^f RID AY, NOVEMBER 2, j J VVarren Record 'c?i Classified Rates (g) one oent a word eacn Issue (This Type) ofl Lb) 1 Vs Cents a Word >^ 1 (This Type) Ml (c) Three Cents a Ml Word (This Type) 'nH All abbreviations counted H Twenty-tive Cents Minhnnm '5B Charge * Display Want Ads, S5c an iffl 111011 |9 to Insure proper classification *9 want Ads should be in this of. nee by noon Wednesday. 'tfl ^ Ads signed "Care Record" jH Strictly Confidential J No Classified Ads 1 {^nargcu Except to Regular Display Advertisers No Ads Received Over Telephone APPLES FOR SALE. ? 75 CENT! the bushel at the orchard. Th< Bungalow Farms, Macon, N. C. S28-4tc fDf A PRIZE IN THE WHEA7 Growing contest sponsored b; white's Flour and Meal Mill. Fo (information see R. H. Bright, o: prof. C. R. Amnions or Prof. G. E roBBER?ROOFTNG~^^iTRsl Quality Heavy Weight Rubbe: Roofing?One Ply $1.35?Two PI; $1.65?Three Ply $1.95. W. A. Mile Hardware Company. BLACKSMITH SUPPLIES ? RIMf -Spokes?Band Iron?Etc. For al size single and double wagons. Wi have a big stock and the price will please you. W. A. Miles Hard ware Company. ICR STOCK OF HARDWARE If as complete as you will find ii much larger Cities than Warren ton?The quality superior to mos of them?The prices as low a Quality Hardware can be sold. W A. Miles Hardware Company. I its Hardware?We Have It. E WILL CUT YOUR WOOD AN! ength. Good gasoline engine. Ap >!y to L. P. Ramsay, People Cafe Trenton. ol9-3t] I HAVE READY FOR DELIVER lg a large stock of crates suit ble for packing sweet potatoes arolina Box and Lumber Co farrenton. FOR SALE ? RED MAY SEE' Wheat recleaned and treated wit! Ceresan for smut and other di seases. Price $1.50 per bu. W. I Kilian, Ridgeway. ol9-3t; BE SURE TO ENTER THE WHEA' contest sponsored b; White's Flour and Meal Mill. WHITE'S FLOUR AND MEAL MIL] is sponsoring a contest to stimu late wheat growing in Warrei County. Your cooperation will b appreciated. I HEATERS RELINED AND RE paired?We use the best linini sheets and give you a first clas job?Prices reasonable. W. A Miles Hardware Company. ALADDIN LAMPS & SUPPLIESFor all models. W. A. Miles Hard Tare Company. COOK STOVES & RANGES?BE fore you buy one we invite yoi to inspect out stock?We havi some wonderful values in goo< heavy weight stoves and ranges W- A. Miles Hardware Company TO MAKE APPLICATION FOI entering the wheat growing con' test snonsored by White's Flou: and Meal Mill, see Bob Bright o I Prof. C. R. Ammons or Prof. G E. Cheek. FOR SALE ? COW FRESH TC Pail. Apply to T. H. Rooker on th Dowtin Farm. for sale?steel body foi Ton Truck?New?With iron cag and top. Jones Brothers. home for rent?i wish t( rent my home on Main street i: Warrenton. Miss Annie Bell Mc ?0r RENT ? DESIRABLE FURN iahed tourist home at Wise?Nin rooms, two baths. R. H. Rudi Property. Address P, care Warrei _ "^rd. n2-2 ^ jUST RECIEVED SOM1 a ,in Se^ and a shipment of om P^ce knitted dresses. Thi . * e s"?p. Warrenton. It] g^ h0ur suede jacket ani fitted Blouse at The Style Shop apo us ?ntfit you at prices tha ;r^nghtL " up COATS-LADTtts AWn r^TTTT .TIT? T?T Winter Coats, beautifully fu trimmed and with no fur, at price j H you want to pay. Allen, Son & Cc ^ERWEAR?LARGE STOCK ??ught early in the year?Lot I I ^ Allen> Son & ^?IILAE>IES DRESSES ? LARGE AS \M ^rtment of very pretty sill tjfl Presses. All colors?All sizes?A1 Prices. Allen, Son & Co. 1934 Warrarton, North < PIANO: WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL V upright Piano in this community j W being returned to us because of al purchaser's inability to complete 7C contract. Will transfer this ac- tt count to responsible party for a balance owing. Cash or terms. H Quick action necessary. For par- al ticulars, address Postoffice Box 23 No. 73, Warrenton, N. C. n2-3t O - tt CLOTHING ? MEN'S & BOYS' CC Suits ? All wool fabrics?Dark patterns?Priced right. Allen, Son & Co. ol SHOES?ANY KIND YOU WANT at any price you want to pay for good shoes. Large new shipment of Ladies $1.98 extra values in tr this week. Allen, Son & Co. d COTTON GOODS AND DRESS ^ Goods?Our lines are complete? ^ Our assortments are large?Our ? nrlces are low. Allen, Son & Co. LEGAL NOTICES ? 