I miDAY, JANUARY 3, 19; J THIS WEEK1 oil I 1 In Washington ^shington, January 1?With- I Icl|^trying to predict what the final] 'Wartime will be, this is a good time / IH'tate note of the major issues! L which the second session of] rf 74th Congress, convening on J Kjaj- January 3, will occupy its/ immediate payment of the Vet-I Lns Bonus. The only apparent] Lb question about this is whether] L nCt the bill as passed will pro- j ^ for full cash payment or for] (special isue of bonds. 2 The Townsend old-age pension] mjjosal. Tiiis will stimulate a lot! orator}' in both Houses. The] ,bor lobby will opypse it. The] st guess is that the Townsend] B will not be adopted but that I agitation will res'ilt in liberal-] ion of the old-age benefits under ] Social Security Act, which has] to be amended in many respects,! ' '-it nnd some pretty | 3. Lots 01 una. ,c: debates on the Frazier-Lemkj I farm Mortgage greenback bill. Lit-J lie chance, however, of its passage. I I 4. Government ownership of rail- I toads. Again a let of talk, backed I By 8 well organized campaign of I tie railroad unions in favor of it I Wic'Jon o{ Interstate Commerce I -Bommission in ordering reduction/ 0; railroad passenger rates to two! , J cents a mile, where they are now J "^Bjdgter than that?which is all over! )Jjtie East. This will be a demonstra-1 ?ti(ffl of the Government's present! "B newer over railroads, and may have! B i strong influence in bringing hold-1 Mers of railroad bonds into line fori Government ownership. J r? .Neutrality, Navy, Army j I j Tne neutrality question will j come up early in the session. The! yfl present temper cf Congress is to! strengthen the neutrality laws. The' >flstrong belief prevails that a great! 'Vnr is rapidly approaching, and! K? '""linpfj fnj I Congress wm "uo ut ? trust the State Department alone to top us out of it. One outcome of tie wr talk is likely to be liberal appropriations for a bigger navy. 6. Proposals for increasing the i.my strength will be backed by re- | torts that Mexico is planning an J ut-and-out Communist Government. This will give strength to the emand for military defenses along is Rio Grande. 7. There will be more debate on oposals to regulate wages and ;urs of labor. Outlook is for the j usage of the Walsh Bill, req uiring J all concerns selling anything to tne J Government to conform to labor aandards established by NRA 8. Attempts will be made to I straighten, out the silver tangle, I probably by mandatory legislation M requiring the Treasury to increase I its purchases and maintain the J world price. The silver policy is 3 not clearly defined as yet. 9. Amendments to the Housing 4 Act probably will be made, with the J objective of inducing private capiJ ta! to go into la-ge-scale lcw-cost housing projects. This is in. c.ccordIance wth the views of Secretary Morgenthau. Director Fahey of Home Owners Loan Corporation, I and Peter Grimm, Housing Co-orrl dinatcr. Many Investigations j 10- A lot of noise that 'will be | heard on Capitol Hill from now on M ^ come from the committee J rooms, where Public Utilities, rail1 roads, munitions, chain stores and J various other phases of business J will be under invetigation. The program for this season will JI tie complicated by other ::actors. There will be the Supreme Court | decisions which will interject new i Issues. The budget as submitted by the President will look quite reas>s enable. ~ Politically, the relief issue itas | been brought to the front by Iloover's speech in St. Louis. The Government's plan to turn the reid problem back to the states as wt ^ possible is not making headSetting on Republican candidates is now better than even money on ?wton. it seems certain that heitner Mr. Hcover nor Mr. Borah be the nominee. R*n money is being bet on a republican Congress in 1937, but e Presidential odds are still In Roosevelt's favor. outstanding American wowere honored duriner Novem I % rt 0I" ^em Peald Buck, nov"' *? ' and Lynne F?ntaine, actress, A.terifi'n11 g0ld medals fey the Letters