j FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, Warren Record ^ Classified Rates (a) One cent a word eacn Issue K (This Type) (b) 1 Va Cents a Word (This Type) (c) Three Cents a Word (This Type) All abbreviations counted words i I Twenty-five Cents Minimum Charge Display Want Ads, 35c an Inch To Insure proper classification want ALU* OliVJlilU wc 111 wim uiI flee by noon Wednesday. | All Ads signed "Care Record" ' Strictly Confidential No Classified Ads Charged Except to Rerular Display Advertisers No Adg Received Over Telephone BABY CHICKS FOR SALE?R. I. Reds and White Leghorns?$10.00 per one hundred. Hatches every Thursday from January 23. P(ice orders early. Julia Dameron. 4tdl4c LOST IN LITTLETON OR WELdon Wednesday night of last week ?a pair of glasses. If found, please notify Mrs. Jack Nelson, Littleton. LEGAL NOTICES COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND ' ' A /xwrirtf i^Under ana Dy virtue ui an uiuci I Superior Court of Warren I Wry, made in the special pro HRfing entitled Walter P. King, Adinistrator, vs. Herbert King, Wil"" ~iiair H. King and others, heirs at law of R. Y. King, the same being - * No? upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the commissioner will, on the 12 day of January, 1935, at twelve o'clock noon, at the court house door in the Town of Warrenton, North Carolina, offer l for sale to the highest bidder for I cash that certain tract of land lying J and being in Warrenton Township, Warren County, North Carolina, and j more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stone, the Old Person corner; thence South 88 degrees East 44 poles to a white oak, Harriet Moss' Southwest corner; thence North 2 degrees East 97 poles and 9 links to a chopped gum on South side of Reedy Creek; thence up the said creek its various menaders about 34 poles to a chopped maple; thence South 8 degrees West 124 poles and 10 links to the beginning, containing thirty five (35) acres, and being the same land conveyed to R. Y. King by S. M. Prazier and wife, by deed recorded in Book 86, page 580, Warren County Registry. This the 12 day of December, 1934. JOHN KERR JR., dl4-4t Commissioner. LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE By virtue of the power and authority conferred on W. G. Coleman, Trustee, in a certain deed of trust executed by Chas. W. Thomas and wife Emma dated Nov. 14, 1910 Ik and recorded in book 82 page 94 Registers Office Warren County, defaulting in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust. The undersigned substituted trustee appointed by the Clerk of Superior Court on the 11th. day of December 1934, at the request of the holder of said note, will, on the 14th. day of January, 1935, at the Court house door, Warren County, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate situated in sixpound township, Warren County, adjoining the lands of Blake Williams & others and being the home place of the late Chas. W. Thomas, containing (72) acres more or less, Excepting therefrom (9) acres sold off to Henry Collins; (18 1-2) sold off to Geo. W. Shearin and (13) acres sold off to Tom Alexander. Ror comDlete description of said land see book 82 page 94 Registers Office Warren County. This the 13th. day of Dec. 1934. T. O. RODWELL, dl4-4t Substituted Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Empowered by deed of trust executed by Junius Davis and wife to Tasker Polk, trustee, December 1, 1923, registered in the Registry of Warren County, N. C., in Book 121, page 46, after default and at the bondholder's request, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Warrenton, N. C., at noon on the 15th day of January, 1935, the following described tract of land situate in Sandy Creek Township, Warren County, N. C.: I Being Lot No. 2 in the subdivision of Lot No. 25 of the Largo Tract of land, Beginning at a Stake in the South line of Lot No. 24 of said ^Largo Tract at the Northwest corwier of Lot No. 1 in said subdivision, Khence along the line of said Lot No. Hk West 14 Chains and 3 Links to a Stake and Pine Pointers, thence V South 8 1-2 West 8 Chains and 30 W Links to a Walnut Tree on a Branch, (thence down said Branch South 4 Chains and 30 Links, South 22 3-4 deg. East 3 Chains and 37 Links, I I 1934 Warrenton, North CaJ South 39 1-4 deg. East 4 Chains and 28 Links, South 16 deg. East 11 Chains to a Stake on the West side of the Swamp, thence East about 7 Chains and 75 Links to a Stake at the Southwest corner of said lot No. ?of said subdivision, thence along the line of said Lot No. 1 of said subdivision about 29 Chains and 6 Links to the beginning, containing Thirty-Seven and three-fourths (37 3-4) Acres, more or less. This the 14th day of December, 1934. WILLIAM T. POLK FRANK H. GIBBS, Administrators of Tasker Polk, dl4-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, Warren County. Before the Clerk. H. L. Wall, administrator of