0S se IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK State of North Carolina Warren County ? Mrs. Val. Alston Bell, widow of R. L. Bell, deceased. James T. Bell and n< wife, Helen Bell, Virgie Haithcock w and husband, Walter Haithcock, Edward Bell Mamie King and hU3- rp band, Claude King, Walter Bell, Jc Henry Daniel Bell and wife, Alice Bell, W. O. Bell and wife Jessie Beil. M Ex Parte. **! Notice of Sale of Real Estate w For Division wi 3 Under and by virtue of an order , 5 of the Superior Court of Warren fv county made in the special pro- ' ceeding as above entitled, the un- Lt . dersigned commissioner will, on the ? [ 5th. day of November, 1934, at 12 bs y o' clock M. at the Court house door WI r in Warrenton, N. C., offer for sale M r the following described lands: M Tract No. 1: Situated in Six wi Pound township, Warren county, M - N. C., bounded on the north by D] f i Eaton Ferry road; on the south by J* r the lands of Mrs. H. D. Myrick, on ^ f the east by lands of H. Sadler, on N< s the west by lands of W. G. Coleman, containing (132) acres more - or less, excepting therefrom the ' ? J -T 11? J i.. " Craraner laixniy uiuyuig giuuiiu, m* and being the home place of the as B late R. L. Bell. th s Tract No. 2: Situated In six ty Pound township, Warren county, se N. C., adjoining the lands of Wash- th ^ ington Milam and others on the ta 3 Hebron Church road containing to 1, (20) acres more or less, known as io: " Adam Palmer home place. ds I Tract No. 3: Situated in Six de f i Pound township, Warren county, ac ] N. C., adjoining the lands of H. K. th 11 Rodwell and W. C. Gilliland, con- in * taining (50) acres more or less. Tract No. 4: Situated in Six ol Pound township, Warren county, N. , C., on Roanoke River, adjoining the ? ' lands of J. C. Robinson and others . containing (86) acres more or less. Tract No. 5: Situated in Six ~ Pound township, Warren county, Ni 7 N. C., adjoining the lands of Miss W Emma Palmer, John Hudson and Li " others, containing (56) acres more _ or less. R) r Tract No. 6: Situated in the town ti of Vaughan, N. C., Warren county, ta . and known as the Bell store lot. as TERMS OP SALE: Cash, or 1-3 th p cash, the balance in one and two C< - years. pr r This the 1st. day of Oct., 1934. ai y JOHN S. BELL, gr ol-5tc Commissioner, fo - T. O. Rodwell, Attorney. ai L th TRUSTEE'S SALE th a Empowered by appointment as f0 e substituted trustee in that certain ? Deed of Trust executed by Elmer - Williams and William H. Williams " et uxores January 10, 1914 to R. S. ? McCoin, Trustee, recorded in Warslren Registry in Book 88 page 100, -1 upon default and noteholders re) quest I will sell publicly to highest B _ cash bidder at court House uoor . Warrenton, North Carolina, 12 noon I I November 12, 1934 these lands in f . Warrenton Township, Warren - county: f i Begin at a stone in the Northwest I s corner of lot conveyed to Willis S. 1 Bullock thence South 86 W 104 i. Poles to a stake, thence South 11-4 ? _______ d< bi \ Eacfy Says CARDIJI 1 *] rr Eased Pain In S;dd J Cardul helped an Oklahoma lady, ? aa described below, pud many 01 ) others have been benefited in a j" e similar way.... "I had a hurting b( in my side every few weei " writes i o\ - Mrs. Bill Stewart, of Dewar, Okia. j 4 X T had heard of Cardui ard started J ? e taking it. It stopped my hurting , |a and built up my strengtlu I took | L - 11 bottles and I sure felt better, j ^ Try Cardul for pains, cramps, nerrous- , 0 ness due to a run-down condl tlon. Thou- Jo sands of women testify Cardul benef.ted jr them. If It does not beaefll TOO, coa- L suit a physician. u ? | THE FAC' 3 5 (auI> so WERE ou our] :-jjj , 3 WAY To GATHER MORE H FACTS-LET'S SEE WHAT fill > we cau fimd! ggm|& ?