' Your Best Advertising Medium ? VOLUME 83 Soil Banli Time Is E The deadline by which farmers Interested in offering cropland under the Conservation Reserve Program must ask the ASC county committee to set a basic annual rate per acre for the land offered has been A- extended from September 10 through September 30 Announcement of the extension was made yesterday by * Walter S. Sn^^. ASC committe chairman, who said that this extension of time was made necessary because of changes in the program which would make additional farmers eligible for participation. Smiley said that where the farmer visits the county office prior to the September 30 deadline and has a basic rate established he will be given an 'opportunity to apply for a contract at any figure below Winners In 1 ASC Election The names of ASC Community Committeemen elected on Thursday Of last week were listed this week by T. E. Watson, local ASC office manager. In making the announcement, Watson pointed out that the chairman of each community committee is also a delegate to the county convention to be held in the Warren County agricultural building on Friday, September 25, at 2 p. m. ucicgdics IU uie uuuiity convention will nominate and elect the county committee which will serve for another year. County and community committeemen elected will take office on October 1. The list of community committee released by Watson follows: Pishing Creek Community? Roy Pittman, chairman; Frank B. Davis, vice chairman; C. E. Harris, regular member; Billy L. King, first alternate; Price Robertson, second alternate. Fork ? W. K. Thompson, 4 chairman; Carey A. Dillard, vice chairman; Ernest E. Davis, regular member; James C. t Harris, first alternate; M. W. Alston, second alternate. Hawtree ? Luther Stegall, chairman; Luther Carroll, vice chairman; G. W. King, regular member; Macon G. Moseley, first alternate; Glenn H. Weidon, second alternate. Judkins?James W. Clark, chairman; M. D. Nelson, Jr., vice chairman; Vance Robertson, regular member; Dennis Harris, first alternate; J. W. Harris, second alternate. Nutbush ? H. B. Bender, Rotary Club To A; Calendars To Rait The Warrenton Rotary Club will again this year sponsor the sale of Community Birthday ? Calendars in order to raise funds for the support of the John Graham High School Band. y Announcement that the calendars would again be sold this year was made yesterday fy Bud Gaston, chairman of he calendar sales committee. In making the announcement, Gaston expressed his thanks to those who sold and bought calendars last year and asked that the public again give the club its cooperation. Shipp McCarroll and Clyde Rodwell will handle the sale of advertising. Bruce Bell and Selby Benton will canvass the rural areas and outlying towna. Hank Hardy will canvass the civic clubs and other organt' rations. The sales committee has divided the town into districts to be canvassed by other Botartans as follows.: Roy Dixon: Dixon Si-East Haselwood Dr., starting wtth 41-W. I. Turner. North Main St. from Hedgeiteth Res. to Wilson St. Bod Gaston: West Haselwood Dr. and Rodwell Development, IndudjngjHmmy .Roberta. SSL ?t' * f 'A' - ... ? ?? I i Subscription Price S3. r?iv II l ruing xtended the basic rate. If the offer can he accepted, the farmer will be notified of the date by which he must return the J signed conservation reserve ! contract to the ASC county-of* r 1 fice. I Farmers who participate in ! this Soil Bank Program re- 1 . ceive cost-sharing help in ! establishing approved conser-l jvation practices on the reservel I land and annual rental pay I racnts for the life of the contract. j Smiley said that farmers i who are interested in the j I960 Conservation Reserve Program and who would like to I have further information about participating in the program [are urged to get in touch with the local ASC county office as ,soon as possible, but certainly before the September 30 deadline. Community IC AI*A T A/I 1 10 /1IC JUIOICU .chaaman; William B Elling- ' jton, vice chairman; R. Y. 