Id AY, JULY 20, 1934 Jt Society J Items / W HOMELASD I 9 .fi4t a stranger paused and, V' spoke your name, I afialf-W turning, you drew W* ne3r and lound. / :i!:.'.:z hi* eyes, he was no more / . ,;ill an oJd fine friend whom f rime had ground I 3 gentler smile and warmer I ^Hr that you walked with him and / ^g ioo busy stripping off the/ the in-between and long-/ <av that alter walking many! F,ftjflid began o speak from out!' Impassions sweet, and grav-l L piercing many threads longI I jesmy weaiy heart come home!1 ^Ejeac'e a! last: so d0 1 ,iear it I SPf?FRANCES CASSELLA. I.' May and Sarah Davis of I ^M&burg spent several days last jl ^K^rith their aunt. Mrs. E. s. { Jim Jeffress of Palmer j was a guest of Mrs. c. pi' Caroline Williams ana I Hjijlompson of Inez were guests/' Bjfiss Nancy Peete last week. Hy- sad Mrs William Ravers haval ^| to New York after a visit/' DiT'orc I jrSlth Mrs iviaij Bits. J H. KeiT, Mrs. John Tar- 1 and Mr. Jim Kerr were visi- ( it Williamsburg Va., last B \u w U Cawthorne spent sev- ] B? last week in New York. < Br jacce Mclllhenny returned ] Bel tin for a visit. I its. Bell Palmer of Clanton was < B;? end guest of Mrs. F. P. Hun- 1 its. Charlie White of Drewry B * ?uest of AIrs- W. W. CawB-te for several days last week, lis. B. B Williams has returned j H-a: spending a week in Rldgeway B St. Barker Williams left Mondav ^Bstteni summer school at Wake . His mother. Mrs. B. B. Wilaccompanied him as far as , B^burg where she remained for Br^iC with her sister Mrs. Louis Bfcpt. J. Edward and Mrs. Allen ' B^ed to Warrenton yesterday B"-: attending a Masonic meeting B California and the World's Fair ( Bits. Susan W. Adams of Oxford j MM friends here Monday morn-'j Bliss Lucille Joyner and Masler Bfe Smiley visited in Scotland m* for several days this week. ( I Mrs Rowland Totten of Chapel J ^ "1 stlH Yfre P ? Mr>r!nin of 1 Ilfecerson are spending a few days j i Ki Mrs. W. A. Connell Sr. j1 I It and Mrs. Don H. Davidson of < p Moines. Iowa, are guests in piome of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. little Richard Maultery has been j Bailing some time with his grand- ^ peats. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Duke, . r-e his parents visited his uncle, ft Edward Duke, in New York, fees Mabel and Virginia Duke hve returned to their home after "kit with their aunt, Mrs. J. A. ?hchford. at Littleton. Mesdames Pattie Riddick, Clark foter, Mr. Cecil Falman of Greenstoro, and NTts. Ray Kou and two rnldren of Daytonia Beach, Fla., ^ guests of Mrs. Whit Williams Miss Estelle Davis for several kys this week. Miss Jeanette Cohen left Sunday j^sPend two weeks at Virginia Mr Dwlght Durham has returnr10 his home in Carthage after Vending last week here with Mr. ?nton Wesson Jr. and other mends. James Y. Kerr left on Wed7% for California after spendtw? weeks here with his par^ ^Congressman and Mrs. John Mr and Mrs ^rye have taken . , in the home of Mr. WdMrs. John Bell. r fihd Mrs. Howard Palmer and m1 ^elr home with Mr. Mrs Ca ** ^ Moore - -iuuic IS spending sev- | tftl days this week at Roxboro. I Mrs, R. b. Boyd Jr. spent Sunday | Henderson with relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris of Ma-1 ton were visitors here Saturday. I Hr. \v. d Rodgers Jr. is spending 1 Mew days at Morehead City. friends o! Mr. Buck Bell are glad I 10 ^e him out on the porch in a | *teei chair after having been con- j 'tied to his bed for several weeks. I Mrs V/ D Rodgers Jr. and Miss Warreuton, North Carolina | r I h News 1 I I iv* Patsy Rodgers are spending some! time at Virginia Beach. Friends of Mrs. Rob Pinnell re- i gret that she is ill at St. Vincent's Hospital in Norfolk. Miss Anna Cohoon of