I News and ! MRS. 1MOGE L 1 Mrs. B. A. Thaxton and Mrs. J. W. Adcock spent Wednes- ] .day in Goldsboro. Mrs. J. L. . Thaxton and three daughters accompanied them back to Norlina for a visit. ' Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff spent the weekend with her daugh- ' ter, Mrs. W T. Cannon, and ' Mr. Cannon in Jacksonville, N. C. 1 Mrs. Sarah Parham return- , cd home from?Maria Parham n Hospital in Henderson Tues- . day. Miss Lucy Davis White of Flora Macdonald College visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward White, over the week end. Henry Wiggins is a patient ] at Warren General Hospital j this week. ] Mrs. Edward White is re- 1 ceiving treatment at Warren j General Hospital. i Miss Lanie Newton of Flora' i Macdonald College and La- 1 Grange. Ga., visited her aunt, Mrs. J. F. White, last week- t end. < OES Program i Honors Organist ' Mrs. Leka K. Delbridge, organist for the Norlina Chapter ] 158 of the Order of the East- t era Star, was honored at the * regular meeting of the chapter [ on January 24. t Mrs. Reva L. Butler. AGM, t, Mr. George H. Booth. AGP, j Mrs. Varina B. Harrison, nnr-vf a. x^^vxiTi ui me aixin uisinci, . and Mrs. Dorothy B Booth of J Lydia Chapter 109 of Rocky Mount, a member of the advisory committee for Camp Rainbow were welcomed and j, a special song of welcome was j F rendered to the AGM and AGP. | After the regular course of u business, a program honoring the Norlina Chapter organist was presented. "This Is Your Etar" was the story of the serv- n ices rendered and devotion giv- ^ en to the Norlina Chapter by|6 Mrs. Dclbridge. The story was.y icioicu wiin woras ana music j appropriate to the occasion. The members who partici-1 pated, in order of appearance,] were: Theresa Daniel, M. C.:i Jacquelyn Carter, f 1 o w e;r s; Mary Lifsey, Adah; Rannie Bobbitt, Ruth; Anne Reed, S Esther; Emily Johnson, Martha; * Lucille Lewis, Electa; Angu> Edwards, Worthy Matron, poem; Margaret May, solo; Mattie d Bobbitt, gift; Theresa Bobbitt, si script; Barbara Hester, music; d all members, chorus. Mrs. Margaret May served u delicious refreshments to the ^ twenty-two members and guests who were present. * h Circle 1 To Meet P Circle No. 1 of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of e the Norlina Methodist Church P will meet Monday afternoon, February 6, at 3 o'clock at the g home of Mrs. Sam J. Satter- a white. r All members are urg- \ eL;_ ed to attend. L RAIN ( SLEE 11 1 I rwnr r^n OF m m COME S NO ./ . A". i* I Warren ton. North ooooooooe?MQ$Mdc?vy/ Events of Inte NE ARNOLD, Editor Drewry HD Club Holds Meeting The Drewry Home Demonstration Club held its regular monthly meeting at the home af Mrs. J. C. Watkins on January 25 with Mrs. Charles Mitchell, newly installed president, presiding. Others officers are Mrs. William Ellington, vice president; Mrs. Floyd Fleming, secretary-' treasurer; and Mrs. Chris Holtzman, reporter. Miss Ballinger gave an interesting talk and showed slides on "Home Business Center and Outlook for 1961." It was announced that the February meeting would be leld in the Lutheran Parish Sail with Mr. Charles M. White, III, local attorney, as juest speaker. This will be a amily meeting and Mr. White vill speak on New Wills and inheritance Laws. The club project for the year vill be for each member to lonate a dollar toward the 4-H ix>an Foundation. During the social hour, the | lostess served chicken salad, j| *>coanut squares, cneese straws ind Russian tea. Mrs. B. A. Thaxton Hostess At Bridge Mrs. B. A. Thaxton was hosess at two tables of bridge at ler home last Thursday even- ^ ng" n Mrs. D. S. Wimbrow won ligh score prize. Mrs. H .F. s CelTy, second high score prize, nd Mrs. C. L. Hege, bingo. c Others playing were Mes- a lames J. W. Mayfield, E. M. ' tobinson, John J. Clark and q Idna Newman. V The hostess served a delic- d 3us sweet course and coffee, t, Dinner Meeting | tj The MYF held a dinner j ^ leeting at tht Norlina Metho-I ist Church last Sunday at I p. m. with members of the [ ^ ySCS Circle No. 3 serving! he dinner. |G !? Afton News * a Mr. J. H. Andrews and Mr. o tephen Daniel attended a ii turitan Convention in Washagton, D. C., this week. j Mrs. J. H. Andrews and chil- a ren and Mrs. Jim Limer a hopped in Henderson on Mon- g ay morning. r Mrs. Vernon Mabry is spendig some time with Mrs. Fred ft (ahrv in I c Mr. Bill Hall of Roanoke N tapids was a guest in the ome of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. ai eoples on Sunday. g Mrs. J. A. Daniel has return- A d home from Warren General g lospital. F Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Buress, the Rev. J. M. Long, Mr. t< nd Mrs. Gordon Limer, Mrs. b Palter Carter, Mr. and Mrs. J .inwood Ayscue, Mr. and Mrs. )r shn t or s )UR STORE IS :ked 1 LLLY SPECIAL EE AND SAVE NORLINA, N. C. imwwWf Carolina rest To Norlii J MISS LIVVIE laughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 ounce her engagement to Mr. on of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youi ake place on April 2 at 4:00 1 Church. All friends and relative ttend. scar Ayscue, Mr. and Mrs. t i. L. Fuller, Mrs. J. H. An- t rews and Mrs. Jim Limer at- j 1 ?nded the funeral of Mr. Glen J i urgess at the Liberty Chris-[ an Church at Epsom on Mon-1 ( ay afternoon. j f Mesdames O. M. Limer and J [. H. Felts visited Mrs. B. W. I owell recently. 