PAGE 4 The Warren Record Published Every Friday by The Press Publishing Co. One Year For ?$1.50 HOWARD. JONES. JR. BIGNALL S. JONES < Editors HOWARD F. JONES, SR. Contributing Editor That Justice May Ever Have A Champion; That Evil Shall Not Flourish Unchallenged. Entered at the Postoffice at Warrenton, North Carolina, under Act of Congress of 1879. . The Lord knoweth the days of the upright; and their inheritance shall be forever.? Psalm 37:18. He who does anything because it is the custom maJtes no choice; he gains no practice either in discerning or desiring what is best.?John Stewan Mill. A GRATIFYING CAMPAIGN It is gratifying to the citizens of Warren county that an election with half a hundred candidates could have been conducted with so little mudslinging and lack of animosity. Candidates entered the political arena as friends; the people spoke; the candidates accepted the mandate of the people without bitterness, and victor and defeated are still friends. We regret that the county shall be put to the added expense of a second primary.] But if the second campaign! is conducted on the same high plane as the first we feel that our citizens will be gratified. And we somehow have the notion that the temper of our people is such that if any candidate should resort to mudslinging in the second try, that such person will be eliminated by the vote of "the electorate. WE COMMEND BOARD'S ACTION In guaranteeing the payment of notes for the Macon and Littleton school districts on Monday the Board of County Commissioners did not make these district debts become a county obligation except in the remote contingency that these said districts become unable to pay. Because district bonds will mature within the next few years, any chnce that the county will have to pay the notes is practically negligible, unless it should be determined at some future date that the county as a whole shall take over all school debts. In that event the debts of the two effect ed districts would have been paid by the county as a matter of course. But the action of the Board on Monday had nothing to do with this. The action of the Board means that the county simply lent its credit to the Macon and Littleton districts in order that an injustice to teachers in those district*; might be rectified. In our opinion, it was an action that should, and we believe will, meet with the approval oi every fair-minded citizen oi Warren county. The present Board oi County Commissioners has made a splendid record ir handling the fiscal affairs oi the county. Warren's credit has been maintained in tht face of a condition that has caused other counties to de n 14- iiY\/~vr> fliniV r?Kli rrotinnci inuit upuu tllVll V/Jl/llgC* The only blotch upon ar otherwise perfect record foi the county as a whole is the matter of unpaid school teachers. By their action or Monday the commissionerf practically wiped out this blotch. We are proud tha they did so and we expres; our thanks to them for s< doing. ( Warrenton, North Carolina I MOSTLY PERSONAL : ' By BIGNALL JONES Perhaps no one in Warren county enjoyed the primary of Saturday more than G. B. Hull. No one was more in evidence around the polls and on the streets and late at night he was going strong, chuckling and laughing with bystanders as returns began to come in. Commissioner Henry Wall said Monday that he never took as little part in a campaign as he did in the one that ended Saturday. Other memBfers of the board were telling about late hours of retirir^g on Saturday. Mr. Wall said that he went to bed that night at 8 o'clock. Unofficial vote on Monday showed that Commissioner Wall was winner or losser by only a vote or two. Mr. Wall said that according to some figures he missed being I elected by a tenth of a vote; most reports had it two votes. However, the official vote tabulated on Tuesday revealed that the Roanoke citizen has six or seven votes to spare. Nothing of an unforseen nature has been reported from Saturday's election except that