PAGE 2 Littleton N< MRS. JACK NI x?ffl?iiniiiiimm?i8?iii;>?8?mnmm Mrs. Will Price of Macon visited friends in town Monday. Mr. John Ray Browning spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Alice Browning. Rev. Rufus Bradley returned Saturday from Creswell where he con ducted a meeting during the past week. ' Miss Louis Riggan is spending the week with her brother, Mr. J. M. 1 Riggan, in Warrenton. J Mr. John Picot and Mr. Harry Ct.ssada spent the week end at Vir- * glila Beach. Master Donald Porter of Norfolk 1 is spending some time with his fa;her, Mr. Curtis Porter. t Mr. J. L. Price enjoyed a fishing trip in Norfolk on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. * .^is many menus are glad to have Mr. Jesse JNewsom home, re- < tvnm hie twpiif uur.nllin.. tUVClaVUig HV1U ***** ?VVV4?v ?WMVWU?W bill accident. Mr. Newsom is getting on mceiy and hopes to resume * his business soon. * Hiss Ella Bene Kiggan of visiting her sister, Mrs. Macon Mo are. . 5 Miss Lillie Mae Keeter of Roanoke Raj lids was the guest of Miss Edna i Walker last week. Miss Mary Walker of Macou c speat the week end with Mrs. J. L) Peg ram. r Mr. and Mrs. Claud Alston and litt e daughter, Joanne, spent the week end at Ocean View. L Mrs. Mollie Pitchford of Warren- s ton is spending some time with rel- i atlves and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wilson and v Mhs Daisy Bowers of the Bear e Swamp community were among the visitors in town Monday. f Miss Lucile Adkins, who has been a undergoing treatment at the hospital in Gastonia, returned Satur- is day C Mrs. Horace Palmer, Horace Jr., and Billy Palmer, spent last week at t< Chesapeake Beach. Mr. T. B. Rose and Miss Ora Rose o of Henderson were among the visi- a tors in town last week. Mr. Ed Ellington of Warrenton V spent Monday here. F Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salmon were guests of relatives in Roanoke Rap- il ids Sunday. Little Miss Frances Odom of War- Ts r en tin is spending the week with t her aunt, Mrs. T. E. Epps. J Mi. and Mrs. Charles Lamberth s spent: the week end in Norfolk. Miss Evelyn Joyner, who has been c visiting her cousin, Miss Blanche o Threewitts, returned Friday to her r home in Cypress Chapel. Mr. Bob Manning of Williamston d was u visitor in town Sunday. I Mr. J. L. Riggan of Hamlet spent Thurtiday of last week with Mr. and e Mrs. J. M. Stokes. Mils Mary Frances Harvey of 1 Roanike Rapids spent Monday with i: relatives. Mifses Annie Price and Mary Lyon Coppersmith spent several days of last week with friends in 1 Raleijh. ? Litnle Miss Gene Thompson of 1 Inez is spending the week as the ' guest of Miss Mary Shields Justis. ' Mils Bertha Mae Newsom re- ' turned Friday from Louisburg ' where she fOTended the Young Peo- 1 pie's Assembly. 1 Mrl W. B Mvrick and children J spent several days of last week with 1 Mrs. Myrick's sister, Mrs. M. A. Siller y. Mrs. Ellis Joyner and children of Richmond are spending the week as guest; of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Foster. MLs Frances Vick and Dr. W. E. Cam] >bell spent Sunday in Richmond. Mrs. Jimmie Robinson and children of Danville, Va., are guests of Mrs. Wiley Bowers. Mr and Mrs. J. G. Hart of Norfolk were recent guests of Mrs. Hart's sisterj Mrs. Rufus Bradley. Miss Verona Topping attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. 8ammie Latham, in Washington Sunday. * Mr Clifton Riggan of Richmond is spending his vacation with his parer.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Riggan. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Wagner visited friends in Warrenton and Embro n j a una ay. Mr) O. N. Sneade of Sanford came Monday to spend some time with her mother, Mrs. Henry Harrlss. Mr, and Mrs. Lee Riggan and , I)r. Rufus S. Jones !! A.B., SLA., D.IK8. G eneral Practice of Dentistry I X-RAY 8 EE VIC? Citizens Bank Building Phone 70 Out at office every Thursday tmttaniiiiniiiiuimriiiiiiiiiuuutttmi Warren ton, North Ci ews Events 2LS0N, Editor family, Mrs. A. W Harriss and Miss Mary Dull Harriss visited friends in Richmond Sunday. Mrs. E. S. Crawley tind little son, Elbert Lee, of Hopewell( Va., are spending the week with Mrs. Crawley' s mother, Mrs. Benton. Miss Ruby Smith spent last week in Norfolk. Master Howard Chappell spent the week end with liis father in Roanoke Rapids. Mr. Sam Riggan of Norfolk was uuong tiie visitors in town Sunday. Mr. Nick Crawley spent Sunday 11 Roanoke Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Kenyon