iday, november 4, 1938 HOME ; [ By MARY E. DAGUE - > ( K^^have always believed that Ease plants must be kept In clay | - in order for them to be healthy t Kimay be assured that one more ' K,ry of l ug standing has been Kbunked " The very porousness tie pot that was considered Its Bjcial virtue is now condemned as I,. seems that this porous quality Us iv.ause it absorbs moisture I. the plant is watered, thereby Vji,ng water from the roots, leavK them dry and weakened. There's K value in the theory that air is Lotted through the porous sides, V Rjer. Aeration comes only through fi Ktopsoil; we must take care of K bv stirring the soil about once A B< jeep an old four-tined kitchen B.s for this purpose. So the moK cf this i?don't hesitate to inK; in the attractive glazed pottery Bd glass flower pots. & sure there is an opening at Be bottom for drainage and keep Bjr plants on a tray filled with Bail pebbles if you like them in a v_ Bjdow This induces a moist at- Pc Sphere because of the water j Bhich seeps through the drainage 2 B.e and collects at the bottom of ? Many Kins of Vines I II Perhaps vines appeal to you more fo lan house-plants and answer your t |ra particular need. Of course 1 Lere are ever so many different kneties that do well In the house. ^ telish ivy. Frency ivy and St. [ fc ivy properly called Philoden- j ;en is very satisfactory. c Philodrendon grows in the shade ? ad is the easiest of all to raise. WI I you have a group of three win- ' us in your living room that have * en a problem for you try putting g po: of Philodendron on the casing both sides of the center window- 1X3 loose wall brackets in keeping J nth the woodwork of the room. Xo matter how little sun your c may have they will do well c 3d grow many inches every month. l :'s a good idea to leave the vines a : their original clay pots and put 1 tern. pot and all, into the pot of * e wall bracket. Be sure the deco- po live pot is large enough to allow t packing of peatmoss or spaghum e ween it and the other pot. This c tates the healthy, moist condition ^ paired by all plants except those i the cactus family. FQ n Norlina Items 028 Mr. and Mrs. Macon Moore, Jr., FC : Littleton were visitors in town lit week end. Miss Francis Fleming of Washagton, D. C? is visiting her parnts here this week. 02j Mr. and Mrs- W. E. Hundley, Mr. Bd Mrs. W. R. Newman visited Til Mrs. A. J. Hundley at the Park h "iew Hospital in Rocky Mount on tunday FO Mrs. W. R, Shearon and daugh- v s of Wake Forest spent last week n wn Mrs. J. Roy Overby. ? Mr. J. H. Cowles spent last week ad at Greensboro. Messrs. Harry Walker, Claude CA toman and Duward Overby at- F tended the Carolina-Duke game last P Saturday. e Mrs. H. E. Weldon spent Friday ? 11 Raleigh. FO Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Duke of F Raleigh were visitors here during ^ the week end. FO Mrs, Jim Hundley is spending n Its week with relatives in Char- "V lotte. ? ., FO Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodges at- n 'ended the game at Chapel Hill on g Saturday. V Miss Dorothy McGhee of Raleigh F tent last week end here with .ott tends. * g FEAR AROUND GRAZING S The year around grazing idea in ~ 3fth Carolina has nrpaH t.n noill- I '7. Miss Leah Prank of Richlands, ^ D. Onslow County, cleared PA J11' from a flock of 180 white leg- 1 5^ 'ast year following the plan, fall she Is dividing an acre three grazing plots and rotates the birds on a grazing mixture 3 Italian rye grass, crimson clover ^ Permanent pasture- CIT RATE PRODUCTS A gigantic program is taking 3oaPe in the U. S. Department of Agriculture which would "dump" f"rP'us farm products into the ?*nds of poor Americans at cut ces Commodities which might e affected are cotton, fruits, vege, dairy products, and meats. first hog shipment In the first shipment of fat hogs ,.0m st- Pauls, Robeson County, ' ree cars containing 193 animals, eghing 38,168 pounds, were sold ? *3'109 Top price was $8.35 a "fndrtd weight. I Warrenton, Noi Warren Record Classified Rates a) One cent a word each lame (This Type) b) 1 V2 Cent* a Wort (This Type) [c) Three Cents a Word (This Type) All Abbreviations counted words Twenty-five cents Minimal Chary* Display Want Ads, 35c an Inch To Insure proper classification font Ads should be In this ofce by noon Wednesday. 11 Ads styned "Care Record" Rtrickl* Confidential No Classified Ads Charged Exoept to Regular Display Advertiser! No Ada Received Over Telephone |R SALE?COLONIAL HOME OI ate W. J. Boyd near Warrentor 100 acres with tobacco and cottoi iliotments and tobacco barns :-room tenant house. $7,000. Ap )ly K, Warren Record. n4-7tpi iR RENT ? 