M,pAy. NOVEMBER 27, J m^Z^t!!!!t!!SttttffW!U 11111TH. I Society I Items KHIXKSGIVING CONFESSION B I oiler thanks to thee *Ljngs you've bestowed on me ^ t" - ohnun I didn't care Krlis"' B ;ailed to offer up a prayer fftilncss, as each day went of the blessings sent. M.,m have spent more time for Wiping others happier be Hh'jwm my blessings pass along BL'ie to others, or a song. Ul- cio not understand should lend a helping hand helped others on the way B> prove a blessing day by day. B.. today l come with humble ^B-eart though I've failed to do my K- iff B>ve blessed me all along the BL-;.ank.'ul Lord for these today. B " CLAIRE DEANS PARKER. Kyjcrc. N. C. Bjp, J. E Miles of Wilson was a l,; jn the home of Mr. and MrsB ; yules last week L. W. A .Miles, W A. Jr., and B^ Murphy Duke visited Mrs. M B B. House and V*** Mr and Mrs. J. E ^?rth of Chapel HiU; and Mr. r of Washington, D. C? ^'^ Thanksgiving guests of Mrs 3 Palmer of Washington. ? Sved Sunday to spend ihis ?i"mth his mother, Mrs- J. D ^"rmorv Wall. Misses Hazel nell Lett of South Hill, Va? - D.eU " tc nf Miss Etta Mae *JZ on Sunday afternoon Miss * accompanied them back for rVathan M Palmer of Lyncht& a guest of his mother, Mrsf-rianies F- M Allen, Lizzie B %'and Roy Davis were visitors Mount on Monday\h ? M Stallings was a guest :v-r aunt. Mrs. Clement Clav 4r for several days last week,n(j Mrs- Norwood Thomas II.. jjjSS Rosa Long Thomas 01 R&rson were guests of Mr. and fc. P. M. Stallings on Sunday afIits. John Mitchell was a recent Isor in Richmond. I Friends of Mr. W. J. Arrington tret to learn that he is confined L its home on account of illness, [its Whit Williams has returned pr a visit of some time to Mrt: Mrs 0. D. Williams and sons fc Raleigh She was accompanied erk by the Williams family who pined for the week end. Mrs T F. Heath of Raleigh is a pst of relatives here. Mrs Wharton Moore of Durham si Mrs E. L. Brantley of Henderi sere guests of Mrs. N. M. Paler last weekMrs John Rhem and family ire visitors in Henderson on SatMiss Bettie Stallings of Walstonr? Faculty spent several days ; veek at her home near Macon. tt.. f.ii - -i-.j i-ic luuuwing siuueuus, ai-tciiu3 the University of North Carats. arrived Wednesday to spend a Thanksgiving holidays at their spective homes here: Messrs. A Blalock Jr., John Rhem, Gid tan. Weldon Hall Jr., Earl Con~ and Henry Hunter Fitts. Mrs. E T. Harris has returned a visit to relatives in Norfolk. Mrs J. E. Prazier is confined to r home near here on account of Mesdames Edmund White and Boyd have recovered from -.uenza. Mrs. R, e Boyd and family of ^rd were week end guests of k Tempe Boyd hereMiss Katharine Baxter of Dabney will be a week end guest of it mother, Mrs. T. A- Baxter. Mt Samuel Williams of Raleigh Sred Wednesday to spend the Wfcgiving holidays with his ?w. Mrs. J. B. WilliamsMis E. L. Green accompanied son, Gilmer Green, back to ?iam for a few days this week. ureen was a week end visitor Archie Alston was a guest of ?ives in Henderson this week, and Mrs. Sam Palmer and en of Alexandria, Va-, and ? Hannah White Heath of ?tsburg wni spend a few days *eek here as guests of Mr. and - w H. Alston. ?s. B. b. Williams left Wednes spend a few days in Louist? H. b. Boyd of Oxford was jsitor here Tuesday and Wed6iay. 5's C. F. Moseley will accom ' Miss Nancy Jones Moseley " Alpheus Speed Moseley to Henon Friday for a tonsilar Nation. ? Mrs- winiam Baxter of oro were guests of relatives j, a few days this week, and Mrs. Herbert Jones of L936 Warren ton, ||l 'News F- ^ jHBflPflv- I ES T". + ''v?