1 PAGE 8 THE TORCH ( A department conducted for ; . The Warren County 5 Memorial Library By MABEL DAVIS { The Librarian We Are Grateful We have delayed our report for the annual campaign for funds for the library this fall because we are constantly adding to the fund. The amount received up to this time is $417.34. The campaign may be regarded as the most successful since the depression, 1 think. We acknowledge with thanks the following contributions received this week: Dividend check (Bank of Warren) from the Kiwanis Club through H- R. Skillman, treasurer, 47c; $1.00 from Mrs. W. W. StSing, Wise; $500 from Miss Tempe Dameron, Centerville, Md. The trustees, and all others interested in.the success of the library, appreciate the cooperation of the men and women who took part in the campaign?all who contributed in any way. The number of contributors exceeds that of any previous campaign, which means, 1 think, that more and more people are coming to realize the. place of a public library, in the cultural and recreational life of the people. Our book shows the following result of the canvass in the schools and rural communities: Macon $15-70 Norlina school 7.80 Wise 9-75 Ridgeway 5.00 Afton 1100 Five Forks 8.60 Klberon 250 Warren Plains 5.00 Littleton 1.00 Churchill 2.25 Areola 115 Inez 2.00 Axtel 750 John Graham School 11.75 Total $9100 For the convenience of the committees collecting for the library the town was divided into twelve sections. The sponsors for those twelve sections reported as follows: Sec. 1 Miss Olivia Burwell-$ 65.00 Sec. 2. Mrs- J. E. Adams and Miss Dorothy Walters.. 24 00 Sec. 3. Mrs. Pope Powell.... 2-35 Sec. 4. Mrs. Hugh Holt.... 8-40 Sec. 5. Mrs. C- P- Allen 7-50 Sec. 6. Mrs. J. P Scoggin... 36-50 Sec. 7. Mrs S- O. Nunn 21.00 Sec. 8. Miss Ann Rodgers... 4-75 Sec- 9- Mrs. A. C. Blalock and Miss S. Burroughs.. 32.00 Sec. 10. Mrs. W. T. Polk and Mrs. Alpheus Jones 45.50 Qm> 11 "Mrc "Dnnlror onH Mrs. Sam Davis 29-75 Sec. 12. Mrs. C- E- Rodwell and Mrs. W. M. Gardner 49 59 $32634 Schools and County 91.00 $417.34 Volume Given in Memory of Mr. John Newbl! We are indebted to W- T. Polk for a copy of "Libraries of the South,*' given as a tribute to MrJohn Newell, who appreciated the work being done by the public libraries, Mr. Polk said. We are indebted, also, to William Prescott for a copy of The Voice of Bugle Ann. Drewrv Items Mr. T. M. Wilson of Falcon spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. WilsonMiss Nannie T. White of Greensboro was the euest of her aunt. Miss Nena White, during the holidays. Mrs. Henry White and sons snent Thanksgiving with Mrs. N D Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Walston and family ylsited relatives here Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Malcolm Stewart. Misses Ellen and Panthea Stewart and Miss Mary Cawthome of Warren Plains visited relatives here on Saturday afternoon. . Miss Alma Kimball of Henderson scent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kimball. Miss Madie Newsome snent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home in Harrellsville. Mrs. George V. Boyd. Misses Sadie and Alice Boyd and Mr J. W Beck of Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs- C. M. White Sunday afternoon. Misses Judith. Sarah. Panthea and Prances Bova were the guests of I Mr?, W W. White at a turkey supper on Saturday evening. Mr. White killed a 12-pound wild turkey while hunting during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fleming announce the birth of a son on Friday. November 27. xr~ "MVc. A. S T.vrm fl.nrl Hi tirxi aiiu w .... tie son. Arthur returned to Elizabeth Citv on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick SDain announce the birth of a daughter. Drewty P- T- A. Meets