I PAGE 8 | THE TORCH A department conducted for The Warren County Memorial Library By MABEL DAVIS The librarian 1 Miss Gilbert Visits Library Miss Margaret Gilbert, representing the State Library Commission, * n-nnlr Qhp VISltea inis nuraiy last wttn.. expressed herself pleased with the< library and the work being done, and commended the vision and sacrifice of those forward looking citizens whose efforts made possible a county library. She reported several other counties that are taking steps toward establishing public libraries, and several others that are building, as we did, with the aid of PWA funds. Plans For Story Hour Deferred We are disappointed that plans for a weekly story hour for juniors have had to be called off this summer. After waiting all of these years for a place for it, it seems the irony of fate that conditions do not favor. We have the hall and the proffered assistance of Mrs. Duke Jones, who has had training in the work, but we are afraid to assume resnnnsihilitv for anv errouD work among children until danger from infantile paralysis has passed. Memorial Volumes Received We are indebted to Misses Lucy and Edith Burwell for a copy of Forty-two Years in the White House by Irwin H. Hoover, given in memory of Mr. Pettway Burwell, and to the Men's Bible Class of Emmanuel church for the Colonial Period of American History by Charles M. Andrews, the 1935 Pulitzer prize award for the most distinguished work in history. ISiis book comes to the library as a tribute to the memory of the late Thomas G. Taylor of Oxford, father of our townsman, Joseph W. Taylor. From an out-of-town friend we received a check for $7.00 recently to be expended in children's books. Other appreciated gifts include two books for juniors from Miss Eula Clark, a copy of the Soul of Democracy by Grigg, presented by Mrs. W. C. Williams, Macon, and beautiful camelias and lotus from 5n=Ii=di=li=Jr=Jr=Jr=ir=l mi 11 1 - 0 1 | Genum TO THE CUS1 GUESS AS T( CORN EATEN TER, WHICH ] CERY VALUE! SINCE GOING EACH VISIT i TO ONE VOTI PQ | WEI g Pure Co j New Pol i Lard, 8 I! ! Fresh F Note?Contest clost ham Tuesday aftern n w.] 1 1 1 WA 0 D m -Jr=if=ir=dn^Ji-_ Warren ton, Nort the gardens of Mesdames Julius Banzet and W. A. Connell. The Joke Was on the Scientists The following questions?part of a highly intelligence test?are catch questions, supposed to be unanswerable until recently a bright young University of Iowa graduate confounded the scientists: 1. How long is a piece of string? 2. How far can a dog run into the woods? Answers: 1. A piece of string is twice as long as the distance between its center and either end. 2. A dog can run only half way ' into the woods. After that he is running out of the woods. ?Readers Digest. Elberon Items Mrs. W. L. Fleming of Henderson, Misses Bettie and Lorine Fleming were visitors in the home of Mrs. Delia F. Aycock Sunday. TV/Ti* anr? Mrs Ashfon .Tones Of J.U1 . w. .awaaw.. ? ? Henderson spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jones. Miss Delia Peoples has returned to her home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Johnnie Short, of Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Capps of J Townsville spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 1 Mustian. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Aycock and j Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Aycock and f children were visitors in the home t of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Benson of , Inez Sunday. ? Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Peoples, Mr. t and Mrs. H. F. Jones and children and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peoples were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. c Johnnie Short of Middleburg Sun- ? day. c Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Aycock and ? daughter, Rosebud, were visitors in i the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. \ Mustian Sunday. t Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Aycock and 1 family and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. f O'Neal and daughter, Mildred, were visitors in the home of Mrs. Delia F. Aycock Sunday night. i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shepherd were r visitors in Warren Plains Sunday, f Mrs. B. T. Clark spent Saturday g night with her sister, Mrs. Wavely t Harden of Norlina. c Miss Alma Howell of Townsville 1 is spending a few days with Miss 1 Gladys Mustain. c f=Jr=Jr=Jr=^lf=Jr=JF= Z FREE! e Smithfi rOMER MAKING TP 3 THE NUMBER OF IN ONE WEEK BY TI [S CROWING OVER T 3 WE ARE OFFERING ON A CASH AND CA \ND PURCHASE EN :u cmii qdcpi .i\ Liiu or LUI ffee, lb - LO lbs n._ tatoes, 10 lbs lbs ish, lb. w is Tuesday at 12 o'clock. Wi * loon at 4:30 o'clock. H. RIGC \ B. CREECH, Manage lRRENTON, north caroli - w - ' v ' 7 h Carolina; "lifffPTiiifiir i KmH OA'.' "v!v!