MfRlDAY, JULY 20, 1934 Mf^Warren Record ) I Classified Rates / Ml,, one cent a word eacn Issue I (Tfcs l>-pe) / b) 1 Vi Cents a Word M (This Type) / (c) Three Cents a I m\\rord (This Type) I gjj abbreviations counted / m words I MM j^enty Ave Cents Minimum I m Charge I B [taplsy Want Ads, 3So an Inch I Mj To insure proper classi/loation / mlfan: Ads should be in this of. / ?:s by noon Wednesday. ^ i.H 4ds signed "Care Record" I U Strictly Confidential \0 Classified Ads Charged ! B Except to Regular Display Advertiser! so Adj Received Over Telephone j uR RENT-CORNER BRICK; B';gre formerly occupied by P.! {vjedenber?. Apply to H. A Mose- i B |ey. Warrenton j m^B^VASHINCTON BEAUTY parlor. Next door to Boyce jflj Co Phone 216-w. J15-6t Berthage and Collard Plants now ready. ?1.00 per 1000. J. S.! Davis. Macon, N. C., Rout 2. jl3-3t tflXTEO TO BCV?PAIR GOOD used truck scales. Apply B, care Tfreji Record. j FOR OLE?TWO SETS OF TO- j fll"* od as new and 5.0001 Isfcb Mrs V. V. Harris, Little-j SACHES FOR SALE 75C THE bushel at the orchard. The Bun- J jilo-r Farms, Macon. N. C. j204tc LEGAL NOTICES ! NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND Cnder and by virtue of the' thority contained in a certain ed of Trust dated the 15th day of itember 15, 1925, from Francis rion Johnston t Widower) to se R Clark Jr. of Cincinnatti, lo, Trustee, and duly recorded in office of the Register of Deeds Warren County in Book 113, e 126. default having been made he payment of the notes secur thereby in accordance with the is thereof, and having been reted by the holder of the notes oreclose said Deed of Trust, undersigned Trustee will on nesday, the 25th day of July, offer for public sale to the est bidder for cash at the fVwvtiPA r\f Worrnn Pmint.V IWIUU1VUOG UUWi Ui ?V ?-.J ' Wsrtenton, N. C., at or about the bour of Two o'clock P. M., the folloTirg described real-estate, in JudIto Township, County of Warren, tee of Nonh Carolina, to-wit: I i certain tract or parcel of land fee, lying and being in Judkins tehip, about 5 miles West of feeton, adjoining the lands of J. -Harris, E. L. and R. H. Pike, the fete of Peter Pitchford and M- R. tee, having such shapes, metes fe bounds as fully shown on the ftt thereof now filed with the ftntee herein and the Union CenJil Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, which is bounded fe described as follows: Beginning ? i Poplar on Dry Meadow tech, corner with E. L. and R. " p&e; thence South 85 deg. 15 te East 2720 feet to an Iron stake, corner in the line of the e3We of Peter Pitchford; thence North 7 deg. 30 min. East 887 feet 10 Stone, thence North 66 deg. 30 West 491 feet to Iron stake; fttce North 8 deg. 30 min. West j*3 feet to Iron stake; thence with 59 deg. West 157.8 feet to stake; thence South 75 deg. \w,132 feet t0 Stone; thence ;t^h 77 dog. West 1380 feet to ^corner post; thence North 4 *?-M min. East 329 feet to stake; r*??? North 85 deg. West 375 feet tee: thence South 8 deg. 15 jr., , est 350 feet to stake on Dry Branch; thence down or fe?'5en?^r?cs of said DrV Meadow _ ??u tauu leet to the point of be Wffling, Containing 133.13 acres ex gt hght-of-way of Fosburg Lum ?er Company, conveyed by deed re tOTded m Book 76, Page 488. The foregoing described tract or parcel M land represents what is now the stance of the original "Moss Tract" ? land, which was conveyed to said W M. Johnston by deed of Whit A. Johnston and Eugene Johnston, dat ?June 16, 1910 which is of record] ? the Public Registry of Warren' taunty, state aforesaid, in Book 81, ;.a?e 240, to which including the ,l)0Ve mentioned, reference is hereB s!n?ade as a part of this convey" I Jls the 15th day of June, 1934. . JESSE R. CLARK JR., Trustee. J^LjCarLTON, Atty. J29-4t Ikl'STEE'S SALE OF LAND I J^P^ered by the terms of that LfJ Deed of Trust executed by I Fri^e!ienb,jr8 and bis wife, Mary "Wenburg, to w. H. Wesson, Warren ton. North Carolina Trustee, on the 17th day of June, 1933, recorded in Book 137, page 152, Warren County Registry, default having been made therein, I shall sell at Public Auction at the Courthouse door in Warrenton, N. C., at 12 o'clock Noon on the 21st day of July, 1934, the following lot or parcel of land located in Warrenton, N. C., Warrenton Township, Warren County, to-wit: Bounded- on the North by the lands of James M. Gardner; on the South by Franklin Street; on the East by the lands of Hilman Reavis; on the West by Main Street, whereon is located two store buildings (formerly occupied by the Burroughs Grocery