I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936 ft Society 9 ** ft Items fl ^^i:^??ww?w8wnawm vagabond song ah the musing men have done hjer5 not the circling sun. I Vjj [il0 thinking men will do fannot make one star untrue. _:d the days I spent with dole *... one shattered idol whole? v.oep until I die, fl fflio will care or heed my cry? .>...,,.,.11 sleepy autumn weather 50 u??-? joy and 1 jog on together, j gjjeped ni warmth beneath the sun, I Cooled by stars when day is done! I H ?Josephine Johnson. I jir. and Mrs- J. H. Fltzhugh and I JIr and Mrs. J. L- Fitzhugh of! (jarysburg were guests of Mr. and I jjr5' John Rhem on Sunday. I Misses Gladys Taylor and Hatha- I ,;ni? Baxter of Henderson were I j-josis of Mrs. T A. Baxter on Sun- I I rov B. N. de Foe Wag.ier re-1 I tamed Monday from Pittsboroj w2jere he held a mission. I jir. and Mrs. W. R. Hedgepeth I I and family were visitors in Conway I Rich Square on Sunday. I Among those attending the dis-| jjjet, meeting of the Woman's Aux-1 jijji-y at Townesville on Wednes-j jay were Rev. B- N. de Foe Wag-1 I r.;r. Mesciames W. R, Baskervill, A- J I a. Williams, B. B. Williams, Jack! scott. J. G. Williams, J. H. Kerr, J I j. P- Seoggin and Misses Rowe I I Jones and Annie Hawkins- J Mrs F. H. Chalmers of Lexing-1 tea. Ky . is a guest of her daugh-J tar. Mrs V. F. WardI Mr and Mrs- William Boyd of I | Henaeison were visitors here Tues-| I Mr Alpheus Speed Moseley is re-j covering from an infected throat! a: bis home- I fl Fneiais of Mrs. M- B. Alston of I I Ridgeway regret that she has been! | coniiiied to her home for some! i. ~ f jllnaoc true on account ui uunou, I .Miss .Mary Southerland of Hen-I cersoir was a guest of Mrs- Archie | I :on on SaturdayI .Mrs- A. J. Ellington is confinedl I :c her home this week on account I o: illness- I I Mr. L- H- Thomas of Rocky | I .Mount was a visitor here Wednesl I Mr- Alexander Alston of Louis-1 I tzg was a visitor here on Tuesday! I Mr and Mrs. J- P. Watson spent I several days last week in New! [ York where Mr. Watson had his I I hand operated on. I Mr- and Mrs. F. M. Allen and | I .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis were visi- I | icrs in Raleigh last week- I I Mrs. Raymond Wynne of Marian,! I S CM was a recent guest of Mrs. G.l Miss Kate Ballard has returned I I to Raleigh after a visit here ofj I several days last week with Misses! I X'ena and Rie Parker. Mrs. K P. Arrington has return-! ?d after spending several months! I Mr. and Mrs. W. M- Gardner! I and son, Monroe, attended the! I State Fair in Raleigh on Friday, i I Mr. and Airs. G- S. Foote ofl Portsmouth were guests at Hotel 11 I Warren for several days this week-1' Mcsciamcs P. M. Stallings andr I PA. Tlrorne spent several days!1 last week in Portsmouth and at j I Lar.gley Field- I' I Miss Huldah Nobles spent the I1 *eek end at her home in Green-J' I ville. She was accompanied there! on Friday by her parentsI Mr and Airs Ira Weaver have I taken an apartment in the home! I Kith Air. and Mrs. F- W. Cooper,! I Khich was formerly occupied by! Mr and Mrs- Macy Pridgen andl' I family. I I > Mrs. H. P. Reid and daughters, I I Misses Rachel, Lois and Frances,!1 I tvere visitors in Durham last week-It Mr. and Mrs Tim Thompson 11 I tave returned after a visit of sev-jj ei'al days to relatives in Oakville- I, I -M:Annie Hudgins was a visi-1 I 'or in Raleigh last week. I] I Miss Aladge Hudgins of Raleigh I - the week end here with rCla- I I Dr C. c Peete and children at- I' " "ucu