Academy of Arts and Mrs n November 14. The third, *0tn gden Mills Reid, advertising thP v ' is Vice President of &*ardp^ v ^ Herald Tribune, was Ujjjt w 'he distinguished Achieveraejj. e^al by the American Wosented iation which was preFnenri ?n November 18 at the in p Dinner, given annually busino k by professional and less women. Th ~ has of Bladen County March 170 hogs on fe d for the h Wld April market. $6 Wwren ton, North Ca f "s Warren Record Classified Rates (a) One cent a word eacn issue (This Type) (b) 1 Vj Cents a Word (This Type) (c) Three Cents a Word (This Type) All abbreviations counted words Twenty-five Cents Minimnm Charge Display Want Ads. 35c ait Inch To Insure proper classification Want Ads should be In this office by noon Wednesday. All Ads signed "Care Record" Strictly Confidential No Classified Ads Charged Except to Regular Display Advertisers No Adg Received Over Telephone / LOST DURING LITTLETON PAIR week?one liver colored pointer male dog, 4 white feet and white] breast and bob-tailed. Answers to] name Rap. Reward for informa-] tion leading to his recovery. R. B. Patterson, Littleton. d29-2pj FOR SALE?4 PUREBRED BERK-1 shire pigs. Female, 10 weeks old.( 3 or 4 fine R. I. Red cockerels. J. F. Hunter, Areola. ltp LEGAL NOTICES i ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE j Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of J. E. Ransom, late of Warren county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me at Warrenton, N. C? on or before the 29th day of November, 1936, or this no-j tice may be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to saidj estate will please make immediate settlement. This Nov. 27, 1935. LENORA C. RANSOM, n296p Administratrix. I NOTICE North Carolina, Warren County. In teie Superior Court Warren County vs. Lucinda Towns, Cornelius Towns, Mrs. Cornelius Towns, Richard i Towns, Mrs. Richard Towns, Rose T. Williams, M. E. Williams and Bertha Towns and husband (whatl ever name known). The defendants Lucinda Towns, Cornelius Towns, Mrs. Cornelius Towns, Richard Towns, Mrs. Richard Towns, Rosa T. Williams, M. E. Williams and Bertha Towns and husband (what ever name known) will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of plaintiff by virtue of a certain tax sale certificate is- j sued by the Sheriff of said County to plaintiff on account 01 non payment by defendants of 1932 taxes,1 assessed against the lands of the late Hugh Towns and to have the) relief provided by statute for the foreclosure of tax sales certificates for the year 1932; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office cf the Clerk of Superior Court of said County, in the courthouse in Warrenton, North Carolina, on the 12th day of January, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 12th day of December, 1935. dl3-4t W. K. NEWELL, Clerk of Superior Court. SALE OF STOCK OF PECKMANEXECUTORS' NOTICE Having qualified as executors of the estate of Kasper Kilian, late of Warren county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having] claims against said estate to pre-] sent same, properly verified, to the undersigned at Ridgeway, N. C., on or before the 19th day of Decern- j ber, 1936, or this notice may be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement ! I THE HOI /'l HWE AN AVIFUL TIME L ( PROVING TO DAD 1 HAVE V TALENT AS AN ARTIST, BUT ? \ I'LL BET THIS SKETCH roltna J j This December 19, 1935. JOHN G. KILIAN, WILLIE KILIAN, i dl9-6tpd Executors. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor un! der the Will of Edward Alston, deceased, late of Warren County North Carolina, this is to notify al persons having claims against bhe i sa'd estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned executor at Raleigh, North Carolina on or before the 18th day of October, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AI persons indebted to said estate wil please make immediate payment. This the 30th day of November 1935. WACHOVIA BANK AND TRUSI COMPANY, Executor under the j W;ll of Edward Alston, Deceased. ' d6-6t UFACTURING CO. In accordance with the powei and authority conferred upon me by the judgment of the court ir that action entitled "The Citizens j Bank of Warrenton, Inc., vs. L. C Kinsey, Mabel M. Kinsey and P. L Toepleman," I will sell, at publie auction to the highest bidder foi cash in front of tne Court House door of Warren County at noon or the 25th day of January, 1936, the following described personaly property: Fiftv-five (55) shares of stock oi ! the Peck Manufacturing Company i standing in the name of L. C, Kinsey and pledged by him to said Bank. This the 14th day of December, 1935. FRANK H. GIBBS, dl9 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Empowered by deed of trust executed by Jno. S. Plummer to B. B, Williams, Trustee, March 18, 1926 recorded in Warren Registry in Book 127, page 28, upon default of indebtedness thereby secured and at note-holder's request I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Court House door, Warrenton, N, C., at 12 Noon, January 20, 1936, the following lot or tract in Warrenton Township: Being stable lot of said Plummer containing onehalf acre, bounded on West by J. [ H. Kerr and E. E. Price, on North by Dameron, on East by M. J, Plummer Est., and on South by Liberty St. This 20th day of December, 1935. B. B. WILLIAMS JR., Administrator d. b. n., c. t. a., of B. B. Williams, Trustee, FRANK BANZET, Attorney d27-4t SALE NOTICE Directed by judgment of Superior Court of Warren County, in the action entitled Alex Richardson vs, Leroy Richardson et al, I will sell publicly to the hig'hesc cash bidder at the Courthouse door, Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, January 20, 1936, the following described real estate: Lot No. 9 in the division of Sandy Richardson's Estate as appears on Map of John E. Buck, C. E., dated Nov. 18, 1926, recorded in Plat Book 2, page 11 and Report of Commissioners of Division of Sandy Richardson's Estate, in Warren Regis} try, Book 129, page 57 et seq. I TSiis 17th day of Decemoer, 19J0. d27-4t JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Empowered by deed of trust executed by John S. Plummer to B. B. Williams, Trustee, March 18, 1926, recorded in Warren Registry in Book 127, page 28, upon default of j indebtedness thereby secured and at I note-holder's request I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, Ccurt House door, Warrenton, N, C., at 12 Noon, January 20, 1936, the following lot or tract in Warrenton Township: Being stable lot of said Palmer containing one-half acre, bounded on West by J. H. Kerr and E. C. Price, on Nortel by Dameron, on East by M. J. Plummer Est., and on South by Liberty Street. This 20th day of December, 1935. d27-4t B. B. WILLIAMS JR., Administrator d. b. n., c. t. a., of B. B. Williams, Trustee. FRANK RAIN Z,iS?, Aitorncy. u*. TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale given by that deed of trust from Lona B. Overby, dated February 26th., 1935, and recorded in Book 140, page 6, WaTren County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee, will, on Wednesday, January 29th? at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the Town of Warrenton, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest' bidder for cash the following property described in said deed of trust, said lands being situate in Warrenton Township, Warren County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: JSE OF HA life holos ho greater: )ffm to true artists than [$ feelih6 v#e experience upoi rh capturing our fleeting ' || emopons on paper... oas be at lodge t0ni6ht but i'll . nil] leave this yjhep gE y>^^eusee im HE WARREN RECORD Consisting of thiee certain par- h eels or tracts of land in Warren c< County, North Carolina, defined and described as follows: 0 First Tract: Laying and being in l? Warrenton Township, adjoining the tl i lands of C. M. Overby and others, v and bounded by a line described as G [ follows: beginning at a stone in S , C. M. Overby's line, running thence ** [ along Overby line N 87 W 52 P to Is . a stake in Lucy E. Lloyd's corner: J thence along Lloyd's line N 2 E 44 R ! 