were quests of Misses Doilie and Lillian Daniel Sunday. Mr. John Upton spent Sunday in Scotland Neck. Miss Vera oainpbeii of Siler Citj vas the guest oi Miss Ertic Boyu barren last week. Mesdames Moiiie Sheehan aim iaiiie Williams of White Rock weie 'isitors ui town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones speit Sunday with relatives in Hender- j on. Mis. L. M. Johnston and Miss jouise Johnston of Durham were uests of friends here Saturday ^ veiling of last week. Miss Sallie Boyce of Wilson ar- , ived Sunday to spend two weeks . ath her mother, Mrs. J. B. Boyce. Friends are glad to have Mr. /. , i. Johnston home after a stay of everal weeks in the Roanoke Rapds hospital. , Mr. George Rag land of Colerain ( vas a visitor in town for the week nd. , Miss Charlotte Darden and Mr. ( tobeit Thorne spent the week end t Virginia Beach. , Miss Bettle Mo3re of Edentoi ] > visiting Misses Elizabeth an i :arrie Helen Moore. ( Mrs. M. W. Ransom left Monday ] 3 spend the week at Bell's Beach. ] Mrs. E. J. Gay and son, John Gay, < f Jackson spent Sunday with rel- < tives. ( Mi. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston >f Veldon were guests of Mrs. M. W. iansom for the week end. ] Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ivev were vis tors in town Sunday. * . Mrs. W. H. Johnston and nieces, ; flisses Ellen and Sarah Anderson, lisses Mary Jane and Rebecca < fohnston and Dennis Rose are pending the week at Bell's Beach. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Joyner and hildren and Mrs. S. B. Summerell f Wilson spent Sunday here with , elatives. , Mrs. N. E. Mitchell spent several [ays of last week at Chesapeake Jeach. Mr. and Mrs. W'. R. Boyce visitd relatives in town Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Adkins and Mrs. [ ommie Perkinson visited relatives n Raleigh last week. HONOR MISS CAMPBELL Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Warren were lost and hostess at a most enjoyible watermelon cutting at War en's pond on Wednesday afternoon, lonoring Miss Vera Campbell, rhose present were Misses Vera Jampbell, Ertie Boyd Warren, Emma Harriss and Virginia Threevitts; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crawley; Messrs. Rufus Bradley, Marvin New?om, Ed Harvey, Robert Kirkland ind Plummer Harriss. MRS. CRAWLEY HOSTESS Mrs. L. E. Crawley entertained at hree tables of bridge Friday even mrj? n????k?ll ug nuiiuiuig miss veia i/aiuijucu >f Siler City, guest of Miss Ertie Boyd Warren. Mrs. R. H. Ward :ompiled high score and was pre>ented with an attractive prize. The lonoree was remembered with a ovely gift. Following several progressions, an fee course was served. Guests for the evening were MAKES YOU LOSE UNHEALTHY FAT A young woman of Norwich, Conn., writes: "I lost 16 lbs. with my first bottle of Kruschen. Being on night duty It was hard to sleep days but now since I am taking Kruschen I sleep plenty, eat as usual and lose fat, too.' To take off fat?take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water in t he morning before breakfast?one bottle that lasts 4 weeks costs but little?get It at any drugstore In America. If this first bottle falls to convi nce you this Is the SAFE and HARMLESS way to lose fat?your money gladly returned. Don't accept anything but Kruschen if you want to reduce safely. New 50/ Size t \mn ninTirt * x III(I | LIU1A L. ril^MlAIVl O j TABLETS FOR WOMEN \ They relieve and prevent periodic pain and associated disorders. No narcotics. Not just a pain killer but a modern medicine which acts upon the CAUSE of youi trouble. Persistent use brir gs permanent relief. Sold by aj druggists. irolina TJ Misses Vera Campbell, Emma Hai- | risSj Ertie Boyd Warren, Mr. ana Mrs. James Seal, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stokes, Mrs. R. H. Ward, Messrs. Marvin Newsom and Plumrner Harrlss. Calvary-Thelma Items Misses Pauline and Ruth Daniel of Rocky Mount ate visiting Miss Sarah King. Mr. John P. Elliott of Richmond, who has been visiting here, left on Friday for Winston-Salem. The Woman's Club sent a ' delegation to Ringwood Thursday 1 to the county meeting of the clubs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Myrick spent f Sunday in the home of his parents. Among the visitors with Mrs 1 Dallas Myrick Sunday were Mrs ' Mary Vincent and son of Roanoke t Rapids and Misses Mildred Vincent i and Myrtle Haywood of Charlotte. < Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hamill /r. t spent the week end with his people. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Myrick spent < Sunday with her people in Marion. |< Mr. J. U. Vaughan Jr. of Weldon'1 spent several days here this week. i t Drewry Items , Miss lima Paschall left Monday' to attend summer school at High Point College. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Satterwhite if Henderson spent Tuesday -light ivith Mrs. Satterwhite's sister, Mrs. H. E. Brewer. Dr. Faank Mayfield of Richmond, Misses Katharine and Lucy Mayfield, Mr. and Mrs. John Weldon Mayfield and Mr. Boyd Mayfield visited their grandmother, Mrs. Fannie White, Monday evening. Gordon Poindexter of Warrenton spent several days recently with Charles White. Mrs. Andrew Paschall is spending some time with relatives near Ma:on. Miss Elizabeth Fleming spent seyiral days this week, with Miss Metu. Sennison of Townsville. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Carrington if Durham, Misses Judith and Sarah Boyd, Ethel Newell and Walter Boyd of Townsville, Miss Alice White, Messrs. Henry B and Nat White left Tuesday to spend several days af "Myrtle Beach. Messrs. Arthur Holloway and j rhomas Paschall spent Sunday in f Richmond, 1 Mrs. Henry B. White and sons spent Sunday with the Boyds at { Belvidere. 1 Miss Elizabeth Holloway spent ] several days last week with Miss Mary Tucker at Tovynsville. ji Mrs. Fannie White, Mrs. C. M. i; White, Misses Nannie and Neni ; White and Mr. Edmund White * spent Tuesday afternoon in Hen- . derson. Cleveland county farmers have received $153,000 as a first rental 1 payment on cotton land withdraw)) from production this season. Wheat yields in Stanly County are from one-fourth to one-third under the yields secured last season. The grain is chaffy. "Full Feeling" After Meals Here is how Thedford's BlackDraught proved helpful to Mr. Archie W. Brown, of Fort Green, Fla.: "I have taken Black-Draught when I have felt dull from overeating or eating too hurriedly," he writes. "Small doses right after meals rid me of gases and heavy feeling. I am a great believer in Black-Draught." Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT Purely Vegetable Laxative "CHILDREN LIKE THE SX.BUF" FlofMjfFT fi de iuMiIrM ^ CIOAR Saptemt cflfeIba Selectos sice jf&L never sold for less thsm fPra 10c. You now can bu* H ^1 same ilze and quality?long Havana and imported (:? bacco for only 5c. 1I.LEWIS CIGAR MfQ. CO. Makers. NEWi J. R. POINTER CIGAR CO., RA1 ? = =^= 1 CITIZENS INSURANC G. W. Poin dexter, Pres. Warrentor FIRE LIFE I i insurance c Consult Us i Insurance 1 HIE WARREN RECQR Farm And Home Week Features A Revue Of Dresses A novel dress revue in the form of a garden paity, hi which members of home demonstration clubs will model dresses made during the year as part of their club projects, will be held Wednesday evening of Farm and Home week at State College, July 30 through August 4. An attractive setting, bowered with pines and other forest trees, will be arranged on the Riddick field green for the occasion, said Miss Willie N. Hunter, clothing specialist at the college. There the women will show how ;hey have taken inexpensive cotton sloths and old clothes and fashioned ;hem into house dresses, dresses for general wear, sports, afternoon, and evening dresses in attractive pat;erns and tasteful colors. One of the fundamental purposes Df the revue is to show the women )f the state what their fellow club nembers have Been doing in clothng projects and how it is possible .0 clothe themselves at low cost. Another special attraction for vomen at Farm and Home Week ,vill be Federation day Thursday or the State Federation of Home: Demonstration clubs. First on the jrogram will be registrations from. i to 9 o'clock, and then a business, neeting of the State Federation :ouncil and executive committee xom 9 to 10 o'clock. At a general meeting of the Fed:ration, Miss Helen Estabrook, lousing specialist at the college, vill present facts found in the relent rural housing survey in 12 :ounties and make suggestions for i follow-up program of improving ural housing conditions. David S. Weaver, agricultural engineer at the college, will also outine the program for electrifying uial North Carolina, pointing out he advantages of electricity on the arm and showing how groups of armers can get together to have ransmission lines extended into heir communities. Manson News Mrs. J. M. Hughes f.nd daughters, Mary, Mildred and Ruth, of Henlerson spent Wednesday here' with Mrs. L. N. Kimball. Mrs. R. W. White and