2 OR 3 ROOA Apartment with bath. Mrs. J E Villiams. n4-2t DIOS REPAIRED ? ECONOMY irices. All work guaranteed. Elec rical appliances repaired. Tubes tadios, Batteries. Economy Aut Supply, Phone 415-1. n4~2t EL PAY STRAIGHT SALAR1 35.00 per week, man or womai nth auto, sell Egg Producer ti 'armers. Eureka Mfg. Co., Eas St. Louis, 111. ltp< R SALE FOR CASH?ONE FIN1 oung work mule, one large hand ower stump puller, one pure ired Jersey heifer calf. For ex hange of wheat, corn, pigs hickens or money?1 incubator crosscut saw, 1 one-horse wagoi ,nd harness, 1 buggy and har less. Mrs. Mattie L- Tucker toute 1, Warrenton, N. C. n2-2ti R SALE?ONE SUPERFLEX Oil mrning heater. Almost new. Ii xcellent condition. Will sell fo ash at a bargain. Mrs. O. F ilbert, Warren Plains, N. C. -2tpd R SALE ? '33 MODEL PLY> louth Sedan. M. R. Boone, Lit ieton, im. u., ?toute i, x>oa &ot. -3tc )R SALE?ALL OR PAR] of my farm at Manson 3200 tobacco poundage Write A. T. Edwards, 52-? W. Morgan, Raleigh, N. C 3-2tpd&ltpd yIBER FOR SALE?MRS. ELL^ lustian, Warrenton, R. F. D-2tpd R SALE ? 100-ACRE FAR1V rith a four-room house, fivi riles south of Warrenton. Prici easonable. Apply to Mrs. Edwh 'aucette, Rt. 1, Henderson, N. C -3tp BBAGE PLANTS FOR SALEVe have big supply of health; ilants ready for you. Get your, nrlv. Creech's Market & Gro ery. ol4-tf< R SALE OR RENT?CASI tegister. Apply Warren Recor( R SALE ? ENCLCLOPEDIA iever been unpacked. Appl; Varren Record Office. R SALE?THREE USED AUTO lobile Tires, size 600x16- StJl ood for many miles of travel fill sell cheap. Apply Warrei tecord Office. IE DESTROYS ? INSURANC1 irotects that which fire destroys tee S. M. Gardner about your In uranoe problems. t R SALE?OLD PAPER 10c PEI findls. Warren Record Office. RMERS?FOR THE BEST ME A] n Warren County t.aae your CUli THE HOI 'dad, rv? talked'til m hoars i trying to persuade junior NOT to wear that ridiculou' vbadge that he found...see -ta^ywhat you cae th Carolina " to Jones' Mill, Warrenton. tf BROOM RAKES AND LAWN Combs?Flexible Steel Teeth. Ideal for raking up the leaves from lawns and yards. Priced from 49c up. W. A. Miles Hardware Company. SHEET IRON HEATERS ? ALL styles, at lowest prices- Mats, Pipe, Collars, etc. W. A. Miles Hardware Company. NESCO DELUXE OIL HEATERS? Takes the chill out of the Bath rooms and other cool places where you need additional heat. Three sizes. Popular priced. W. A: Miles Hardware Company. SPECIAL?$1.00 ALLOWANCE ON your old lamp?any style?on the New Coleman Kerosene Mantle nru-ir. ? t/v" Aiiio lamp gives xuu per cent more light than any mantle lamp on the market; costs less to operate. We will be glad to give you demonstration. W. A. Miles Hardware Company. SINGLE BARREL IVER JOHNson Shot Gun?automatic ejectors. All gauges. Very special at $6.95. Gun Shells 75c box. Pull complete line hunting clothing, hunting knives, etc. W- A. Miles Hardware Company. TRAPPERS ? WE HAVE LARGE stock Blake & Lamb Game Traps. All sizes from No. 1 to No. 3, we are offering at special low prices. W. A. Miles Hardware CompanyCOME TO SEE US FOR YOUR Hardware Needs?We have Large Pnmnlofo CtAolrc Oi ir nrione WHipiV/VU UKUbOU v/ui ai^ p as low or lower than you will , find on Standard Brands. We n appreciate your business and are s anxious to serve you. W. A. Miles J Hardwe Company. "It Its Hard-j ware?We Have It " j WATCHES & CLOCKS?POCKET ( Watches, 97c up. Wrist Watches, c $2.49 up. Alarm Cloks, 97c up. W. A. Miles Hardware Company. : LEGAL NOTICES 0 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of T. W. King, de_ ceased, late of Warren County, . North Carolina, this is to notify all J persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit 3 them to the undersigned at his res. idence near Inez, N. C., on or be. fore the 28th day of October, 1939, . or this notice will be pleaded in bar ; of their recovery. All persons in!' debted to said estate will please { make immediate payment. ] This 27th day of October, 1938. . I W. F. KING, Administrator 2 of T. W. King, deceased. o28-6t ^ EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE , Having qualified as Executrix of r the estate of S. L. Overby, late of , Warren County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to . me, properly verified, within one . year from this day, or this notice . will be