FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1961 QIC WE WILL GIVI 12-OZ. GRAND GLASSES WITH OR MORE 1 NATUR-TENDER BONE-I rib ste flu rfl \^l SPECIAL LOW PRICE! i I ? K WITH THIS COUPOI B wir the war] . T . They're handsome and durable to ... crystal clear with heavy bottoms ^ W "^Ow and colorful European designs. The ^ complete set of 8 glasses are now on sale at Colonial at this low, low isse* - : YOU FREE?2 complete your k TOUR HOSTESS ( m Each A $10.00 ORDER low price b rHIS WEEK i ' of only You'll fly aboard a giant Pan Ame World's Most Experienced N BUDGET QUALi ##% _ arc "> ?*? cnuc ? ? FRESH GROUND WITH PURCHASE OF ONE FOUND OF TOP BONELESS ROUND OR PREGROUND ROUND STEAK rn t ! i wv wi i vi?> wwm /$^:' UMIT: ONE WITH *5.00 ORDER OR MORE j^^gpT^ I 'Ifl? CAROLINA MAID i IBSBM uits 4: 29c iB Mil 9 * each...- 10 Ij irSlsvoms 1! 1 M B wtfr-SS mlm B void Arret may 0# hr mB B ' q.1 JW SI e-i R4JO >1 P25 REN RECORD Warranto*, North Cai . - V0r?SJ> VI*1* ^ lot** c 1 Simply pick up your Entry Blank as you go in Colonial Store, and check the contest rules. 0 On your entry blank check the eight coun ries resented in the GRAND TOUR glass set. You'll the name cC each of the eight countries cli printed on the displayed glasses. irlcan Jet Clipper rrr pigg Airline ^ TY BONELESS k* # P NATUR roast "> 65< tCOLONIAL'S OWN COUNTRY PIG Z o c HOT OR MILC . . . ib. 09c Sausage .... U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED WnULt ItlNUtK fKTtlO .| ^ lb. J )uality Franks Certified Special! | SpE c I COMBI 5c PER PKG. ROYAL 1ELATINI i =) - kc 101 y J I \l Of ( PANTHER HARDWOOD HARCOAL ? kA AF I WITH PURCI ,u ~ su)clzi I IBS m FANCY YOUNG TENDER FLORIDA If Corn ml Potatoes 5 ?> 29< T tfa, -1 MkjfK. roUna j. f9 Enter Colonial's GRAND TOUR contest now. Nothing to buy. You may win one of seven fabulous ten-day tours for two to London and Paris. You'll see Windsor Castle. Versailles, and many other scenic spots in these two enchanting cities. Tour includes round-trip jet flight from New York, hotel accommodations, continental breakfasts, plus exciting tours. your 0 Complete the contest statement in 40 words or test: "I want a GRAND TOUR of London and Park because . . repfind A Fill in your name and address and drop your entry :arly in the GRAND TOUR Contest Bos at Colonial. firvl 69 . ib. 53c [colonial stores || 15 24-INCH COPPERTONE A ADJUSTABLE BAR-B-Q 12-OZ. /I^p n *11 NOW OC OA PKG. linu ONLY 9U.OO ?v^???aaiBBasa 24-inch coppertone MOTORIZED GRILL WITH riAl I electric spit, adjustabli wi iT,AW. I GRID. WINDHOOD NATION I NOW ONLY $12.95 PER. I 18-COPPERTONE PACKAGE I grill ggj J3J5 MIUM I ALUMINUM CHAIRS I FOLDING. PLASTIC SEAT 1 I T I $4.49 I I IE PLASTIC Garden HOSE kill 50 FOOT HOSE ?1.98 I I I K11 "NAi '* Special Price! M I | n 20" REMINGTON \\ Lawn Mower 2\\ i h.p. Bdai * ki? \ \\ ion Endue, trai Suiter, Had C? troll, AdJudnUe cutf ' IBM tintkddd1 F\ *39.95 J sK M i m ^ ..'H USE OF I F TRIANGLE :-:W'. ; ^ ; ?, V^j * THRIFTY FAVOftfTK. FRESH : Field Peas 2 29< i ' *?{' AL LOW PRICE! ll* C!OUS HOME GROWN .