The Drewry P. T. A. met on Fri Warrentpn, North Carolina day evening In the auditorium of .he school. The* meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. C. M. White- Mrs. H. B. White conducted the devotional exercisesl'he roll call and minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. J. C. Watkins. I'he meeting was then turned over to the program committee- Miss Newsome's first and second grade children gave the following program: A recitation by Bettie Jean Reavis; "Thanksgiving in the Barnyard,'1 by pupils of the first and second grades; "Double Trouble," jy Wallace and Walter White. RevMr. Hale of the fJirSt Baptist Jiurch of Henderson spoke on Thoughts for the Thanksgiving season." Miss Etta Fleming's room, .he fifth and sixth grade room, re eeived the attendance prize. After a short business meeting the meetJig was adjourned. Wise Items Clanton Perkinson of Oak Ridge Military nstitute spent ThanksgivJ. C. Perkinson. ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Stokes and sons, Tom and Biliie, spent a iew days last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Perkinson. | H. Evans Coleman Jr., junior in Denistry in the Medical College of j Virginia, spent several days with j nis parents, Mr. and Mrs- H. Evans j Coleman, last week. Miss Rebecca Scoville. now a t teacher in Wilmington, recently 1 visited in the home of Mrs. Cole- ! > man. Miss Scoville was a teacher t in the Wise High School about six, | years ago. t Miss Marion Coleman, daughter C of Mr. and Mrs- H. Evans Coleman,! |j has accepted a position as a beauty operator in Holbrooks Beauty Par- j] lor in Martinsville, Va. She enter- j| ed Shuford's Beauty School in Richmond, Va., the 1st of Septem- j ber, completed her required course November 23. 4 We are sorry to report that Mr- j and Mrs J. C. Gill and children, ? J. C. and Patsy, are today moving to Henderson. Manly Edwards ol Princeton, a freshman in Denistry in the Medical College of Virginia, spent the week end with H. Evans Coleman Jr. ot Manson Items fo MANSON ITEMS a| Mr. and Mrs- C H. Kimball re- h< turned to their home in Buffalo, t>j N. Y., Monday after spending sev- b; eral days here. ft Mr. Earl Mathews of South Hill, gl Va., was a visitor here Sunday. y( Miss Claud Stainback of Cokes- fa bury community spent several days last week here with Mrs. W. E. w: Brack. | ni Mrs- E- L. Morgan of Fayettevllle aj visited friends here a short while cl Monday. w Mrs. W. A. Kimball spent last pi week in Henderson with Mrs. T- R- w; Champion. of Mr. A. T. Edwards of Raleigh was tr a visitor here Sunday afternoon. 0f Mr and Mrs. W. G. Kimball of at Enfield visited relatives here Sun- to day. wi Mrs W- B. Brack visited Mrs. J. pi H- Currie at Norlina Sunday after- df noon. ? Misses Edna Paschall of South jjj Hill, Va., and Ermer Paschall of | Norlina visited Mrs. A. B- Paschall I here Sunday afternoon. I Mr- and Mrs. O. L- Kimball of | Oxford spent Sunday here with his j peopleMr. Plummer Wilson of Raleigh | visited his mother, Mrs- W. W. Wil- f son, here one day recently. Mrs J. M. Bender and Mrs. W- f E. Brack spent Monday afternoon I in Henderson shopping. J Churchill Items Mr. and Mrs- Alton Gardner and j baby of Gibson spent Thanksgiving j with his mother, Mrs- Anna Gard- I ner. Mr. H. V. Scarborough returned j home Monday after spending sev- j eral days with relatives at Greens- ff Mr. Edward Nelson of Raleigh spent Friday night with his sister, Mrs. Jasper Shearin. Mrs. Leroy West and daughters, Anna and Virginia, of Angean, West Virginia, and Mrs. Maude Adcock of Roanoke, Va., spent Thanksgiving in the home of MrsMollie Adcock. Mrs Jesse Gardner and daughter, Anna Egerton, were visitors in Henderson last Friday. Miss Frances Scarborough of Slier City spent