'Spain, regular member; Wilson | Fleming, first alternate; Ellis ! Fleming, second alternate. 1 River?Herbert Harris, chairjman; J. Robert King, vice I chairman; R. L. Salmon, regul lar member; L. R. Bobbitt, 1 .first alternate; H. Irvin Haith-' cock, second alternate. , 1 Roanoke?Roy Jones, chair-1 man; Aubrey Moseley,. vice' chairman; L. W. Kidd, regular j member; L. Marion Jones, first' alternate; L. B. Thomas, sec-' ona alternate. Sandy Creek?Linwood Ayscue, chairman; W. H. Abbott, !Jr., vice chairman; Charles A. Hobgood, regular member; C. E. Fleming, first alternate; Sidney Fleming, second alternate. Sixpound ? E. P. Daniel, chairman; W. T. Robinson, vice chairman; E. Jeff Daniel, regular member; E. R. Overby, first alternate; M. E. Thompson, second alternate. Smith Creek?Albert Bender, chairman; J. A. Hayes, vice chairman; W. E. Mulchi, III, regular member; H. W. j Seaman, first alternate; Leonard J. Kilian, second alternate 'J Warrenton ?"W. S. Bugg, | chairman; A. K. Mustian, vice; chairman; E. C. Brauer, regular member; Bill Connell, first alternate; Leonard Wilker, sec-1 ond alternate. Shocco?W. L. Fuller, chair-1 man; M. T. Abbott, vice chairman; E. H. Pinnell, * regular j member; Boyd M. Reams, first' I alternate; Lawrence Overby, i second alternate. gain Sell Birthday | ;e Funds For Band Charles Johnson: Ridge way St. and Spring St. Troy Barrett: North Main St. from Fairview St. to Warren St. Jim Beckwith: Fairview St from Bragg St. to end of east Fairview St., Hall St. to Macon St. including Dan Timer and Hall Connell. Bill Perry: Brehon St. Tom Holt: Fairview St. from Brehon to Front St. Hugh Holt: Graham St. ' Graham Horne: Front St., Davis Ailey-Macon St. between Front and Maint St, Main St. from Franklin to Plummer St. also Edith Burwell, Bob Butler and Tom Hawkins. T. Taylor: Plummer St. from Main St. to Hall St from J. i E. Rooker Res. to Plummer St. Raymond Rarick Marshall St., Eaton St. to Battle St. and Halifax St. Rufus Jones: Battle St, King i St. and Eaton St from Bat- < tie St to W Sorrows Res. Pett Boyd: SouQt Main St. starting at Plummer St. and ending with W. E. Harmon I VDC To Meet 1 The Mooting of the United i Daughters of the Confederacy I will he held on Friday after- ! noon (today) at 3:S0 in the | homo of Mis. s. o. Nunn with i % 1 00 a Year IOc P? ^ Rotary district Governor Fei the Warrenton Rotary Club It dar which went on sale throu men discuss the club project i was introduced by the Rev. T County History To Be Placed On Sale Next Week Manley Wade Wellman. author of a new history. "The County of Warren." will be at the Warren County Memorial Library on Saturday. September 26. from 3 to 5 p. m., to autograph copies of the history for any who desire. Announcement of Wellman's appearance here was made yes leraay oy vv. l.. Long. president of the Warren County Historical Society, sponsor of the history. Long said that copies of the history are expected to arrive at the Warren County Memorial Library and at the PolkA-Dot Gift Shop here on Tuesday of next week where they will be placed on sale at $6.00 per copy. Long said that copies for subscribers to the history would be sent to his office here from which they would be distributed. Speaking at a meeting of the John Graham PTA on Tuesday night. Long said that he believed this is 'the finest county history in North Carolina. He ur^fd PTA members to aid in placing the history in school libraries and said since the book would no doubt be used as a refrence source, he hoped that several copies would be placed in the library, as well as in homes of the county. Long said that the Historical Society would give ParentTeachers Associations a commission Qf $1.00 on each volume sold. He said that 1500 copies of the history have been printed by the U. N. C. Press. Of these 500 have been subscribed by members of the Historical society and other interested persons, leaving 1.000 copies to be sold. Woman's Club To Meet On Sept. 24 The September meeting of the Warrenton Woman's Club has been postponed from September 17 to Thursday. September 