> ?v4-,; V| jROME DEM0NST1 BHILT 8AIXJNGKR, Coun I ANN KACKLEY, Asst. The home agents announce the following schedule: Sunday, August 21: Kinship Home Demonstration Club will have a picnic supper at 6:30 p. f v m. at the home of Mrs. C. J. s . Fleming, Jr. Monday, August 22: Office. . Tuesday, August 23: An j adult program planning meet-j I in8 will be held at the agri-1 cultural building at 2:30 p. m. B.vjr . Wednesday, August 24: Drewry Home Demonstration j j Club will have a picnic supper | : at 6:30 p. m. at the home of' j Mrs. N. L. Williams Thursday, August 25: A4-Hi j program planning meeting wili |L ' be held at 2:30 p. m. at the S agricultural building. At 6:30 p. m. the Wise Home! Demonstration Club will have a picnic supper at the Wise EDUCATION THE KEY T . Facts show that Business Si get better jobs and have n average High School gradu; Business College or Regular INSURE YOUR FUTURE HENDERSON BUS P. O. B HENDERSON, NO PHONE . . . HENPEB CLASSES BEGIN SI ! II MUM I APPLES ALL VAI I $1.00 ty ' pv. BRING YOUI | R- D. < Norlina Road pfcL P F R iL TEXj | ? FIRE CHD || | . j PITTARD MOT WARREN IX During week of August with the purchase of one GREASI OIL CH llBi 5 GAL. pHi ??. J SPECIAl ; ~ IN USED FUR H J I Single Bed and Cots Kfcl 1 Wardrobes, 5'x(Tx2' s ;. 1 I Chairs Walnut Dining Chairs 8 Arm Chairs, plastic bo JM1 Top Desk without ro I Desk, 30"x54", 7 drawer Desk, 27"x46", 2 drawer I Desk, 27"x46", 2 drawer Pj| Desk. double pedestal [ Several Swivel Arm Chai : v 1 I I Typist Chairs, wood and 6 9x12 Carpets with cue 2 Oil Space Heaters Vcaetian Blinds, 86" wid I 2 File Cabinet* fire proo V- with combination lock hAssorted Tables Hb W A JOINN RATION CORNER! ty Home Economics Afctat Homo Economic* Agent >000000000000000000000? j Baptist Church. > Friday, August 26: Ginger 1 Hicks will appear on the "Peg- ] gy Mann Show" on WDNC, TV, 1 Channel 11, Durham at 1:00 i p. m. She will present the i sewing demonstration which i made her a district winner in i the 4-H sewing contest demon- l stration. Afton Home Demonstration ! Club will have a recreation ) meeting at 8:00 p. m. in the,i fellowship hall of Providence, < Methodist Church. j t SUMMERTIME IS SANDWICH TIME j ? Sandwiches highlight August A in dazzling variety. From f hearty to elegant they star at:T every occasion this month, j f Picnic menus call for quantity, j1 but family lunches, snacks and i T1 c v 0 SUCCESS I rhool graduates earn more, ' lore job security than the a ate who has not attended n College. t .... ENROLL NOW INESS COLLEGE OX 47 |i RTH CAROLINA , LSON . . . GE 8-5417 ! :PTEMBER 6, 1960 s for SALE |' c PIETIES t per bu. \ * BASKETS GAS ?r h - BUYS : NITURE I! $ 5.00 up lt 20.00 w 0 1.50 up oi cl set of 5 25.00 C ttom each 5.00 e] 11 25.00 1< Is 35.00 ai 7.50 d 15.00 8j ei 17.50 81 ct rs 7.50 up n metal ^00 up r hlon ? a - ? V atcB rz^o ? each 1.00 ii ( \ each 60.00 2.00 op ( >N, N. C. " C IMCUM^MB, ?H imMi VMW variation of thic nooet popular form of food. i A favorite sandwich filling si mine and one which I think four families will really "go for" is this Lemon-Sweet Filling. Here's how you make about 114 pints of this "tart" sandwich spread. First add 1 cup of sugar to 1 beaten egg; then add to this mixture the juice and grated rind of one lemon. Cook this mixture in a heavy saucepan 5ver low heat until slightly thickened. Remove from heat and cool slightly, then add one sup of 'inely chopped or ground raisns, one cup of finely chopped >r ground nuts and one cup >f mayonnaise to complete the tiling. When cool, place In refrig>rator and use as a spread vhen needed. This makes aj ;ood sandwich filling for sumner picnics as well as being a ;ood lunch box filler the year-' ound. Let's Freeie Sandwiches Smart teens and homemak-! rs depend on sandwiches! n iCOTT ? ? ? ? e Tel. Warranton 846-1 c ? ? c E E vco J JF HATS ? OR SERVICE >N, N. C. 21 through August 