IF r PAGE 8 MANY MATTERS | FACE ASSEMBLY Introduce Bill To License All Operators of Motors Vehicles In State I AGAINST SLOT MACHINE Raleigh, Jan. 10?With introduction of bills calling for the licensing of all operators of motor vehicles, the establishment of a port commission at Southport, the outlawing of slot machines, and the amendment to consolidated statutes relative to the State Highway and TXJ7\**lrc? CnmrniCQion SO AS tO JTUUliV/ Y? uino vumiiiiuuivx mw ? provide for the acquirement of rights of way for parkways, the State Senate met for half an hour on the second day of its 1935 session, adjourning until 7 o'clock j; in the evening when the Governor will deliver his biennial address before both houses of the General (Assembly. Absent during the initial session of the body, Senators Weathers of Wake and Ramsey of Transylvania took the oath of office Thursday Kiofnro T.ipnt-pnfirit Governor Gra ham. Senator Weathers, who had been confined to his bed with influenza for several days stated that he was ''feeling fit." WOULD LICENSE DRIVERS Senator Corey of Pitt introduced the driver licensing bill, which was referred to the roads committee, yet to be selected. Under its measure all [drivers would be subjected to an examination as to their competency to operate automobiles and trucks, but this requirement could be waived by officials of the Motor Vehicle Bureau, i Private drivers, the bill provides, would be charged a fee of $1.20 for licenses and chauffeeurs would be charged $3. No private driver under 16 and no chauffeur under 18 years of age could secure a license. What Bill Provides It would be mandatory that licenses be revoked from persons convicted of manslaughter by a motor vehicle, of driving while drunk, or perjury or false affidavit in securAnne Gould Elopes .v; NEW- YORK . . Anne Gould, great granddaughter of Jay' Gould, founder of a great American fortune, eloped at 4 A.M. with Frank A. Meador an actor and native of Texaa, to be married at Harrison, N. Y. | y | LANE, S. Da. . . . Leland Monasmith (above), 18, of this place, in .national competitionin the worst drought year this state has known, won the National 4-H Club health championship. He is 5 ft* $ in tall and weighs 156 pounds. 1935 Beauty Winner ' v.,....; V... 'XvwXv . ' ' ... PARIS, France ... Mile. Andree Lorin (above), displays her victory smile after winning highest beauty honors and being crowned "Miss Ptfil of 1935." IL . . Warrenton, North Carolina Best Athlete at 40 TORONTO ^ ^Harold Webster (above), 40 year old Canadian marathon runner and winner at the 1934 British ^Empire games, has been voted Canada's outstanding athlete of 1934 by a nation-wido poll of sport writers. ing a license, of a felony under motor laws or a felony involving a i motor vehicle, or of hit and run driving. Persons convicted twice in 12 months of reckless driving also would be forced to forfeit their right to operate a motor vehicle. The bill provides for radio communications between sheriffs, police departments and other law enforcing agencies in the State. All I fees received under it would be held 1 by the State treasurer in a special i fund. Introduced by Senator Johnson I The HUN A Newspaper Wi ' 1 t Vol. VII Janua u ?? 't WARRENTON DAIRY PURE C | * . '0 The Hauptmann J H murder trial has the ^ | country in suspense now. Our prediction 3 is that a conviction Fortif} LDS ous and Wlien in town next I TEN7 A week and the week - aftter for court, be . sure to make our drug using store your headquar[VER OIL. ters. ie tonic Qjiecj.er piayers beour system ware| There is a conenables it spiracy afoot. Last .V off dis- night we overheard re have this a plot wherein plans insurance" were made to hide and quart the board and keeP i the prices hid bi- sums of money were forthcoming from devotees tof this sport. So long, until next week. UG COMPANY ED FOR AND DELIVERED Theatre 1 ton, N. C. I EEK JAN. 14TH | ^-Tuesday v \ Gloria Swanson | -in? $ n The Air ? X IKj Inesday vj tinee & Nite 10-15c | ly and Paul Lucas | -in? % wn Detective | ay-Friday $ ind Frederic March | Vimpole Street | urday $ Russell | -in? I i11 j Through | ___ M THE WARREN RECC New Army Air Chief WASHINGTON . . . Lieut.-Colonel F. Andrews (above), has been named ' commander of the newly organized j General "Headquarters Air Force, The move is to establish a general j headquarters for our/air force which I will embrace virtually every - army I combat-'urut in the 'II. S. In effect / j, ^ t his appointment supplants Maj.-Gen. 23. D.^Foulois. A survey in Currituck count shows an average of over nine pros ipective consumers per mile for thi I rural electric lines being planned ? j a a., Each consumer has promised u furnish his share of the pole I needed. a . mKBBL.A m \Wmmmi | *, SMBl r ' ' v $ ' /' - ?&?$? f --Mm "'/a4 \ I ) ?? <. <:' . V >y . ! I \ i |v: WITH V-8 jr. .V. ; ; . . V Vlto -V" ^ ' IN THE new Ford V-8, and, in addition, new meets every 1935 driving i A single ride will she Ford V-8 does this; Wherever you sit in thi rear?you will enjoy !'