^v- " WASHINGTON . . . Congressman MarHn Dies (D) of Texas (above), would bar all immigration for 50 years and compel admitted aliens to seek citizenship within 12 months, thus purging the country of 6,000,000 deportables. He claims there are 3,500,000 illegally entered aliens now here and wresting jobs from our own unemployed. Household Hints If you know someone who's stageitruck, and bound and determined ,o do something about it, send her iround to see the American Acad:my of Dramatic Arts when she jets to New York, instead of sendng her around to warm the chairs )f the casting offices. If she's good, hey'll find it out in the first senester. If she isn't, she'll be gently idvised to continue what she used ,o do! Some of the smartest maternity Iresses ever designed are being ihown in the fashion centers these lay. They're adjustable?even the ivening clothes! They wrap around n front, and you'd hardly know it vas that type, and the slips reverse he process at back. Small prints, aces, and dark sheers do wonders or the changing figure. If you have a child who's growng into the stage where more and nore new foods are given him, ofer the new feed when he's hungriest. If he refuses a second bite, ,ake it away. But offer it again >n the second day when he's really lungry again. Repeat this, and ie'11 take it eventually. When he ? ? > i i loes, praise rum just a nttie dic, ir=ir=ir=Jr=if=i m a 1 a a i Ham 5 a a IE NEAREST & 1 GRAINS OF | IE BIG ROOS- J] 'HE BIG GROTHE PUBLIC lRRY PLAN. TITLES YOU ALS| 12 1-2c I 55c ? j ioc g 19c j ....$1.09 \ 5c ! I fcYA"AVAV*VAv*v*v*vmr nner to be awarded ;an ? ?r U NA !} I A mWKmHmKX, THE WARREN RE( [and you'll find he'll like his newj food from that time one. i< When eggs are properly cooked, |' evening an infant can digest them |' ?omitting fried eggs, and eggs served with highly seasoned sauces. . . . But don't serve a dessert , that is rich in eggs in the same meal with the main course of eggs! How's your posture? If it isn't good, you can't be a really good dancer, for it's the graceful fellow through in transferring the weight -t h.. i?nhost-. and shoul I Ui l/HC UUU,y, L1XC v/iiv/uv , ders over the hips that makes the fluid, graceful dancer. Exercises for the stomach and back muscles are of first importance for the prospective dancer. The origin of the shape of a pretzel was of religious significance, being symbolic of the arms folded in prayer. Gaston county will produce at least one-fourth more wheat this year than last. Five new thrashing machines and over 20 reapers were purchased this spring. Alleghany county sheep growers cooperated in the regional wool pool in which over 80,000 pounds of wool was sold for 29 cents a pound. I Tanner Roofing I fnmnanv HENDERSON N. C. I Slate, Tile & Built-Up Roofing; Heating; Air-Conditioning r I: : v :: -x > x" t : i . : ' : . I Tl&mk i i?:$::::j:::|:::::j:::::::::^ TRUCK buyers of North Carolina ha cided preference for tl o *-fiirJrc anrI finped V'O U UVA0 WMM ? units... Truck sales show an nationally for the first this year, while the F Norfolk territory shov ? Commercial car sa nationally,?109.7% ii tory. This is the larg truck and commercial by Ford Motor Compa There is a definite i Ford dealers have she actual tests that the n V 8 trucks and comn by far the best Ford M has ever built. I I m W r i BOYD i Warrenton, N. C. ft 1- j? ' CORD One of the best small grain harvests in years, report Rowan farm- ^ 3rs, who increased their production Df wheat and oats this season. Lespedeza seeded on small grain in Catawba county has begun vig- ' j PASTE at night . . . use the POWDER in the morning Get the sparkling healthy look- I ing teeth you've always wanted. Get this money-saving combination. Sodium Perborate aids cleaning and keeping gums healthy. The paste neutralizes mouth acids?cleanses without scratching. SPECIAL OFFER MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE es*d PERBORATE #J|| 64c Value : BOYUfc UKUli CU. i 1 jj Tjm! Fa) kin FORI :i^i;s;tftfi:tfrfsra?s-ai8-A:;:;-" Hi' ! *:'f:i Virginia and ve shown a ae- /h h le sturdy Ford [y commercial ^ i?L/gx: l 84% increase Forward load d four months of mounting fron ord dealers in and moving V.a 99.8% gain provesoperatio les gain, 86% ONLY THE 19 l Norfolk terri- GIVES YOU ALL I ;est volume of v-8 engine wi car retail sales ?Jew F?rward New stronger ny since 1926. Full-Floating i rt.ic I HeavydutyFo "" New, larger c< >wn owners by Improved coo ew 1935 Ford g-?g* lercial cars are Torque tube? Lotor Companv New spring si New Truck St RDV8TRI TcanmamummmaEMmmmmmmmmmmm ???????? i du i Your ROR -===========:^=Z7^:^^ has"1 been designated by Buncombe coi*. M orous S ^h"?W?! outlook is W W Wmets lor soil ma? !?, been harvested. ^ ^ ^ ^ work under WJneetto ? ^ ft heavy production Icounty agents office. seed this ' Renew your subscription. of f arm land irrrTH^NTERGRAM| I I ^paperW"^!1!! I .? MM | (VE KEEP ^ _____ Although the gr; camp Saturday. $1 I Bathing Caps of luck to each I J Our drug store is the them. I nicest place we have Drop by and look i found during these You can get I S hot days. Come in c makings of a might: H * for a cooloff. good shampoo here I 1 HUNTER DRUG COMPAMl PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED I ' a New Hecon | il 1 Make Th B I ?? *^at y?M may know the ruggd M -7~i_L__ I Power and flexibility of the Ford V-SI I truck or the toughness, speed and! istribution, obtained by | f00.110111? ofthe Ford V-8 Pick-Up,VI t springs ahead of axle I mvitey?uto make this test? CallyoiffM a throughofurard' im' I ^ f?day f?f a" "?n J ^ test?Use the Ford V-8trucfcofB 35 FORD V-8 TRUCK commercial car with your own load.-HESE ADVANCED FEATURES I OQ Vour own route, w ith your out I th 80 full horsepower I ?^r^ver at the wheel. The results wiflB fr!ntDax*ebUti?n I shovv V?u the reason for such tremen fear axle I dous Ford V-8 truck,and commerci*-'1 (ntS'orei^D^c^'oh I Cf J'.SaIeS Sain?you will be under no I ling ch I oblige ition, of course. I insulated cab I ?" centeringJirakes | FORD DEALERS OF B *? u?btu raMUHt^R ina raaius ruu unw , ispension I EASTERN VIRGINIA ANU nun m v ? yles I Emv Terms ThroujhJ ^1 Hi | I |l^NI|^k versal Credit Comrar JHg| III Authorized ford f'01 ICKS t I I MOTOR CO! ID Dealer I phone H