Company) and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Main and Franklin Streets and running thence Northwardly along Main Street a distance of fifty-one (51) feet to J. M. Gardner's Southwest corner, thence Eaetwardly along said Gardner's line a distance of eighty-six and one-fourth (86 1-4) feet to an iron rod in said J. M. Gardner's line, thence southwardly along Hilman H. Reavis' line a distance of fifty-one (51) feet to an iron rod on Franklin street, thence Westwardly along Franklin Street a distance eighty-six and one-fourth (80 1-4) feet to the point of beginning, and being the same lot or parcel of land which was conveyed to the said P. Friedenburg by J. M. Gardner et ux., by deed dated January 1, 1920, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Warren County in Book 108, page 170, to which reference is hereby specificially made both for other and further description arid source and chain of title. This the 20th day of June, 1934. j22-4t W. H. WESSON, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Faulkner P. Jones, late of Warren county, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to me, properly verified, at Middle burg, Route 1, on or before the 29i;h day of June, 1935,or this notice may . be plead in bar of any recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement. This the 29th day of June, 1934. j29-6t DOCK E. JONES, Admr. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Warren County. In the Superior Court Fred Rodwell, Plaintiff vs. | Ella Hall Rodwell, Defendant. i \ The defendant herein will take | notice that an action as BDove I stated has been begun in the Superj ior Court of Warren County by the J plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining from the defendant an absolute I divorce on the grounds of two years separation; and the defendant is further notified that she is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein, in the office of the Clerk of the SupeiTor Court in Warrenton, N. C.( on or before the 21st day of August, 195:4, | or the relief herein demanded will ,be granted. JOHN D. NEWELL, j29-4t Clerk Superior Court. WM. W. TAYLOR, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff. i SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Warren County. In the Superior Court Delia Alston vs. Ben Lee Alston. ? i - win ine aeienaam auuvc imiacu nm take notice that an action styled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, for the purpose of dissolving- the bonds of matrimony existing- between plaintiff and defendant upon the grounds of two years seperation following abandonment; and defendant will further] take notice that he is required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of Superior Court within thirty davs| after the 5th day of August, 1934, i and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff or the relief demanded will be granted. This July 5. 1934. JOHN D. NEWELL, Clerk Superior Court Warren County. JULIUS BANZET, jy6-4t Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. John Arthurs et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Hawtree Township:' Beginning at a stone in M. L. Bolton's line, thence S. 84 E. 2 C. 40 L. to a stone, thence E. 9 C. 37 L. to a stone in said Bolton's corner, thence along said Bolton's line S. 29 W. 13 C. 8 L to a stone, Bolj THE FA( COMI5 ALOMG WITH Uf 1O0AY, FOLKS, AWP VUCU see <a/hat facts we CAW FlUD FOR You.. CWRtSTOPHfcft \ \Al/VU OR ABOUT ^30 X SAUTA MAB ton's line and Perkinson's corner, thence along said Perkinson's line W. 5 C. to a stone on West side of pine, thence N. 1 E. 12 C. 44 L. to the beginning, containing 10 1-2 acres, more or less, and being lot No. 1 in the division of the Geo. W. Harvey tract. This 6th day qf July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. W. H. Davis et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Sixpound Township: Twenty-eight acres more or less described as "Boyds" owned by and listed in the name of W. H. Davis for 1930 taxes. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. Ben Davis et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Warrenton Township: Bounded on the East by Reedy Creek; West by Sam Hlte's land; North by the public road from Macon to Warrenton, via Prazier's, containing 39 acres, more or less. For more detailed description and source and chain of title specific reference is hereby made to Book 103, pag? 485 Warren Registry. This 6th day of July 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. Andrew Brown et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C. 