jh accurate, terse j timely wtflvmn xxxiii JiilEF PROJECTS >10 SUSPENDED B ' |d I In Accord With Order Issued From the Governors OfI fice of Relief , gardens ARE STRESSED Relief work projects throughout barren county involving residents on farms have been indefinitely suspended. Jesse Gardner, head of tie work in this county, stated yesterday. The suspension of work in tils county is in accord with an 1 jrder issued from the Governor's jffice of Relief covering the en_ This step is being taken in order > enable all farm families to more Tectively devote their energies to 1 ' ' J? . (gardening ana liuimug, w?, mu nouncement said. The suspension is I said to be a logical development of the plan to require all persons living on the land to cultivate their own food and feed stuffs as a prerequisite to further relief. Meanwhile highway maintenance and other essential public works will be carried on uninterrupted by employing non..farming pecple. The work of distributing garden seed is now occupying the atten. tion of Mr. Gardner and his office force. Some time back 1200 packages of seed, each package contain, ng sufficient seed to plant a one. icre garden with enough variety 'cr both spring and fall gardens, ,vere received here, and since their arrival applicants for Lllcse have been numerous. The garden seed are for the ieedy only and if those to whom hey are given fail to make a propr effort to raise a garden, a red irri is Dlaeed ooivosite their names I ^1 so they will not receive any more I aid frcm charity. The gardens will I be inspected peric-dically, it is und. I erstood. Mr. Gardner ]X>lnted out that I since the relief organization has I been functioning in the county that I 2,877 individuals have been aided I by securing employment or either I by direct relief Averaging five to I the family, he estimates that a I total of 14,385 people have been I helped through the efforts of the I county relief organization with I money sent here by the state from I the federal appropriation. Nine I thousand three hundred and forty. I eight dollars has been spent in the I county in carrying on this work. Decide To Hold | Fiddlers' Meeting "We're really going to have the I Fiddlers' convention after all," R. W. Shaw, manager of the Macon baseball team which is sponsoring the entertainment, assured this week. Two weeks ago the Macon boys requested this paper to give I notice that they were going to have a Fiddlers' convention for the ben' efit of the ball club. A week later they decided to call the convention off, but now they have ironed cut , their difficulties and have their 1 Plans shaped for a big evening on I the night of April 14 when the con. _ icuuon is to be staged, beginning! at 8 o'clock. Manager Shaw said that among 1 I the entertaining features would be I I the Louisburg string band and Nor_ I n|m Ball's band of Wise, each of I them having broadcast over North I I Carolina and Virginia radio sta-1 tions; Jack Riggan of WarrentonI I and the Shear .n boys of Vaughan I as clog dancers; several girl danc. I I ers; and last but not least, two! I dancing prodigies, the Riggan boys I I cf Macon, age 2 and 4. I ClinicTci Be Held I At Elberon Today A clinic will be held this after. I noon at 2 o'clock at the Afton. I Elberon Schocl for the purpose of I I vaccinating children for diphtheria. I I Parents are invited to bring their J children between the ages of six 1 I tnonths and ten years for vaccina- | I bon, which will be done by Dr. I jj ^eete. If there are any without | I transportation means, it will be J I Provided upon notification of the I principal of the school. There will j I be tu'rv . -"V treatments administered, I the second of which will be given I about three weeks hence. ( I P. W. Ccoper, principal, an. ' I nounces Field Day for Afton-Elbe- < L ron School on Saturday, April 15. | The program will last from 9 until I 1^:30, and will consist of stunts and I Musical features, put on by the < I Pades, and quite a number of ath- 1 I ktic events between groups within 1 I the school. The public is cordially! tbvited. School trucks will run as on 1 ^hool days. 1 0 WAF The Radio Priest yaMt K<-?gMa?:S?<perations near the Roanoke river. Crop Loan Office To Be Open Only Mornings, After 18 With time for maiing application or Crop Production Loans almost it an ena, it was announced today >y J. C. Howard, Field Supervisor cr Warren county, that the Crop Production Loan Office would >pen mornings only beginning Tuesday, April 18. This arrangement is being made o as to enable the Field Superisor to visit the various borrowers hroughcut the county. It was also announced that the ffice would be closed Monday, ipril 17, (Easter Monday) except or the delivery ol checics. To Present Flag, Bible At Drewry A flag and Bible will be presented o the Drewry school on Sunday fternoon at 3 o'clock by the Ju. ior Order Councils of Warrenton nd Norlina. Plans formulated by he two chapters call fcr a speaker f note and special music on the jcasion.