLASS Mr. John Cawthorne was host to the Sunday School class of Mr. William Boyce on Saturday pn an outing to Mountain Rock Farm, on the banks of the Roanoke. Those who aaIt ftf IumoVi Mofnrn nrnvo l/VATV Vl ituivii anu naviub nu^v Messrs. John Cawthorne Jr., Bill Boyce Jr., Belford Wagner, Charles Tucker, Ralph Williams, Milton Wilson, A. V. Lawson Jr. and Bill Ward. The same class was entertained by Mr. A. V. Lawson on Tuesday night at "Monkey Business.." HALLOWE'EN PARTY Mesdames Peter Davis of Grove Hill, G. H. Macon, Paul Bell and H. P. Reid entertained pupils of the ninth grade and Misses Elizabeth Morton and Katherine Taylor at a Hallowe'en party on Monday night in the heme of Mrs. H. P. Reid. Appropriate decorations were used. Games and contests were offered for the entertainment of the guests. Hot chocolate and cup cakes, apples and peanuts were served. HAS CLUB Mrs. J. H. Kerr was hostess to twelve members of the Thursday club and to Mesdames Ernest Jones cf Chicago, W. N. Boyd, J. P. Scoggin and T. J. Holt on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs. T. J. Holt was awarded high prize. A salad course was served. LUNCHEON Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore entertained at luncheon cn Friday Dean Francis Bradshaw, Dr. and Mrs. R. B. House, of Chapel Hill, Mesdames J. D. Palmer, J. A. Dameron and Carr Moore. ATTEND FUNERAL Mrs. J. P. Scoggin, Miss Ann Scoggin, Mr. Alfred Plummer, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Plummer were called to Asheboro Satin-day on account of the death and funeral of Mr. L. H. Plummer. tr/veirrec Trt PT.TTTt XIVOAUOU -v? Mrs. Alpheus Jones was hostess [ to her club on Friday afternoon. I Mrs. Peter Seaman won major score prize and Mrs. Joe Ellis minor. A salad course was served. NOTICE OF U. D. C. MEETING The monthly meeting of the U. D. C. will be held in the home of (Mrs. J. B. Massenburg on Nov. 4th I (today) at 4 o'clock. Y.iW. A. MEETING I The Y. W. A.'s will meet cn MonIday night with Mrs. Nicholas MusItian and Miss Minnie Mustian. DAUGHTER BORN Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stanley on Thursday, October 27th, a (daughter, Marcia Myers. Elberon Items Miss Jessie Mae Abbott visited I Hazel Limer Sunday night. Miss Katherine Mustian of War(ren Plains visited her brother Wednesday night. Miss Elizabeth Peoples was the (guest of her grandmother, Mrs. R. E. Aycock, one night last week. J The Sunday School convention (held here at Sulphur Springs Baptist church on October 30 proved to be a great event. There was a large crowd. Mr. Perry Morgan of Raleigh was the principal speaker during the morning service, and a (second talk was offered by Miss Elizabeth Powell of Wise. The services were adjourned for lunch, which was spread in quantity upon a table. During the afternocn service Miss Frances Rodwell and Mr. Raymond Modlin of Warrenton addressed the convention. Mr. J. Ed(ward Allen presided over the as* semblage. Twelve of the cnurcu-a I were represented. Mrs. Lenford Blythe and little daughter of Conway are visiting her parents. Friends of Mr. J. L. Aycock will be sorry to learn that he does not improve so rapidly. J Miss Mattie Mustian of Warren Plains spent Saturday night with THE WARREN 1 nts of Inti HOWARD WARD, Society n hhwwwrib ww -A/cd/* l/\fr 5T ? Bi| P(Jri(jji Dow ? There is something awfully swagger and mighty comfortable that makes for the popularity of the knitted sweater suit and three-piece ensemble. . . . While the crew neck sweater is favored by many, the sur IT plice type, as shown above, continues to be one of the leaders. Note the knitted blouse and belted sweater with broad shoulder and sleeves comfortably full. Tweed effects in knitted suits are very much in demand, with interest centered on the jacket type as shown above. The mixture tweed knit with ribbed waistline is among the leaders. The model above is the zephyr knit. Old gold and orange as basic color with almost any harmonizing yet contrasting trim is being worn. Monotones beige, white and browns are also popular. her cousins, Misses Ava and Gladys Mustian. Miss Mary Peoples entertained her Sunday School class at her home on Monday night from 7 to 9 o'clock. After the devotional exercise Miss Delia Peoples-was awarded first prize for the best Bible story, Miss Helen James winning the second. Many games were enjoyed. In the contest for