PAGE 4 = M 1 The Warren Record Published Every Friday by The Press Publishing Co. Oiae Year For ..$1.50 HOWARD JONES, JR. BIGNALL S. JONES Editors HOWARD F. JONES, SR. Contributing Editor That Justice May Ever Have A Champion; That Evil Shall Not J Flourish Unchallenged. KntarpH at the Postoffice at War Irenton, North Carolina, under Act oI Congress of 1879. j If ye fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well; but if ye have respect to persons, ye cannot sin and are convicted of the law as transgressors.?James 2:8, 9. Thosewho bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.?J. M. llarrie. A HOPEFUL SIGN OF PROGRESS One of the most hopeful signs of real progress in the state is to be found in the introduction of several bills in the senate looking toward the curbing of crime in North Carolina. Evidently two sen ' 1: ? ~ ,j ators, at least, nave rtaiwcu that increased ease and rapidity of travel have made present methods of handling crime obsolete. We read with pleasure that Senators Summersill of Onslow and Webb of Lenoir on Tuesday introduced three bills looking forward to improved police protection. The first of these would < allow Sheriffs and their deputies to cross county lines in serving criminal processes. The second would provide for a state-wide system of police radio stations. The third would have the Commissioner of Revenue furnish all sheriffs a complete list of motor vehicle owners and their licenses. The purposes of these bills are too plain to need comment. We would like to see these, or other gentlemen of the body, go one step further, and establish a central clearing house at Raleigh for criminal records and fingerprints, with a provision that every persons arrested should be fingerprinted and the prints sent to this central bureau. FOR ROADS OR THII n IS ABSURD "Roads are important, but we have reached a dangerous degree of disproportion when we disregard the road as twice as important as the child," says the News and Observer anent the proposed increase of $6,000,000 for highway funds as compared with only $2,500,000 for the schools. It seems to us that statement of the News and Observer does not quite match up to the standard that many of us have looked forward to in the editorials of Raleigh's morning newspaper. It is to us just another highsounding catch-phrase. Once we divided the world into WAKEUPYOUR LIVER BILE? WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rarin' to Go B JOB fool uour uS tank tad the world looks punk, don't swallow a lot of salts, mIntra) wa tar. oil, laxative candy 01 chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet ana buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do It. They enly dots the bowels and a mere movement doesn't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling Is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile Into your Dowels dally. If this bile is not flowing frealy your food doesn't digest- It just decays :n the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You have a thick, bad taste and your breath is foul, skin often breaks out in blemishes. Your head i.aa and vou feel down and out. Your whole system It poisoned, " CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS to let these two Eds of bile flowing freely and make you "up and up." Thev contain wonderful, lew, gentle vegetable est-acta, amazing when it cornea to making the bile flow freely. But don't ask for liver pills. for Carter's (Little Liver Pills. Look for the name Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red label. Resent a ebstltute. at drugstores, Q1981 C.M.C* Warrenton, North C Black Georges and Gallahads, but we have learned that good and evil are too often mingled to draw such a line of demarcation. Likewise the. legislature is utterly unable to deal with the child and the roads as two separate and distinct propositions. The school policy of the state makes any such idea fantastic. A slow dismal rain is falling as this editorial is being written. Country roads have become slick and dangerous and another day of rain will probably make it impossible for school buses to travel in many sections. Hundreds of pupils will miss one or several days from school. Many before the school year is over. Next year in making up fVm fonnli C.V 1 1 cn-f c l/Il^ lioto ? KJL 1/lIC schools of the county, the school heads will note that there are enough pupils enrolled in a given school to justify the employment of, say, ten teachers. But for some reason there has been so many absences during the year that the average daily attendance justifies o n 1 y eight. As a consequence eight teachers are employed andj the teacher load in that( school becomes so heavy that it is impossible to do justice to the children and, in addition. repeat students increase and the cost of education naturally rises. Large citv schools know little of this. The path to school there is not blocked by muddy roads. Unless there is marked improvement in our secondard roads there can not be any equality i of opportunity for education j between the city and the country child. The roads have become a ? : If REPORT cm At Warred r: At the Close Ji Cash, Checks for Cl< Due from Approved y United States Bonds North Carolina Stati North Carolina Polit Other Stocks and B< Loans and Discounts Banking House and Furniture, Fixtures Other Real Estate ? F. D. I. C. Fund '] Demand Deposits?] Demand Deposits? Demand Certificates Cashiers Checks, Ce Accrued Expenses, T Saving Deposits?D Savings Deposits?E Check Tax Due Goa 7 Tot Canital StnrV f!nm I Surplus?Unappropi Undivided Profits Unearned Discount Reserve for Depreci; Reserve for Losses Tot 'I State of North Carol County of Warren. I John Mitchell, Director of the Citiz day. and, being dub 1 report is true to the Sworn to and subs me this the 11th < 1935. I P. B. Boyd, Nota fl My commission e 6, 1936. I arollna n .in, | MOSTLY PERSONAL By BIGNALL JONES When I passed this home a few miles north of Warren Plains one morning this week, the appearance of the house, the grounds, and barns 'and other outbuildings tempted me jto go in and find out just who was tne prosperous runner ux wtuxcxxi who owned such an attractive home. | Later in the week I succumbed to 'the temptation, rang the door bell, j A sweet-faced elderly lady answered i the summons and informed me that her son owned the place and that he could be found in the packhause a short distance from the residence. I found Boyd Stegall busy with other members of the family picking over some scrap, while Tump Carroll, Warrenton warehouseman and farmer, looked on. I politiced a little with the crowd and returned to Warrenton. It is to me a pleasure to visit a farm where such an atmosphere of well-being presides. Boyd Stegall in my opinion owns one of the most attractive country places in the county. ? - ' ' ?1-1 - ? J; ? I have done consiaeraoje namg , around the county visiting the homes of farmers this year since I assumed the agency for a well j known brand of fertilizer. I enjoy going around the farmers while they , are working, finding them in pack- j houses, around barns, fixing up buildings, and lately, before the , rains, burning plantbeds. It is in iteresting noting things that must be perfectly familiar to a majority ^ of our citizens and yet enlightening to me in spite of the fact that I have lived the greater part of my j life in a country town. For instance, I have an unholy horror of rats, and made up my mind that should j, 11 ever build a barn I was going to j try to make it rat proof. Concrete j ( was my idea. However, I noticed at I' . i ! the home of W. E. Turner in Sandy Creek, an idea that was astounding | in its simplicity, ySt effective and ' I suppose in general practice on I many farms. His corn crib was j mounted on stilts with a large sheet I of sheet-iron over each of the pilvital part of the educational machinery of the state and catch-phrascs are not going ,to change this condition. OF THE CONDITION ZENS B. North Carolina, to the Commis Business on the. 31st day of D RESOURCES earing and Transit Items.. Depository Banks. i, Notes, Etc ... e Bonds, Notes, Etc ;ical Subdivisions Bonds and N )nds 3?Other Site and Equipment Total Resources .... * t a mi rnrirn i n A DITA1 L1AD1L111CD V^ftriirtL Due Public Officials Due Others i of Deposit (Due Under 30 D; rtified Checks and Dividend ( 'axes and Interest - ue Public Officials >ue Others _. /ernment al Liabilities mon dated ation Fixed Properties Total Capital al Liabilities and Capital ? ina, Cashier, V. F. Ward, Director, ens Bank, each personally app' 7 sworn, each for himself, say best