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Sixpound Township: Seven (7) acres described as Hawkins land owned by and listed in the name of Andrew Brown for 1930 taxes. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. W. R. Hight et ux., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Warrenton Township: Begin on the West side of Eaton Avenue in the town of Warrenton at intersection of Eaton Avenue and Sumerville Street, and running thence westerly 130 feet 6 inches; thence northwardly 318 feet to an iron rod on Alston Avenue; thence 123 feet 2 inches to Eaton Avenue; thence along the side of Eaton Avenue to beginning, being the whole of Block "A" of the map of the Ellington property, said map being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax en it. entitled Warren County v. Mr. M. W. Harrison, I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Sixpound Township: A cottage in the town of Macon bounded on the North by the State Highway; East by the lands of N. M. Thornton; South and West by the lands of A. P. Brame. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior lourt of Warren County in tax uit entitled Warren County v. Otis M. Green et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Warrenton Township: Lots No. 1 and 2 of the division of the L. L. Brown land, said land being situated in the town of Warrenton. This 6th day of July, 1934. I JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. I NOTICE OF SALE j Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. Robert Russell, I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6th, 1934, these lands in Six a pounu iuwuoiiiy. Adjoining the lands of J. H. Nicholson, C. E. Burrows and others, and known as the old Abner Nichj olson Tract, bounded as follows: Beginning on Reedy Branch where a small drain enters said Branch on the North side at a persimmon tree; thence S. 53 1-2 E. 13 P. 15 L. to a poplar tree, thence, S. 68 E. 27 P. 158 L. to a Red Oak tree on the jT FINDEI COLUMBUS RttfelVEP 1,500 PESETAS, ' ^ OS? A VEAft, AS COM MAW PEC. Of THE THECAl U.. PlWTA', THE WARREN RECO south bank of Reedy Branch, thence S. 35 1-2 E. 22 P. 20 L. to a White Oak, thence S. 52 1-2 E. 36 P. 5 L. to a poplar tree on Rocky Hill, thence N. 76 E. 48 P. 10 L. to a large barked poplar on a hill, thence 3. 41 E. 23 P. 5 L. to a Spanish Oak Sapling, near Reedy Branch, thence 80 1-2 E. running on the s. bank of Reedy Branch Canal 26 P. to where a drain enters canal on S. side, thence N. 56 degrees 45 P. 15 [ L. to a stone pile on the hill N. of j the canal, thence N. 80 degrees, 20 P. 10 L. to Hub Quarter Creek canal, thence donw the canal 43 P. 10 L. to B. I. Egerton's hill Harton's old path, thence from the creek by the old Harton's path its various courses 304 P. to a hickory on the S. side of said path, Daniel Shearin's corner, thence S. 2 1-2 degrees W. 57 P. to a large red oak, thence W. 28 P. to a stone near 2 persimmon trees at the head of drain on slash, thence along said drain to the beginning containing 120 acres, more or less. TRACT No. 2 Warren County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Robert Russell and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone in Robert Russell's line, thence along said Surrel's line, N. 85 W. 16 P.; N. 50 W. 9 2-5 P.; N. 73 W. 14 P.; N. 86 W. 8 P.; N. 76 1-2 W. 8 P; N. 70 W. 8 P.; N. 55 W. 4 3-5 P; N. 32 W. 12 P.; N. 16 W. 18 2-5 P. to a stone, Horace A. Palmer's corner, thence along said Palmer's line S. 77 E. 86 P. to a stone In W. Pryor Rodwell and Coleman Bros. Co's. line, thence along said line S. 18 1-2 W. 21 P. to the beginning, containing 9 3-4 acres, more or less. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior! Court of Warren County in taxi suit entitled Warren County v. Willie Ross et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Roanoke township: Beginning at a stone on King's Branch, southwest corner of Chester Jones land; thence North to Robinson Ferry Road; thence westwardly along said road 20 P. to a stone, C. M. Grandy's corner; thence to King's Branch; thence up said branch to the beginning, containing 22 acres, more or less. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. Nelvena Richardson et al., I will sell publicly to the highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warren| ton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, j these lands in Fishing Creek Town snip. 11 3-4 acres in Fishing Creek Township owned by Nelvena Richardson and listed for 1929 taxes by J. H. Richardson, Agent; adjoining the lands of Lilly Richardson, Mrs. Matthew Richardson and others. This 6th day of July 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. A. J. Edward et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands In (Nutbush Township: Bounded on the North by the lands of C. C. and R. P. Perkinson. East by the lands of Joseph Edwards estate South by the lands of Seaman, West by the lands */f Joseph Edwards estate containing 15 acres, being the home place of A. J. Edwards and listed in the name of A. J. Edwards for 1930 taxes. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax; suit entitled Warren County v. | rionrop T.ilHeinhn et al.. I will sell I publicly to the highest cash bidder, J Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Sandy Creek Township: 12 acres, more or less owned by and listed in the name of George Littlejohn, for 1930 taxes. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior Court of Warren County In tax suit entitled Warren County v. S. A. Long et ux? I will sell publicly to highest bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Sixpound Township: Beginning at a stake in Luninda Lynches line thence S. 60 1-2 W. 78 3-5 poles to a stake in Thornton line, thence along certain line N. 87 1-2 W. 64 P. to a large Red Oak I in the Fitts line, thence along said Fitts line N. 3 1-2 W. 16 P. to a stake Lucinda Lynch's corner, | IS ?and Their Disco mAiiw y^lVEDABOUT*(90T- AV6AB.. RD thence along said line N. 81 1-2 E. 132 4-5 P. to the beginning, containing 17 acres. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v David L. Jones et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. O., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Shocco Township: Seven and one-half (7 1-2) acres, more or less, described as a part of the Primus Jones tract owned by and listed in the name of David L. Jones for 1930 taxes. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax cuff enflf.leri Warren Cnimtv V. I WU*V V*AV*v>v?> . . ^ Blanch Cheek et al. I will sell "pub| licly to highest bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in PishJ ing Creek Township: | 30 acres, more or less in Fishing Creek Township, described as Quaker Tract owned by and listed for 1930 taxes in the name if Blanch Cheek. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v, Willie G. Park et ux? I will sell publicly to highest bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands ;n Shocco Township: Twenty-five (25) acres of land more or less, owned by and listed in the name of Willis G. Park for 1 <m tAYP<! This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v Jim Mayfield et ux., I will sell publicly to highest bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C? 12 Noon August 6, 1934, these lands in Hawtree Township: Bounded on the N. by Emily Talley estate E. by Henry Davis, S. by Henry Davis and Hicks (formerly Wesiflv Perkinson) and W. by the State Highway containing 16 acres more or less. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superioi Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v Gertrude Wilkins Carter et al., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 11934, these lands in River Townf ship: Beginning at a stake on hedge [row in ditch division No. 3 corner in B. Thornton estate line thence with said Thornton's line S. 16-40 E. 971 feet to a stake on W. edge of path division No. 6 corner thence with said No. <i line N. 76-30 E. 870 i feet to a stake at said No. 6 corner in W. H. Williams line thence with said W. H. Williams line N. 13-30 W. 770 feet to a stake at division No. 4 corner thence with lines of division No. 4 and No. 3 S. 89-15 W. 950 feet to the beginning containing 18 acres. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v, Roberta Cole, I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Nutbush Township: On the North by N. H. Paschal!, on the West by Cas Drake, now Eillie Williams, on the South by William Read, on the East by Deed Creek and others. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. John B. Alston et ux., I will sell publicly to highest bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in Shocco Township: 53 1-2 acres, described as Lee Jones Tract, listed and owned by John B. Alston for 1930 taxes, described as follows: Beginning at a stake, Alston and Limer corner and - * T litin running inence nwuj uuuu o N. 2 1-2 E. 66 P. 5 L. to a pile of stones, thence S. 87 1-2 E. 140 P. to a stone on Lick Meadow Branch, 30 feet N. of a cluster of Maples, thence up said Branch as it meanders about 115 P. to 2 poplars, Alston's corner, thence along the Alston line N. 87 1-2 W. 94 P. 10 L to the beginning, containing 5C acres, more or less; and Beginning veries (? RIWT-TlPPEP ABSOW HEAPS WEBtUiE THAU 30,000 Y?AW AGO, Parrenton, North Chrottna at a stone, corner for Lee Jones, H. Limer and J. M. Milby, and nn ning thence Westwardly aloi Limer's line 51 yards to a ston thence Northwardly 337 yards to stone in J. M. Milby's line, them Eastwardly 51 yards to a stone Lee Jones' line 337 yards to the b ginning, containing 3 1-2 acre more or less. This flth day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commlssione NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Super! Court of Warren County in tf suit entitled Warren County Jeff Davis et al., I will sell public to highest cash bidder, Court hou door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noo August 6, 1934, these lands in Pis! ing Creek Township: Twenty-eight acres in Fishii Creek Township, part of the Pol Davis land owned by and listed the name of Mrs. Bettie W. Da\ for 1930 taxes. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commission* NOTICE OF SALE Directed by judgment of Super! ; Court of Warren County in t. suit entitled Warren County Ed. J. Hunt et ux., I will sell pu licly to highest cash bidder, Cot house door in Warrenton, N. C., Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands Hawtree Township: D/Minrln^ /-?fl fViO "M hv T? A W JJU UliUUU Wii V??v rxjr . ' liams E. by R. A. Williams S. Tommy Perkinson estate and W. Lee Jones, containing 10 1-2 aci more or less; being the share t ; lotted to Oscar Harvey in the spe 1 ial proceeding entitled Oscar 1 Harvey et al vs. John W. Arthu et al, a report of which is record in the Warren Registry in Bo ; 125, pages 203 and 204. This 6th day of July 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commission! NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Super! Court of Warren County in t : suit entitled Warren County , Louis Davis et ux., I will sell pu . licly to highest cash bidder, Coi i house door in Warrenton, N. C., , Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands . Shocco Township: Tract No. 1. Beginning at a sta . on Rocky Ford Branch, thence ' 66 E. 1423 feet to a stake; thence ' 24 E. 2650 feet to a stake; then s S. 87 W. 1762 to a sweet gur t thence N. 75 W. 230 feet to a swe gum, thence N. 40 W. 133 ft. to poplar near Kearney's; thence , 42 1-2 W. 208 ft. to a sweetgur thence N. 50 W. 150 feet to a sou weed; thence N. 65 W. 248 ft. to ' dogwood; thence N. 69 W. 68 ft. a pine corner; thence S. 2 W. 2 ft. to a sycamore; thence 10 W. 2 ! ft. to a Dine: thence S. 1 E. 100 to a pine; thence S. 9 E. 160 ft. a pine thence 5 1-2 E. 122 ft. to , pine, thence :3. 14 E. 253 ft. then S. 4 1-2 E. 178 ft., thence S. 270 to a pine, thence S. 17 1-2 W. 1 ft. to a poplir on South side ' Rocky Ford Branch, thence do\ > said branch, as it meanders to the t i ginning, containing 53 acres, mc i or less, and being the same tract i land which was conveyed to said G. Ellis and Bennie K. Davis, pa 1 of the parties of the first part, B. B. Williams, trustee by dei dated 27 March, 1926. Tract No. Beginning at a stake on Shoe Creek, corner of tract No.? then . N. 24 E. 7153 ft. to a stake; then N. 50 W. 51 ft. to Rocky Fo Branch thence down said branc as it meanders, S. 43 W. 100 ft. 31 W. 175 ft. S. 28 W. 120 ft to cluster of maples on branch; then N. 84 W. 138 i t. to a pine, thence 87 W. 66 ft. to a stake; thence S. : ?6560 ft. to a stake on Horse Pi Branch thence down said branc as it meanders to the beginnir containing 53 acres, more or less. This 6th day of July, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, Commission! NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Superi Court of Wairen county in t: suit entitled Warren County Lewis Alston et ux., 1' will sell pu licly to highest cash bidder, Cou house door in Warrenton, N. C., Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands River Townsh:.p: A certain tract or parcel of lar situate In River Township adjoii ing J. W. Northington, Divii Street and others, bounded as fo / Chas. E. Foster Civil Engineer, Surveyer Littleton, N. C. I - - - DR. A. C. YOW Veterinarian Hendi^rson, N. C. Ml! D_1. Da. MR-Tt I j UII ICC puuiic WWW-AJ MVO. www M Hospital !!14 