pleaded. This October 7, 1938OLIVE OVERBY, Executrix of S. L. Overby. r Banzet & Banzet, Attorneys. ol4-6tc-mrs.s.l.oTRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND t Empowered by deed of trust executed to me by T. J. Terrell and wife, dated Dec. 22, 1937, and registered in Warren County Registry in ^ Book 140, p. 265, after default and at bondholder's request, I will sell at public auction to the highest bid, der for cash, in front of the Court I house door of Warren County at ; noon on the 22nd day of Novem; ber, 1938, in accordance with the i provisions of said instrument, the !. following described lot of land in Town of Warrenton, Warren County, N. C.: Beginning at a Stake on the West side of Front Street in a bottom and running along said street South 17 deg- West 146.5 Feet, thence North 73 deg. West 271.9 Feet, thence North 17 deg. East 184.8 Feet to a gulley or ditch, thence S. 65 deg. 15 min. East 275 6 Feet to the beginning. This 20th day of October, 1938. WILLIAM T. POLK, o21-4tc Trustee. NOTICE Pursuant to an order of the n it-f HataH tha 2nd day of No " vember, 1938, in that cause entitled I "Frank Spain, Administrator of the Estate of the Late Mrs. Emma R. 2 Watkins versus J- C. Watkins, et i. al," wherein the undersigned was . appointed Commissioner and directf ed to sell the property hereinafter described at public sale for the purt pose of creating assets to pay the debts of the Late Mrs. Emma R. ; Watkins, the undersigned Commisj sioner will offer for sale and sell,| i subject to confirmation by the JSE OF HA ^ ^ ? I /\y*i/urwjj vUAAAC el/step into i hfc r i isnvsiij ((next room^on/ way, they rese ' 61 Rlls trinket THE WARREN RECC " _ ??? Court, to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door In Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock midday on Saturday, December 3, 1938, the following described real estate: A certain tract of land containing approximately 270 acres, bounded by the lands of Hope Bullock, Meredith Bullock, Wilson Estate, et al. and being located in Nutbush Township, Warren County, North Carolina, which land was inherited by the Late Mrs. Emma R. Watkins from her husband, the Late Alfred Watkins. This 2nd day of November, 1938. J. P. ZOLLICOFFER, n4-4tc Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Authorized and directed by judgment of the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, in the action entitled "Town of Warren vs. Candie A. Reavis and husband, H. H. Reavis," I will sell publicly to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, November 14, 1938, the following land in the Town of Warrenton: Bounded on the North by the public road leading from Warrenton to Louisburg; on the South by the lands of the Misses Hawkins, knows as the Female College land; on the East by the lands of H. J. White and on the West by the lands of Thomas M. Hawkins, being composed of two parcels. This is the residence lot of the said Can dis A. Reavls, and is the same land conveyed to her by H- H. Reavis by deed dated Oct. 11, 1924, and recorded In Book 117, p. 357 In the Register of Deeds office for said Warren County. This the 13th day of October, 1938. FRANK H. GIBBS, ol4-4tc Commissioner. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE By virtue of the authority conferred oi> me as Executor of the Estate of Robert Harris of Warren County, N. C, I will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Home Place, Embro, Macon, N. C., Route 2, on Saturday, 19th day of November, 10:30 a. m., the following personal property, to wit: 4 mules, 1 double wagon, 1 automobile, and general run of farm utensils, and household furniture. This October 28, 1938. WILLIE P. HARRIS, o2812tpd Executor. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Authorized and directed by judg ment ot the superior court 01 warren County, North Carolina, in the action entitled "Town of Warrenton vs. Otis M. Green et als," I will sell publicly to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, November 14, 1938, the following lands in the Town of Warrenton: Lots Nos. 1 and 2 in the division of the L. L. Brown lands as shown on plat of said property recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County in Plat Book No. 2, page 23. Also a lot situated on Bragg St. in said Town, described as follows: Bounded on the South by the lands of Tarwater Bros., W. J. Norwood and Katherine Edwards: on the East by the lot of A. D. Harris; on the North