FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1 4 \ | Society I Items ?jl 4 H0W TO KEEP YOUNG r?... han sitting in his door 1 "hime as old men do; TreI, l>e was old, his barn was old, Jiis I ^;cj yet his eyes seemed new. i His eyes had seen three times my I M And kept a twinkle still, I A Though they had looked at birth and I W ' "death I .And three graves on a hill. I will sit down with you," I said,! -And you will make me wise; ? jeii me how you have kept the joyl Still burning in your eyes." I jhen. like an old-time orator, j Impressively he rose; | V "i make the most of all that comes I W And the least of all that goes." I f The jingling rhythm of his words! Echoed as old songs do, A Vet this had kept his eyes alight/ Till he was ninety-two. .1 ?Sara Teasdale. /Miss Clara Umberger of Sylvester,! Va.. and M'ss Esther Umberger of I Rural Retreat, Va., have returned I to their homes after spending the! holidays with their sisters, Mrs. R.I K. Carroll and Mrs. Lottie Daniel. I Miss Mabel Carroll has resumed! her studies at Chowan College after! spending the holidays with her par- I ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Carroll. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rivers I of Macon 011 January 3, a 12 pound I Mr. William Taylor spent the! I week at ?? Mr. John Henderson of Clayton was a visitor here last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Jones spent ' the week end at Belhaven. Mr. John L. Skinner of Littleton , was a visitor here on Monday and Wednesday. Mrs. C. P. Harris has returned to her home at Louisburg after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rodwell. Mr. G. H. Weston of Houston, Texas, arrived last week to spend some time with his brother, Mr. R. R. Weston, near Middleburg. Misses Sallie Watson and Katherine Seoggin were visitors in Richmond last week. Mrs. Hugh Nowell spent last week in Park View Hospital in Rocky b" Mount. She returned home on Sun day. accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. I Sam VVeldon. Mrs. J. B. Miller has returned to her home here after spending several weeks in Park View Hospital Rocky Mount. Mr. H. L. Falkener returned Friday after spending several weeks in Newport News and Bennettsville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Petar of Ridgeway were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunter on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Beaufort Scull has recovered from an attack of influenza. Miss Mary Cawthorne has returned after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Cawthorne and Mr and Mrs. Malcolm Stewart of Warren Plains. Mr. C. P. Allen has been confined to his home this week on account of illness. Mrs. W. A. Coleman of Palmer Springs is a guest of Mrs. C. R. Rodwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis of Greensboro were iguests of Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Hunter on Monday night. Miss Katherine Moseley is confined to her home on account of an attack of influenza. Mrs. F. H. Gibbs is confined to her home with influenza. Miss Edna Allen has influenza. Master Peter Seaman is recovering from chickenpox. Mesdames J. B. Boyce and W. R. Boyce were visitors in Littleton on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Will Kline is recunerating I from an operation for appendicitis which he underwent at Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount, on Wednesday. Miss Alice Flowers has recovered from influenza. Miss Nancy Gillam has recovered from an attack of 'Flu. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bradley and children and Mr. Tom Gillam of Henderson and Mrs. M. E. Gillam of Morganton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gillam last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rodwell and daughter, Ann, have recovered from 'Flu. Miss Vivian Lawson of Tuscaloosa, A1a., was a guest of Miss Nancy Gillam last week. Mrs. Mary Powell is spending time in Henderson with her daughter. rc T? o vr fltvmrc I -7 * ** ui Avnjr v*vnw? Mrs. a. A. Williams and Miss Catherine Williams are recovering from 'FiUt Mrs. p. m. Stallings of Macon *as a guest of Mrs. E. A. Thorne 0n Wednesday. Mrs. w. p. Alston was a visitor, 111 Rocky Mount on Tuesday. CLUBS MEET Thursday card clubs met this with Mrs. J. H. Kerr and Mrs. 1 0. Ellis. r 935 Warren ton, Ni HBgggggggggagggaHBigggggggllli > ' l|i News v. ? ammBaaaaaBBianaaaajaaaaaaaB JONES?RODWELL Miss Hazel Rodwell and Mr. Wiley Washington Jones were united in marriage Friday evening, January 4th., at six o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rodwell. The ceremony took place in candlelight, before a background of palms and ferns. The ring ceremony was used. Rev. R. E. Brickhouse, of Warrenton, officiated in the presence of only the immediate family. The bride and bridegroom entered the room together, to the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, played by Miss Mary Fleming, cf Vaughan, cousin of the bride. She played Mendelssolms Wedding March as the recessional. The bride was becomingly attired in a dress of dark green crepe with matching accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of roses and lilies rvf trolla'T Ui Vllt V Mllvj Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for a short wedding trip. Upon their return they will be at home at Kennedy Memorial Home, Kinston, where Mrs. Jones is a member of the faculty of the Kennedy Home School and Mr. Jones is general farm manager of the Kennedy Home Farm. MISS MODLIN HOSTFSS Miss Maywood Modlin entertained members of the Y. W. A. on Monday night. The program on "Banner of the Cross" was conducted by Miss Modlin, and papers were read by Misses Elizabeth Rooker, Edith Mustian and Myrtle Prescott. A salad course was served. Mrs. J. E. Adams will be hostess at the next meeting. U. D. C. MEETS Fourteen were present at the meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy which was held at the home of Mrs. C. C. Hunter on TTriHoTr aff/arnru-m Plane xxrprp ma HP 1 1 1UU J UlWillWill A 1MA1W II V* V MIMMW for the new year and a letter was read from the new state president. After matters of business were dispatched, refreshments consisting1 of coffee, cheese straws and cake were served. The meeting was presided over by Miss Amma Graham, presi- i dent. Mrs. T. A. Baxtter and Mrs. f W. H. Petar of Ridgeway, were out of-town visitors for the meeting. MRS. ARRINGTON HOSTESS 1 Mrs. Katherine P. Arrington en- ^ tertained members of her card club, j her house guest, Mrs. Helen Wil- t liamson of New York, and Mrs. Duke t Jones, a recent bride, at a three ( course luncheon on Thursday of last \ week. The table was lovely arrang- ] ed with red candles, red berries, ' fruits, nuts and candies. Following ^ the luncheon, Mesdames B. R. Pal- ] mer, W. N. Boyd, John Mitchell, 1 T/\V?r? ZT orr TV onrl T\T i co Ann "Rl IT? 1 uullAi * w* ?J MiiU ATAAUU AAilAi A/Ml well of New York joined the guests for four tables of cards. Mrs. V. ' F. Ward and Mrs. W. N. Boyd won 1 the club and visitors high score , prizes. Mesdames Williamson and Jones received guest prizes. Later in the afternoon Mesdames William Polk and W. K. Falkener joined Mrs. Arrington's guests for an ice course, which was also served in the dining room. Club members present were Mesdames W. H. Alston, G. H. . Macon, J. P. Watson, R. R. Weston, A. A. Williams, W. H. Dameron, V. ( P. Ward, Edmund White and John j Kerr Jr. . LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. John Rodgers on Thursday night, January 17, at 8 o'clock. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Mattie Warren Blalock celebrated her 11th. birthday on Saturday night by entertaining a number of her friends. Dancing and games were enjoyed. James Carr Moore won a priiie in a name contest. Fruit punch and cakes were tserved the guests. HOSTESS TO CLUB I Mrs. E. E. Gillam was hostess to her card club last week. High club prize was won by Mrs. W. R. Baskerjvill, and the visitors prize was won by Miss Dorotny waiters, a sweet course with coffee and cheese wafers (was served. The extra guests included Miss Walters and Mrs. Julius Banzet. PHILATHEAS MEET The V. L. Pendleton Philathea class of the Warrenton Baptist Church held its business and social meeting at the home of Mrs. C. P. Allen, with Misses Edna and Sallie Allen, and Mrs. Edgar Wood as joint hostesses. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Bob Bright, vice-president. "Problems of Pain and Dying" was read by Mrs. H. P. Read, and "Problems of-Conscience" was presented by Mrs. John Bell. After the pro?rram, a delicious salad course was served. arth Carolina BBtaiMaanfmaaaaaasBMmEMainsx and Eve UTATATATATHtMlFtTf ?WAT>T?W?T.W?T?W.?>WJXTaF; +VERVi LATi ST Oil Patricia Dow ? ^>?