last week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W- W. Jones of Kennedy Memorial Home, Kinston, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rodwell. Miss Jones stayed on until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pope spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Kate Pope near Vauehan. Mr. H. L. Wall and daughter, ; Hazel, of Elams, Mr. and Mrs. AR Delbridge, Mr. Hugh Halthcock and family of Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Haithcock of Macon and Mr. C. M. Haithcock and family visited in the home of Mr. W. W.. i Haithcock last Sunday. g THE W Flying Cake Changes agsss 1, s ^- y 'liriTH only one more lap remainTT Ing in its 6,170-mile Journey by air from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Atlantic City, N. J., the "World's Most-Traveled Cake" leaves its transcontinental airliner at Newark Airport for transfer to the special plane that sped it on the last stage of its travels. ") The picture shows airman W. E. Black depositing the carton containing the cake in the hands of S. T. Weinrich at Newark. Baked in Honolulu, the flying masterpiece was rushed almost before its icing was dry to a Hawaii Clipper about to take oft across the Pacific for America. Split-second work at Oakland, Calif., transferred t to a regular transcontinental airliner bound for Newark, where the special plane picked it up for delivery in "Atlantic City in time for :he opening of the recent Baking Industry National Conference and Hxnnsition. It set out on a Wednes JJHDAYKH001 LESSON If CMmE-Dm Paul's Parting Counsels. Lesson for December 6th. 1 Timhy 6:6-16.? Golden Text: 2 Timothy 4:7. Timothy was asociated with Paul r a longer period than any of the jostle's other companions. That ; was held in the highest regard r his older colleague is evidenced r the opening greeting in Paul's rst letter to Timothy where the reat-hearted missionary calls his >unger ally "my own son in the .ith." i The son of a mixed marriage, ifw a .Tewish mother named Eu ce, and a Greek father, Timothy jpears in the Bible gallery as a lild of rival cultures. In Acts 16 e learn not only about Timothy's irents, but also of the esteem in hich he was held by his brethren, Paul's desire to have him as a aveling companion, and of the rite ' circumcision performed by the )ostle upon Timothy in deference Jewish feeling. The young man as ordained, and accompanied, lul, Silas and Luke in their wan-| :rings. The 11 UNI A Newspaper Wit! VOL. VIII Dec. 4, 1936 Ready For The EARLY SHOPPEF Our store is now showing a w selection of suitable and reasona priced Christmas Gifts for the ( lire iamiiyShop here and save money?a give the most pleasing gifts. PIPES CIGARS RAZORS CANDIES POWDERS PERFUMES NAIL SETS COMPACTS CIGARETTES BRUSH SETS TOILET SETS BILL FOLDERS PIPE TOBACCO DRESSER SETS SHAVING BRUSH FULL LINE CHRISTMAS CAR DIAL I i DIAL - fiBk ... . ZZS-1 JUWJ KZS-1 Fot .For Drug Or /ITW Wester | Fountain [? " . There are many references to Timothy both in the Acts and Paul's letters. He was with Paul in Rome during the apostle's imprisonment there, indeed three of Paul's letters, written from his bondage, Philippians, Colossions, and Philemon, were issued in their joint names. Paul's dependence upon his youthful disciple is illustrated in the touching chapter of our Golden Text where the aged, broken apostle appeals to Timothy to "come shortly" unto him. Note Timothy's splendid inheritance. He sprang from good stock, j Such gold as we find in him is not made of dirt. Consider also his fortunate nurture. "From a child," writes Paul, "thou has known the Holy Scriptures.'' (2 Tim. 3:15). And recollect, to Timothy's great credit, that he obeyed Paul's invitation to be his fellow-traveler. He went forth from