in two precincts voters were toting more whiskey than they could successfully carry and as a result knocked over voting booths and became pretty badly tangled up in the wreckage. Commenting on his defeat for Judge of Recorder's court, Jos. P. Pippen of Littleton isaid on Monday that he made absolutely no campaign for the office, simply placed his name before the voters and was cheerfully abiding by the results. Note to all men in public office: "Be not too hasty to claim credit for matters successfully completed," wrote Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard's Almanac, "for time will usually bestow credit where it rightfully belongs and if you are slow to claim credit you will eventually be * repaid and win a reputation ior modesty as well." To my knowledge, forgetfulness of the truth of this maximum cost one candidate his position in the primary Saturday and lost many votes for another. ...... Drewry Items Mr. Elwood Paschall who attends Western Maryland College arrived recently to spend the summer at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. White and Charles III were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Read of Palmer Springs on Sunday. Miss Eleanor Capps who attended High Point College arrived recently to spend some time at her home here. Mrs. H. E. Brewer and Hamet Jr.; visited friends at Norlina Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kimball and baby daughter of Delhi, Canada, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Walston, Mr.! L. G. Walston and Arthur M. Arrington spent Friday in Richmond. Mrs. Walston visited Mrs. Ollie Krisely and Mrs. Claiborne Wilson while there. Mrs. J. H. Bullock and daughters visited relatives in Blackstone, Va.,1 recently. Misses Nancye White and Olive White of Raleigh are guests of Miss Alice White. Miss Elizabeth Fleming of W. C. of U. N. C. is spending the summer at h'er home here. Mrs. George White of Warrenton . spent the week end with Miss Nena White. HONORS SCHOOL MATES i Drewry, June 5.?Little Rose , Paschall entertained her school mates and friends on her 7th birth' day Wednesday afternoon, May 30. , In the beautiful oak grove in her ? home various games were played, j after which delicious ice cream and 1 cake were served, suckers being used as favors. The dining room was ? beautifully decorate^ with white and pink roses and blue paper. Be5 fore being served all the children i were invited into the living room ! where "little Rose" opened the " many present she received. Those ' present were Vivian, Rose and ! Nora Alice Arrington, Louise Edi5 son and Red Williams, Barker Jr., Bettie Jean and Amy Walker Watkins, Lillian and Belle Fleming, . Alma and Vernon Holtzenman, [ Millard Jr., Rose Mae, Dorothy and . Mammie Paschall and Weldon Capps Jr. k 1 Embro Items i . j Mrs. Clyde Wagner came home Sunday. She has been at Park View 3 Hospital at Rockv Mount where she t was operated on for appendicitis. 3 Mr. Eddie Powers, a member of one of the CCC camps, visited his parents near here last week end. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Pitchford who THE V OFFICIAL VC CANDIDATE g 1 p. E x 2 co U. S. Congressman Kerr 263 191 2i Dickens 155 71 1( Utility Commissioner Winborne 275 187 2( Macon 79 55 4 House Representatives Dowtin 254 124 1' Aycock 68 83 1C Davis 66 51 4 Senate Gibbs 155 84 2C Rodwell 212 145 t Connell 38 27 J Judge Recorder's Ct Taylor , 57 157 T A fl t Pridgen oi "** ' PIppen 250 30 ! Petar 27 30 : Coroner Allen 74 37 1 Shearin 174 128 i Rooker 100 84 15 Ayscue 23 14 1 j Clerk of Court [ Newell 224 50 2! Nicholson 180 212 ? Sheriff Pinnell 77 48 21 Thornton 349 213 1< Register of Deeds Powell 204 129 21 Baxter 85 78 Montgomery 29 34 < ! Bobbitt 93 14 3 County Commis'ers Burroughs 81 145 2' C. J. Fleming 109 115 2< 1 Wall 307 154 Capps 143 104 1! Powell 151 99 li King 342 133 I Bugg 148 73 l! Davis 134 165 1 Skinner 239 80 i Womintr R7 71 ll uuiui A ? - ? White 33 57 li Clark 15 25 Myrick 75 41 I Board of