f~~ PAGE 2 {Littleton N MISS EMILY PII Mrs. W. W- Simms and Miss Sadie Vinson of Wilson were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Horace Palmer Friday night. They attended the Carolina-Duke game at Chapel Hill on Saturday. Mrs. James Je?kins, Mr. Thayer Jenkins and Miss Miriam Jenkins of Enfield visited Mr. and Mrs. niirifrm TMcrprf-.nn Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Smith of Goldsboro were week end guests of Mr- and Mrs. J. R. Wollett. Mrs. George Ragland was in Chapel Hill Sunday. Mrs. Charles Moseley and little daughter, Virginia, of LaCrosse, Va., visited Mr and Mrs. W. T. Person a few days last week. Mesdames A. J. Watkins and B. H. Hicks of Henderson were in town Friday. Miss Sue Sewell of the Littleton high school faculty was called to Winsor Friday on account of the death of her father, Mr L. P. Sewell. Mrs. Robt. P. Thorne has returned after visiting her mother, Mrs. H. M. Darden in Smithfield, Va Mrs. C. B. Smith and little daughter, Carolyn, of Norfolk recently visited Mrs. H. C- Smith. Mrs. J. S. Vaughan of Woodland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J- R Mrs. K. B. Kennedy of Durham is spending a few days with Mrs. A M. Johnston. The following attended the funeral of Mr. S. P. Sewell in Winsor Sunday: Mesdames J. N. Johnston, M. W. Ransom, M- Nelson, N. W. Warren, E. L. Crawley, Joe Craw ley, Mr. and Mrs. George Crawley, Miss Mary Bynum Dark, and Mr. Lee Riggan The Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Jenkins and Mrs. Jos. P. Pippen attended a j meeting of the Oxford Movement In Warrenton on Tuesday eveningMr. and Mrs. E. P. Fitts and little son, William, spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Person, Those from here attending the Carolina-Duke game Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. Horace Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Thome, Misses Claire i Benthal, Melba O'Brian, Mary J Lindsay, Mary Jane Johnston, Mary ' Shields Justis, Messrs. Geo. Threewltts, Jack Nelson and Leon Acree. i Mr. and Mrs- M. K. Moseley and Mrs. Clyde Jones of Lacrosse, Va? were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. i Person Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Smith of Raleigh j spent the week end here. j Mrs. W. J. Shelton is spending i some time in the home of Mr. and i Mrs. S. D- King. i Mrs. Rodwell Crawley and baby : of Lumberton are visiting Mrs.: > Rodwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Riggan. Miss Prances Newsom of Roanoke Rapids spent the week end with! her mother, Mrs. A. M. Newsom. I FARM Fl 111 acres, J. D. Odom f Areola, on public road. I balance in timber, liwf out buildings. Tobacco a This farm to be sold by small down payment, lor interest. Look this far: the Productive Credit As ton, N. C., each Tuesday write E. T. Credle, Hei Palmer, Fayetteville, N. fE I B WttTeaiMb N?rth Ovoitna ews Events ! 'PEN, Editor I i Mr. and Mrs. J. R Rochelle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harvey. Misses Pattie and Dora Thome of Airlie visited relatives in town on Tuesday. ' Miss Kathleen Holloman spent the week end with her parents in 1 Wilson. Tv^i-e .Tpcsp TUdwarri Aiken I 1VU. RliU uuu, vvwv ? ? of Washington, D. C., spent the , week end in the home of Mrs. T- ' J. Miles. Mr. H. C. Smith of Norfolk spent Sunday with his family here. , Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Spell of Raleigh spent Sunday with Mrs. H. . Reid Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perry and : Mrs Jack Nelson visited Mr. and , Mrs. W. W. Shaw of Rocky Mount , on Sunday. , Miss Lucille Topping is spending , a few days with her brother, Mr. C. | J. Topping, in West Point, Va. Mrs. C. L. Lancaster and Miss < Mary Gardner Dinkins of Vance- 1 boro spent the week end with Mrs. ' Lancaster's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth I Topping. i i BRIDGE PARTY 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Crawley en- ] tertained their bridge club on Fri- I day evening. Autumn flowers and { leaves were attractively arranged i throughout the home. A double t deck of cards was awarded Mrs. Chas Lambeth for ladies high score 5 and for the men's Mr. P. A. Johns- i ton received handkerchiefs. The 1 tallies and refreshments were sug- s gestive of the Hallowe'en season. 