little Mar?aret and Robert White of Woodlyn, Pa., are visiting Mrs. J. W. Dowling here this week. | Mr. Flummer Wilson of Raleigh is here this week visiting his HOW WOMEN CAN WIN MEN AND MEN WIN The Favor of Other Men UnleM two pint* of blla juice flow daily from your liver Into your bowels, your lood decays in your bowels. This poisons your whole body. Movements get hard and constipated. You get yellow tongue, yellow skin, pimples, dull eyes, baq breath, bad taste, gas, dizziness, headache. You have become an ugly-looking, foul-smelling, sour-thinking person. You have lost your personal charm. Everybody wants to run from you. But don't take salts, mineral waters, oils, laxative pills, laxative candles or chewing gums and expect them to get rid of this poison that destroys your personal charm. They can't do It, for they only move out the tall end of your bowels ana that doesn't take away enough of the decayed poison. Cosmetics won t help at all. Only a free flow of your bile juice will top this decay poison In your bowels. The one mild vegetable medicine which starts a free flow of your bile Juice Is Carter's Little Liver Pills. No calomel (mercury) in Carter's, Only fine, mild vegetable extracts. If you would bring back your personal charm to win men, start taking Carter's Little Liver Pills according to directions today. 25i at drug stores. O Refuse "something just as good", for it may^gripe, loosen teeth or scald rectum. ask ior warier s i.ittie ruver x-ius Dy name and get what you ask for. ?1938, C.M.Co. LEIGH, N. C., DISTRIBUTORS r? ? ft BONDING GO M. E. Grant, S?ct-y I, N. C. J ABILITY BONDS >f all Kinds upon Your Problems I y, iJJ Warren parents, Mr and Mrs. W. W. Wilson. Miss Virginia Lambert of Roanoke, Va., is visiting her uncle, Mr. A. B. Paschall, this week. Miss Beth Dowling spent a few t days in Hamlet with relatives. j Miss Nancy Pete Gregory of Sa- ] jvannah, Ga., spent one day here j jwith relatives last week. t Miss Mary Sue Johnson of Mead- , ville, Pa., spent Sunday here with Miss Wilma Singleton. Mrs. W. W. Wilson spent Tuesday with Mrs. R. L. Buchanan at ] prewry. , Miss Elizabeth Kimbal is spend- j ing a few days in Oxford with her uncle, Mr. O. L. Kimball. , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brack and ] Mrs. W. B. Brack attended services ( at Cokesbury church Tuesday night. . Areola Items < Mrs. Rome Neal returned home ( on Sunday after having undergone , treatment at Park View hospital, j Rocky Mount, for several weeks. i Miss Elizabeth Davis was given a < surprise birthday supper Wednes- i day by members of her family. Outof-town guests were Mrs. Frederics < Williams and children, Beaufort ^ Scull, Charlotte and Frederick Jr. < of Inez; Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Burt and < grandson, Alex Veezey Jr., and Bil- j ha a r\f T^miickiiror* TV/Tris: "Harold , iiU XUliJI/VU UX UVVMUWIMQ! M*aM. ? - ? , Skillman and daughter, Vilee Skillman, Miss Margaret Hunter and Mr. Edward Hunter of Warrenton. The children of the primary department of the Methodist Sunday School enjoyed a picnic Tuesday given them by their leader, Miss Roberta King. After a very nice rehearsal Friday the children who will take part in the Children's Day program on < July 22 at 4 o'clock were invited to ; the Capps Yiome by Miss Kathleen < Capps. There they took part in in- < teresting games. Later Miss Capps was assisted in serving cookies, lemonade and mints by Mrs. Capps, Misses Edith Capps; Helen Hunter and Bettie Cooper Davis. Mrs. Sterling Harris and children of Roanoke Rapids visited in the home of Mrs. Rome Neal last week. Misses Emma Duke of Raleigh is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duke. Miss Edith Modi In of Rocky Mount is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. T. Davis. Mrs. R. L. Capps and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shearon were in Rocky Mount one day last week. 1 GO TO 1 The ant wo its habit of prep winter. ,i, It is a lessoi to your winter fu We have hu been racked and v They make an e are sold at a pri tion of anyone w We suggest several cords of the remainder ol woodshed, basen the cold rains, sl< be thankful that; : wood to combat tie forethought n and money. I I Jone BIGNALL JONES I ? 