- 1 Your Best Advertising Medium VOLUME 64 Warren ( To Hold 1 Warren County schools will z end their work for the 1959-60 1 school year early next week 1 when graduating exercises will t be completed in the five high! schools of the county. f Clradtmlion ovnroicoc ...;n held at John Graham Highi School here and at Littleton ' High School on Tuesday night, i Graduation exercises at Nor- < lina High School will be held 1 it on next Wednesday night. j i * ' John R. Hawkins will hold1,' its graduation exercises this' ' afternoon (Friday) at 2 o'clock ' when Dr. Walter N. Ridley, ' president State Teachers Col- ( , y lege, Elizabeth City, will be the speaker. The baccaulaur J < eate sermon was delivered onli Sunday afternoon at 2:30 by J 1 the Rev. L. 0. Saunders, for- | mer pastor :f Oak Chapel A.Is M. E. Church. I The baccalaureate services, will be held at North Warren ' High School on Sunday after- j noon at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. II. | W. Givens, pastor of the Rid-!1 dleville Presbyterian Church; of Charlotte, will deliver the! sermon. Graduation exercises |: will be held on Monday morn-j ing at 11 o'clock. Dr. John ' Rodwell Larkins, consultant,! State Board of Public Welfare,, Raleigh, will be the speaker. ! John Graham School The commencement sermnn 1 will be held on Sunday at 8' Pr-m-.?The?Rev, Laurence Bax-|( ter, rector of Emmanuel Epis-j copal Church, will deliver the! sermon. Graduation exercises will be held on Tuesday at 8 o'clock. The Rev. John Gill of Chowan College, former pastor of the, Warrenton Baptist Church,' will deliver the address Special music for both ... events will be furnished by a high school choir. Mrs. Leon-i ard Daniel will be the pianist. Miss Nancy Pittard will be| the valedictorian, and Miss Eleanor Coley will be the ^ salutatorian. Marshals are: Ronald Shear-, in, chief; Betsy Rose Turner, | Inez Davis, Nancy Harris, Mil-! lie Peeler, Pat Harp, and Jim-' my Cheves. Norlina High School Commencement activities at' the Norlina High School will; commence tonight at 8 o'clock i when the high school piano re-| I V I -"jti * DR. JAMES W. BUTLER, To Speak At Norlina cital will be held under the direction of Mrs. Sturgess Collins. The commencement sermon will be held on Sunday even*? ; ing. The Rev. A. T. Ayscue, pastor of the Wise Baptist Church, will deliver the sermon. Senior Class Day activities will follow on Monday even / ing. The Wise Elementary I .School commencement exer| cises will be held on Tuesday W" evening. j High school graduation ex| ercises will take place on || ^ Wednesday evening. Dr. James I W. Butler, assistant director I of public relations and extenW sions. East Carolina College | y will deliver the address to the h . graduating class. | % ^ Marshals for commencement | are chosen according to their scholastic standings in the junior. sophomore, and freshmen classes The chief, Tommy Young, has the highest average for the junior class. Also earning from the junior class I m ( Subscription Price $3.0C bounty S< Closing E ind William Seaman will serve rom the sophomore class, and /man v. larne win represent; he freshmen class. All exercises will begin at 5 o'clock. Littleton High School | The baccaulerate services vill be held in the Littleton | ;chool auditorium at 8 o'clock >n Sunday night. The Rev. i William Williams, rector of \11 Saints Episcopal Church.1 Roanoke Rapids, and Priest in Charge St. Alban's Episcopal, Church in Littleton and St.' \nna's Episcopal Church, will I ieliver the sermon. High school graduation exercises will be held on Tuesday ; night at 8 o'clock in the auditorium. Ross A. Kadle, vice, president in charge of admis-i sions at Chowan College, will: je tne speaker. Eighth grade promotion exercises and presentation of minor awards will be held on; Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Afton-Elberon Eighth grade commencement exercises will be held at I Afton-Elberon school on Mon-j day night at 8 o'clock. The] Rev. Troy Barrett u.'A be the' speaker. Mrs. Whitley In Of Warrenton \ Mrs. F. P. Whitley was installed as president of the, Warrenton Woman's Club at I a meeting of the club at Hotel Warren on Thursday nirhi nf iast week. Other officers installed rare Mrs. Thomas Hawkins, first vice president: Mrs. R. B. Butler, second vice president; Mrs. Manley Martin, recording secretary; Mrs. W. S. Bugg. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Clyde Whitford. treasurer; Mrs. John Dameron, chaplain. Mrs. Lloyd Wood, parliamentarian; Miss Mary Frances Rodwell, historian. Mrs. J. M. Royster of Oxford. president of the Fourteenth District, performed the installation ceremony, using the theme of a wheel. The retiring president, Mrs. H. M Williams, Sr., lighted a central candle reresenting the WarVacation Bible Scl Be Held At North The North Warrenton Baptist Church has plans to make good use of the month of June with both a Vacation Bible School and a revival meeting, the Rev. Lee Roy Campbell, pastor, said yesterday. There will be a preparation day for the Vacation Bible School on Sunday, June 5, Mr. Campbell said. The school will begin on Monday, June 6, and continue through Friday, June 10. There will be a three-hour school day beginning at 9 a. m. and ending at noon. The school will consist of Bible stories, songs, games, and a period of refreshment each day. All of the children nf tho Nnrffc W ?r?i?tnn "??? from age? 2 through 16 are invited and encouraged to come, the minister said. The revival meeting will begin on Sunday, June 12, at the evening service at 7:30 and will continue through Sunday evening, June 18. The Rev. Gwenn McCormick will be the guest speaker. He is nbw serving as pastor in the Tar River Baptist Association. Mr. Campbell said the public is cordially invited to attend these meetings. Taylor On TV William W. Taylor, Jr., Warrenton attorney, will speak on WRAL TV Channel 5 tonight (Friday) at 6 o'clock In the interest of the candidacy of Dr. I. Beverly Lake. The Citiaens Bank of Warronton and the Peoples Bank of NorUna will be closed on Ubr 1 i a Year 10c Per C :hooIs .xercises Sue Robertson will be the valedictorian, and Rheba Gail Foston, salutatorian. Marshals j will be Joyce Seaman and Jim1 Davis. Macon School Eighth grade commencement, exercises and presentation of i awards will be held at the! Macon school on Wednesday' morning at 10:30. The Rev. I Leon Ross, Methodist minister.) will be the speaker. Wise School Spring Festival ("Twelve i Queens") will be presented at I the Wise school tonight (Friday) at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. The program will! be under the direction of Mrs. Glenn Weldon. There will be J no admission charge and the | public is invited. Eighth grade commencement! exercises will be held on Tues-j day night at 8 o'clock. Calvin C. White. Warren County' school supervisor, will be the1 speaker. Betty Thompson will be the' valedictorian. and Charles j King. salutatorian. Marshals j will be Ronald Perkinson and j Ronnie King, chiefs; Margaret! Perkinson. Lucy Perkinson. and Barbara Hawks. stalled As Head Voman's Club renton Woman's Club. Upon j being installed, each officer 1 lighted a candle forming the I rim of the wheel. To each candle was attached a symbol representative of the office. Mrs. Williams presented Mrs. Whitley with the gavel and the Woman Club's president's pin. Mrs. Royster compared the department chairmen and special project chairmen as the rim of the wheel. But the power of any organi| zational wheel, she pointed I out, lies in the members of I the club. Other special guests were I Miss Eleanor Coley, Woman's i r-i..u ?i?, I viuii ociiuiaisnip winner ior 1 1960-61, and Mrs. Selby Benj ton, who sang "By the Bend I of the River," and "Every1 body's Lullaby." The club voted to donate ! $25 to the Warrenton Recreation Commission. bool, Revival To Warrenton Church Tax Reduction Delay Is Urged WASHINGTON ? The administration urged Congress today not to make any tax cuts and to postpone for another year the more than I four billion dollars in tax reductions scheduled to take effect July 1. The plea was voiced by Treasury Secretary Robert B. Anderson in testimony prepared for the House Ways and ! Means Committee which initiates all tax legislation. Anderson also requested Congress to set the national debt ceiling temporarily at 293 billion for the year starting July 1. The presseut temporary ceiling is 295 billion under legislation which expires July 1. The permananent ceiling is 285 billion. Teacher^ Appeals Slaoninff Jiifltfrnimt MOUNT AIRY ? A high school