1 The following members enjoyed Mr. : and Mrs. Crawley's hospitality: Mrand Mrs. C. H. Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs. C. C- Abernathy, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. G. E Crawley. Guests were Misses Ertie Boyd Warren and Virginia Gee of Jackson and Mr. Percy Harris HALLOWE'EN PARTY An event which was unanimously described by those present as "the best party of the year" occurred Monday night, October 31, when the members of the Enterprise B. Y. P. U. were entertained at a Hallowe'en party at the home Df Miss Elsie Newsom, president of the organization. The house was appropriately decorated with various witches, pumpkins and red lights. The guests were in costume and witches, ghosts and spooks of every kind ruled supreme. The entertainment included various Hallowe'en games, fortunes and stunts. Apples, punch and cakes were served in the dining room. Hie guests numbered about forty members and their friends and included Rev- and Mrs. G. A. Hendricks. LITTLETON WINS Amidst a downpour of rain and on a very muddy field, Littleton High met iand defeated Weidon OR SALE arm, 1 mile south of 37 acres cleared and illing, tenant house and nd cotton allotments, the Federal Land Bank, ig terms and 5 per cent m over and meet us at sociation Office, Warrenmorning at 10 A. M? or iderson, N C. or T. V. C. MB Mt IfMi - The FRID OYD-B i > THE High here Friday afternoon 6 to 0. As the whistle blew ending the first naif, Littleton had the ball on Weldon's 2 yard line, first down and goal to goParties Are Given For Bride-Elect The palatial home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wollett was a scene of extreme loveliness Saturday afternoon when Mrs. Wollett and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Smith, entertained at bridge, honoring Miss Katharine Moore Leach, brideelect. Nine tables were arranged for contract and, at the conclusion df the progressions, Miss Leach was presented exquisite lingerie- Mrs. H. A. House made top score and was awarded bath powder. Mrs. C. E. Foster held second high score and received a pottery bowl. Mrs A. w. Parker, for the consolation, received ash trays. A delectable salad course and coffee were served. The unique favors were two :andied wedding rings tied with white tulle, in the folds of which ;inkled a minature wedding bell. The green and white motif was ;arried out in the refreshments and favors. Later the guests were incited into the dining room, where ;he table, with its lace cloth and white taDers burning in silver can ielabra, was centered with a five ;iered "cake," "iced" with white paper which proved a veritable measure trove, yielding lovely lin;erie for the bride to be- Exquisite arrangements of flowers prevailed hroughout the home. Mrs. Wollett's and Miss Smith's ;uests, including those who came in or refreshments, were: Mesdames D. A. Rose, A. J- May, S. T. Patterion, C. A. Jones, L. E. Williams, R3. Ward, P. A. Johnston, C- E. FosGOOD r for those who want to e of ELECTRIC COOKI expense - - - Cook a who in an ELECTR 8 C Yes, an entire meal can be cc and at small cost in this rema mum nuusunuiu xiuip wjiiuij p . . see an Electric Cooker : Dealer's or our sales room. Carolina Power & Lij Electricity Is CHEAP?' ie~ New F AY, P lOYCE : WARREN RECORD ter, C. R. Jenkins, H. A. House, Jack Nelson, Alice Partin, Cleve Stallings, John P- Leach, W. W. Johnston, L. H. Johnston, Jos. P. Pippen, J. N. p Johnston, J. S. Vaughan of Wood-1 0 land, M. Nelson, A. W. Parker, E. ' L. Crawley, M. P. Cassada, W. R. s Harvey, J. N. Mosley, J- B. Boyce,1 f M. W. Ransom, J. R. Taylor, A. M , 1 Johnston, W. F. Williams, J- M. Stokes, A. M. Newsom, G. A. Hendricks, Misses Katherine Leach, Kara Reld Cole, Mary Faucette Ricks, Frances Newsom, Nancy ^ Welborn, Mary Bynum Dark, Es- 1 telle Isles, Edna Hunt, Annie Alex- E 1 ander, Lucy Leach and Rebecca E Leach. I Tuesday afternoon Mesdames k Horace Palmer, J. H. Newsom and i1 H. P. Robinson entertained at , bridge honoring Miss Katharine,s Moore Leach, bride-elect. Six I tables were arranged for contract. ^ and at the conclusion of the pro-.1 gressions, Miss