|^H .Nv.v.y-v-:-Xv:'-.v (above), are-going to be married announced in late November by Mr, of the bride-to-be. The President s humoredly posed for news photogi feuh room and seated side by side each time they were told to look at hands. "It is to be a small church Burlington are guests of Mrs. A. E.' JonesMr. and Mrs. M- C. McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gillam were visitors in Durham this week. Misses Nancy Gillam and Katherine Williams of St. Mary's School in Raleigh will arrive Wednesday to spend several days here with their respective parents. Miss Vivian Lawson of Tuscaloosa, Ala., who is a student there also, will spend the holidays as guest of Miss Nancy Gillam here. Miss Edith Capps was a visitor in Durham this week. Mr. Edmund White is confined to his home on account of sickness this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Scoggin were visitors in Raleigh last week. Mr. and Mrs- Edmund White were in Durham one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Watson will leave for New York and Chicago, where, after spending several days, they will be joined by Miss Bettie Schmidt- The three will go to California and Honolulu to spend several months. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Palmer and Miss Sue Blunt Palmer of Bennettsville, S. C., will arrive this week to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. James Polk left Tuesday to spend several weeks in FloridaMr. William Polk was a visitor in Raleigh on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooke are spending the Thanksgiving holidays here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs- Howard Jones returned Sunday after spending several days in Rocky Mount as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Battle. Mr. T. L- Brodie of Dunn was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Jones Tuesday night- He was accompanied home Wednesday by Mrs. Jones who will visit in his home for a few daysMisses Lucy and Edith Burwell and Rose Kimball spent the week end in Richmond. Mr. Walker Burwell was a visitor I1CXC UllO vvwu. Mr. P. D. Jones has been recuperating here this week from his recent illness. He expects to return to the University of North Carolina after the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Nannie Margaret Brown of Meredith College and friend, Miss Evelyn Britt of St. Pauls, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. White for several days this weekMrs. Joe Ellis of Kittrell is a guest of parents here for a few days. Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Walters and children of Stantonsburg are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Rodwell. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Petar and Mr- and Mrs. H. W Petar of Ridgeway were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petar on Thanksgiving Day. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs Charles H. Peete entertained /Hnnpr on at a tour-course Uii biiua; \u*u.w. Tuesday in compliment to Dr. C- H. Peete. A red color motif was at-1 tractively carried out in detail. Red gerraniums centered the table. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McGuire, Mrs- R. J. Jones and Mrs. R. B. Boyd of Oxford-, ATTEND FUNERAL Out-of-town guests attending the funeral of the late Clement Clay Hunter on Friday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Hunter and I Miss Kate Wilcox Foote of Ports- I mouth: Messrs. H. B. Hunter and RL. Hunter of Norfolk, Va.; Mr. and North Carolina and Eve D. R., Jr., President's Son. Bfigrt III Hh ^ #?, /^:^HH Pont and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr next June. Their engagement was and Mrs. Eugene du Pont, parents son and the du Pont heiress good aphers, striding up and down the before the fireplace. They laughed I - ' | vox... UUIV1 . . * UUL I C1U3CU IU IJU1U wedding," says Mjss du Pont Mrs. David Davis of Williamston Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Watson of En field; Mrs. D. L. Roberson o Wadesboro; Mrs. R. B. Powell o Henderson; Dr. Newsome Battlf Dr. Claybourne Smith and Dr. Adar Thorp of Park View Hospital ii Rocky Mount; Mr. and Mrs. P. IV Stallings, Mr. Theo Stallings, Mr: E. P. Fitts and family of Macon Mr. and Mrs. J. E- Banzet, Mr. an Mrs. W. C. Mabry, Mr. and Mr: H. W- Petar and Misses Lucy ani Ann Collins of Ridge way; Mr: Lewis Hawks of Norlina, and Mis Vireie ThomDson and Mr. Jim Har ris of Macon. ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. B. B. Williams entertain? members of the Card Club at he home on Tuesday afternoon. A ice course with coffee and wafer was served upon the arrival of th guests- Mrs- J. H. Kerr was recip ient of top score prize while Mr: A. A Williams won the consolatio: token. MRS- DAVIS HOSTESS Mrs. Roy Davis was hostess t friends at three tables of cards a her home on Tuesday afternoor ine gU65tS mciuueu mcmucio v her card club and other friend: Major score prize went to Mrs. C A. Tucker for club member and t Mrs. Joe Ellis for visitors- Th traveler's gift was presented to Mr: W- D. Rodgers. A sweet course wa served during the afternoon. HOSTESS TO READING CLUB Mrs. C. E. Rodwell was At Horn to members of the Reading Clu on Tuesday afternoon. A paper o "Spain of Today" was given by Mr: Alpheus Jones, which was followe by an open discussion. A swee course, followed by coffee an wafers was served. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT Complimenting Miss Margars Hunter, bride-elect of Nov. 26th, th intermediate department of th Methodist Sunday School entertain ed at a kitchen shower on Monda: evening in the basement of th church. Refreshments consisting o hot chocolate and cake were servei to a large number who attended. BINGO PARTY Miss Nancy Peete entertainei about 30 guests at her home Wed nesday evening at a bingo party t observe her 14th birthday- Th guests were invited into the dinin room later during the evening fo fruit punch and cake- A red colo scheme was used and Thanksgivin favors given. Games and dancini were also enjoyed. A beautifi K=if=if=ir=ir=Ji=ii=ii= HP U m _ colled ml Hi I 1s,op t H matte I CITIZENS INS1IRAI : Representing: Oi I G. W. Poindexter, Pr? Bf=Jr=]r=Jr=J^dr=Jr=Jr: THE WARREN RE nts of Inte birthday cake decorated one end of, the table. Games and dancing were enjoyed. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Warrenton Garden Club will be held Wednesday afternoon, December 2, at 3 o'clock in the home of Mrs. W. D. Rodgers, with Mrs. T. Thompson and Misses Louise Allen and Olivia Burwell as joint hostesses. DAUGHTER BORN Born to Mr. and Mrs. Luther C. Perkinson of Wise on November 20, a daughter?Doris Marie- Mrs. Perkinson was before marriage, Miss Ruth Stegall. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs- George Jones of Franklin countv announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth Thomas, to Mr. Alfred Ray Frazier on Wednesday, November 18. WILSON- STANLEY Durham, Nov- 23?The wedding of Miss Flora Wilson of Warrenton to William Ezra Stanley of Durham was solemnized in Duke university lapel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. W. C. Wilson of Norlina, a brother of the bride, officiating. Baskets of white chrysanthemums interspersed with branch candelabrae filled with cathedral candles, . palms and trailing smilax were I used as the nuptial background, j Edward Hall Broadhead, univer|f sity organist, rendered a program of , wedding music. Mrs. Rosa Myers ~ sang "Believe Me if All Those Enn dearing Young Charms" and "I [ Love You Truly". The bridal chorus from "Lohengrin" was used as the . processional and the recessional ^ was "Mendelssohn's Wedding . March". > j The bridesmaids, Misses Mildred j. Finley, Mary Farmer, Dorothy s Stanley and Pauline Freeland, were _! gowned in Dubenet chiffon velvet and carried arm bouquets of roses and fall flowers in pastel shadesThey were met at the altar by the groomsmen, Messrs. Boyd and r Stuart Wilson, brothers of the bride, . Ludlow Rogers and W. S- Stanley, s Jr' e The bride had as her maid of _ honor, her sister, Miss Mildred Wil3, son of Greenville, who wore a gown a of gold chiffon velvet and carried an arm bouquet of bitter limes in pastel shades, Johanna Hill and Talisman roses in cascade shower, o Joyce May, lovely little daughter ,t of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. May, was the l. minature bride. She wore a long, if white satin frock, entrain with cor3. onet of real orange blossoms. She carried a colonial bouquet, shower0 ed with satin streamers, e Miss Wilson entered with her fa3. ther, S. G. Wilson, of Warrenton, ,s by whom she was given in marriage. Her wedding gown was of Queen Mary blue, chiffon velvet with high neck line and long flowing sleeves. - xtov cVtrtoc urorp nf t.hp samp shade b as her gown. n Her modish turban was