his home, becoming as a son to his elder friend. Finally, it is pleasant to recognize ' the noble bearing of Paul in nis I ot.t.itnrfp toward Timnthv. Demonstrations for the control of I leaf spot and leaf scorch diseases I have been placed with strawberry | growers of the Rose Hill, Warsaw and Calypso communities as a reI suit of heavy damage by these diseases this year. "ergram"! XX bin A Newspaper No. 49 | We were sorry to hear fi from Howard Jones Jr. p _ that he lost a bird dog g iu this week from Black g Tongue. The Senior How- ? j^e ard was in the store the ? ^ y other day and said that he fj 5n" had been hunting a few ? days before and "we got g ,n five birds " We are beginning to dis- | play our Christmas wares jj aiiu a guuu uuxuucj. ux ii our friends and customers j have already begun to ! look over the large array f of suitable gifts. Come in early for your Christmas shopping. We shall miss Boyd Massenburg from our store. He's down in Fla. for the winter. Tom Burton is already boosting Duke's football ? team for next year and is ready to back his talk ,DS with the greenbacks. Prom what we have gathered from conversations in our store not many of n the boys had much luck , with their Thanksgiving , hunt. Too many folks in i 1 the woods, we suppose. a i g Company LIC FOR 60 YEARS?Dial 225-1 J FOR AND DELIVERED mtniiniiiinaimutmiuwiwumnun | Jk Afton Items Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Daniel and Mrs. J. H. Daniel spent Friday in Raleigh shopping. Mr. and Mrs. J- Alton Keely, Mr. Sion Keely, Mr. and Mrs. Toyle Keely of Broadway spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keely. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Finch of Danville visited Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mabry Sunday. Miss Aeline Bowden spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Severn. Mrs. Alex Johnson of Windsor, Vt-, is visiting her father, Mr. Joe Egerton. Miss Mildred Mabry of Raleigh spent Thanksgiving with her parents. Miss Movell Mabray of Severn visited Misses Florence and Ida Burroughs last weekMr. Fate Weaver was a visitor in Lexington last week. Mrs. Jim Limer and son, Jimmy, spent the week end with Mr- and Mrs. William Milby at West Point. Mr- and Mrs. T. P. Ridout of Henderson visited Mr- and Mrs. Vernon Mabry Sunday. Misses Ellna, Essie and Arnie Belle Roberts of Macon, MessrsAlton Gressom of Townsville, N- P. Moseley of Henderson, Mack Wynn of South Hill and Henry Fuller, Mrand Mrs. Ira Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. B- L. Reavis and children, MrsMacy Pridgen and daughter and son, Sam, were dinner guests of Mrand Mrs. W- C. Burroughs Thanks giving Day. Messrs. Harry and Dave Limer and Lewis Puller visited relatives In the mountains last week. Mrs- William Tharrington and son of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs- O. M. Limer Sunday. Miss Ida Daniel spent last week with a friend at West Point, Va. Miss Dorothy Stevenson of Weldon and Mr. Barham Fleetwood of Severn visited Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bowden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crowder and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Kieth of Florida, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Faucette of Henderson were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Limer on Thanksgiving. Miss Marie Pinnell of Castalia spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Fuller of Farmville spent Thanksgiving with relatives. Mr. Russell Connor of Durham spent Thanksgiving in the home of Mr. Garnet Shearin. I M< SUITS CL01 /VI Drastic Re H oTTrnr IOUll One group of men's suits and styles, broken sizes, ^ to go at $9.95 All of our $17.50 suits, g materials, plain and spoi they