-J,I Carolina r 68 Poles to a stone in Solomon llliams Northwest corner, thence ong Solomon Williams line, South I 314 E 29 Poles 13 links to a stone, lence South 25 W 29 Poles 1 link to stone in Solomon Williams and annibal Alston's corner, thence ong Hannibal Alston's line S 64 E t Poles and 20 links to a stake in Id Tanner's Meeting House Road. ience along said road in its various >urses 92 poles to place of beginng, containing 57 1-2 acres. This October 10, 1934. JULIUS BANZET, 2-4t Substituted Trustee. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administraix of the estate of Van Kearny avis, late of Warren county, orth Carolina, this is to notify all arsons having claims against said itate to present same to me at rarrenton, N. C., on or before the Ith. day of Sept., 1935, or this noce may be pleaded in bar of reivery. All persons indebted to said tate will please make immediate ttlement. This 28th. day of Sept., 1934. MRS. W. T. BURTON, Administratrix. NOTICE arth Carolina, arren County. Before the Clerk. . O. Rodwell, Administrator of ihn S. Nowell, deceased, vs. rs. Nonie Nowell, widow of W. H. owell, deceased, Geo. Nowell and ife, Nell Nowell; Joe Nowell and Ife, Sallle; Alpheus Nowell and ife, Rita; Pearl Nowell Twine and lsband, Ephrum Twine; Eveline owell Lane and husband, John ine; Julia Nowell and husband ?; Myrtle Nowell Ward and husind, J. W. Ward; S. C. Nowell and ife, Vera; J. J. Nowell and wife, attie; J. L. Coleman and wife, ollie Coleman; Joe White and ife ; Mrs. Mary Smithwick; . M. Drake and wife, Annie rake; Miss Jessie White; Mrs. srman White, Ruby; Mrs. Emma lornton Nowell, widow of John S. Dwell, deceased. Service By Publication The above named defendants will ke notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in e Superior Court of Warren Coun, N. C., the purpose of which is to 11 real estate to make assets; and e said defendants will further ke notice that they are required appear at the Office of the Superr Court of said county on the 15 ly of Nov., 1934, and answer or imur to the complaint in the said tion or the plaintiff will apply to e court for the relief demanded said complaint. This 9th day of October, 1934. 2-4t W. K. NEWELL, Asst. Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court Drth Carolina, arren County. icy Powell Whiter Plaintiff vs. Dbert White, Defendant. The defendant above named will ke notice that an action entitled i above has been commenced in le Superior Court of said Warren sunty by the plaintiff for the pur>se of obtaining from the defendlt an absolute divorce on the ounds of two years separation, and r the custody of her minor child; id said defendant will take notice iat he is required to appear within tirty days from the date of the urth publication of this notice, F YOUR = ireath has . i smell you ;ant feel well When we eat too much, our food decays i our bowels. Our friends iimell this ecay coming out of our mouth :&nd call it id breath. We feel the poison of this ?mv all over our body. It makes us loomy, grouchy and no good for anything. What makes the food decay in the bowels) rell, when we eat too much, our bile lice can't digest it. What is the bile juice? , is the most vital digestive juice in our >dy. Unless 2 pints of it are flowing from it liver into our bowels every day, our lovements get hard and constipated and i of our food decays in our 28 feet of >we!a. This decay sends poison all over lr body every six minutes. When our friends smell our lad breath aut we don't) and we feel like a whipped iracat. don't use a mouthwash or take a jcative. Get at the cause. Taks Carter's ittle Liver Pills which gently start the aw of your bile juice. But if "something ?tter" is offered you, don't buy it, for may be a calomel (mercury) pill, which losens teeth, gripes and scalds the rectum i many people. Ask for Carter's Little Ever Pills by name and get what you ik for?26*. ?1984, C.M.Co. ? r FINDEI TRY OiJCE ? ro SUCH AU E*TEMT THAT III l?S AUG E FARMER APPEARED(UCOAT WE^YO lAPfcOFCOWH6CT?CUT6IUC... MOUW?