Louise White held (top score and was awarded a box 1 | of note paper. The hortoree was presented exquisite embroidered pillow cases. Flowers were charming, ly arranged in the living rooms and I ,i_, . , , _1?U tuning room, a saiaa course wiui: coffee was served. ? s s Other affairs for Miss Leach in- a elude a tea given Thursday after- J noon by Mrs. A. J. Watkins in Hen-1 derson, honoring Miss Leach and s Mrs. B. H. Hicks, a recent bride. | e Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Pippen and I Miss Lucy Leach are entertaining d the bridal party and out of town \ guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Pippen immediately after the re- " hearsal Friday evening. R Mrs. T. J. Miles is having a reception after the ceremony, which t n j is to be held Saturday afternoon at ii 14:30 in Saint Alban's Episcopal | Church. ur SIEWS njoy the benefits NG at low ^sStCJ ^meal And ord Lin< jrwirii IV/ V LjI MOTC Warn Littleton, Route 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Etheridge of laleigh were visitors In the home if Mr. E. B. Williams last week. Miss Christine Boone of Henderon spent the week end with her larents, Mr- and Mrs. M. R. Boone. Mesdames J. W. and James E. finch and children of Henderson isited relatives here Tuesday. We are glad to report that Mr. Voodrow Shearin has returned lome from Roanoke Rapids hoslital and is improving after an aplendicitis operation. Mrs- R. H. Pike and son, Walter, Irs. Wallie Hardie, Mr. T. S. Waller and daughter, Vivian, were in loanoke Rapids Monday. Messrs. J- V. and Grover Shearin pent Wednesday in Warrenton. Mesdames Bobbie Clopton and Vallie Hardie were visitors in Warenton Wednesday. Mrs. E. W. Shearin of Warren lains and Mrs. J. V. Shearin visted in Roanoke Rapids Tuesday. Elberon Items Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Aycock and on, Kinneth, and Mrs W. A. Ben UI1 VioivCU IClttllVUO ill nd Hopewell, Va., Sunday and fonday. Miss Delia Peoples of Middleburg pent the week end with her parnts, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peoples. Mr. and Mrs. J- A. Shepherd were inner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Villiams at Warren Plains Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Fleming and son, Billy" spent Sunday night with Irs. Delia F. Aycock. Miss Mildred O'Neal was a dinier guest of Miss Frances Williams i Warren Plains Sunday. Miss Dorothy O'Brien spent Satday night with Miss Rosebud Ay! i i For 1 S/IBEK >R COI mUa. Nerth CmnUmm Pf cock. A large number of ladles and men attended "Star In My Kitchen" on Monday and Tuesday and enjoyed It very muchMr. and Mrs. Luther Capps and children of Townsville spent the week end with Mr- and Mrs. W. B. Mustlan. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Aycock and Mr. R. M- James attended the Jr. O. U. A. M. district meeting at - . 1 LOWER We have good values in t $1.35 to $2.95 each. G box. Flour $4.25 to $5.S seed Meal, Cottonseed H N. & W. Overalls, Hane Brand Shoes, Sweaters, at lower prices. We are glad to serve yc call. \ /"k ^ 4 iviiiuun VJI J. H. GILLILAND, Mgr. \ T Ui\ EN< He's paid that celled check receipts his ov pays them. . matically rec< tures, and lets his bookkeepin the triple conv vises? Opening A Acci Citizen Warrant IT IS SAFER TO Member Federal Deposit Guaranteeing Deposits u positor. M = IA 1 939* 4th MPAN tIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 19% i Louisburg Monday night, j Mrs. R. M. James spent Saturjj. night in Warrenton with her moth, er, Mrs. Mary Mustian. We are glad to learn Miss Hattie Aycock is able to return to school alter being confined to her bed with leg infectionA substitute for morphine, which may be less likely to cause addfc. tion, is being tested. "pmces"! he following Tin Heaters, jit un Shells 70c to 95c per 55 per bbl. Hay. Cotton. I! ulls, Hog and Cow Feeds. ! a Underwear, Diamond Many other items?All * iu. Will appreciate your I -ocery Co. malujn, N. C. |P| CE3UGH 1 bill. His canv proves it. He vn bills as he Adso he auto- I li Drds expendi; the bank do g. Because of onio-noo no arl ix^ cava 1 l Checking ount v '{ ie S U'dlliV f I on, N. C. I PAY BY CHECK j|j I ') I Insurance Corporation? I p to $5,000 for each de- I J mi Y