teacher fined $50 and costs on charges of assaulting a male pupil was expected to appear to Superior Court today. Max Hiatt, 24, of Rt. 1, Mount Airy, indicated after his conviction in Recorder's Court Monday that he would appeal. Hiatt admitted hitting Carl Cain, Jr., in claac with the flat of his tend, but denied as the youngster charges that he struck him several times. The charge was brought by the boys fatter. Warn :opy W A R R E N TON ,C <dm WfzCj^m Poppies will be sold here Sa the American Legion Auxiliary, advance sale to Mayor W. A. Mi assistant, looks on. Deborah is jjimmie Roberts and Charlotte is ; A. A. Wood. All money receive j directly to disabled veterans o Recreational Fui Described As Ei The response to an appeal for funds for a recreational' program at Warrenton this | summer is most encouraging. Mrs. W. W. Taylor. Jr.. publicity chairman, said Wednes-. day night following a meeting' of canvassers at Hotel Warren., Mrs. Taylor said that the goal of $1300 has not yet been! reached, but promoters fell! it is in sight. A house-to.-; house canvass and a campaign in the business section of the. town was made early this j week. Mrs. Taylor said that a complete report from all the canvassers has not yet been received. But so far. she said, I it has been very encouraging, j Those who have not donated i or who may wish to increase j their donations to provide] wholesome recreation for the' young people of the Warren-] ton school district are asked, Legion Select To Attend Be fli flt xMWfM" RONALD SHEARIN Rising seniors from John Graham High School and Norlina High School have been chosen by Limer Post No. 25, American Legion, to attend Boys' State at Chapel Hill June 19-26. Stephen Daniel, chairman of the committee on selections, announced yesterday that the Legion's choice for this honor were Ronald Shearin of John Graham and Frank Perkinson, Jr., of Norlina. Daniel said that the selections were made on the basis of scholarship, leadership and all-around school performance. Perkinson U the son of Mr and Mrs. Frank Perkinson of Wise. During his high school years he has taken an active part in school and church activities. In the ninth grade he was vice president of the class and class president in the tenth end eleventh grades m Si OUNTY OF_ WARREN, N. j ^ l i turday under the auspices of Deborah Roberts makes an ,les while Charlotte Wood, her the daughter of Mr and Mrs. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ;d from Poppy Day sales goes r members of their families. | (Staff Photo) id Response icour aging to mail a check or hand a donation to J. Ship McCarroll, whose office is in the Taylor building. Mrs. Taylor said that the recreational program would be open to all white children in j the Warrenton school district I between the ages of 9 and 19. Donations of parents have no bearing on the eligibility of I the children, she said. She expressed the hope that par-! ticipation in the program! would be widespread. Receives Degree Among students graduating) this week from East Carolina College in Greenville is Milton King, son of Mrs. W. P., King and the late Mr. King. A graduate of John Graham j High School ,he received his Master's Degree. s Two Boys >ys State Hi, ^--~ ' * FRANK PERKINSON/n, He is a member of the Beta Clnh 4-H rluh anH VPA Each year in the high school he has played football, basketball and baseball Shearin is the son of Mr. and Mrs! Roy V. Shearin of Warrenton. He was president of the freshman class, treasurer of the junior class, a member of the student council for thre eyears and has been chosen present of the student council for next year. He has also been elected president of the Monogram Club for next year, is a member of the Beta Club, a member of the Seer staff, chief marshal, and manager of the Annual for next year. Shearin is a member, of Wesley Memorial . Methodist Church, president of the Raleigh District MYP, and i* a member of the UCY1C rrurii ,.td pilntkM c !%zz ?