< THE WARREN REi Waiting for Grass to C r.1 '< ii ? . i wrnmu Ste?j- ? which will be November 23, 1934, al the Court House in Warrenton North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Warren County, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court foi the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 26th day of October 1934. | W. K. NEWELL, Assistant Clerk Superior Court 'William W. Taylor, Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff. n2-4! NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION , In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk State of North Carolina, Warren County. H. L. Wall. admr. of A. M. Harrison, deed, vs. Oliver C. Harrison; John Broadnax; Russell Broadnax; Otis Broadnax; Persey Broadnax; Noble L Broadnax; Nickodemus Broadnax; Delcie Stark; Mindora Fletcher; Buck Weson; Nan Weson; Carrie Weson; Mary Weson Coleman; Lydia Harvey; Sallie Hamptor Fitts; Sophia Hampton Bryant; Cullen Hampton; Elizabeth Hampton Johnson; Ellen Brinkley; Catie Hampton; Fred Hampton Jr.; I Wardell Hampton; Arland Hampton and W. W. Taylor Jr., guar| dians ad litem for the last namec i three who are minors. The above named defendants wil take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced ir the Superior Court of Warrer County, N. C., to sell land to mak< assets. And the said defendants wil further take notice that they ari required to appear at the office o: the Clerk of the Superior Court o: WEAK AND SKINNY j MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Saved by new Vita mini of Cod Lira Oil in tasteles* tablets. Pounds of firm healthy flesh instead oi bare scraper bones I New vigor, vim anc energy instead of tired listlessness 1 Steady quiet nerves 1 That is what thousands oi people are getting through scientists' latesi discovery?the Vitamins of Cod Liver Oi concentrated in little sugar coated tablet! without any of its horrid, fishy taste or smell McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets, they'r! called I "Cod Liver Oil in Tablets", and thej simply work wonders. A little boy of 8, seriously sick, got well and gained 10</2 lbs. it just one month. A girl of thirteen after th< same disease, gained 3 lbs. the first week anc 2 lbs. each week after. A young mother whc could not eat or sleep after baby came got all her health back and gained 10 lbs. in lesi than a month. You simply must try McCoy's at once Remember if you don't gain at least 8 lbs. oi firm healthy flesh in a month get your monej back. Demand and get McCoy's?the origins and genuine Cod Liver Oil Tableti NRA ?approved by Good Housekeepini wjjjjujw Institute. Refuse all substitutes? jKT. insist on the original McCoy's? there are none better. ?and Their Disci J- s. / A . i'~ V IELES IS ueAftEatto uew MDRK T>WJi ? BJCIS TO LOS AuG?L?S ~~YOU GAIM 3 9U TUE SUU G?>iuCt \WEST... CORD wrote in the Streets v f) *, flEW DEAL I AVE. ,'j t|f ? r ^ ^7 1 .!;13? i'i I i I * t'Zfffi'flU 'if '':"' *.' * c> C^ tA:/ ^S6 /">. .< ' ; said county in Warrenton, N. C., , on the 1st day of December, 1934, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. ! W. K. NEWELL, : Assistant Clerk Superior Court. This the 23rd day of Oct., 1934. o23-4tc-tor ' DEED OF TRUST Under the power of a Deed of . Trust executed the first day of March, 1922, by Jake C. Stegall, his t wife, Jessie W. Stegall, to the under signed Trustee to secure the payment of one note therein described which Deed of Trust is recorded in Book 115 at Page 165 Public Registry of Warren County, North Carolina and defaulting in the payment thereof, at the request of the holder of said note and Deed of Trust, the undersigned will on the 30th day oi November, 1934, at 12 o'clock noon at the front door of the Court House in Warrenton, N. C.