Education Kinsey 127 171 1 Drake 71 224 2 King 341 135 1 Leach 307 86 Harris 168 110 1 Walker 82 102 1 Paschall 59 112 1 Cole 191 79 1 Dryden 139 58 1 Haithcock 107 73 Carter 152 59 1 have been in Florida several years came home Monday night, arriving about 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cheek of Inez were in our community last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cheek and little daughter, Vivian, and Miss Sibyl Neal spent last Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Best of Airlie. They are Mrs. Cheek's parents. Political Advertisement TO THE VOTERS I take this method of expressing my appreciation for the support given me in the primary of June 2. It is greatly appreciated. FRANK H. GIBBS NEWELL SAYS I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to the citizens of?Warren county for the splendid vote given me in the |irimary of June 2nd. I will continue to give my best efforts unceasingly for the welfare of Warren and the proper discharge of all duties as your Clerk of Court. WILLIAM NEWELL. TO THE VOTERS OF WARREN COUNTY: I want to thank each and everyone that supported my candidacy in the past primary. Respectfully, A. O. DICKENS. TO MY FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY To those whom I have not been able to personally express my appreciation for their loyal support in renominating me as Register of Deeds in the recent Primary, I wish to say that I am deeply and sincerely grateful to each one of you for the splendid vote of trust and confidence that you so genX" - % Chas. E. Foster Civil Engineer, Surveyer Littleton, N. C. V..i ? bhhihhhhhhhhhhhhihi BARREN RECORD )TE OFWARRI m ? i i $ 8 v O X v a 60 a S 5 J ft 111 sill a e g 15 73 78 . 178 49 112 221 )0 22 28 17 27 16 61 >5 55 85 161 40 82 200 30 14 27 15 30 63 f9 36 62 61 9 54 119 14 30 30 106 47 20 85 19 26 14 33 18 51 74 >3 39 51 134 56 72 122 17 33 30 25 13 42 102 18 22 24 40 7 10 40 n 28 35 107 23 75 106 )5 43 24 76 35 44 87 12 2 0 1 1 1 57 35 20 46 17 17 5 34 38 33 58 123 53 38 61 38 7 34 31 16 15 104 33 37 12 16 3 4 37 26 14 1 30 4 67 66 32 62 98 179 69 98 143 >5 30 7 22 5 28 138 29 68 97 193 63 58 91 )7 25 9 8 12 67 193 31 54 72 147 24 93 200 8 29 27 38 13 21 20 10 8 4 8 27 8 22 L3 0 3 5 1 4 36 14 44 89 174 57 44 52 16 68 76 182 53 50 122 17 41 50 59 25 63 194 97 31 36 116 30 78 84 01 35 42 101 44 54 111 BO 25 15 48 14 64 172 96 21 34 30 45 79 101 44 32 64 54 17 41 115 62 28 24 30 26 42 146 07 35 30 62 15 22 55 69 56 35 36 8 7 44 L7 8 3 20 25 38 36 38 26 9 10 1 4 139 t y 'i /V 93 45 69 81 15 74 64 20 38 64 50 12 50 95 13 26 28 106 54 67 199 91 48 39 135 48 35 173 74 19 31 29 8 53 114 88 49 54 51 11 33 64 57 46 64 33 8 38 55 15 35 40 129 51 27 173 45 44 34 176 64 27 112 86 50 41 121 52 79 137 56 46 48 69 29 40 150 erously gave me. i Again assuring every citizen of ^ Warren County an administration of the duties of the office to the t best of my ability and awaiting ( your commands, I am, i Respectfully yours, 3 JOS. C. POWELL . 1 TO THE VOTERS OF WARREN COUNTY ? I regret very much the rumor that is being spread over the county by my opponent, Mr. Allen, with regards to my entering a second primary. I have made no such ^ promise to Mr. Allen or any one . else and he knows it. I did prom- , ise him that if all the officers were elected in the first primary except ^ Coroner and he was high man that he could rest assured that I would not call a second primary. I have been to see Mr. Allen and asked him to stop this rumor. He tried to get me not to rim, which. I refused to do} if any body called a second primary, then he said (in. the presence of myself and two oi my friends) "If you run anyway IH use this rumor, and it will defeat you any way." I have never offered myself as a candidate for any county office before this primary, nor can I recall Mr. Allen having ever been elected by the people of the county. So why should he have the authority to say who shall be Coroner? I haven't the time or what it would cost to deny this rumor to each of you in pterson, so I am taking the best means that I know of to deny i Dr. Rufus S. Jones | j A.B., ALA., D.D.S. : General Practice of Dentistry X-RAY SERVICE j Citizens Bank Building i Phone 70 Out (if office every Thursday rtmmtmiwiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniii i / Wftrrenton, No IN COUNTY ===== 1 a 1 1 I a S o 5 |> j fell"-' ? H K z W H 293 145 40 193 294 2335 91 25 . 