ms aiare rair m ?n Friday. Mr. Clinton Neal attended the State Fair Friday nightMiss Kate Wilcox Foote of Portsftouih spent several days this week the guest of Misses Gayle and Georcie Tarwater. Mr and Mrs- Lawrence and Mrs F P Hunter and Miss Lizzie Warwick of Portsmouth were dinner s in the home of Mr- J- J^rwater on Sunday. Mrs Carry Carr Mitchell of Ashevi]le is a guest in the home of the Misses Lillie Belle and Julia DamWon Mr and Mrs. Roy Davis returned i'csterday after spending a few days lri Windsor. Mr Frank Brown Allen of War^nton and Mrs- Allen of Greensboro spent the week end in Durarn with Mrs Allen's parents I Warrex&m, North ( & ||l News L ?- = Miss Sarah Palmer Moore of! i Washington, D. C., was a week end visitor in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore. Mrs- C. W- Childers of Rocky Mount is a guest of her daughter, Miss Dorothy ParkerMr and Mrs. George Pittard of Madison, Conn., Mr. Jeff Pittard cl of Egerton, Va-, and Mrs. J. B. o: Pittard of Littleton were dinner to guests of Mr. and Mrs- E T. Odom ei and family on Wednesday. ir Mrs- Raymond Wynn and Miss B Virginia Wynn of Marion, S. C-, are ci guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs- S G- H. Macon. H Mr. and Mrs. Jerman Walker and ^ little daughter, Mary Elizabeth, and Miss Ann Rodgers spent last f< Sunday with Mr. Will Harris at ci High Point. r< Mr and Mrs. G. S- Foote and V Miss Kate Wilcox Foote have re- fi turned after spending a few days V with relatives and at Hotel Warren, ci Major W W. Smith and Mr. John f< Dillon of Washington, D. C., and cl Mr. Ben E- Cook of Ponca City, V Okla., and Mrs- Raymond Wynn B and daughters, Misses Nona and L Virginia, of Marion, S. C , were dinner guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs- G. H. Macon on Wednes- h day night. V Mr. Ben Cook of Ponca City, Okla T Major W. W- Smith and Mr. John tl Dillon of Washington, D. C-, were pi dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs- How ard P. Jones Thursday night. ir SE HOSTESS TO CLUB ir Mrs. G. H. Macon was hostess to d( her card club on Thursday after- si noon. The high score prize, a salad w plate, as well as the floating prize, fl a deck of cards, was won by Mrs- ~ H. F. Jones. Mrs. P. H. Chalmers p of Lexington, Ky, the only visitor, also received a prize. An ice course with coffee and wafers was servedMRS BOYCE HOSTESS Mrs- J. B- Boyce was hostess to ijj members of her club on Thursday. | High score prize was won by Mrs- | W. R. Baskervill and the floating | prize was won by Mrs C- A. Tucker. | An ice course with coffee and I cheese straws was servedDINNER GUESTS Dinner guests in the home of Congressman and Mrs- John H. Kerr on Sunday were Mrs. William I Duke of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. A- H- Mortz, Miss Mary Kerr Mortz, and Mrs. S. A. Mallory of Yanceyville, and Mrs. W. O- Spencer of Winston Salem. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. T. R- Banks of | GLnrlrtHo onnnnnrp flip birth of 2L I M daughter, Mary Sue, on September J 29th, Mrs. Banks was formerly Miss _ Harris of Warren County. EI HOSTESS TO AUXILIARY F Mrs. H. R. Skillman was hostess to the Presbyterian Auxiliary on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. W- Taylor led in prayer, and the program 7 on Foreign Missions was given by L Mrs. Skillman. A program on Self 7] Evaluation was given by Mesdames L J. J. Crinkley, Sam Davis, Stuart (1 Crinkley, J. E. Rooker, W- B. Flem- L ing and E. A. Skillman. After