by the lot of the late W. S. Wainwright and on the East by Bragg St., it being the lot which was allotted to the children of R. H. Ford in the partition of the lands of John R. Johnson, deceased, (and being the same land which was conveyed to the said Otis M. Green by John D. Newell and wife by deed recorded in Book 126, page 561, in the Register of Deeds office of Warren County). This 13th day of October, 1938. FRANK H. GIBBS, ol4-4tc Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND In accordance with authority conferred upon me by deed of trust executed by James N. Vanlandingham and wife, dated Dec. 29th, 1936, and registered in the office of the Regriaarlc nf WftTTPn COllIltV I UlbCl U1 1/bbUu v* ? . , in Book 140, p. 152, after default ( and at bondholder's request, I Willi sell at public auction to the high-! est bidder for cash, in front of the court house door of Warren County, at noon on the 14th day of November, 1938, the following described two tracts of land in Warrentoo Township, Warren County, North Carolina: Tract No. 1. Beginning at a Stone,: Soloman Bullock's S, W. corner on the road leading to Taylor's mill, thence Eastwardly 210 yards to a marked gum tree on line of land formerly belonging to Mrs. Lizzie Henderson, thence Southerly along said line 131 yards to a planted stone, thence Westerly 240 yards to a stone on the Eastern edge of road leading to Taylor's mill, thence Northerly along said road to the beginning, containing 6 acres, more or' ZARDS N ARE FUNNV THAT \ NT VfEME-N WEARIN6y) fy/jDs] s LIKE THAT THING / f ?d ; lessTract No. 2. Beginning at a stone on Taylor's mill road, corner for Vanlandingham, thence Easterly to a chopped gum,, thence Northerly along Emmett Jefferson line . to a stone, thence Westerly to a stone, thence along Field's line Southerly to a stone, thence to a Stone on the road, thence Southerly along the mill road to the beginning, containing 5 1-4 acres, more or less. This 13th day of October, 1938. 014-4tC FRANK H. GIBBS, Trustee. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Authorized and directed by judgment of the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, in the action entitled "Town of Warrenton vs. Gretchen T. Thornton and husband, Jamie Thornton," I will sell publicly to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, November 14, 1938, the following land In the Town of Warrenton: Beginning at Aaron Hendrick's Southwest corner on the North side of Franklin Street, and running along said Street Westwardly a distance of 70 feet to a stone, thence Northwardly to a stone in the Foundry Branch, thence Eastwardly along said Branch about 70 feet to a stone in Hendrick's line, thence along Hendrick's line Southwardly to the beginning. This 13th day of October, 1938. FRANK H. GIBBS, ol4-4tc Commissioner. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having been appointed administratrix of the estate . of Addle Fitzgerald, late of Warren County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same, properly verified, to her on or before the 7th day of October, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. < This the 7th day of October, 1938. PRINCESS WYNN, Administratrix c. t. a. of Addie FitzgeraldWm. W. Taylor, Attorney. o7-6tc SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of authority vested in me as substituted trustee in a certain Deed of Trust, executed by Pompey Williams and his wife, Mary L. Williams, on the 7th day of April A. D, 1928, the indebted- : ness therein described not having , been paid at the request of the holder of said indebtedness, I will sell for cash at the Court House door in Warrenton, North Carolina, on Monday, the 5th day of December, 1938, the following described lot or parcel of land situate in Fishing Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina; the same adjoining the land of Ernest Person, Billy Tripp Plummer, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine in the Ben Davis line; thence South 61-2 de grees West, 87 poles to a stone m the B. P. Davis line; thence along said line North 89 3-4 degrees West, 159 poles and 15 lengths to a stone in the said line, Ernest Person's corner; thence Ernest's line North ; 16 poles and 20 lengths to a stone in the said line, Billy Tripp Plum- i mer corner; thence North 811-2 degrees East, 121 poles and 15 lengths to a stone; thence North 46 degrees East 36 poles passing over the spring to a stone; thence North 83 degrees East, 23 poles and 15 lengths to a stone; thence 1 degree East, 20 poles and 20 lengths to the beginning, containing 48 3-4 acres, more or less, and being the same ortv-,v?v Wiilip Allan and ianu i-uii vv/jv,u kij >. ..... wife to Pompey Williams and wife, Susie Williams, by Deed dated November 8, 1906, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, Warren County, North Carolina, Book 75, Page 405. This 1st day of November, 1938. HARRY O, FISHEL, n4-4tc Trustee. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Authorized and directed by judgment of the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, in the action entitled "Warren County vs. Lewis Alston et al," I will sell publicly to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, November 10, 1938, the following described land in River Township: A certain tract or parcel of land situate in River Township adjoining J, W. Northington, Divine Street and others, bounded as follows: That lot known as the J. W. Powell lot situate on Divine Street in the town of Littleton, beginning at a small ditch across said street and running thence up said ditch or branch East at or about 25 yards to an iron stake in J. W. Northington's line, thence S 35 yards to the beginning, containing about 480 j square yards, the same being the | identical land conveyed to said | t.puds Alston by James H. Bobbitt; and wife by deed recorded in the1 iruTentan. North Carolina Warren Registry in Book 117, page 502, to which reference is hereby specifically made. This October 10, 1938. FRANK BANZET, ol4-4t Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Authorized and directed by judgment of the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, in the action entitled "Warren County vs. Lillian Alston, John Baker, Robert Powell, G. Hugh Williams, Edith Malone Williams, James S. Baker, Mable Daye, Nathaniel Baker, Norman Baker, Mamie Edwards, Robert Edwards, Mrs. Bertha Goddon, Willie Goddon, Clemon Baker and Tressa Baker," I will sell publicly to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock Noon, November 10, 1938, the following land in Judkins Township: That the defendants Lillian Alston, Roby Powell, G. Hugh Williams, James B Baker, Mable Daye, Nathaniel Baker, Norman Baker, Mamie Edwards, Mrs. Bertha Goddon, Clemon Baker are the owners of the following described lands in Warren County, North Carolina: Beginning at a stone in the old Elton line and running thence S 1 E 86 P to an old stump, thence S 48 E 8 P 20 L to a chinquapin bush on the South side of the Warrenton and Halifax road; thence N 9 E 120 P 5 L to a stone in Jim Harris line, Lewis Baker corner; thence West 76 P to the beginning, containing 42 acres. This October 10, 1938. FRANK BANZET, ol4-4t Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE Under the power contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Lewis Alston and his wife, Hattie T, Alston, to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated July 16, 1935, and recorded in the public registry of Warren County, North Carolina, in Book 133, at page 207, and at the request of the owners of the note secured thereby, default having been made in the payment of said note, I will on Tuesday, the 22nd day of November, 1938, at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Library Building on. North Main Street of the Town of Littleton and in said Warren County expose to public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described piece or parcel of land: Lying and being in the state of North Carolina, Warren County, and in the town of Littleton on Divine Street, and known as the J. W. Powell lot, beginning at a small ditch on said street, thence up said ditch or branch, easterly, about 25 yards to an iron stake in J. W. Northington's line; thence south 35! yards to a stake; then west 23 1-3 yards to Divine Corner; thence north 35 yards to the beginning, containing about 840 sq. yards and Being tne identical lot or parcel 01 land conveyed to Lewis Alston by deed dated May 11, 1935, from Jas. H. Bobbitt and wife and recorded in Book 117 at page 502, said public registry, to which, also, reference Is madeThis October 18, 1938. o21-4t C. M. MOORE, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order made by Hon. W. K. Newell, Clerk Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, in that certain proceedings entitled W- B. Myrick, Executor of the will of P. H. Myrick, and W. B. Myrick, individually, et