28 c of the following items: * 1ANGE ("hen they plan food for aj rowd. Good wholesome sandwiches made ahead of time, hen frozen to stay fresh are good bet for the food chairnan who wants time to join he fun at the picnic. Frozen sandwiches can be acked in the picnic basket in he morning before leaving.' ty the time everyone is ready | or lunch, the sandwiches will) e thawed and ready to eat?j till cool and fresh! When making sandwiches to reeze, it's simple to make a Dt at one time. Even if you lon't take them all on one] ilcnic, you can leave the rest n the freezer for your next mting. After spreading and cutting he sandwich you're ready to J wrap them for the freezer.: Vrap each sandwich separatey in moisture-vapor-proof maerial. Tape the ends securely! with freezer-tape and label the ape to show kind of filling. Sandwiches should be stored I 10 longer than two weeks. To! haw, remove from freezer j nd leave in wrappings. They will be thawed and ready to at writhin four to five hours, j These fillings freeze well: looked egg yolk, cooked or anned chicken, turkey or fish; ooked or canned meat; dried :ecf. For chopped fillings, hese "binders" freeze well and dd new flavor interest: lemon, range or pineapple juice; rushed pineapple; applesauce; airy sour cream. These fillings don't freeze rell: hard-cooked egg white becomes tough); raw vegeables (lose their crispness); layonnaise or salad dressing " sparater and soaks into the) read. Announcements By Negro Agent PEGGIE P. DREW ounty Negro Home Ec. Agent MYRTIE D. MAYO Assistant County Negro Home Ec. Agent Phone 204-1 Beautify Your Home With Beautifful Shrubs It doesn't cost a fortune to ave beautiful shrubs around our home. Many shrubs can e rooted easily. Maybe you Iready have a few favorite nes and would like more, hances are you have friends . nd neighbors who would be lad to share some cuttings ith you. It does take a little mger 10 gei ine size oi snruD du would like but this way can be done inexpensively. There are several ways in hich shrubs can be rooted, ne of the easiser ways, reenraended by John Harris, in large of horticulture for N. . State College follows. Place six to eight inches of lean, coarse sand in a 12 to 1-inch deep box, tub, or simi\t container. Be sure there re holes in the bottom for rainage. Make your cuttings, three to x inches long, and take them irly in the morning Or late ternoon. Be sure to take the lttings from new growth. Heave the leaves from the hotto two-third* of the cutting, eep cutting moist and place otttam two-third* in dean, >arse sand a* soon as poasi-1 le. Place cutting* one to three ches apart peck sand around lttings, and water thoroughly, leap watered enou^ to presy at first Keep your containr in the shade or provide lade ?, J'- = W^/jKi Typ1 glass or plastic over lass or plastic when the plants r^gg,"s.vs ^. " 'I lap, pine ctraw or some othei mulch. In a very few yeare you cm ba quite proud of your, osq flowering ahrutaa that have add ed to the value aa well as the appearance of your home. j % y For Goodness Sake ? Stretch The Freezer You cannot exactly stretch the freezer but you can stretch your mind and think up ways not to waste the space you have. You may be wishing for more space now so you can get more of those big, ripe peaches in the freezer. Miss Nita Orr, frozen food specialist for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service, advises you to count the com cobs now. Corn on the cob is an extravagant user of space. However, if you feel1 you must freeze some on the cob, use the corn with small cobs ? for example, Seneca Chief I.arge bones have no place in the freezer. Boned meat is easier to carve', easier to serve, and easier to eat. Miss Orr says you can store three turkey rolls or one turkey with its! bones in the same space. A good freezing bag in a sturdy carton uses space well.! Cornered pans for