of his knowledge and be! cribed before JOHN lay of Jan., ( V. : ry Public. D xpires March C. R. 1 r A HE WARREN RECOR lars. This iron effectively bars the progress of rats and Mr. Turner saves a considerable sum each year through thus protecting his corn. Running a newspaper, selling coal and wood, selling fertilizer, farming, any and all kinds of work however simple it may seem to the uninitiated always offer plenty to learn. Because this is so almost all work is interesting. The only exception I notice is process work in which a similar task is done in a similar manner day after day, offering its, killing monotony. I should think that cooking would be interesting; washing dishes terrible. Palmer Springs Items We are glad to see Mr. C. B. Hendrick out again after being confined to his home for several days by sickness. Mrs. Rosa Tanner has returned to her home after spending several months with relatives at Hampton and Fort Mitchel. Mr. C. S. Newell, and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Newell of Wise spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Newell in Wilson. Miss Pattie R. Hendrick a student of High Point College is at home on account of illness. Miss Margaret Hayes spent the week end with Mrs. Lawrence Vick it Emporia. Mr. B. E. Bobbitt and friend of Pennsylvania spent last week with his father, Mr. E. F. Bobbitt. Miss Lizzie Palmer of Richmond spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmer. Mrs. H. P. Read attended the meeting of the county Council in' Iftcf nraolr DU.y ULV/11 1CU31I Palmer Springs School reopend Monday after being closed two weeks an account of measles. Mr. and Mrs. John Hudgins and family have moved to Henderson. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Henderson af Durham spent last week end svith Mrs. Pattie Wilson. Miss Margaret Hayes is spending' some time with Mrs. C. B. KSndrick. Robt White of New York and B., P. Long of Richmond are visiting relatives here and at Wise. Mrs. Rosa Fitts and Miss M&ybelle Pitts of Macon recently visited Mrs. Paul Palmer. In Catawba county, poultry growers are getting 98 per cent livability from baby chicks brooder with home-made brick brooder. A check of 14,000 chicks at four weeks of age gave this result. OF THE \NK sioner of Banks ,, ecember, iyd4 $ 36,968.73 . 392,928.67 iji .... 66,975.02 78-998.75 otes 902.50 .. 4,095.00 320,595.93 17,402.79 v 1.00 .. 11,454.95 1,177.45 $931,500.79 $ 41,470.02 525,167.50 ays) 4-123.95 Checks.? 13,877.85 2,034.75 lb,62b.b7 251,996.14 259.58 ^ $855,556.46 20,000.00 40,000.00 7,697.90 1,408.09 4-838.43 2,000.00 $ 75,944.33 $931,500.79 , and C. R. Rodwell, eared before me this s that the foregoing ! ief. ? m tmn ? ?r^t * Mi lUttfcLL Cashier F. WARD irector tODWELL )irector gg i ? i , i ' 1 Warrenl In Memoriam ^ si JAMES H. DUKE e Or. January 18, 1935, our Heavenly Father sent his death Angel down ^ to the earth to claim the soul of j^ (james Hal Duke, who was in Maria ij3 iParham hospital patiently suffering n agony as the result of a truck wreck, jj I He was the forty-two year old C] son of Mrs. Betty Overton and the s< late Murphy Duke. On April 10,' e* 1921, he was married to Mary Ella w Blackley of near Henderson. To this t( happy union three children were I born, Genevieve, twelve, Julia Bet1 h seven, and Hal, three years of age.1 j. There are also five sisters and a host! of friends who mourn the loss of 11 a loved one. The funeral service for this well y known citizen was conducted at Sul- n phur Springs Baptist church Sun- S day afternoon by his pastor, Rev. R. R. Jackson, assisted by a former pastor, Rev. C. L. Gillespie of Ox- ^ ford, and the principal of Afton- * Elberon School, Rev. I. B. Jackson. ^ The music was in charge of Mrs. j? M. H. t-'eits. Beneath the stars and stripes of his country, his body was tenderly mmmmm?mm?mmmmmmmmmmammsaam / CONSTIPATION Can be Helped! (Use what Doctors do) Why do the bowels usually move regularly and thoroughly, long after a physician has given you treatment for constipation? Because the doctor gives a liquid laxative that can always be taken in the right amount. You can gradually t reduce the dose. Reduced dosage is u the secret of real and safe relief from constipation. Ask your doctor about this. Ask h your druggist how popular liquid f, laxatives have