PAGE 4 The Warren Record I Published Every Friday by The Press Publishing Co. One Year For $1.50 HOWARD JONES, JR. Editor HOWARD F. JONES, SR. Contributing Editor That Justice May Ever Have A Champion; That Evil Shall Not Flourish Unchallenged. Entered at the Postoffice at Warrenton. North Carolina, under Act ef Congress of 1879. And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.? Luke 4:4. I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking: I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment.?Shakespeare THE ANNE LEE APARTMENTS Warrenton is to be congratulated on having a modern apartment building, ideally located. Messrs. J. P. Scoggin and Julius Banzet, esteemed citizens of Warrenton, have erected an Apartment building in the residential section of Main street, and have spared neither expense nor architectual skill in equipping it with the latest devices for the comfort of their guests, including refrigeration and electric stove. Each apartment has living room, bed room with Murphy bed, kitchen, dinette and bath. The basement has storage room n ovknwfrvinnf QTlH I or tjacil apai space for automobiles. The owners are to con- ; gratulated upon the happy selection of a name for the apartments?Anne Lee. The name is beloved in Warrenton (and everywhere). General Lee was an overnight guest in this town, when he ^ visited his daughter's tomb. 1 The dust of Anne Carter Lee mingles with the soil of War- 1 ien county, and a few months 1 ago Dr. George Boiling Lee, j grandson of General Lee, and I Mrs. Lee honored this town with their presence, and also < were over-night guests in Warrenton. So in selecting * i noma -For* fill's V?llilrlint.hp. %* 11M111V *VX | owners are doing themselves', and the town an honor in'i chosing "Anne Lee."?H. F. 1 J. Sr. j SHOULD CHECK ON c RABIES VACCINATIONS 1 ______ 1 Two years ago, after there had been a serious outbreak of mad dogs in Raleigh andj many other parts of the J state, the legislature passsed,3 a law requiring that all dogs L over six months old be vac- < cinated against rabies. Some counties, Warren for instance, enforce the Act j while other counties, we are 1 informed, ignore it. i{ Certainly as long as the i law is on the books it should ] ' r be enforced. The only ques-|( tion is whether or not it1should be left on the statute,' < which should be determined I by a survey to see if there has been in noticeable decrease or increase in the number of cases of hydrophobia in the counties which did and which did not enforce the law. In-as-much as there have been claims from not only in-j dividual dog owners but also, from sources regarded as authorative that the treatment is ineffective in preventing rabies, the result of such a; survey would prove interest-1 ing as well as a guide for the law-makers. In Warren county, for instance, there has apparently been a decrease in the number of mad dogs since the law Wamataa, Ifwth CM LIKE SPRING Evelyn Kaye ?? i GARDENIAS and accordion pleats i add a celestial touch of Spring < to the magic strains of Evelyn's , violin, featured 011 Phil Spitalny's "Hour of Charm" on Mondays at 4 p.m (E.S.T.) over NBC. ? 1 was passed. Whether the ( decrease 111 rabies has beenj cue to the treatment or 1 1, AWl A_ I v,'earner conuniuiis ui oumt-. tiling else that dogs are subjected to, is not known. But'i a comparison between this1: county and some county which did not enforce the Act:. 11 would throw some light on i ihe situation. j' Too many laws are put on j* the statute books because1, they are advocated by cer-'i lain groups who fail to go to ' the trouble to see that they I; are effective in the purpose', for which they ate passed. Mrs. R. Z. Egerton has returned after spending some time in Raleigh. 1 Mrs. William Bowen is spending 1 some time with Mrs- William Limer of Afton who is recovering from an illness of some time. Drewry Items Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brewer and Vliss Lizzie Brewer of Townsvilie /isited Mrs- L. G- Walston recently-' " -11 nf TJortcvillp k ivir. r unui iviui-'uiixc ui I 3. c., is spending this week with ler aunt, Miss Nena White. Miss Alice Boyd and Mr. J. W. 3eck of Henderson visited Mr. and drs. C. M- White Sunday evening. Mrs- Helen White and sons visit:d her mother, Mrs. N. D. Boyd, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dorest Nichols of lear South Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. tf. L- Williams recently. Mr. R- T. Walston returned home Sunday from Maria Parham Hosrital in Henderson where he has >een for treatment. Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Petty visited tfr. R. T. Walston Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Miller and little : laughter, Vivian Blanche, visited'ler parents, Mr. and Mrs- John1 iVilson, recently. Mrs. Hunter Moss and children of lear Chase City were recent guests )f her sister, Mrs. John Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Ranes visited Vfrs- Ranes relatives near Farmville ecently- ( Mr. and Mrs. C. M- Arrington and family visited friends here Saturiay. LXJLtBIlillLS DllUnilAI Lewis Hawks Jr. celebrated his fourth birthday on Monday afterloon by entertaining a number of lis young friends. After various james had been played, each guest vas served ice cream and cake and presented with an attractive favor. Those present were Verlie Reid. Grace Thompson, Peggy Vaughan, Bettie Dixon, Peggy Divine, Charles Gupton, Bobby Jean Egerton and Ricky Benton. 5 Xjf( r lFm' troubles thet NEVER COME TAKE A HEARrO'HAPPINESS L, JoUTA LIFE. * THE MO^GTON | j f} . '1 UNITED STAfeVNATOR J 4_-* *_ * _* _ * * ir The President's program with ref- ^ f srence to the Supreme Court of the c United States continues to over- ^ t iharinw nil other national issues. His t ippeal to the country in the form r Df one of his radio "fireside chats" f is being widely discussed. Hearings a an his proposal are drawing large crowds to the rooms of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Proponents and opponents of the measure are drawing their lines for bat- j de. In other words, another important chapter in American history, is being written, whatever that' chapter may finally recordIn this connection it is interesting j to read the oath of members of the j Supreme Court- It follows: "I do solemnly swear that I will j administer justice without respect ^ to persons, and do equal right to the ( poor and the rich; and that I will j faithfully discharge ah the duties } incumbent on me as Judge, accord- < ing to the best of my abilities and' understanding, agreeably to the 3 Constitution and laws of the Unit- ? 2d States." ( Whatever may be the viewpoint pf any individual with regard to the present Supreme Court issue, con-1 siderable stress must be laid on the last sentence of the above oath read- ' ing "agreeably to the Constitution and laws of the United States." J From this it would seem that the 1 laws of the United States?and the ' laws are the acts passed by the f Congress and signed by the Presi- i dent?have equal standing with the ' j Constitution. The President con-' tends that they have not been given l' such standing by the eminent Su- j preme Court Justices, and here is' the basis of the current and widely- , discussed issue. Let me quote what others have , said. The illustrious Abraham Lincoln, I declared in his first inaugural: "The candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made in ordinary litigations between parties in personal actions the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal'' The great Justice Holmes, who ever held aloft the light of justice for all said: "It must be remembered that legislators are the ultimate guardians of the liberities and welfare of the people in quite as great a degree as the courts." Again Justice Holmes said: 'The first requirement of a sound body of law is that it should correspond with the actual feelings and demands of the community. "The courts were intended to endure for all ages to come and consequently to be adpated to the vari- ! DOES BLADDER IRRITATION WAKE YOU UP? Make this 25c Test Flush the bladder as you would the bowels. Help nature get rd of impurities and excess acids which can, cause irritation that results in getting up nights, scanty flow, frequent desire, burning, backache or leg pains. Get buehu leaves, juniper oil and 6 other drugs made into little green tablets. Just say Bukets to any druggist. In 4 days if not pleased your 25c will be refunds. Hunter Drug Co. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS I will be at the following places on the dates given for the purpose of vaccinating all dogs over six months old against rabies according to law. INEZ?April 9-16-23. R. L. Powell's Store, April 30. ELAMS, N. C.?April 2s. There will be a charge of 50c at this time- For dogs not vaccinated at this time there will be a charge of 75c. B. G. Tharrington Rabies Inspector 1 s WARREN RECORD >us crises in human affairs." These quotations from great stulents of our government deserve ;tudy and thought as our people tand at the crossroads of national iffairs. These statements werenot nade in the heat of debate. They vere made by men who enjoyed rational confidence, and by men vhose deeds merit that their words je remembered. I cite them now >ecause they are timely. Is the President correct in his intention that the Supreme Court las not given due respects to the egislative will of the people? Are he opponents of his program corect in their contention that the Supreme Court has always been ight? Answers to these questions vill be found when the people on arm and in factory understand ilearly the issues involved and hunder out their views. They, and hey alone, must answer. Their 'ierhts must come first. And the ef ort to put these rights first precipiited the present momentous issue. Manson Items Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Paschall spent ast Sunday in Roanoke, Va., with elatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hamme visitid relatives in Oxford last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Champion of fenderson visited his parents here ast week. Mrs- E. G. Hecht of Norlina visted her mother, Mrs. J. K. Dill, lere one day last week. Misses Louise Duke and Miss Floyd of Middleburg were visitors lere Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T- R. Champion of Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs. J. [" Champion here Sunday. Mr. Maurice Kimball has returnid to his home here after spending iome time in Enfield with relativesMr. and Mrs. Holland of Hender;on visited friends here Sunday. Mr- Woodrow Singleton of Dunn ;pent the week end here with his rnrents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Single;on. Mrs. J. R. Champion of Middleburg spent Sunday here with relaitThO /X?W Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brack visited relatives in Cokesbury community Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. A. Kimball and Misses Elizabeth and Gussie Lewis Kimball /isited relatives near Louisburg on Sunday afternoon. Mr. W- T. Hicks of Bowers Hill, ifa-, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hamme visitjd relatives in Ridgeway Sunday. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Gordon Poindexter Jr., who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in a Rocky Mount hospital, returned to Warrenton yesterday and will be a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs- Alpheus Jones for a few days. Notice the date on your label and renew your subscription. HI Dr. Rufus S. Jones A.B., MJV, DJ).S. ; General Practice of Denlstry I X-RAY SERVICE | Citizens Bank Building j Dial 224-1 ? Out of office every Thursday DRESS i EAS I "In Cleai I Check Over \ And Call Us CASH & CARRY OR Harris & DRY CLEANING - Warren 1 Wm mwsmi John's Picture of the Trial and Crucifixion. Lesson for March 21st- John 19: 4-9. Golden Text: I John 3:16. Our lesson is to be taught on Palm Sunday. We recall that Jesus entered Jerusalem to be crucified. Now it is obvious that to many people the crucifixion is utterly unreal. For one thing, multitudes try to banish all experience or thought of pain completely from their lives. They live so far removed from the naked realities of life that the picture of an agonized Saviour spiked, in helpless torture, seems utterly alien to their experience. Then, too, there are many who cherish an easy optimism. The " * 11 J-,^3 sense 01 sin nas prewy wen xaucu from their hearts- God to them is an indulgent grandfather who is not censorious when His children have their fling. To all such the Cross seems quite unnecessary. But the attempt to push the crucifixion and its significance into a distant background is not very successful. Grievious trouble has a PRICES SLASHED ON USED CARS Come See These Good Clean Outstanding Values. 