B FRIDAY, JUSE 1, 1934 K #&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$& mil Society mj Items B beavty of pain ?jf essence of translucent pain B subbed through my consciousB fle vapid, pouring, beating rain B DMed through a wilderness. B 1& being'found a piane of rest B impelled by jagged bliss ^m Qi momentary, fiery test B cbangrmed by memory's kiss. K fhe pa'11 of J'cars could never live Die beauty of tiiat space; m Jove and pain will ever give B ^ song to sire a race. ' -James Neill Northe, In N. C. Poetry Reviews. B Mrs. Hugli Nor veil of Henderson ^m jj 3 guest of Mrs. Sam Weldon and ^ Lottie Bell. * Alice Flowers is spending ^ ?*? *? ^tiDie at Warren mm* W1W1 relatives. yr and Mrs. J. B. Miller were fiiiiors in Durham last week where Mr Miller had his tonsils removed ,i ihe Duke Hospital. H friends of Alaster Charles Pryor ^en Bill be glad to learn that he |i|| ias recovered from measles. I Mrs. Sallie White was a visitor I jn Henderson last week. I jir. Clyde Wagner of Embro visI it{(t Mrs. Wagner at Park View Hospital at Rocky Mount this week, jur. and Mrs. Jim Harris of Macon were visitors here on Saturday afternoon. j Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mabry on Thursday May 25th, a daughter?June Gayle. I Mrs. Alary Palmer of Macon was' I a guest of Airs. J. D. Palmer for I several days last week. j Mrs. A. W. Hall and Mr. A. W. I lill Jr. returned from Richmond last week where Mr. Hall underroi a eye operation. He is get- j tag i'ong nicely. Mrs. G. W. Poindexter and Miss Sallie Watson were visitors in Henfcisnn last week. II Mrs. E. P. Fitts and Miss Mabel I Pitts of Macon were visitors here I on Saturday. | Mrs. Richard Jeffress of Palmer | Springs was a guest of Mrs. C. P. J I Allen last week. I Miss Elizabeth Taylor of Peace Junior College at Raleigh is at home for the summer months. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Buck ' Fleming of Norlina on Saturday, May 26, a daughter, Mary Buntin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petar and family and Miss Kate White Williams were visitors in Louisburg on Sunday. Mr. Oliver Pusey :.pent the week end in Norfolk. Mrs. Oliver Pusey was a visitor In Raleigh last week. Miss Eula Allen, Ivfr. Walter Allen and Mrs. Sam .\lletn of Axtell were in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Baskervill j and daughter, Miss Mary Spotts- j Mr. and Mrs. Forrest G. Miles J end little son of Winston-Salem I we week end guests of Mr. and is. A. C. Blalock. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Miles of Dandle were week end guests of Mr. td Mrs. A. C. Blalock. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miles of Henderson spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blalock. Miss Margaret Blf lock and A. C. Blalock Jr. spent Wednesday in Chapel Hill. Mr. Will Yarborough and son, Mr. Ed Yarborough, were visitors at Trenton on Tuesday and Wednesday. ^ Mayor John Taylcr of Littleton Mr. Robert Kirldand of Llttlewere visitors here on Wednesday. Mrs. Nat Brown of Norfolk is a ?f Mrs, Harry Cohen. Miss Nancy and Master Bruce f?ker returned to their home in on Sunday after spending j*?* ^re with Mr. and Mrs. C. ^Tucker nnrt . ? Mr. e. e. Williams and Mr* *Wo\ck Williams of Inez and Dr* %r Williams of Goldsboro were ?tots here this week. B Priends of Mr. W. G. Rogers win Had to learn that he is recuper *fog very nicely at his home alter I au illness for the past several weeks. Master Venahle Lawson left Sun toy to spend some time in Fauns We, Alabama. He was accompanied ** far as South Boston by Mr. and s- A- V. Lawson and daughters. Mesdames j. g. Ellis and A. V I *son left Wednesday for LynchH ,Jrg *here they attended the com *eri(*ment exercises at Randolph Macon College. Virginia Blair Goode oi ase City, Va? is spending this ^ ^ the gnrjst of Miss Viviar. Jf?88 Catherine Mosel# returnee CVrom Mere(iith college or w, ^ to spend the summei 9 _?wbs with her family. She wai ot?panied by Misses Cornelii Warrenton, North Carolina l|i News V? Atkins of Sanford and Jean Lassiter of Wilson who will spend several days with her. Mr. Charles Katzenstein of New York is a guest of his sister, Miss Selma Katzenstein, at Warren Plains. Miss Lucy Burwell returned last week after spending some time in New York City. Mesdames W. C. Mabry and T. A. Baxter of Ridgeway were visitors in Durham this week. Mr. Tallman of Buffalo, New York, is a guest of Mr. Stephen Burroughs. Miss Grace Wycoffe of Ridgeway shopped in Warrenton on Wednesday. Mr. Lee Williams of Inez was a visitor at Warrenton on Monday. Mrs. W. K. Faulkener of Norfolk I tii-vrtMf tVto nrirl Lara opciiu wic ntvtt vim iivivi Messrs. James Poindexter and Edward Price Grant, students at the University of North Carolina, are nome for the summer. Mrs. Hugh White of New York City was a week end guest of Mr. H. L. Faulkener. The Thursday Card Club met this week with Mrs. R. J. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Boyd and family spent Sunday in Erwin.... Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Nunn spent several days last week in Raleigh. Mr. and M:*. J. B. Massenburg spent Thursday in Durham. Mrs. J. T. Rowland and son, Jim, of Raleigh were week end guests in the home of Mr. Jim Gardner. Miss Edith Perkinson of Lacrosse is a guest of Mrs. W. H. Wesson this week. Mrs. Edgar Brantley of Graystone spent Wednesday here with her mother, Mrs. N. M. Palmer. Mrs. J. E. Adams and Miss Dot Parker of Macon attended the commencement exercises at Meredith College, Raleigh, last week. Misses Mary Lee Gardner and Sarah Brickhouse of Campbell College are home for the summer. They were accompanied home by the Rev. R. E. Brickhouse who at4-U/v /lAmmannnmonf DVOf ICI1UCU lilXV VVXiUilV14VVM*vuv VMV* cises. Mesdames J. E. Adams, Lula Harris and son, Thomas, and Miss Vivian Person of Macon attended the graduation exercises of Miss Marguerite Haines at Elon College this week. Miss Adams was also a visitor at Pine Level for several days. Miss Emily Pippen of Littleton spent part of this week with Miss Lucy Leach at Hotel Warren. Mrs. R. Z. Egerton left this week to spend some time in Raleigh and Greensboro. Mr. John Tarwater and mother, Mrs. John Tarwater, are spending this week at Timberlake. Mrs. Jack Smiley was a visitor last week in Littleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hedspeth visited friends in Roanoke Rapids and Jackson Sunday afternoon. Mr. N. Max of Norfolk was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen on Thursday night. Miss Jeanette Cohen is spending several weeks in Chapel Hill and Durham and expects to spend most of the summer in Norfolk and New York. Miss Jack Ivey spent Thursday ofJornnnn in Rnckw MOUnt. Mr. C. E. Jackson and Mr. and Mis. C. A. Tucker and family were visitors in Farmville on Sunday afternoon. Miss Belle Long has returned to her home in Hertford after spending the winter and spring here with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alston. Mrs. Lizzie B. Slade arrived Friday from Littleton to make her home at Hotel Warren. MRS. RODWELL HOSTESS Mrs. C. R. Rodwell was hostess to members of her club and other guests at four tables of contract 011 Thursday afternoon. Major score prizes were won by Mesdames J. B. Boyce and C. E. Rodwell for member and visitor, respectively. A salad course was served. Extra guests included Mesdames A. A. Williams, R. J. Jones, M. C. McGuire, J. P. Scoggin, V. F. Ward, C. E. Rodwell, G. H. Macon, R. B. Boyd Jr., and W. H. Dameron. The liJr 1 I?7" "S*? EYES EXAMINED AND GLASSES [ FITTED ' Every Monday morning from 9:04 to 11:00. Office with Dr. Rufui Jones, the dentist, over Citizen 1 Bank, Warrenton. Main ottlce nea i P. O. at Roanoke Rapids. > DR. E. D. HARBOUR _ OPTOMETRIST THE and Ever tWii LATCST. Bu Patricia Dow ?? e ?>? >>? ?CC??r d F NfT 01 v* I Fattem 8S19 Designed in Sizes: 14, 16, 18, 20, with 32, 34, 36, 38 bust. Size: 18 requires 4J4 yards Of 39 inch ma terial with 7A vard contrast Designed in Sizes: 14, 16, 18, 20, E with 32, 34, 36f 38 bust. Size: 18 ^ requires 4 1-4 yards of 39 inch ma terial with 7-8 yards contrast. DRAPED LECKLINE Pattern 8219: The young miss between the ages of 14 to 20 will like AU1- 44-o orvff nnllar wi Ml Uild iiUl/Ri JLV/JL JLVU UWAV VWMHa .... ruffles and the neckline draped high in front and ending in a bow at back. The panel which extends abdve the waistline in the front, gives a tall slim effect to the wearer and the belt may end in a bow instead of a twist, if desired. This frock may be made in figured voile, or in figured chiffon. The color suggested is white with yellow flower motif and a pale yellow or white capelet. f A For PATTERN, send 15 cents In coin (for each pattern desired) your NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE to Patricia Dow, Warren Record Pattern Dep't., 115 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. I* / Rodwell home was artistically decorated with a variety of lovely j flowers. KINUA-JUlli\suix The following invitation received here this week will be of interest to friends of Miss Johnson in Warren county: Mrs. William Thorne Johnson requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Lucy Marshall, to Mr. Augustus Washington Knox Junior, Wednesday evening, the twentieth of June, , at six o'clock, Church of the Good ' ' ^ ^IMiinuiiiiiniu'nlininiimmimmutnrrninTITTn.":!::: : OLDSMOBILE We re should I I to you | I GILL, 11 "^^TTke" j I r I CHRYSLER j?95"i'iiiiiiiMiiiiuuuiimmgiiiMiMiiiMiiiiiinniiiiiiiiNiimm;iMi[iiiiimi WARREN RECORD its of Int $$$$$$$$?