FRIDAY. JULY 6, 1934 m l Society J mil Items / jV simmer afternoon I ^ i[taay on the latticed porch / was P^ats and ruffles, I pickaninny in the yard I fhistles as he shuffles. / 'hwe brought my rocking chair J L the sake of knowing I H clover sweet of sun-dried clothes I JH ^ honeyed breezes blowing. I , . -rered dimities and voiles ( Bloom with airy graces, i l^m uammy humming old hymn tunes / tj?es hours with laces. pickaninny with a new I sing-shot makes merry, | moots the old Rhode Island cock I flth a chinaberry. 1 panted muslin thinly starched / JjOS with crispy stripping? / n r.n-w-s-y Summer afternoon? I - ' I memory? ^es Ann Scoggin, Betsy Tay- J Nancy Ellis, Rosella Dameron, I ^ ?therine Williams, Vivian Law-J {^ ion Nancy Gillain and Sara Masi^B^urg will leave Sunday for Camp ^ penick at Vade Mecum, an EpiscoH pal camp for girls located near finston-Salem. They will be gone* for two weeks. H jjrs. J. G. Ellis and Misses Alice Biiiwell, Nancy and Laura Ellis I I ev visitors in Durham on Mon- I day Bey were accompanied by Mr. I pm Burwell. I Mr. William Easkervill returned I to ills home here on Tuesday after I spending several days in Durham. I Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Baskervlll, j I Miss Lucy Burwell, Little Mary J ^ spottswood Baskervlll and Mr. L B Nobert Baskervill were in Richmond ] last week. 11 M i Miss Alice Burwell, who has been |i spading several weeks here with Is .--wmfs Mr. and Mrs M. P. I (h cer I sarreil, departed on Monday for j I I purism to resume her studies at IC I pie University. 11 I Friends are glad to learn that 11 I Mrs. Mamie Burwell, who has been J I seriously 111 at her home here, is If I improving. I I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thorp and!I I son, John, were dinner guests of Mr. j fi I gad Mrs. Howard F. Jones last Fri- jt I day evening. I Mesdames A. A. Williams, W. N. 11 I Boyd and T. J. Holt returned jv I Tuesday after spending several I I reeks at Hot Springs, Arkansas. P Superintendent and Mrs. J. E. I Allen left this week for California. 11 I They expect to be away for two I i reeks. Miss Edith Broom of Fayettevilie Jl arrived Monday to spend some time I \ in the home of Supt. and Mrs. J. I Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Jones and L Mis. L. C. Kinsey spent several ji days this week at Nags Head. Miss Ann Selby left last week for I c Henderson to accept a position asjs nurse in Maria Parham Hospital. I Miss Selby, for the past several Ji months, has made her home heren Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alston. \ I Mr Wolrlnn Wall Tr returned tolt iiishome here after spending sev- 1 ml days in Weldon and Richmond. Miss Nannie Margaret Brown left g Saturday to visit relatives in Norfolk for several days. ? Mr. P. M. Allen was a visitor in i Henderson on Tuesday afternoon. ] Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alston spent Wednesday in Goldsboro. ( Miss Julia Mahood of Lynchburg has returned after visiting Misses i Lucy and Edith Burwell. Miss Janet Palmer of Hookerton J was a recent guest of Miss Ann s Scoggin. 1 Mrs. Edmund White entertained l her card club this week. < Mr. John Henderson of Clayton 1 was a visitor here on Tuesday. Miss Tempe Dameron of Centre- i ^ Md., is at home for the sum- 1 ?er. i r * Miss Sallie Ann House of Thelma j*& guest of her aunt, Mrs. George ' ^ggin. i Jf*- and Mrs. Jim Martin of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Van Sant ? "Cumberland and Mrs. Ella Wigwere guests of Congressman ? U^r^rs- J?hn H. Kerr this week. George Gregory Jr. of Rich- t Mui is visiting his uncle and aunt, 1 Mr_ and Mrs. c. E. Jackson. I vr, rs' JT p- Scoggin and daughters, 1 M *es Kathenne and Ann, were ? ... ? Henderson on TViiirsrfov l< Misses Nora King and Neppiej Davis of Raleigh were visitors here 1 on the Fourth of July. I1 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morris ofl Dallas, Texas, are spending some n ltae in the home of Mr. Morris'll I mother, Mrs. Frank Serls Sr. y Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Watson have! returned after spending several ll *?eks in Chicago. Is I Miss Louise Dowtln attended the 11 I funeral of a friend in Goldsboro P this week. | Miss Lucy Leach has returned* _ t Wiurrenton, North Carolina $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ r 1 l|i News vfmwilM ^OYUnt* ?AA MAYCUVI^ ^ASMJi'K*. t ~YntX*L ! ? Xr(Come time in Warrenton. She is nakirig her home at the Keamy Williams residence. Mrs. A. E. Jones and Miss Rowe Tones left yesterday to spend the lummer in Waynesvllle. TH and Eve Jfp jf*^?v dtolnf" ur*/>vl~ T? "Cv^ 8urham are guests of Mrs. N. M 'aimer this week. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Boyd o teidsville were visitors here 01 Saturday. Mrs. Charles Katzenstein an< hildren of New York City ar< :uests of Miss Selma Katzensteir it Warren Plains. Misses Phoebe and Marigare' Scott of Ridgeway were in Warrenon Monday morning. Mr. Boon Flowers of Hendersor une n rtiioef rvf Mr Milt.rWl FlHWPf! voo a guvov v* mm ? __..? Saturday. Mrs. Robert Shaw and childrei if Macon were visitors here on Frl lay night. Mr and Mrs. Numa Weaver ant amily visited relatives at Macon 01 Saturday. Misses Virgie and Margare Rubbing fll BOYCE E WARREN RECORD nts of Int< Thompson and Bettie Stalllngs ol Macon were visitors here Saturday Mrs. W. A. Graham of Kinston is spending the summer here with relatives. Mrs. Morton Alston and daughters, and Miss Perry White of Ines shopped here last week. Mrs. Leon Banzet of Florida, whc is spending some time at Ridgeway with relatives, was a visitor here Sunday morning. Mrs. R. C. Kee and Miss Ellen Kee of Seaboard were guests of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Coker last week. Miss Willie Pate of Greenville, S. C., Ida May and Daniel Fisles ol Rockhill, S. C., Miss Edith Terrell of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. B. J. Setton and daughter of Richmond were guests of Mrs. B. P. Terrell last week. Rev. and Mrs. Tom Walters and children have returned to Rocky Mount after spending some time here with Mrs. Walters' parents, Mr and Mrs. W. P. Rodwell. Miss Mary Howard Palmer of Macon was a guest of Mrs. J. D. Palmer last week for several days. Mrs. Mary T. Palmer of Macon Is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Pitts, In Knoxvllle, Tenn. Master Alfred Ellington had his tonsils removed at Rocky Mount last week. Mrs. Ellington accompanied him. Mr. Jeff Palmer left last week to spend six weeks at Washington D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert House and t children of Chapel Hill were guests , of Mrs. J. D. Palmer last week. Mr. Ernest Hudglns was a visl, tor in Rocky Mount last week. Mrs. John Dameron, who has been visiting her mother at Knoxville, Tenn., returned to her home here on Saturday, accompanied Mr. Dameron, Mrs. Jeff Palmer and ' Miss Lillie Belle Dameron. On the ' trip to Tennessee Miss Dameror ' accompanied Mr. Dameron and Mrs. Palmer as far as Ashevllle where she visited friends, and was k picked up by them on their return trip which included a tour of the r western part of the state, t Mr. John Buxton Williams and f Miss Patsy Williams of the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh arrived 1 Saturday to spend two weeks here J with their mother, Mrs. J. B. Williams. f Miss Wise-ins Dameron ol I. Raleigh spent the week end hen with her parents, f Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Draper anc 1 Miss Gertrude Draper of Garysburg are guests of Mr and Mrs. A 1 J. Ellington. J Mrs. William H. Boyd of Reids1 ville is spending some time at hei summer home near Wise, t Mr. and Mrs. Archie Daniel ol - Atlanta, Georgia, are guests of Mrs Laura Daniel, l Mrs. Archibald Williams and Mix 3 Mamie Williams visited in Durharr on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Elle l Thome returned home with them. Mrs. E. A. Thome returned yesterday from Duke hospital when i she has been receiving treatmenl l for the past few days. Messrs. Edmund White, Petl t Burwell and Graham Boyd return Icohol COMPC TJHTSH DRUG CO i Warrentoo, erest to ^VtRV^ LATCST Qu Patricia Dow ? ! Designed in Sizes: 36, 38, 40, t 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 52. Size 44 I requires 5 yards of 39 inch material. I f L For PATTERN, send 15 cents In coin (for each pattern desired) your NAME, ADDRESS, STYT.R NUMBER and SIZE to ; Patricia Dow, Warren Record ' , Pattern Dep't, 118 Fifth Avenue, 11 Brooklyn, N. Y. ! k. ? , ed Wednesday night after spendinf j two or three days on a fishing tru at the Alleghany river. [ Messrs. Armistead Boyd and Gra . ham Boyd returned Sunday from t week's fishing trip in Onslov county. PHILATHEA CLASS TO MEET The Philathea Class will mec f next week on Tuesday evening u the home of Mrs. T. B. Gardner a 8 o'clock. [ VISITORS HONORED i Misses Fannie House Scoggin anc Katherine Moseley were Joint hos . tesses on Thursday afternoon at th< ; Scoggin home to Misses Sarah Par t ker and Mary Ellen Watts of Char' lotte, houseguests of Miss Kath t erine Scoggin. Cards were playec . at three tables. An ice course wa I Home from a trying nf f VtQ nffloo IUOJ U1/ VUV v***vv hot, tired ? nerves on edge. You're too tired to go anywhere ? too tired to even sleep. That's when you need i to know about the Ik Puretest Alcohol rub!