A. M. Harrison, deceased. Vs. Oliver C. Harrison; John Broadnax and others. Under and by virtute of an order of the Superior Court of Warren county, N. C., in the special proceeding entitled as above, the unI Hprsip-npH nnmmissioner will on the 31st. day of December 1934, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court house door in Warrenton, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tracts of land: TRACT NO. 1: Situate in the county of Warren adjoining the lands of Anderson Patillo; R. H. Stark; and the Eaton House tract and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at Sycamore on long branch, thence due west 32 1-2 c to a stake on Stark land; thence south 21 1-2 c a pine on the Gaston road; thence along said road S 39 E 4 C 94 L 79 E 5 C 45 L S 149 E 2 C 12 L to a stone and pine !on Watkins; thence N 75 B 21 C to a dogwood; thence 21 to the beginning containing (79) acres more or less. TRACT NO. 2: Located in Warren county, N. C., bounded as follows: Beginning on Lizzard creek at the corner on said creek for the lands now owned by Hannah Broadnax and the lands formerly owned by the late E. M. Wilkins; thence down said creek 2170 feet to the mouth of a small branch; then up said branch 470 feet to a corner; J thence north 43 minutes 45 west | 239 feet to a large; thence N. 57 degrees W 35.20 chains to a black j gum in the line between the lands now owned by Hannah Broadnax I and the estate of E. W. Wilkins; j thence along said line N. 73 degrees E 22.07 chains to the beginning, containing (40) acres more or less. TRACT N. 3: Situated in Warren county, N. C., adjoining tne ianaa [of A. M. Harrison and E. W. Wilkins line running along the new cut road N 41 W 3.50 chains to first i parallel line 1.50 chains to second parallel line and 2.70 chains to A. M. Harrisons line, parallel line running from old road to new cut road are 2.30 chains and 2.40 chains and 1.50 chains from one to the other containing 1 3-32 acres. S. R. JONES, Commissioner. This the 1st. day of Dec., 1934. ORDER OF PUBLICATION In Superior Court Befors the Clerk North Carolina, Warren County. H. L. Salmon, Administrator of the estate of Ella J. Shearin dec'd Vs. N. J. Harriss, Mrs. N. J. Harriss, P. D. Shearin, P. J. Shearin, Mordacae Shearin and other heirs at law of thte estate of Ella J. Shearin, deceased. It appearing from the affidavit and petition in this action that the personal estate of the late Ella J. Shearin is insufficient to pay the debts of the deceased; and it further appearing that some of the heirs at law are unknown to this plaintiff and cannot after due diligence be found in the state of North Carolina; that all of the heirs at law are necessary parties to this action; It is therefore ordered by the court that notice of this action be published once a week for six weeks in some newspaper Dublished in Warren County, N. C., setting forth the title of the action, the cause of this action, and requiring he defendants to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Warren County, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint as the law directs. This the ? day of Dec., 1934. JOHN D. NEWELL, Clerk of the Superior Court. D7-6t TRUSTEE LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed by P. B. Lynch and wife on the 6th. day of December, 1928, recorded in Registers Of-' fice in book 130 page 256; default having been made in payment of the notes therein secured, I will on the THE HOI 7 I'D WATCH THE S 1-4 ; W. 5 chains S. 52 W. 5 a holder thereof, the Undersigned rrustee will offer for sale and sell r to the highest bidder for cash, at 4 the Courthouse door in Warrenton, c N. C., at 12 o'clock midday on Fri- 11 day, January 18th, 1935, the follow- t Ing described real estate: i: All that certain tract of land lying E and situated and being in the Coun- 0 fey of Warren, State of North Caro- 0 lina, near the town of Inez and be- c Ing tract number two (2) contain-lr ing 07.44 acres as shown on plat of land formerly owned by Edward Alston, deceased, and known as The Kdw&rd Alston Place, as surveyed " and platted by Paul King, C. E? plat of which is on record in Warren County, Register of Deed's Office in c Plat E^ok tfo. 1, Page 20, .to which o said plat reference is hereby made t for a more perfect description. c This the 17th day of December, F 1934. d21-4t J. P. ZOLLICOFFER, * Trustee. P NOTICE OF RE-SALE v State of North Carolina n County of Warren T. O. Rodwell, Admr. 1 John S. Nowell, deed. Vs. d J. J. Nowell and others. Directed by order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Warren county, N. C., date Dec. 18th., 1934, order- 13 ing the re-sale of the lands below 1 described. I will, on the 5th. day of e January, 1935, at 12 o'clock noon at 0 the Court house door in Warren- ^ ton, N. C., offer for re-sale the fol- c lowing described real estate: * c Located in the town of Macon, ~ N. C., on the north side of the R. & G. railway