last at $13.95 Newest style suits for rr men, belted and plain back stripes, $2150 values?at t I $16.95 Our better suits that sold $24 50, newest patterns ant and the young fellows, ha ed to $18.95 You never thought it possi like these our very best si Schloss Brothers at 429.1 choice at $24.50 Men's tine Middishade suit ularly the year round for $; included in this sale at $29.50 Men's and B Odd Pants and Jackets In This Sale REDUCED PR Tkio To A C..k C Im aaJIO M.O n V/aOH TUCKER I \ 1 Morlk err*- FBIDAY, DECEMBER 4, i J ~ ?7 ~ ~ Russell's line, thence along jh-J Rideeway Items Russeii's une s. 88 e. 66 p i8 ' - * a stone In Mack Patlllo's iy ?t the Ridgeway people thence along Mack Patuio's TJ Some of the Ne]son Dayls, ^ s 7 R acq were in ?BdeH?nM attended the 5 L. to the beginning, contain Mrs. H- H- Grant at 9F ^ 54 acreSi reference hereby ffiaT of relatives here for Thanks- 0F partnership n guest of reiati .1 Notice is hereby given that th ? I partnership heretofore subsisting t TTr^kTir'FCl the town of Warrenton, N, c? UL I Ff.AL NU 1 I*-'1-"3 the firm name and style of ftv, L,tJ well Bros-, has been dissolved b ^n-rtrF OF SALE the death of e. T. Rodwell and tha a^Z deed of trust exe- the surviving partner, W. p . Empowered by o and ^fe is now the cuted by S- M Gar?u, , ? - --? owiel __ n?.ea xeoiua'/ thereof- 1 Alma B. "?oner ? m Trustee, This December 1,1936. I n 1928, to B J'jT^gtstry in LEILA D. RODWELL, I recorded in Warren wg de{ault DIXIE LEE moqre I Book 130, page !" by gecur- MARGARET R. IAMS, I 0{ the indebtedness uest, I Heirs at law of the late E. 4 ed and at bidder Rodwell- i?\ will sell public y ^ dQOr> War-, ^4 for cash at loutv ^ o,clock Noon | jsanutntussuttnnnnhnnms:::! jantiary 4. 193^ ^Shi^arrenI ?)r# RufuS S. JOnes! SSffStf Tavern I a A.B.. >LA, DB.8, 1 on the North ski ^ corner,! 9 Road, Nelson Da*# ^ 86 W. 611 General Practice of Denltir, 9 1 P. 20 L. to a stone, thence N. 80 g Citizens Bank ButMh, ! W. 1 P- 15 L. across branch to a g stone on West side of said Branch, g Phone 70 thence along said Branch on West H side, its various courses, N. 3 E. 32 2 Out of office every Tfcim,.. i P N 6 W 6 P. N. 12 W. 4 P., ? f&msday. n.' ME 8p,n 12 e. 28 p., n. 9 W. 28 P., N. 11 w. 14 p. 20 l-, "" n. 85 W. 10 P. 15 L., N. 69 W. 6 P., ' ' N. 21 W. 8 P., N. 65 w. 9 P. 5 L-, N. 18 W. 8 P. N-, 26 E. 5 P. 5 L? T n. 15 E. 7 P. to a stone in Henry \ / _ ? ? a ' V enetian eyes examined and glasses color | FimB Sold B, Every Monday morning from 9:00 . to 11:00. Office in Pipkin's Jewelry J- T. Harrington Store, Main Street, Warrenton. Main Office over Shell's Furniture a^ jstore' Roanoke Rapids- Hughes Furniture Co. r\n r r\ uiddoitd ;lh\. i^. L?.iirti\uuwi\ | Henderson, N. C. | OPTOMETRIST [ ore Than 500 AND TOPCOATS ROM OUR NEW FALL MING STOCK OW ON SALE eductions Feature Our Entire Lot 'S II TOPCOATS -afu^rS St t!Stf and m0st ?tylishA?t?uP' I coats that money can buy. All the season's newest shades and pat- H terns. ood styles and r? 1 . . . I t styles?while Keduced Like I his $35.00 Coats, Now $29.50 I ien and young en ? ^ <894.50 I s, In colors and uuau, nun his sale only |M $24.50 Coats, Now $19.50 for $22.50 and $19.50 Coats, Now $16.95 1 syles for men H ve been reduc- One Lot at ONLY $11.95 biefo * , YOUR GAIN I ble to get suits ^lers' ade by A fortunate purchase made some , now your weeks ago enables us to offer you these coats at such attractive H prices. H s that sell reg- ??????????? 35.00 have been I Boys and Students H SUITS I are also reduced i 4" Mom -Poll st/wir. latest styles and H ?y* shades, values to $19-50, special for t Lumber 8416at . n[ $7.95 $9.95 ^$14^ At DON'T BUY BEFORE YOU ICES attend this sale ale-No Goods Charged At Sale Prices I CLOTHING COMPANY I HENDERSON, N. C. ie / A