24, Mrs. Mildred Crinkley Johnson, publicity chairman, announced yesterday. Except for a change in date, hfrs. Johnson said, the plans for the meeting are exactly as announced in this paper last week. Dinner will be served at Hotel Warren at 7 p. m., followed by a Beauty and Fashion Show aH 7:45. Tickets for the Artifts Series will go on sale on September Z3 and may be obtained from any member of the Woman's Club. C. Of C- Meets The September meeting of the Warren County Chapter of the C. of C. was held in the library last Friday with six children attending. v CullH t>eoks were made for Veterans Hospital in Durham and a report on "Division and General Conventions" was given by tone Twitty and Edmund tern ir Copy WARRENTON, > I rd Davis of Zobulon. speaker at mks on as Rotarian Troy Barrel ghout the county on Tuesday r s Roy Dixon, right, club prcsid roy Barrett, a former resident > District Go Visits Rota: Alarm over the large num-j her of young people who yearly leave their community and state was expressed by a district governor of the Rotary organization hero on Tuesday | night. | rera uavis, a ^,eDUion lawyer who serves as governor of | the Rotary Clubs In the disj trict that embraces the Warirenton club, told local club : members that something should I be done to prevent the exodus , of youth from the communijties that raised them. Davis said that the youth of today leave their home [towns for one of two reasons? (either they are dissatisfied I with existing conditions or | they think they have a better i financial opportunity elsewhere. Davis said that not only could civic-minded persons do j something to encourage youths | to remain in the area in which they were reared, but said that j j these same people could go a; | long way towards curbing ju- j venile delinquincy. "We can teach a youngster | how to shoot a rifle, or search Negro Man I Rides In Patl A 35-year-old Warren Coun-1 j ty Negro was seriously injur-. ed early Sunday afternoon | :when he drove his bicycle into] .the pafh of an oncoming auto-j 1 mobile. j Alexander Jordan was thrown i from his bicycle against the j automobile, his head busting] through the windshield, after | j his bicycle wffc struck by the: I car in Ridgeway. The driver of the automo- j bile, Lt. Col. Joseph E. Webb, j jjr., 51, of the Walter Reed! Medical Hospital in Washing-' ton, D. C., said that Jordan Community Leadei Festival Are Nam< I j Community leaders for the I Harvest Festival to be held at the Warrenton Armory on Oc(tober 14 under the sponsorship j of the Warren General Hos;pital Auxiliary, have been announced by Mrs. Tom Holt and | Mrs. W. D. Rodgers, chairmen. The community leaders will solicit people in their com* munity for contributions of items to be sold in booths, open for business at 3 p. m., in the following categories: food, plant, handmade articles, used clothing and white elephant merchandise. Mrs. Holt and Mrs. Rodgers urged, that everyone contribute something. A barbecue and Brunswick stew supper will be served beginning at 8 o'clock on the day of the Harvest Festival. Community leaders appointed by the Harvest Festival chairmen are: Otkville?Miss Emily MiUm, Mrs Clifton EIlli. en ffil COUNTY OF WARREN, 1 Mp^ i I, r j pp>?"y I the Tuesday night meeting of I t. left, displays birthday caleutight. Looking on as the two ' cnt. Davis, a Zebulon lawyer uf Zebulon. (Staff Photo) vernor ry Club j for a title, or do a host of i other things." Davis said, "but the only way that we can teach him to become a good citizen1 is by own actions." Davis, in making his first official visit to Warrenton as a j district governor, was intro-! duced by the Rev. Troy Barrett. a former Methodist minister in Zebulon. The speaker was accomplished to Warrenton ^nd to the supper meeting by~ Zebulon Mayor Ed Hales. Garland Richardson, and Early Moser. Following the address by Davis. Bud Gaston, chairman of the Community Calendar sales committee reported that the calendars for the coming year had arrived. These were placed on sale by all members of the club following the meeting. The calendar sale is a yearly project of the Warrenton Rotary Club. , Guests present at the meeting included Frank B. Banzet and Claude Bowers, guests of Rotarian Shipp McCarroll. Howard Jones, a guest of Rotarian Selby Benton. 