2 87 80 782 258 97 40 185 257 2187 74 19 2 75 64 590 214 22 35 115 202 1486 95 20 7 90 83 868 75 99 2 67 72 697 241 72 1 147 240 1617 118 17 36 99 102 1071 26 61 7 29 34 403 ;87 49 4 151 .185 1341 162 75 5 54 138 961 14 2 17 8 22 437 28 22 17 69 25 392 252 18 10 117 221 1183 52 7 24 100 37 817 36 , 2 5 49 52 570 41 121 4 5 62 478 0 318 115 19 236 293 2186 69 34 24 46 75 925 270 66 14 230 251 1750 119 78 30 47 119 1376 242 95 12 158 248 1879 66 35 17 107 62 606 69 11 '3 12 51 326 3 10 11 3 5 201 322 47 23 121 287 1730 231 68 20 157 223 1720 164 83 43 103 148 1481 240 51 12 111 198 1431 237 91 8 119 210 1403 80 85 31 50 74 1213 118 78 15 101 141- 1180 126 48 12 88 103 1143 137 33 12 103 149 1111 84 24 6 152 94 814 62 7 13 223 43 793 32 82 9 21 45 376 15 8 15 14 26 371 301 79 33 152 274 1673 258 79 27 150 240 1578 102 44 30 63 88 1396 90 60 21 98 98 1323 211 83 109 118 182 1319 235 52 10 176 206 1313 219 68 19 157 157 1192 81 50 11 111 86 1179 91 52 9 90 94 1135 102 61 16 96 111 1132 83 47 24 132 82 1117 t. If I have done the right or vrong thing, you can be the judge. I appreciate very much the vote ;hat I got. I had no idea what to ;xpect, and to those of you who nay support me again, I am asking rou to give Mr. Allen a square deal. : had rather be defeated than to be dected by any unfair method. Thanking you again for your loyil support, I am respectfully yours, JASPER W. SHEARIN, Candidate for Coroner of Warren bounty. tfacon, N. C. Tune 7, 1934. THE SI sense of s II goes with a " . L y and Trust" made the pa; XXg easier for thou K|J pie throughou sLtionThe same feeli tion makes more confiden a ^ I Citizens I 1 ? rth Carolina Blue mold has appeared In the A tobacco beds of Halifax county but Ls not spreading rapidly at this b< time. In Wilson County, the dis- si sase is spreading. di Pitt tobacco growers have received over $300,000 in rental and equalization payments as a reward for w cooperating with the Agricultural la Warren' Warrentoi PROGRAM WEI Monday-1 Clark Gable ant ?in"Men In Wedne Warren W ?in "Upper ^ "D ? M/wn T*\ nir A /-I lliXL g Hill Jsay* j-xka. Thursday Johny Weis ?in"Tarzan And Satur Randolph ?irt"Thunderin Coming July 7? Bob St ?in"The Mystery I- = LACK 01 Lack of space forbids ui the many advantages yo Warrenton Se We have to SHOW you. LET us sh ATLAS TIRES still bear tional road hazard guar Our wash, polish and guaranteed at attractive Satisfaction guarantee! way?or els 1 rvTVffmmir? iNSE OF SEC I m ecurity whici ture now. T Citizens Bank the opportur account has creates wU, 3t four years ,, , ian?A? ? them because isands of peot all this sec- tion's strengt] service. ng of satisfac- 45 years of these people fixed its stan it for the fa- formance. Jank & Trust C HENDERSON, N. C. reading Bank in This Set "Since The Year 1889" lliiiiiiiiniiiiiiinniiiiii||iiiiiininminiiin'iniiiinminiiniiiiiiiiiiii"""'.inni^rnn _ ?AY, JUNE 8, JL e'8ht ,ield! Plantej to J/~\ ? to Catawba Co "*B / "toe. the farm ,6w.Co?"? t Jl < sad plants. fouc rheatire ''II i^N. C. |t =:K JUNE 11 I 'uesday ,1 i Myrna Loy White" ;ft* Vorld" In mission, 10c-15c -Friday ismuller fl His Mate" | g Herd" j ] $ 1 HMi -New Serial Squadron" Be IK -j^Hc0 f SPACE I ?r/#1^ ^HFI 3 TELLING you all of u get trading at the Bg rvice Station K We CAN show you. HSp ow you. bt n. ' the written uncondi- Her antee. HJJj grease jobs ai e also fl^ prices. B111 \ 1 every day, in every B d ie no pay. MSSHHp 8 .-^H^ \ JR IT Y111 hey know th?.t lities Recovery mean more to of this institu- I ti and seasoned success have dards of per Company to ction" m*