8 I timely Jmexxxv warrenton, c, *' bethklT^"": Ilr. Win. E | h was here Friday and Thompson (above), had a lot oi I Mr Palic t?'t'inir a number of help this month in celebrating hu Haturday 0011' town and 100th birthday, scores of the more IKfiin" citizens v? * i-J over property which would I than 1800 babies he helped bring in a desirable for a post office inj the world during his long years of t event the government erects I ? ^cc' onging the town for the Eji a buildin*" here in tire near|J!f!L |Se no lease on property was Whiskey Sales L,n by the government official, Total Bvasstated that he found severalj l^irst Etes here that met with his ap- r Our Days Her Iroval as a suitable location for a j _ Lt office. Among the places hel Four hundred and fifty-two do Cd over were the Harrison Tay- iars and eighty-five cents worth < L corner, where Miss Bessie Tay-j liquor has been sold at Warrentc [or maintains ner military establ- j since the liquor store opened hei foment; the Standard Oil Com- on Monday, it was learned la U property, opposite Hotel War- night from L. B. Beddoe mana^i the a. A. William's corner, of the store. This is considered =i there W. R. Lancaster carries on be in excess of the amount sold t ^mercantile business; the BenILittleton where the control boai Well property, where his home is I also set up a store 'mi and also between the Cici- Sales h q as Bank and R. R. Rodwell's to $m4n ' " aay4 amountc jto 8M8.40, which was ten dolla ^ Jmore than the business transacte Although some of the places [yesterday?the fourth day that tl mioned weie found to be toojstore has been open Tuesdav I. - a mm,it of the fact that (sales ran up to $86.20, and on Wee I[Toffices are not erected adja- nesday the receipts amounted 1 pt to other buildings, some of the $99.90. loperty was found to be suitable, on the opening day at Littletoi was said. where Halifax county also has Mr. Dauch, according to those store, the Warren county store so] contacted while here, apparently $33.00 worth of whiskey, wines ar oked with favor on a new post gins. The following day the salt See for Warrenton, but made no there amounted to $25.00. Tt tonuses. He did state, it was said, amount of business done there c at the prospects of receiving Wednesday and Thursday cou] ich a building would be much not be learned here last night, are favorable if the people of the The opening of the store her lira would cooperate with the on Monday, which permitted J overament and not increase the quor to be sold legally in th rice of their property in the event county for the first tme in I ie project was approved. This co- years, brought no public |gathei ration was assured him by the ing or display of enthusiasr rsiness men he contacted. There was a small gathering befoi The present post office, it was the store when the doors swur id. is lacking in space to carry open at 9 o'clock, but the crow 1 the work and oftentimes be- soon dispersed and at no tin ores conjested while the mails throughout the day was there e being put up. rush to have orders filled. Wa: renton, apparently, accepted tl Irs. B F Moss opening of its liquor store as rv 'a 1 would have the opening of ar Dies At Littleton other new business. There have been no arrests ft Littleton. July 34.?Mrs. B. F. drunkenness here since the |stoi ? died at her home near here opened, so far as it could be lean Thursday morning of last week, ed last night, and not any of thoi Imrai services were held satur- wno nave visnea me siuxe cu ? morning from the home, con- made purchases have been seen c Wed by her pastor, the Rev. H. the streets under the influence i tod Miller, assisted by two sons- liquor in the least, it was stated la ' Dr- B. A. Bowers, Gasto- night by an officer. There hai and Rev. w. C. Martin, Rocky been one or two persons seen c jjtint. Interment took place in the the streets slightly inebriated, bi . * burial plot at Corinth a check-up at the store yesterds Mrs Granville county. showed that these men had n. \i .?l0SS was tlle widow B made a purchase there. athT' V'h? 1>rece^ecl her in Manager Beddoe said that on , ( 5ears a?o. She is survived one man has come to the store ui Q?.Sons' D- s- Moss, Enfield; der the influence of liquor sim msht Litt'elon: an?ay night, July 30, **en\ "^ery ?1 >W meeting lor this pur-1 ^0rUna ca ent *aS m r be held. The meeting hast ^ -priday, annoU a, *' WBed at 8 o'clock by C. M?^ week. aS sald, tYl? w *?. secretary-treasurer. Friends ^ year, ft season atl 0, J* library are invited to attend ^ad a go pXt3ectmg a g ^ Part in the election. I charge aTe M \in C*T this summer. d tb fcowthy Powell is visiting! seas annotmcemen wit JKes Littleton this week. I nning 6ayS' s and Frida" nM^lvey Mien ol Oxlord visit- the can ?^tiveS here Sunday. ^would be he W; 3UNTY OF WARREN, N. C., 1 I FIVE CASES IN COUNTY COURT Disturbing Public Worship And Assault Cases Occupy Court's Time NEGRO PLEADS GUILTY Charges of assault and disturbing public worship occupied the greater portion of Monday's session of Recorder's court when five defendants, all of them negroes, were brought before Judge W. W. j Taylor on various counts. Court . was in session until around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, with the i _. . ; assault and disturbing public wor| ship charges lasting for around r two hours. > The court found that Herbert Shearin was guilty of assault with ~ a deadly weapon and ruled that he should work for the State Highway and Public Works Commission for two months, or pay a $10 fine, the court costs and remain of good ? behavior for a period of two years. Louis Edwards, who was mixed up in the fracas with him, was found ^ guilty of simple assault. Judgment 'n was suspended upon him provided re he pay the court costs. st The jury which was drawn to try 1 Vernon Arrington for assaulting a ' 0 female was excused in the after- 1 * noon when the defendant, through 1 his attorney, entered a plea of ' guilty. Arrington was tried several ' 'd weeks ago on the same charge but 1 rs a mistrial was ordered after mem- ] "d bers of the jury deliberated for ap- ' ie proximately two hours without ar- ( s riving at a verdict. This week ' Judge Taylor accepted his plea of ( :0 guilty and sentenced him to the roads for six months, sentence sus- f n, pendea on tne condition tnat ne a pay a $5.00 fine and remain of good 1 Id behavior for a period of two years. 3 id The cost and fine amounted to '< ?s nearly $50.00. 1 1A ?? 1 5C lcj Henry Davis, white man of ,n Goldsboro who was sentenced to the Warren County Prison Camp . st last week for giving a worthless /e check, will be turned over to Edgo,n combe and Wilson county officials to face robbery charges in those iy counties, it was learned yesterday from Sheriff W. J. Pinnell, Officers from Rocky Mount and ^ ly Wilson were here on Tuesday and ^ l- it was stated that robberies com:e mitted in those places have been ( r- traced to Davis. ( l- Davis was given a 30-day sence tence in Recorder's court for giv- ( le ing a worthless check to Willis < is Neal. , v, j Littleton Man Has i Narrow Escape ! of rn Littleton, July 24.?While driv- , - ?