containing one half acre and being the home place of the late John S. Nowell. This December 18, 1934. t N. M. THORNTON, Comr. d21-2t = HUNTING AND TRESPASSING FORBIDDEN This is to give notice that both hunting and trespassing is forbidden on my lands in Judkins and Six Pound Townships. Any one caught will be subject to the penalty of the law. FLORENCE HOPE WILLIAMS d214tp = NOTICE OF SALE OF NOTES $600.00 COUNTY OF WARREN, NORTH CAROLINA FOR THE NORLINA SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES Sealed bids for above notes will be received until 10 o'clock A. M? January 3, 1935, by the Local Government Commission of North Car olina, at its office in Raleigh, for the above notes, dated December 15, 1934 and maturing December 15, 1935, without option of prior payment. There will be no auction. Interest rate 6 per cent per annum. Notes will be awarded at the high- _ est price offered, not less than par ~ and accrued interest. Principal and 1 interest payable in the town of War- | renton, N. C. Interest payable from MAKES YOU LOSE UNHEALTHY FAT < A young woman of Norwich, Conn., writes: "I lost 16 lbs. with my first bottle of Kruschen. Being on night duty it was hard to sleep days but now t since I am taking Kruschen X sleep c plenty, eat as usual and lose fat, too.' q To take off fat?take one half tea- ( spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass d of hot water in the morning before c breakfast?one bottle that lasts 4 ' weeks costs but little?get it at any drugstore in America. If this first c bottl? farts t# convince you this is the ? SAFB and HARMLESS way to lose o fat?vour money gladly returned. J ' Don't accept anything but Kruschen 8 K you want to reduce safely. 2 ' ? _______________ t \nd feel strong ..." j i < u Can Escape eriodic Upsets j ien who must be on the job every sed Lydia ?. Pinkham's Tablets. iot only relieve periodic pain and ifort... they help to correct the I of your trouble. If you take them rly ... and if yours is not a surgical . you should be able to escape ic upsets. :olate coated ... convenient... de>le. Sold by all druggists. New small !0 cents. : mill. I had cramps so sed to stay in bed two lets helped me wonderot suffer. I can work all jgjf iemiie Coates, 1963 Terwjo^cut urt AM'S TABLETS I Sedative for Women ? 7 (what can i do,eh? i renton, North Carolina naturity. Notes will be in denominaion or denominations 10 suit purhaser if specified at time bid is nade. Bidders must present with heir bids a certified check upon an ncorporated bank or trust company, tayable unconditionally to the order if the State Treasurer for one-half if one per cent of the face amount if the note or notes bid for. The ight to reject all bids is reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION. By: W. E. Easterling, Secretary. It ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator if the estate of Emma Harris, late if Warren County, North Carolina, his is to notify all persons having laims against the said estate to iresent them to me, properly veriied, on or before the 21st day of )ecember 1935 or this notice will be iled in bar of recovery thereof. All persons indebted to this estate /ill please make immediate settleaent with me. This the 19th day of December 934. ROY PIERCE, 21-6t. pd. Administrator, NOTICE DEFAULT having been made in hp novmonf nf fhrvco hnnHc comiroH ?*v j w w* VtAVkJW UUliUO UV?V/U1VU iy that deed of trust dated, the 3th day of January, 1920, recordd in Book 109 at page 82 in the iffice of the Register of Deeds for Varren County, N. C., executed by y. H. King and at the request of he holder thereof, the undersignd Trustee will offer for sale and ell at the Courthouse door in Warenton, North Carolina, at 12 ''clock midday, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1935, he following described real estate: It being all that certain tract of W. H. BOYD Registered Engineer Law Building Jenderson, N. C. Dfflce Phone 198 Home Phone 10 j Lady Says CARDUI Eased Pain, In S'de Cardui helped an Oklahoma lady, as described below, and many others have been benefited in a similar way-.. "1 ^ a hurtog in my side every few week "writes Mrs. Bill Stewart, of Dewar, O&a. "I had heard of Cardui and started taWng it. It stopped my hurting and built up my strength. I toe* 11 bottles and I sure felt better." Try Cardui for palm, mesa due to a run-down condition. TOo*sands of women testify Caitlaibjnaxisil them. If It does not benefit TOO, eon iiH m rthtrcielnn. iu? m W..? i^EAK AND SKINNY MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN laved by new Vitamin* of Cod Liver Oil in tasteles* tablets. Pounds of firm healthy flesh instead of iare scraggy bone* I New vigor, vim and nergy instead of tired listlessness I Steady, luiet nerves! That is what thousands of leople are getting through scientists' latest liscovery?the Vitamins *f Cod Liver Oil oncentrated in little sugar coated tablets vithout