4-5 P to a stake in J. R. Riggan's N , line; thence along Riggan's line S R [ 87 E 52 P to a gum; thence S 2 C I E 44 4-5 P to the beginning, con- 31 taining 14 2-7 acres, and being five shares of Bailey Overby tract of land. Second Tract: Begin at a stake ^ s in Mrs. Emma Myrick's line; thence along said line 8.2 W 14 P 10 L to Warrenton-Macon road; thence g along said road 14 P to a stake; q thence N 2 E 24 P to a stake; -j thence S 8 E 8 P to the beginning, q > containing one acre. 1 Third Tract: Beginning at a 7 5 stake in Mrs. Emma Myrick's line; ^ thence along said line S 2 W 44 P 20 L to a stake; thence N 87 W t ; 42 P 12 L to a stake; thence N 2 c E 44 P 20 L to a stake; thence S s 1 87 E 42 P 12 L to the beginning, p, [ containing 12 acres, and being the d ! same lands conveyed to Bank of p Macon by E. H. Russell, trustee. f This December 27th? 1935. L JOHN KERR JR. h. 7 K7i G. C. OVERBY, O d27 Trustees. m [ T TRUSTEE'S SALE fe Empowered by appointment as substitute trustee dated Dec. 23, 1935, recorded in Warren Registry, Bk. 143, p. 19 et seq., in the place 3;; and stead of B. B. Williams, Trus- g, tee, in that deed of trust executed y. Jan. 1, 1919, by James S. Taylor et .1 ux? Hannah Taylor, recorded in a) ,1 said Registry in Bk. 104, p. 153, and ^ 1 further empowered by appointment ' as substitute trustee of same date f0 and place of registration in the ^ Ij place and stead of Tasker Polk, c , Trustee, in that trust deed execut- a( ed Nov. 19, 1904, recorded in said aJ , Registry in Bk. 70, p. 155, upon default in payment of the bends se- m ; cured by said two deeds of trust, ^ and at noteholder's request, I will fC sell publicly to highest cash bidder, fr at Court House Door, Warrenton, q N. C., 12:00 Noon, January 29, 1936, r these lands in Warrenton Town- jjj ship, Warren County., N. C.: Lying ^ on East side of the Road leading w from Warrenton to Shady Grove, to Beginning at a large corner stone T on the East side of said Road, C{ commonly known as White's cor- aj ner, thence along the Road N 20 ei W 12 P 16 L to a stone, thence N 75 E 24 P to a stone, thence S N 1 1-2 W 18 P 12 L to a stone, thence N 88 1-2 W 18 P 12 L to ^ the beginning, containing two (2) "J acres, more or less. ? This Dec. 27, 1935. ^ JULIUS BANZET, p( j3-chg,mwd Sub. Trustee, tt NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND J. North Carolina, Warren County In The Superior Court Ellen E. Pinnell and her husband, E. H. Pinnell, V. . Louise Faucette, Ed Faucette, J" her husband, Laura Keith ar.d P' Garland Keith, her husband, , James W. Limer and Earleane Limer, his wife, and W. H. Dameron & Company. bi Pursuant to judgment entered in p, the above-entitled civil action, the ti( undersigned commissioners will, on tj, Monday, February 3rd, 1936, at ?e 12:00 o'clock, Noon, at the Court ?e House doer in Warrenton, Warren al County, N. C., sell at public auction p] to the highest bidder therefor, the cr following described lands in War- di , ren County, containing 11 acres, a more or less, and consisting of two p? parcels, described as follows: Par- ec eel No. 1: Beginning at a stake on the South side of what is known as 0f the Folly Springs Road at its in- ce tersection with Main Street in the de Town of Warrenton, N. C., thence pi with said Main Street, S 38 1-2 de- si? grees W 2 C 25 L to a stake on the j m West side of said Main Street, sa thence with a fence just south of se a line of cedars N 63 3-4 W 2 th and 9 L to a staKe or stone m a . u< row of cedars, thence with said row, tb S 27 3-4 W 75 L to a stake near a pi cedar, thence N 64 1-2 degrees W 1 ct C and 82 L along the line of Mrs. c< W. L. Draper to a stake or stone, or thence with Mrs. W. L. Draper's e\ line S 27 3-4 degrees W 4 C and tt 62 L to the two sweet gums in the or middle of a gulley, thence with the tb gulley to a point opposite a stone sb on the side of the gulley (the re i straight course and