*? str* ~C. ~~ KR Fifty Dollars In Silver To Go To ricket Holder Fifty silver dollars will be jfiven away to the holder of | . i lucky number on the court I square Saturday at 5 p. m. i ' when a drawing will be held |' jnder the direction of then iVarrenton Merchants Associa-M ion. ---I This will be the culmination j ; )f Warrenton's May Trade, Days which began yesterday I , [Thursday) and will continue through Saturday. ; I This is the first of the pro-! motional events of the ytarj] See second section for , more details on Trade Days, j sponsored by the Merchants) Association and is being con-| iucted under the chairmanship! r)f Milton Ayscue. Not only are the partieipat-j ing merchants advertising spe ! ->in 1 korniinc f?- I but they are giving out tickets i to their customers good for the drawing for the S5Q.00| cash prize on Saturday after-; noon. Dairy Princess Contest To Be Held On June 6 j The Dairy Princess Contest j for Warren County will be held at the John Graham, High School Friday night, June 3, at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Ben Harris and Walter Bender, cochairmen of the Warren County June Dairy Month, said yesterday. Local organizations at Norlina, Littleton and Warrenton will select candidates to enter the contest. Miss Jane Link of Warrenton j una icigucu ?a uauy rnncess: during the last 12 months. The! co-chairmen said it is hoped I that she will be present to j crown the 1960 princess. June is a wonderful month j to focus attention on the usei of milk products, such as I cream on your fresh fruits, ice cream, milk shakes, etc.. Mrs.. Harris and Mr. Bender said, j Gardner Tells Rotarians About New York Trip W. Monroe Gardner, Insurance executive, was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Warrenton Rotary Club at Hotel Warren on Tuesday night. C. P. Gaston presided over the meeting. Gardner, told t^ie Cly^). members of his recent trip' to New York with Governor Hodges and 121 men in an effort to bring industries to North Carolina. Toomc *? men, contacted 12 industrial! firms and talked to the presidents or heads of each firm, Gardner said. He said that they were well received and that the firm executives were very complimentary to Governor Hodges and the State of North Carolina. Warrenton Men Attend Meeting Three Wartenton men attended the East Central Industrial Development Conference in Raleigh on Tuesdav and had their pictures in a small group picture on the front page of The News and Observer Wednesday morning. Attending the conference were Mayor W. A. Miles. Selby Benton, president of the Bute Development Corporation, and Monroe Gardner, secretary1. Chairman NEW YORK ? Gov. Leroy Collins of Florid, was satiated permanent chairman of the forthcoming Democratic National Convention and Son. Frank Church of Idaho was chosen keynoter at n matting of the convention arrange, ments committee Tuesday. Mrs James Beckwtth wis a visitor In Ralolgh on Thuradayt. Your Best I Advertising - x Medium I IDAY, MAY 27, 1960 NUMBER 22 j Primary To Be Held | In County Saturday Warren County voters on. work has been done in the Saturday will make their' county lor Larkins. wishes known when they go to | Principal candidates in the the 14 precints in the county; race for United States Senato express their choice for tor are Senator Everette Jornational, state, county and one j dan, encumbent, and Addison township ffice. Hewlette. Also in the contest J The polis will open at 6:30 j are Gregory and Mcintosh, a. m. and close at 6:30 p. m. j Three men are running on Principal interest here will: the Democratic ticket for ; center in the race for State i Lieutenant Governor and three Senator and a berth on the Republicans are also seeking hoard of county commissioners' this office. Democratic candiwith the gubernatorial race1 dates are Philpott, McConnell, holding almost equal interest. | and Henkel. Republican candiFrank Banzet, Warrenton j dates are Eggers, Batten, and attorney, and Wilton R. Drake, |Ba^oy insurance executive, are each j Two Democrats and two Reseekine to become State Sena, i Dublicans are seeking the nnm. tor. and Amos L. Capps, pres- | ination for Insurance Commisent chairman of the board of sioner. The Democrats are encounty commissioners, is be-( cumbent Gold and Frederick, ing opposed by William Skin and the Republicans are Clifner. III, large farmer of Little-ton and Cameron, ton. j Voters will also choose be* Four candidates are in the tween Moore and Cooke for a race for Governor They are j gjjjj011 ?n the Stat* SuPreme Terry Sanford. Malcolm Sea-j """addition to the main ofwell, I. Beverly