1 tr A U? iui i na 11c It Of Auto drove into his path as he was traveling south on US Highway One. "He pulled out of a side road and up until the last moment 1 thought he was going to stop." Webb told State Highway Patrolman R. A. Clark of Norlina. Jordan received severe facial Iterations and injuries of the foot. He was taken to Warren General Hospital here. No charges have been preferred by Patrolman Clark pending the completion of his investigation. j rs For Harvest sd By Chairmen Paschall?Mr.s. Gerston King. Elberon?Mrs. T. M. Aycock, Mrs. Clifton Stegall. Warrenton?Mesdames John Kerr, F. P. Whitley, Barker Williams. Lemuel Kornegay,; W. D. Rodgers, Bob Butler, Roger Limer and J. Boyd Davis. Afton-Axtelle?Mrs. Howell i Steed and Mrs. Jim Limer. Inez ? Mrs. George Davis. ' Areola?Mrs. Melvin Shearin. | Wise?Mrs. Malvern Hayes i and Mrs. Evans Coleman. Macon?Mrs. Wilton Ix>yd Mrc PKarlio XT.?(. Warren Plains?Mrs. Arthur Rod well. Norlina-Oine ? Mrs. H 1 White, Mrs. James "White and Mrs. William J. Hicks. Ridgeway?Mrs. George Bender and Mrs. Palmer King. Mr. Lawrence Shearin was in Warren General Hospital for Mveral all vacant lots be mowed 1 twice a year, and that if they j i did not have their lots mow- j t ed, the town would, and add t the cost to their tax bill, as' provided by town ordinance. L The commissioners also de-;] cided that a number of citi- < zens who have not paid their 1 assessment for curbing and! < gutter must settle with the i ] town. These bills range from'l one to four years old. After h notice, if they are not paid 1 they will be added to tax!< bills, the commissioners or-j jdered. The town ordered that a reWhite Cant Be Launch* j Members of the Warrenton j Lions Club are prepared to i launch their annual White] I Cane Drive throughout the . county on Sunday in an ef- ! I fort to raise funds to help pre- ! vent blindness. I Joining more than 14,000 other North Carolina Lions, the 1 local club will canvass the] county for a two-week period' extending through October 4, j struma; uvui iiieiiiuerMiips in i; the N. C. Association for the Blind and white cane bangles. Although the state goal for the year is fifty thousand dollars Warrenton will have no quota to reach. The Warrenton club has in the past been selected as the outstanding chapter in the state for its t | White Cane work. Miss Agnes LinquUtf^M^p in Warren, Vance and ing White Cane Drive^rl^f Miss Linquist, who ^ in her everyday life, ~k Viftytfr and by Lions Clubs in this disti A resident of Henderson, 'she I ty Welfare Department twice ? f Lard Printing Companv iuth Shelby Street ? EMBER 18, 1959 on Children [oliday I The action enabling the chil-| ..... -w unwiu nit- iuu uji uuin Vhite and Negro School Days ante after (he board was peitioned to make the move by! delegation from the Warren-1 on Lions Club, sponsors of j he annual event Acting as spokesman for the ocal Lions Club, which oper-1 tes the county-wide fair year-i y through a fair corporation, .ion W. K Lanier stressed he importance of allowing the! hildren to attend the fair durng the school hours. dissatisfied 1 I jwea lois note control switch for the' lumps at Hudgins Creek be nstalled. Money for this was ilaced in the budget. A request from Gaynelle Urown that he be permitted! o build an outside stairway at j lis store on Franklin Street, i vith its fnnt rostintr in on ol. I ey, was deferred until further nvestigation of ownership of he alley and other legal quesions could be m-de. Dick Burton. Jr., of Rocky j VIount, representing Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, appeared before the j joard to discuss group accilent Insurance of town employees. Burton explained that the premiums would be paid by employees and the town would make no financial contribution. However, the town