distance the tb said stone being N 68 degrees W vi 8 C and 10 L) thence from the mid- st die of the gulley, passing by the d< stone N 27 3-4 degrees E 4 C 73 ti L from said stone to a stake and ci stone on the South side of the b; Folly Springs Road, thence with said Road eastwardly 13 C and 72 tc 1 L to the beginning, containing 9 C acres, more or less, and being the n< lZARDS iovl IfuCHj NOW I'M SUPPOSED TO V. ITHI v Wi cme place of the late H. T. Ma an. Parcel No. 2: Bounded as follows n the East by the lands of th ite H. T. Macon; on the South b: le lands of J. A. Dowtin; on th iTest by the lands of Susan M ^reen; on the North by the Poll; prings Road, containing 2 acres lore or less, being the identica inds conveyed to S. H. Limer b; . M. Gardner et ux., and C. R .odwell et ux., by deeds datei larch 30, 1928, recorded in offici egister of Deeds for Warrei ounty in Book 126, pages 348 ant >1. This January 1, 1936. JOHN KERR JR., and JULIUS BANZET, t-4t Commissioners. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND tate of North Carolina, ounty of Warren, he Federal Land Bank of olumbia, Plaintiff, vs. homas Foster, Mamie C. Foster is wife, Emma May Duke, W. L 'uke, her husband, D. P. McDuffe rustee, Citizens Realty & Loar o., Samuel Watkins Departmen tore, Watkins Hardware Comany, Martha Esther Davis, Jacl avis, her husband, Mary Jan< usujr iviiiain ewiaow;, rnos. s oster, Lizzie Foster, his wife ouisa (or Iola) Branch, her husind, James W. Foster (unmarried) tis W. Foster (unmarried), Piedlont Supply Co., B. P. Wyche rustee, and H. F. Mitchell, Dendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered above entitled civil action on the Ith day of December, 1935, in the aperior Court of said County bj le Clerk, I will on the third daj ' February, 1936, at 12 o'clock M. ; the County Courthouse door ir rar:en county sell at public auctior > the 'highest bidder therefor the flowing described lands, situated i said ccunty and state in Sandj reek Township, comprising 62 :res, more or less, and bounded id described as follows: Tract No. 2. Containing 63 acres ore or less, situate, lying and beig about one mile from the Milird Road about nine miles east om the Town of Henderson, N ., in Sandy Creek Township, Warin County, State of North Carotia, and having such shapes etes, courses and distances a: ill more fully appear by reference a plat thereof made by "Hios aylor, Surveyor, Feb. 26th, 1913, s >py of which is attached to the istract now on file with the Fedal Land Bank of Columbia, anc le same being bounded on the ortii by the lands of James Milon i the East and southeast by lands Robert H. Foster and R. J. Gill l the South by the lands of R. J ill and Robert H. Fester and or te west by the lands of Robert H ster and James Milon and being le tract of land conveyed tc homas Foster by deed of R. J ill, dated March 7th, 1913, Tecord1 in Book 87, page 352, Registry ol rarren County, N. C. That the terms of sale shall be i follows: One-third (1-3) of the icepted bid to be paid into Court , cash, and the balance on credit lyable in three (3) equal annual stallments, with interest thereon om date of sale at the rate of sis 1%) per centum per annum. The cash portion of the accepted d shall be applied toward the ryment of the costs of this aeon, including the compensation tc le Commissioner, unpaid taxes asssed upon the property and asssments which may be past due id unpaid, and judgment of the aintiff in the order stated. The edit portion of the accepted bid le plaintiff shall be evidenced bj bond or note of the purchaser lyable to the Commissioner secur1 by a first mortgage over the emises, and the remaining balance ' the credit portion of the acipted bid, if any, shall be evi:nced by a bond or note of the irehaser payable to the Commisoner, and secured by a second ortgage over the premises; the .id first mortgage over the premi s and the bond cr note secured lereby shall be assigned by the Dmmissioner to the plaintiff, and le said second mortgage over the emises and