cakes, pies J ana oiner cooxea foods arej better than round ones. Theyi wrap easier and stack better. "Extra wrapping on meat and poultry slows up freezing and does no good in storage," says Miss Orr. "Use just enough to cover, the food and to make a tight closure." Keep your food moving In the freezer. Keep up with what you put In and what you take out. If you manage your freezer space right, you can put more food into it. Say you saw it advertised In The Warren Record. Oct /^\ \#sl V IN NOR VIRGIN Tired of August's fiery bl ed family vacation at I water's greot; refreshii gentle ? safe as a playdo at Ocean View, ond i FREE activity and accom OCEAN Dept. A223, 269 B WE HAVE READY FOR 1 i Crimson C Ky-31 01 MX Ladino Orchard Abruz Wheat, Oats - . -jl We Can Alsc FERTILIZING !* A Fe\? . MAYO and SI Tobacco'Cut ^ : A Contplefl INSECT For Tobaccc WARRENTON R.H. BRIGHT, Mgr. * 1 : FARM AGENT ! ' NEWS LEONARD C. COOPER Negra County A|wt I. W. MURFREE Am*. Negr* County Agent Gasoline Refund Deadline This is reminder to farrr owners, tenants, or operatort that the deadline for filing foi refund of federal tax on gaso line used for farming purposes is September. 30, 1960. Claims should be filed on form 2240 (1960), and copies of this form are available at the County Agricultural Agents Office. The refund is three tints per gallon on gasoline purchased between July 1 and before October 1, 1959. For gasoline purchased on or after October 1, 1959 to July 1, I960, the refund rate is four cents per gallon. Save Dairy Heifers The demand for milk in North Carolina and adjoining states is expected to donhle in the next decade. To supply this increased demand, dairymen will need more cows and better cows. One of the best ways to get cows is to raise heifers out of your own herd from best producers. Artificial breeding has given dairymen ,as well as the individual farmer access to the very best bulls available. High producing cows require more total feed but they save feed cost and labor cost per 100 pounds of milk produced. By doing a good job in rais| ing dairy herd replacements, you will (1) reduce losses from disease, (2) have animals that will reach the milk line sooner and at the right size, and (3) have we1' grown animals that produce more milk. Contact your County Agricultural Agents Office for a 'P1- AT-. AM FOLK X \ / ost?! Then take a fun-filTareezy Ocean View. The ngly cool ? clean ond pen, too. There's more ?o t costs you less Write for modation literature! VIEW VACATIONS oush St., Norfolk 10, Va. IN CTATIf JLL1 JIUUl DELIVERY ON F. ORDER r lover Seed p Fescue . : ; ")-z -? . Clover A Grass zi Rye i and Barley r' > Furnish All i MATERIAL r r LENT FLAME . er? In Stock r . Springs on Sunday. | Mrs. Nannie Pepper visited in the home of Mrs. Noley " Fulghum in Roanoke Rapids ' on Sunday. Grover Shear In of Hollister ' visited his sister, Mrs. Edwin 1 Stansburg, on Saturday. Miss Josephine Batts was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Battts, in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Jesse Salmon returned to her home here on Wednesday after having spent three ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Faucette, in Yonkers, N. Y. Her nephew, Douglas Faucette, returned with her to spend sometime. Mr. and Mrs. George Shearin and children, George, Jr., Brenda, Mariam and Judy of copy of "Calf Raising Guide." 1CASH SJ MARVEL Choco ICE JANE PARKER LAI CHERRY PI 00 EACH ||_W I ANN PAGE 4A . Tomato Sou IU1/ Salad Must! B pai Elbow Maca I Spaghetti " YOUR . .. v CHOICE Imitation V "OUR FINEST i I ^ PI I SLICED I^B No. 2 Ca" B^^B ^^^B - ^HBBIB :'^B^^bb^B 3| Bi I BLUE MAGIC I H Bdtfft'Ctth Ifc anlotts. or its winter and Let our factory trsonnel take care tomatic. repair guaranteed at the ost to you? ? IS COMPANY I ? Shop GE 8-6134 y )n, N, C. or Vanilla LK 19 ALLY PRICED I Tti CRUSHED 45 EEDLESS ES - I Q % 3F 'mm I