1 : - ton, North Carolina Five Day Program For 4-H Short Course A well-rounded program of instruction, athletics, games, singings, Lectures, and sight-seeing trips has been prepared for the 500 or 600 boys and girls expected to attend the 4-H club short course at State College, July 25-30. Leaders are working hard to make sure that none of the members will find a single dull moment while here, from the time they come to the time they leave, said L. R. Harrill, State club leader. Horstshoe pitching, kitten ball, ralley ball, field events, swimming, md an athletic tourney will feature ;he physical side of recreation. A pageant, lectures, tours, style show, jroup singing, and general getting;ogethers are also scheduled. The 4-H honor club composed of outstanding members who have completed four or moie years' work md former state representatives at ;he national 4-H camps will meet luring the week in connection with ;he short course. The health contest, in which the State King and Queen of Health svill be chosen,, will be held Saturlay evening in connection with the 'Pageant of Progress." The winners of district health contests will compete for state honorg. Sunday afternoon the members will be treated to a picnic, band concert, and a community sing. The evening vesper service and the final camp fire exercises Sunday night will come as an appropriate climax co the five eventful days of the short course. Subordinate granges in Orange county have embarked upon a program of rura lelectrification with every grange having a committee in charge of the work. Monthly Pains Relieved Women who take CARDUI have found that severe monthly pains have been relieved and that by oontinued use of it for a reasonable length of time their strength has been renewed and their general health Improved. -I am flad to ipeak a few words for Oardoi, the medicine I have taken for a weak, run-down condition, for bad palm fn my *Me end buck and for Irregular period]." writes Mrs. Boy Chandler, of in. 'Tarda! straightened me at and I felt 100 per cent better. It certainly helped me." Thousands of women testify Cardul benefited them. If It does not benefit XOU, consult a physician. [HUNT. n scriptural recognitk aring in summer for 1 i that is particular pei el supply. ndreds of cords of mil drying m the summer xcellent stove and h( ce low enough to mer ho desires to save on 1 $2.50 PER CORD that you place your this wood cut stove l the summer you car lent, or under your hoi *et and snows of wint you have an ample su] the cold. The piano ] ow will save you worr PHONE 17 IS p DUKE JONES HC FRIDAY, JUlYjio, J f i Route 1 Items 7 1 Mrs. John Heath at Richa^Hl 1 Va., visited her parents. Mr. I Mrs. J. A. Ridout, last week. H I \Mr. Hanselman oi Manson 1 ed Mr. L. B. Bowden Sunday. ' ^B 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bowden vi^. H 1 ed Mr. and Mrs. Perry Harris L I day afternoon. ' p | Mrs. L. B. Bowden visited jttlB \ Spencer Scott one evening n*^B g( I week. gi 1 Mr. Herbert Davis, v,ho has be^^B ra 1 working at the CCC campi is spend- tt ling some time hSte with his pai.^B se lents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis. ^B tt 1 Mr. Richardson oi Townsvilie vh-^B se 1 ited Mr. Howard Edmonds Sunds- pi SSI VHHS-4UBS V \ You poor sufferers from bad !?ji ct 1 "What misery you have endured, ww 1 crippling discomfort. ^^B Ol I But here at last is help for you'.v;,, rr l rmerations nor injections. No ertorcrt I ^est nor time off from work, a sinSl St I home treatment with Emerald rjj I heals your sores like magic, reduttt H 1 swelling, ends pain, and makes your n I legs as good as new -while you I yna about your daily routine u " I usual. d; 1 Follow the easy directions I ?you are sure to be helped *' gfKjp or money back?druggets | everywhere. V Don't Read This I rr Unless you are interested ini H medicine which has helped over 700,000 women and H P girls. Take it before and after V childbirth, at the Change or I whenever you are nervous and I rundown. 98 out of 100 say. F "It helps me!" j LYDIA E. PINKHAM'slVEGETABLE COMPOUND 11,' _ C( EYES EXAMINED AND GLASSES < FITTED ^B t Every Monday morning (torn 9:0111 to 11:00. Office with Dr. Ruftal Jones, the dentist, over Citizens H F Bank, Warrenton. Main office neai tl P. O. at Roanoke Rapids. H d DR. E. D. HARBOUR I p OPTOMETRIST p 1 n 1 1 1I* I'' )n on account of V the cold days of lli lr< rtinent in regard b Id 1 slabs that have K s sun for months. 4 In iater wood and it the considers- Br, his fuel bill. Bj; a< I e; ill I* order new for 41: length. During If 1 store it in your use. Then when er come you will il oply of good dry *1 part is that a lit- ||H y, inconvenience M NOW 11 hers If -1

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