11 Mrs. R B. Kelly. Sr., ofj, arner spent Monday night | ' rith her parents. Mr. and 1 Irs. J. K. Pinnell. Mr. and Mrs. Macon Reavis j1 nd family were dinner guests1 f Mrs. Ada O'Brien and fam-l y on Sunday. I' Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Reavis,!: r., and children of Henderson I \ nd Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hicks I * nd son were Sunday dinner! uests of Mr. and Mrs B L. s eavis, Sr. j I Mr. and Mrs. T. R Paynter, ( [acey Paynter and Miss Betsy s razier shopped in Raleigh on ( [onday. ix Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fuller 1 tid Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hob- ! ood and children. Carolyn and ,J lien, were Sunday supper,1 uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.!' uller and family. j1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frazier at?nded the funeral of Mr. Al- . ] ert S. Gupton in Alert on \, londay afternoon. j Mr. Manley Martin visited in ^ \E, NOW r?? T? ? f UL.L. BUYS NOW! ' ABB ' I I THE WARREN R ia Readers -- jM ANN HUNT, G. Hunt of Norlina, who anJackie Wayne Young of Wise, ng of Wise. The wedding will o'clock at the Norlina Baptist >s of the couple are invited to he home of Mrs. W. H. Mar-1 ill Uii ouuunj dat'iuuuu. Mrs. I Vlartin visited her parents, Mr. ?nd Mrs. J. A. Daniel. Mrs. M. H. Felts has ac-' :epted a position as sixth jrade teacher in . Aycock High School in Vance County. Progress Reported In Educational TV Educational television has grown to some 55 stations within the eight years of its jxistence, and another ten sta;ions will be telecasting by /ear-end, according to Changng Times, the Kiplinger Magi^ine. A report in the current isiue of the magazine notes the progress made in ETV. despite lire predictiohs when the first station (KUIIT-Houston) began jperations. Only two stations vhich started operations since hat time were later forced to shut down, and the existing stations now reach an audience j jstimated at about 60 millions, i Df whom about one-third are | :onsiacrea loyal lookers. "Millions of children and | high school and college stu-1 dents are receiving some of their learning from the educational TV stations," the article states. "Subjects range across the curriculum?science, languages. art. music, math, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, writing, speech, etc. Big advantage: gifted teachers can reach students simultaneously. Big drawback: loss of personal give and take between teacher and student." The big problem facing educational TV. according to the magazine, is cash?fnoney to pay staff, engineers, talent, overhead. "Twenty state legislatures have appropriated a total of $12 million for ETV operations. Other money and help come from public donate-*, v?-j- ?i > "? ">> ovuwi uuoius, universities, commercial TV and foundations ? mainly the Ford Foundation which has contributed $39 million thus far. Congress is likely to appropriate about $50 million ($1 million per state) for educational stations under prodding by President Kennedy. Still, shortage of cash will probably be a perpetual problem." More Abundant Wife A certain well-upholstered lady yielded to her insatiable appetite for chocolate cake and fudge sundaes and, in consequence, came to weigh barely five pounds less than a medium-sized horse. Tine natural reaction was to diet, and to avoid suffering alone she made her husband diet, too, He suffered the slow starvation as long as he Could, and then sued for divorce. Standing weak and broken before the judge, he assayed a wan smile and quipped "Your Honor, you see before youths ECORD RIDGEWAY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rooker and family and Mr. Herbert ; Rooker of Warrenton visited Mrs. T. IT. Rooker on Sunday. Mrs. Annie Killian of Miami. Fla., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seaman. Mr. and Mrs. L .G. Bender and Robert visited Mr. and Mrs. John Holtzman on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bender 1 ?nd Robert visitea Mr. ami Mrs. A. T. Hansleman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hal White, Jr., and Debra of Wise visited Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Holtzman on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Erich Hecht and Jimmy and Mrs. Dell Harris visited in Rocky Mount on Monday. Mrs. Dell Harris of Littleton is spending sometime with her daughter, Mrs. Erich Hecht. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gupton of Louisburg spent the week-] end with Mr. and Mrs. L. M.' Paschall, Sr. Mrs. Carrie Brauchle of Preston, Maryland, was a weekend guest of her daughter. Mrs. Albert Hecht, Mr. Hecht and family. Saturday evening visitors at i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hecht were Mr. and Mrs. , Herman Hecht of Hillsboro , and Mrs. Carl Hecht. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. I Rieck, Sr.. of Preston, Md., were i uesaay atiernoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hecht. Mrs Marrie Seaman and daughter. Sharon, of Preston, Md.. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Seaman. Mrs. Carrie Brauchle of Preston. Md., visited her brother, Mr. Adam Seaman, on Friday night and her sister, Mrs. Eva Hayes of Norlina on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seaman visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hecht and Mrs. Carl Hecht on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Holtzman. Mr and Mrs. Archie Reavis, Jr., Dean and Diane Reavis of Norlina, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bender, Mrs. Joe Brown, Misses Jean Holtzman and Alice Paschall, Mrs. L. W. Seaman and family, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hecht and Misses Carol and Karen Hecht, Mrs. Carl Hecht, Mr. Kenneth Franke and Mrs. T. H. Rooker visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris F. Holtzman on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr.. and Alice, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gupton of Louisburg, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Jr., and Darlene visited Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holtzman on Sunday. Misses Alice Paschall and mi What makes the 3-p: 35 the world's best i Ferguson System is tl it transfers the soil's r automatically. Its eat of implements. Its rug low operating costs oz a "show-how" demon Massey-Ferguson 35. one to your place. Ru convinced! You oan Mfuwmv-Pflrffiinnn Rnta YOUR MASSE PHTARD NO E. MACON STREET Jean Holtzman were overnight o guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bender on Monday night g Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Mrs. J Eugene Brack, and Mr. and J1 Mrs. Maurice Fleming visited 8 Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, 4 Sr., on Tuesday. 0 Mrs. C. F. Holtzman is con- b fined to her bed this week with a back' injury due to a a fall on the ice Sunday morn- e ing. | h Observe Birthday ,n Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hecht, j Carol and Karen Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holtzman and'.. Jean, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pas- . chall. Sr., and Alice, Mr. and " Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Jr., and P Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holtaman, Charles and Jerry, *1 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gupton, Mrs. William Kimball and PRuby, Mrs. George Bender, 11 Vf-o P.M **?V* ^ -* A uuo. v-oii ncvui, ueorge ana*** Claiborne Holtzman visited Mr. s< and Mrs. A. G. Bender on Sun- n day night in honor of Mrs. A. al G. Bender's birthday. Mrs. Bender served cake, ice cream and soft drinks to the guests.
  • und practices in production The Warren Record. 9 larketing and in improving ?d building the tobacco pro- ARTHRITIS? r~,nV? ? ? t > I have been wonderfully bless- 3 6. Constant supply of up-to- ^ ^ bejng abje to ,-etum to ite answers and information active life after suffering frbrn V N. C. State College, through head to foot with muscular 1 s basic and applied research soreness and pain. Most all (tension program. joints seemed affected. Accord- 1 "This information needs to ing to medical diagnosis. I had ? passed on by the Extension Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheuma,d teaching program to thelltism a"d Bursitis For tree inE' ^:i MRSLELA S. WIER bacco industry, and to tne 2g05 Arbor Hn)s nr|vt?46c -ople in general. said the) P 0. Box 2695 JI>ort. Jackson, Mississippi ltp JUST ARRIVED ... j SPRING & SUMMER FABRICS Spring Woolens Polished Cottons Drip Dri Prints Cotton Sharkskin Dan River Ginghams Arnel & Cotton ? AND OTHER BLENDS ? All First Quality Remnants We Have A Good Selection Of Sewing Needs LEIGH'S "QUALITY CLOTHING FOR ALL" i I NORLINA, N. C. I ^Q^WORuT^INEST ffrf QUALITY TV U AT VALUE PRICE! I isZ&mL I SLIM PORTABLE TV 19* overall diss, picture maaa.. Modal Q2102 Advanco Slim tyting in grained Walnut color / ?|M?dlkl1, ?rahT~ (or f?ww MNrtcs hMdadw., 1L I H&l d!? > 11 i 111 I only finest Quality components I M "l rl'l ?r? uud for K>n|?r TV lilt.1 EXTRA QUALITY FEATURES e full power tmnflonnff S Sootltte Met O tpssopote intenns e Ofttd Seem Sound lyiUn High Gsln 3-ftiin IF smptlfl+r S SufnlitnsS Picture Tube ClnilcniS Picture! ptm. ' Vj-' - I MOmUNA, PHONE m i WAKUNTON, PHONK ml I