become. The right ^ liquid laxative gives the right kind of help, and the right amount of help. When the dose is repeated, instead of more each time, you take less. Until the bowels are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara, and these are natural laxatives that form no habit ? even in children. Your druggist has it; ask for? [syrup pepsin & J J ' I But we do have LUMB able to the finiest FC the United States. Just car load of Long Leaf I FLOORING and FINIS Original growth on th< of the Mississippi Ri\ Gulf of Mexico, and th prices are as pleasii beautiful color and texl virgin yellow pine lun THE JUNIPER SHIK have are from the exl coast and the enormoi of eastern North Care for the Pacific coast < DO NOT BLAI USE bulletin; ^^iinnii?TiiiMiiiinnnnniiniy?niinniiiniiiiiinunilliIIIIIimiT""""""n55 ton, North Carolina FF lid to rest in the church cemetery here a large number of grief srlcken relatives and friends gathred to pay their last respect to .leir "Buddy," for he was truly a ig brother to every one. His grave as more than covered with perfectr beautful flowers. Though perfect ow, these flowers will soon perish ut the many deed of kindness, tieerful words and smiles that he mattered along his path of life will ??r flourish in the minds of those ho knew him, for to know Mm was ) love him. During the World War he served is country over the sea with the 20th Infantry. a that fair, heavenly land 7e feel you firmly stand Ixtending to us your strong hand, 'our aim was always to cheer fever, letting others see your tear, o fond memories of you still linger here. ou loved life and wholesome fun our friends, relatives, home and son nd now, may the Lord say Well Done." ?ALBERTA AYCOCK. Patronize the Advertiser. W. H. BOYD Registered Engineer Law Building Henderson, N. C. Office Phone 198 Home Phone 10 * ? ?? mi ii i i i *" ^ ^ /-iTTf 1 LUST 1VI1 LUST UUC WRITES J. ADAM; TRENTC Used to have the busiest R hat the kitchen was infested with i ntil I tried BEST-YET. Haven't a p hould use BEST-YET it's the new ] a dark places will cause rats to dis or the home 50c, 6 oz. size for the fa Jrocery Co. Warrenton, N. C., The i K/ull details in ec f HAUPTI r LADI r T No r 1ER treace- ington state )RESTS in have beautiJ received a of lumber 4 IIFT PINE long. This 1 H cut from for beauty ai 3 west side wood grain. rer on the what is mc e very low these QUAL lg as the very low pri< ture of this ducts and t flber. the ordinary, FGLES we ed and half treme east w& know w is swamps people will >lina. Now QUALIT ind Wash VIE YOUR CARPEN' : POOR MATERIAL; WHITES g Supplie , \ 0 [IDAY, JANUARY 28, 1934 Renew your subscription. fwilAT CAN YOU DoT Tliis is the most likely question you "will be askecl when you seek employment. A ihorough knowledge of business practice and secretarial science may be your greatest boost. Qualify yourse.f for Bookkeeping, Accounting, Stenographic or Secretarial positions thu Smithdeal-Massey Business College training. Beginning classes for Winter Tern now being formed. Ask for free booklet, Plfinning Your pu. ture. SMITHDEAL-MASSEY EIUSINESS COLLEGE Established 1867 Richmond, Virginia. N??? Stop Getting Up Nights MAKE THIS 25c TEST Use Juniper oil., Buchu leaves, etc., to flush out excess acids and waste matter. Get rid of bladder irritation that causes waking up, frequent desire, scanty flow burning and back-1 ache. Get Juniper oJ, Buchu leaves (etc., in little green tablets called | Bukets, the bladder laxative. In four days if not plea:>ed go back and get ! your 25c. Get your regular sleep and feel "full of pqp." Hunter Drug Co. ' \ >TOMERS THRU RATS S OF 427 MAIN St. IN N .T estaurant in town until news spread rats. Lost a lot of my best customers >est in the place now. All Restaurants Red. Squill powder that if put around appear. Comes in two sizes, 4 0:2. size rm 75o. Sold and guaranteed by Hight Stalling Co. Littleton, N. C. VMCUHmi 5 2 irriH vj kllki'J iiij 3iij 1 )kv ich Vicks pocfagejHHI 0 1 I MANN'S DER? i HI Sir! IS IS 1 m i Fire Forests. We ful Fir Panel sheets ft wiHp and 8 ft. umber is unexcelled nd variety of natural >st surprising about ITY materials is the ze. Compare the prodie low prices with , poorly manufacturdried materials and hat the majority of do. They will select 'Y items. | TER I F YOU s >' is, Inc. j II M mssss^xt