the F conclusion of business refreshments i: tvere served the ten members pres- | | ent and Mesdames Frank Newell and P. P. Hancock, visitorsEYES EXAMINED AND GLASSES FITTED Every Monday morning from 9:00 to 11:00. Office in Pipkin's Jewelry j Store, Main Street, Warrenton. j ILj Main Office over Shell's Furniture j ||] Store, Roanoke Rapids. U DR. E.D. HARBOUR I OPTOMETRIST jjj i When your baby comes you will 171 ' need Mennen Antiseptic Oil for him; so get it now and start lil using it on yourself. Rub it W \ 'into the skin of your abdomen ij| i or wherever the skin is tight III or dry from swelling. Notice m j .how tautness, dryness disap> [u I [pear. Then after baby arrives, 171 I [give him a daily body rub with Hi I I Mennen OiL It's antiseptic? hi / [ will protect him against germs. |U / See your druggist?today. MENNEN Antiseptic OIL ? ? Carolina q and Ever Hiss Grace Wagner ! Becomes Bride Of ! Mr. Bignall Jones Historical Emmanuel Episcopal ; aurch, Warrenton, was the scene1, i f a wedding of simphcity and i PRllt.V nn TMpcrinv ouoninu o + I ?/ "" * MVUMMJ V I Ml V I ight o'clock when Miss Grace Al- ] leda Wagner, daughter of the Rev. N. de Foe and Mrs. Wagner, be- ( ame the bride of Mr. Bignall . peed Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. toward F. Jones of Warrenton and , Washington, D. C. , The church was decorated in ivy, : jrn, white chrysanthemums and i indies. The wedding music was mdered by Miss Bessie Taylor of Warrenton. The Bridal Chorus ; om Lohengrin and Mendlesonn's Wedding march were used as prosssional and recessional. Just be are the bridal party entered the tiurch, Mrs- W. K- Falkener of , Warrenton sang, "The Voice That reathed O'er Eden," and Mrs. ; ouis Thorp of Rocky Mount sang . 0 Perfect Love " : The bride entered on the arm of ; ei brother, Mr. Belford Virginias | Wagner, who gave her in marriage- , he ceremony was performed by j ir bride's father, using the imressive ring ceremony. . The bride was exquisitely attired I 1 an old-fashioned dress of ivory I itin with a lace yoke embroidered f 1 pearls, with covered buttons i awn the back- Her train was i lirred to the waist- The sleeves . ere tight to the elbow, then full 1 are over the hands. Her veil was 1 I "I am a hearty ea B Bm^BBBBHBB hI^h^ """ SUBWAY MOTORMAN * {above). Clyde Smith, of New ||| York City, likes a big steak? WM then enjoys Camels. He says: "I ||i eat what I want when I want it?and then smoke Camels." V i^r=^r==Jr==->r==ir==^r=ir=^r L IV AA .' A 'A /A"AV A'.'4 ' 'A A A'A>'A''AVA'A,'AVA'A''''A ! S J Your Lav I n I 3 [ I I | Your lawyer knows 3 tribute your propert your Will. | Citizens Bank & Ti | second oldest bank I is authorized and eq I the provisions of yo | detail. Its protection will n ity endure for your Let us tell you of ou tor and Trustee. s fyAVAVAVAVAVAYAVA"AVAVAVl Citizens Bank HENDERSt Member of the Federal poration?$5000 Maxim Depositor. I ? =Uf=ir=if=Jr=Jf=ir=ir=3f^ rHE WARREN RECO i?uutiuuiii8i?!a;mi?ii{!;i;i{iii{iiiiii its of Inte :aught at the side a,nd at intervals ; with orange blossoims- Her only ornament was an Italian pin of white coral with pidgeon blood ruby, over IOC' years old. Her [lowers were a shower bouquet of Johan roses and lillies of the volley. Master Bobby Scott, nephew oi me Driae. aciea as ring-Dearer and wore a miniature dress suit. He carried the ring on. a white satin pillow. Miss Mary Lillian Wagner, sister of the bride, was her only attendant Her frock was of moire blue taffetta, fashioned