| down. R? First a quick shower? MI warm to cold ? then If this brisk, peppy rub|r down with Puretest Rubbing Alcohol. How it soothes, cools, exhilarates. Prevents aches. Try it yourself to night! )UND pint 50c I Tli? mnif DELICIOUS RE PRE S~H M E N T SI IN TOWN . . .| MPANY North Carolina \ V^omen l|l , I served. Gifts were presented the I two honor guests, and Miss Sarah 1 Parker also won major score prize. 1 Those present were Misses Par- J ker and Watts, Katherine and Ann I Scoggin, Maxine Drake, Alice Bur- I well, Helen Gibbs, Lucy Baskexvill, t Dot Parker of Macon, Elizabeth a Boyd and Betsy Taylor. HONOR NEPHEW Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jackson en- * tertained for their nephew, George 1 Gregory, Jr., of Richmond, at their I home on Wednesday night with a ? delightful dance. Refreshments were ( served those of Warrenton's young- ( er set present. i PICNIC SUPPER 1 Girls in Mrs. J. A. Dameron's and 1 Miss Lillie Belle Dameron's Sun- 1 dav School classes enloyed a olcnlc 1 supper at the Golf Course on Tues- 3 day afternoon. I MRS!. WHITE HOSTESS I Mrs. Edmund White was hostess ] to members of her club and other ] friends at five tables of bridge on < Thursday morning. Top score prizes < t for club member and visiter were < won by Mrs V. P. Ward and Miss I Tempe Eoyd respectively. A salad and ice course were served. Those present other than members were Mesdames William H. Boyd of Reidsville, Archie Daniel >f Atlanta, W. N. Boyd. T. J. Holt, W. A. Graham of Kinston, Benjamin Cook of Oklahoma, Mrs. Dickson of Durham and Miss Tempe Boyd. Miss Helen Holt assisted in serving. BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Owen Robertson was hos- i tess to two tables of cards at her home last week. Miss Ann Rodgers assisted the hostess in serving i peach ice cream and cookies. Top ] nwlnn moe tTTAM U*i To /"?lr OV/Ui C pii?ic WOO V* Vll Wjr vnvn i House and consolation by Mrs. 1 SUMMER ' DRESSES $2.39, $4.50, $5.95 When you can ge for $2.39 that IS 1 of washables, ere * * Land misses, ana n W arrenton 1 Store C< PAGE ? Fashion Facts \ I b / ! Sdgar Wood. Those playing were desdames Jack House, Hoyt Brantey, Edgar Wood, John Rodgers, rames Coker and Misses Mary "Yances Rodwell, Mary Terrell and Smily Hilliard. The home was atractively decorated with many ummer flowers. DANIEL-FOLK Holly Hill, 8. 0., June 23.-The narriage of Miss Annette Folk, of U/OI.. X7I11 onH H/f T AUUy MiU MU. V* iiviTCUU Daniel, of Warrenton, N. C., was lolemnlzed at the home of the bride >n Monday afternoon at 5:30 /clock. The lower floor of the Folk home was thrown en suite and decorated in a color scheme of green and white. In the smilax garlanded ceremony room, a large mirror, Framed In white lilies and foliage, Formed a background before which bhe wedding party was grouped. The ushers, Mr Howard Folk, of Charleston, and Mr. R. D. Suber, of Holly Hill, brother and brother-inlaw of the bride, lighted the candles of the tall, many branched candelabra and ushered in the wedding musicians and the Immediate members of the two families. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. R. B. Gross and Misses Edmee and Estles Smith rendered a musical program. The Misses Smith sang "The Sweetest Story Ever Told," and "God Gave You Mine." To the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Helen Hart, the members of the bridal party descended the stairway and passed to their places through an aisle defined oy tall, white, tulle trimmed baskets of shasta daisies. v Entering first were the ushers, fVillnuroH ho fho nfflHaMnor minlq kWMV n vvt vmv * ter, the Rev. James P. Hollmeyer, brother-in-law of the bride. Ne*t came the bridegroom and his best (Continued on page 10) DRESSES COTTON LACE 1 DRESSES | $3.95 All Summer Shade* rhese chesses, made in the M -ery latest styles, and shown n attractive colors, are Just he thing for these hot sumner afte: noons?drop by and see them HOSE Latest shades and ' values at 79c, $1.00, $1.19 it a ccol summer dreas J sralue! Take your pick ipes. 3izes for women eaps of styles for both! Department >mpany