' Your Fteat. Advertising Medium M. VOLUME 63 1 Paving Be ' On Super A large construction crev has been busy since the mid die of September laying con crete for the new super high way from a point near the Virginia line to a point neai Henderson, covering some If miles. About eieht miles nl one lane of the highway wat completed on Monday after noau. Work, held up by bad *- weather, is expected to be re sumed on Monday. The road leaves Highway No 1, 0.6 of a mile south of tht Virginia line and runs b> Oine to Henderson. The roac is of concrete construction Walter Smil * Chairman A!! Walter S. Smiley, Macon farmer, was re-elected chair man of the Warren Count} ASC Committee for a one year term by delegates attend ing the annual ASC Conven tion here on Friday afternoon W. S. Bugg, chairman of thi Warrenton Township Chair man, was named chairman oi ^ the convention, and Thomas E " Watson, ASC office manager was elected secretary -to' th< convention. Nominations ant elections were by secret bal lot with pluarlity vote decid Conservation Sign-Up Aga The 1960 Conservation Re serve signup has again beer extended, this time to Octo ber 9, T. E. Watson, loca: ASC office manager,.said yes |m terday. Farmers have until this time to request that i rate be set for their farm. September 25 through Octo ber 16 has been designated ai the time for farmers who re quest rates to apply for { Conservation Reserve Con tract. The farmer makes ar offer of for how much, he will put his land in the Conserve At lion Reserve. . Farmers who are interested in the 1960 Conservation Re serve Program are urged tc come to the ASC office anc i receive full information aboul : participation in this program \ Watson aaid. ~' Attend Meeting Mayor W. A. Miles and Com ' missioner W. L. Wood return ed to Warrenton on Tuesday night from Aaheviile where jMhey attended the annua] ttnreedays meeting of the North Carolina League ol v# Municipalities. i Mrs. H. M. Hardy visited hei daughter, Miss Carol Hardy, at I St Mary's Junior College. Rat if,. ,WM? ( Subscription Price $3. MfcBUsw . ing Laid Highway with eight inches of concrete over 4 inches of aggregate, and each of the divided lanes is 24 feet wide, with a dividi ing strip between each double lane highway. 1 Concrete has been poured on ' one of the double lanes to a ' point about a mile west of I <4ne,^ After -this lane is cora pleted work will be started on the second lane. Then entries . will have to be paved, and > shoulders graded. The road is ' not expected to be open for 1 travel until some time next , summer. ey Re-elected >C Committee . ing the winners. Also re-elected for one-year r terms on the committee were - W. E. Mulchi, Jr., Rt 1, Nor lina, vice chairman; and W. M. - Fleming of Manson, regular . member. They have served on ? the committee for a number of years. . H. M. Williams, Jr., of Route 3, Warrenton, was re-elected as first alternate, and William , R. Braucr of Route 1, Nor; lina, was named second alterI nate. Alternates serve only - when elevated to committee - membership to fill a vacancy. i Reserve in Extended i Warrenton Ladies [ May Have Seen ; U. S. Satellite 1 l Three Warrentbn ladies spotted what they believe' to have . been Vanguard III on Thurs5 day evening of last week. Mrs. V/. H. Damcron, Miss 1 Edith Burwell and Mrs. Julius ^ Banzet had gathered at the [.home of Mrs. Banzet in prepa. ration ^to leaving for a club supper meeting when they I spotted a strange light in the sky at about 6:40. The light [ was traveling rapidly in the direction of Raleigh, Mrs. Ban1 zet said. ? Mrs. Banzet said that the light was hard to discribe, but that it was red and somewhat . larger than a shooting afar. She said that what made them ' believe it was Vanguard III was that the missile was supi pose to be visible in this area at that time, i Mrs. Banzet said that she called her husband, Judge Banzet, and son, Jules, from in side the house to see the ob: ject, but that \t had dissp peered before they could reach the yard. . m i a 00"a Year lOt P Above paving machine is se gate as power scoops pour si mixer loading a stream of t Additional Sale Annoi Methodists To Hold Meeting At Coliseum Eastern North Carolina Meth odists, 12,300 strong, will gath er at the William Neal Rey nolds Coliseum on State Col lege campus on Monday, Octo ber 5. for a mass evangelistii rally, the Rev. Troy Barrett pastor of Wesley Memorla Church, said yesterday. Speakers will include Bisb ops Garber and Smith, Gov ernor Luther H. Hodges, Dr Thomas Curruth and Dr. Hat ry Denntan of the Genera Board of Evangelism. Musi will he provided by a choir o 2,000. Mr. Barrett said that