( sell tc . the highest bidder for cash, the fol; lowing described land: i That tract of land in Judkins ! Township, Warren County, North ! Carolina, adjoining the lands of W 1 G. Egerton and others and bounded ! on the South by the land of Willie Rev. L N. Demy says: I have found nothing tn the past 20 years that can take the I place of Dr. Miles Anti-Pain i Ptfl*. They are a sure relief foe | my headache<* j Sufferers from Headache, I Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, , Sciatica, Rheumatism, Lumbago, 1 Neuritis, Muscular Pains, Peri; odic Pains, write that they have -* - A it -* #_ t usea jlt. mites Ana-nun rma [ with better results than they had even hoped far. ^ I Countless American house* wives would no more think I ai keeping boose without Dr. i Idea Anti-Pain Pills than witht out flour or sugar. Keep a pack' age in your medicine cabinet and . j save yourself needless suffering \. At Drug Stores?25c and fLM ?' , * * ' ! v on. MILES' : PIIXS overies "me LADIES of BUC^.UiHO Sm1 Bk3 JOVOME RI6HT WHICH THE MEM DO MOT i MAY RAM & WASH THE GBAVEC OF STUE BMBlES - A MAM WlU. BE ABSENTED Fa * ~ Warren ton, North Carolina Hight, on the East by the lands of b< A. H, Hight, on the North by the V lands formerly owned by H. Kg, Robertson and on the West by the .. lands of W. O. Egerton (the Billy " White farm) containing 31 acres 11 more or less, and being the same S land Deeded by Mrs. Cora A. Jack- 01 son lo Jake, C. Stegall. Said Deed c recorded in Public Registry for War- gj ren County, North Carolina. This 30th day of October, 1934. ,< J. J. NICHOLSON, n2-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS V A In The Superior Court _ North Carolina, Warren County. Peter Parker, Plaintiff Vs. Betty Hines Parker, Defendant. The defendant above yarned will take notice that an action entitled o as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of said Warren = County to have the bonds of matrimony heretofore subsisting between said plaintiff and defendant absolutely dissolved; and said defendant will take notice that she is required to appear within thirty days from the date of the fourth publication of this notice, which will be NovemI W. H. BOYD j Registered Engineer Law Building Henderson, N. 0. Dfflce Phone 198 Home Phone 10 s NOTICE OF SAL Bank Of MACON, North Carolina Warren County , In the Superior Court IN THE MATTER OF TI In accordance with the provision C. S., and pursuant to an order enter His Honor, Walter L. Small, Judge, tl MONDAY, NOVE AT 12:00 O'CLC at the Court House Door in Warrento offer for sale at public auction, to th lowing described assets belonging to tl LOANS: Landon Alston $13.72 $1,719.55; R. H. Clark $50.00; M. Coleman, Guardian, $97.54; W. B. ; W. Daniel $300.00; Henry B. & Mrs. ; Daniel $54.39; Mrs. Emma Dickerson 1 . Ellis $488.98; S. M. Gardner $234.00; I . $1,290.27; R. A. Harris $141.28; R $250.00; R. A Harris $250.00; L. W K [ F. R. Munn $16.00; M. W. K r ers $25.00; J. H. Rlggan $30.42; & Hunter $168.42; Blake & Eliza \ ' Shearin $64.29; L. M. Shearin $53.24; & Blanche Stallings $1,609.35; N. M. *3 . ton $100.00; R W. Thornton $286.01; I CASH ITEMS: Check of N. M. Tl i Hunter $25.00. OVERDRAFTS: Coleman Bros. & i iu. Lioya juc; Cj. it. uveruy iw, mis. ? BANKING HOUSE: Banking Hoi of Macon, Macon North Carolina. , Furniture & Fixtures: All unsold ' formerly used in operation of Bank of JUDGMENTS: W. H. & W. L. R1 ! W. E. & Lucy Lloyd $242.22; A. L. Nic ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: S. L. $11.20; W. B. Crinkley $18.75; H. B. 1 ris $11.25. STOCK ASSESSMENT JUDGME1 J. M. Coleman $500.00; Lucy J. Colei $382.26; W. G. Coleman Estate $100.0< A. Crinkley $200.00; Stella Ellis $200 J. L. Haithcock $200; E. A Harris $300.< Hunter $100.00; J. R Loyd $100.00; J Nicholson $300.00; M. W Nicholson 4 J. H. Olsen $100.00; David W. Rodwe! Mrs. E. B. Stallings $100.00; N. M. T1 $400.00. OTHER REAL ESTATE: One-hi located five miles north of Town of Known as the Finch Property. F. A. Overby Farm. 27 acres lo< Highway about one-half mile west o dwelling and outhouses. W. E. Twitty Farm consisting of oocf. nf Wnrrentnn. N. C. John D. Boyd Property. 