?rc It required a major en floating Springbase with plish this. But the new Fc car of major development The new clutch enable hardly noticeable foot p likewise, are new in desi longer-lived, surer-holdii The car is longer, wide and baggage. It is distmg J ^ w '495 ? ON THE AIR-FORD SYM NOW ON WE WANT EVE FORD V-8. WE] I AND LET'S TAI I Boyd WARRENTON, I )RD 1 State Recognizes Work Negro School Outstanding work done during the year by the Warren County Training School, at Wise, was recognized on January 1 when negro vocational teachers of the state, accompanied by leading corn growers from their respective communities, met in Raleigh for their annual banquet. Representatives of the Warren County Training School won two prizes for outstanding achievements ?one for the best community program for growing corn, and another for a ten ear sample of corn which was placed on exhibition at the corn show, held in connection w!Th this event. One of these prizes was won by the vocational teacher of the negro school and the other was awarded to the school. Attending the banquet from Warren were J. L. Bolden, teacher, | James Dunson, student of Warren I Plains, and Jacob Jorden, adult farmer of Warren Plains. Some of the leaders of state affairs were there and gave short talks, it was said. Among them i were: Clyde A Erwin, Statte SupPiihlip Tncfnip.t.iAii * ^ U1 llil/CllUCilU v/l -* VAWAAV Mww.VMf " ! Mr. James M. Gray, State Representative of the Chilean Nitrate of ^Soda Company; Mr. Roy M. Thorn " | as, State Supervisor of Vocational c Agriculture, and Mr. C. R. Hudson, I.. State Agent of the Smitht-Lever o Act. s Prof. S. B. Simmons of Greensboro was in charge of the banquet. Err Zomfo, Ri POWER you get the proved V-8 enginefeatures that give you a car that need. )W you how completely the new is new car?at the wheel or in the >nt seat riding comfort." gineering development?the FullComfort Zone Seating?to accom>rd V-8?all the way through?is a s. s you to start and shift gears with ressurej The mechanical brakes, ign?easier to apply, yet stronger, agi L _ X, wiui more room ior pas:>eugers uished inside and out?with luxurim rrp Easy terms through Universal Credit Co., the Authorized B. Detroit finance Plan. [PHONY ORCHESTRA, Sunday Evenin DISPLAY A RYBODY IN WARREI 3AVE CARS AT OUR CE THAT RIDE. I-Boyce sT. C. iVarrenton, North Carotin* FR National Crime Drive ^MsflSSlH WASHINGTON ... J. .Weston Allen, of Boston (above), is the newly named chairman of the National Crime Commission in the loffensive launched against underworld forces. Ee voices the opinion that Congress will provide for the establishment -of a national police schdoL Reports from local flour mills in Union cotmty indicate that more than 2 1-2 times as much flour has been ground from home-grown wheat as compared with previous years. Notice the date on your label and renew your subscription. inv a f "V ft. 7jj/, de;!;/>!vXvXv>XvI;;xXv!\vI>vXvjx J'FORI t ous upholstery and instrument p; Everythi ng needed for safety i body, low center of gravity, si addition, Ford provides large,; glass all around at no extra coj Whatever you want in a c r>r>Txror cjz#. 1a rlAnAnHokilj for 1935 gi ves it to you in full i your nearest Ford dealer's; DEALERS OF THE f FOE! igs-ERED ARING, Thursday tfveni iT OUR SHG ST COUNTY TO RIDE PLACE FOR THIS i Moto IDAY, JANUARY 11, 1935 i Attractive Colors In New Ford V-8 Four attractive body colors, three of then appearing in all models, and a fifth color which is new this year, are available in the new Ford V-8 for 1935, now on display in the showrooms of Boyd-Boyce Motor Co., local Ford dealers. The new color is gunmetal, available on de luxe models only. The gunmetal finish is used on the entire body, fenders and wheels, with a bright apple green body stripe. The Ford baked enamel finish is used on the exterior of all bodies. Other colors available in the new Ford V-8 cars are medium lnet-m black, Dearborn blue, Cordoba gray and Vineyard green. Dearborn blue is available only in the de luxe models. In all models, bodies and fenders are of one color, with harmonizing wheel colors in de luxe models. De luxe cars in black have wheels and striping in bright apple green. Black cars without de luxe appointments have black wheels. De luxe cars in Dearborn blue have wheels and striping of poppy red. In the three light colors in de luxe cats there is a choice of wheel colors; on Cordoba gray or Vineyard green , cars which do not have de luxe ap-; ipointments the wheels are black. Headlamps are finished in body colors with rims of rustless steel.? steel.?Advt. 1 ______________ ' Renew your subscription. ' 1 ?e k \1 /&&& : i mv -Mw: , /. : | 0^^-* 1^1 bL D ECONOMY anel?beautiful streamlining, is included?welded all-steel rong axle construction. In sure-traction tires and safety iti ar?comfort, safety, speed, ty, economy?the Ford V-8 measure; Be sure to see it at lORFnr.K TERRITORY w FOR V1935 ngs?COLUMBIA NETWORK IWROOM : IN THIS NEW I JOB. DROP BY I r Co. i PHONE NO. 33 I