als. vs. Chas. R- Daniel, Guardian of Samuel D. Myrick, an Incompetent, pending in said Court, we will, on Monday, the 21st day of November, 1938, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door of said Warren County, offer at public auction, for cash, subject to confirmation by said Court, the following described piece or parcel of land: Lying and being in the state of North Carolina, Warren County, and in Sixpound Township, adjoining the lands of H. Scarborough, estate of W. G. Egerton and others, and described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at Jack Pegram's corner in W. G. Egerton's line at white oak on fence' line; then, with Egerton estate,! N5-45E 471 ft. to a stake; thence, continuing with said Egerton line, along fence, S87-00E 2107 ft to aj stake on the west bank of Little Creek at J. H. Spraggin's corner in T. B. Fleming's line; thence, withi said Spragin's line, and down the center of Little Creek, Nll-OOE. 406 ft., N23-30W. 992 ft. to about j J. H. Spraggin's and W. A. Shaw's i rvirnpf thence, continuing down1 center of said creek, with said W. A. Shaw N44-00W. 402 ft. to W- S.j Gardner's comer at fence and ditch line; thence with said Gardner's! line, along fence, S50-00W. 455 ft.! to two sweet gums and one black i gum on fence line; then, continuing with said Gardner along fence line, I N41-45W. 657 ft- to a stake on south j bank of Hub Quarter Creek at said1 By M PAGE 7 W. S. Gardner's corner In H. Scarborough's line; then, down center of said creek, with Scarborough, S8900W. 450 ft, S42-00W. 610 ft, S2800W. 544 ft, S76-30W. 293 ft, N8600W 520 ft. to mouth of Spring Branch; then, up said branch N6000W. 145 ft. to a stake north bank of said branch at H. Scarborough, C. M'. Haithcock and Mrs. Mollie Adcock corner; then with Adcock, S8-30W 528 ft. to about Adcock's corner in Pegram's line; then, with Pegram, S86-30E. across Hub Quarter Creek to a point on old wire fence; then, with Pegram along wire fence, S57-30E. 1230 ft. to the beginning, containing 92.55 acres. This October 18, 1938. JOS P. PIPPEN & A. W. OAKES, JR., o21-4tc Commissioners. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Warren County. In the Superior Court Lucinda Davis Easton vs. Eddie EastonThe defendant above named will take notice that an action styled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, for the purpose of dissolving' t.hp hnnHs rvf maWninnu existing between plaintiff and defendant, upon the ground and for the cause that the plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart from more than two years next preceding the filing of this action: and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Cleric of Superior Court of Warren County, at his office in Warrenton, N. O., within thirty (30) days after the 26th day of November, 1938, and answer or demur to the Complaint filed or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. This November 2nd, 1938. W. K. NEWELL, Clerk Superior Court. Banzet & Banzet, Attorneys for Plaintiff. n4-4tc NICE CORN YIELD Macbee Lawrence, 4-H club member of Bertie County, reports a yield of 77.7 bushels of corn on liis ciuo acre using tne Biggs proline variety. POULTRY DEMONSTRATIONS Eleven farmers in Yancey County will keep records on their poultry flocks during the coming laying year due to a renewed interest in poultry over the county because of profits from the birds last year. Charles E. Foster CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Littleton, North Carolina Phone No. 177 I RJBJ1 ^B Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidfievs axe constantly fllterinf waste matter from the blood stream. Bui kidneys sometimes lag In their work?do Dot act aa Nature Intended?fail to ro> move impurities that, if retained, may Klson the system pnd upset the wholo dy machinery. Symptoms may be nageing backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, trotting no nl?hts. swelling. Duffinesa under the eyee? a feeling of nervoue anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dieorder may be burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan't Pills. Doan's have been winning pew friends for more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask your neighborly I i 8*^ Jl Bj 1 ^ ? lac Arthur uciiA/ vm i run IT THINK WHATXI SE T-oV MOTHERS TO KNOW SECRET OF WOW ^ "^P^^OSH, I'M 6LA0\ / ffl' 6ANG DIDN'T SEE) ft} VkE WEARIN6 A ^gjgS

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