Suffolk is spending several days here with her uncle, Mr. R. T. Watson, and Mrs. Watson. ' Miss Sallie C. Watson left Monday to spend some time in Darling ton, S. C., with her brother, Mr. W. R. Watson. Miss Kate White Williams left Saturday to spend some time in Richmond. Mr. Milton Wilson and son. Mil- j ton Jr., spent Sunday at Morehead j City. Mr. and Mrs. William Rivers, Messrs. John Mitchell and W. T. Polk returned to War ronton on Sunday night after spending a few days at Nags Head. Mayor Frank H. Gibbs and Mr. James Polk spent the week end at Nags Head. Friends of Mrs. E. C. Price re- gret that she was confined to her home for several days last week on h account of illness. ^ Mr. Jack Smiley of Elizabeth B City spent the week end at his B dome here. r Mesdames John and Joe C. Pow- c ell were visitors in Littleton on 01 Tuesday night. T Dr. and Mrs F. P. Hunter were visitors in Durham on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scoggin and Mr. Herbert Scoggin of Louisburg d were visitors here on Tuesduy c afternoon. u Mrs. Finley Gayle and children, c John Cole and Betsy Gayle, of 0] Richmond arrived Tuesday for a short visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Boyd. Mr. Armistead Boyd and Messrs. S? 3raham and Pett Boyd have re- dl ;urned from a fishing trip to Largo ^ Pond. M Si BIRTHDAY PARTY Honoring her granddaughter, Miss B Tnnire VirtHrMn Flaming, on her 5th airthday, Mrs. W. B. Fleming en- A ;ertained a number of small givls m 'rom 4:30 until 6 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Miss Katherine Petar won the prize in a contest. 3ames were played and attractive ^ 'avors given each iguest. Ice cream, y :ake and suckers were served. Little Miss Fleming received many renembrances from her little friend i. F SWIMMING PARTY M Mr. and Mrs. William H. Boyd mtertained at a swimming party w md supper at the golf course ou cr Friday night for their niece, Miss ^ Mildred McViccor. HONORS HUSBAND With only members of the immeiiate family as guests, Mrs. J. P. ' Bcoggin honored her husband's r birthday on Tuesday by entertain- m ng at a dinner party. A green color w notif was attractively carried out in ?very detail. TO LEAVE FOR CAIV^P m -The following young girls will di eave on Sunday for Camp Vaile D Mecum, near Winston-Salem, where fr ;hey will attend camp for a week re FAMOUS At. every day prices, Evi why not use good soap w Originally 2 Woodbury's Facial 10c, 3 Cashmere Bouquet, 10c, 3 Castolay, 10c, 3 for Germicidal Rexall Skin Laytrix Health Soap, 10c, Nursery Castile, 10c, 3 fo i Originally It Old Lavender Gardenia Colee Orchis Lilac Imperial , , King Cocoa Almond Cocoa Lifebuoy, 10c, 3 for B. B. Flea Soap Skip Flea Glovers i j And many others at "NOW COME Boyce D WARRBNTi J I i i m THE and Ever r -I J To Be Fall Bride ^ ^ vtnwi *r/\t*Tr **'- *' x urtiv . . . miss wary French (above), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John French of New York and Greenwich, is to be the Fall bride of Laurance S. Rockefeller, grandson of John D. Rockefeller. r more before returning to their omes: Misses Mary Guy Boyd, lary Delia Davis, Jean Williams, etsy Rodwell, Laura Ellis, Mariana oyd and guest, Betsy Gayle of ,ichmo'nd, Elizabeth Boyce, Jean iavis, Helen Holt, Pegtgy Mustiau f Norlina and Edwina Taylor of ownsvllle. MARRY HERE SATURDAY John R. Young of Washington, C? and Miss Hannah Louis rawley of Cumberland, Va., were nlted In marriage by the Rev. L. . Brothers at the M. E. Parsonage a Saturday afternoon. nuixuiva uulois u Mrs. J. P. Watson entertained at wen tables of bridge on Wednesay in honor of her house guests, [iss Betty Schihidt of Chicago and 1 [isses Ida Toddman and Josephine v utton of Richmond. High score ? rizes were won by Miss Tempe ? oyd and Mrs. J. E. Adams. The t jnorees were also presented gifts. c fter each progression the couples loving drew for unique prizes. ? DAUGHTER BORN 1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. 