the best costumes Misses Annie Margaret and Joyce Duke won first prize and G. W. O'Neal the second. A sweet course was served at 8:45. Those present were Misses Annie M. and Joyce Duke, Helen James, Violette Abbott, Rose Bud Aycock, Jessie Reavis, Delia Peoples, Nell Jones, Louise Aycock, Ruby and Katie O'Neal, Messrs. Clyde Bennet, Junior Abbott, George Aycock, G. W. O'Neal, George Reavis, Joe King Peoples, Fort Jones and Ferman Peoples. The visitors were Mrs. M. C. Duke, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. O'Neal, Mr. J. R. Abbott, Wilton Reavis, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Peoples and Miss * 11" 1 4- V? D/\An1 ftp HillZclU^Uil I cvpiuu. Palmer Springs Items On Wednesday night The Woman's Club of Palmer Springs gave a tacky party at the schoolhouse. Many games and contests were enjoyed, as well as music, after which prizes were awarded the tackiest persons. Cocoa and cakes were served. Miss Elizabeth Mason spent the week end at her home in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffress spent Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cliborne at South Kill. Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Davis of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Read of Warrenton were guests last Sunday cf Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Robinson. Mr* tvt t wiinams nf Richmond was a visitor in the home of Mr. E. T. Spain last week on Saturday. A large crowd attended the S. S. Convention held at Union M. E. church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jackscn of Union Level visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hendrick Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Read of Franklinton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Read Sunday afternoon. Mr. W. A. Newell and Victor Newell spent the week end in the RECORD erest to w Editor home of Mrs. Mary Milam at Macon. Mr. James Read went to Richmond Saturday. Miss Lucille Gillespie spent the week end with her parents at LaCrcss. TVTicc ATarcrarof TnHn "Pooo1<*c: of ITXILnj luuigwivv A* V AAA A. Uw* Oxford spent the week end with Misses Pela and Ruth Read. Mrs. Pattie Wilson spent last week in Clarksville with her daughter, | Mrs. Tom Leason. Junior Bridge Club The Junicr Bridge Club met in the home of Mrs. Courtenay Gilmore last Saturday night. Those present were Misses Lucy K. Tucker, Pela and Ruth Read, Pattie Hendrick, Harriett Hudgins, Helen Newell, Alice Hayes, Margaret Peoples, Messrs. Dick Hayes, Jimmie Hendrick, James Read, Billy Newell, George Gilmore, Jake Tanner, William H. Read and Edward Hayes. Jake Tanner won high score prize. Home-made candy and fruit were served. Churchill Items ^ *? ? T TTT OUnnvivi rivt/4 nVnlrlroil IVLL5. d. VV . Qxicaim an\x wiuuiv** are spending some time with rela- p tives in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan and jbaby of Raleigh visited his par- a ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Duncan, v last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude King spent f last week end in Henderson. ti Mrs. H. V. Scarborough and daughter, Mrs. Frances, were visi- v tors in Anlander last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Duncan and children of Durham were visitors t in the home of Mr. T. W. Duncan last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clary and baby and Mr. Portress of Gasburg, Va., were visiters in the home of Mr. F. B. Lynch last Sunday. Miss Janet Rodwell of Warrenton spent last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rodwell. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adcock Jr. of Norlina were visitors in the , home of Mr. J. W. Adocck Sr. last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jesse Gardner and mother, Mrs Amma Gardner, were visitors , in the home of Mr. R. D. Fleming ; near Vaughan last Sunday after, noon. Messrs. J. W. Shearin, Jasper . Shearin, C. M. Haithcock and H. j V. Scarborough attended the Bap. tist Sunday School Convention at Sulphur Springs last Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Haithcock and children visited in the home of Mrs. Rosa Fitts near Macon last Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Foster and baby of Ncrlina and Mrs. Priscilla Mitchell of Wake Forest were visi; tors in the home of Mr. W. W. Haithcock Monday afterncon. Manson News Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Edwards of Raleigh spent Sunday here. 1 'Miss Jennie Dowling spent the 1 week end with Miss Edna Paschall of Drewry. Mr. S. J. Satterwhite and Doris Satterwhite and Miss Rebecca Reavis visited Mrs. S. J. Sattterwhite at Watt's Hospital in Dur- J ham Sunday. Miss Blanche Dowling spent a " while in Oxford Monday. Mrs. W. W. Wilson left Friday for Knoxville, Tenn., to visit her sister, Mrs. Dora Smith. Mr. W. E. Brack visited relatives J in Hollister Sunday. Messrs. Frances and Richard Edwards of Raleigh and Frank Ride- : out of State College were visitors : in cur town Sunday. Miss Josephine Walters of Oxford : spent a while Wednesday night with 1 : Misses Jennie and Blanche Dowling. I : Ridgeway Items Mrs. J. Ames, Mr. Frank Wyckoff :: and family of Leaksville, Mr. J. R. Wilkerson and family were visitors j here Sunday. ;< Miss Lynda Grant is visiting her ] sister, Mrs. Lassiter of Potecassi. Mesdames Aleck Baxter, W. C. ; j Mabry and Stella Baxter visited in ;; the home of Mrs. Peter Stallings j;; near Macon Sunday afternoon. i: Miss Williams arrived recently for : Dr. K. H. Patterson Eyt Sigkt Spttuha Hekdbbson, n.C. r t W. H. BOYD Registered Engineer Law Building I Henderson, N. O. t j Office Phone 198 Home Phone 10 f -JK I ? ; - ' Warrenton, North. Carolina t romen i|i j< Queen?Nevertheless j O! Anne McCarthy, New York, scored a highest and was crooned American Business Girl Queen with a percentage of 93.75 percent, efficiency. Not K being a college graduate was all that h scored against her. d - ^ , visit to the home of Mrs. T. B. s Williams. Miss Donna White of Norfolk, Va., s ecently spent a week end with her h arents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mabry of S] )urham visited their parents, Mr. & nd Mrs. W. C. Mabry, the past ,'eek end. A Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jerman and amily of Richmond came recently. ti o see Miss Esther Jerman. j h TVTr on^ Tlfro \KT P MoVtrtr nroro J.VXJ. . aiiu iuxu. " v. muwijr ?i ui v* . isitors in the home of Rev. Francis I j) ? NEXT I Big One ( at Bo Wed., Thurs., Nov. 9, 1< TViia mi 11 ho a hicrcror sal X iliu ?? AAA IV/V M W WM1 bargains in Stationery, r goods, Medicines and H | Boyce D War rente The I ah Each a Standard Gas?our five-star Essolube tionally guaranteed ish you a front line, second line of defen top anything and the fertile brain of ary motorist can pos These three, with se deal we take pleasi all those interested being and the well-1 and trucks?Any se der you in our line our own. ??s lmnu:nmunnm::??:s?;:uuiwmuu PAGE 5 Fashion Facts i::i;t:::?;:::::{?:iiiiiimim:??r?ni?ir :yner at Littleton on Tuesday of st week. Rev. and Mrs. Maebius left some ays ago xto visit their daughters l New YorK ana to visit a tvusiu i Philadelphia. Mesdames Paul Brauer and R. ender were in Rocky Mount Monay. Inez Items Miss Margaret King spent the eek end in Warrenton with her ster, Mrs. G. G. Edgerton. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Dillard and aughter, Miss Gladys, spent several ays last week near Youngville with datives. Miss Amia Clark was the guest f Miss Gertrude Overby Sunday fternoon. Misses Hazel Benson and Martha :ing were visitors in the home of lr. ana Mrs. Li. H. Benson Sunay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Ellington of [ollister visited Mrs. T. W. King unday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dillard spent aturday night and Sunday in the ome of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Davis. Miss Julia Hamlet of Hollister pent Monday night with her sister, rrs. Foster King. Mrs. T. W. King visited Mrs. W. .. Benson Sunday night. Mrs. G. G. Edgerton of Warren>n visited her parents, Mr. and Irs. C. H. King Sunday. Read and use the Wantt Ads. rtiim;iniiii:iii:ii)i)iiuiMriiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiJiniinii.niinI|iniii^^y WEEK I ALL li JentSale I yce's Friday, Sat., 0, 11, 12 le than ever with more I Toilet Articles, Rubber ousehold Remedies. >rug Go. >n, N. C. I Call to I nd All | New, and only oil?our uncondiAtlas Tires, furnwhich needs no se, to put over the S everything which the newest visionsibly conceive ofrvice and a sauare lire in offering to in their own well>eing of their cars rvice we can renis a pleasure, all >\VJ TM d fAl 11

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