luncl tickets at $1.00 each are stil available for those who havi not obtained theirs. Thost wishing tickets are asked t< see their ministers: the Rev Merrill Amspacher, Bethlehem Shady Grove; the Rev. Leoi Ross, Macon Charge; the Rev C. E. Vale, Norlina Charge the Rev. Bill Beeker, Warrei Charge; The Rev. Troy J Barrett, Wesley Memorial, War renton. .? Conferences To B? ti ll r? i neia <^n ounaay The Rev. Graham S. Eubank Superintendent of the Raleigl district, will preside at Quar terly Conferences at twi Methodist Churches of thi county on Sunday. He will preside at Wesle; Memorial Methodist Church a Warrenton at 9:45 a. m. am at Providence Methodist Churc] at Afton at 11 a. m. The Rev. Troy Barrett, pas tor of the Wesley Memoria Church, and the Rev. Bil Beeker, pastor of Providenci Church, in making the an nouncement, said that this i World-wide Communion Sun day, and that the free-will of fering in the Methodist Churcl will go to Jhe Methodist Com mittee on Overseas Relie emergency fund, and to heli camps and in chaplain's work. College Head To Preach Here Dr. Carlyle Campbell, presi dent of Meredith College, wil preach at the Warrenton Bap tist Church on Sunday morn lng at the eleven o'clock wor ship hour. To Conduct Revival The Rev. John R. Link, pas tor of the Warrenton Baptist Church, will be the nreachei in a series of revival service; to be held at the Nashville Baptist Church beginning Sun day, October 4 Presbyterian Services The Rev. Richard L. Morgan Professor of Bible at Peace College, Raleigh, will preset at the Warren ton Presbyterhu Church on Sunday morning October 4, at 11 o'clock. ?arr er Copy WARRENTC . en In operation near Oine. To :one and sand into hopper. Ni rucks. Booths Fo inced By C Mrs. Tom Holt and Mr W. D. Rodgers, co-chairmen i the Harvest Festival Benefit be held at the Warrentc Annory on October 14, th week announced plans ft three additional booths. Last week the chairmen a j nounced plans for a handwoi ' booth and this week they a nounced plans for a fo< booth, a plants and shrul booth, and for a booth fi _ "white elephant" artioles. ? Mrs. Roger Limer and Mi W. F. Farmer will be co-chai 1 1 mt, M 2 f I 1 I 1 t m ' ^jT Wr K ^k REV. H. H. OLIVER * ! Oliver To Preach At Gardner's i Church Sunday -j The Rev. Howard Hunt Bj Oliver. Professor of the Ne Testament a t Southeastei I Baptist Theological Semina: v; at Wake Forest, will be tl "j guest minister at Gardnei n Baptist Church at Churchill < l Sunday morning, October 4. 11 o'clock, the Rev. Leri k I Stewart, pastor, announo J yesterday. I The 29-year-old minister w e I educated at Murphy Hi| " i School and Howard College 5 j Alabama, received his B.i !" degree at Southern Bapti * i Theological Seminary in 195 ^ I the Th.D. degree at Princt< ' i Theological Seminary in 193 | and is completing requiremen j for Ph.D. degree at Emoi University. Mr. Oliver was pastor Catherine Baptist Church. Cat erine, Ala., 1950-51; pastor Providence Baptist Churc . Titus, Ala., 1950-51; researt 1 assistant. International Gre< . New Testament Project, Emoi . University, Georgia, 1955-57. He is a member of the S ciety of Biblical Literature ar Exeges since 1953; a memfcx of National Association i - Biblical Instructors since 190 V Ui. TK U tks-U ?Af> - 10CCI r prise of the Christian Researc i Foundation, Inc. Mr. Oliver made a Europes - trip during the summer < 10S6 under the auspices of U International Greek New Tea amenl Project. This was ft , the purpose of studying Ne i Testament manuscripts. He all i attended the annual meeting < i the Society of New Testamei i Scholars held at Utrecht, He land, in September, 1006. .. . . . ? J k nt IK IN. COUNTY OF WARREN, the left mixer is mixing aggre earby, but not shown, is concreti (Staff Photos r Harvest 'o-Chairmen s. men of the food booth. Thei of asked for contributions of anj to salable food items for thi; in booth. They said that suet is things as rolls, jellies, cannec or poods, potatoes and other pro duce should be brought to th< n. arormy by 10:30 on Octobei rk 14. The sale will begin at I n- p. m., and the public is ask )d ed to come early for a gooc t)S choice. ?r Those who will contribut< are asked to let Mrs. Lime: -s. and Mrs. Farmer know wiia jr. contributions to expect. ? Mrs. Roger Dowtin and Mrs Margaret Barnes are co-chair men of the booth for plant and shrubs. All donations o flowers, house plants, shrubs dried arrangements, d r i e < flowers for arrangements, bulb etc., will be welcomed, thi chairmen said, and asked tha those who will donate pleast let them know what they plai to contribute for this booth. The chairmen also askec that all plants