1933 DODGE SEDAN, excellent condition $225 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Motor thoroughly reconditioned $225 1934 PLYMOUTH COACH, an outstanding value in a good clean car $275 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN (6 wheels), new paint, and a good economical car $165 1932 CHEVROLET SEDAN, extra clean $200 1933 P O N TIA C 2-DOOR Touring Sedan $275 1930 BUICK SPORT COUPE, a real value' for $150 1930 BUICK SEDAN (6 wheels), good tires and paint new $175 1934 DELUXE PLYMOUTH Coupe, motor recently reconditioned and car looks like new $325 1930 FORD COACH, 2 new tires and has 1937 license.. $125 1932 NASH SEDAN (6 wheels and trunk). Lots of good service in this car $150 1936 CHEVROLET TOWN Sedan $495 1934 CHEVROLET TRUCK, good tires and in excellent mechanical condition $200 We also have a good many others just as attractively priced. It will pay you to see us before buying. We will guarantee to save you money. LEGG-PARHAM COMPANY 120 Wychest Phone 65 HENDERSON, N. C. I UP FOR I TER n Clothes" rour Wardrobe ?Phone 393-1 DELIVERY SERVICE Gardner - - - - LAUNDRY on, N. C. iiiiii,i..iiiiiij;liiinimTTinTi,ii,iinini;Mniiii,iiiinn|Tiii\i|iniMinii)ninS^ ^ ,, mir FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1937 1 I ? ==TZSdSTthe on Palm Sunday. We are imprj way of enif*g of men. I ed anew with the collectively in^.l well-protected ^ ity of man. At the same time *.l recall very vMwy fl ting pal- feel an unmistakable note of tri.l aster- A the Lnph. Here is a matchless M^l ace on her main ^ &t that ^ brave s0 resolute, that he . 1 largest ship m * Qf the sea. not shrink {r0m the awful ordeal of time, she was th p ^ ^ crucifixion. I But it did not take her wb ^ , | on that April Sunday B^ dQne its T j Griffln of Monroe, route j,1 ago, after the ice-DeB persons I union County says that thinnir, I damage! And over . , , . j _? ?- 1? perisnea wuu u?, pmes m 1115 iarm woodland ? ^ The truth is that we cannot shut fascinating job and he look 35 5 trouble out, try as hard as we may- the remaining trees as a "Man is born unto trouble, as the crop. utl^ sparks fly upward." This sober fact makes the Cross eternally signifi- ~ cant. golden glovT^ Litz, the great musician, once |gfTrarilUIT<.pSaunaift, I spoke of the "madness and the ex- POP ONLY Id ultation of the Cross." We feel this with the purchase of 2-10, pan,. = CONCENTRATED ALL X SUPER SUDS | NOTICE 1 =aaaajj TO DOG OWNERS f?r llc of Judkino and Fishing Creek PALMOLIVE Township 6 f0r 350 Bring your dog to the follow- OCTAGON SOAP (Giant) ing places on the dates given be- 5 for 24c low and have them vaccinated OCTAGON POWDER against rabies, as required by 3 for J4C law. OCTAGON TOILET Jenkins Store, Littleton, April 6 for 28c 1 it Harris- Store, Vaughan, April OCTAGON CLEANSER 2 from 8 to 12 o'clock. 3 for 14c Ryders Mill Pond, April 2, 1 to OCTAGON GRANULATED 6 o clock. Embro, April 3. 3 for 27c Marmaduke, April 5 Grove Hill, April 6. Save Octagon Coupons Areola, April 7. For Valuable Gifts F. T. Robertson BURROUGHS Rabies inspector GROCERY CO. ir^ir=lr=ii=if=if=Ji=li=l'=JF=|r=ir=Jr=ii=]i jj| Warren Theatre Jfl jjt Dial 318-1 Warrenton, N. C. | ;ijl| jj| ! PROGRAM WEEK OF MARCH 22 | | II jl | MATINEE EVERY DAY lj | jjl II x Monday-Tuesday jj ojjl n| Tyrone Power - Madeleine Carroll | oil j]| "Lloyds of London" 1 ill jl | Wednesday H ? [I {} | : Warner Baxter - June Lang d "White Hunter" | | r;| Thursday | 11;; Miriam Hopkins - Gertrude g jj;fl Lawrence 8 jl I j|!: "Men Are Not Gods" jj n| w $9 ! ' Edward Arnold - Francine jj $[I 1: Larrimore | ^.1 "John Mead's Woman"_ f J Saturday H jj-1 Charles Starrett jj ?lI 1 "Dodge City Trail" I M ADDED: Ace Drummond edrrdr==Jrs=ir=Jr=Ji=ii==JFg=Jr=Jft=Jr=dr==Jr=Jr=lr^| I Dress Up! FOR EASTER 1 To have that well dressed look you must have an II outfit of quality. We now have a complete stock II of high quality merchandise to meet all of your jI needs for Easter. I A large assortment of Men's Suits, jl I Hats, Sweaters, Oxfords and Ties. jl J Just received latest stjTes in Ladies' h I Oxfords, Pumps and Straps, in )l I Brown, Black, Blue, White and Two jl Come in and let us outfit you for this occasion, jl You will be pleased with both the quality and m the price. The CASH Co. I Sell For Cash?Sell For Less

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