similar to that of the bride. Her cap was of plaited net with flare over face- Her flowers were an old-fashioned nosegay of pink roses and lillies of the valley. The bridegroom was accompanied by his brother, Mr. Howard P. Jones Jr., as best man. Ushers were Mr. Duke Jones, brother cf the groom, Mr. Alpheus Jones, MrRobert Scott and Mr. John Mitchell. Mrs- Wagner, mother of the bride, wore a dress of black velvet with a shoulder corsage of white roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. H. F. Jones, mother of the bride-, groom, wore a woods violet velvet 3ress with a corsage of pink roses ind valley liliesImmediately after the wedding, in informal reception was held at the home of the bride's parents for the bridal party and out-of-town guests. Mrs. C. H. Peete received it the front door. The line was introduced by Mrs. William Duke Jones. It was; composed of the Rev. 3. N. de Foe and Mrs. Wagner, Mr3elford Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Bigter and smoker" "I MAKE SURE to have Camels at mealtime,"saysjohnny Murphy {below), Bowling Champion. The flow of digestive fluids is increased when you enjoy Camels. j OSTLIER TOBACCOS iy /?VA'/A"A"AV,r7gVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA'.'?Vi L I ? fyer-- j { s 1 i n ? >< * ' I M I ? i! i I I L * how to plan to disy. He should draw ! if ! I ust Company, the | ji in North Carolina, g |j uipped to carry out ur Will to the last 1 H I il ciake your prosperdependants. j n < La r service as Execui 0 1 0 m j 0 ; & Trust Co. 0 JN, N. C. i| Deposit Insurance Cor- jl um Insurance for each L! 0 1 RD rest to W nail Jones, Mr. Howard Jones Jr., I Miss Mary Wagner, Mr. John Mifc- ! chell and Mr. Alpheus Jones. MrsJones Mitchell received in the front hall. Mrs- Alpheus Jones invited j the guests to the dining room where! a white and green color motif was] carried out in detail. The table was exquisite in a lac cloth, white lighted tapers in silver holders and a' centerpiece of white carnations and] ferns. The room was lighted only with candles. The lovely bride's cake stood on the end of the table and was cut later in the evening. Misses Nancy Peete, Sarah Blunt Massenburg, Lorraine Jones and Emma Kelly Moseley assisted in serving. Miss Louise Hawks received in the library. The gift room was presided over by Miss Mamie Williams and Mrs. L. B. BeddoeMusic was played softly during the evening by Mrs- John C. Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tucker and MrsC F. Moseley bid the guests adieu at the side door. Among the out-of-town guests present for the reception were Mrand Mrs. Spottswood Burwell and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brodie of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. T. L- Brodie and Miss Paige Brodie of Dunn; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Battle and Mrand Mrs. Louis Thorp and Mesdames Kate Arrington and Hattie Gregory of Rocky Mount. DO THIS when you wake up with a Headache ENJOY RELIEF BEFORE YOU'VE FINISHED DRESSING Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost \ Instantly ' In 2 seconds by stop watch, a genuine ? BAYEB Aspirin tablet ?w B--N j starts to disintegrate LJ j and go to work. Drop a jf?"Tlj Bayer Aspirin tablet in- II to a glass of water. By I I the time it hits the bot- II. W torn of the glass It Is If' la disintegrating. What l| P (0 j happens in this glass | I *' B . . . happens In your I >*' I stomach. When you wake up with a headache, do this: Take two quick-acting, quick-dissolving BAYER ASPIRIN tablets with a little water. By the time you've finished dressing, nine chances in ten, you'll feel relief coming. Genuine Bayer Aspirin provides this quick relief because it is rated among the quickest methods for relief science nas yet discovered. Try it this way. But ask for it by its full name, BAYER ASPIRIN; not bv the name "aspirin" alone. A DOZEN DOZEN 2 5 C Virtually lc a tablet LOOK FOR THE BAYER CROSS I E)Q?B3S3S p& U>i BONES'! J mm? pint \ lec Boyce WAl Hamilton, North Carolina ^omen 11 I I HOLD RECEPTION Following the Jones-W a g n e r Wedding rehearsal on Monday j night Mr. and Mrs. Duke Jones | entertained the wedding party and out-of-town guests at a reception at their home on South Main StGuest were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Jones who introduced them to the receiving line composed of Miss Grace Wagner and Mr. Bignall Jones, Mr. and Mrs- Howard F. Jones and Rev- B. N. de Foe and Mrs. Wagner. Mrs- T. Lewis Brodie of Dunn presided in the dining room where a green and white color motif was used. The table was decorated in a lace cloth, white flowers and candles- Punch was poured by Mrs. Spottswood Burwell of Henderson, and Misses Lorena Jones, Nancy Peete, Keliy Moseley and Paige Brodie of Dunn assisted in serving. HONOR BETROTHS A delightful pre-nuptial affair was given on Friday evening when Mrs- W- R. Baskervill entertained at bridge in honor of Miss Grace Wagner and Mr. Bignall Jones. The rooms were iesuve m loveiy iau flowers. Miss Wagner was preU I I I I 'I V III II JTifil >1 ^1 i i ONLY a few days left of $10,000.00 in Cas Get your Contest B! $2,500?and 563 other cs chance to win. Drive to pany dealer or station don't have to buy anyt I tf JQl / Ai*e From Maine to Florida?Stop, AMERICAN 0 Also maker oi Amocc 'scrwuiff* 5EtrrOD LIVER OIL SOUf^^ rS* STURDY GROWTH ! start, Puretut Cod Livtr Oil has been in the t of these five famous youngsters. And it s precious Vitamins A and D are still protments necessary for health and growth. vretut! Drug Co IRENTON, NORTH CAROLS PAGE 3 Fashion | Facts sented a gift and the high score prize for the ladies was won by Mrs Rufus Jones. Mr. Walker Burwell won the high score prize for the gentlemen. An ice course was served at the conclusion of the game to the following guests: Misses Grace Wagner, Mary Wagner, Olivia Burwell. Elba McGowan, Mamie Williams, Mary Randolph, Rose Kimball, Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Jones, Messrs. Bignall Jones, Howard Jones Jr., James Mayfield. Alfred Williams, Pett Boyd, John Mitchell, M P. Burwell, and Walker Bur wellHOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. J. H. Kerr was hostess to members of her card club last weekA sweet course with coffee and cheese sandwiches was served at the beginning of the game- Mrs- V. F. Ward won the high score prize and also the floating prize. Extra guests were Miss Sallie Watson and Mesdames J. B- Boyce, W. R. Boyce, E. E. Gillam, W- R- Baskervill and C. A. Tucker- The home was festive in fall flowers. Renew your subscription. jjTjl for you to get your share 1 h Prizes. J i lank today. First Prize tsh prizes. Anybody has a i any American Oil Com- \ and ask for blank. You \ ihing, j f ^ Tj ? ?- t - * * I J the L a/ Tbe S/jm o/ Greater Valaetf ill rAMDAUV MMJ V VA IA * * > Motor Lubrteaait ' AT THE REXALL DRUG B STORE I NOT ONLY I SAVE BUT I HAVE I THE ASSURANCE THAT I I'LL GET MY MONEY ( NOT SATISFIED^ " " I " mpany