of match5. ing velvet with shoulder length veild She carried a bouquet of souvenir it roses showered with orange blosd soms- She was met at the altar by the bride-groom, who was attended by his brother-in-law, Fred Davis. Mrs- Stanley is the daughter of it Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Wilson of Ware renton. She received her education e at Greensboro college, Greensboro, - and is a graduate of Watts hospital y this city; Shepherd and Enoch e Pratt hospital, Baltimore, Md., and f recently completed a course in pub3 lie health nursing at Peabody college, Nashville, TennMr. Stanley is superintendent of the public welfare department of 1 Durham county and is outstanding - as a social worker in the state. He o received his education in the city e schools and the University of North _ i 5 UHIUiltm. r Immediately following the cerer mony, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley left by g motor for southern points. Upon % their return, they will be at home il at 1017 Demarius street, Durham. -SHOULD STRIKE 1 IR HOME would YOU I : enough money from your jj MJO ince to reDuou i in and talk this important U r over with us. ICE 8 BONDING CO. jj lly Stock Companies * M. E. Grant, Sect'y jj dFdFdFdpdpdpdpdpJll :cord :rest to W Perfect Attendance Roll Announced By Principal Cooper To have one's name placed on the Attendance Honor Roll a student must be neither absent nor tardy. The following students have attained this honor for the first two months' period of this term: 1 A?Bill Ellington, Stanley Harris, Carrie Carroll, Mildred Rose Cox, Anne Rodwell, Mary Alice Rooker. 1 B?William Thompson, Malcolm Stewart, Rosa Mae Gunter. 2 A?Charles Ellis Alford, Ernest Bolton, William G. Fleming, James Robinson, Marjorie Buckner, Dorothy Dillard, Violet Hamm, Susie King, Florence Newton, Jane Reavis, Lois Jean Ruth. 2 ?"Rillv "Rrnt.hprs Alfrpd TUlUna ton, James Hamm, Edward Peete Hudgins, Bennie Powell, Elton Shearin, Wheeler Whitby. 3 A?Will Carroil, Glen Harris, Richard Hedgepeth, William King, Curtis Allen Overby, Roy Powell, Gene Wilson, Betty Brickhouse, Odell Cox, Doris Fagg, Margaret Loyd, Katherine Harmon, Hazel Lyles, Mary Ruby Lyles, Audrey Martin, Kitty Rose Neal, Eloise Parker, Kathleen Rooker, Elsie Thompson. 3 B?Herman Connor, Richard Hamm, Wallace Harmon, Irvin Harris, Romie Liles, William Neal, jonn lilies, uia Hunt w right, Annie May George, Caroline Alston, Minnie Hester, Evelyn Harris, Gracie Lou Hamm, Mildred Hamm, Lottie King, Fannie Mae King, Esther Nawton, Olive Collins Overby. 4 A?Mildred Adams, Edith Allen, Estelle Boyce, Essie Mae Frazier, Ruby Harris, Ruth Odom, Hattie Mae Robinson, Clyde Benson, Ben Carpenter, Henry Fleming, Crawford Frazier, David Pridgen, Loyd Rivers4 B?Alfred Hull, Furnie Rhem, : Harold Wilson, Nellie Sue Hull, j Doris King, Vivian Odom, Edith ' Riggan5 A?Charles Allen, Billy Bobbitt, Edwin Bugg, J. M. Gunter, Douglas Hardy, Bill Harris, Norman Kline, Walton Parker, Sarah Hilah Falkener, Kathryn Frazier, Mabel Grissom, Ida Martin, Mary A. Modlin, Jane Peete, Margaret Rhem, Margaret Rodwell, Bennie Mae Tharrington, Lucille Tharrington, Mary A- Tucker. 5 B?Hubert Adams, Jesse Overby, Harry Stegall, Ray Lyles, Mollie Bet Robertson, Opal Lee Whittemore 6 A?Nancy Powell, Lula McCraw Gay, Clifton Allgood, Bessie Powell, Mildred Wing, Mae Brickhouse, Ruby Hester, Lorraine Davis, Nancy Moseley, Macey Pridgen, Doris Harris, Nancy Loyd, Patsy Rodgers, Annie Elizabeth Overby, Claude Lovell. 6 B?Virgil Dillard, Eddie Hamm, Gordon Hull, Pope Powell, Melvin Shearin, Robert Stegall, Willa Ays- j cue, Viola Bolton, Grace Carroll, Bessie Faucette, Gladys Frazier,j Frances Gunter, Dolly Gray Harri-1 son, Alma Hull, Mildred Stevenson, [ Agnes Thompson, Clara Dell | Vaughan. 7?Bertha Ayscue, Helen Ayscue, Magneta Hamm, Ida Mae Harrison, Josephine Hudgins, Edith Lyles, Doris Norris, Ada Robertson, Eu lalia Riggan, Mavis Serls, Emma Daniel, Billy Bugg, Frank Galloway, Harry P. Hedgepeth, Odell Har- j mon, Julian Kline, Wayland Mod- j lin, Edmund Neal, C. N. Riggan, I Vann Parker, Charles Peete, Fitzhugh Read. 8?Nancy Peete, Mattie Warren j Blalock, Isabel Allen, Addie Gupm f a ifVIVj V v u i T. Ifl A vi i d i 7. V i WHY WE GUARANTEE $S2S2?