the bond or note seired thereby shall be held by the smmissioner subject to the further der of this Court; provided, howrer, that the purchaser shall have te right to pay in cash the whole any part of the credit portion of le accepted bid. The purchaser ia.ll pay for the preparation and cording of all papers including le requisite revenue stamps; proded, however, that revenue amps need not be placed on the jed of conveyance to the plainff, should it become the purlaser, or on the bond securing anj ilance due the plaintiff. All bids will be received subject i rejection or confirmation by the lerk of said Superior Court and a bid will be accepted or reported fj^-you haven't) 'an i-ss wade aw i=r^ i , comment on that\ s5ff' i'/ "Cagle Day" . . . and a Winter Trading Event in Boazunless its maker shall deposit with I said Clerk at the close of the bidi ding the sum of Forty-five & 00-100 ! ($45.00) Dollars, as a forfeit and ' guaranty of compliance with his ' bid, the same to be credited on his , bid when accepted. 1 Notice is now given that said 1 lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 1 2 o'clock p. m. of the same day un' less said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac1 cepted will be promptly returned to the maker. Tiris the 31st day of December, 1935. JULIUS BANZET, j3-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND State of North Carolina, County of Warren. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, vs. Mary T. Palmer, Sallie M. Palmer, Agnes Henderson (now Taylor), Trustee, W. H. Dameron, Executor of B. B. Williams, Trustee, Herman W. Rodwell, Carolina Power & Light Company, B. B. Williams TV A^mmicfrofor H Htl-fi. t. 9... U1 HUilUliUJUiuvv. v? ~ of B. B. Williams, Trustee, deceas1 ed, Defendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled civil action on the ' 30th day of December, 1935, in the p Superior Court of said County by the Clerk, I will on the third day , of February, 1936, at 12 o'clock M., | at the county courthouse door in ! said County sell at public auction ' to the highest bidder therefor the [ following described lands, situate in said county and state in Six! pound Township, comprising 395 ' acres, more or less, and bounded I and described as follows: ,1 All that certain piece, parcel or . tract of land containing 395 acres, more or less, situate, lying and be. ing on the Hebron and Black's . Ferry Road, about eight miles . North of Macon, North Carolina, j having such shapes, metes, courses, . and distances as will more fully apj pear by reference to a plat thereof, r made by C. E. Foster, C. E., January 13, 1911, which said plat is re! corded in the office of the Regis, ter of Deeds for Warren County, in j Book 83, Page 334, and being ] j bounded on the North by the lands . | of Otto Hecht, and on the East by i the lands of J. L. Coleman, R. Rcb. inson, E. B. Goode, and H. Boyd, on I the South by the lands of Annie T. , Palmer, on the West by lands of J. ! R. Robinson and H. M. Palmer, Black's Ferry Road, being compcs, ed of Lot No. 4, and Lot No. 1, and : one-half of Lot No. 2 in the divisi ion of the lands of the late Horace Palmer, Sr. The report of the Laxative combination I folks know is trustworthy The confidence thousands of parents have ' In good, old reliable, powdered Thedford's [ Black-Draught has prompted them to get . the new Syrup of Black-Draught for their children. The grown folks stick to the II powdered Black-Draught; the youngsters > I probably will prefer It when they outgrow , I their childish love of sweets. . . Mrs. C. W. ' | Adams, of Murray, Ky., writes: "I have ' used Thedford's Black-Draught (powder) I about thirteen years, taking It for blllousr' ness. Black-Draught acts well and I am , always pleased with the results. X wanted I a good, reliable laxative for my children, i X have found Syrup of Black-Draught to > be just that." j BLACK-DRAUGHT By M / YES,I 5W IT, AND I THINK 1/ ( IT'S ABOUT TIME I TELL THE ( &0" / TRUTH ABOUT ?T THAT V ^ DRAWING OUGHT TO CONVINCE