1011-2 a< C., on east side of Robinson's Ferry I David Williams Property. 100 a County. (Part of Clements land). Also any and all other property assets of said Bank of Macon, and no dersigned, of whatsoever nature such the same may be situate. The undersigned offers the foregol as assets of said Bank of Macon, but will sell all said notes, judgments, ar course, and all said tangible personal liens and encumbrances against the s; Right is reserved to offer the var as a whole. Any and all sales made pursuant to confirmation by the Superior Court sale are cash upon confirmation by tl be required to deposit 10 per cent of th of sale as a guarantee of performance properties shall be deemed closed on bidders shall have complied with this This the 4th day of October, 1934. GI Co Ex J. 1 Lie He By ii S CI6ARS.EMWAB?--mtV 9 1 9 V ,wn ' iAMi fOft me IUDUU WOOD QUOM-EH-H2.?X)[(46THIS. (coaWECnarr) MEAUS-tOUQ W t '"""'-I PAGE 7 4 . .1 er 16, 1934, at the court house In ferrenton, North Carolina, and anver or demur to the complaint of le plaintiff which has been filed t the office of the Cleric of the uperior Court for Warren County, r the plaintiff will apply to the ourt for the relief demanded In lid complaint. This the 24th day of October, 134. W. K. NEWELL, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. rilliam W. Taylor, Jr. ttomev for Plaintiff. o20-4t ?? ??????? DR. A. C. YOW Veterinarian Henderson, N. C. ffice phone 626-R-l; Res. 626-R-t Hospital 214 Wyche Street Tanner Roofing Company HENDERSON, N. C. Slate, Tile & Built-Up Roofing; Heating; Air-Conditioning .E OF ASSETS Macon N. c. IE BANK OF MACON s of Subsection 7, Section 218 (c), ed in the above entitled matter by le undersigned will on MBER 5, 1934 >CK, NOON, n, Warren County, North Carolina, e highest bidder for cash, the foihe said Bank of Macon, to-wit: ; James and Leah Bullock W. G. Coleman $500.00; J. Crinkley $211.81; Henry and Sarah Henry Daniel $27.45; Mrs. Lettle >75.30; Ike Lem Davis $37.00; J. Q. j. J. Harris $300.00; WEB Harris . A. Harris $250.00; R A Harris ing Jr. $24.00; W E Loyd $250.00; ficholson $100.00; Elmer PowF. J. Robertson $50.00; Rogers Villiams $800.00; Abner & Susie E. B. Stallings $102.25; Willie Mae Chornton $332.47; Plummer ThornI. L. Watson $353.75. lornton $28.44; Check of Rogers & Co. $70.85; L. J. Harris $1.10; W. H. Rlggan 79c; L. N Robertson 50c,, ise formerly occupied by the Bank furniture and fixtures owned and Macon. iggan $609.90; M. D Overby $80.00; holson $30.92. Carroll $29.20; Nicholson Colemaa Daniel $10.00; Miss Mattie D Har SOTS: F. L. Burrows Estate $200.00; nan Estate $200.00; J. L Coleman ); Rev. Archibald Cree $200.00; W. .00; Mrs. Emma Halthcock $97.00; )0; J. C. Hudson $100.00; Miss Ruth . J. Nicholson $200.00; Lottie C. 1500.00; J. 8. Nowell $578.36; Mrs. 11 $100.00; Wm. P Rodwell $100.00; lornton $1,400.00; J O Tharrington ilf undivided interest in 76 acres Macon, N. C., on Hebron Road. lated on Warrenton Hardsurface I Town of Macon, N. O. Tenant 155 acres located four miles southires in edge of Town of Macon( N. toad. cres in Shocco Township, Warren belonging to or included with the t heretofore disposed of by the unproperty may be and wheresoever ng properties for sale in good faith does not warrant title thereto, and id accounts receivable without reand real properties subject to any une. ious items of assets individually or to this advertisement are subject of Warren County. The terms of tie Court. The highest bidder will ie amount of their bids at the time e, and bidding on no part of said the day of sale until the highest requirement. JRNEY P. HOOD, mmissioner of Banks, Re! Bank of Macon, Ft. TEAGUE, [uldating Agent, nderson, N. C. ED KRESSY II) ASLE.BACK FBOM AMV IOTUEB fact-HMWUG TEIP j| H0PtTDSf YOUAUA6AlU.S<JOM v - ' *^11 will

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