would be asked to withhold premium payments from em(See BOARD, page 10) e Drive To id Sunday This year the White Cane drive will be headed on a local Kocio k?; I inn C A Wnnlinlr Jr. Warlick will be assisted by Licms W. L. Turner, R. M. Davis, M. S. Martin and A. H. Bryson. In making an appeal, for citizens of the county to support the White Cane Drive, Chairman Warlick pointed out that there are over 11,000 blind persons in North Carolina, and nearly one-half of all blindness is preventable. He said that the 25-year-old Association renders many services including the providing of glasses and other visual aids, radios for shut-in blind persons, eye care, medical services. dental care, hearing aids, (See CHIVE, page 10) V?lfrW?te aMa 0* Mind a. wwltek^jt! with th? W?rn>n Com* Your Best Advertising Medium NUMBER 88 i To Be 7or Fair I.anier told the board members that the fair was educa- tional as well as entertaining-^ and that if the children wgre , not allowed to attend during ; the school hours, many of them * would not be able to attend. He pointed out that counties ' surrounding Warren make it a practice to allow children a school day during the county fair. He also that the state school system excused any child from school who attend 3 the N C State Fair. Lanier was backed in his efforts to have the-board rescind its action by a 15-man delegation lrom the local club. Negro Farm Agent L. C. Cooper also Dointed out some of the educational advantages of j the fair exhibits and dairy show to members of the fiveman board In other action taken by the board at its regular monthly meeting, approval was given a motion that the old Norlina colored school be reopened. The motion was made after Sept. Roger Peeler told the board members that the new Northside elementary school j has more students than it can accomodate. Peeler suggested tnat the old school be reopened and the State Board of Education asked to allot j one teacher for the school. ^ The board also approved a bonus for vocational teachers I that was granted by the last I I session of the General Assem- I 1 blv. The members voted to Dav I one-third of the funs?$146.26 I ?for this purpose. In other action the board ? elected William Ellington as a member of the Norlina District School Committee to replace Allen Kimball who recently resigned. Also approved by the board was the resignation of Theo Williams from the Warren County school system and the hiring of five new teachers at ithe ??7orth Warren High School. I Those teachers approved were Kathleen Norris Gardner, Shirley Vernell Wilkerson, | Sterling M. Cheston, Winfield C. Coachman, and Thelma Louise Murris. {Boys Stomp Watermelons: W ? V 4* Land In loort Four Negro youths were arrested near here Saturday morning after one of their number admitted that the foursome destroyed approximately 75 watermelons near Afton on Friday night. The four boys, who ranged in age from 14 to 18 years, were arrested by Warren Deputy Sheriffs B. G. Stevenson . and Herbert Rooker. Three of the boys. William Lee Alston, 18. Howard Wortham, 16, and Thomas Christ mas, 16, were tried yesterday > before Judge Julius Banvet in Warren County Recorder's Court What action the court took in the matter was not available before this paper went to press. A 14-year-old boy, whbse name was not released for publication, was turned over to juvenile authorities. Deputy Stevenson said that the boys went into a water- .melon patch owned by Maeon ,< Reavis o fnear Afton and H stomped the melons with their v Officer Stevenson said that j. the patch had been vandalised j for the past three years, but j U" uupai lUHlll?n?u - no evi* g dence as to the culprits identi I ty in past yean. " '* J The officer surmised that 1 the three boys went into the I patch abound 10 p. m. I Friday and destroyed the 1 melons for no apparent reason while the juungMt boy 1 apparently stood watch. In flispital Dr. W. D. Jtodgors is ftjfH tient in Warns Omni flH Pltal for treatment. ' " In BaqpHal |1|^H Mr. Wash Psrty te a pat hi Duke Hospital, Durham^