be labeled a to kind, color, etc., and tha the items be brought to thi armory by 10:30 a. m. the da; of the sale. They also ask th< public to come early for th< sale which begins at 3 p. m. Mrs. Whit Peoples and Mr* W. W. Taylor are co-chairmei for the booth for "white ele phant" items and good, clean ? usea ciotning. Those wishini to donate to this booth ari asked to notify the chairmei what to expect, and to havi their articles at thi armory by 10:30. The sal will begin at 3 p. m., and th< public is asked to come earl; er (See BOOTHS, page 12) ? "Five K's" Win tie First Prize In Talent Contest at | Five Warren County boy 3y I who comprise a combo know: ! as the "Five K's" won top hor I ors and a $100 first prize her as on Saturday night as a 13 jh. week talent contest sponsors in by the Warrenton Chamber o D. Commerce at Warren Theatr ist here ended. >5, j In addition to winning $10 >n following a poll of the theatr i5, j audience, the "Five K's" wo: ts a four week radio program ii ry Henderson and a fifteen min ute television program over of Durham TV station, h-' Winning .second place in tb of talent contest was young Gayl h, i Harmon, a pantomime-dancei :h' of Warrenton, and Wallact ;k. Brame, a native of Henderson ry' enrolled in the N. C. Stab j School for the Blind. Miss Hai o-1 man received $50, while Brami id : was nresented a phorlr fnr tO? er; The "Five K's," composed o of Allen Jones, David Ratliff 3. Jackie Young, Mike Robersoi Ml I and Allen Weaver will begii h immediately making guest per I formances according to theii tn! manager, Mrs. Kenneth Mus of I tian erf Warren ton. le Saturday night the quinte1 it- will kick-off an hour-long rod ?r( and roll show at the Warrer w. Theatre. Then on next Wed 101 nesday and Thursday the com of. bo will give performances or ot the midway during school dayi >1-1 at the Wama County Fair I Mrs. Mostian said yesterday. ? fcrnrJ N. C. KRIUAY, ( \\T IT yy arren Begin H 1 The 21st annual Warren; i County agricultural fair is ; scheduled to get underway j here on Monday I C. M. Bullock, manager of i the Lions-sponsored fair assoU ciation, said yesterday that the, j fair would begin on Monday! 1 morning and would continue1 through Saturday night. Octo-. her 10. ! Bullock, in his first year as | fair manager, said that this j j year's fair promised to be one' of the best ever staged on' Officers Fi| At Bootlegi 2 Members of the Warren ' County Sheriff's Department played dual roles as officers, and firemen on Saturday night after a Negro bootlegger hurled a half-gallon jar of moon-j shine whiskey against the side of a burning stove. [ The jar burst as it struck i the stove. spewing flaming i r liquor across a room in which j . the bootlegger's six-year-old; , daughter was bathing, i The burning whiskey set a j i nearby bed afire, set fire to - the floor of the room, and ? spattered on the man's bathr ing daughter. I The girl was spared severe - burns when Warren Deputy; II Sheriff R. D. Chewning threw j I a blanket over her to suffocate j * the fire. Deputy Herbert j r Rooker put out the blaze on! t the bed while Deputy B. G.1 Stevenson and Sheriff Jim Hundley extinguished the blazing floor. s Deputy Chewning said that f the incident occurred shortly he and the other officers suri prised McKlnlev Wilkins at his 5 j home some three miles west of i g Littleton on Saturday night. Guest Shot 1 By Irate Ho / Approximately 40 invited J guests at a barbecue supper s near Areola Saturday night caught a glimse ot bad man' ners when their host fired a i pistol bullet into the stomach >- of one of the guests. ' The host, Wilson Hedgepeth, ^ middle-age Negro of near Arn cola community, told members e of the Warren County Sheriff's a Department that he fired a I single shot from his .22 calibre s revolver after a guest, James Y West, had struck him, knocked him down, and later had flung a pop bottle at hin;. The bullet missed its mark and struck West's brother, Robert West, in the stomach. '?uci waa aciiuu.iiy IIUI I and was rushed to Duke Hoss pital in Durham. Charges n e H I d f e I 0 e I a a |K a 9 e fl e I I A Iftttie pony named Pean'uci local American Legion Poet. L nations of fifty cents on Mdnd for the pony will be held on head of the Legion Building F , ceive eleven chances on the p< when Peanuckle'a drawing it I I-The Standard Printing Com) ^ 2236 South Shelby Street JL i unun iy.