%t PRODUCTS WITH CONFIDENCE Our guarantee of complete satisfaction on all Rcxall Products is based on certain knowledge that they will live up to every claim made for them. Be safe?buy RexcdL WHBrj 14' i d fr? m M Li 11 ].l J J crn k M M I 1/I-J Tnni BOYGEI WA] Warren toil, North Carotin* omen ||| Goes To Congress n. | - H vywH PORTLAND, Ore. . ... From this far western state goes another woman to. Congress, Mrs."NancyHood "Honeyman (hbove), who won a sweeping victory in the November election. She was a candidate on the Democratic ticket ton, Myrtle Lyles, Alice Mae Lyles, Grace Fleming, Nancy Harriss, Irma Limer, Evelyn Arrington, Helen James, Clarence Benson, Stephen Bowden Jr., Willis Gupton, Palmer King, James C. Moore, Russell > O'Brien, George O'Neal, Roger Ormsby, Tillery Porter, Niles Serls, Jack Smiley, J. T. Vaughan9?Lucille Adams, Mavis Gupton, Frances Hicks, Margaret Hicks, Katherine Pridgen, Rosa Robinson, Nina Shearin, Ellen Stewart, Nell Weaver, Robert Brickhouse, Frank Daniel, Carlton Modlin, Lucile Pinnell, Minnie Wilson, Alfred Bell. Jimmie Boyce, Mary Cary Harris, Lucy Odom, Ezel Porter, Jennie Odom, James King, Junior Conn, Milton Wilson. 10?Furman Clark, Harold Davis, Robert Macon Davis, Samuel Inscoe, Leslie Overby, Billy Peete, Herbert Rooker, Fanie Abbott, Elizabeth Boyce, Dorothy Burroughs,, Edna Fleming, Annie Fra=lr=J^r=Jr=Jig j) | y | mmmssmmmxm U | I Warren U I I I PHONE 213 jl I I I PROGRAM WEI jl | | | MATINEE 1 !}| | | Monday. Oil I ?rro1 Fiynn - oi It Charge o | Brig | Wedi | Roger Pryor "Sitting or | On 5 X Jack Ritchie's I Thu $ Gary Cooper - I I The General | Frank McHugh I "Three Men : I Sati | Rober | "Ranger V A -l-i 3 . ?nL. g g Aaaea: rnj 111 I WB0BKiaB?MaMBO?i r=ir=lf=it=lf=lt=lT=U=lP Each Pure- flflj test Brewers' III IIIJ A Yeast Tablet equals one yeast I A/tJ cake in Vitamin / B. Easier, more IwFffi pleasant to NM|I take. Equivalent of $3.00 worth of yeast cakes tor oniy _ ouc . 3 $2.40 savings. Don't miss these big savings. )RIGCC SRENTON, NORTH CAROLI PAGE I Fashion I Facts J I zier, Isabel Limer, Mildred Oneal, Doris Pinnell, Inda Rhem, Julia Rhera. 11?John Bruce Bell, M. L. Galloway, Ralph Williams, Estelle Benson, Margaret Capps, Mary Delia Davis. Laura Ellis. Finetta Gard ner, Lucy Hawkes, Doris King, Margaret King, Kelly Moseley, Nellie Neal, Ella Currin Pinnell, Prances Pridgen, Betsy Rodwell, Myrtice Strickland, Jean WilliamsAfton Items Mr. and Mrs- Carl Osley of Wendell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs- Richard Davis SundayMr and Mrs. Thomas Pinnell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Puller spent Sunday with Mr. and MrsEdd LimerMrs. B- L. Reavis and children spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- W. C. Burroughs. Mr- and Mrs. J. L. Pinnell of Newport News, Mr. and Mrs- Ray Frazier, Mr. and Mrs- Ira Weaver, Mrs. M. H- Pinnell and Mr. Joe Egertdn spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinnell Mrs. M. S- Dryden and children of Henderson were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Felts SundayMr. and Mrs. Claude Newman of Norlina spent Sunday with Miss Blanche Burroughs. Miss Nell Reavis spent Sunday with Miss Francis Reams. Miss Mildred Wynn of South Hill visited Miss Blanche Burroughs on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Daniel spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Macey Pridgen and children spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Pinnell. Vetch on peanut and tobacco land as a soil building practice is reported from all parts of Washington county. Jr==Jr=Jf=ir=j|=Jr=ir=ai=IF ! ! jl Theatre! S I WABEENTON, N. C. $ I! ? p SK NOV. 30, 1936 g i j| EVEBY DAT . ! ! ! |" Tuesday ; ! !j ivia De Havilland ; ; [I f the Light \ ::jj ade" I jj j iesday ? ; jl Grace Bradley 8 'ft i the Moon" ; D Stage ; ; ; jj i Mountaineers | ji rsday j | ji vladeleine Carroll | H Died at Dawn | jj iday if S i - Joan Blondell ! n On A Horse" j !j ,rday in t Allen Courage" H intom Rider" ; !j dpdpdpdpdFdBieB >MPANY NA