>>? <??C?r Designed in Sizes: 80, 38, 40, 42, 44. 40/48. 60 and 52. Size 44 requires 5 ft yards of 89 inch material with H yard contrasting. SLENDER DAYTIME FROCK Pattern 8379?Women of larger mild like a simple, dignified frock or general wear. They know that ;he conservative style is most beaming and inconspicuous and for ;hat reason they choose a model ike the one sketched. The soft graceful revers and the restee together with the simple ;urned back cuffs, give a nice conxasting color note and. add gayety o an otherwise plain frock. The louble-breasted closing of the waist s continued in effect by the panel n the skirt. The back of the skirt ilso has a panel and there are )leats in both front and back. There s nothing more slenderizing to a arge figure than panels. Small ;ucks at back of neck give an easy fit. A rough crepe silk, in dark tones ;ither printed or plain will look veil in this design. f \ For PATTERN, send 15 cents in coin (for each pattern desired) your NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE to Patricia Dow, Warren Record Pattern Dep't., 115 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. s. _> Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Powell and laughter spent Tuesday in Rocky idount. BOYC THE WARREN REC nts of Inte irACTAVATAT>TATATtTATHTn?AT>?nT^TliltMATftTtTftTmT ENTERTAINS AT CARDS Mrs. Howard Alston entertatined at cards on Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Helen Williamson of New York, house guest of Mrs. K. P. Arlington, and Mrs. Duke Jones, a recent bride. P. T. A. TO MEET The Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular meeting in the John Graham High School auditorium at. n'olnrir nn Tuesday MV "" ?/ afternoon, January 15, announcement was made this week. William W. Taylor Jr. will address the association at this time on the subject, ''Making the Most of Our Opportunities." Entertainment is also promised from the 4-B grade under the direction of Miss Noble. A desire for full attendance was expressed in making the announcement of this meeting. Oakville-Five Forks Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Davis and Mrs. R. S. Hardman were recent visitors in Lexington, Ky. Mrs. J. B. Collins of Warrenton spent last week end with Mrs. John Young. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Haithcock and family have moved to Macon. Mr. John Young spent last week end at his home near Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hardman and family of Lexington, Ky., have i moved near here. Mrs. F. W. Davis has returned 1 home after a pleasant Visit wfth her ' daughter, Mrs. William Darrough, of 1 Ky- ; PRODUCTION CREDIT ! (Continued from page 1) Farm Credit Administration of the e third district, the method of con- a trol and operation of the production t credit associations and will give an n explanation of the association's t operating statement from organiza- u tion through Dec. 31, 1934. a a CENSUS HEADQUARTERS ? ii (Continued from page 1) tl schedule to procure one at the ear- n liest possible moment so that they si may give careful study to the ques- p tions and be prepared to give full si and accurate information when the ir enumerator calls. Copies may be obtained by writing to your district tc supervisor. tc The schedule is divided into eight l! basic sections comprised of one hun- fc dred questions convering practically qi every phase of the agricultural industry. Of course, every farmer will o! not have to answer all of these ques- o! tions, only those pertaining to his tc particular lines of activity. The vi questions will cover the calendar o: year 1934. 0 The enumerators will make inquiry ol as to farm tenure; farm acreage, n which includes all crop, land, all le pasture land and all farm woodland; s( the total value of the farm; acreage a: and yield of each of the principal b j field crops and vegetables; the num- h ber of trees and yield of the princi- h pal fruits and nuts; number and p value of each class of livestock; w poultry and eggs; and farm popula- fc tion. n Director Austin has declared that ti this is the most significant farm ir enumeration since the inception of si agricultural statistics in 1840, and he ! oi COMPARE TH 1 PRICE WITH OTH & MMVII lAf A C U muuiri wH^ni m Perhaps you already have found j '% be Mi 31 Solution. If not we ask other mouth wash for economy an< fj antiseptic even when diluted one/ Rexall Druggist about Mi 31 Soluti Mi 31 Antisep is sold only atjeg :e druc LORD ;rest to \ ATATATATATAfATAmiflT>T*TtT*?AT>T^/tr*?ATA?