->y * County ere On I the Warrenton Fairgrounds, located west of Warrenton on the Warrenton-Norlina highway. Playing the midway will be the Endv Shows, which put on the first two performances staged by the Warrenton Lions Club in 1935 and 1936 World War II caused an interruption in the yearly festivities, but since the end of the war the fair has grown until it has received statewide recognition as one of the jht Fire yer's Home Chewning said that the officers spotted Wilkins selling shots of whiskey to friends on his front porch. Chewning sneaked into the house as Wilkins walked back into the house to pour out the whiskey. Upon spotting the deputy. Wilkins threw the whiskey at the stove, where it broke and set the room on fire. After the fire was put out Wilkins was arrested and charged with possession of non-tax-paid liquor for the purpose of sale. Earlier Saturday, members of the Sheriff's Department ar rested two other Negroes on the same charge. Richard "Homer" Bruce of near Warrenton and a neighbor. Henry Dunston, were both arrested after rading officers found them in possession of a quantity of illegally manufacI tured whiskey. Bruce was arrested when officers found seven jars of whiskey in a house near Bruce's home, and shortly after that Dunston was arrested j when deputies uncovered three ! jars of moonshine in a closet at his home. In Stomach st Saturday : against Hedgepeth have not been filed as yet, pending the outcome of West. - Warren County Sheriff Jim Hundley and Deputy B. G. Stevenson gave this account j of the shooting yesterday: Following a barbecue supper at Hedgepeth's home late Sat(See SHOT, page 12) Man Arrested A former Warrenton resident, Ray Roberts, was arrested here this week and ordered held in the Warren County jail in lieu of $2500 bond. Roberts was arretted Wednesday and placed in jail on charges of auto larceny in Person county and on charges of public drunkenness and blocking a highway in Warren County. kle will be given .away here ii imer Port 25 of the America! lay entitling the donor to a eh December IS at the Warren C? und, aaid yeaterday that peraoe >ny and that no one would be hm. Your iBest Advertising Medium jany X WITMDCD Afi V 'il'iuuuu tv Fair To Monday | best small fairs in the state. . j An outstanding event of this I year's fair will be the two I school days. Bullock said. , Wednesday is white school day : while Thursday has been set j aside for the Negro school ~pupils of the county j On both days students will 'f i be admitted free and fairway T . rides will be lower in price. j i In an effort to promote the I educational aspect of this year's fair, the Warrenton Lions Club ' will offer a prize to the teach-" ? . er conducting the largest num1 ber of pupils through the fair's ! ovhihW h-.11 ,vn An,.!. rnhnnl | day. This is the first year that I such a prize has been offered. Bullock said. | Prizes worth an approximati ed S200 will be given chil' dren during the two school ' days and a Junior Calf Show ! will be featured. ' I Canned food, produce, cook| ed articles, knitting, and a host ; of other articles have been pouring into the exhibit hall ; since Monday and members of i the association are confident j of one of the largest displays of craftsmanship since the fair I began here in 1935 The food booth in the fair . building will be operated by the American Legion Auxiliary. I (See FAIR, page 12) i Safety Program , Enters 4th Week : Here Next Monday I The state-wide "Selective I Enforcement" program recent- / ly adopted by the State Highway Patrol rolls into its fourth i week here next Monday. | i.ocai on icers are pieasea with the program thus far and will, focus attention during fH I the coming week on a crackI down of drunken drivers. I Each week the patrol's mem' bers throughout the state are I | on a constant lookout for a S I specific violation in an effort to cut down on the traffic fatality count. Officers here made it plain i this week that they were placing special emphasis on the arrest of specific statute violaI tors, but were not overlooking J the host of other violations ; committed by motorists. jRev. Link Is Named I Conference Head The Rev. John Link, pastor I of the Warrenton Baptist | Church, was elected president i of the Tri-County Baptists M;n- | isters Conference at its monthly meeting held at the Warrenton Church on Monday. The conference is composed of ministers of Warren and parts of Vance and Franklin Counties. Other officers elected were the Rev. Ed Laffman of Henderson. vice president; th<e * M Rev. Mason Hudspeth of Warrenton, secretary-treasurer. The vice president will also JH serve a* program chairman fli KJl I the next few months by the j* i 'Legion will begin teHnw M ance to win the pony. DHwjfcfl 'Unty Courthouse. C. H. BuOodt. | s may live five dolten antK|j9 required to be present M

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