1 ralker on July 13, a daughter-- * lvian Dawn. 1 MISS PEETE HOSTESS Miss Nancy Peete entertained on rlday in honor of her guests, Isses Caroline Williams and Jean r hompson of Inez. Many games ( ere played on the lawn and ico earn, cake and candies were serv- ? I on tables in the yard. CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICES Children's Day services will be * ;ld at Bethlehem Methodist hurch, Areola, on July 22 at 3 p. announcement was made this eek. DARRAGH-DAVIS The following account of the arriage of Miss Mary S. Davis, rughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank avis of this county, is reproduced om a Kentucky paper which was iceived here too late for last week's |T SOAPS ery body uses soap, hen it cost so little. !5c, Now: for . .25c for .27c 1 25c ..19c 19c 3 for 25c r 25c Ic Now: 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 25c 25c ...,25c OE-i WW I such low prices : CLEAN" rug Co. ON, N. C. I 1 ^ i : WARREN RECORD its of Int< ssue of The Warren Record: The mariiage of Miss Mary S. Uavis ana Mr. w. h. uarragn jr., ivas solemnized in a beautiful and impressive service at 6 o'clock Sunlay night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Darragh Sr., 253 Delmar ivenue. Rev. Adolphus Gilliam, pas;or of Park Methodist church, officiated. The house was decorated with palms, vines and white garden flowers and was light with cathe-! iral candles. j Before the ceremony Mr. Gross sang "O, Promise Me" and "At Dawning," accompanied by Miss Mary Ruth Price. At the conclusion pf the service Mr. Gross sang "I Love You Truly." The bride was escorted and given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Hardman. She was iovely in a white tailored tripesheer model with white picture hat und white accessories. Mrs. Robert Hardman was her sister's matron-of-honor, and wore m afternoon dress of flowered chiffon. Mr. Russell Darragh was his Mother's best man. Mrs. Darragh is a native of North Carolina and a graduate of Greensboro College, where she specialized h dramatic art. She has made her iome in Lexington for the past ;hree years where her beauty and :harm have won her many friends. 3he is now connected with the Lexington Little Theatre which has jeen recently organized. Mr. Darragh is a graduate of Kentucky Westleyan College and is i well-known young business man >f Lexington. After July 8 Mr. and Urs. Darragh will be at home at 253 Delmar avenue. j HOSTESSES AT SUPPER Littleton, July 19.?Mrs. W. E. Vagner and Mrs. Clement Pegram vere joint hostesses at an ice cream .upper in the home of Mrs. Petram on Wednesday night, in hon>r of Mrs. Herman Odom of Aulanler, house guest of Mrs. Pegram. Delicious ice cream and cake were ierved the following: Mr. and Mrs. I rack Salmon, Misses Lucille and ! /erena Topping, Mr and Mrs. W. 2. Wagner, Misses Annie and Frantie Price, Mr. and Mrs. Clement 5egram, and Miss Edith Pegram. Littleton News Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strandbury eturned Saturday to their home in jreensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Q. S. May spent Sunday at Ocean View. Messrs. J. A. Crawley and Bill I ALL SA STRAW ON SAL 2 P Come in and get one of one-half or more on you: Wflrrenton 1 j J Store G Warrantor ] irest to V VW/? LAJ(ST ? Oil Pofriicio Dow? -i??>>>V> '"w1 1 'IJJ' r' W*WEW*^%?