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$< hepherd, Raleigh, North Carolina. At home after Fifty of July, 26 vy Way, Port Washington, Long sland, New York. ENTERTAINS FOR GUEST Little Miss Josephine Fishel en;rtained on Monday night at Robin >ale in honor of the eighth birthay of her house guest, Annie armer. A birthday cake with canles and fruit punch were served, fter this the guests enjoyed games, ;ory-telling and recitations. Those resent, besides the hostess and onor guest, were Mamie Lee, Sohie and Frances Fishel, and Mary orman Fishel. MRS. JONES HOSTESS Mrs. Alpheus Jones was hostess ) a large number of the Young adies' Missionary Society of the fethodist church on Tuesday night, riss Lucy Burwell was in charge ! rievnfirvnnl pYercises An intpr TIRED OUT! /S^^ mi Hvw ^1 WHEN YOU FEEL your ei Camels help to relieve tin can smoke Camels steadily, interfere with healthy nerve 'Get a LifX w 1 I''"*" Warren War rent PROGRAM \ Mo ''' Silvia "Thirty Da I Tw i?, Richa "Ace c Wedi Dorthea Wiek i i ?i' 'Miss Fane's 1 Bargain Day: A Thursdi Bing | ' "We're Nc Sati Rex "Lucky ] ;pair your automobile I be done at a nomine i. \M AUTi Gillam, Mgr., Phc ignated Pontiac Repair Ste I Warren! erest to \ esting talk on the Martha Berry Mountain School was given by Mr. O. I. Hinson. During the social hour a sweet course was served the guests. ENTERTAIN Misses Sarah Blunt Massenburg and Katherine Williams entertained members of the Senior Service League of Emmanuel Church at a party in the Parish House on Tuesday night. Punch and tea cakes were served. Manson Items Mr. J. T. Champion entertained friends and relatives Sunday with a birthday dinner honoring her 49tli hirtViHav V** U41VWJ Mrs. L. O. Reavis Jr. and daughter, Betty Jean, returned home Sunday after spending some time in Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. J. W. Dowling spent Sunday AND THEN HE SMOKED ACAMEL iiergy sagging, light a Camel, edness and irritability. You Their costlier tobaccos never :s. ifth a Camel! Theatre on, N. C. VEEK JUNE 4 nday Sidney in? ty Princess" ssday J ,rd Dix in? f Aces" riesday and Baby LeRoy 3aby Is Stolen* Ldmission, 10c-15c jy-Friday Crosby 'J in? >t Dressing** irday : Bell I =' M PONTIAC 3 as it il cost i oco. | | >ne 50 I ition PLYMOUTH j oo, North Carolina ' \ Borneo l| / *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??$$$$$$< with Mrs. C. W. Fleming' at Wise. Mrs. Lee Hammie spent the weefc end at -Norlina with her sister. Mr. Duke Champion of neai Louisburg spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T Champion. Mrs. W. B. Brack returned home Thursday from Petersburg, Va., after attending the graduation of hei . l Have ^ WOOLEN DRY CI And Put Away I OUR WORK IS GOO REASC * Harris & Telepho sec <? w ^ me >: >: ms< ymt :?*:: I jril1 1 ^ |j;i ^ g jjjp I You've Got 1 ir -r^ n || Fast To Stan< I THESE Just making the $!5 ing on business days. It takes P I pace to get ahea : , % i 1If ?i S: I Progressive business n A;( ^ 4-"U a \Tnnr 1 ^ ' ! IV11/11 lilC 11 C ?* L^vun ? (its . ... keying produc ?y.: recovery conditions. P; The services and faci |j: geared to extend very to such programs. A ) pa analysis, policy guidar |jjg are advantages this ba In commercial accounts. 11 i CITIZEN IS &? WARREI II B i '!>: < >: *>> : w ? 1 PAGE 3 Fashion | Facts. daughter, Miss Eleanor Brack, at : Petersburg hospital training school for nurses. Miss Rebecca Reavis of Hahan! mann Hospital of Philadelphia is . at home spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. . O. Reavis Sr. Mrs. J. K. Dill spent Tuesday af ternoon in Henderson. m T< Your III IIIIIFTA bLANKtlv) | .EANED For The Summer ?and? Your Winter Coats and Suits Cleaned and Put I in Moth-Proof Bags. D; OUR PRICES ARE ENABLE Gardner ne 17 6-J ma/mm mstr&mwK aamwme I ro Go Mighty | i Still i f SDAYS | s motions of carry- HH isn't enough these a good deal faster ;: a d than ever before. : Q $&$$$$$* i jg ien are keeping in stride j \ . developing wider mark- i j tion, selling, financing to j | lities of this bank are ijj constructive cooperation ffjl aackground of marketing ice and financial support ?T- o-nt-ArnrialnO1 ull LI1K Uliei? tu cntci ^ IS BANK YTON, N. C. t .4 * -- i^Jrbu*rtL-i-Jxiv-flSfiiBBB

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