any of its horrid, fishy taste or smell. McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets, they're ailed 1 "Cod Liver Oil in Tablets", and they imply work wonders. A little boy of 8, seriiusly sick, got well and gained 10 ^ lbs. in ust one month. A girl of thirteen after the ame disease, gained 3 lbs. the first week and I lbs. each week after. A young mother who ould not eat or sleep after baby came got ill her health back and gained 10 lb*, in less ban a month. You simply must try McCoy's at once. Remember if you don't gain at least 8 lbs. of Irm healthy flesh in a month get your money lack. Demand and get McCoy's-the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Tablets MR A. ?approved by Good Housekeeping Institute. Refuse all substitutes? jE? insist on th? original McCoy's? _ there are none better. Gllll II G. W. Poindexter, Pre*. Warrentc FIRE LIFE Insurance < *m * , IT | nonsuit us Insurance I By A can lock jeno ;ad hu/band i 5th and :7-mat'j i an of hat/ v-? ^ ! x PAGE 3 land lying, situated and being in the County of Warren, State of North Carolina, near the town of Inez, and being Tract No. 1, containing 45 3-100 acres on plat of land formerly owned by Edward Alston and known as The Edward Alston Place, as surveyed and platted by Paul King, C. E., plat of which is on record in Warren County, Register of Deed's Office in Book 1 at page 20, to which said plat reference is hereby made for a more perfect description; Tract No. 1 containing 45 3-100 acres. This 17 day of December, 1934. J. P. ZOLLICOFFER, d21-4tc Trustee. Seventeen head of pure bred Guernsey cattle were sold for $1,325 at the recent auction held at Wilson. Eight animals were purchased by Wilson county farmers. VARICOSE OR SWOLLEN VEINS?ULCERS | Tou poor sufferers from bad legs! j What misery yon have endured! What j crippling discomfort! j But here at last is help for you! No nnftrations nor tnlAr?ttan.q TSJn *nfnr/.a/l rest nor time oft from work. A simple home treatment with Emerald Oil heals your sores like magic, reduces swelling, ends pain, and makes your , legs as good as new?while you go I ,N R A about your daily routine as usual. I Follow the easy directions Su? ?you are sure to be helped I or money back?druggists ' wiooowButi everywhere. ! !F YOUR 1 mm m ! A SMELL YOU ! CAN'T FEEL WELL j When we eat too much, our food decays in our bowels. Our friends smell this | decay coming out of our mouth and call it | bad breath. We feel the poison of this J decay all over our body. It makes ui gloomy, grouchy and no good for unything. What makes the food decay in the bowels! Well, when we eat too much, our bile juice can't digest it. What is the bile juice? It is the mo3t vital digestive juice in our ' body. Unless 2 pints of it are flowing from i our liver into our bowels every day. our i movements get hard and constipated and I % of our food decays in our 28 feet of i bowels. This decay sends poison all over i our body every six minutes. 4When our friends smell our bad breath (but we don't) and we feel like a whipped tomcat, don't use a mouthwash or take a . laxative. Get at the cause. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills which gently start ths ! flow of your bile juice. But if "something | better" is offered you, don't bu.* It, for it may be a calomel (mercury) pi.I. which I loosens teeth, gripes and soaids the rectum ' in many people. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name and get what you aak for?25^. ?1934, C.M.Co. WEAK AND SKINNY MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Saved by new Vitamins of Cod J.iver Oil in tasteless tablets. Pounds of firm healthy flesh instead of bare scraggy bones! New vigor, vim and energy instead of tired listlessnesa! Steady, quiet nerves! That is what thousands of people are getting through scientists' latest discovery?the Vitamins of Cod Liver Oil concentrated in little sugar coated tablets without any of its horrid, fishy taste or smell. McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets, they're called 1 "Cod Liver Oil in Tablets", and they simply work wonders. A little boy of 3, seriously sick, got well and gained 1054 lbs. in just one month. A girl of thirteen after the same disease, gained 3 lbs. the first week and 2 lbs. each week after. A young mother who could not eat or sleep after baby came got all her health back and gained 10 lbs. in less than a month. You simply must try McCoy's at once. Remember if you don't gain at least 3 lbs. of firm healthy flesh in a month get your money j back. Demand and get McCoy's?the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Tablets ' MRA ?approved by Good Housekeeping ' Whjsaiv Institute. Refuse all substitutes? i insist on the original McCoy's? there are none better, JE S BONDING GOM. E. Grant, Sect'y n, N. C. LIABILITY BONDS of all Kinds upon Your Problems lac Arthur THE WAGON TO ") PS MAIN ? REBUKIN' \ fS FlCECL-, CHIEF/ J L