\ Designed in Sizes; 14, 16, 18, 20, with bust measures 32, 34, 36, 38, and .40 and 42. Size 18 requires 4 yards of 39 inch material. Belt o? ribbon requires l1/* yard. f I Pnr PATTERN, send 15 Cents I in coin (for each pattern desired) your NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE to Patricia Dow, Warren Record Pattern Dep't., 115 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. w ?/ McPherson Extended a business meeting of the Standard Oil Co. in Oxford on Friday of last week. Mrs. Mabel Morriss returned on Monday from Glen View where she j has been visiting relatives. Mrs. Alice Browning and Miss Lizzie Whitaker visited relatives in IPF j MPLE HATS -E AT 1 'rice 1 these hats and save r hat for next summer. 1 , Department ' Dinpany 1! North Carolina N ^omen I / Enfield Thursday. Miss Mabel Warren, who has beei attending summer school in Green ville returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr Ras Daniel and Miss Hattie Danie spent last week at Bay View. Lieutenant and Mrs. Floyd h Wood, who are visiting Mrs. Wood parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Aller; left Wednesday to spend severa days at Morehead City. Mr. Meal MacRae left Friday fo CCC camp at Hot Springs, N. C. Mrs. Joe Alston, who has beei vislSlng Misses Maria and Lou Elle: Morecock, returned to her home U I Richmond Mondav. Mrs. Harvey Haithcock of Maco spent Wednesday with Mrs. A. V Delbridge. j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson an | daughters. Misses Elizabeth an i Jessie, of Baltimore are guests c Mrs. J. B. Boyce. j Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shaw o Rocky Mount spent Monday wit! . Mr. and Mrs E. B. Perry. Mrs. Cleve Stallings and Mis Emily Stalljngs left Wednesday fo a stay of two weeks at Morehea City. j Mrs. Ernest Wells and children c Louisburg spent Thursday with Mr: Reg Cook. I Mesdames Z. B. Mitchell, W. 1 Browning and Ellis Bibbs visite friends in Emporia Thursday. Messrs. James Jenkins and Mai Now! Prici < i Genuine R; Tins of 12 Tablets NOW 4 IPrice of the loo-Tablet Bottles Also Reduced! ALWAYS SAY "BAYER ASPI PEN! MOV mruf II I1LVV LI PERM AN BUIL BY COURT HOUSE We will conti full line of FRESH VEGE1 AND I Our IV MR. J. W. will be glad to welc and all the peopk vicinity to his new s PAGE S 11 Fashion | Facts ; I ! vln Newsom spent Tuesday in Richi mond. Mr. Harry Cassada of Roanoka Rapids spent the week end with his ' mother, Mrs. Mattoinette Cassada. I Miss Lula Thome is spending some time as the guest of Mrs. Gort. don Carver at White Lake. s Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Moore of l> Garysburg spent the week end with II Dr. and Mrs. Horace Palmer. Mr. Elliott Pegram left Friday r for CCC camp at Hot Springs, N. C. Miss Frances Vick and Dr. Camp11 bell are spending the week end at a White Lake. n Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiggins spent several days of last week at 11 Bay View. l- Mr. S. G. Daniel spent the week end in Norfolk, d ^ Sticky, soiled leather on furniture ,f may be best cleaned by rubbing with a piece of cheesecloth moistlf ened with banana oil and following h it up with a clean soft cloth. * * * 1S Raspberries planted for the first r time in McDowell county this spring d are growing nicely and putting out canes for a crop next year, if s. Thirty-six farmers of Caldwell County who planted raspberries this 3-! spring report their plants growing d ^ well. Patronize the Advertiser. es Reduced 3N iyer Aspirin V^bUtTiiuU'lSf fea==^j Bottles of 24 Tablets NOW jy RIN" NOW WHEN YOU BUY )ER'S ED TO OCATION rs STORE r\iMr? w wr OPPOSITE CITIZENS BANK J inue to carry a I MEATS rABLES -RUITS I [anager DOWNING ome all his customers i of Warrenton and ;tore. / i

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