Wyche Street ALTHOUGH AU FXP?CT SWIMMEE WW HI YOUUG SEA UOU HAS TO 8E TAUe PMoee iHoiis ".:-C>s or Youug sea uohs Y?AB iu THE PCOCESS OF- LEA Pi PAGE 7 S. lows: That lot known as the J. W. i- Powell lot situate on Divine Street ig in the town of Littleton, beginning e; at a small ditch across said street a and running thence up said ditch ce or branch East at or about 25 yards in to an iron stake in J. W. Northinge ton's line thence S. 35 yards to an is, iron stake thence W. 23 1-3 yards to Divine corner thence 35 yaTds to ^ the beginning containing about 840 sr. square yards; the same being the ~ identical land conveyed to the said Lewis Alston by James H. Bobbitt or and wife by deed recorded in the j.x Warren Registry in Book 117 Page v. 502 to which reference is hereby ly specificly made, se This 6th day of July, 1931. n> JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. l NOTICE OF SALE Directed by Judgment of Superior {1 Court of Warren County in tax suit entitled Warren County v. Daniel Carter et ux., I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in River Township: Beginning at a Sweet Gum stump or on W. bank of Old Run of Stone ax House Creek at Henry Carter's corner thence with said Carter's line S. b" 89-45 W. 653 feet to Charlie Haw'rt kin's line S. 45 W. Sam Wright's 12 line thence with said Charlie Hawln kins' line S. 45 W. 1102 feet to South edge of road near said Hawkins' corner in D. A. Fishel's line ^ thence with said D. A. Fishel (a by new made line) E. 1975 feet to 'es Hornbeam on W. bank of Stone House Creek D. A. Fishel's new c" made corner thence down said creek A- with J. H. Harris' 606 feet to the irs beginning, containing 38.36 acres ecJ more or less by survey of C. E. Fos011 ter, March 21, 1924. This 6th day of. July, 1934. ir JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, lor Warren County. a:{ In The Superior Court v- G. L. Higgs b- v. ht Rebecca Smith Higgs 12 The defendant above named will take notice that an action styled a3 above has been commenced in the ke Superior Court of Warren County, S. N. C? for the purpose of dissolving N. the bonds of matrimony existing ce between plaintiff and defendant, n'. upon the grounds of two years separation; defendant will further tak* a notice that she is required to apN pear before the undersigned Clerk n; within thirty days after the 31st r" day of July, x934, and answer or daa mur to the complaint of plaintiff or to the relief demanded in the com92 plaint will be granted. 5b This June 30, 1934. ft. JOHN D. NEWELL, to Clerk Superior Court. a Julius Banzet, ce Attorney for Pltff. z Jy6 ft. 53 NOTICE OF SALE of Directed by judgment of Superior vn Court of Warren County in tax ?e- suit entitled Warren County v. ire James Moss fit ux., I will sell pubof licly to highest cash bidder, Court J house door in Warrenton, N. C., 12 irt Noon, August 6, 1934, these lands in by Hawtree Township: ed Adjoining the lands of Janet 2. Wilson, Mrs. Fannie R. Terrell et co al., bounded as follows: Beginning ce at a stake W. corner of Janet Wilce son's land, thence W. 70 yards to a rd stone Mrs. Fannie R. Terrell's corih, ner, thence N. 140 yards to a stono S. in Mrs. Fannie R. Terrell's corner a thenco 70 yards to a stone in Janet ce Wilson's corner thence S. 140 yards S. to the beginning, containing two 24 (2) acres, more or less, en This 6th day of July, 1934. :li, JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. ig, Renew your subscription. sr. \ FREE Housewives | b- Write us for free 10c bottle of rt Liquid Veneer and we will include ... the true story, "How I Became Rich Using Liquid Veneer". Or, buy a in bottle from your dealer, which carries a valuable certificate, redeemable in delightful silvernlated table- J id ware, with your initial beautifully I j. band engraved on each piece, for a very small sum to cover engraving j le and postage. t EXTRA SPOON FREE U you will mail us this ad with ^ the certificate from the bottle you buy, we will send you one extra teaspoon free, together with silverplate you select for the certificate. Only one ad accepted with each certificate. We guarantee the silverplate will delight you. A postcard brings you the 10c bottle and story, free. v wmwtv ESS. = V\VP 21. Miutm fjr V&TO SSL .2 LIQUID VENDER CORPORATION 64 Liquid Veneer Bldf., Buffalo, N.Y. Bv ED KRESSY VA ( THAT ENDS OUR FACT FINDING FOR TODAY VWOPE TO SEE YOU AU.OU THE NEXT TRIP BJ GQOWU ,TWE iWTTOSWIM. DROWU EVERY 'J |

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