J ftQv (you OUR. SON hasmtany ;q S^FF kl ART ABILITY AND WE SHOULD V_" I^HOT EN^URA6EHIMETC.y PAGE 5 Commissioners and map of Lots being recorded in Book 83, Page 394, Office of the Register of Deeds for Warren County. Lot No. 1 composing part of the above acreage was the lands allotted to Sallie M. Palmer and by her sold to W. Howard Palmer by deed dated the 24th day of February, 1922, and recorded in Book 112, Page 309, Office of the Register of Deeds for Warren County. And the one-half of Lot No. 2 composing the above tract is that portion of the said Lot No. 2 conveyed to the said W. Howard Palmer by J. D. Palmer and wife, by deed dated the 1st of February, 1921, recorded in Book 112, page 170, Office of the Register of Deeds for Warren County. Lot No. 4 being portion inherited by W. Howard Palmer. The lands will be sold and conveyed subject to an easement of Carolina Power & Light Company Seventy (70) feet in width, the center line of which is marked by its transmission line structures now located thereon, together with all the rights and privileges set forth in an easement deed granted to it by Mary T. Palmer dated March 14, 1930, and of record in Book 85, oage 6, of the Record of Deeds of Warren County, N. C. The terms of sale are as follows: One-fifth (1-5) of the accepted bid to be paid into Court in cash, and the balance on credit, payable in Six (6) equal annual installments, with interest thereon from date of sale at the rate of six (6%) per centum per annum. The cash portion of the accepted bid shall be applied toward the payment of the costs of this action, including the compensation to the Commissioner, unpaid taxes assessed upon the property and assessments which may be past due and unpaid, and judgment of the plaintiff in the order stated. The credit portion of the accepted bid due plaintiff shall be evidenced by a bond or note of the purchaser, payable to the Commissioner secured by a first mortgage over the premises, and the remaining balance of the credit portion of the accepted bid, if any, shall be evidenced by a bond or note of the purchaser payable to the Commissioner, and secured by a second mortgage over the premises; the said first mortgage over the premises and bond or note secured thereby shall be assigned by the Commissioner to the plaintiff, and said second mortgage over the premises and the bond or note secured thereby shall be held by the Commissioner subject to the further order of this Court; provided, however, that the purchaser shall have the right to pay in cash the whole or any part of te credit portion of the accepted bid. The purchaser shall pay for the preparation and recording of all papers including the requisite revenue stamps; provided, however, that revenue stamps need not be placed on the deed of conveyance to the plaintiff, should it bcome the purchaser, or on the bond securing any balance due the plaintiff. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted or reported unless its maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of Three Hundred & 00-100 ($300.00) Dollars, as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 31st day of December, 1935. JULIUS BANZET, j3-4t Commissioner. Notice the date on your label and renew "your subscription. / Chas. E. Foster Civil Engineer, Surveyor Littleton, N. C. V _ , How Cardui Helps Women To Build Up Cardui stimulates the appetite and Improves digestion, helping women to get more strength from the food they eat. As nourishment Is Improved strength Is built up, certain functional pains go Sway and women praise Cardui for helping lem back to goed health. . . . Mrs. C. B. Ratllff, of Hlnton, W. Vs., writes: "After the birth of my last baby, I did not seem to get my strength back. I took Cardui again and was soon sound and well. I have given It to my daughters and recommend II to other ladles." . . . Thousands of women testify Cardui benefited them. If It does not benefit YOU, consult a physician. lac Arthur 1 P/^HECK, HOW WAS^ [ i SUPPOSED TO KNOW VSHE PR.EW IT?y j y