*TA' Needle Queen ^BsV MK i ' J|jF ;\ i . .:: fe ' \ #in| f:':>:y:->:^Sr.-;. m'^v ^88^8^81 j0'/'?. v % filMK v 9 /.. v ' *'ct INDIANAPOLIS . , . Indiana is mighty proud of Miss Lucile Morris (above), 20 year o)d Greenwood, fnd., girl crowned National 1934 4-H 31ub Style Champion. She modeled jnd made the wool school suit she is -- ? ? - * - * - - 1 \-A - ivearing in tne pnoio auove, ;ai u :ost of $27.92 with complete accessories including a $2 hat; $2 gloves; $3.95 shoes and 69 cent hosiery. arnestly requests the cooperation of 11 farmers and ranchers to the end hat complete and accurate statistics lay be procured and tabulated at he earliest possible moment. The nprecedented destruction of crops nd livestock caused by the drought nd the many changes which have ccurred in farms and ranches and i the utilization of land due to le depression of the past few years lake it imperative that the farm iatistics be available as soon as ossible, if agriculture is to be assted in going forward v/ith other ldustries. The Director desires to call at,'ntion to the Section of the Fif;enth Census Act, approved June 5, 1929, which makes it unlawful ir any person to refuse to answer uestions on the Census schedule: "Sec. 9. That it shall be the duty I all persons over eighteen years f age when requested by the Direc>r of the Census, or by any superior, enumerator, or special agent, r other employee of the Census ffice, acting under the i;istructions f the said director, to answer cor;ctly, to the best of their knowJ ?.11 /\V* 1-VlA AAMP11P !Ug , ail IjUtfdUiUlld Uli vlic tuiouo :hedules applying to themselves nd to the families to which they slong or are related, and to the irm or farms of which they or their imilies are the occupants; and any erson over eighteen ^ears of age ho, under the conditions hereinbe>re stated, shall refuse or willfully eglect to answer any of these quesons, shall be guilty of a misdeteanor, and upon conviction thereof rail be fined not exceeding $100 r be imprisoned not exceeding sixty f ^ n * J B 1 CcM j Y. fill J .AH B|77i r> | r M| %)' EK \ y 'our favorite mouth wash to you to compare it with any 1 effectiveness. For Mi 31 is half with water. Ask your on. He Solution M Drug Stores } CO. Warrenton, North C arolina PAGES 1 I ?"[I f r r Fashion | Vomen II-, ( tacts I mmmaiSismfiXaaaa. ri-WyWiWin^w^'w^^^^'w^^iwswiw^inwiMiwiWtwarswiwiwsMia 3i days, or both, and any such person Hawtree, P. m., w. t. who shall willfully gl n answers that Paschall, C. W. Cole; Sixjxiund, J. are false shall be fined not exceed- M. Coleman, Harry Kinycn, a. b. ing $500 or be Imprisoned not ex- Odom; Warrenton, J. E. Rooker, W. ceeding one year, or Doth. " C. Fagg, C. C. Hunter. ~~~ FORM ORGANIZATION administrator's notice __ ? Having qualified as Administrator T t* f/?:S page 2. ? upon the estate of E. l. Pike, deJ. T. Myrick, H. A. Nanny, Charlie ceased, late of Warren county, n. Riggan: Fishing Creer. Tom Warrta r> tui. j~ ?n ? i? ? W 1 ? \J,% tlliO IS tu UUllljr Oil ptridUllS IlttV" Miss Lizzie Davis, E. L. Robinson; ing claims against said estate to Fork, W. E. Davis, 11. E. Williams, present them to the undersigned E. F. Alston; Shocco, J. M. Bur- at Littleton, N C., on or before roughs, William Lime*, W. E. Twitty; December 21, 1935, or this notice sandy Creek, J. M. liherherd, WaN ""J* Plead in Ibar <rf recovery. AH ,, ^ ? .. ' ? persons mdebted to said estate will ter Allen, Mr. Frazier; Nutbush, N. please make lmm dl!lte settlement. ,H. Pasclmll, J A. Wlson, i T.a- ^ DecembeI 21 l934 I lington, Smith Cree c, T. R. Wil- jj pjj^E Iliams, W. E. Mulchi, J. A. Meeder; d21-6ts Administrator. ~~ ' ===^^a|[ [ 30 TONS ROBERTSON j I PLANT BED FERTILIZER has just anived and is now ready for delivery from my storage house at Norlina. This Specia' Plant Bed Fertilizer is now sold at the same price as the regular tobacco 3-A-3 I JOHN MAYFIELD, Jr. Agent | Robertson Chemical Company g - ? | sr ' ? 1? ?f I OAT T? I j_,r, ON LADIES' n COATS I A Mrv II DRESSES | ALL DRESSES i REDUCED TO I f %M\ ' COATS I $6.95 for $4.95 111 S7.95 for $5.95 | 118.75 for 56.75 i 519.95 for . 59.95 j 529.75 for 519.95 I 516.50 Swagger Suits for 59.95 WARRENTON Dept. Store Co. I ^ v 1 4 I

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