Lake and Johnifjces there is one contest for. Larkins. Supporters of San-1 Township Constable. This is in ford, Lake and Seawell have j Shocco Township where W. L. been active in the support of' Peoples and Leroy P. Cheek, their candidates, but little Negro, are the candidates'. Highway Patrol To Set Up License Checking Stations In an effort to-make certainj-probably many?individuals-are-^?J that drivers have proper! operating vehicles without licenses, a program of license! proper licenses, checks Ls getting under way in The checking stations which the Warrenton area and. wjn be in operation will be throughout the State of North j concerned primarily with ex- j Carolina. amining operator's licenses but 3 V R. Vaughan. local High- will also consider other possiway Patrolman, said yesterday ble violations at the same : that all motorists operating time, Vaughan said, vehicles on North Carolina The. program in the local ll mgnways ana sireers multidistrict, vduch- covers have valid operators licenses.j Warren, Franklin and Gey*Highway Patrol officers and vill counties, will be under } city police throughout the direction of Sgt. T. E. Cook j State, are cooperating in the of Henderson, the district;-:! plan for emphasis on licenses, commander. Checking stations will fre- Drivers who do not have quently be in operation in licenses are advised to obtftift -J the future and will be set up J them immediately. Patrolmen at different places and at dif-,aiso suggested that individuate ? ferent times. with knowledge of other drivAlthough the number ofper-jers who do not have the sons reaching the age of 16, mits call the legal require' ' 'i the age at which licenses may ments to the attention of the^ be obtained, is growing at a non-licensed persons, rapid rate, the number of I It was noted that officer* valid operator's licenses in the are not planning the ched^jBCyl state is declining, State High- stations with the idea oi makway Patrolman Vaughan said ing mass arrests but for the '| here yesterday. He pointed purpose of making certain tlttt J out that authorities feel the vehicle operators possess PTopstatistics therefore indicate er licenses. . -.4 Memorial Day Exercises To Be Held Here Sunday Memorial Day Services will, flowers which will be carried. \ be held on the court house; to the graves. . h?s|(K l?um horn I - ? ? - a?w ln announcing the noon, May 29, at 3 o'clock. Ellis Fleming, Commander ?* a under t h e sponsorship of Limer Post, expressed the Limer Post No. 25, American hope that a large crowd would Legion, and the American be on hand for the exerdM . Legion Auxiliary- which are not only to pay . In case of rain the exercises tribute to the dead but in tka will be held inside the court recalling of their sacrifiM* J house. point to the continuing duty > The Rev. George S. Calhoun, I 0f the living. P"tor of Young's Memorial AU thos? who ^ mtmifiA and Brookston Presbyterian 1K_ ? >8 Churches will be the speaker ?" the ,rmed ,orce? ? the Jf for the services. U?" ??d them brothers and Following the serrice. 144 sisters and kin end friends 1 graves wftl be decanted with are given s special invitation : flowers end flags by nenhsn to attend this service In MSF % of Limer Poet. the Auxiliary ory of their fallen comrades, will he responsible for the Fleming aadd - OM Summer School To Be Held At Local High School For Six Weeks s -km A summer school will be mux), held at the John Graham Bach course will naaehn^^H High School from June to three hours a day, M July 18, J. F. Hockaday, prin- a week for six weeks. AJ^^H dpal of the school, announced of credit will be (tarn yesterday. He said July 4 each subject The tuttonjf^H would be a summer school tor each course will IWl^H holiday. Registration will Hockaday aaid the aummer o'clock on Monday, Jssne CM school would be a couatywide Hockaday said school with students from the tlon to the EngMob and )B^| three white high schools of course, there wtt bo the. county eligible to attend, weeks course Subjects to be offered will Study" taught This co?i|H ha English n, EngHah m.Eng- win boghl dndM^^^^B li?h rV^ Algebra I and Alge- and end on Friday. Juw| bra II Other courses win bo Tattiou for this raanS^M offered U there U enough do- he

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